The Land of Jesus

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The Land of Jesus The Land of Jesus: Then and Now with Bishop Hee-Soo Jung 10 Day Journey Israel and the West Bank February 25 - March 5, 2020 2 Day Elec�ve: Explore Jerusalem March 5 - 7, 2020 4 Day Elec�ve: The Wonders of Jordan: Wadi Ram & Petra March 5 - 9, 2020 OBJECTIVES ITINERARY The Land of Jesus: Then and Now $3,228 Day 1 Depart USA • To awaken enthusiasm for biblical study, the Bible and the biblical faith 25.2, Tu Day 2 Arrive Tel Aviv, transfer to Taybeh • To provide an overview of the geographical, social, historical, archaeological and cultural 26.2, W Overnight Taybeh se�ngs of the Bible Day 3 Theme: Beginnings—Birth & Bap�sm • To gain an overview of modern biblical 27.2, Th Field trip: Israeli se�lement, 1st Century House/House of the Parables, Jericho, Tel es Sultan, view Ein es Sultan, Bap�smal site—Qasr al Yehud scholarship, including the rudiments of archaeology, and its importance for clergy PM Forum: Pales�nian speaker and lay people Overnight Taybeh • To become acquainted with the key issues in Day 4 Theme: Samaria & Lower Galilee biblical studies and the study of Chris�an 28.2, F Field trip: Nablus/Shechem, Jezreel Valley, Megiddo (�me permi�ng), Nazareth, The origins Basilica of the Annuncia�on, Sisters of Nazareth Convent (koch tombs), Cana Overnight Galilee • To become familiar with the nature of Chris�anity in the Holy Land and the role of Day 5 Theme: Jesus’ Ministry Around the Sea of Galilee the church today 29.2, Sa Field trip: Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Tabgha, Church of St. Peter’s Primacy, Church of the Mul�plica�on of the Loaves, Mt. of the Bea�tudes • To gain deeper understanding of the : Israeli speaker Israeli-Pales�nian conflict, its impact on PM forum neighboring countries, possibili�es for Overnight Galilee peacemaking Day 6 Theme: Bethlehem and its Environs at the Time of Jesus 1.3, Su Field trip: Naharayim (Island of Peace), Jordan River Valley, Bethlehem, Old City TEXTS walking tour, Church of the Na�vity, Herodion, Shepherd’s Fields All participants would find reading one or more of Overnight Bethlehem the following books to be beneficial Day 7 Theme: Jerusalem and its Environs at the Time of Jesus 1) Ateek, Naim. Jus�ce and Only Jus�ce. 2.3, M Field trip: Mt. of Olives overview and orienta�on to Jerusalem, Dominus Flevit, Garden Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1989. of Gethsemane, Israel Museum, Shrine of the Book, 2nd Temple Model, Tent of Na�ons 2) Braverman, Mark. Fatal Embrace: Chris�ans, Overnight Bethlehem Jews and the Search for Peace in the Holy Day 8 Theme: Jerusalem and its Environs at the Time of Jesus Land. Aus�n, TX: Synergy Books, 2010 3.3, Tu Field trip: Harem esh Sharif/ Temple Mount, Old city walking tour including Western 3) Carter, Jimmy. Pales�ne: Peace Not Wall, St. Ann’s Church, Via Dolorosa, Lithostratos, Church of the Holy Sepulchre Apartheid. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, Overnight Bethlehem 2006. Day 9 Theme: The Judean Wilderness 4) Chacour, Elias. Blood Brothers. Tarrytown, 4.3, W Field trip: Wadi Qelt overview, Masada, Qumran, The Dead Sea NY: Chosen books, 1984. Overnight Bethlehem 5) Cline, Eric H., Biblical Archaeology: A Very Day 10 Return to USA Short Introduc�on. New York: Oxford 5.3, Th University Press, 2009. 2 DAY ELECTIVE Explore Jerusalem $732* 6) Finnegan, Jack. The Archaeology of the New Day 10 Theme: Walls and Gates Testament: The Mediterranean World of the 5.3, Th Field trip: Mt. Scopus overview, The Garden Tomb, the Damascus Gate, The Ramparts Early Chris�an Apostles. New York: Walk, the Jaffa Gate, a�ernoon free Routledge, 2016. Overnight Jerusalem 7) Gilbert, Mar�n. Israel: a History. San Day 11 Theme: The Old City Francisco: Harper, 1998. 6.3, F Field trip: Solomon’s Quarries/Zedekiah’s Cave, the Jewish Quarter, The Cardo, The 8) Herxl, Theodor. Der Judenstaat English. Burnt House, The Broad Wall, Southern Wall Excava�ons, City of David/Hezekiah’s Hamburg: Tredi�on Classics, 2012. Tunnel, the Pool of Siloam, the Kidron Valley (�me permi�ng) Overnight in Jerusalem 9) Magnes, Jodi. The Archaeology of the Holy Land: From the Destruc�on of Solomon's Day 12 Transfer to airport, departure and return to USA Temple to the Muslim Conquest. New York: 7.3, Sa Cambridge University Press. 2012. 4 DAY ELECTIVE The Wonders of Jordan: Wadi Rum & Petra $1,389* 10) Miano, Peter J. The Word of God and the Day 10 Theme: The Negev and Wadi Araba World of the Bible: An Introduc�on to the 5.3, Th Field trip: Hebron, Cave of Macphelah/Ibrahimi Mosque, The Negev, Ein Avdat, Cultural Backgrounds of the New Maktesh Ramon, Araba crossing into Jordan Testament. London: Melisende, 2001. Overnight Aqaba 11) Miano, Peter J., Mitchell, Jason C., Phillips, Day 11 Theme: Desert Explora�on Thomas E., eds. Prophe�c Voices on Middle 6.3, F Field trip: Wadi Rum jeep safari (op�onal), Al Beidha (Neolithic se�lement), Siq al Barid East Peace. Claremont, CA: Claremont (Li�le Petra) School of Theology Press. 2016. Overnight Wadi Musa 12) Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome. The Holy Land: Day 12 Theme: Explora�on and Wonder An Oxford Archaeological Guide. New York: 7.3, Sa Field trip: Full day explora�on of Petra Oxford University Press, 2008. Overnight Wadi Musa 13) Rousseau, John J. and Arav, Rami. Jesus and Day 13 Theme: The Desert Highway & the King’s Highway His World. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1995. 8.3, Su Field trip: Shoback Castle (overview), Madaba, Mt. Nebo Overnight Bethlehem Day 14 Return to USA 9.3, M *Price based on 10 enrolled THE SOCIETY FOR BIBLICAL STUDIES PROGRAM CONDITIONS The Program Condi�ons represent mutual obliga�ons and Airline �cke�ng:Reserva�ons are non-refundable once ticketed. Travel is in responsibili�es. All travel involves a range of variables, both predictable jet economy class aboard IATAN and ARC carriers only. Flight �mes and and unpredictable. The Society for Biblical Studies wants to assist you as rou�ng are subject to change by the airlines. Such changes may result in best we can. If you have any ques�ons about any aspect of the program addi�onal costs and charges. The Society for Biblical Studies is not prior to registra�on or in prepara�on for the journey, we are eager to responsible for such changes or delays and cannot reimburse expenses assist you. When you sign and return the original registra�on form resul�ng from them. The Society for Biblical Studies does not recommend the (photocopies and scans are not accepted), we will assume that you have purchase of budget �ckets for domes�c airline connec�ons. read, understood and accepted the terms contained herein. You can also Interna�onal and Domes�c airfare and air travel: The Price of the program browse our web site to learn more about us. Especially, please read our includes interna�onal air travel from the gateway city (Chicago/ORD). If you FAQ pages for addi�onal general informa�on. would like The Society for Biblical Studies to arrange for your travel from a Included in the Price ($3,228) of the Program: Roundtrip airfare from the domes�c departure city near you to your gateway city, you can indicate gateway city (Chicago/ORD); lodging based on double occupancy in hotels your preference for a domes�c departure city in the Registra�on Form and a suitable for comfort, well located and appropriate to the journey’s cost adjustment will apply. If your request is made a�er the �me of your objec�ves; breakfast & dinner daily; ground transporta�on during the original registra�on, an administra�ve fee of $75 may apply in addi�on to the program and entrance fees for sites indicated on the course outline, cost of domes�c air travel. If your request is made a�er �cke�ng occurs, unless indicated otherwise in the i�nerary; instruc�on/lectures/guiding; addi�onal airline change fees may apply. airport and departure taxes; facili�es and security fees; hotel �ps, Cancella�on Condi�ons: The Society for Biblical Studies will make every including �ps for waiters, recep�on, and housekeeping; administra�ve effort to recuperate program payments in the event of cancella�on. However, fees; airline taxes and surcharges. The price is based on 25 people in the our ability to do so is some�mes limited. 100% of cancella�on fees are group. If the group is smaller than 25 people, a surcharge may be covered by the op�onal travel insurance, if the premium has been paid and assessed. The price is accurate as of the �me of the publica�on of this the reason for cancella�on is insurable. The following cancella�on penal�es registra�on, but is not guaranteed un�l the date of your enrollment and will apply: from the day of registra�on to 90 days prior to departure, $85; full payment. from 89-70 days prior to departure, $125; from 69-45 days prior to departure, Program Price does not include: Transfers to, from or between domes�c 35% of total program cost; from 44-31 days prior to departure, 70% of total (US) airports; op�onal costs such as single room supplements and travel program cost; from 30-8 days prior to departure, 85% of total program cost; insurance; personal expenses such as laundry; op�onal passport and/or within 7 days of your departure, 100% of total program cost.
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