Index to Volume Lii
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INDEX TO VOLUME LII [New generic,specific and subspecificnames are printedin heavyface type.] ACANTItISh. hornemanni, 95. a specimenof Tyro (Heliodilus) sou- linaria linaria, 204. magnii, 414. rostrata, 322. Allen, J. A., accountof his collectionof Acanthisitta, 248. birds, 169-175. Accipiter cooperi,202, 244, 428. Allen, Robert P., notes on the Roseate fasciatus,330, 486. Spoonbillon the Gulf Coast, 77; notes francesii, 330. on some bird colonies on the Gulf madagascariensis,330. Coast, 198; Little Black Rail at Cape novaehollandiae, 330. May Point, N.J., 446. velox velox, 244. Amazona sp., 329. Acomus inornatus, 121. Amazona auropalliata, 449. Actiris macularia, 99, 326, 463. autumnalis, 450. Aegialitis septentrionalis,219. levaillantii, 449. Aeronautes melanoleucus,452. ochrocephalaauropalliata, 450. Africa, birds of, 342, 473. o. ochrocephala,450. Agelaiusphoeniceus, 429. o. panamensis, 450. p. arctolegus, 100, 279, 322. o. tresmariae, 450. p. phoeniceus,279. o. xantholaema, 450. Aimophila aestivalis aestivalis, 194. oratrix, 449. bilineata confinis,208. xanthops, 450. quinquestriataseptentrionalis, 208. American Ornithologists' Union, fifty- Aix sponsa,303, 470. second stated meeting of, 53-63; re- Ajaia ajaja, 443. port of the secretaryof, 64-67; report Alabama, birds of, 93, 99, 302, 463. of the committee on biography and Alaska, birds of, 468. bibliography of, 68-69; report of the Alauda, reviewed, 126, 349, 485. committee on bird protection, 70-73; Albatrosses,key to generaof, 124. Toronto meeting of, 134, 356, 495; Albinism, 307. Pocket Check-List, reviewed, 478. Alectoris barbara, 349. Ammodramus savannarum australis, 460 Aleutian Islands, birds of, 113. Ammospiza caudacuta nelsoni, 100 Alle alle, 98, 319, 448. maritima subsp., 463. Allen, Arthur A., reviewof his 'American Amphispiza nevadensisnevadensis, 256. Bird Biographies,'205; notice of Anaberniculagracilenta, 480. his article on Tanagers and Anas diazi, 424. Finches, 339. platyrhynchos, 97. Allen, Francis H., shore-birdshopping p. platyrhynchos, 198, 316. on one leg, 83; the Leaoh'sPetrels of rubripesrubripes, 181. Penikese Island, Mass., 179; the r. tristis, 198. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Ruby- Anderson, R. M., notice of his 'Effect throated Hummingbird as commen- of Introduction of Exotic Animals,' sals, 310; notice of his 'Federation of 119. Bird Clubs in New England,' 119. Andrews, Roy Chapman, notice of his Allen, Glover M., In Memoriam: Charles 'The Gobi Bird Group,' 119. Wendell Townsend, 227. Anhima cornuta, 329. Allen, Glover M. and Greenway, J. C., Anhinga anhinga, 300. 499 500 Index. [Oct.FAuk Ani, groove-billed, 258, 260, 276. Argentina, birds of, 112. Anous stolidus, 309. Arizona, birds of, 104, 117, 443. Anser albifrons albifrons, 200. Arkansas, birds of, 90, 191, 314, 324, Anthoscenusconstantii, 208. 340, 452. Anthoscopusfiavifrons waldroni, 348. Arremonopsstriaticeps, 327. Anthus australis exiguus,208. Asio wilsonianus,97, 467. rubescenspacificus, 343. Astur atricapillus atricapillus, 243, 422, r. alticola, 343. 460. spinoletta rubescens,317, 463. Atlantic Ocean, birds of, 206. spraguei, 457. Audubon, John J., note on his 'Ornith- Antigua, birds of, 120, 213. ological Biography,' 103; ten letters Antrostomus carolinensis,466. of, 154-168; account of, 342; sesqui- Antshrike, Black-crested,327. centennial of birth of, 356. Slaty, 327. 'Auk, The,' changeof format, 134. Apalis fiavida tenerrima, 486. Auk, Great, 220. Aphelocoma caerulescens,36, 198. Razor-billed, 319. californica, 36, 105, 428. Auriparus, 106. sieberi, 106. flavicepsacaciarum, 254. s. wollweberi, 422. f. flaviceps,99. sordida, 106. Australia, birds of, 109, 333, 342. Aphrastura spinicaudabullocki, 213. Automolus pallidigularis pallidigularis, Aptenodytes antarctica, 219. 327. excelsior,219. Automolus,Pale-throated, 327. forsteri, 219, 259. 'Avicultural Magazine,' reviewed, 125, Aquila chrysaetoscanadensis, 245, 251, 220, 348, 485. 463, 464. Avocet, 82, 84, 99, 185. clanga, 351. Avocetta americana, 82. ferox, 215. lydekkeri, 215. BAEOLOPHUS,105. pomarina, 351. atricristatus, 99 Ara sp., 329. inornatus, griseus, 106. Aramus pictus pictus, 212. i. plumbescens,122. scolopaceus,329. Bagg, Aaron C., Snow Geesenear Wash- Arbib, Robert S., Jr., and Loetscher, ington, D.C. Frederick W., Jr., somenotes from the Bagg, A. C. and Eliot, S. A., Jr., ad- Panama Canal Zone, summer, 1934, vance notice of their proposed 'Birds 325. of the Connecticut Valley in Massa- Arceuthornis, 105. chusetts,' 357. Archaeopteryx, 347. Bailey, Alfred M., notice of his 'At Archilochuscolubris, 88, 188, 310. Home with the Birds,' 112; of his 'Archives of Swiss Ornithology,' re- article on 'Nesting Days,' 339; of his viewed, 221, 350, 487. 'Below the Border,' 339; of his 'The Ardea, 223. Haunts of the Wailing Bird,' 212. cocoi, 329. Bailey, Alfred M. and Conover, H. B., herodias adoxa, 76. notes from the state of Durango, h. herodias,76. Mexico, 421. h. treganzai, 251. Bailey, Harold H., notice of his 'A New occidentalis,76, 462. Race of Ringed Turtle Dove in the Arenaria interpres morinella, 84, 200, United States,' 339. 252, 318, 326. Baird, David G., obituary, 492. melanocephala,252. Baker, E. C. Stuart, notice'of his Vol.191•5 LII] J Index. 501 'Nidification of Birds of the Indian Black, R. Delamere, notice of his paper Empire,' 474. on Fothergill's notes on the natural Balanosphyraformicivora aculeata, 422. history of Eastern Canada, 212. f. bairdi, 428. Blackbird, Brewer's, 94, 424. Baldpate, 78, 101, 198, 329, 424. Red-winged, 259, 279, 429. Barbour, Thomas, notice of his 'Cuban Rusty, 463. Red-tailed Hawk,' 479. Yellow-headed,99, 424. Bartramia longicauda, 326, 447, 461. Bluebird, 174. Bathornis celeripes, 215. Chestnut-backed, 422. cursor, 215. Mountain, 456, 467. Bathornithidae, 215. Bobwhite, Eastern, 44, 80, 340, 460, 479. Baumgartner, Frederick M., correction, Bohn, Herman, Philadelphia Vireo on 104. Long Island, N.Y., 458. Baxter, E. V., and Rintoul L. J., notice Bolborhynchusmonachus, 259. of their 'Notes on ScottishBirds,' 340. Bonasa umbellus brunnescens,481. Becard, Rose-throated, 267. Bond, James, the status of the Great Bee-eater, Green, 209. Blue Heron in the West Indies, 76; 'Beitrtige zur Fortpfianzungsbiologie,der Lincoln's Sparrow nesting near VSgel,' reviewed, 127, 222, 350, 487. Bangor, Me., 95; notice of his Bergman,Sten, review of his '•irds of 'The Systematic Position of Kamtschatka and the Kurile Islands,' Lawrencia and Laletes,' 119. 333. Boobies, 424. Berlioz, M. J., noticeof recentpapers of, Booby, Brewster's, 251. 112. Bowen, W. Wedgwood, notice of his Bermuda, bird of, 442. 'Review of the Subspecies of the Berry, John, notice of his 'Buturlin's African Scrub-Robin,' 119. Goosein Scotland,' 119. Bowles, J. K., obituary of, 489. Beveridge, George, 119; notice of his Bradshaw, F., notice of his records of 'IncreasingBirds in North Uist, 119. the GrasshopperSparrow and Lark 'Bird-Banding,' reviewed, 123, 217, 345, Bunting in Saskatchewan,212. 482. Brand, Albert R., a method for the Bird blind, 470. intensive study of bird song, 40-52. 'Bird-Lore,' reviewed, 121,216, 343, 481; Brant, 318. comment on format of, 357. American, 319. 'Bird Notes and News,' reviewed, 125, Branta bernicla hrota, 318, 319. 221, 349, 485. canadensiscanadensis, 123, 198. Bismark Archipelago, birds of, 120. c. hutchinsii, 123. Bittern, Least, 197. c. leucopareia, 123. Black, Charles T. Black, Common Loon Brazil, birds of, 110, 119, 340. in Illinois in July, 74; Mockingbirdin Brimley, H. H., Blue Goose and Glau- Wisconsin, 90; notes from central cous Gull in North Carolina 460; Illinois, 101; notes from northeastern Snowflake in North Carolina, 444. and east central Illinois, 464; Richard- 'British Birds,' reviewed, 125, 220, 348, son's Owl in Wisconsin, 451; correc- 484. tion, 447. British Columbia,birds of, 79, 305, 341. Black, J. D., the Southern Crow in British Ornithologists'Club, 'Bulletin,' Arkansas, 90; the Red Crossbill in reviewed, 124, 219, 348, 484. Kansas: a correction, 193; notice of Brockman, C. Frank, notice of his his 'Birds of the Winslow Arkansas 'Ptarmigan on Mt. Rainier,' 213. Region,' 340. Brodkorb, Pierce, A Sparrow Hawk 502 Z•c•ex. Loo•.[Auk gynandromorph, 183; Bicknell's 194; notes on the winter bird life of Thrush in New Jersey, 191; a new the Delaware coast,317; notice of his bird for Idaho, 312; the correct name 'Two New Birds from the Southern of the Spotted Flycatcher, 457; notice Appalachians,'340. of his 'The Name of the Western Race Burtch, Verdi, obituary of Elon Howard of the Red-headedWoodpecker,' 212; Eaton, 224. of his 'A New Flycatcherfrom Texas,' Busarellus nigricollis, 329. 340; of his 'A New Ovenbird from Bush-Tit, Black-earcd, 259, 265, 272. Paraguay,' 479; of his 'Two New Sub- Coast, 429. species of the Red-shafted Flicker,' Buteo antecursor, 215. 479. borealisborealis, 244, 251,422. Brooks, A. B., Hermit Thrushesnesting b. calurus, 251, 428. in West Virginia, 456. b. harlani, 463. Brooks, Allan, notice of his article on the b. solitudinis, 479. Ducks, Geese and Swans of North brachyurus, 320. America, 113; of his paintings of grangeri, 215. North American Owls, 207; of his lagopussanctijohannis, 170, 245. illustrationsof Tanagersand Finches, lincatus lineatus, 245. 339. Butler, Amos W., Black Vultures in Brooks, Maurice, Red-legged Black Indiana, 303. Duck in West Virginia, 181; doesthe Byrd, E. E., see Denton, Fred. femaleWoodcock ever sky-dance?,307. Broun, Maurice, the Hawk Migration CACICUSmicrorhynchus, 327. during the fall of 1934, along the Cacique,