Leaf-Scratching — a Specialized Behaviour of Danaine Butterflies

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Leaf-Scratching — a Specialized Behaviour of Danaine Butterflies Oecologia (Berlin) (1983) 59 : 414416 Oecologia Springer-Verlag 1983 Leaf-scratching - a specialized behaviour of danaine butterflies (Lepidoptera) for gathering secondary plant substances Michael Bopprb Universit/it Regensburg, Zoologie-SFB 4/B6, D-8400 Regensburg, Federal Republic of Germany Danaine butterflies have long been recognized to be at- and Amauris ochlea (Boisduval) were found on living plants tracted to and "feed" at withered plants of certain genera of Heliotropium pectinatum Vaupel 1 (Boraginaceae) (mainly of the Boraginaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae) (Fig. 1). The butterflies, most if not all of which were males, (for refs. see e.g. Pliske 1975, Boppr6 1978, 1981), which congregated and imbibed sap from damaged parts of fresh are characterized by the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids leaves. This damage varied from a few surface scratches (PAs). The butterflies apply from their proboscides a fluid to whole sections of leaf torn away (Figs. 2-7). It was capable of dissolving PAs and then reimbibe it. The uptake clearly seen (and documented on super-8 movie film) that of PAs does not provide energy - the males require these this damage was caused by the butterflies themselves: from secondary plant substances as precursors for the biosynthe- time to time they made scratching movements with a mid- sis of a pheromone component (for review see Boppr6 leg (the fore-legs of Danainae are reduced as in all Nympha- 1978). In addition, both sexes store them (Edgar et al. 1976, loidea), which injured the leaf surface. Simultaneously, the 1979, Boppr6 unpubl.), apparently for defense (see Roth- butterflies sucked up oozing sap but sometimes they applied schild et al. 1979, Eisner 1980, Conner et al. 1981, Boppr~ and reimbibed droplets with their proboscises - as they in prep.). Thus, the Danainae are typical pharmacophagous do at dry plants. insects (cf. Boppr6 1983). Almost all leaves of the Heliotropium population had Apart from danaines, other Lepidoptera (e.g. many Ith- holes of varying diameter (1-4 mm) made by flea beetles omiinae, Arctiidae, Ctenuchiidae; e.g. Pliske 1975, Boppr6 (Longitarsus gossypii Bryant, Chrysomelidae, Alticinae) 1981) and also Coleoptera (Gabonia (Chrysomelidae); (Figs. 5-7). Close inspection of leaves which were only Boppr6 and Scherer 1981) and Orthoptera (Zonocerus (Pyr- slightly damaged by butterflies revealed that the danaines gomorphidae); Boppr6 etal. 1983) have been found to had scratched radially from these holes, and it appears that gather PAs from dry plants, and some species of each of the edges of the holes release the chemical cues responsible these orders are known to sequester PAs obtained with for attraction of danaines, i.e. PAs or breakdown products their larval food. These independent relationships between of PAs, respectively. However, the butterflies usually did insects and PA-containing plants appear to represent a not scratch and suck individually but rather occurred in model system for comparative studies on co-evolution and groups. Also, they attacked certain plants only. Very likely, adaptation (cf. Boppr6 and Schneider 1982). scratching of a 'pioneer' butterfly at any beetle hole leads For danaines, not only withered plants but also nectar to an increase of PA-release, thus increasing the attractive- and damaged plants are sources of PAs, and they may even ness of that particular leaf. Furthermore, it was apparent imbibe from carcasses of PA-storing insects (Owen 1971, - as at dry plants - that conspecifics are an additional, Bernays et al. 1977, Boppr6 1981 and unpubl.). Danaine visual attractant. In such ways, aggregations build up and butterflies have also been reported scratching and sucking the butterflies eventually scratch irregularly and affect at living plants: Johnston and Johnston (1980 and pers. neighbouring leaves. Such loci were found to be visited for comm.) in Hong Kong observed species of Danaus and several successive days, and within three weeks of observa- Euploea scratching leaves of Crotalaria retusa (Fabaceae) tion, several plants were newly attacked. Numerous twigs and imbibing the sap which oozed out. Similar behaviour with scratched and entirely wilted leaves were seen which has been noted in Australia by Sankowsky (in: Edgar and were not attractive for butterflies; apparently these had pre- Culvenor 1975) at leaves of Parsonsia straminea (Apocyna- viously served as PA-sources. ceae), and on the Loyalty Islands, Edgar (pers. comm.) Rhodogastria moths (Arctiidae) take advantage of dan- saw Danaus affinis scratching a leaf of Tournefortia argentia aine-damaged plants. Nocturnal observations revealed that (Boraginaceae). the moths apparently preferred and assembled at those Field observations from East Africa, reported here, pro- Heliotropium plants which had been recently scratched by vide some details on danaine butterflies' ability to damage danaines (Fig. 3). Rhodogastria were not seen to exhibit fresh plant tissue in order to gain access to and obtain scratching behaviour themselves. PAs. At the end of the rainy season in May 1982, in a valley near the Shimba Hills (Kwale District, Coast Prov- 1 Sincethe taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Heliotropium ince) in Kenya, large assemblages of Tirumala petiverana is in a dubious state, the identification is provisional. Reference (Doubleday), together with several Danaus chrysippus (L.) specimens are deposited at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew 415 Fig. 1. Tirumala petiverana assembling, scratching and sucking at Heliotropium pectinatum Fig. 2. Male T. petiverana ingesting PAs from a scratched leaf of H. pectinatum Fig. 3. Rhodogastria spec. ingesting PAs from a H. pectinatum leaf previously damaged by danaine butterflies Fig. 4. H. pectinatum damaged by danaine butterflies Figs. 5-7. Herborized leaves of H. pectinatum viewed from upper side to show holes made by Longitarsus gossypii and damage caused by scratching of T. petiverana. Scale bars: 1 cm Leaves scratched with fingernails or damaged by squeez- chanical accessibility of PAs, and not a chemical process ing, instantly attracted Danainae and Rhodogastria, respec- in the course of wilting, which makes withered plants attrac- tively, but intact leaves offered simultaneously were always tive as PA-sources for insects with sucking mouthparts, neglected. This demonstrates that Heliotropium leaves must while fresh (intact) plants are not. be either freshly damaged or withered in order to attract In contrast to Danainae gathering PAs from withered Lepidoptera and elicit PA-foraging behaviour. Although plants, when they usually sit in quiescent groups, at the in my field observations the Longitarsus beetles served an scratching sites butterflies whirl around in clouds, buffet important role for the butterflies, any other PA-plant feeder each other, alight and chase others away, giving the impres- which injures the plants will generate potential loci for dan- sion of strong competition for the best position at the plant. aine scratching. Danaines at all PA-sources are readily disturbed, flying up As already mentioned, Danainae are usually seen gath- in response to passing objects - but then return immediate- ering PAs from withered plants, and at the Shimba Hills ly. In none of my very many observations of butterflies observation area not all butterflies scratched fresh leaves gathering PAs in the field or in the greenhouse have I seen - many went for dry plants. Since a variety of factors influ- even an indication of'intoxication', and I must contradict ences the attractive potency of withered plant material (cf. Rothschild and Marsh (1978), who reported "violent sexual Boppr6 1981), there is no way of conducting quantitative arousal" of male Danaus plexippus in a greenhouse while preference tests in order to judge if fresh leaves are better feeding on nectar of Senecio (which contains PAs; Deinzer or worse PA-sources for the butterflies than dry plants. et al. 1977), and suggested that PAs have a direct aphro- However, my observations indicate the existence of a pre- disiacal effect on insects. viously unrecognized motor pattern for scratching plant tis- sue by Danainae, which is yet another adaptation for ob- Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Drs R.K. Brammit and G. taining PAs and which again underlines the importance of Scherer for identification of the reference material of Heliotropium PAs for these insects. Furthermore, the observations pro- and Longitarsus, respectively. My studies are supported by the vide strong circumstancial evidence that it is only the me- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. 416 References Edgar JA, Boppr+ M, Schneider D (1979) Pyrrolizidine alkaloid storage in African and Australian danaid butterflies. Experien- Bernays E, Edgar JA, Rothschild M (1977) Pyrrolizidine alkaloids tia 35 : 1447-1448 sequestered and stored by the aposematic grasshopper, Zono- Edgar JA, Cockrum PA, Frahn JL (1976) Pyrrolizidine alkaloids cerus variegatus. J Zool Lond 182:85-87 in Danaus plexippus L. and Danaus chrysippus L. Experientia Boppr6 M (1978) Chemical communication, plant relationships, 32:1535-1537 and mimicry in the evolution of danaid butterflies. Ent exp Edgar JA, Culvenor CCJ (1975) Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Parson- & appl 24: 264-277 sia species (family Apocynaceae) which attract danaid butter- Boppr~ M (1981) Adult Lepidoptera 'feeding' at withered Helio- flies. Experientia 31 : 393-394 tropium plants (Boraginaceae) in East Africa. Ecol Ent Eisner T (1980) Chemistry, defence, and survival: Case studies 6: 449M52
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    Plant Guide for the stem to harden and the leaves to fill out, while still SUNN HEMP remaining short enough for goats to reach leaves. Crotalaria juncea L. The leaves of C. juncea can be used for cattle forage Plant Symbol = CRJU during late summer and early fall, but the amount of fiber in stems is too high 6 weeks after planting to be used as Contributed by: USDA NRCS Cape May Plant Materials suitable forage (Mansoer et al., 1997). Mannetje (2012) Center, Cape May, NJ found that the leaves and stems must be dried before fed to cattle and sheep. Cover crop/green manure: C. juncea is used as a nitrogen-fixing green manure to improve soil quality, reduce soil erosion, conserve soil moisture, suppress weeds and nematodes, and recycle plant nutrients. It grows quickly and can produce more than 5,000 lb dry matter/acre and 120 lb nitrogen/acre in 9–12 weeks (Clark, 2007). Fertilized and hand-weeded plots have yielded 5.6–6.2 T (short tons) per acre (Duke, 1983). Leaves have a nitrogen concentration between 2–5% and roots and stems have between 0.6–2% (Treadwell and Alligood, 2008). Its fast growth makes it ideally suited for planting in late summer rotations before fall cash crops. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea).(Photo by Chris Miller, USDA-NRCS, Wildlife: Deer will browse plants and turkey and quail Cape May Plant Materials Center) will use C. juncea for shelter and food. Alternate Names Ethnobotany Alternate Common Names: Indian hemp, Madras hemp, C. juncea has been grown as a fiber crop in India since brown hemp 600 BC (Treadwell and Alligood, 2008) and is still used for fiber production in India and Pakistan (Wang and Scientific Alternate Names: McSorley, 2009).
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