

Studio Draft

12/9/2010 ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. GULF COAST HIGHWAY 180 - MORNING The SUN SHINES over a quiet, exquisite stretch of Alabama coastline. Out on the water, FISHERMEN pull in the morning’s catch. A LONE PELICAN takes off from the water. We FOLLOW IT to A GREYHOUND BUS winding down the seaside road. INT. GREYHOUND BUS - SAME Not quite so exquisite. We’re in an UNSEEN PERSON’S POV as we watch TWO 12-YEAR OLDS fight over a Gameboy, AN OLD MAN spit chew into a Dr. Pepper can, and A FAT FISHERMAN sleep with his mouth wide open, as he DROOLS INTO FRAME... and REVERSE TO REVEAL we are in the POV of ZOE HART, 28, an adorable, spoiled New Yorker, who at that moment would rather be anywhere but on this particular bus. ZOE'S VOICE See the girl in the $2200 Chanel jacket now covered in Mountain Dew and Disease? That’s me, Zoe Hart. As Zoe pushes her seat-mate off her shoulder, we PUSH TOWARD the BACK OF THE BUS, where A LARGE TEENAGER IN A CRIMSON TIDE SHIRT exits the bathroom, passing an OLD LADY on her way in. LARGE TEENAGER Wouldn’t go in there for a while if I was you, Ma’am. Had a bucket of Popeyes for breakfast. The old lady sits back down. Zoe, disgusted, looks out the window, as scenes of Coastal Alabama peak through the trees. A ROADHOUSE advertises GULF’S BEST PO’BOYS AND COLDEST BEER. OLD MEN sit on a front porch, shooting the breeze and shooing flies. A sign out front of a CHURCH reads “SAVING ISN’T JUST FOR WALMART.” Over this-- ZOE'S VOICE Yesterday I woke up on West 24th street, bought a tall skinny latte, took a cab to my job at the most prestigious hospital in the country. A HUNTER hoists a deer carcass into the cab of his PICKUP. ZOE'S VOICE (CONT’D) But I guess I should start at the beginning... 2

EXT. JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICAL SCHOOL - FOUR YEARS AGO - DAY It’s graduation day, proud near-doctors, prouder parents. ZOE'S VOICE Four years ago, I graduated from Johns Hopkins Medical School at the top of my class. CLOSE ON a YOUNGER ZOE, poised, supremely confident, clearly a star, making a commencement speech from a podium. ZOE The first time I held a scalpel, I was nine. We were hosting a party for some of my mother’s celebrity clients. While the chef prepared squab for Calista Flockhart and Bono, my dad and I snuck off and dissected ours. I was enthralled. My mother, as you can imagine, was apoplectic... As the AUDIENCE CHUCKLES, we FIND Zoe’s mom, CANDACE, a high- powered publicist, with her young, vapid, MODEL BOYFRIEND. MODEL BOYFRIEND You were worried she’d cut herself? CANDACE I was worried about this. That my beautiful daughter would follow in the steps of her withholding, weasel of a father. What kind of life is surgery? Slicing people open a hundred hours a week under florescent lights? And lord knows what it’ll do to her skin. MODEL BOYFRIEND Good point. As Candace fixes his collar, AT THE PODIUM, Zoe concludes her speech. YOUNGER ZOE It was a big night for me, because I also got to meet my hero, Mets great Dwight Gooden. I was nine, shy, small talk was beyond me. But if Doc Gooden were here today, I'd tell him that being a great surgeon is a lot like being a great pitcher. (MORE) 3

YOUNGER ZOE (CONT'D) To succeed you need to treat the patient like a batter at the plate - diagnose the conditions, focus on precision... and do your best to shut him out. As we CUT TO a slightly bewildered crowd. ZOE'S VOICE Some future pediatricians might have thought my speech was a little callous. DISSOLVE TIME as Zoe is congratulated by a group of young surgeons - all slightly better looking, better dressed, and more intimidating than the other graduates - including Zoe’s HANDSOME BOYFRIEND, and BEST FRIEND... ZOE'S VOICE (CONT’D) But the real doctors, the surgeons, totally got my point. And I even got a groupie out of it. As the graduates celebrate, a sweet Southern man, HARLEY WILKES, 60, in bow tie and hat, calls out to Zoe. HARLEY WILKES Dr. Hart? That was quite a speech. It showed a lot of... hubris. ZOE Thank you! HARLEY WILKES My name Dr. Harley Wilkes. I come from BlueBell, Alabama. ZOE BlueBell? That’s adorable. HARLEY WILKES Have a small general practice there. A great town with great people, and a great place for a young doctor to hone her craft under my mentorship. I’d like to offer you a job. ZOE That’s incredibly flattering. And I’m sure your town is lovely. But I have a plan. After I complete my surgical residency, I’ll get a fellowship in thoracics go on to become a cardio-thoracic surgeon. (MORE) 4

ZOE (CONT'D) My last name is Hart, it’s like predestined. So, though your offer is so sweet, dealing with diarrhea and diaper rash just isn’t my thing. But thanks! Really. Glad you liked my speech. A slightly hurt Harley watches as Zoe runs over to Candace and her model boyfriend. Candace gives her a perfunctory hug as Zoe looks around, hopeful -- ZOE (CONT’D) So, where’s Dad? CANDACE Sorry, honey, you know him. Stuck in Germany. Some diplomatic needed a pacemaker put in. His assistant sent you a congratulatory fax, though. Zoe’s disquieted for a moment, but recovers as her BOYFRIEND and BEST FRIEND join the group... She kisses them both as-- ZOE'S VOICE I had it all: the most amazing boyfriend and a kick ass BFF who were just as driven as I was. Best part was, the three of us all landed the same residency program. INT. GREYHOUND BUS - MORNING Back on the Alabama bus. Zoe’s seat-mate is now feasting on cheese curls, kicking up a tiny cloud of orange dust. ZOE'S VOICE Well, it's four years later and you know I wouldn't be in the middle of nowhere, sitting next to a guy who smells like Cheetos and chum, if it had turned out like I hoped. INT. ZOE’S APARTMENT - A YEAR AGO - NIGHT The LIVING ROOM of her stylish apartment has been taken over by medical stuff -- TEXT BOOKS and ANATOMICAL CHARTS. A CLOSE-UP on a FRUIT BOWL reveals a weird assortment of FRANKENSTEIN FRUIT that Zoe has been using to practice her sutures. In the DINING ROOM, Zoe and her BOYFRIEND sit at a beautiful CANDLELIT DINNER. He gives her a long MOS SPEECH. As we watch Zoe go from annoyed to surprised to heartbroken-- 5

ZOE'S VOICE Last Valentines Day, my boyfriend dumped me. And it wasn't just because I practiced mattress sutures on the Chicken Cordon Bleu he spent all day making me. He said that all I cared about was being the best. That I was too busy, too cutthroat, too self-involved for him. Which maybe I was, cause it seemed I was the last to know he replaced me with… INT. MT SINAI HOSPITAL - DAY Zoe’s NOW-EX BOYFRIEND walks through the hospital arm in arm with Zoe's NOW-FORMER BEST FRIEND. ANGLE Zoe, watching-- ZOE'S VOICE Sure, it hurt. It more than hurt-- INT. BARNEY’S - DAY Zoe SOBS to her mother. ZOE -- it feels like someone pulled out my intestines and tied them around my throat! CANDACE Honey, go and compose yourself. Candace looks around, hoping no one witnessed Zoe’s public spectacle. INT. BARNEY’S DRESSING ROOM - CONTINUOUS A more composed Zoe blows her nose as Candace enters. CANDACE I'll give you the same advice I gave Jennifer Aniston. Even if it feels like smiling will take every ounce of effort you have, you put on your makeup, you show those pearly whites and you get through the day. ZOE'S VOICE So I did. INT. MT. SINAI HALLWAY - DAY Zoe walks purposefully through the hall, reading charts, delegating to interns. 6

She passes a GROUP SURROUNDING HER EX-BOYFRIEND AND FORMER BEST FRIEND. Wondering what they're seeing, she looks and is blinded by AN ENORMOUS DIAMOND on her ex best friend's finger… Zoe looks away, determined not to let it get to her. ZOE'S VOICE I kept strong. Held it together. I could, because I was about to leave those lovebird losers in the dust - I was a shoo in for... CHIEF OF SURGERY (PRELAP) ...the Reuther fellowship in Cardiothoracic Surgery. INT. NEW YORK PRESBYTERIAN/CORNELL WEILL HOSPITAL - DAY A beaming, confident Zoe standing amidst a group of doctors as the chief of Surgery announces... CHIEF OF SURGERY We thought long and hard over this decision, but I am proud to say the new fellow is... Eve Coburn! As Zoe’s EX-BEST FRIEND claps with delight, we CLOSE IN ON Zoe's mouth, as she let's out a PRIMAL SCREAM. INT. NEW YORK/CORNELL HOSPITAL - CHIEF’S OFFICE - DAY An indignant Zoe pleads with a placid Chief of Surgery. ZOE But I’m the best surgical resident in this hospital. I run the fastest whipstitch, already did a solo angioplasty. Plus, I’m legacy, my dad was a Reuther fellow before he went on to the be the most renowned heart surgeon in Europe. The chief offers her some homemade cookies. CHIEF OF SURGERY Snickerdoodle? (off her glare) Zoe, you’ve got the best hands I’ve seen in thirty years. But if you want to be a heart surgeon, you need to work on your own. 7

ZOE I do cardio five days a week. CHIEF OF SURGERY You know what I’m talking about. Last week, you ignored Mrs. Zuker when she asked you to sing with her. ZOE I was busy checking her vitals and preparing her for triple bypass. And Josh Groban? C’mon! CHIEF OF SURGERY We’ve received eight complaints about your bedside manner in the last twelve months. ZOE Chief, I need to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. I’ve worked my whole life... What can I do to get your recommendation for next year’s fellowship? I’ll do anything. CHIEF OF SURGERY Spend the next year working as a general practitioner. ZOE Come on. First of all, ew. Second of all, in case you haven't noticed, there's a job shortage. St. Vincent's shut down, the other hospitals are broke, I’ll never work in private practice without a specialty. There isn’t a single GP job in the whole city. CHIEF OF SURGERY (looks at her a beat) That may be true, Dr. Hart, but there are other places besides New York. As furious Zoe storms out... EXT. CENTRAL PARK - DAY As Zoe talks on the phone...a handwritten list of cities sits on her lap. 8

ZOE So, to clarify, there’s no general practice jobs in the entire Baltimore area? Why’d I even go to your stupid med school?! (then) Sorry, dean. Zoe hangs up, scratches off DC and Baltimore, the last cities left on her list. She SIGHS takes out her wallet and looks at a PICTURE of her, maybe 6, in a DOCTOR'S OUTFIT, sitting on her DAD'S lap, in his DOCTOR'S OUTFIT. She makes a call. ZOE (CONT’D) Gutan tag. Ich bin ein, Zoe. Kann ich mit mein Vater? (as he gets on the phone) Daddy! Hi. No... I didn’t get the fellowship. NO, it’s okay. Actually, the chief said I’m a shoo- in for next year... Just need to figure some things out first. I will! Trust me Dad, I’ll get it. Then look out - cause you might have a partner! (then, chastened) No, right. I know it’s not as easy as that... Oh, okay. You go. I lo-- (he hangs up. Dial tone) --Love you, Daddy. And off Zoe, looking down at the phone... She begins to walk. ZOE'S VOICE I was 28. Staring down the barrel at 30, the thing I’d worked for my entire life was in danger of never becoming a reality. I had no fiancé, no friends. It begins to RAIN. Zoe, runs to the bus stop, SLIPS on the wet sidewalk and FALLS... And, NO ONE OFFERS TO HELP HER UP. ZOE'S VOICE (CONT’D) I was alone in New York City, the loneliest place in the world. Or maybe not exactly… alone. INT. ZOE'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Sleeping Zoe sits bolt upright in her bed, screaming-- ZOE BED BUGS!! 9

INT. ZOE’S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - LATE AT NIGHT Zoe, in her pajamas, scratching, unable to sleep, looks at her mail... ZOE'S VOICE And then I saw it... Zoe picks up a POSTCARD of idyllic BlueBell, Alabama. ZOE'S VOICE (CONT’D) Another postcard from that southern guy Harley, he'd been sending me them for the last four years, ever since graduation - my speech really must've inspired him. She turns it over and finds a note which she reads aloud. ZOE Tark twins keep wrestling in poison oak. We’re real busy. Could use an extra, extra-talented, hand. Day you show up, the job is yours. And with that, she makes a decision, picks up the PHONE. ZOE (CONT’D) Dr. Wilkes, it’s Zoe Hart, I know it’s the middle of the night... but you win... I’m on my way. ZOE’S VOICE It wasn't New York, but it was a step to becoming a heart surgeon. EXT. BLUEBELL BUS STOP - MORNING The bus pulls away, leaving Zoe and her Hermes luggage by the side of a cow field. A SIGN points down a narrow road, reading “BlueBell 3 Mi” ZOE And when I say it wasn't New York, it REALLY wasn't New York. Which is probably why there weren't any taxis. EXT. DESERTED ROAD - MINUTES LATER Zoe rolls her suitcase down the road to town in her Prada heels and pencil skirt. It's hot, she sweats and swats at mosquitoes. A car pulls up beside her. Handsome, charming, GEORGE TUCKER, 30, rolls down the window. 10

GEORGE Can I offer you a ride, ma’am? ZOE Thank you, but I have a strict policy about not letting strangers chop me up into a million pieces. GEORGE Sure, I get that. If it helps, I’m an attorney, not an axe murderer. (off her scowl) Suit yourself, but it's 96 degrees out, and you have two more miles to go until you hit town. ZOE (relenting) Don’t get any ideas. And as she watches George Tucker gallantly open her door and take her bags-- INT. GEORGE’S CAR - MOMENTS LATER George and Zoe drive. GEORGE So, lemme guess? New Yorker? I recognize the accent. ZOE I don’t have an accent. The Brearley school saw to that... But, yes, I’m from New York. GEORGE Where about? I lived in Tribeca for a while when I worked at Cravath. ZOE (seeing him in new light) As in Cravath, Swaine & Moore, the most prestigious law firm in the U.S.? What are you doing in this dead zone? Some sort of white collar crime community service thing? GEORGE Take it you’re not in town for the crawdads? 11

ZOE I’d never have left Manhattan. But I’ve been exiled. This is my purgatory. GEORGE Well, if you consider purgatory to be a place where neighbors take care of each other, every third Tuesday demands a parade, and the people spend their evenings dangling their feet in the water while sipping mint juleps... then call it what you want. But I call it home. As they park... George helps Zoe out of the car. EXT. BLUEBELL TOWN SQUARE - DAY Zoe takes in the QUAINT SMALL TOWN SQUARE. In THE GAZEBO, a GROUP OF WOMEN rehearse a SPANISH WALTZ in actual antebellum SCARLET O'HARA DRESSES. GEORGE I’d take a night here over a night at the Pierre any time. I’m George Tucker. He holds out his hand, as they touch, Zoe’s flustered by the clear chemistry. She looks up in his deep blue eyes... ZOE Zoe, uh, Dr. Zoe Hart. George reacts to the name... But decides not to go there... GEORGE Good luck, Dr. Zoe Hart. I hope you find what you’re looking for. He smiles and walks away. EXT. BLUEBELL - MAIN STREET - DAY As Zoe comes upon an old-fashioned sign that reads, “Doctor’s Office” she takes out her phone, a deep breathe. ZOE Chief, Zoe Hart here. Day one of my GP job. I’ll see you in 365 days.... 365 days. Zoe shakes her head, can’t believe it, and enters- 12

INT. DOCTORS OFFICE - CONTINUOUS And straight into a Norman Rockwell Painting. A nurse - the no-nonsense MRS EMMELINE HATTENBARGER (aka Mrs. H) sits at the front desk. ZOE Hi, is Dr. Wilkes around? MRS. H You been under a rock the last four months? Harley passed away. ZOE (a beat, dumbstruck) But... he just sent me a postcard. Suddenly, Mrs. H comes alive... surprised and skeptical. MRS. H Are you Zoe Hart? (off Zoe’s nod) We been expecting you. Harley left you his practice. Off Zoe's OMG.


ACT TWO EXT. DOWNTOWN BLUEBELL - DAY Mrs. Hattenbarger and Zoe walk through what amounts to downtown BlueBell. It’s super-cute, oozing with southern charm. Little shops. A town square with a bandstand and a statue of a Confederate hero. A stone’s throw from the fishing docks and Mobile Bay. ZOE Well, it’s beyond weird. Why would he leave me, a girl he met once, for like a minute and a half, his medical practice? Mrs. H considers for a moment, she may know more but-- MRS. H Harley never explained. His will said to keep sending you those postcards, that eventually you’d show up. Looks like he was right. They approach the local watering hole, The Rammer Jammer. ZOE He may have been right. But clearly the man was one avocado short of a Cobb salad.... And speaking of which, I haven’t eaten since JFK. Maybe we can just get something to go? MRS. HATTENBARGER Quicker to eat in, Shelley can never figure out how to put together those cardboard takeout boxes. They enter. INT. RAMMER JAMMER - DAY A cross between a road house and clam shack, jutting right out over the water. Picnic tables outside. A bar, pool table and dance floor inside. It's lunchtime, and it's crowded with a mix of upper crust Dixie and working-class South. As Mrs. H and Zoe find a table, they’re barraged by a group of extremely friendly locals including SHELLEY NG, crabby Vietnamese waitress, DASH DeWITT, landed gentry, 50s, Capote-esque, and TOM LONG, 23, instantly in love with Zoe. TOM LONG Hey, Emmeline, who’s your friend? 14

MRS. HATTENBARGER This is Zoe Hart. She’s just moved to town from New York. Don’t pester-- DASH DEWITT Zoe, I do a theater trip every April. Fela! rocked my world. I have the soundtrack if you’d like to pop by. SHELLEY New Yorker, huh? Perhaps you’d like to try our souvee’d lamb shank with a yuzu-mint gellee? (off Zoe’s excitement) Oh, whoops. We just ran out. We got catfish. It’s fried. TOM LONG (with pride) Gutted it myself. ZOE You know? I’m good. I’ll sample the local delicacies later. (stands, an announcement) But if any of you people need medical care, you can come see me in Harley Wilkes old office. And now, the crowd SILENCES. Finally, Tom bravely speaks up. TOM That’s okay. We all got a doctor. And, as everyone moves away from their table. ZOE What’s he talking about? MRS. HATTENBARGER Technically, Harley left you half the practice. He shared it with Dr. Breeland. And Brick waited a long time to have BlueBell to himself... EXT. TOWN SQUARE - MOMENTS LATER Zoe pulls a power bar out of her bag as she purposefully strides back through town. An annoyed Mrs. H follows. ZOE So, I’ll just find this Brick... is that a name?! (MORE) 15

ZOE (CONT'D) Explain that I’m just going to be here for a year, and then he’s free to be the big fish in the world’s smallest pond. MRS. HATTENBARGER Brick’s hunting. And this ain’t the sorta news you tell an Alabama man when he’s got his hog rifle locked and loaded. As they walk past THE GAZEBO, where the GROUP OF WOMEN IN HOOP SKIRTS just finished rehearsing and sit, gossiping. ZOE Well maybe someone should tell the people of this town that it’s 2010! Hunting’s inhumane, immoral and.. stupid! And dancing in celebration of the confederacy? Really? Mrs. Hattenbarger doesn’t think much of the Blue Belle’s either, but she won’t tolerate disrespect, whispering. MRS. HATTENBARGER Dr. Hart, the Blue Belles are an institution here. Elite young ladies chosen to keep our history alive. For better or worse, they’re the closest thing we have to royalty. ZOE The Blue Belles? Emmeline, come on. MRS. HATTENBARGER You can call me Mrs. Hattenbarger. And mock all you want, but my husband got the satellite last year, we’ve seen every episode of The Sopranos. And believe me, that family’s got nothing on these girls. Just then, one of the Blue Belles, a beautiful young woman in a floofy yellow dress, LEMON BREELAND, waves and comes over... overly effusive. LEMON When I heard there was a new lady doctor in town, I painted myself quite a different picture. You're pretty! Zoe gives Mrs. H a look, ‘See? They’re nice.’ Mrs. H smirks. 16

MRS. HATTENBARGER Zoe. This is Lemon Breeland. ZOE Brick’s daughter? Nice to meet you. I’m dying to talk to your dad, I know he’s hunting or whatever, but you must have a way to contact him. LEMON Oh, there’s no need for that. He knows you’re here. And if I were you, I’d be gone by the time he returns. Daddy can be quite... imposing. Zoe’s stunned, then angered, by the sweetly delivered threat. ZOE Well, you tell daddy that if my medical career hasn’t been killed by my mother - the second most powerful publicist on the East Coast, or the chief of surgery at New York/Cornell hospital, it most certainly won’t be by some Southern xenophobe dressed up like a stick of butter. Zoe looks at Mrs. Hattenbarger, triumphant. ZOE (CONT’D) Now, let’s go see some patients. HARD CUT TO: ZOE SITTING, BORED. As no patients come. INT. HARLEY’S OLD OFFICE/WAITING ROOM - DAY We SEE A QUICK MONTAGE of Zoe killing time - giving herself the eye test - constructing a house with Q-tips - testing her reflexes. Finally, she calls for Mrs. H. ZOE Mrs H! I’m starting to fatigue. Usually, at this time of day, a nurse brings me a vente soy latte. MRS. HATTENBARGER Nearest Starbucks is 11 miles away. 17

ZOE (oblivious) Thanks! That’s so nice of you! Annoyed, Mrs. H leaves. EXT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE. DAY Mrs. H, muttering to herself, gets in her old Dodge and DRIVES OFF as sweet OLD MAN JACKSON, 80s in an oversized sweater and glasses, enters the building. INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE. DAY Zoe’s PHONE RINGS, she looks at the Caller ID, takes a deep breath, braces herself. ZOE Mom? Hey. Hi! I know I haven’t been answering. Actually, there’s something I need to tell you... (no good way to say it) I moved to Alabama. (then) Mom? Mom? Are you there? As Old Man Jackson enters. Zoe HANGS UP. OLD MAN JACKSON Is Dr. Breeland around? ZOE He’s hunting. (her PHONE RINGS again) My mother. Just told her I moved here, she’s kind of freaking out. (then) Anyway, what’s up? You sick? OLD MAN JACKSON Oh I’m feeling as good as anyone my age would. Just, there’s been a little mix-up at the DMV. Don’t s’pose you’d just sign this form for me? ZOE Yeah, lemme give you an eye test first. OLD MAN JACKSON Don’t blame you... 18

She covers his eye as her PHONE RINGS again. She looks at it, torn, finally gives Old Man Jackson the ‘one second’ sign. ZOE OLD MAN JACKSON Mom, no, I am not having a E. F.P.TOZ.LPED.PECFD. EDFZP. nervous breakdown! Zoe distractedly gives him a THUMBS UP and SIGNS HIS FORM, we can hear her mother SCREAMING over the phone. OLD MAN JACKSON (CONT’D) Thank you very much. And he walks out... INT. HARLEY’S OLD OFFICE - LATER Zoe is asleep on the exam table as -- MRS. HATTENBARGER (O.S.) Sorry to wake you. Perhaps a latte would’ve perked you up, too bad I drank it. But, we have a patient. Zoe’s eyes pop open to see Mrs. H escort in COLLEEN, a forty- five year old shrimper with a HUGE HOOK in her arm and her obese daughter, MABEL, 25, in tow. Zoe hops into gear. CLOSE ON Zoe’s hand, EXPERTLY REMOVING THE HOOK. INT. HARLEY’S OLD OFFICE - A BIT LATER Colleen sits on the exam table. Zoe stitches her up, boasts-. ZOE I’m using subcuticular sutures. There will barely be a scar. COLLEEN Lady, I’m a shrimper, that’s my sixth hook this year. Not like I’m gonna catch a fella now. Bet someone like you has to fight ‘em off, you’re so thin. Maybe you could give some tips to my daughter? You know that thing about the potato chips, can’t eat just one? Big Mabel feels that way about lunch. Big Mabel sits there in pained silence, Colleen continues, as an uncomfortable Zoe stitches her up-- 19

COLLEEN (CONT’D) She was always chubby but she's put on another half ton ever since her boyfriend dumped her. Maybe she thinks the Oreos will fix the hole in her heart. Zoe notices a DARK SKIN DISCOLORATION on Mabel’s face... ZOE Mabel, the dark patches on your cheek? How long have you had those? Mabel blushes as-- COLLEEN Told her to wear sunblock. Zoe’s decides not to press, it’s none of her business, and cuts off the thread as-- ZOE Sound advice. Nice to meet you both. COLLEEN No offense, but we’ll be seeing Dr. Breeland from now on, you understand. Off Zoe, as she SIGHS. ZOE (PRELAP) Guess no one else is gonna show. INT. WAITING ROOM - EVENING It’s dark, an exhausted Zoe approaches Mrs. H. ZOE So, where’s the nearest hotel? I’m so tired I’d even take a Hyatt. MRS. HATTENBARGER I’d just as soon you slept on the first bus out of town, but that’s not how my mother raised me. So, I spoke with the mayor. You can stay in his carriage house. ZOE(PRELAP) No way!! 20

EXT. THE MAYOR’S HOUSE - NIGHT A huge ANTEBELLUM PLANTATION HOUSE. Zoe is met at the door by the mayor, LAVON HAYES, 42. ZOE Lavon Hayes? The linebacker? Two Super Bowls! Five pro bowls! LAVON Four, actually. ZOE Rounded up. You got robbed in ‘06. LAVON Lavon Hayes likes your math. C’mon in. INT. THE MAYOR’S HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Lavon takes Zoe on a tour of his amazing home: he’s tricked out the old mansion, MTV Cribs-style. A GIANT FLAT SCREEN pops out of a CIVIL WAR ERA ARMOIRE at the push of a button. LAVON And, I gutted the East Wing and put up a basketball court. Old south meets dirty south. ZOE Tara meets T-Pain. LAVON Exactly! Bought this place cause my mama told me the original owners once owned my great great-grandparents. The records are currently in dispute. ZOE Well, you being the mayor here is like the first thing about BlueBell I actually like. How’d that happen? LAVON After ten years in the NFL, I was a little lost. Who wouldn’t be after spending all that time being fawned over and making more money than I knew what do with? So Lavon Hayes moved back home. And having played for the Crimson Tide made me very popular around here. I ran, I won. (shows her a bathroom) (MORE) 21

LAVON (CONT'D) This one’s got one of those Japanese Robot Toilets. But it’s late, I should show you to your quarters. ZOE Does the carriage house have a flat screen and remote control sauna too? Lavon makes a “well....” look and we CUT TO: INT. CARRIAGE HOUSE - LATER It’s tiny and a little run down. But it’s super-charming, with a porch right on the water. Zoe looks around as Lavon fixes a light bulb. ZOE Well, it’s only for a year. I’ll order some stuff at Barney’s online to make it homey. LAVON HAYES Just don’t order anything perishable. The reptiles can smell it. Mail’s delivered by boat, postman almost lost a foot to a gator when a fan sent me Steak of the Month Club. ZOE (horrified) Noted. Thanks. LAVON HAYES Now, you share a generator with the guy in the gatehouse who takes care of the place. Wade Kinsella. If you run your curling iron while his AC is on, could be trouble. ZOE No need to worry, I’m not curling anything tonight, I’m exhausted. LAVON HAYES Night, then. If you do wander, keep your eyes peeled for Don Johnson. And before Zoe can ask what he means, he’s gone. INT. CARRIAGE HOUSE - BATHROOM - LATER As Zoe relaxes in her small claw foot bath, the POWER GOES OUT. Quickly, she hops out and puts on a ROBE. 22

EXT. GATEHOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Zoe KNOCKS as LOUD MUSIC comes from inside. Her knocks are ignored, so she opens the door. INT. GATEHOUSE - CONTINUOUS She finds WADE KINSELLA, gorgeous bad-boy fisherman, using a hot pot, blasting a fan and playing ROCK BAND with TWO SCANTILY CLAD GIRLS. He SMILES when he sees her, amused by her anger and outfit. They YELL over the MUSIC. ZOE You overheated the generator! WADE Nice robe. ZOE I was taking a bath! WADE I’m Wade. Sorry about the power. I’ll get on that right away. (then, flirty) Take it you’re the new neighbor. Let me know if you ever need a cup of sugar... anything. ZOE I’m sure that smile makes all the girls at the church social swoon, but it’s not gonna work on me. And I haven’t eaten refined sugar in six years. WADE Well if you’re not gonna be polite, I’m not gonna tell you where the fuse box is. As she STORMS OUT, we hear the MUSIC get LOUDER inside. EXT. PLANTATION PROPERTY - MOMENTS LATER Furious, Zoe stalks back to her carriage house. And finds herself face to face with... AN ALLIGATOR! Zoe SCREAMS. And walks backward. And SCREAMS... and falls in the water! Suddenly, someone races to her rescue. He’s in the water with a splash and in one smooth motion swoops her up in his arms and deposits her on dry land. 23

In the moonlight, we realize it’s GEORGE TUCKER. Zoe GASPS. Then, speaking through her teeth, so as not to provoke it. ZOE Wasn’t drowning. There’s. An. Alligator. GEORGE Excuse me, a what? Sorry, must have gotten some water in the ear there. ZOE (pointing at it) An alligator! GEORGE An alligator! Why didn’t you say so? This IS an emergency. He positions himself between it and Zoe. Zoe clings to him, scared. As George speaks to the gator, friendly-- GEORGE (CONT’D) Beat it, Don. (off Zoe’s expression) Don Johnson. Mayor’s pet alligator. Lavon’s a big Miami Vice fan. Don starts to walk away, as furious Zoe SHOVES GEORGE. GEORGE (CONT’D) Oh, c’mon Brearley. Just having a little fun. (with a grin) And I know you’re a New Yorker, but in Alabama, when someone interrupts their nightly jog to jump into the gulf to save our well-toned ass, we say ‘thank you.’ ZOE (can’t help being charmed) Fine. Thank you. They stare at each other for a loaded beat. Then, George seems conflicted... GEORGE TUCKER Well, I should... ZOE Sure. Zoe turns to walk away, George hesitates, then, catches up. 24

GEORGE TUCKER Then, again, I am a Southern gentleman, wouldn’t be right if I didn’t offer to walk you home, protect you from any other friendly reptiles you might encounter? Zoe nods, and they head towards the carriage house, walking in silence for a moment on this perfect starry night. Then, ZOE Listen, uh... I’m not looking to make friends. I’m gonna work, sleep, maybe read a book. Hopefully, before I know it, a year will have passed and I’ll be happily on my way back to New York. I don’t want distractions. They arrive at Zoe’s front porch they have a long loaded moment. George smiles, perhaps a little sadly. GEORGE TUCKER Got it. Work, sleep, possible book. And, he leaves. Off Zoe, swooning a little. ZOE (PRELAP) Bluebell isn’t that bad. INT. CARRIAGE HOUSE - NIGHT Zoe, now in pjs, lies in bed, leaves her dad a message. She’s vulnerable with him in a way we haven’t seen. ZOE ...And if being here is what it takes for me to be a cardiothoracic surgeon, Daddy, I’ll stay. The people are kinda, well, one in particular is kinda... great. And I think I can make a real difference here. Oh, gotta go, the call waiting's ringing. Call me! Bye! Zoe switches over to find an irate Mrs. H on the other line. MRS. HATTENBARGER Did you sign Old Man Jackson’s eye test for the DMV today?! ZOE Yes. Why? 25

MRS. HATTENBARGER Cause he just ran someone over! Off Zoe, oh no...


ACT THREE EXT. DOWNTOWN BLUEBELL - NIGHT Zoe, a sweater over her pajamas, runs to the doctor’s office. INT. HARLEY’S OLD OFFICE - WAITING ROOM - NIGHT Zoe enters and finds Mrs. H, who’s apoplectic- MRS. HATTENBARGER Can’t you tell a blind man when he’s right in front of your face? Everyone knows Old Man Jackson has memorized the eye chart! ZOE Oh my God, I feel so bad. MRS. HATTENBARGER You should! He nearly killed George Tucker! George?!?! Zoe races into-- INT. EXAM ROOM - CONTINUOUS And finds a very battered looking George. Black eye, huge cuts on his face and arms. He GROANS, in tremendous pain. Zoe examines him, trying to make light-- ZOE If you wanted to see me again, you could’ve just asked. GEORGE (then, with a groan) My shoulder... ZOE It’s dislocated. I need to put it back in place. No big deal. Zoe prepares a morphine shot as she guiltily explains-- ZOE (CONT’D) So, George, look, eventually you’re gonna find out that this whole getting run over by a car thing, was kinda - She INJECTS him with the shot. 27

GEORGE WHAT THE HELL?! ZOE (awww cute) Baby. The morphine should take effect any minute. (rolls him on his side as) Anyway, see Old Man Jackson came in and I gave him a test. I didn’t realize that - Then, without warning, Zoe pops George’s shoulder back in. He SCREAMS LOUDLY- GEORGE OWWWWWWWWWWWWW. You just did it again! Have you ever heard of bedside manner? That stings, coming from George. Trying not show it: ZOE Why is everyone so obsessed with that? GEORGE Because sometimes it’s nice to have a little warning before intense, excruciating PAIN! And, then he PASSES OUT. Zoe looks down at him, upset. ZOE George? George? FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) OMG! It’s true! Zoe turns to see Mrs H’s daughter, ROSE (14, cute, glasses) standing in her pajamas. Mrs. H follows her in. MRS. H Rose! You should be in bed. ROSE Mama, this is breaking news. She whips out a digital recorder and holds it up to Zoe. ROSE (CONT’D) Rose Hattenbarger, BlueBell Beat Blogger for the otherwise torpid official town website. (MORE) 28

ROSE (CONT’D) So, how does it feel to be responsible for maiming George Tucker, town golden boy? ZOE He’s not maimed! ROSE O-kaaaaay. So, how does it feel to move to a town, and instantly become its most unpopular citizen? (off Zoe’s look) Yeah, well, I’m unpopular too, and it sucks. MRS. H ZOE I’ll go find a sling for Listen, kid, I’m not talking George. to you about this... Mrs. H crosses off as-- ROSE (CONT’D) But now, the real question - why would anyone ever leave New York!? New York is everything! And I know. Read the DailyIntel, own all the SATC DVD’s. I bet you’re a Carrie. I’m a Charlotte, but I wish I was a Carrie. A beat, Zoe looks at Rose, warming to her. ZOE You people really like your classic HBO, huh? But... I’m a Miranda. Who also wishes she was a Carrie. ROSE Knew you and I were gonna be friends! ZOE (with a grin) What are you, like twelve? ROSE I’m fourteen. But a lifetime as an outsider has given me an ancient soul. ZOE (beat, then a grin) Well, I could use a friend. As Mrs. H reenters, a “you’re in trouble now” look to Zoe. 29

MRS. HATTENBARGER Yea, and a lawyer. Sheriff’s here. ROSE (oh shit, to Zoe) I’ll see you later. Rose leaves. Off Zoe, also oh shit. INT. WAITING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Zoe, Mrs. H and the SHERIFF (50s, bald, quiet, closet knitter) sit. Outside, we can see Old Man Jackson in the backseat of a squad car. MRS. HATTENBARGER Merle Jackson has dementia, Lucas, he didn’t know what he was doing! If you need to arrest someone, arrest her. The sheriff looks at Zoe. ZOE She’s right. It is my fault. I never should’ve signed his form. Please, don’t arrest him. You know, or me. SHERIFF Y’all, come on, Jackson came when he saw the new doc was alone. That’s not dementia. That’s pre-meditation. I’m taking him in. MRS. HATTENBARGER Then we’ll just see who’s getting any of my chicken fried steak tomorrow. Or ever, Lucas Hattenbarger! ZOE You’re married?! (then, back to business) Look, officer...sheriff, please... There must be something we can do... SHERIFF That’s up to the judge now... As he gets up to leave, BRICK BREELAND, 56, a Big Daddy type, walks in. Every bit as imposing as advertised. MRS. H Dr. Breeland! Thank God. You heard? 30

Brick nods to Mrs. H, and pats the sheriff on the back. BRICK Lucas, Old Man Jackson comes in every day looking to get me to sign that form. I always say no. Had no idea this little New York doctorette would come here and break my rules. SHERIFF Brick, he’s a danger. BRICK Not if he’s not gonna drive again. You have my word. You can release him to my custody till I get his daughter down here from Tuscaloosa. (then) We on for fishing Sunday? The Sheriff can’t say no to this powerful man. He nods and leaves... Mrs. H follows him out. Zoe turns to Brick, trying to make a good first impression. ZOE Wow, that was impressive. We haven’t met. I’m Dr. Zoe Hart. And now he begins to unleash his full bear-like temper. BRICK Far as I’m concerned, you’re just the girl who nearly killed two of my patients and ruined my hunting trip. How dare you see my patients? ZOE Well, technically, Harley left his half of the practice to me. So half were mine. (selling it) But... the good news is, I’m only staying for a year! BRICK Miss Hart, I’m not going to share this office for one minute. He walks into Harley’s exam room, Zoe follows. INT. EXAM ROOM - CONTINUOUS Brick gestures to the unconscious George. 31

BRICK I see you’ve met my lawyer. When he’s conscious, the man doesn’t lose. We’ll be contesting the will. Harley wasn’t in his right mind. We figured Dr. Zoe Hart was his imaginary friend, that’s how nuts he was. ZOE I don’t think George will agree, he knows me. BRICK He’ll probably throw in a malpractice suit when he comes to! ZOE I made an honest mistake. But I graduated Johns Hopkins top of my class, did my surgical residency at New York/Cornell. I could do some good here. BRICK Things have been running just fine in BlueBell without any patronizing New Yorkers coming to do “Good.” We survived Katrina, we survived BP - you know how? We boarded up the windows, we piled up the sandbags and we kept the rot from coming in from outside and fouling our community. (in a fierce glare) It may take an hour, it may take a week, but believe me, Zoe Hart, we are gonna chase you away from our waters. Zoe, humiliated, retreats out the door. EXT. BLUEBELL - MAIN STREET - NIGHT Zoe walks down the street... it’s deserted. ZOE'S VOICE Well, that sucked. BlueBell was my one last shot to be a heart surgeon, Brick was hellbent on driving me out. And who could blame him - I’d just gotten someone run over. In times like this, I find one thing really helps me through... 32

ZOE (PRELAP) Chardonnay! INT. THE PIGGLY WIGGLY - NIGHT Zoe rushes into an old school grocery store. ZOE Please tell me you have a nice dry white! MALE VOICE (O.S.) Bad day? Zoe turns and sees Wade Kinsella walking out with his girlfriends and a case of beer. She ignores him. WADE Everyone knows Old Man Jackson memorized the eye chart. ZOE Why don’t you go back to the rodeo or wherever you came from? WADE I see. Southern boy? Must be out ropin’ steer. Doc, seems you’re the one up on a high horse. But maybe if you came down, get to know people, listen a bit, you might keep yourself outta the kind of trouble you had tonight. You might find there’s more to this place than you think. With that Wade and his girls leave. His words sting as Zoe grabs her wine, in a box, and marches up to the REGISTER, surprised to find the girl behind the counter is Big Mabel. She smiles shyly at Zoe, looks at the wine. BIG MABEL I’m having a bad day myself. Actually, most of my days are. Zoe looks at Mabel, feels guilty for not sticking up for her earlier. Wade’s words in her ear... ZOE Listen, um, Mabel, it’s not really my business, but... you have Melasma, darkened patches on your forehead and face... It’s a classic sign of... (just coming out with it) Are you pregnant? 33

Mabel, blushes, humiliated, then, after a long pause... BIG MABEL Don’t know. Never took a test. ZOE Bet you can buy one, right here. Over by the slim-jims and duck calls. (then, hearing her tone) Bad day. Sorry. It’s okay... Big Mabel hesitates. Then tears up, relieved she can unload. MABEL I didn’t think.... We only had sex once. He told me he wouldn’t do it with me if he had to use a condom. And I didn’t want to lose him. And then, well, he left anyway... And Zoe’s heart melts just a little bit. ZOE I recently had my heart broken too. It’s hard to believe there are good guys out there after that. But you know what? Sometimes they turn up where you least expect them. (scribbling her number) You need a doctor. Apparently, I have terrible bedside manner, but if you want, you can give me a call. Any time. I’m here for you, okay? And, as Mabel nods, thankful, Zoe exits the Piggly Wiggly -- EXT. THE PIGGLY WIGGLY - CONTINUOUS As Zoe steps onto the sidewalk -- a car SCREECHES to a halt next to her. An apoplectic Lemon gets out. LEMON How dare you show your face in this town after what you did? Do you realize my engagement party is tomorrow?! And what am I supposed to do? The photographs! The whole thing will be ruined! ZOE Seriously, Lemon, what are you blabbering about? 34

LEMON Thanks to you my fiance was in a car accident!! Zoe looks at her, no, it can’t be. Then, hopeful-- ZOE You’re engaged to Old Man Jackson? LEMON Gross! I’m engaged to George Tucker. CLOSE ON: Zoe’s shocked face. ZOE'S VOICE Once again, I’d been disgraced as a doctor… once again, the guy I... liked was with someone else. EXT. BLUEBELL ROAD - NIGHT Walking back home, she sees a CAR, WAVES to get a ride, but as it approaches she realizes it's WADE AND HIS TWO GIRLFRIENDS, he winks at her and she waves away. ZOE'S VOICE Things were just as bad in Bluebell as they were in New York. Luckily, they couldn't get worse. INT. CARRIAGE HOUSE - LATER Zoe enters her carriage house to find... CANDACE What the hell are you thinking? Off Zoe, they just did...


ACT FOUR INT. RAMMER JAMMER - LATE MORNING Candace and Zoe are mid-conversation at the Rammer Jammer. ZOE ...And then I saw one of Harley’s postcards. And it felt like a sign. So I came to BlueBell. CANDACE No offense, honey, your speech was great, but really why would this Harley try so hard to get you down here? ZOE I’m not sure. It’s possible he was nutballs. That’s what everyone else seems to think. Anyway, when I got here, I found out he died. So, I guess I’ll never know. Candace blanches, clearly rattled. ZOE (CONT’D) Mom? You alright? You look pale. CANDACE Of course I’m not okay. I won’t be until you’re out of this place. The town smells like fishsticks drenched in Tween perfume. I don’t care what the chief said, nothing is worth you spending a year here.. (then, trump card) And your father agrees. ZOE Wait, what? You talked to Dad? CANDACE He called as soon as he heard that message you left last night. How do you think I found you? ZOE (hurt) He called you instead of me? CANDACE You know him, he can’t deal with complications. But, honey... 36

Candace hands her A FIRST CLASS PLANE TICKET. CANDACE (CONT’D) Sarah Jessica and Matthew are loaning you their Paris pied a’ terre for a year! You’ll go, you’ll meet someone rich, French and... ooh la la. (then, sweetly) In a year or so, if you still want to do something in medicine, we’ll buy a table at the Sloan Kettering gala. JUST THEN, THREE OF THE BLUE BELLES, dressed up for Lemon and George’s engagement soiree enter LOUDLY-- BLUE BELLE #1 Y’all, Lemon wants us at the party early to work the door... (spying Zoe) Look, it’s Dr. NewYorkian. As they notice her notice them, they smile fakely and wave. BLUE BELLE #3 I love your haircut, it’s so brave. You see so few non-lesbians with it. They cross off, giggling. Zoe confesses to her mother. ZOE So, you know how after I didn’t get the fellowship I thought things couldn’t get worse? Wrong. I’m the joke of this town, I’ve lost my ability to make witty retorts, and that belle’s right about my hair! The humidity makes me look like 1999 Melissa Etheridge. CANDACE Hence, Paris. You can regroup among Dior and Degas. I’ll have Odile Gilbert to give you a blowout. ZOE (convincing herself) Maybe you’re right... Candace gives Zoe an uncharacteristic hug... CANDACE I knew you’d come to your senses. We can leave immediately. 37

ZOE Just need to take care of a couple of things first. Give me a few hours. Candace is conflicted, clearly wants her out of here right away, but she’ll take what she can get. CANDACE I’ll go give Rihanna some face time, she’s in Mobile. Why don’t we meet there at 5? I have Sir Elton’s jet. Zoe nods. Candace smiles, happy. CLOSE ON Zoe’s hand tentatively knocking on-- INT. GEORGE TUCKER’S OFFICE - DAY -- George’s door. He’s still pretty banged up. As he lets her in, the conversation is stilted, though Zoe’s hurt, she tries to be upbeat, professional and cool. ZOE Thanks for seeing me on a Saturday. I know you’re... busy, but this is time sensitive. Um, I’m moving to Paris. This afternoon. GEORGE TUCKER Paris? Wow. That’s one way of handling things... ZOE Can you please just give me whatever papers I need to sign over my half of the practice to Brick? GEORGE TUCKER Of course. So... I heard about your run in with Lemon last night. I’m sorry. I should’ve told you... ZOE (a tad overly casual) What? That you’re engaged? Between the alligator and getting hit by a car, you had a lot going on last night. Besides, you don’t owe me any explanations. GEORGE TUCKER Still. I feel like... And for reasons he can’t really understand, George opens up. 38

GEORGE TUCKER (CONT’D) You should’ve known Lemon when we were younger. She was amazing. Funny, irreverent... Everyone wanted her light to shine on them, I was so honored when she chose me. (then, with a sigh) But after law school, I needed... change. I decided to go to New York. George walks over to the window, looks out on the water. GEORGE I loved it in the city. The excitement, the electricity. I nearly stayed. But a few months ago, I woke up dreaming of the sunset, the sand beneath my feet, and I realized - BlueBell, Lemon are... who I am. I can’t be my best self without them... Zoe just wants out of this room as quickly as possible. ZOE Wow, you’re a lucky guy. (then, a light dig) A girl you feel the same way about as a town. Anyway, the papers? Formal, George opens a file cabinet and produces a file. He points to a dotted line. Zoe SIGNS. GEORGE TUCKER I cant file til Monday. But I’ll let Brick know. Zoe nods, terse, and heads out the door. EXT. MRS. HATTENBARGER’S APARTMENT - AFTERNOON Mrs. H opens her door (which is just upstairs from the Doctor’s Office) to find Candace, holding a cobbler. MRS. HATTENBARGER Can I help you? CANDACE I’m Candace Hart, Zoe’s mother. I bought you a cobbler. Figured it was the Southern thing to do. Can I come in for a moment? Mrs. H is confused, but obliges. 39

INT. CARRIAGE HOUSE - DAY Zoe is packing up the carriage house when Rose barges in. ROSE Traitor! Hope you know you’re condemning me to a life playing with weird glass animals. ZOE I’m sorry, Rose, I was about to come say goodbye-- ROSE Without you, I’ll be the sole outsider. You realize you and I are like the only people in town not invited to Lemon and George’s engagement party!? ZOE Why on earth would you want to go to that? You’re fourteen, you should be renting Twilight and cyber-bullying or something. ROSE It’s the event of the year! Lemon’s sister Magnolia invited nearly everyone in our class. Except me. And I know it’s just cause she’s after Frederick. (dreamy-eyed) Frederick Dean. He’s amazing. He likes comic books and history podcasts. And he and Magnolia have nothing in common, except she’ll let him get to third base. ZOE Ooof, that’s rough. And I’d love to help you take those mean girls down. But I’m sorry, Rose. I can’t stay here. I’m moving to Paris- ROSE Paris? Shut up! You are so lucky. ZOE (knows Rose’ll like this) Actually, I’ll be staying at Sarah Jessica’s place. And now, Rose changes her tune. Flops on the bed. 40

ROSE No!!! If I forgive you for abandoning me will you send me a Twitpic of SJP's loft? Please! Zoe laughs as her PHONE RINGS. We INTERCUT with: INT. BREELAND ESTATE - KITCHEN - INTERCUT MABEL, in a catering outfit in the very busy kitchen of the Breeland estate, where the engagement party’s underway. She speaks in HUSHED TONES... BIG MABEL Dr. Hart? It’s Mabel, I don’t feel.. well. But I'm working at the Breelands, and my mama’s here, I can’t leave. Can you come? Please? Zoe looks at her watch, oy, as Rose opens her closet and tries on some of her clothes. ZOE Look, Mabel, I have to meet my mother in Mobile in an hour. If you’re at the Breelands, talk to -- BIG MABEL Brick the dick? No way! He’s more judgemental than my mother. (then, pleading) You said you’d be my doctor if I needed you. Didn't you sign an oath or something? Zoe SIGHS, what choice does she have? ZOE Crap. I’ll be there as soon as I can. She hangs up her phone and looks at Rose, who’s wearing one of her cocktail dresses. ZOE (CONT’D) Good, you’re dressed. We have a party to crash. And we, HARD CUT to: EXT. BREELAND ESTATE - AFTERNOON The Blue Belles at the door, won’t let Rose and Zoe in. 41

ZOE But I’m a doctor. This is a medical emergency! BLUE BELLE #1 Silly, this is Brick Breeland’s house. He’s the Doctor. ZOE ROSE What is wrong with you You don’t understand the people? situation -- BLUE BELLE #2 Rose Hattenbarger, we know the situation. You’re fixin’ to steal Magnolia’s date. You two are not getting in this door. Zoe and Rose slump, defeated, when a voice -- MALE VOICE (O.S.) Actually, they’re here with me. Zoe and Rose turn to find Lavon Hayes, their savior. LAVON HAYES Lavon Hayes. Mayor. Think that entitles me to a plus two. Off the stunned Blue Belles, who reluctantly open the door. EXT. BREELAND ESTATE - HUGE BACKYARD - MOMENTS LATER If Tennessee Williams were alive in 2010, he’d write about this. A huge fancy daytime engagement party. Mint juleps, croquet, outfits in differing pastels. ANGLE the BACK DOOR as Zoe and Rose enter the party with Lavon. Everyone STARES and WHISPERS - the mayor has just entered with Public Enemies numbers 1 and 2. But Rose is used to it- ROSE Gonna look around for Frederick and try not to get pelted with anything. She goes off to find him, while Zoe kisses Lavon’s cheek. ZOE You’re the best, I’ll go find Mabel... 42

LAVON (looks around, loaded) No need to thank me. I abhor discrimination. Besides, this party could use some shaking up. Lavon Hayes needs a cocktail. As Lavon heads toward the bar, stopping to shake hands with various constituents, Zoe looks for Mabel... ANGLE ON Colleen, Mabel’s mother, who’s also working the event, obliviously serving hors d’oeuvres. UNDER A MAGNOLIA TREE decorated in colorful lanterns, Lemon and George talk privately. GEORGE I’m sorry about the photographs. I know how hard you planned today. LEMON Sweetheart, I don’t care about the pictures... That much. (then, with a laugh) I don’t know what’s become of me. All the stress from the wedding has turned me into a Bama beeotch. But... I love you. Nearly losing you last night reminded me just how much. So, I’m gonna try real hard to be the same old Lemon you fell in love with. And if George is having second thoughts, he doesn’t show them here as Lemon KISSES him, LONG AND HARD. Zoe, searching for Mabel, NEARLY CRASHES INTO THEM. GEORGE TUCKER LEMON Zoe? I thought-- What are you doing here?! ZOE (cold) Oh, I came with the mayor. LEMON (weirdly upset) What do you mean? Lavon? George, so uncomfortable, tries to be friendly. GEORGE TUCKER Well, welcome. Bar’s by the pool. Zoe nods with strained politeness and walks away. 43

LEMON Thought you said she was leaving town. GEORGE TUCKER I thought she was... ANGLE ON Zoe, as she spots Mabel, sitting on a chair in a private area looking pale. Zoe pushes her way towards her. EXT. BREELAND ESTATE - BAR AREA - SAME Rose has a soda, and nearly bumps into Frederick who stands with big-busted Magnolia Breeland. Teen angst city. ROSE Oh. Hey, Frederick. FREDERICK Oh, hi Rose! What’re you doing here? MAGNOLIA Yes, what ARE you doing here? I sent the invitations myself. ROSE Nothing. Just came with the mayor. Lavon Hayes. No big thing. FREDERICK He’s pretty cool, isn’t he. Rose stares at him, tongue-tied, awkward. ROSE Yup... so Frederick, what’d you think of that final Scott Pilgrim book? FREDERICK I don’t know. I was pretty bummed. Kinda thought it’d set up a sequel. ROSE Yeah, me too! MAGNOLIA Who’s Scott Pilgrim? As Rose and Frederick GIGGLE, off Magnolia Breeland, totally frozen out of the conversation. 44

INT. MRS. HATTENBARGER’S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS A modest, lived-in apartment cluttered with mementos. Mrs. H and Candace sip tea uncomfortably. Mrs. H slices the last of the cobbler. CANDACE No more for me or I’ll need an extra plane seat for my thighs! (Mrs. H doesn’t laugh) ... But I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done for my daughter. MRS. HATTENBARGER Wasn’t me. Was Harley. CANDACE Yes. Harley. Tell me about him. What’s your take on the whole ‘leave my practice to a girl I only met once thing.’ Don’t you find it... odd? MRS. HATTENBARGER (inscrutable) Harley did what Harley wanted. I gave up trying to figure that man out a long time ago. CANDACE It’s just surprising that he didn’t leave it to a child, a relative. MRS. HATTENBARGER (a beat, pointed) Harley never married. CANDACE Never? MRS. HATTENBARGER (pointed) Guess he never met anyone worthy. A long strange moment between them, Candace rises- CANDACE Of course. So, I guess we’ll chalk up the gesture to my daughter’s astounding gift at first impressions? So sorry to pull her away from your little town. But... Ta ta. And as Candace leaves this mysterious conversation... 45

INT. BREELAND ESTATE - KITCHEN - AFTERNOON Zoe has found Mabel, who’s now sweating, in terrible pain. BIG MABEL Thank you so much for coming. I’m having these bad pains. Oh my God, there’s another one... They’re getting worse. Mabel GROANS... Zoe seems confused. This can’t be happening. ZOE Mabel, exactly how long has it been since you had your period? MABEL Not sure. Awhile... And suddenly SPLATT... Mabel’s water breaks. ZOE Your water just broke. You’re not just pregnant. You’re in labor. We need to get you to the hospital. And as Mabel doubles over in pain, Zoe realizes-- ZOE (CONT’D) Another contraction? Oh my God. We’re not gonna make it to the hospital. You’re having this baby NOW! And OFF Zoe, realizing she’s about to deliver a baby.


ACT FIVE EXT. BREELAND ESTATE - MOMENTS LATER As the party continues, Dash DeWitt runs out of the house, hysterical. DASH Brick! Someone get Brick! That Yankee doc’s about to deliver a baby in his trophy room!! On Lemon Breeland, utterly horrified. She turns to one of her Blue Belles. LEMON Can she find more ways to ruin my party? (covering, to guests) But the soiree must go on! More champagne! INT. BREELAND ESTATE - BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Zoe has moved Mabel to a huge guest room covered floor to ceiling in taxidermic animals... She examines her under a sheet as Brick Breeland rushes in... BRICK What’s going on here? ZOE Brick, thank God. She’s ten cms, ready to push... We have to deliver this baby! BRICK You mean I have to deliver this baby. Go get some towels. And have Emmeline bring my medical kit. As Zoe gets up, Brick heads toward Mabel-- BIG MABEL Oh no! Don’t come near me! Dr. Hart is my doctor. Brick stops, confused as Zoe shrugs, the tables turned. ZOE You can tell Mrs. H my medical kit’s in the carriage house. (off Brick’s ire) (MORE) 47

ZOE (CONT'D) Oh, and nice room. Are those elk horns Jonathan Adler? As Brick leaves, Zoe kneels down in front of Mabel. ZOE (CONT’D) Alright, Mabel, are you ready? I’m gonna need you to start pushing... And as Mabel nods, and grunts-- INT. BREELAND ESTATE - SAME Lemon finds Lavon regaling some GUESTS with a story. LEMON Mr. and Mrs. Grayson, how lovely of you to come. May I just grab the mayor a moment? Obliged. Lemon hooks her arm around Lavon’s and they step away. As Lemon SMILES around at her guests, she casually asks- LEMON (CONT’D) So, Mr. Mayor? Is it true? Are you here on a date with that... Dr Hart? Lavon stops, hurt, annoyed-- LAVON HAYES How is that any of your business? As I recall this is your engagement party, is it not? Suddenly, Lemon seems vulnerable for the first time. She busies herself at the buffet, so no one can see her face, or the serious nature of this conversation. LEMON Lavon, come on... you know how difficult this is. LAVON HAYES Difficult never stopped me. Lavon walks away. And off Lemon Breeland’s face, hurt and confused, we realize that these two used to be in love. INT. BREELAND ESTATE - BEDROOM - LATER Mrs. H has arrived, and dabs Mabel with a damp towel. On the couch, Brick reads a magazine, annoyed. As Zoe prepares to deliver a baby... 48

ZOE I don’t see anything yet, but you’re doing great. Another contraction. Let’s push again. Count of three. 1, 2, 3-- Mabel PUSHES WITH ALL HER MIGHT, but Zoe notices -- ZOE (CONT’D) Wait, stop! (tries to keep calm) Dr. Breeland. I see... feet. And Brick leaps into action. BRICK Breach? At this stage? My God. Can you turn it...? ZOE I don’t know. Mabel, I need you to stop pushing, take a breathe as-- . As Mrs. H puts her hands on Mabel’s shoulders to steady her, Zoe’s hands disappear underneath the sheet. They wait, until... Mabel SCREAMS. In pain. Zoe turns to Brick, ashen. ZOE (CONT’D) The head’s stuck in the pelvis. BRICK (also ashen) Ambulance is on the way, they’ll have to do a c-section in Mobile. ZOE Isn’t that 20 miles? BRICK Yes. Zoe and Brick exchange a look, Mabel and the baby aren’t going to make it. And Zoe makes a decision. ZOE Mabel, it’s going to be okay. Mrs. H, hand me my scalpel... BRICK What are you doing? ZOE An emergency symphysiotomy. 49

BRICK What?! I can’t let you slice open her pelvis. It’s too dangerous. ZOE What choice do we have? (sotto, to Brick) ) This fetus comes out now or we lose both of them. Brick is reeling as Zoe turns back to Mabel. ZOE (CONT’D) Mabel, this is going to hurt like hell. But it’ll be quick. If you stay still. (to Mrs. H and Brick) You two need to hold her steady until the whole thing’s over, no matter what else happens or we’ll rupture the Sacroiliac joint. Then, I’m going to have to close her up as soon as possible, so Brick, the baby’s all you. Are you with me? Brick, snaps back. Sweating, but all business. BRICK I am. As Mrs. H and Brick hold Mabel’s legs down, as Zoe begins to bravely cut - Mrs. H and Brick are sweaty, nervous messes, looking at each other, holding Mabel’s legs down. But Zoe is all steely focus. Mabel cries, in unbearable pain, but fighting to stay still... MABEL I can’t. Please. It hurts. It hurts too much... ZOE I know. Hang on. Please. I need you to be still for one more second... ANGLE ON Mrs. H and Brick exchanging a worried look.... as Zoe finishes the cut and we see BLOOD HITTING THE FLOOR. And now Mabel’s too weak to scream. BRICK (sotto, Zoe) There’s too much blood! 50

ZOE Mrs. H, clamp. Brick, I can do the fastest whipstitch in the tri-state area. Calm down. The incision’s done. Now we just need to deliver... MRS. HATTENBARGER Look at her, she can’t. Zoe looks down at Mabel. She’s pale, done fighting. Too much pain and blood loss. MABEL Just... save my baby. Okay? ZOE Mabel, no! Don’t you pass out on me! Do you hear me? I need you to push. I know you’re tired, I know you’re in pain. But I need you to be strong. Stronger than you’ve ever been in your life. For me, for your baby, for yourself, okay? You can do this. And, as Mabel weakly nods. ZOE (CONT’D) Okay, push.... (Mabel can’t) Did you hear me? You CAN DO THIS! Push, Mabel. Push. PUSH... Mabel does... She’s weak... but suddenly Zoe pulls the baby all the way out and up and we hear the sound of an INFANT CRYING. Zoe’s stunned and, just as quickly, CRYING herself... ZOE (CONT’D) Oh my God. She’s... here. You did it! Oh my God... She hands the baby to Brick, who’s all sweat and emotion. Mrs. H openly bawls. Zoe, wiping away a tear, clamps the umbilical cord and starts to sew Mabel up. EXT. BREELAND ESTATE - BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Colleen serves some cranky guests hors d’oeuvres. COLLEEN Mabel should be right up with your drinks. Lord knows where she ran off- Just then Dash comes over, he pulls her aside, whispers in her ear... as we see Colleen turns ashen, worried. 51

COLLEEN (CONT’D) My God. Where is she? And as Colleen takes off for the house, dropping her hors d’oeuvres tray. INT. BREELAND ESTATE - TROPHY ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Dr. Breeland checks over the baby... MABEL Is she... okay? BRICK Ten fingers, ten toes, lungs to make Carrie Underwood jealous. You’ve got yourself a healthy baby girl. He hands the baby over to her weak but beaming mother. As Zoe smiles, happy. Brick approaches her. BRICK (CONT’D) Nice job. Maybe Harley wasn’t as daft as I thought. Too bad you won’t be staying. George told me you signed the papers... (with a hint of triumph) I’ll go tell the paramedics where to find us. Brick exits. Zoe moves over to Mabel, looks at the baby... ZOE She’s beautiful. What you did for your daughter... You were amazing... Don’t ever forget how much strength you have. Just then, Colleen rushes into the bedroom. COLLEEN Mabel! Where’s my daughter...? ZOE (blocking her) I’ve got a patient recovering here. MABEL Dr. Hart, it’s okay. Zoe lets Colleen through, Mabel speaks, strong. 52

MABEL (CONT’D) Mama. Look. I’ve created a beautiful, perfect person. How she grows up, how she looks at herself... that’s on me now. I’ve tried so hard to please you. But it was never enough. And I’m not gonna expose my baby to that. So, please, get out. Colleen staggers back, just as PARAMEDICS rush in to Mabel’s side. Zoe watches, HEARS HER WORDS... EXT. BREELAND ESTATE - LATER As the paramedics and Zoe load Mabel and the baby into an ambulance. ANGLE On Rose and Frederick, hitting it off-- ROSE Oh, yeah, Dr. Hart? She’s like my best friend. ANGLE On Magnolia scowling at them in the distance, surrounded by 14 YEAR-OLD MINI BLUE BELLES, determined to take her down.. EXT. BREELAND ESTATE/INT. AMBULANCE - LATER Mabel and baby are all strapped in as-- ZOE You call me anytime, okay? I’ve got an international plan. Mabel waves goodbye, and the AMBULANCE DOOR CLOSES. As it drives away, Mrs. H comes up behind Zoe.. MRS. HATTENBARGER I’ve been around doctors thirty years, don’t know if I’ve ever seen any of them do that... You can’t leave now. ZOE That’s surgery. Adrenaline, skill, power, it's what I excel at. And I came here because I'd do anything to not have to stop being one. The question is why. (finally vulnerable) I called my dad last night, opened my heart to him... he didn't even respond. I've spent my life trying to impress a man who could care less about me. (MORE) 53

ZOE (CONT'D) But maybe I can learn something from Mabel, maybe... the cycle can end. It’s time to admit, I’ve wanted this for the wrong reasons... I don’t belong here. As Zoe walks away, Off Mrs. H, struggling with something. ANGLE ON GEORGE, standing with Lemon, as he spies Zoe leaving, clearly conflicted, wondering... EXT. LAVON’S PLANTATION/GATEHOUSE - NIGHT A worn down cab has arrived... As the driver helps load Zoe’s stuff, Zoe looks at the gatehouse, makes a decision. She walks over, KNOCKS on the door. Wade opens it, surprised. ZOE So, I’m leaving. So, feel free to use every outlet in the place. Wade smiles a rueful, sexy smile. WADE Shame. Heard what you just did for Big Mabel. She’s my second cousin once removed. ZOE You’re lucky. She’s... incredible. (then) Look, I’m sorry if I was rude earlier. I’m sure you don’t work in a rodeo. And, well, your rendition of Love Me Two Times was actually kinda good. WADE Thanks. Good luck, Doc. (with a sexy smile) Gotta admit I was looking forward to sharing electricity with you. Zoe blushes and smiles, and gets in her cab. INT. CAB/EXT. BLUEBELL MAIN STREET - MOMENTS LATER Zoe rides through town, looking out the window, clearly torn about leaving. Suddenly, the driver SLAMS on the brakes. And we see Mrs. H standing on the road, blocking it. Zoe rolls down her window. ZOE Mrs. H? What are you doing? 54

MRS. H There's something you need to see. INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE - MINUTES LATER Zoe sits as Mrs. Hattenbarger gathers herself for a difficult speech. MRS. HATTENBARGER What you did with Mabel, that was more than surgery. That was being a doc. You asked me before why Harley left you this practice, well I didn’t tell you the whole truth. Mrs. H opens her desk and hands Zoe a LARGE FILE. MRS. HATTENBARGER (CONT’D) I found this in Harley’s stuff. Zoe flips through the file. It’s filled with her REPORT CARDS, RECITAL PROGRAMS, and PICTURES. ZOE (confused and freaked) I don’t get it. Harley was stalking me? And then, she flips to a PICTURE at the back of the pile. Standing on the deck of a CRUISE SHIP is a YOUNG HARLEY with his arm around a woman who appears to be ZOE’S MOTHER, CANDACE. There’s a scribbled date, April, 1982. ZOE (CONT’D) That’s my... mother. (as it dawns on her) Are you saying... that the reason Harley sent me all those postcards, came to my graduation...? MRS. H Yes, Zoe. I believe Harley Wilkes was your father. Off Zoe, stunned.


ACT SIX INT. MOBILE PRIVATE AIRPORT - TARMAC - GOLDEN HOUR Candace looks at her watch, annoyed. She spots Zoe walking toward her. Candace is overly relieved. CANDACE You’re here! Ready? There’s a great Sancerre chilling on board. But instead of walking to the plane, Zoe whips out the picture of Candace and Harley. ZOE We need to talk. CANDACE Oh. Oh my God. Zoe, I can explain. ZOE What’s there to explain? That my entire life is a lie?! (Candace is silent) This is the answer to everything, isn’t it?! Why Harley left me the practice, why dad... stopped loving me... (as it dawns on her) Because I wasn’t his to love, and he knew, didn’t he? Candace looks away, can’t bear to have this talk. ZOE (CONT’D) When?! When did he find out? TALK DAMMIT! CANDACE You were ten. You fell off the swings, they thought you might need a transfusion. But.. When he donated blood... He tried to stay in your life. But I guess, it hurt too much. ZOE That’s why he left? Candace nods once. Zoe takes a moment to try and untangle everything going through her mind. ZOE (CONT’D) And why not tell me about Harley? Was he a psycho? A pedophile? 56

CANDACE He was a... mistake. We met on a cruise. (as she remembers) It was Greece, he was gorgeous, smart, a gentleman. A fantasy. But I was engaged. To someone real. ZOE Did you... love him? CANDACE (yes, but) That doesn’t matter. Because I didn’t belong with him anymore than my child belongs in a place like this. I gave you a father from our world. I was protecting you. ZOE That should’ve been my choice. My real father is dead - I'll never know him now. I'll never know what it would've been like to hold him, or have him read me a bedtime story. I'll never know what it would've been like to have a father who... loved me no matter what. CANDACE Zoe, I’m sorry. Okay? I am deeply, truly sorry. But, please, let’s get on the plane. We can go home, or go to Paris, and discuss this in therapy like normal people. But Zoe walks away. ZOE (PRELAP) So, I decided to stay in BlueBell. INT. LAVON’S FERRARI - NIGHT Lavon gives Zoe a ride to town. ZOE Not because I’m having a nervous breakdown. But because I’ve gotten off track. And maybe following in the footsteps of my real father for a while will help me find my way. 57

LAVON HAYES Well I’m glad to hear it. As a matter of fact, Don Johnson has something going on with his tail that I’m hoping you could take a look at. ZOE (laughs) Are you TRYING to get me to change my mind. LAVON HAYES Well, if you’re staying, you should probably get a car. And a license. And maybe learn to appreciate some of BlueBell’s customs. It just so happens it's a full moon, which means a moon jam at the Rammer Jammer. You up for it? ZOE (a beat, then) Sure. But can you drop me somewhere first? LAVON HAYES Long as we don’t miss the crab shelling contest. ZOE (PRELAP) And that’s how I ended up in Bluebell. EXT. CEMETERY - NIGHT There are generations of Breelands and Wilkes all around, as Zoe sits at Harley's grave. We realize the voice over we've been hearing the whole time is her, sitting here, talking to her dead father. ZOE Where all the food is fried, the whole town smells like mold, and clearly the sex education system is lacking. They could use a good doctor around here. I may not be one yet, but, maybe, even though you're gone, there are still some things you can teach me... (choking up) So, thanks. For the postcards. For... the faith. No one ever believed in me like you did. 58

Startled by FOOTSTEPS, Zoe turns to see Mrs. H, carrying flowers for Harley... She’s quiet, kind as-- MRS. HATTENBARGER Harley was a great man, he would’ve loved to have known you. Zoe turns her head away, embarrassed for Mrs. H to see her cry. MRS. HATTENBARGER (CONT’D) Honey, there’s no shame in tears. Zoe can no longer help herself, she collapses into Mrs. H, crying like she never could with her own mother. INT. RAMMER JAMMER - NIGHT The RJ's in full party mode for the moon jammer celebration. Twinkle lights are on. People dance, drink and play darts. Zoe enters with Mrs. H. As Mrs. H finds some friends, Zoe spots Brick having a drink with George and Lemon. George nearly chokes on his drink when he sees her... LEMON Um...? This departure has lasted longer than our last hurricane. ZOE (with attitude) I’m staying. Turns out, I’m Harley’s daughter. Think that's the reason he left me his half of the practice. Probably, the judge will agree. Good luck contesting his will now. BRICK You already signed the papers! There’s a long silence, as Zoe absorbs that, then.. GEORGE TUCKER Actually, I didn’t notarize them. Must have been all those drugs she had me on. I can’t file. As Zoe gives George a look of confused thanks. Lemon and Brick turn to him, wtf?! INT. RAMMER JAMMER - LATER Zoe sips a mint julep at the bar as Rose comes up to her. 59

ROSE OMGMD. My mom told me you’re staying. This is the greatest news, like ever. I need your advice on a million things. Like Frederick - what does it mean that he said, “See you later?” WWCBD? (off Zoe’s look) What would Carrie Bradshaw do? ZOE Rose, believe me, I’m the last person in this town to give you advice on guys. As a matter of fact, all I know for sure right now is that everything I thought I knew about everything... is probably wrong. She gets up... winks at Rose, points to some boys wrestling in the bushes. ZOE (CONT’D) Besides, should probably get some sleep. The Tark twins are wrestling in some poison oak, tomorrow’s gonna be a long day. JUST THEN, Wade’s band takes the stage. He looks into the audience, sees Zoe, SMILES - surprised. WADE Well, we got a special guest here tonight. A girl, I hope, is staying. (he nods to the band) This one’s for the doc. And as he begins to play the PERFECT, HAPPY, MAGICAL SOUTHERN SONG, (possibly “If Heaven Ain’t A Lot like Dixie...”) Zoe SMILES at him, moved, intrigued. ANGLE on George, who isn't thrilled by this exchange. Lemon comes to his side and pulls him to the dance floor by his good arm. ANGLE on Lavon as he watches them. Mrs. H pulls him to the dance floor. And Rose grabs Zoe. And as our whole little community moves onto the dance floor. Dancing, and singing along. Zoe, at long last, home. We -- FADE OUT.