:,-.. , r,. .:f-rj: +:',::.. i1:-. -..:i rril €,.,..,.,. I..'-.a,1.E.;ia.r:l :l .l:.1.', ,:, :::'.r:*: lfs' never too 'lot'* ta ?ry sarnelhirtg, 1t**. YaAS Ynntruilg Talks On World Situation I

I r In an interview with reporters on.December 3l , 1986, Sr]ate Councitor and Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian answcied questions on the world situation. He pointed out that the f,"]ues working for world peace were g.o*ing faster than the fa, l.,rs for war and the efforts for world peace have a brighter futr' p. l4). Democracy & Legal System r still needs to improve its democracy and legal syst;m. To accomplish this, it is imperative to adhere to the Parjty's leadership and the socialist road. The recent stu(fent demonstrations have disrupted normal production and w,rrk. It is hoped that under the correct guidance of the governm:nt, school authorities and society the students will halt all harrgful actions (p. 4).

Steady Growth of China's National Economy

r A senior official of the State Economic Commission says China's national economy kept up a steady development in 1986, both in rural and urban areas. Problems, however, persist (p.17).

For Better City Environlhental Protection

r After more than a decade's effort. China made some progress in environmental protection by checking air pollution, controlling noise, and planting trees, as examplified by the <,;ase of Luoyang (see subduing the "Yellow Dragon"). However pollution remains a serious problem and the work to overc()me it will be long and hard (p. 22)

NA-l. Trends in Sino-US trade NA-3 Popular condensation of 's rtScience and Civilisation in China" published NA-7 New memorial to Dr. Norman Bethune

Editorial Advisory Committee, ofSocial Sciences, Director ofthe Institute ofAmerican Studies), Zeng Jianhui (Deputy Director of ), Peng Reyiew, North American Edition Di (member of the Secretariat of Chinese Journalists Associ rtion and former US bureau chief of Xinhua News Agency), Ying Chalrman: Zhu Muzhi (President of the Association [or Cultural Ruocheng (Vice-Minister of Culture). Gu Yijian (Secretary Exchanges with Foreign Countries, former Minister of Culture). General of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Zou Siyi illemberc: Huan Xiang (Chief Executive of the International (President of China Industry and Commerce Developrnent Affairs Research Centre of the State Council), Zhang Wenjin Corp.), Huang Shiqi (Vice-President of the China Assoc, rtion (President of the Chinese People's Association lor Friendship for International Exchanges in klucation), Su Shaozhi (dir:ctor with Foreign Countries, former Ambassador to the United of the Marxisrn, l.eninism and Thought.Res:arch States and Canada), Israel Epstein (member of National Institute). Committee oi the Chinese People's Political Consultative Executlve Vice-Chairman: Duan Liancheng (Vice-Presidt nt of Conference,) Li Shenzhi (Vice-President of the Chinese Academy the Chinese Translators Association). I NOTES FROM THE EDITORS

trampled undeifoot and their Democracy & Legal System individual liberties disregarded. The turmoil was a tragic disaster by An ZhlEuo for the state and the people, an overwhelming majority of whom were affected. to speak out now than in previous Recently, some university stu- ff :"' "8X,'llH, io"o"f",l} years. This is in sharp contrast dents in Hefei (Anhui Proviqce), R Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing and of China have repeatedly stressed with the situation during the that establishing a.democratic "cultural revolution" (196C76). other cities took to the streets calling for freedom and democ- socialist political system is one of Under the leadership of the racy. Their actions did not have the fundamental . tasks of the Party, the Chinese people are the support of local residents. This socialist revolution. The new carrying out economic and shows that the people detested the Constitution People's political reforms. These reforms, of the chaos so+alled "mass Republic of China passed at the being unprecedented and experi- of the democracy," and value their hard- 1982 National People's Congress mental, cannot be expected to be won political stability and unity. says that people of all nationalities Most of the students who took in China must "turn China into a part demonstrations were socialist country with a high level in the con- of culture and democracy." well-intentioned; they were C *oo', reforms are & cerned support democracy and Over the last eight years China to process improving the freedom; they were impatient has experienced sustained, stable of but extreme actions. and balanced economic develop- socialist system. To ensure and some took a few students had only a ment, political stability and a Quite their success, it is vague understanding of democ- strengthening of its socialist to adhere the freedom, and were democracy and legal system. hnperative to racy and unable define exactly what it China has abolished the system Party's leadership ond the to were seeking. Some of cadres for life, and direct was they socialist road. seemed that democracy elections have been introduced in to think and freedom meant they could do county-level people's congresses whatever they wanted to. as well as some work units. smooth or satisfactory in every China's socialist democratic Deputies to the people's con- aspect. Even the best decisions can system is not perfect, and so it is gresses above that level are elected only be implemented step by step. from among a larger necessary to continue building up number of This is also true of building political life. All nominees, whose names are only a democratic democracy. suggestions and constructive criti- decided upon after repeated Democracy is not an isolated by the Party discussions among various cism are welcomed social phenomenon but is condit- government. is democratic parties and people's and But it ioned by many factors including important remember that organizations. The role the to of the economy, the social environ- China's reforms are a process of NPC, the highest state organ, is ment, ideology and culture. system. To being strengthened. is playing improving our socialist It Therefore, building democracy imperative to an increasingly decisive role in ensure success, it is can only progress along with adhere to the Party's leadership formulating important state prin- economic, political, and cultural policies and the socialist road-this is ciples and and supervising developments. No their implementation. enshrined in the Constitution. The "cultural revolution" was one is allowed, on any pretext, to During the reform of the once known for its "mass move away from the Party's economic structure, enterprises democracy." But in fact that is a leadership and the socialist road, were granted greater decision- mockery of the truth. In those nor is one allowed to infringe on making powers and the super- days some people spoke out freely, the democratic rights and free- visory role of the workers' wrote big-character posters and doms of others. congress was promoted. In the held great debates. Under the frelds of literature, art and science, pretext of practising such "mass Some students are concerned the policy of "letting a hundred democracy," they made ground- only with their freedom to flowers bloom and a hundred less charges against others and did demonstrate but they forget that schools of thought contend" has what they wished, free from the in exercising their rights, they been implemented. Visitors will restraints of law. The democratic must not harm the interests of the notice a much greater willingness t rights of most people were state, the society and the


New Year in Beijing

Ithina's experience in 1986 China will also continue to V proved again that the nation improve socialist democracy and could have achieved no success in legal system, he said. He added its reforms and economic develop- that at present, the Chinese people ment without the leadership of the should do everything to ensure , Vice- stability and unity and resist any President said January I ideological trend towards in Beijing. bourgeois liberalization. "Any words or actions that Other New Year's Day activ- deny the Party's leadership and ities included a gathering of about the socialist system or advocate 4,000 Beijing children at bourgeois liberalization are essen- Tiananmen Square, the centre tially against the people's inter- of the capital. They took part in.a ests. and the historical trend, and ceremony at the Monument to the collective, or infringe on the rights will surely be opposed by the People's Heroes, and 100 took of others. In Shanghai and people," said Ulanhu, who is a turns standing guard at the Nanjing for example, student Mongolian. monument to honour "the demonstrations in downtown Ulanhu made his remarks at a beautiful future of the areas held up city traffic for a reception held by the National motherland." while. So people missed trains and Committee of the Chinese On New Year's Day, 1987, ships, many more could not get to People's Political Consultative many shop assistants in Beijing work in tirne. Conference (CPPCC) and atten- gave up their holiday to serve To guarantee citizens their ded by more than 400 people from customers. Holiday business was legitimate rights as laid down in all walks of life. He also offered brisk despite the freezing cold and the Constitution, some cities have New Year's greetings from the more snow than the city has seen drawn up regulations concetning Party's Central Committee and in several years. Admission to all demostrations. This is essential to the State Council to China's non- public parks was free that day. the further improvement of communist parties, to people Tourists and residents alike democracy and the legal system. throughout the mainland, and to enjoyed Beijing's snow-covered It must be noted that a handful compatriots in Taiwan, Hong landscape, rivers and ponds were of bad elements infiltrated the Kong and Macao and overseas. crowded with iceskaters, and student ranks and incited the Ulanhu said China achieved lovers strolled along snowy paths. students into violence in an political stability and unity and The day was also a busy one at attempt to sabotage political made steady progress on all many factories, where work stability and unity. In China, economic fronts in 1986, the started immediately to meet the although the exploiting classes eighth year since the adoption of higher production quotas that have been eliminated, class the policies of reform and opening have been set for 1987. struggle will continue to exist for to the outside world in 1978. He In the early afternoon, several quite a long time. The long-term said China's excellent situation hundred students held a brief mission of the people's democratic over the past eight years has been demonstration along the street dictatorship is to practise democ- created by the Chinese people, east of Tiananmen Square. They racy among the people and who have adhered to the Party's gathered near the square at about dictatorship over the enemies. leadership and socialist road while I p.m. shouting slogans demand- Because some students lack carrying out the reform and open ing "freedom to demonstrate!" experience and distinguishing policy. and cancellation of the l0 ability on the question of Reform and economic develop- new regulations setting forth democracy, it is understandable ment will be pushed florward conditions governing marches and they would make some errors in further in 1987, Ulanhu said. demonstrations. issued by the the course of exercising their Among reforms that will be municipal government the previ- democratic rights. We believe that implemented on a trial basis will ous week. The demonstrators under the patient guidance of the be the division of management blocked the traffic for some time government, schools and society, from ownership of enterprises. It but were eventually dispersed and these students will learn from their is expected that this willinvigorate order returned to Tiananmen actions and gain in maturity. r large and mediurn-sized state- Square. owned enterprises. Arr official of the city's public


'Four Principles' the refbrms are designed to scope. We must never forget to improve the socialist system rather wage a struggle against a handful Essential to China than abandon or weaken the of people who are hostile to Party's leadership, or change the China's socialist system and who socialist system, the editorial said. try to sabotage it. Under no dherence to the cardinal circumstances shall we lay down f, four "The open policy, including the Aprincipies is rhe fundamental weapons the people's introduction of foreign funds, the of guarantee to ensure the success democratic dictatorship." of technology and managerial exper- China's reform and the open tise, serves to expand social Adherence to the four cardinal policy, Ribao said Renmin productive forces and consolidate principles makes it imperative to (People's Daily) in New Year a technological oppose bourgeois liberalization, editorial. the material and basis of socialism rather than the editorial continued. Over the The four principles refer to the deviate from the socialist path," past few years, it pointed out, adherence to the leadership of the the paper added. some people in ideologicat and Chinese Communist Party, to cultural circles have aired Marxism-Leninism and Mao It also said, "We are studying opinions which run counter to the Zedong Thought, to the people's various modern trends of thought four principles, thus spreading democratic dictatorship and to the with the aim ol assimilating in a bourgeois liberalization. socialist road. critical manner the latest results of bourgeois various branches of science. This If the trend of The editorial said, "The four continue in no way means abandoning the liberalization were to principles constitute the paper the cardinal principled stands of Marxism- unchecked, the said, foundation on which we build our Party would Leninism and Mao Zedong Chinese Communist country and are the inevitable Thought." t lose its fighting capability. "In result of the development of the that case," it said, "how could the Chinese revolution. China would The editorial pointed out, "The Party serve as the core of the have no future if it did not have the democracy the Chinese people leadership for the entire Chinese Communist Party's leadership or need today can only be the population and what would be the did not practise socialism. This socialist democracy known as hope for China if it again becomes also applies to the current period people's democracy, rather than a tray of loose sand?" of reform and opening China to the individualist democracy of the The editorial called on all the rest of the world." bourgeoisie. What merits atten- Chinese people to adhere to the We must carry out reform, tion is that while there are no more four principles more firmly and try reform of both the economic and exploiting classes in China, class to achieve still greater success in political structure, under the struggle will still exist for a long reform and opening to the outside leadership of the Party, because period to come within a limited world in the new year. r

security bureau said later that the matter. They believe that China is demonstration was illegal because Study Abroad: seeking restrictions in the wake of its organizers had not received No Panic the increased number of students approval from any official depart- remaining abroad after complet- ment. He said it had been ing their courses. They view the instigated by a few troublemakers. document as an indication of the He glso said several people who A dmission officials of several Chinese government going back had taken the lead in making A 4m611gan unlversltles were on its promise. trouble were taken away by police puzzled when quite a few Chinese for education and interrogation students had failed to enrol. They Such speculations, which may and would subject to legal have tended to think that this is a have been justified during the ten penalties. result of China's revised document chaotic years of 1966-76, when The new regulations were iSsued concerning students who apply for people were living in constant in late December by Beijing's overseas study. change, appear to stem from a municipal people's congress The new document, released misunderstanding. As Vice- standing committee. The regula- recently at a meeting of top Premier Li Peng clarified: "The tions say that although the Chinese officials, has touched off improved provisions do not mean Chinese Constitution gives citi- much discussion, and some were the policy will change. On the zens the right to hold demonstra- already seeing it as a sign fior contrary, it is designed to promote tions, organizers must apply in possible changes in China's open further development." He ex- advance lor permission. r policy regarding this delicate plained that with its open policy,

BEIJING REVIEW, NO.2 China will continue to encourage people to study abroad in various ways. "During the Seventh Five- Year Plan ( 1986-90) the number of students to be sent to study abroad can only be increased," he added. This idea is regarded as an important aspect of China's open policy and is adopted not for expediency but as part of a strategic decision. Li, who also acts as head of the State Education Commission, points out that the new regulations require that all students studying abroad are chosen according to the country's needs, that all those !.: chosen are given high-quality

training and that their studies !:r'n:::=iil:i should be relevant to their future jobs. "To ensure that students learn Zhang Fengpo, studydnE ln ,apan,works wlth his teacher. what they can use, thp process of choosing candidates must be improved. Accordingly, most Since 1978, China has sent more said confrdently, adding that it is students studying abroad will be than 30.000 students overseas the selected by their own work places, at understandable if some of state expense. So far about halfof students cannot come back on and only a small number will be them have completed their courses schedule. I chosen and sent directly by the and returned However. state," the vice-premier noted. to China. Choosing students "according of those who went at their owrr percent to the country's needs" means that expense,40 ofall students number those who study applied sciences abroad, only a small Gitizens Pray must directly serve China's returned. For current modernization drive. The revised provisions stipulate Happier L987 "We'll improve the past practice a series of terms aimed at of overemphasizing such courses facilitating students to return. A s the New Year's bell signals as mathematics and physics, with Students going abroad at their Athe passage Irom one year to more efforts to strengthen the own expense will be shown the the next, some people in Western study ol economics, finance and same consideration as those sent countries practise the custom of economic management," he and supported by the state. Efforts saying three prayers in the hope noted. Special consideration will will be made to help them solve that the coming ygar will bring also be given to social sciences, any difficulties and problems they them the answers and good luck. culture and arts. come across. For instance. if they As shown in a recent poll Since China has made fairly are short of travelling expenses to conducted by Beijing Review, steady progress in its higher retutrn, the state will be ready to Beijing citizens also have their education, Li added, the country extend a generous hand. They will own hopes and wishes for 1987. will rely mainly on its own efforts also be provided equal job The survey, which was taken to train postgraduate students and opportunities as those on state randomly among a group of set up a postgraduate education scholarship. teachers, factory workers, admini- system with distinct Chinese "We are not in a panic about strators and shop assistants. characteristics. With this new our students and believe that the whose ages range from 17 to 61. programme, the state will be able overwhelming majority of them provides us with an array of ideas to concentrate on sending more have an ardent love for the and concerns affecting the people students to study for Ph. D. motherland and are willing to use around the capital city this year. degrees. In addition, China will what they have learnt to help As families gather together to seek more co-operative research change China's backwardness and make traditional dumplings, with foreign countries and explore join other Chinese people in their watch television, and await the toll new ways to train doctors. efforts to build the country," Li of the New Year's bell, a


hope their country will continue on a smooth course of develop- ment and attain successfully the goals set for the reforms of the political and economic structures. The poll indicates that one-third expressed their hopes and desires for a happier, more comfortable life. About 40 percent express the wish to enhance their Iiving conditions by acquiring a more spacious flat, buying more electrical appliances or enriching the cultural aspects of their life. Children remain the constant and most common concern of everyone. Because of the present "single-child" policy, parents tend to show more intense concern for their offspring. The poll's findings illustrated this in showing that most of the parents polled expressed their fondest hopes for their children and grandchildren's health and expectations in the new year. Aside from the three most desired wishes, the people Polled were also asked what theY would most like to accomplish in the next years. A stunning 74 Percent expressed their desire to progr€ss in their jobs, including l0 percent who intend to do some pioneering work. A 47-year-old high school teacher, for example, said she will try to find a new approach in her teaching so she could incorpo- rate moral education in her Chinese language classes. Also, Nuclear Submarine Ends Maiden Voyage two young workers in an agricultural machinery company process This Chinese navy nuclear submarine has just completed its hinted that they are in the first training voyage and attained a record submerge time and of devising an invention in their speed as well as distance of cruise. The submarine, entirely field. desinged and built in China, is now in active service. Another interesting discovery resulting from the poll concerns Beijing's young employees' inter- est in general and specialized learning. Almost half of the people clandestine concern seems to be "It would greatly add to the polled, mostly those younger than the rising cost of some daily stability of the country's situation 35, indicated their eagerness for necessities such as eggs, milk, if the state had an efficient control further education. As Yang f,urniture and the poll shows that over price," commented Han Jintian,25, wrote, "Living amidst i9 percent hope prices will remain Bicheng, a 46-year-old worker. this boom of information, I have stable, and another 32 percent are Han and another 38 percent of to learn. Otherwise I might feel hoping for salary increases to help those polled showed similar lost or left out." A 3l-year-old deal with these price increases. patriotic feelings stating that they shop assistant who was polled said

8 BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 2 she was studying for a degree in service with five Boeing-707 200,000 telegrammes a day, goes her spare time. planes. into trial operation in Fuzhou. Demands to fulfil recreational Jan. I The Tibet Autonomous Region yuan needs have been 'increasing as One hundred and fifty newly will allocate 130 million Beijing's citizens' uniformly lei- built or renovated assembly lines (US$35. I million) for education irt surely pace of life grows faster. A go into full operation to start 1987, accounting for l0 percent ol' 50-year-old dyer in a textile plant, regular production of the new the region's 1987 budget. (liberation) for example. is trying to organize a CAl4l S-ton Jie Fazg fishing group in his factory. Many trucks in China's No. I Automo- other people polled mentioned bile Palnt, Iocated in Changchun, soctAL their desire to travel on their ending the prolonged domination Dec. 3l years. holidays to some of China's scenic of one single model over 30 Shanghai policemen have ar- spots. rested Shi Guanfu, the head of an "Where there's a will, there's a lan.2 reactionary organization called way." May this proverb enhance Ye Rutang, minister of urban the "Wemin Party" which he set the motivation of the Chinese and rural construction and up in October in 1986 aiming at environmental people as well as all our overseas' protection, reveals overthrowing the Chinese readers. r that China has set its goal to Communist Party. He has attem- by Wang Xn provide an apartment to every pted to take advantage ofthe local Chinese household by the year student demonstrations to attain 2000. purpose. Weekly Chronicle General manager Zheng Dunxun of the Petrochemical (Dec.29 ) Jan.2 -lan. lmport and Export Corporation Xinhua reports a farmer from of China says that China's export the Tibeten-inhabited Baiyu POLITICAL of crude oil in 1987 will not exceed County of Sichuan Province has that 1986 to back the OPEC of discovered a rare huge piece ofraw efforts stabilize oil price the Jan.2 to on gold weighing 6.3 kg. The county world market. has become another important Xinhua announces the recent base gold production. Jan. 3 for founding of the China Committee The first monetary market for "The Year Shelter" in of opens in Beijing and transactions Jan. 3 response to the UN proclamation totalling 550 million yuan are China's-Central Flood Control of 1987 as the year international of done within about two hours after Headquarters reveals that a 100 shelter for the homeless. the opening ceremony. kilometer section of the lower Jan. 3 reaches of the Huanghe (Yellow) Zhou Gucheng,89, professor of Jan. 4 River, China's second longest, has history at Shanghai's Fudan The State Council has decided been blocked by ice. University, is elected chairman of to rpen Zhenjiang, an inland port the central committee of the on the lower reaches of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Changiiang (Yangtze) River, to FOREIGN RELATIO]'IS Democratic Party. foreign vessels. Dec. 3l lan. 4 A spokesman for the Chinese A circular of the Party Central Foreign Ministry stated that it is Committee's organization De- CUTTURAL the unshakable stand of the partment reaches Xinhua that Dec. 30 Chineses government and people Chinese officials proven unquali- Seismologists attening a na- to recover Macao before the year lied for their present positions will tional meeting in Beijing predict 2000, and any proposal to return be demoted or transferred. Their move frequent seismic activities in Macao beyond that year is salaries will also be changed in China in 1987 and destructive unacceptable. lime with the position changes. earthquakes rnight hit some areas on the mainland and offshore Jan.2 areas near Taiwan. A spokesman for the Foreign ECONOMTC 'Ministry expresses "China's con- lan.4 cern" for the would-be breakth- Dec.3l China's first micro-computerli rough in Japan's 1987 military The locally funded Shanghai controlled telegramme transmitt-l expenditure of the l-percent limit Airlines starts its regular flight ing system, which can handlel of its GNP.


VIET NAM The degeneration of moral and spiritual principle as well as corruption and bribery have Occupation of Kampuchea Harmful to Economy disrupted the national economy and hampered Vietnamese fighting in Kampuchea. Socialist countries demanding The only way for Yiet Nam to revitalize its economy is to economic reform need correct withdraw its troops from Kampuchea. policies and a solid economic foundation. The failure of Hanoi's attempt to readjust prices. wage and currency in September 1985 fhe Sixth National Congress of annually. As for the country's showed a basic lack of foundation I the Communist Party of Viet industries, less than 50 percent are for Vietnamese economic reform. Nam has mapped out a plan for in use. Viet Nam cannot change its economic and social reform, but The decline in industry and economy fundamentally without past history has shown Viet Nam agriculture and shortage of daily withdrawing from Kampuchea. cannot possibly revitalize its necessities have resulted in As well, Viet Nam cannot win its economy while it doggedly persisrs skyrocketing prices with inflation war against Kampuchea even with in occupying Kampuchea. standing at a shocking 700 percent extended military deployment and The Sixth National Congress of level. The monthly wage of an a puppet regime in Phnom Penh. the Vietnamese Communist Party, ordinary worker can only buy one Its attempt to wipe out the held in Hanoi on December I 5-l 8, shirt, one kilogramme of pork or Kampuchean resistance forces elected a new l4-member Political l0 kilogrammes o[ rice. within four months has long since Bureau with Nguyen Van Linh as Clearly continued occupation become the laughing-stock of the the general secretary ofthe Party's of Kampuchea will further plunge international community. Strong Central Committee. The congress the Vietnamese people into resistance from the Democratic in,licated their commitment to hardship. Kampuchean guerrillas is concentrate manpower and In addition, the occupation of increassing in strength, material to increase grain Kampuchea has isolated Viet production, commodities and Nam internationally. The United Viet Nam is caught between its exporting products. Nguyen Van Nations General Assembly has ambition and its inability to Linh in his closing speech. condemned Vietnamese aggres- enlarge the scale of war in reeognized that Viet Nam faces sion and most countries refuse to Kampuchea because of the havoc many difficulties in its attempt to have any relations with Viet Nam. it would bring on the domestic fulfill this task. This international sanction is economy. The eighryear occupation of more severe and thorough than The only option for Viet Nam is Kampuchea has brought the that against South Africa or Israel. to completely withdraw its troops Vietnamese economy to the verge How then, can Viet Nam develop from Kampuchea. of bankruptcy. It is mind-boggling trade and revive its economy? War of aggression cannot to consider that such an The only country that provides coexist with economic construc- economically backward country, huge assistance to Viet Nam is the tion. It has proven true in the past with population of 60 million. Soviet Union, which has promised eight years since Viet Nam maintains I million regular troops to give more economic aid. In invaded Kampuchea! It will con- and 500,000 reserve forces that return Vietnameses workers are tinue to be true in the future. I Zhenmin spend over half the country's forced to toil in the Soviet Siberia by Mei annual revenue. The manpower, to pay back the "Soviet favour." material and financial resources The unjust war against left for economic development are Kampuchea has also damaged few and far between. Vietnamese morale nationwide. Tired of war in a foreign. For example, the farm work independent nation, Vietnamese depends mainly on women. Farm soldiers have lost the traditional equipment and daily necessities unity of purpose that successfully are hard to obtain in the expelled 500,000 US soldiers countryside. Once famous for its during the Viet Nam war. Desire fertile soil and rice export, Viet for regional hegemony has Nam now imports up to 300.000 brought infamy to the Vietnamese tons to 400,000 tons of rice nation.

IO BEIJING REVIEW. NO. 2 and one independent assembly- man. Discussion on constitutional SOUTH KOREA revisions had barely started when the opposition learnt the DJP had no desire to end the indirect 1986-An Unstable Year election of the president. Neithc, side would compromise on tl; issue and by late September, th. Political crisis in South Korea made 1986 a veyy uneasy year NKDP withdrew from tlr,' committee vigorously r!- and expected year. and it is to linger into the new sumed the mobilization of its supporters. The doomed commit- tee was dissolved.

I ast year was the most unstable responded with harsh measures to Warning repeatedly that anv Lof the six years since Chun Du eliminate what they deemed as "illegal actions" would be pun, Hwan held reins of government in elements causing political insta- ished severely, the Seoul author- South Korea. The struggle bility. Permanent consultants of ities arrested a NKDP assembly- between the South Korean the NKDP, Kim Yong Sam and man who had commented in the authorities and the opposition leading dissident Kim Dae Jung, National Assembly that reunific- forces was climaxed at the end of both active in the campaign, were ation with the North rather than November when efforts by the placed under housearrest. Offices anti-communism should be police to break up a mass rally for of opposition parties were ran- Seoul's main political priority. democracy and constitutional sacked. Those who signed the The arrest triggered a storm of revision ended in chaos. Some petition were tracked down and protest from the opposition. 70.000 police and reservists, arrested. But these actions seemed Particularly compelling was the armed with shields and masks, only to fuel the lingering struggle call by NKDP for an overthrow of were posted at every key point in in South Korea for demonstrators the government. Following these downtown Seoul. 1'hey used tear and police clashed even more events, the Party began planning gas and other weapons to head off violently at large rallies, like those for a November 29 rally which was the mass demonstration and put in Seoul, Pusan and Kwangiu. hoped would draw I million down the resistance. Failing to bring the opposition people in a show of their support for reform. The rally not The perpetual movement under control. South did struggle between succeed. That the 70,000 police the opposition and the Korea's beleaguered authorities authorities called out to prevent it reflected focuses on South Korea's adopted new tactics which in- consti- off,rcial uneasiness about the tution which was cluded simultaneous consolida- revised in 1980 political situation and the activ- when Chun Du Hwan became the tory and confrontational appro- aches its foes. ities of the opposition. president. According to the new to On one hand, the constitution, the president is hardline policy against de- During the year, the struggle monstrations elected by an appointed electoral was maintained and has involved a diverse group of more people college for a seven-year term. The were arrested. On the Koreans in various occupations. President New Korea Democractic Party other, Chun, who had Students have been conspicuous said (NKDP). which organized the that the constitution would and very active opponents of the not be changed rally, has been leading the before his term government. College and univers- ended in 1988, promised opposition in the struggle against to submit ity students staged 1,700 political this and other revisions in the new the constitution issue to the movements in the first l0 months National Assembly before his constitution and even calling for a of 1986, according to the statistics shift in power. A campaign to term ended. However, this super- from the Ministry of Home ficial consolidatory move proved collect l0 million signatures for a Affairs. petition demanding constitutional to be ineffective at best. There are no indications that reform was initiated by the NKDP After a long debate in the the political crisis in South Korea and other political groups. This National Assembly, a special will improve in 1987, only one year petition was widely hailed when committee on constitutional revi- before the term of President Chun proposed on February 12, and sion was set up in late July. Of the ends. On the contrary, the year organizations to support it, such 45 members, 23 were from the should feature an more active as the Headquarters of Consti- even ruling Democratic Justice Party and fierce show on South Korea's tutional Revision, were founded. (DJP), 17 from the NKDP, four political stage. The authorities immediatelv lrom the Korean National Party by Zhu Kechuan

JANUARY 12. 1987 ll SOUTH AFRICA On the eve of the l0th anniversary of the Soweto upris- ing last June, the South African Apartheid at Home and Sabotage Abroad authorities declared a nationwide state of emergency in an attempt to quell black opposition. Last been characterized by December the South African In the past year, South Africa has government intensified press cen- tension and turmoil as its government has continued to sorship to curb the flow of press implement racial segregation at home and military releases. Under the new regu- provocation against neighbouring countrie s. lation, journalists are required to submit all their reports on political unrest in the country to govern- (Qouth Africa's anti-apartheid which have restricted the move- ment officials for approval. lrstruggle. which has developed ment of blacks in the country for The year 1986 also witnessed an at an unprecedented rate over the 34 years. However, the reforms, intensified effort by the Pretoria regime to employ its military might to intimidate and sabotage neighbouring countries in South- ern Africa. In January, Pretoria enforced a three-week economic blockade against the Lesotho government, touching off a military coup in the tiny kingdom. In May, South Africa's warplanes and commandos launched simul- taneous raids on what Pretoria alleged installations used by guerrillas of the outlawed African National Congress of South Africa in the capitals of Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. In June, Zambia arrested a number of Pretoria's special agents who confessed that the Pretoria regime t& had worked out a plan to attack C and invade Zambia. Later, it was revealed that South Africa was !i training over 2,000 Zambian dissidents and exiles to fight i* ; & against the Zambian government. * fff i* Moreover, the South African & government threatened on many - take #. *$*d * occasions that it would actions punish Zambia, ,flrd .ry s military to s& Zimbabwe and other frontline South Africa's an$-apartheld actMsts llghtlng candles in a church in Johanoesburg' states. to mark the start of tlhelr ,.oday campalgn against the govcmmentjmposed state of In the past year, the British emGrgcnGy. Commonwealth, the EuroPean Economic Community, the Unit- year, is now under strengthened while far from appeasing the ed States ant several other nations leadership and involves people blacks' struggle, have sparked have agreed to impose economic from all walks of life including conflicts among the whites and sanctions upon Pretoria. Though whites. But South African Presi- anti-reform sensation among the the racist Pretoria government dent P.W. Botha has remained conservative rorces in the country. might have felt initial impacts of obdurate in his apartheid policy. Hence, the Pretoria government international punishments, there Last April, the Pretoria regime has inevitably resorted to a more is no sign yet to indicate that announced minor reform by stubborn racial segregation Pretoria is willing to accept a agreeing to lift off the "pass laws" policy. fundamental change and scraP of


the apartheid system. In his New' for.dismantling apartheid, saying wing coalition are famous for their Year message delivered on South Africa would not yield to liberalism. In the field ofeconomy, December 31, Botha signaled that the irresponsible and often the new cabinet has lifted his government would make no superficial demands. restrictions ,)n foreign currency significant change in its present Foreign observers noted that control, dcr aluated the franc, policies. Illustrating this view, he the keynote of Botha's New Year reduced taxcs, privatized state- also announced that an early message is that in the new year owned enterprises and lowered general election would be held in Pretoria will cling fast to its interest rate. trt has adopted many 1987, making it clear that the present stubborn stand to resist social refornl measures such as upcoming election would be for the international call and domestic lifting restriictions on firing whites only. The South African struggle for substantial changes in workers. Chifac has also actively President defied the effort by the South Africa's apartheid system. taken part in national defence and international community to press by Guan€ ]lexln foreign affairs which used to be handled only by the president. Mitterrand, however, made no efforts to conceal his dissatisfac- tion concerning Chirac's policies. He has publicly declared that he would not sign any laws on FRANCE provatization. He has shown his sympathy for the students in their demonstration for the abolition of 1986: A Year of Political 'Cohabitation' a higher education reform bill by proposing withdrawal of the bill. France, in 1986, has seen many political aps arrd downs dae In spite of 'this, analysts have to the political "cohabitation" by the presidcnt and prbne noted that the political alliance minister, who belong to different political partics. between the right and left is basically stable and is likely to continue to be so this year. Both sides have almost identical views fhe French parliamentary elec- new questions'about the distri- on major important issues such as ! tions held every five years, bution of power between the fighting terrorism and the attitude changed the political situation of president and the prime minister. towards US-Soviet arms control the Fifth Republic last March for Both of them seek to identify their talks. The French people will the first time since its founding 28 respe ctive power from the continue to support the political years ago. Since then, France has constitution, thus shrinking the coexistenc€ at least up to the next been goyerned by rightists for 23 traditional power structure general elections in 1988. There- years and by a leftist coalition of centred around the president. This fore, no side is likely to break the socialists and communists for five. process of readjustment of power alliance first. Last year, however, the Socialist has been very smooth. President by Ma Welmln Party, which was dominant in the Mitterrand still has the right to previous elections, Iost its major- decide major policies concerning ity to the right-wing coalition of national defence and diplomacy the Rally for the Republic Party and, with themighty support from and the Union for French his Socialist Party, he has the right Democracy. Francois Mitterrand, to monitor the domestic affairs. the left-wing Socialist president, On the other hand, the centre of had to "cohabit" with Jacques daily domestic policy-decision has Chirac, the conservative leader of shifted from the presidential house the Rally for the Republic Party. to the prime ministerial house. Chirac has brcome the most The presidents Fifth of the powerful prime minister of the Republic have usually centralized Fifth Republic. wide power in their hands. The reason for this is due to the The new goyernment has constitution, created in 1958 and carried out a series of liberal tailored for General de Gaulle reforms aimed at invigorating the because of his personal authority. national economy. As a matter of The "cohabitation" posed many fact, the two factions of the right-


Foreign Minister Wu Talks About World Situation

ll'u Xueqian, Chinese state councilor andforeign minister, in an interview with reporters on December 31,1986, answered questions concerning the international situation and China's foreign policy. The full text of the questions and answers follow.

Question: Would you comment tionism. Contradictions between influence and its prestige is on the on the outstanding featurcs of the north and the south have rise. the lntematlonal situation in become more accute. Q: The two Chinese proposals on 11186 and the achievements Taking an overall view of the nuclear and conventional dis- Chlna has made over the year in international developments over armament have been adopted by fullowing its independent fore- the year, it can be said that the the United Nations General iglr pollcy for peace? forces working for world peace Assembly at its 4lst session. fuiswer: There are both gratifying were growlng faster than the How do you evaluate the two new developments and worrisome factors for war and the efforts prcposals? What is China's elements in the 1986 international defending world peace have a basic stand on disarmament? situation. On the one hand, the brighter future. A: The basic idea of China's world's people were calling ever proposals is that the United States louder for peace, disarmament, and the Soviet Union have a co-operation and development "special responsibility" for the and were engaged in various arms race and therefore disarma- activities towards this end. ment, and they should "take the Smaller countries, while becoming he 1986 h'orld was both lead" in drastically reduqing their more independent, had a greater gratifying and worrisome. nuclear and conventional ar- influence on major international senals. The adoption of the two issues affecting the world's future. The people were calling proposals by the United Nations Reforms and readjustments for through full J'or peace while the General Assembly acceleratihg scientific, technical consultations shows that China's and economic development and ttoo superpourers, though stand is in accord with the international co-operation have eqaolly louder about arms common wishes of the people of become a current world theme. all countries for arms reduction On the other hand, it must not disarmame nt, e x t e nding and world peace. The adoption be overlooked that the intern- their contention into outer also proves that it is a reasonable and realistic stand. ational situation was very un- space. stable. The superpowers are It is applaudable that both the engaged in a continuous arms United States and the Soviet race which is extending to outer Union endorsed the two pro- space. The United States and the posals. But what we hope to see is Soviet Union, who have held that they will truly respect the frequent dialogues including the In following a peaceful and common wishes and demands of summit in lceland, have failed to independent foreign policy, China the people of various countries reach any substantive agreement further developed in the past year and take action to implement the on major issues as they are still its relations with many countries two UN resolutions. unable to bridge their differences. and economic and technical The basic stand of the Chinese Conflicts continue in various "hot exchanges have expanded. We government on disarmament is spots" as efforts for political have taken active steps and put that it opposes the arms race and settlements have so far proved to forward reasonable proposals the expansion ofthis race to outer be fruitless. The world economic with the purpose of relaxing the space. . We stand for final situation is not stable either. What tense situation and promoting realization of a total ban and should be pointed out particularly disarmament and international destruction of nuclear, chemical is that many developing countries co-operation, and our actions and biological weapons as well as have had greater difficulties as a were welcomed by the intern- a drastic reduction of conven- result of falling prices for their ational community. In today's tional arms. We also maintain that major products and trade protec- world, China exerts a growing countries, big or small, should

t4 BEIJING REVIEW, NO,2 I have a say on disarmament, that Communique and I hope that Q: There have been considerable bilateral and multi-lateral efforts both China and the United States developments ln the relations for disarmament should comple- will cherish, protect and enhance between Chlna and many Eu- ment and promote each other, that the hard-won progress we have ropean nations dudng 1986. any disarmament talks and made in developing relations over How do you assess the develop- agreements between the United all these years. ments in the relatlons between States and the Soviet Union As for Sino-Soviet relations, Ghina and Eastern Europe and should not harm the interests of generally speaking, they have between China and lilestem other countries, and that at the developed in some areas and Europe? And how would you same time efforts are made for halted in others. Economic, describe the prospects for these disarmament, "hot spots" in the scientific, technical and cultural relations? world should be eliminated and co-operation and exchanges as A: I think both East and West aggression and expansion well as trade between the two European countries are importpnt stopped. countries have registered further forces in defending world peace, growth. The volume of trade, and they all are playing their active Q: Howdo you assess the current involved in agreements signed by role in international affairs in Sino-Ameriean and Sino-Soviet the two countries in 1986, has accordance with their specific relations? amounted to US$2.6 billion, an conditions. China and East and A: We Chinese people have always West European nations all desire cherished friendly feelings for the to develop relations and they share peoples of the United States and common interests on the two most the Soviet Union. China sincerely Tn, year 1986 witnessed important issues of the world wishes to improve and further its rapid progress in thc today-peace and development. relations with the United States relations between China There exist broad prospects for and the Soviet Union on the basis China to further expand relations of the Five Principles of Peaceful and East European of friendship and co-operation Coexistence. This is not only in the countries in political, with these countries. fundamental interests of the economic and other areas peoples ofthe three countries, but The year 1986 has witnessed it is of great importance for world rapid progress in the relations peace and stability. increase of 30 percent over that of between China and various East In 1986 Sino-American rel- 1985. The work of the Sino-Soviet European countries in political, ations have been basically stable economic commission has been economic and other areas. China and have continued to grow to a going smoothly. Also, the two maintains a stable and sustained certain extent. Visits and dis- countries have reached agreement relationship of friendship and co- cussions that took place between on resuming boundary talks. operation with Romania and officials of the two countries at However, thus far no substantial Yugoslavia. The official goodwill various levels have furthered progress has been made in visit to China made by the leader mutual understanding. Sino-US developing political relations, of Democratic Germany, Erich economic and trade relations have which have yet to be normalized, Honecker, in October 1986, and maintained the momentum of and China is dissatisfied with this. the working visit to our country previous years. Their scientific Comrade Deng Xiaoping. on made by Polish Ieader Wojciech and technical co-operation, educ- September 2 this year, made an Jaruzelski in September the same ational and cultural exchanges, extremely important speech on year, marked a new stage in the and contacts between their armed Sino-Soviet relations, offering a relations between China and the forces all have expanded. How- realistic approach to normaliz- East European countries. Some ever, the Taiwan issue remains a ation of relations between the two irnportant leaders of East Eu- major obstacle to further growth countries. I hope the Soviet side ropean countries will come to visit in the Sino-US relationship. I will consider earnestly China's China and Premier Zhao Ziyzng hope the US government will proposal and take concrete will tour five East European abide by the three Sino-US joint actions to remove the three major countries in 1987. communiques and take effective obstacles, especially urging Viet We will continue to develop action to eliminate this obstacle so Nam to withdraw its troops from relations with various East that Sino-US relations can achieve Kampuchea, which would elimi- European countries on the basis of a sustained and steady growth. nate the de facto "hot spot" the Five Principles of Peaceful between China and the Soviet Coexistence and in accordance The year 1987 will mark the Union. This could lead to real with the principles that each side I5th anniversary of the public- improvements in Sino-Soviet should respect the other in ation of the Sino-US Shanghai political relations. deciding policies according to its

JANUARY 12. I9TI7 l5 I ARNCLES national neither relations in conditions and fgys-term, stable development of foundation for better side should impose its will on the bilateral relations. the next. other. There is no need to hide the fact China has always pald great The year 1986 was year Q: a of that some problems appeared in attentlon to develoPlng frlendlY continued development rel- of bilateral relations in 1986. We and c(rcpcratlve relatlons wlth ations between China and Wes- have to take an earnest attitude other thlrd world countrles. What tern Europe. The exchange of towards political issues which are proglcss has been made over the visits by leaders of the two sides related to how to present historical year ln these rclations? And what political dialogues at and the facts and whether or not to are thelr prospects? various levels have increased their implement major principles of A: China belongs to the third understanding on import- mutual maintaining friendly relations world and shares their fate. It is ant international issues. We have between the two countries. It our belief that stabilitY and many similar views on preserving should definitely be said that some development in third world security and stability irr Asia and problems have been basically countries are of great imPortance Europe, international on easing solved thanks to the common world peace and human tension and on defending world to efforts by the leaders of the two progress. peace. countries, the two governments Our trade Western Europe with and figures from all walks of life. In the past year the unity and has increased margin, by a big Meanwhile, there still exist some co-operation between China and economic and technological co- problems which have not been other third world countries have operation has expanded, and totally solved, so the two sides been further developed and exchanges scientific, technical, in should continue to make efforts. strengthened, and there have been educational and fields cultural In the econornic field, many frequent exchanges of high-level increased. The have further Japanese friends have begun to visits and people-to-people con- friendly and co-operative relations pay more attention to issues of tacts between them. between China and various West reducing Chinese trade deficits China firmly supports the just European countries are experienc- and expanding co-operation in struggle of third world countries increasing ing a period of funds and technology. We appre- for their national independence activities. ciate their efforts. In order to and against foreign aggression We feel assured that the friendly satisfactorily deal with these issues and interference. In the past year, co-operation be- exchanges and and achieve remarkable results, China has made every effort to tween China and Western Europe both sides should make a common urge foreign troops to withdraw will expand even further in the effort in the coming year. from Kampuchea and Afghani- coming new year. stan, to seek ajust and reasonable The coming year, 1987, will be solution to the Middle East the l5th anniversary of the question, and to support the just Q: How would you descrlbe Slno- normalization of Sino-Japanese struggle of the people in southern lapanese rela$ons over the relations. Reviewing the historical African countries and the struggle yea/? experience and gratifying achieve- of Latin American countries A: In general, Sino-Japanese ments in the development of Sino- against outside interference. With relations have grown continuously Japanese relations since the two regard to conflicts between third over the past year with new results countries established diplomatic world countries, China has alwaYs auhieved in many areas of co- ties, I sincerely hope that both stood for theirjust and reasonable operation and exchange. Japanese sides will make earnest efforts to solution through negotiation on Prime Minister Yasuhiro Naka- promote the healthy and smooth the basis of equality among parties sone took part in the cornerstone development of their relations. I con@rned, and not through arms lalng ceremony for the China- believe that so long as both China or threbt of arms. China firmlY Japan Youth Exchange Centre and Japan implement the Sino- supports third world countries' during his visit to China last Japanese joint declaration, the efforts in developing their national month. Japanese statesmen, entre- treaty of peace and friendship economies. At the same time, preneurs and well-known public between China and Japan and the China hopes to work together with figures also came to China and four guiding principles of peace them to further their co-operation had friendly and sandid exchanges and friendship, equality and under the guidance of equality, of views with Chinese leaders. By mutual benefit, mutual trust and mutual benefit, effectiveness, and extensive exchanges between the long-term stability, they will not common progress. The co- two countries, the mutual under- only make new progress in their operation is seen in an increasing standing between them has friendly relations of co-operation number of areas and in increas- deepened, and this benefits the in this century, but also lay a solid ingly diversified forms. China t6 BEIJING REVIEW. NO.2 supports the reasonable proposals hegemonism and power politics, the United States and the Soviet of Latin American countries to promoting peace and Union will continue their dialo- improve the terms of debt development. gues, because, after all, dialogue is repayment, with creditor and better than confrontation, and debtor nations sharing responsi- Q: How fu yq, visuatize the calmly sitting around the negotiat- bility and seeking new ways to intemational sftuatlon in 1987? ing table is better than a tense solve the debt prbblem. China also A: At the turn of the year, people situation with swords drawn and supports the efforts by OPEC to invariably place hopes on the new bows bent. We hope the two keep oil prices stable. All these year. Looking back and into the countries will have earnest efforts on China's part have won future, I am deeply convinced that dialogues and reach an agreement extensive support and welcome al though the present international to stop the arms race and eliminate from the third world countries. situation is complicated and teems "hot spots." We also stand for the In the coming year China will with many unpredictable factors, promotion of North-South dialo- firmly stand by the side of third 1987 will be a year of peace and gue and co-operation. This will be world countries and continue to development, further strength- favourable to world peace and the strengthen unity and co-operation ened through the efforts of the common development of all with them in the struggle against people all over the world. We hope countries.

Ghina's Economy:, A Healthy Stride Fonuard by Lu Dong flhina's national economy sus- output value. Farmtand irrigation lftained an overall steady facilities improved. Progress was development in 1986. made in building centres of Good Haryests, Further llevelop. agricultural and export goods ment of Rural Economy. Last production. The rural economy as year, although some localities in a whole began, in 1986, to head China were hit by serious natural towards a steady and sustained disasters, farm production was growth. still high. The country's total grain Steady Advance of lndustry, output topped 390 million tons, an Readlustment of Product Mix. In increase of more than l0 million 1986, China's industry reined in its tons over 1985. Livestock breed- "overheated" growth of the ing, aquaculture and fishery previous two years and saw a continued to grow. The livestock "appropriate," steady growth. headage was about I 16 million, up The total industrial output value 1.6 percent over 1985, and the for 1986 is expected to reach 980 total output of aquatic products billion yuan, up 8.7 percent over amounted to 8 million tons, up r985. ll.9 percent over 1985. Due to a China's industrial production in decrease in their acreage, the 1986 had three prominent fea- output of jute, oil-bearing crops, tures. First, production,of electric tobacco and other cash crops Lu llong. power, raw materials and other dropped slightly. However, the vital elements in the national supply of these products can meet economy increased. PorVer output market demand. 4 percent set for the Seventh Five- increased 9.3 percent over 1985, The total agricultural output growth Year Plan period as a whole (1986- which is higher than the of for 1986 is expected to reach 303.8 90). Rural industry continued industrial production. Production billion yuan, 4.4 percent more to develop while being readjusted. of major raw materials, such as than in 1985. This figure exceeds The total output value rural steel, iron, copper and cement, the average annual growth rate of of industry for 1986 was about 330 registered an increase of more billion yuan, which is 2l percent than l0 percent each. The author is minister in charge of the State more than 1985 and exceeded, for Second, development of light Economic Commission. the first time, the total agricultural and heavy industries balanced out

JANUARY I2. I987 l7 I ARTICLES satisfactorily. The growth of light completed in the coastal areas, Foreign Trade and Finance. In industry was slightly faster than bringing US$400 million in 1986, Chinese exports rose 14.7 that of heavy industry. foreign currency incomes. Two percent and Chinese imports wert Third, readjustment of product hundred and five electrical kept within the planned fitgure. mix meant that productjon met machinery enterprises underwent With exports growth outstripping demand a little more closely. A a technical renovation in 1986, growth in imports, Chinese survey of 100 kinds of products and 96 production centres of Customs authorities estimate that made by the state showed that 4l electrical machines for export China's trade deficit for 1986 was kinds of products in much were set up. Of all the new about four billion US dollars less demand, including colour TV sets, products and technological items than in 1985. In 1986 China made cott()n yarn, cotton cloth, crude developed by China in 1986, 116 great strides in importing foreign oil, pig iron, chemical fertilizer, have hlled real gaps, 186 were the capital and the state revenue plan small tractors and internal- best in China, and 60 were as was fulfilled. However, the oil combustion engines, had fulhlled advanced as the world level of the price drop on the international the year's plan one month ahead late 1970s and early 1980s. market and other factors which of schedule. Restrictions were led to an increase in China's placed on the production of slow- Brlsk Domestic Market. Retail expenditure and decrease of selling goods such as .?notor sales of social commodities for income brought a deficit to the vehicles, motorcycles, tractors, 1986 were about 495 billion yuan, state butlget for 1986 as a whole. synthetic fabrics and liquor. Transport, communications. posl. and telecommunications services were improved and the strains on these facilities began to ease. Importance was attached to better economic returns nationwide, and improved economic returns were. by and large, achieved. lnvestment in Fixed Assets Curb- ed, Key Proiects Boosted. A rotalof 194 billion yuan may have gonc into investment in the fixed assets of state-owned units in 1986, which is 15 percent more than in 1985 and lower than the 1985 growth rate of 41.8 percent. The makeup of investment. in capital construction was readjus- ted. In the first I I months of 1986, the proportion of investment made in productive projects rose from 56.6 percent in the same period of 1985 to 60.5 percent, and grain the proportion investment in 11186 was the thlrd year slnce Ll)49 bumpcr hailGsts for Jilin farmers. The year's of output exceeded fi!.s mllllon tom. non-productive projects dropped from 43.4 percent to 39.5 percent. lnvestment returns improved too. a I 5 percent increase over the In 1986 more sources of credit The number of projects whose previous year. There was an ample were available to banks. By the fixed assets were funded by state supply of food, particularly meat, end of November, deposits in investment completed in 1986 rose fowl. eggs, vegetables, fruit and urban and rural banks reached over 1985. A record number of aquatic products. Supply and 217.9 billion yuan, 56 billion yuan renovation projects and projects demand for the bulk of everyday more than in January. This proved using imported equipment and household goods lvere balanced. helpful to industrial and agricul- technology which started cons- There was also greater choice tural production and national truction a few years ago also went available. The retail price index construction. into production in 1986. Two for social commodities is expected The year 1986 was the first year hundred export-oriented textile to be about 6 percent, Iower than of China's Seventh Five-Year Plan and light industrial projects were the state's planned figure. and this beginning is encouraging. tlt BEIJING REVIEW, NO. 1 Sino-US Trade: The Byword is Growth by Zhou Chuangru fie signins ol' thc Shanghai The rate of growth increascrl crudc oil. and pctrolcum products. I Communiquc in l97l wrote during the last two years ol' the ['.xports ol clothing, carpcts and litri.s lo dccades ()f' cstrangement live-ycar plan: according to pctroleum products surpasscd antl hostilit; bctwcen ('hina and stal.istics lrorn ('hincse customs L-JS$100 million. while tradc in thc thc l]nitcd Statcs. lt also sct thc authorities. l9ti5 tradc between other items cxceedcd tJSS50 stagc lbr thc rcstorttion and thc two countries was 2-1.-5 pcrcent million. dcvelopment ol'tradc. greater than in l9t(4. Of the US commodities sold in But it was n()t until January. In l9ti5. I I .4 pcrce nt ol'China's China. only furs. timber. grain. 1979. when diplomatic rclations total import and cxport business synthetic fibers. chemical lertili- w'crc r'stablishe'd hctwccrr the two was with the United States: just zers. nonl'errous metals. mcters countrics. that econonric and behind Hong Kong and Japan. and instruments. mining equip- technological cxchangcs really All of this is a l'ar cry liom the rncnt. petr()leum industry cquip- bcgan gro'*'ing. ln July of that situation befcrrc thc Shan-ehai mcnt. and airplancs surpassed the year. the tw0 nations signcd a ('ommunique was signed, when US$100 million mark. Tradc in trade agrcement. Later. they Sino-US tradc was almost none- thesc commoditics totaled US$3..1 creatcd comnrittccs to coordinate xistent. billion and accounted lbr 7-5.3 thc'ir intcrcsts in thc cconomic, tc'chnical. invcstnrcnt and tradc. liclds. All ol' this creatcd lirvorablc conclitions lbr botlsting two-way tradc. and in 1979 and l9tl0. Sino- tJS tradc reached t.lSS7.2 billion. lirr nrorc than thc total volume ol' tradc during thc prcvious six yea rs. The Sixth F ivc-Year Plan pcrilrd ( lgtJl-l9ti5) saw many changes in Sino-tlS tradc rcla- ti()n\. Anl()nt thc rlr()st inrportarrt \\'crc: Flrst, two-way trade grew conslderably, and the United States became one of China's '+b, major trade partners. China's cxports to thc [Jnited Statcs rosc tiom tlS$1.5 hillion in glass-cawer US onlookers. l9t3l to tJS$1.6 billion in l9ll5. a A Chinese demonstrates his skills for total incrcasc ot' 76.1 pe rccnt and an annual growth ratc l5.f tlf Second, Sino-US trade has percent clf China's total rmptxts pcrcent. lmporls liont the United centered on only a limited range I'rom thc Unitcd Statcs. Statcs totaled tJS54.4 billion in of commodities. Third, there is a trade l9lil. but dropped 4.2 to tiS$ For example. 54.2 percent ol' imbalance between the two billion in l9t{5. a 3.4 pcrcent drop ('hina's USSI.4 hillion in cxports nations. overall. or 0.9 pcrcent a ycar. to the United States in l9ti5 ltll ln l9tt4 and l9tt5. imports lionr * Zhorr ('huangru r: drrcctor ol'thc lnrptlrt within eight cllleg()rics: c()tt()n thc United States increascd much tnd I:rport Burcilu ol ('hrna': Mrnrstrv 0l' cloth. carpets. woolcn textiles. ntore quickly than did ('hinl'' l'orctgtt [.cononrrc Rcliltt()n\ and l radc cotton knitwcar. tin. clothing. cxports to the United States.

JANTIARY I]. I9IJ7 A closcr look at the statistics on doing processing work with potential for llrther growth. ( hina's ttltal trade volume shows materials or components supplicd Second. from lgtJI [o 1985. rhal liom l93l to l9lt5 imports hy their US counterparts. trade belwcen thc two countrics lrom thc t.lnited States accountcd But such arrangements are grew by an avcrage ol- 15.2 persent lirr l6 pcrccnt of China's totoal increasingly being replaced by a ycar. rnuch highcr than average inrports. while exporls to the long-ternr agreements to coopera- ol 5.5 percent a year for ('hina's tlnited Statcs made up only tt.4 tc in production and in compre- total vcllumc of export trade. lrcrcenl of China's total cxports. hcnsive cconomic and technical Third. lhc cconomic upturn in ln addition. during the samc prcrjects. the United States over the past few period China suffered huge trade The largcst number of coopera- years will stimulate US demand dcficits in its trade with the United tive agreements. .ioint ventures lor primary products and manu- States. Thc fivc-year figurc and erchanges ol labor serviccs lactured goods. rcached US$t3.ti billion in l9ti5. have taken place in coal-mining, Fourth. various regions and more than double that of the powcr gcnerating. oil devclop- departments in (:hina are working previous five-year periocl. and ment. aircraft manufacturing. to increase thcir loreign-cxchange

indications are that this gap is transportation. contmunications revenuc by expanding thcir export l continuing to grow. and telecommunications. nonl'e- trade. ecclnomic relations. and technical Fourth, there has been Iittte rrous metal dcvelopment. food exchanges with other change ln the kinds goods processing. and textiles. This has countries. of Filih. Chinese entcrprises are China has been exportlng to the firstered mutual reliance based on mutual has strcngthe- now . taking the world market United States, but the composi- benefit, and situation into account when tion of lmport trade from the ncd trade relations between the two countries. planning production. are starting United States has changled greatly lmbalances: The WaY Out to improve the quality of their between 11981and ,985. prod ('hinesc Eliminating China's hugc tradc ucts. a nd irvill increase cxports during this production to expand exports. pcriod derficit and striking a balancc irr consisted mainly ol textiles. All the same. several factors Sino-US trade will be a two-way are native products. animal bypro- still hindering Sino-US trade. ducts. metals. and minerals: endeat,or. manul-actured goods. grain. and The solution lies on hoth sides. For cxample, US economic growth oils and ccrcals madc up only a Tlre United States must relax is cxpected to slow in thc srrrall sharc. Machinery cxports. restrictions 0n imp

\A-l BF,IJING RF,VIEW NO. ] East-West: Bridging the Scientific Chasm

by Our Correspondent Ling Yuan

fhc chilly winter wind t()rc ar Scierrt't' und Cit'ilinlitm in ('hrtut. ! Rohcrt Tcmplc's ptrku as hc The new book dcscribes l(Xl paced the Marco Polo tlridgc outstanding Chinesc discoverie s snapping photographs. He cyed and inventions from thc the details around him with spinning-wheel and paper nl()ne)' intense concentration. to the umbrella- rttcket. and The 42-year-old lorntcr Kentuc- movable type culled litrnr kian knew a surprising amount Needham's work in support ol- about the bridge which Marccr what Temple calls one ttl'history's Polo had written about in the lSth lbrgotten secrets: that nrore than centurv. Thc lcgendary Italian half thc inventions rtn which thc explorer had bcen awestruck by modern world is basc'd originatcd the bridge. which hc described as in China. The book 'has alrcady wideenough to allow I0 horscmcn bcen published in England and to ritle across it abrcast. will sot>n be released in the [..lnitcd Temple, howcver, had neve r XUF CT]AU Statcs by Sirnon and Schustcr been to China bcfore. His Joseph Needham ponders under thc title f ht Gtttiu.s ttl knorvledgc about ancicnt China reporter's question. ('hinu. had painstaking comc liorn cxample. Nc'edham said in a press 1'e mplc ncvcr cxpcctcd l() rescarch ovc'r thc past lew years. conl'erence that he planned to visit bccome so dccply invohctl uith "We went therc not becausc ths Dazu Grottoes in Sichuan the history ol'C'hincse scicncc. l'o Marco Polo described it but Province to conlirm whether thc bc surc. his intercst in onc kintl ol' because ol' thc arches." Temple carvings there contain the llrst sciencc. cooking. was arouscd at explaincd. Thc bridgc's I spans I known sculpture of a handgun. an early, age when he usccl ttr are scgmclltal archcs. an engincc- "lt's held by a character that follow Col. Harlancl Sanrlcrs ring innoration thlrt gi,,cs morc has twcl horns on his hcad. some around de manding. unstrcccss- strcnglh and uscs lcss construction sort of devil. and (the gun) actually fully. tt'l know u hat thc sccrct nraterial than semicircular the has l'lames and a cannonball ingrcdients werc that llar orccl arches that werc' being uscd in corning out o[ it," Ncedham. said. what later camc to bc known as Europc same historical at thc Needham and Ternple were "Kcntucky l"ricd ('hickcn." period. acconrpanied by director-produ- Frrr Tcmplc. w'ho was paying He maiored in oricntal str.tdies ccr Michacl (iill and cincmat()- and Sanskrit alier enl.ering thc his llrst visit to China in the grapher Michael Fox. hoth of company of Joseph Needham, [Jnivcrsity clf Pennsylvitnia at 16. thc whom had been invcllved with the wclrld's lorcmost authority on and it was therc that he was "Heart ol' the' f)ragon" television Chincse scicncc and tcchnology. introduced to the work ol'lhc nrltn scries. Thc two lilmmakers were he considcrs "the greatest scholar the bridge in Bcijing's southwes- thcre to document what might tcrn suburbs was one ol'China's of tlre 20th ccntur)." lurn out to be Needhant's last trip major but unsung Whcn Necdham started u'riting discoveries and to China. since the scholar is now inventions invcntions his books about China in l94t't. he - that havc ti6 and alllictcd with arthritis. contributed greatly to what is envisioncd a six-voluntc work lhitt olten. but wrongly, thought ol'as "A Brilliant Distillatlon" wt'luld bc crrmplc'lcd in a tcu' ycars' "Wcstcrn civi lization." tinrc. But the morc he lcarncd The twr'r men canre to China in Tcmple, who has lived in ahout ancient ('hinesc scicncc. November. l9tJ6. partly to England for the' past 20 ycars. is tcchnology, and civilization. thc celebratc thc publication of thc the author ol- ('hinu: l-und ol more therc was to learn. llc sorln ('hinese edititrn ndcnsation of Needham's life- "absolute gold ntine ." partly to do I'urthcr research. For work. the dellnitivc multivolumc So lar. l5 books. s()rrtc lll()rc

JANUARY I2. I9tt7 than 1.0(X) pages long. have been The rcsult is a bcautilul book logy. Bccause of his achicvcnrcnts. puhlrshed by Carnbridge Univer- graccd with hundreds of previous- hc r,l,as e lccted I:ellow ol'thc Royal sitv Prcss. and at least another l0 ly unpublished photographs and Sociely in 1931. ancl was natncd urc prrlcctcd.'During his visit to drawings. And hecausc Nee- Sir William Dunn Readcr in tleiiing. Needham said the project dharn's o\\'il accounls ()l some Biochemistry a1 ('amhridge in (-hincsc \\a\ \() gigantic that lre wonderecl discoveries and invenl,io- I 9.11. il'hc would live tt-r see it l'inished. ns are still in nranuscript. Tomple's Hc u'as wcll on his wuy lo hut added that he takes a "Taoist" volunre will bc the only source lirr grcater achievemc-nts and lamc attitudc towards it and does not thesc materials until the larger when he undcrwcnt a "conver- \^'( ) r r\'. project is complcte. which nray not sion" thal hc likes [() c()mparc t() I hc Nccdham Rcsearch lnstitu- be lbr many years. St. Paul's ()n the road (o te in ('irnrbridge is coopcrating Temple recalled. "l was very Damascus. closcly with more than -10 scholars nervous when I gave the result to Thc catirlyst lor his convcrsion l'rorn all ovcr thc world to compile him to sec what he thought ol it. was the arrival of thrcc ('hincsc lirture volumes. on subjects and I was vcry worried that I studcnts at ('ambridgc [Jnivcr- ranging tionr ('hincsc rnycology. hadn't done a goocl enough job." sity's hiochcntistrr llh(rriltorv in thc studv of mushrooms. to But Ncedharn was not only 1936. One of thcm. Dr. Lu Gwci- ('h irrcse psvchopathology. enthusiastic enough about Tem- Djen. the daughter ol'a Nanjing J'hc books. which have hecn plc's book: hc wrotc an introduc- doctor. later becamc his longtinrc bcstscllcrs all over thc world. are a tit'rn tt.r it. calling it a "brilliant chicf collab()rator. Thc tnorc lur crv lkrrn his early vision of tlle distillation" ol-his larger work. He Ncedham g()t to know thcm. the pro.jcct. wlrich he "hl' n Cambridge. Thc books historl ol' scierrce, hut condcnsing matcrial. uas vcry sorry his later bccamc thc nuclcus ol' thc Ne-cclhanr's voluminous research wishcs \\'crc r.l()t rcspccte d." Needham Rcscarch lnstitutc. thc rnt() ()nc 1-54-pagc b6ttk was no Tcmplc atklctl. world's largcst librarr ()n the casr task. Arrd hc also wanted thc historl ol' ('hincsc scicnec. horrk to he ready in time lilr "Conversion" to a New Field Nccdharn und his asstlciatcs 's Queen I r liza bct h l I visit to ('h in a in recently nrovccl into a nc\r Octohcr. l9t{6. Bclirrc Nccdham liruntl his lilt.s building which u ill house thc Str lirr morc than a year hc work in thc study ol' ancierrt institute and librar-y. uorkcd l4 hours a day. pushing Chincse science. he had establis- Tlre war years paved the wa1' lirr hirtrscll- to exhaustion pcrusing hcd hirnscll'ls a precmincnt a complete switch in Nccdham's trpcscripts. prcroli and sections ol bitrchc'rnist. His ('hetttirul Emh- acadcmic pursuits. Whcn hc thc unpublished portions ol' r_vtlrtq.t'. puhlishcd in l9-1 l. laid thc rcturncd to ('ambridge in l94t{. hc \ecclhanr's work. urountlwork lirr rnodcrn t'nrhrvo- dropped his research in bioche-

\A-.1 BEIJING REVIEW N(). ] --1 mistr\ conlplctely trl write a book drali anirnals with straps around ln his introduction to Temple's ahout Chinese contrihutions to thcir throuts.' book. Needham calls this "the seiencc. tcchnology. and r.ncclici nc ()thcrs ol' Nccdharn's tindings 564.0(10 qucstion." ln his opinion. prior 1o thc l5th ccnturv. werc just as surprising. Without Chinese invcntions and discol'e- thc importatirln liom China ol the ries prior to the l5th century werc Setting the Record Straight rudder. thc conrpass. and multiplc absolutely impor'tant to all rnasts. ('hristophcr Cttlumbus humanity. but they lhiled to What Nccclhant lirunci in his rvoulcl not have bcen ablc to sail to develop systematic theories. Wit- rcsca rch crcccclcd his er pcetu t itrns thc Wcstern he misphcre arrd hout such theorics. thc Wcstern nranv trl'tlrc Wcst's g.rcittcst liuropc u'ould have been hard put scicntific and tcchnological rcvo- achievcments turncd out n()l t() be Io cstahlish cokrnial empires lutions would never have happe- indcpcndcnt clscovcrics. hut ho- ()\,crseits. ned. rrow'ings from ('hina. Ovcr thc ln adtlition. Cicrmany's Johann But thc fundarncntal lactors .v-cars. his lindings have astonishcd (iutcrrberg was not tlre first tt'l that accounted lbr the develop- nol onlv Westerners. vr,ho tcntl tt'r invcnt movablc type; Britain's Sir think rnodcrn civilization is bascd ment ol modern science itcross Willianr Hanu'ey was not the llrst Eurdpe wcre thc dccline of on the Scientillc Revolution and tt'r discover and describc the medicval feudalisrn and the risc. of other Western developntents. but circulation of thc blood. and his capitalism and the ascendancy ol' also the- ('hinesc. who havc eountrvrnan. Sir lsaac Ncwton. the entreprerreurial bourgeoisie in the'mselve's lost touch u ith the uirs lrot the flrst to discovcr thc thc lTth century. During the same splcndors ol' thcir pgst. First Luw ol' Motion....All had period. howcvcr. China was Thc l'ickl ol' agriciulttrrc is .lust becn disco!'crcd trr inventcd. ()nc cxamplc. Ncctlharrr lcurnctl sotnctimes hundreds ol' veurs sinking deeper into the morass ol that modcrn agricultural tcchni- curlicr. in ('hina. l'eudalisrn and decp-rootcd bu- q ucs. which heraldcd thc great reaucratism. I:uropcan ..The lndustrial Rcvolr.rtion. I $64,000 euestion', Needham concludecl that Chi- cittnc ithout bccltttsc rll' itlctrs lntl ncsc' l-eudalism inhibited lurthcr tcchniques irnportcd lionr ('hinu. When onc lcal.s through Nt-'e- scicntific progress in China. and in The planting ol-crops in ro(ls. tlhanr's anrl 1-cmplc's books. the particular the kind ol' breakthrou- rnte nsrvc hoeing ol' u'eccls. the incvitahlc qucstion c()rncs to gh that occurred in Europe. nrodcrn sccd clrill. untl tlrr. iron nrincl: il' the Chinese were s() Todal'. thc Chincse' still scc plow all cantc fiorn ('hina. ln advanccd in antiquit.v- and the remnants ol "fcudalism" as major rrtldititrn. thc ('hincsc wcrc u:inu Middlc Agcs. how was it that their obstacles to their nation's econ()- thc tnrdc harncss ancl collai nranv ingcnious invc'ntions and mic and social dcvelopment, and harncss whilc larnrc.rs in thc West rliscorcries lailccl to devckrp inttr the determination to catch up with ucrc choking thcir horses and rtttrdcrn scicncc'.' the West in sciencc has hccn a

Joseph Needham talks with reporters at the Beiiing Friendshlp Hotel. XUF CHA()

JANTIARY I2. I9I{7 NA-5 iI rallying point lor everyone liom to paddy lields during thc'cultural science is not exclusivcly Euro- China's top leadcrs to its ordinary revolution' rvas the sort of thing pean in its origins. and that man_v workers and lhrmers. that was not likely to leacl China to other nations ol' the world. Temple commented during his becoming a world leadcr in science including China, havc'made major visit to China thar he sawl the and technology." contributi

Robert Temple on the Marco Polo Bridge with a British film crew. XI,It CHAO # ref":


NA-6 BEIJING REVIHW NO. ] Norman Bethune: China's Unforgettable Friend byGuest Reporter Sun Xlaofan and Our Correspondent Chen Dongllng

llfhcn thr' nc\^ Norntan Bcthu- Christakos. director general ( '! UU uc Mcrnrrrial Hall was C)ntarit'r's park department anu dcdicatcd in Tangxian County. leadcr o[ the delegation to the He bci Prol'incc. t\.\'o teenagcd ccrcmonv. girls. one Canadian and the other It was for just such a 'Just ('hinesc. exclrangccl modcls o[ thc cause" that Bethune. a Canadian Bcthunc mcnrilrials from thcir Communist. went to Spain in 1936 rc'spectivc countries. to join the Republicans in their Thc crchangc was an intportant battle against fascism. and it was slnrbol at the ccremony. which there that he organized the world's was held November 12. on the first mobile blood clinic. 47th annirersary ol" thc death of He came to China in Januarv. thc Canadian doctor who gave his 1938, to help the Chinese people rn lr[c to the Chinese people and the their War of Resistance Against ('hi ncse rcl'olutionary cause. Japan. He said China was where Thc ncw nre-morial. a 15.000- he was most needed. \quarc-nlcter compound that During his first month in comhincs traditional Chinese and Yanan. he asked to go to the front modern architectural styles. Norman Bethune. line to help save wounded soldiers stands at thc lirot olJiulong Hill. although Mao Zedong wanted A gilclcd archwuy opcns into a him to take charge of the Eighth courtvard surrounded by an Route Army's base hospital. asscmhly hall. a 500-square meter When Bethune arrived at the memorial hall in Bethune's hon

.t\NtlARY ll. l9tt7 NA-7 books and built a "modcl doing what I want to tlo." Hundrcds ol' pettple. including hospital," which was destroyccl by He clncc gavc his own blood to a ('hinesc Assistant M inister ol' thc enemy three weeks later. Then. wotndcd soldier and then finishcd ('ulture (iat> Yunjia and Richard rcalizing thal mcdical care in a the opcratir>n and saved the man's V. (lorham. the Canadian ambas- guerrilla area should be mobile. he lil'e. He operated under the guns ol' sar'krr t() China. altcndcd thc designed an operating table that the Japanesc. He escaped liorn dctlication ceremony al Tangxian. could bc carricd by two mulcs. makcshift hospitals t'rnly nrinutcs .'('hinc'sc peoplc are so warm. Bc-thune was tircless. Hc oncc belbrc thcy wcrc capturcd...S()orl and thcy rcspcct Bcthunc so mttch. perlirrnred I l5 operations in 69 Bcthunc's nanrc bccantc a lcgcnd Wc said M.L. Evans. "Attack! arc movcd." hours withclut stopping and kept and Bcthunc is with us!" supcrintcndent t'll' thc' Bethune on working under enemy bom- becamc a battlc cr1 . Thc nanrc. thc Mcrnorial Housc in Cravenhurst bardmcnt. His Chinese liicnds person. gave thcm cncourilge- arrtl a rrtcnrbcr ol' thc' Canadian werc liightened by how he drove ment. dclegation to the cerenttlny. himscll and tried everything they C)n Octobcr ltl. 1919. u'hilc 'l-hc ('anaclians had visitcd could think of to nrakc hinr rcst. operating without glor cs. Bcthunc Shanghai. Suzhou. Hangzhou. but hc refusetl. cut his linger. The wound becanre Hcbei.:rntl Xian. itnd were warmly Bethune tral'eled constantly to infcctc'ci and thc inltction sprcatl rcccirctl uhcn they werc knoun ttl kecp pacc with tlrc Eighth Route throughout his body. On No"'crrt- bc associatcd with Bethunc. Ther askcd thc attcndants in shops. rcsti.lurilnts. or hotels whether they had ever heard ol' Norman Bcthunc. :.rnd thcy wcrc happily sr.rrprised to find that all ol thern could tcll stories abtlut this grcat (-anadiitn. (iorhant said Bethune's me- nrory' is also strtlng in his native Iand: "Wc ('anadians arc vcry proutl and honore'd that onc ol- ()ur citizcns could nrakc such inrportant conlribulions to China. and vcry humblcd to know that hc is wtll-rcnrernbcrcd and so wcll- horrored in this ctruntry." The tics of tradc. conlnlcrcc. and cr"rlturc bc'lwecn ('hina and Z|IAO GI.IAN(IXIN ('anada had bcen wc'ak betbrc thc diplo- Dedication of Norman Bethune Memorial Hall at Tangxlan' t\.fo c()r.rntries established rlratic relutions in 1970. But tltc Army. Likc the soldicrs he tendccl. ber 12. in a peasant hut and spirit lnd nrL'rrtor) ol- Bcthttnc he slept in huts and caves. lived on surrounded by his hcartbrokcn has al*'ays bccn a symbol of thcir millet. rice. and cggs. and went liiends, hc died ol bloocl l'ricndship. barelilot or in rope sandals. His poisoning. At thc dcdication ceremony. niece. Janet Cornell. said. "When L:rng Lin, Bethunc's intcr- reprcsentatives liom both coun- hc lived at home. he likcd to livc in preter. grievcd, "He clied on thc tries agreed ttl establish rclations- comfbrt. It was a big change for night of many stars. l-lc knew, wc hips betu'cerr thc lJcthune Mcmo- hinr to comc to China." She said all knew. he would dic. Wc u'c'pt rial House in (iravenhurst antl thc had heavens wept. He had hcalcd ncu lJcthunc Mc'nrorial Hall in he lound in China what he the -l'angxiun. always been searching for. our childrcn. Hc had brought lite' Bethune had an impatient to the wounded. Hc was our hcalcr ('hristakos said. "WiLh thc tcmper. hut his impatiencc and our teacher." tr.linning of thc two nrcmorials. disappeared when he worked with L.rng's words still cncapsulate thc bontl ol' liiendship that the Chinese. He wrote to a the t'eelings ol'the (hincsc pcoplc Bethune was rcsponsible lbr is Canadian friend, Hazen Sise, towards this man who cunrc into enhancctl and strcngthcncd. Th- "l've operatcd all day and I'm their world in their most clesperatc rough this act. the rclations and tired. But I don't think I have been hour to work with them and to dic l'ricndship that cxist helwcc'h rtur so happy fof a long time. I'm with thcm. tu'o counl.ries arc cnrichcd."

NA-tt BEIJIN(; REVIEW N0. ] Seventh Five-Year Plan period, we will strive to spread the development of our economic reforms, expand agricultural pro- duction, enliven large, and medium-sized enterprises, "in- crease production and practise economy," readjust the product mix and develop our national economy at a proper specd to achieve improvements in economic returns. Grain produc- tion is expected to exceed 400 million tons. Production of light and textile products (in particular brandname, higher quality, and products in great demand at home) is expected to increase A workshop at the Baoshan Seamless Steel Tube Plant in ShanElhal. significantly, 20 percent of the Problems in Economic Develop- the other were stitl seriously range will be upgraded in design ment. Overall demand is. still imbalanced, with brandname and and colour; 5,800 new products large in spite of effort made to quality products in short supply will be put on the market. We plan curb its growth. Excessive invest- and other products overstocked. to add to our power generating ment in fixed assets, especially in With this imbalance as well as the capaciry by 5.5-6 million KW. projects not included in the state readjustment upwards of prices of Raw material products and export plan, surpassed the country's raw materials and transPort items are expected to improve financial and material resources. expenses. and the increase in further in quantity and quality. In 1986 the growth of money for interest rates and in the depreci- Industrial production growth will consumption was smaller than in ation rates and pay rises for be maintained at about 7 percent, 1985. but still greater than the exployees, some of the indexes of as is required in the Seventh Five- growth in national income and industrial profits handed over to Year Plan. It is expected that our labour productivity. Grain pro- the state were not satisfactorY. national economy will develop duction was not as high as the Enterprises' inability to PaY the steadily, creating favourable con- 1984 record. This is due to a fairly expected amount of taxes con- ditions for carrying out reforms in weak material and technological tributed to the state financial an all-round way and fulflrlling our base, inadequate ability to with- deficit. Seventh Five-Year Plan by 1990. stand natural disasters. How to In 1987, the second year of the r subsidize agricultural production out of rural industrial income, Quality check fot the "Princess" btouse of th€ Wuflang Embroidered Silk Factory (h how to enhance the interest of Jiang6u) which has become hlgh fashton in France. farmers in growing grains and cereals, and how to ensure the steady growth of farm production arc still problems being solved. In industry, excessive taxes, low :rl:'l:,1: li;,',,i;:r:=in state-set depreciation rate and :r::rli?:llli:'r,ai unreasonable social welfare bur- rt'.,li'-]:i i ;:t':i'ri'!+i dens on the large and medium- tii:=i '',.;' sized state-owned enterprises combined to sap their vitality. &$,* I L.i;,,L. They were short of financial reserves and therefore unable to engage in renovation and develop- ment themselves. People's consumption patterns underwent great changes. Produc- tion structure and product mix on one hand and consumption patterns and market demand on


Urban Environmental Protection Well Under Way by Qu GepinE benefits and environmental the urban environment. improvement. r Many cities began prevent- ing and treating air pollution by lnltial Achlevefients working on smoke and dust. [n 1985, the country re-equipped and After more than a decade of renovated more 13,000 China's environmental than effort, boilers and instituted 140 smog protection has made some pro- control areas. Shanghai, a gres5, particularly in urban areas. In Treating industrial pol- densely populated industrial city, l) the volume dustfall dropped lution. By 1985, the 167 key of pollution treatment projects significantly. To reduce smog and concentrations of sulphur dioxide, planned by the state in 1978 were cities Huanghe more or less complete. Between north of the (Yellow) River expanded 1981 1984, the country have and their centralized heating facilities. 100,000 completed more than gas in pollution treatment projects. This The use of is spreading Beijing, Tianjin and many other increased China's wastewater cities. This step alone helps reduce treatment capacity by 1.8 million urban rubbish by tons and tons and gas treatment by 220 80,000 lower cubic metres lrour. sulphur dioxide in the Qu Gedng. million per year. More than 10,000 enterprises and atmosphere by 6,000 tons a China has treated polluted Ahina's awareness of environ- workshops that consumed a great r water in more than 100 reservoirs, l/msn1al protection developed deal of energy, wasted raw riyers and lakes recent years. only recently. The first national materials and were serious r in More than40 urban sewage works environmental protection confer- polluters have been closed down, have been built over the ence was convened in 1975. This merged with other businesses, all country, increasing the country's was followed by the establishment moved to city outskirts or major environmental protec- switched to alternative daily wastewater treatment capac- of ity by 2.38 million tons. Beijing tion organizations at the central production. has adopted measures to protect and local levels. Today, China can treat 2,500 water resources. This has impro- In September 1979, the state million more tons of industrial ved the quality of the water of the promulgated the Environmental wastewater a year than in 1980. Guanting, Miyun Huairou Protection Law. The new Consti- and Concentrations of hatmful metals reservoirs, the city's three largest tution adopted in December 1982 and petrol in wastewater have sources of water. notes: "The state protects and dropped year by year. Purifiers 170 streets and improves the living environment r More than have been installed in many neighbourhoods adopted and the ecological environment, have seriously polluting boilers and the measures to limit noise. Traffic prevents and remedies and major sources of pollution in some noise these areas has dropped pollution and other public haz- in large and medium-sized cities have seven decibels. In ards." Environmental protection by two to begun to b€ brought under Beijing, some industrial enter- was also listed as one of the l0 control. When the Wuhan Iron prises have been given a time limit major tasks of the Sixth Five-Year and Steel Complex began produc- for controlling their noise pol- Plan (1981-85). In December tion in the 1950s, no environ- lution. Some have been moved out 1983, state second the held the mental protection measures were national environmental protec- of urban area and all motor considered. Polluted water dis- in city have been fitted conference which laid down vehicles the tion charged by the coking mill flowed guiding principle that with low-noise horns. Tractors are the into the Changiiang (Yangtze) proper, and economic development, urban banned from the city River and smoke belching out 15,000 old three-wheeled trucks construction and environmental from the steel smelting factory which caused serious air and noise protection should go hand in hand polluted the city's air. After five pollution have been improved or to ensure economic results, social years of treatment, this pollution banned. on the middle reaches of r To improve the working and The author is director of the Changjiang has been remedied. living conditions, rnany cities have Environmental Protection Bureau. 2) Checking deterioration of encouraged their citizens to plant

2A BEIJING REVIEW, NO.2 trees, grass and flowers. In the past being built in different industrial improve the siting of urban fiveyearsBeijinghasplantedmore districts according to their nature industries, eliminate pollutants, than l0 million trees and 4 million and effect on the environment. plant more trees, and improve square metres of lawn, and built Attempts have been made to environmental protection laws. 150 hectares of roadside gardens protect sensitive areas from and 14 parks. Tianjin has built pollution. Some of the worst more than 60 garden-like residen- polluters have been relocated, and YUork tial areas, planted l4 million trees, construction of potential polluters Much Ahead and covered 990,000 square halted. This has effectively curbed metres of land with grass. new pollution. Despite these improvements, Efforts by the residents of r Combining environmental environmental pollution remains Hangzhou to improve the ecology protection with urban construc- a serious problem in China. of the scenic West Lake have tion and renovation. Most public The pollution caused by the attracted more than 80 kinds of utilities have effects on the township enterprises on the city's birds to this noted tourist resort. environment. Efforts have been outskirts is even more serious. Lanzhou used to be habitat for made to develop centralized Because of poor equipment and migratory birds, but when the heating and gas supplies which inadequate management, the After treatment, Shlehahai Lake Park has become one of Be{hg's moat populst more than 6,000 township enterpr- . gathcrlng place3. SONG LIANFENG ises on Shanghai's outskirts produce twice as much water pollution as their urban counter- parts to manufacture goods of the same value. Because of pollution, 'percent l0 of Shanghai's 26,600 hectares of surface water can no longer support hsh. Smoke and dust pollution of the air also remains a serious problem in many cities. Imbalanced and backward energy distribution and consumption patterns, and dense population mean many cities lag far behind state-set environmental control standards. Noise pollution too still plagues many Chinese cities. The main reasons behind these problems are: industrial boom of the 1960s help to curb air pollution, and to r Inadequate education about brought pollution to the city's air improve drainage and sewers, environmental protection. and the Huanghe River, water which minimize water pollution. r Inadequate environmental plants were on the brink of r Enacting local by-laws on protection organizations and a extinction and birds disappeared. environmental management. lack of trained professionals in the Since the end of the 1970s, Gansu After the state law on environ- flreld. provincial and Lanzhou city mental protection was passed, the r Cadres, especially at the governments have implemented cities have developed rules for its grass-roots level, who concentrate measures to improve the local implementation so it can be on production but neglect envi- environment. Various algae, carried out in earnest. ronmental concerns. micro-organisms, fish and r Funding. Localities are ex- r A lack of attention to shrimps have returned to the pected to collect funds for environmental protection when Huanghe River, and birds were environmental protection projects local governments and economic sighted in the region again starting through their own efforts. In- departments draw up Plans, in 1985. dustrial enterprises are asked to allocate funds and begin construc- take full responsibility for the tion and renov'ation projects. Protection Measures pollution they themselves cause. r As a developing country, The state will reward enterprises China's economic and technolog- r Siting industrial projects as who recycle waste by lowering ical level remains low, and the part of overall urban planning. their taxes. Efforts are also being state lacks funds and equipment New industrial projects are now made to control urban growth, for environmental protection. r

JANUARY 12. 1987 2t I ARTICLES Luoyang Arrests the 'Yellow Dragon' by Our String Reporters Chen Ghaozhong and Wang Geng

t uoyang has many claims to received many letters from lrfsms. It was the capital of many primary school pupils reporting Chinese dynasties and is thefiome pollution, and many residents also 'of the famous Longmen Grottoes. complained. It is also a growing industrial "I feel we should learn a lesson city. Since 1949, hundreds of flrom the developed countries, factories have been built there (see where numerous disasters have issue No. 35, 1986). And been caused by pollution. This unfortunately, until recently, it should not happen in China. As has also been known for its mayor, I would be remiss if I did pollution by the "Yellow nothing about it. It seems to me dragon"-waste gas discharged that building socialism with by the No. I Tractor Factory. Chinese characteristics also in- But the "yellow dragon" and volves protecting the many other forms of pollution environment." have come under control in recent years, thanks in no small part to Mayor's'Milltary Orders' the efforts of Wu Zhenguo, the city's mayor. The 46-year-old mayor holds a After Wu took office in May news briefing each year at which 1983, he spent two months touring he reports on the environment and Statue of "Peony Fairy Malden," more than 40 factories, hospitals . announces what pollution projects a symbol of Luoyang. and villages in the area. are to be pursued. Plans must be "I discovered that not a few accomplished within set time factory authorities were con- limits. These are knowr., as the cerned solely with output and were "mayor's military orders." houses the tomb of General Guan neglecting the environment com- Two years ago, the more than Yu of the state of Shu (221-263). pletely. Untreated waste gas, 800 cypresses in the courtyard of one of the Three Kingdoms of waste water and industrial efflu- the l6th century Guanlin Temple ancient China. ents were being discharged were dying, smothered by clouds The cypresses, planted during everywhere," he recalled. of smoke from a small battery the Ming and Qing dynasties "While patients were being factory at the back of the temple ( I 368- l9l I ), had been growing tall treated inside hospitals, danger- complex. The temple, 7-l12 and sturdy until attacked by the ous waste water was being kilometres from Luoyang, is an smoke- pumped out into the streets. I ancient historic site as well. It Wu's campaign to save the trees began with a news briefing and Wu Zhenguo (thlrd left), mayor of Luoyang, campalgnlng on the hazards of nolsc ln the continued several on-the- Stroot. mr with ouaNSHU spot investigations. He tried to persuade the factory authorities to stop polluting, but without success. Finally he simply ordered the factory to switch to making other products. Today there is no more smoke and the cypresses are flourishing. In september 1985. the city government began a campaign against noise pollution and specifically forbade motorists to blow horns on major streets. On September 4, Wu, wearing an armband and waving a red flag, was seen checking the traffic in the

BEIJING REVIEW. NO. 2 streets. One violator of the anti- noise notice said later, "In spite of his heavy schedule, our mayor stood on duty in the streets. From now on I will not sound my horn needlessly." Recent statistics indicate that traffic noise in Luoyang has dropped from an average of 74 decibels in 1983 to 68 decibels. Wu has made it a rule to attend every conference in his city on environmental protection. He always attends the city's environmental bureau meetings held to commend model sanit- A lake ,n t re botanlcal gardens. ation workers. He also visits their homes during Spring Festival each enterprises had to switch produc- covered ,n", ;;;;"r, ,, year. He allocated special funds to tion; last year the plan for the environmental protection". actually build a dormitory for them after construction of 37 electroplating improved working and living he learnt that they were suffering factories was rescinded. conditions and increased produc- from a housing shortage. And his The "yellow dragon" dis- tion as well. office is always open to them. charged by the tractor factory was By investing 2.2 million yuan to a major environmental polluter. It upgrade the converter and con- Comprehensive Control contributed more than 1,000 tons quer the "yellow dragon," the of poisonous smoke and dust to tractor factory has also prolonged the city's atmosphere each year. In the converter's useful life, saved Luoyang's recent problems April 1984, the city government pig iron, produced more rolled stem from a failure to adhere to issued an order calling for the steel, and recovered refined ferric the overall plan developed by the "yellow dragon" to be conquered oxide powder. All this earned the city in the 1950s after it was by the end of 1985. factory 2.5 million yuan designated by the state as a key enough to recoup its entire- city for urban construction. The factory went into action investment within a year. During the "cultural revo- immediately. After some research, Luoyang has also introduced lution," some enterprises ignored the converter technology was other protection measures: water- the plan and pollution intensified. upgraded and the gas-purifying treatment devices in the city's 40 Now, however, factories must equipment was improved. The hospitals, central heating in some meet deadlines for controlling dust content of the factory's dwellings to cut down on pollution pollution. If they fail, they must smoke in 1986 was within state- caused by the burning of coal, either switch to making other permitted levels. electric buses instead of diesel products or shut down. In 1985,44 The factory managers dis- buses on the main streets, and liquefied petroleum gas instead of An aYenue downtown. coal as fuel. Luoyang's government has also tried to heighten its citizens' awareness of environmental pro- blems. In the past few years, it has sponsored two "environmental protection months," organized lectures on environmental sciences, edited and printed materials on environmental pro- tection, and produced TV pro- grammes on the subject. The Chinese government has named I uoyang a model city in pioneering environmental protec- tion, which has now become one of the nation's state policies. r


The Young: Similar Smiles, Different Manners A society's lnner pul3e usually becomes visible first in the behaviour of its young people. So it ls in the dlfferlng llfe styles, soclal contacts, concepts, values and behaviours of the younger generations of Beijing and Shanghal that the unlque features and personalllles of the two cltles are reflected. by Yang Dongplng, Dal Gang

Vung Dongping pushed his way Beijing. One of the guests, Xu demonstrating their zeal and r alonS Nanjing Road, Xiaojun, 25, tapped him on the concern for the nation's present Shanghai's most crowded shopp- shoulder and said, "Hey, 'buddy,' and future. Yang saw in his ing street.When he reached the play the host of 'cutting,' O.K.?" friends' Kan Da Sftcr spiritual charming riverfront Bund, he "What? 'Cutting'?" Yang was links with l9l9's famous anti- turned to look back at the city's puzzled. "Yes, 'cutting the feudalist May 4th Movement and skyline, dominated by European- mountain' of course?" Waves of 1976's April 5th Movement, which style buildings that gleamed in the laughter echoed through the spelt the end for tlie "cultural chilly drizzle, and tried to call up warm, youthful atmosphere of the revolution." Today's young too the fami,liar feelings he usually had room. have done and will continue to do while walking along spacious "Cutting the Mountain" is a their share as "social pioneers." Changan Avenue in Beijing on a literal translation of Kan Da Shan, sunny October afternoon. But the a slang term popular among feelings obstinately failed to Beijing's young people. It actually Aromatic Nanjing Road return. At last he had to admit that refers to a kind of voluble Beijing and Shanghai are indeed discursive harangue- the Beijing Last Spring Festival, Yangwent two different cups of tea. equivalent of the college "bull to Shanghai, where he was invited The two cities look very session." but not limited to to dinner by Chang, an old friend different, and their people are students. "The mountain" is the who had just returned from his different, too. Yang, a former only English for Da Shan,llrinting honeymoon journey "educated youth" to Beijing. (a term to thE rich and uninhibited content of Chang's opinion of Beijing was describe urban students who were a free "seminar'o of the kind. lukewarm: "Large as it is, it's too areas the sent to rural during Before Yang had had time to empty. The prices are terrible, and "cultural revolution" from recover from his confusion, Xu not enough convenient living who -Ed.) Shanghai now lives in Beijing Xiaojun had already delivered an facilities." Yang could not come has travelled back and forth out-and-out harangue punctuated up with a rejoinder. enough that he can compare some with expressions like "back- Looking around at Chang's of the differences that lie behind ground times," "psycho- bridal chamber, he saw an artfully the similarly smiling faces of his revolution," "transformative arranged "mini-pa!ace." Though young friends in both cities. transition" and "macro-culture." only 12 square metres, its well- It is almost self-evident that He covered a wide range oltopics designed and -finished modular Beijing, the thriving Chinese concerning China and its position furniture was bathed in the capital, and Shanghai, China's in the present world situation, dreamy light of a fine, unusual largest coastal metropolis, are the while the others interrupted him ceiling lamp, wall,lamps, desk greatest country's two cultural time and again with their own lamp and floor lamp, while an centres. The former might be said voluble pros and cons. impressive collection of to reflect the "virile," "straight- Like Xu and his friends, many appliances-a colour TV set, a forward" culture of northern Beijing young people are experts refrigerator, a stereo sound system China, while the latter has a more at these sessions. Self-confidence and a wahing rnachine occupied "sensuous" and exquisite style, is 100 percent and they are proud the rest of the space. - characteristic of tHe culture south of it. They display a boundless Young people in Shanghai have of the Changjiang (Yangtze) interest in almost everything a strong desire to pursue the latest River. under the heaven and will share trends in life styles as much as they opinions with friends about any can. They know how to enjoy life Bull Sesslons in Beffing subjects at any time. within the limits of their budgets. One day, Yang attended a get- Perhaps, Kan Da Shanis rooted Compared to their Beijing coun- together at a friend's home in in Beijing youth's tradition of terparts, they are more material-

24 BFIJING REVIEW. NO.2 istic, but no less artistic in their Beijing's young men on the other display their wit even when attitude towards life. hand are forthright and sincere quarrelling. "The Year of the Pig Shanghai is plagued by an even and look down on those who are is over! Why do you keeP more critical housing shortage "stingy," "narrow-minded" or squeezing with your snouts?" a than Beijing. Therefore, many "fickle." The same holds for many young lady once said to someone would-be couples must work for a young women. standing behind her in the crowd. long time to realize their dream of At Shi Du, a scenic spot in the The man retorted: "It's now the a room of their own. Once a young hills outside Beijing, Zhen Hong, a Year of Dog! That's why there's so couple is allocated an apartment, handsome, talkative girl, casually much barking!" it is so precious to them that they shook hand with Yang. She told A fast pace is characteristic oi may spend several thousand yuan him that she could not tolerate many Shanghai.people: on buses, and years on arranging the space being passed on her bicycle by passengers just hold out their and furnishing it. Most the money young men. Once, after she cycled money to the conductor and call, must be saved out of their like mad to pass a couple of young "two sevens!" (two seven-cent incomes. men, she heard them shout from tickets) or "one four!" One quick you Young Beijingers tend to be behind, "Buddy, beat us!" She glance at the passenger's hand and more casual and not as particular was very proud of her victory. the conductor leans over and about their housing arrangements. Xu Fang, a slim, pretty 23-year hands out the tickets-wrapped When Yang thought about the old, with hair down to her in the change-while simulta- pains Chang had taken and how shoulders, is keen on music and neously taking the fares. much he had spent, he could not literature. Her character comes The spread of new words and help respecting his friend even through in her calm "manifesto of expressions is also surprisingly more. What was more, Chang had love": "To tell the truth. Where fast. Every time Yang returned to even managed to graduate from can we make our own choice other Shanghai, he would hear new an evening college during the same than in love? If I don't marry the ones, especially abbreviations. time. person I love, isn't that too unfair For example, "New Con" stands The bride entertained the guest a treatment to myselP" She has for the popular textbook, "New with several inviting dishes full of fallen in love with a divorced Concept English" and also the year colour, taste and smell. After the teacher who is more than l0 courses based on it. dinner came Nestle's instant older than she is. Shanghai youth are quick to coffee and sweets. Yang, warm Young women in Beijing often respond to new things. Fashions and comfortable in his friends' loqk healthier and less artificial and taste turn oYer at incredib'le horne, did not wanf the than Shanghainese. After to recall lang Gea. it e latest fashion or style is duller food in Beijing. described Dia, a sort of coquett- no. sooner seen rn a new movle or When Yang again found ishness, that he has often other source than it is seized upon, himself walking along under the perceived among Shanghai duplicated and appears on neon lights of Nanjing Road, all women, both Zhen and Xu Shanghai's streets. Nowadays the young faces around him expressed disdain for it. They do young people vie with others in seemed handsome or beautiful, not think it important for women fashions. They love to attract and their silhouettes looked to be good at housework or to attention and appreciation for fashionable and lovely. After a know how to keep themselves their fashionable wardrobes and busy day of work, Shanghai's looking good-they call them unusual behaviour, so, more and young women love to make "complete housewives!" And in more, newer and newer, fashions themselves up and go window- their vocabulary, that is a inevitably replace the older ones. shopping in the evenings. As they derogatory term. Sense of humour is a kind of passed him, Yang could smell the beauty, as is speed. Young elegant aroma of sophisticated Humour And Speed Beijingers have also begun to gain perfurne. "The breezes on Nanjing In China, Beijingers are well- a sense of efficiency. They favour Road are really aromatic," he known for their sense of humour. fashions from Shanghai and reflected. The local dialect has many slang Guangzhou. terms and colloquialisms that are Yang ended his impressionistic "Budfi, You Beat Us!" widely used in everyday life. comparisons of the two cities' Once when Yang was in a young people by concluding that Shrewd young people in densely packed bus, he heard a they could learn from each other. Shanghai really care about young man's strangled voice One important aspect of modern- material benefits, originality and shouting: 'Hey, don't squeeze! Or ity is the ability to be open to all being in the spotlight, and hate I'll end up flat as a picture!" things, and to be able to adopt those who are Ling Ve Qing People laughed and the tension what is healthy and discard what is (Shanghai dialect for dull-witted ) level dropped. Beijingers often not. a


Electronic Exports lncrease

U l,,llo ff::*,"[,.ifl f^l'Ji of US$440 million worth" o[ electronic products (5.5 times more than in 1985) and exported US$l 13.35 million worth of electronic goods (a record rate of increase of I 17.98 percent). In 1986 China exported whole sets of equipment valued at US$44 million over and above its traditional parts and components exports, (.a Z3-fold increase over l98l). Of the US$170 million worth ofbusiness concluded at the Chinese Export Commodities Fair in the autumn of 1986, 80 percent were from the export of whole pieces of equipment. Exports of televisions increased most rapidly. The ColourTelevision Factoryofthe Huafa Electronic eo. Ltd, in Shenzhen exported In 1986 China exported 196,300 85,(Xrc cobur W sets ln 1986 to Britaln, the United States and Canada. sets, 181,300 more than planned. These televisions are going to the electronic goods in the 1960s. varieties and the improvement of British. US and Canadian mar- Since 1979 China has imported 22 technical skill and quality. Some kets, 3 million further sets have big and medium-sized projects for products have reached the world been ordered by foreign producing colour TV tubes, linear level. Chinese-made televisions businesses. integrated circuits, computers and work for an average 10,000 hours electronic parts and components. without breakdown. In addition, China also ex- As a result, it has speeded up the I ported production lines and development of new product by Wang Qluping technology. ln 1986 China exported to Southeast Asia, South Asia and America production lines for radio, tape-recorders. TV sets, electric fans, picture tubes More Foreign Technicians Work for China and electron tubes and parts. It also concluded a contract with hinese modernization is being tralia, Italy, Holland. Spain, Pakistan to invest in electric fans supported by more and more Belgium, the Soviet Union and the production, held business talks on foreign economic and technical East European countries. exporting production lines for experts. [n 1986 over 10,000 black-and-white TV tubes, ferrite foreign experts came to work in Some of them come to China and condensers. China also took 20 as many as in with their technology and equip- part in the bidding for l0 China, times 1978. Most of these experts: 40 ment and some come to work as construction projects abroad and perc€nt from Japan. The United advisers, managers and techni- signed contracts providing on States, the Federal Republic of cians in Sino-loreign joint ven- technology and labour services Germany, Britain, and France are tures and co-operative enterprises. with Singapore, Japan and Hong next, according to an official from They work in all the 29 provinces, Kong. the State Bureau in Charge of municipalities and autonomous importers the Of the 30 of Foreign Experts. regions of the mainland. Chinese electronic products, eight Since 1978 an increasing imported more than US$l rniUion number of foreign experts have These experts have played their worth of electronic goods each in come to work in China, as has the role in developing energy, water, 1986, compared in with three nurr{b.. of their countries of farm and forestry resources. They 198 t. origin, 28 aL the last count: have also contributed to the China began to export its Including New Zealand, Aus- communication and transport

26 BEIJING REVIEW. NO.2 facilities and various industrial The offrcial of the foreign Mongolia to Hainan Island in helds. experts bureau said the experts' south China's Guangdong They helped the construction of co-operation with the Chinese has Province. several hundred Iarge projects been important in modernization. The biggest car manufacturing between 1979 and 1985, including During the Seventh Five-Year enterprise in China, the company three chemical projects. four Plan period (1986-90) the number fulfilled its production targets for chemical fibre projects. four of foreign economic and technical 1986 on December 8. Its profit rate power plants, three harbours, two experts coming to China is due to from sales will be 3.5 percent and cement plants, two coal washing lncrease. the profit rate for shares will be 7.5 factories, a colour TV tube bY Yao Jianguo percent. The company has not factory, a synthetic leather factory only made up the losses of its trial and an electrolytic aluminium production period, but has also factory. These projects have made profit. accelerated China's economic Holland lmports Dr. Martin Posth, deputy development and technical irnpro- general manager of the company, vement. Some foreign experts also joined Trichogen Cure has attributed its success to the 30 the construction of a modifications made to better suit number key projects in 1986. of Holland Vialle Co. signed its vehicles to the Chinese pros- f-he Petroleum and seismic r an agreement in early De- highways, climate and the specific pecting experts from the United cember with the Woollen Fabrics demands. Dr. Posth said, the cars States, France and Japan helped & Sanlu Factory in Beijing for the and buses turned out by the Chinese scientific workers with purchase of US$50 million worth Chinese company are up to the geological their study of the of Dabao trichogen cure over the standards of the Volkswagen structure of Tarim and the next five years. The first batch is to Automotive Company of the the Junggar basin in Xinjiang, be delivered in March this year. Federal Republic of Germany and basin in Province Qaidam Qinghai Invented by Director Wu are better than the ones in Brazil, and Oerhtossu in Inner Mongolia. Mexico, Algefia and Nigeria. They helped the discovery Baobei of the Beiiing factory, the in of The complny has established nearly 1,000 areas and gas. cure has proved effective in the ofoil repair gara'ges in Beijing, Shan- The China National Shipbuild- treatment of baldness and won a silver prize at the 35th Brussels ghai, Tianjin and the capital cities ing Industrial Corporation im- of 26 provinces and autonomous ported Eureka World Invention Fair late a dozen or so technologies regions. The company plans to invited group foreign last year. and a of make 30,000 cars and 100,000 car experts to bring China's shipbuild- by Yao Jianguo engines in 1988 and 300,000cars in ing industry up to world standard. 1990. . These experts also provided consulting services and helped improve management. A 12- member Japanese advisory group Volkswagen Finds invited by Tianjin Harbour Trade News in Brief authorities in April 1984 made A Ready Market some suggestions on renovating developing the harbour. and fhe Shanghai Volkswagen r The Taipingwan Power Station Following their suggestions the I Automotive Co. Ltd., a joint on the Yalu River jointly built by work efficiency rose, the pressure venture between China and the China and the Democratic on the harbour relaxed and the Federal Republic of Germany, has People's Republic of Korea services improved, creating a produced 12,000 Volkswagen started to supply electricity to much better basis for the further cars, top-class limousines and Korea by the end of 1986. The development of the harbour. travel buses since it went into station in the lower reaches of the Experts from the United States, operation in September 1985. All Yalu River has an installed Japan, Canada, Italy, the Federal the vehicles have been sold in generating capacity of 190,000 kw. Republic of Cermany, Sweden China, and the company has The station has fbur generating and Belgium have lectured at more received orders for 3,000 cars for sets, two for the Chinese side and than l0 management training this year. Its products can be seen two for Korea. The construction centres in Dalian, Tianjin, Beijing from the Tibet Plateau in the of the station started in October and Chengdu and have helped southwest to the Wusuli River in 1982. The generating sets for the train about 10,000 directors, the northeast and from the Chinese side have gone into managers and technicians. grasslands in north China's Inner operation.


The Forbidden City on Screen f'he Forbidden City. completed view, we see six large halls at the precious objects in it, and listening r in 1420, is one of the most heart of the design, where the to ancient court music, hlmgoers magnificent of imperial palaces. emperors used to deal with state may feel they are residents of the Twenty-four Chinese emperors affairs and where the imperial Forbidden City themselves. and their families lived there. A family lived. Around them are The film also focuses on one of state museum since October 1925, arranged many auxiliary build- the three beautiful palace gardens. it now attracts l0 million visitors a ings. This design suggests the Its trees, flowers, small bridges, year. might and unparalleled power of pavilions and natural landscape in In order to make the palace the emperors. The rooms and the four seasons are all very better known, the Central News- glazed roofs are in different styles striking. reel and Documentary Film and colours to show the rank of Two parts portray the lives of Studio has spent three years their occupants. The paintings on two emperors of the Qing Dynasty making The Forbidden City, a the eaves, beams and ceilings also (1644-19ll), Kangxi and Qian- documentary film in 18 parts indicate the identity of their long. Kangxi, of Manchu nation- ality from northeast China, was crowned in 1662. During his 6l- year reign, he put down a number of rebellions and forced Russian invaders to sign a peace treaty with China, thus safeguarding the Chinese border, and bringing peace and unity to the empire. Emperor Kangxi was a hardwor- king man who read books on mathematics, astronomy, physics and other sciences. He also tried to persuade scholars to write and compile books. Tour to the South, a well-preserved work on a long scroll, details his contributiirn to the history of China. Emperor Qianlong came to power in 1736. In the early part of his reign, Qianlong was a good emperor, guiding the country forward. However, that did not The Emperor's study !n the Palace Museum. ZHEN SHUFU last long. He began to squander money and also discriminated against intellectuals, which led to a totalling 6 hours and 40 minutes. owners and the time they were reign of terror and political It vividly portrays the history of built. The horizontal boards corruption that lasred for a the palace, its treasures and inscribed with graceful calli- century. cultural relics, and the lives of its graphy, and the ornaments on the One of the most attractive parts royal residents. It also relates how emperor's thrones, also suggest of the film is the 30-minute the emperors governed the the ruler's absolute power. account of the emperors' wedding country, what their wedding and ceremonies and birthday celebr- funeral ceremonies were like, the The Hall of the Golden Throne, ations, together with details of the origins of various precious (Jinluandian) at the palace's imperial bedrooms, how and what objects, etc. centre is where the emperor held they ate, how they got dressed, and The Palace Architecture. The his inauguration ceremony, his how they amused themselves. first part ofthe film describes how wedding ceremony, and celebra- Artistic Treasures: The owners the Ming Emperor Yongle tions to mark his birthdays, the of the Forbidden City amassed designed his palace 580 years ago new year and the winter solstice. great quantities ol' precious in 1406, placing it at the centre This hall is exceptionally brilliant. objects from each dynasty. point of Beijing. From a bird's-eye Viewing its architecture and the Although a lot of them were lost

28 BEIJING REVIEW, NO.2 before liberation, the palace is still Kind and Wise Women and The blocks are shown, as are the works one of the largest and most Goddess of Lubshui Riuer by Gu and handwriting of some out- marvellous museums in the world. Kaizhi of the 4th century, and the standing calligraphers; the four Episodes 9 to l7 of the series are famous Song painting River-Side 'brushes,treasures of the study-writing about the most important of these Scene on the Qingming Festival ink sticks, ink slabs and precious objects, displayed in the about the lives of people of paper used by emperors; and some order of their dynasties. The different social status by Zhang of the tributes paid by local earliest coloured pottery can be Zeduan from the l2th century. governments, minoritY nation- traced back 6,000 years. One Pottery and porcelain come alities and foreign countries. marble bowl, inlaid with gold from the New Stone Age to the The film gives an account of the threads, for instance, has 180 red late l9th century. Many pieces historical changes that took place gems on it. It was used by have never been shown to the inside the court, and the Process Qianlong on state occasions. public before. by which it became one of the Another marble bowl is engraved largest and richest museums in the Many exquisite clocks and a beautiful courtyard scene. world. Director Ying Xiaoying with watches ware includes various were brought into the and her colleagues, with the help Bronze court l8th types of tools, weapons, cooking in the lTth and of experts and museum staff, have centuries, most of them made in utensils, tableware and musical collected together a vast amount France and Britain. instruments from the Bronze Age of little known information and (2lst century to 5th century BC). The costumes, ornaments and put it all on screen. For those who These objects have various daily necessities of the emperors have never been to the museum inscriptions on them. and empresses are all priceless and who knows little about it, the treasures. The inscriptions on film will be of absorbing interest. Painting is represented by a bones, tortoise shells, bronze The film is dubbed in English. number of masterpieces, including objects and drum-shaped stone French and Spanish.

Ups and Downs in China's 1986 Sports

lor Chinese sports fanatics and Korea finished a close second with new synthetic track and some I officials China's sports in 1986 93 golds. Traditional Asian sports gymnaslums. were as much something to pride giant Japan landed a lowly third Last year's other sports upon as something to worry with 58. triumphs for the country were about. almost all reaped in by its women China had to overcome, apart Most significant on China's athletes who piled fortune upon from a sometime partial referee- sports calendar for the past year fame on international as well as ing, the vacancy they left in five of was the l0th Asian Games which home arenas. the 25 events where a total of 40 were not to prove anything like a Gao Min scored an all-time gold medals bowling, tae- routine quadrennial event. in high of 582.90 points to win the kwondo, equestrian, boxing and The l6-day tournament com- women's springboard diving while field hockey almost proved the manded the attention from more Chen Lin took the platform title at undoing derail the Chinese than half the Chinese population, to the Fifth World Swimming from of defending their turning them into regular TV the track Championships in Madrid. Asian championship. viewers, radio listeners and The Chinese women spikers, in newspaper browsers. Fresh from the Seoul Asiad, the absence of their "iron Yet the keen attention was China is now bending itself on hammer" Lang Ping, pulledaway rather paid to how China did not preparations for the next games a straight victory at the lOth lose than to how China won in slated for 1990 in Beijing. World Women's Volleyball Seoul, South Korea. Championship for a fifth consecu- However, Chinir managed 94 Work is in full swing to build tive win at world-class tourna- gold medals to retain its position new facilities and modernize the ments of the Olympics, world cup as the number one sports power on existing ones needed for the tlth and world championship. the continent that it won at the Asian Games, including a new Two of the Chinese women race previous Asiad, while South velodrome, a new natatorium, a walkers rewrote the world best

JANUARY 12, 1987 29 I CULTURE' 'ENCE time of their speciality three times slated for next February. qiang won a world championship in 1986, all on track. Li Sujie The transfer of a footballer title at last year's world weightlift- walked offwith a women's 5,000- fromChina to the Netherlands not ing championship for a second metre world best of 2l minutes only created a historical first in the world title since 1979. 34.37 seconds. country but also opened the door The machinery of Chinese Guan Ping sliced 7.87 seconds for more Chinese booters to play sports in the past year also off Li's mark for another world in foreign clubs in the future. experienced grinding halts due to a best time of 2l:26.50 in the 5,000- Xie Yuxin, a promising talent lack of new grease in some sports. metre walk and she soon clocked a from south China who made his China's women volleyball team, world best of 44:42.2 for the successful debut at the First FIFA though reigning world champion, women's 10,000 metres. Under-16 World Soccer Tourna- topped the agenda of recruiting Woman judoist Gao Fenglian ment in 1985, has been contracted new blood in the wake of several made fame for China as she won to play in a Dutch second division retirements including pillar spiker the 72-kilogramme and over class club starting next February Lang Ping and playmaking setter title at the Fourth World instead of sticking around the Yang Xilan. Wornen's Judo Championships Chinese national squad. Sports officials and talent and thus became the first Chinese China thus started promoting scouts, therefore, turned to two world champion in this oriental its own soccer through exporting national sports meets in 1986, one sport. footballers to soccer-erientated for high school students and the The Chinese women shuttlers countries. China also scheduled a other for college students. once again proved their flair and training tour for its national form in the sport by retaining the eleven to the world famous socser Boxing and golfing were revived Uber Cup- top honour for world nation of Brazil this January. in preparation for the 1990 Asian team badminton, and the indi- Games though for the time being vidual prizes in the world cup and The Chinese men shuttlers re- only dwellers in Shanghai, Guang- the grand prix final, both through captured the Thomas Cup for the zhou and Beijing can benefit the Li Lingwei. world badminton team champion- rings and links available there. ship after edging their arch rival The three-decade ban on boxing Only four years after taking to the Indonesians 3-2 in Jakarta. was lifted last year, but amateur competitive soccer playing, the He Zhuoqiang snatched a world boxers have been practising in Chinese women's eleven scored 23 record lift of I l6 kilogrammes for quite a few cities and competed goals and yet to concede one to the 52-kg category at the l2th unofficially on different occasions win the Sixth Asian Women's World Junior Weightlifting for the last few years. ! Soccer Championship. Championships while He Ying- by Yi Gaochao The Chinese swimmers, men and women alike, made big headway in the water after scientific training with the help of foreign coaches, especially of Klaus Rudolph of the German Democratic Republic. -I They snatched l0 of the 29 i eei;ing Review .9rrr,r"z,ti-'JT,i^r---E swimming gold medals on offer in I the Seoul Please enter my sutrcription to Beijing Subscrlptlon Rates I Asiad and this was the Review for- year(s), I year 2 years 3 yeats I biggest slash from traditional I payment thereof. enclose-in I Asian swimming powerhouse ['lame (us$) 22 37 s? I Japan in the Asiad swimming fngland (fl 12 22 30 pool. Rest o{ [uroDe 3i Job lrtle {USs} 16 21 But on the table the oneupman- {A$} 22 31 57 ship of the Chinese paddler's was New Zealand (t{Zil 30 52 7? challenged by South Koreans in (c$l 21 36 50 the defeat of both men's and Swiuerland !08 women's table tennis teams in the {Sr} 45 77 Asian games. W. Germany {0M} 50 90 125 Although the Chinese avenged A^rla {Sch} 330 j60 - /80 their defeat at the following Asian Italy lLrre) 29.000 49,000 68.000 Table Tennis Championships with Plea* mail this fotm, together with your paymed, to your local dealer or either oI the tollowing a clean sweep, they are still far add,e$es: r [hrna lnremali0nal Sool lradrnq Corporato0 le]oli Shudran) PP Box 399. Beiling Chra, r Manaqemenl

0epaf,menl. Beii rng Review. 24 Earwanrhuanq Road. 8e iog, Chlna Readers rn Chrn, may subscr ite r0 8e i rng BRrew ar loca I posa I oli i c ss from certain about the 39th World U I Table Tennis Championships

30 BEIJING REVIEW. NO.2 Visitors lncreased in 1986 More Young! People From January to October, there were 450,000 foreign visitors According to the State General groups entering China. This is a drop under 30, an increase of 40.2 Administration for Travel and of 3 percent over the same period of percent over the same Period ol Tourism, 20.52 million travellers 1985, from 17.5 to 14.5 percent. 1985. There were 473,000 tourists entered China from January to As internal transport and ac- aged from 3l to 50, an increase of November 1986, an increase of commodations improve, and entry 2-4 percent over the Preceding 26.4 percent over the correspond- procedures are simplified, experts year, while tourists over 5l ing period in 1985. predict that the number of individual numbered 335,000, a droP of 12.4 travellers will continue to increase in percent. Visitors to China, 11186 the future.

No Tip in China Nationality Number Growth rate over (million) re85 (%) Foreigners 1.38 '1.4 Recently, the State General Overseas Chinese and compatriots Administration For Travel and lrom Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 19.137 28. I Tourism issued a circular that no tips are allowed to be accepted from visitors in any form. The circular said that all the The loreign exchange income More Forelgn Businessmen travel and tourist branches should state gained was about US$l.l billion, an the regulation to all the increase of 13 percent over the same foreign visitors beflore tourist groups period in 1985. enter China. We refuse any tips. China is one the few Han Kehua, head of the State Of the foreign visitors from of countries the world wher6 General Administrations for Travel January to November, 186,000 in people do not accept tips. and Tourism, said that since 1985, the were businessmen, an increase of world tourist trade has been slowing 47 percent over the corresponding down due to the depression, terrorism period of the preceding year. The and the abnormal weather all around proportion of businessmen in the Tailpiece the globe. However, the situation of total went up from 12.3 percent to China's tourist trade is most l7 percent. The number of r In recent years, China Intern- encouraging, as more tourists come to travellers in the fields of science ational Travel Service, Hainan China. and technology, culture and Branch and Zhanjiang Branch, education, sports and health, rose have jointly developed the Nanhai More lndividual Tourists to 185,000, an increase of 13.6 submarine park. More than l0 percent, leaving the non-specialist submarine tourist spots have From January to October, there travellers at 260,000, a decrease of already been set up on Fangli were only 2.7 million tourists in 6.1 percent. Island in Dianbai County, on Naozhou Island in Zhanjiang city and on Sanyawan on the South Nationality Number Growth rate over China Sea. Some foreign tourist (thousand) 1985 (Jan.-Nov.) groups have already visited them. Not long ago, six foreign tourist American 276 21.3 groups agreed to visit in 1987. Citizen of the Federal Republic r To serve the older traveller, of Cermany 46 t2.6 Guangzhou's Travel and Tourist British 74 I1.5 Company has established a tourist Thai 5t 40.6 department for the old. Special Russian l8 r3.I care will be given to the choice of Japanese M9 1.2 route, entertainment and the Italian l5 -r7.8 accommodation. Philippino 49 -8.5 r A hotel is being built in China's Australian 68 -7.1 Xian City in the style of the Tang Canadian 38 15.4. Dynasty (608-917). Thc project is expected to be completed in 1990.

JANUARY 12, 1987 3t r BOOI(S 'Mao Zedong' Biography, Assessment, Reminiscences by Zhong lVenxlan -Gomplled- First Edition ( 1986)

read (p. l4): "In 1966, due to his A*,J'-,I?} ffoHr'?ffi,,,;: inaccurate appraisal of the "What Mao did was all right, and domestic and international situ- what Deng is now doing is also all ation, Mao Zedong started the right." This reflects the concern of 'cultural revolution,' which foreign friends who feel involved became an unbridled political with China to square the present turmoil far exceeding his expect- with the past. How indeed are we ations and control." What was to assess Mao Zedong, and Mao's own assessment of the reconcile present policies with the 'cultural revolution?' Deng legacy of Mao? Is there in fact any Xiaoping tells us in his central contradiction between them? This article: "In the last couple of years new book, M ao Zedong, published before Chairman Mao's death he by the Foreign Languages Press, said that the 'cultural revolution' Beijing, attempts to answer these had been wrong on two counts: questions. lncluded is a chapter by one was 'overthrowing every- Deng Xiaoping "On Mao Zedong thing,'and the other was waging a Thought" in which he agrees that 'full-scale civil war.' These two "lf we don't make an appropriate counts show that the 'cultural evaluation of Comrade Mao's revolution' cannot be called merits and demerits, the old correct. Chairman Mao's mistakd workers will not feel satisflred." (p. was a political one, and not a small Ihe Engllsi edltlon of"Mao Zedong- one." (p. 92) Blography, Asseaiment, Remlnl- e3) publlshed In an interview with the Italian scencesj' by Foreign lrn- The book contains a long guages Press, Bc{lng. autobiography by Mao himself journalist Oriana Fallaci in 1980, (over 50 pages) taken from Edgar Fallaci said to Deng, "We Zedong's' later years." (P. 96) Snow's Red Star Over China, Westerners hnd a lot of things together with comments on Mao hard to understand. The gang of "[n those years, Comrade Mao by , other comrades of four are blamed for all the faults. Z,edong was in fact not so his, and by his surviving son Mao I'm told that when the Chinese consistent in his thinking as he had Anqing. It is not always talk about the gang of four, many been previously, and some of this appreciated that Mao lost hve of them hold up five fingers." statements were mutuall/ con- in members of his family in the Deng replied: "We must make a tradictory. For instance, course of the struggle, including clear distinction between the appraising the 'cultural reYo- mistakes two wives and a son . nature of Chairman Mao's lution,' he said that its "Father particularly adored bro- mistakes and the crimes of Lin amounted to only 30 percent and percent. ther Anying, who was a lieutenant Biao and the gang of four. For its achievements to 70 in the Soviet Red Army much most of his life, Chairman Mao And when he referred to the 30 admired by Stalin and who was did very good things... (p. 90). percent of mistakes, he meant killed on the battleheld in Korea," And, in the 'cultural revolution,' "overthrowing all" and waging a writes Mao Anqing. (p.229) Comrade Mao Zedong did not "full-scale civil war." How can Besides the biography and intend to overthrow all the veteran anyone reconcile that with the reminiscences there is much by cadres. ... In some instances, idea of 70 percent achievements?" way of assessment of Mao, and the persecutions had already been (p.e6) present review will concentrate on carried out by Lin Biao and the However, in a "Brief Bio- summarising this" gang of four, while in others they graphy" we learn that Mao also took place behind his back. This fought against Lin Biao o'.. .and The "Cultural Revolutlon" notwithstanding, it must be said exposed and denounced the gang that the overthrow of a large of four," a fact not always In a "Brief Biography of Mao number of cadres was one of the recognized abroad. In a memoir, Zedong" by Zhong Wenxian, we biggest tragedies of Comrade Mao Zhou Peiyuan, chairman of the,

32 BEIJING REVIEW. NO.2 ('hina Association for Science and 'fechnology, writes that when he accompanied a Chinese-American physicist, Dr. Yang, to see Mao in 1973: "After the fashion of the time I said unwittingly, 'I wish Chairman Mao eternal life."' Chairman Mao gave me a serious look. "No one can have eternal life," he said, then, showing concern, asked me, "Did you suffer much in the 'cultural revolution?"' (p.212).

Mao Zedong Thought

What then of Mao Zedong Thought now and in the future? Deng again: "The Party educated an entire generation in Mao ZedongThought, and that is what enabled us to win the revolution- Mao Zedong at conference of the Central Feople's Govetnment in l9tio (ftom the ary war and found the People's book). Republic China. The 'cultural of Still, it is Chairman Mao who ventures. But the necessary revolution' was really a gross should be held primarily respo- conditions were not present, Party was error. However, our nsible for the Great Leap because at the time an embargo put the able... to an end to Forward. But it didn't take him was being imposed on China. And 'cultural revolution' and has it long-just a few months-to later, the gang offour branded any continued to advance ever since. recognize his mistake, and he did attempt at economic relations Who achieved all this? Is it not the so before the rest us and with other countries as 'worshipp generation of educated in Mao proposed corrections. And in ing things foreign and fawning on Zedong Thought? (p. 95) That is 1962. .. he made a self-criticism. foreigners' ... and sealed China why we will always keep But the lessons were not fully off from the outside world. portrait on Chairman Mao's drawn, and as a result the'cultural Comrade Mao Zedong's strategic Tiananrnen Gate. revolution'erupted. (p. 92) When idea of differentiating the three Deng Xiaoping recently criti- we talk about mistakes we should worlds opened up a road for us. cized himself in an interview with not speak only of Comrade Mao, We have gone on opposing the CBS TV network for not for many other leading comrades imperialism, hegemonism, coloni- opposing the Great Leap For- in the Central Committee made alism and racism. .. After several ward. His answer to a question put mistakes too. Criticism of mis- years of effort, we have secured to him by Fallaci in his 1980 takes is necessary but it must be international conditions that are interview is of interest here. appropriate. Criticizing Comrade far better than before; they enable Question: "Wasn't the Great Leap Mao's personal mistakes alone us to make use of capital from Forward a mistake? Wasn't will not solve problems. . . . It is no foreign countries and of their copying the Soviet model a exaggeration to say that were it advanced technology and expe- mistake? How far back should the not for Chairman Mao there rience in business management. past mistakes be traced? And what would be no New China. Mao These conditions did not exist in did Chairman Mao really want ZedongThought has nurtured our Comrade Mao Zedong's life- with the 'cultural revolution?' whole generation. Without Mao time." (p. 87) Answer: "Mistakes began to occur Zedong Thought the Communist "If we were never supposed to in the late fifties-the Great Leap Party of China would not exist do anything that Comrade Mao Forward, for instance. But that today, and that is no exaggeration hadn't suggested, we could never wasn't solely Chairman Mao's either. have decided on our present fault either. The people around And what would Mao have to course of action. .. .The objective him got carried away too. We say about present policies? "While of the four modernizations was acted in direct contravention of Comrade Mao was still living... defined by Comrade Mao Zedong objective laws, attempting to we wanted. . . to absorb foreign and proclaimed by ComradeZhou ;boost the economy all at once. capital and undertake joint Enlai.. . . In many respects we are

JANUARY 12. 1987 33 I BOOKS doing things Comrade Ma<'r scientific system formed by these mulated the strategy of different- suggested but failed to do tenets. (p.88) iating the three worlds and himself." (p. 95) personally in new stage "Theory must be tested in ushered a in Sino-American and Sino- practice, this is what we are talking Japanese relations. By so doing he about.... A few individuals think created new conditions the "Seek Truth From Facts" otherwise. Either they openly for oppose the basic tenets of development of the worldwide Having said all this, what struggle aginst hegemonism and Marxism-Leninism, else they exactly do we mean Mao or for the future of world politics." by Marxism-Leninism in Zedong Thought? "It is not right uphold (Deng, p. 89) while deed to say that Mao Zedong Thought word only... in Zedong is a development of Marxism- opposrng Mao It seems then that Mao is saf'^. Thought. . . We must oppose these Leninism in all its aspects or that it but that the application of his represents a new stage of erroneous trends of thought... ideas is essentially confined to Marxism." t:p. 94) Comrade Mao Finally, what of the intern- China or countries having similar Zedong wrote a flour-word motto ational significance of Mao? conditions. "From for the Central Party School in the international point On a different note, my own Yanan: 'Seek truth from facts.' of view, Mao Zedong Thought is favourite quotation is from "Two These four words are the inseparably linked with the Talks on Philosophy" in which quintessence struggle against hegemonism; and of Mao Zedong Mao is discussing the future of the Thought.... "Marx and Lenin the practice of hegemonism under world in the longer term. "The never mentioned the encirclement the banner of socialism is a most Earth had birth, so it must die.. .. of the cities from the obvious betrayal of socialist Theextinction ofmankind and the Earth is different from the 'end of the world' preached in Christian churches. We predict that after the extinction of mankind and the Earth, more progressive things will replace mankind, that is, a higher stage of development." Coming nearer home again: "Marxism also has its emergence, development and extinction. This may sound strange, but since Marxism holds that everything born must die, why shouldn't this apply to Marxism itselfl It is metaphysics to deny its extinction. Of course, more progressive things will replace it." (p. 2l l) It is interesting that a national society for the study'of the philosophical ideas of Mao Zedong was founded in Chengdu. Sichuan Province in last October I{ao Zedong wlth his second son Mao Anqing (far left) and daughter-in-law Shao Hua Research (second from rlght) and others in 1962 (from the book). by the Philosophy' Institute, the Philosophy Depart- ment Beijing University and countryside-a strategic prin- principles on the part of a Marxist- of Central Party School. ciple that had not been formulated Leninist party after it has come to anywhere in the world in their power." (Deng p. 89) "From the This volume, which includes 70 lifetime. Nonetheless, Comrade late 1950s, he (Mao) led the CPC photos of Mao, is a ihoroughly Mao Zedong pointed it out as the in a resolute fight against the good read, and of inestimable speciltc road for the revolution in leaders of the CPSU, who pursued value to well-wishers in the China's concrete conditions." (p. great-nation chauvinism and at- English-speaking world who may 86) "What we consistently take as tempted interference with and still be a little at sea on the our guide to action are the basic control of China." (Zhong p. 14) question of Mao Zedong and his tenets of Marxism-Leninism and ". . .. In the evening of his life thought. Mao Zedong Thought or... the Comrade Mao Zedong for- by George Langstone l4 BEIJING REVIEW. NO.2 ART.. E

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