Part II: Observer Program Descriptions




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NORTH PACIFIC & BERING SEA GROUNDFISH, TRAWL & FIXED Alaska Anchorage (OTC), the fishing industry and five independent observer GEAR FISHERY contractors (who are certified by NMFS). The contractors hired and de- Bill Kmp, Task Leader, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way ployed over 500 observers in 1997. NMFS and OTC train and brief observ- , Seattle, W 98115 ers. NMFS provides other observer support services (debriefmg, observer gear, training documents, enforcement support), maintains field offices in Observer Program Mandate and Authority Kodiak and Dutch Harbor, and is responsible for maintaining information Mission of the program: Collect data on catch and bycatch quantity, composi- systems for scientific and operational data, and administrative support. tion, and biological characteristics, document fishery interactions with Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for funding marine mammals and seabirds, monitor compliance with federal fish- and overall administration of the program including observer training (in eries regulations. partnership with OTC), debriefmg and data management. The fishing in- Fishery management: Federal dustry is responsible for making arrangements with NMFS-certified con- Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and tractors for placement of NMFS-certified observers aboard their vessels or at Management Act (amendments to the Gulf of Alaska Groundfish and their processing facilities for and paying contractors for direct observer Bering Seal Aleutian Islands Groundfish Fishery Management Plans), costs. The observer contractors are responsible for observer recruiting, de- Marine Mammal Protection Act. ployment, logistics , insurance/benefits and delivery of observer data to Volunteer or mandatory: Mandatory. NMFS. Funding sources: Direct observer costs - industry funded; NMFS operational Other participating agencies: North Pacific Observer Training Center of the Univer- costs - govt. funded. sity of Alaska Anchorage (see above). Program duration: 1973 to present. Originally monitored foreign and joint ven- ture fishing, 100% domestic since 1991. Observer Coverage "--i Annual program costs: ($U. ) Costs to industry $8- 10 million; Agency costs $2 Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: 1"1-, million. Fishing day = a day in which fishing gear is retrieved and ground-

fish retained. "--i Processing day = a day in which groundfish is received or proc- Fishery Description (1997) "--i Target species: All major groundfish species harvested in U.S. Federal waters of essed. 1"1-, the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Seal Aleutian Islands. Fraction of fishing activity observed: Other commercially landed species: None. Vessels 125 ft. or longer = 100% coverage of fishing days. tJ;) Bycatch: Bycatch of halibut, salmon, king and Tanner crab, marine mammals Vessels 60 - 124 ft. = 30% coverage of fishing days. rr, (several species), and seabirds (several species) occurs and is desig- Shore plants processing ::::-1 000 t/mo. = 100% coverage of process- nated as prohibited or protected species bycatch. Bycatch of ground- ing days. 1"1-, ::::-500 fish also occurs in the groundfish fisheries. Shore plants processing t/mo. = 30% coverage of processing \:J Fleet size: 350 vessels and 20 shore plants. days. Season of operation: Year-round (closures subject to target and bycatch quota limits). Total annual catch of target species: Total Groundfish = 2 million t (pollock = 2 million t, Pacific cod = 326 000 t, yellowfin sole = 181 000 t) L., c:::: Total number of fishing days per year: Unknown; observer coverage days 000 - 35 000.

Observer Program Management 1"1-, Brief overview of program structure: Program responsibilities are shared among NMFS, the North Pacific Observer Training Center of the University of



OFFSHORE PACIFIC WHITING FISHERY paying contractors for direct observer costs. The observer contractors are re- Bill Karp, Task Leader, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way sponsible for observer recruiting, deployment, logistics, insurance/benefits and delivery of observer data to NMFS. , Seattle, WA 98115 \:J Other participating agencies: None. Observer Program Mandate and Authority "--i Mission of the program: Collect catch and biological data; characterize marine Observer Coverage mammal and salmon bycatch; monitor compliance with federal fisher- Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage:

ies regulations. Fishing day = a day in which Pacific whiting is received or processed. tJ;)

Fishery management: Federal. Fraction of fishing activity observed: 100%. 1"1-, Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act. ALEUTIAN ISLANDS KING CRAB POT FISHERY 1"1-, Voluntary or mandatory: Voluntary. Larry Boyle, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Shellfish Observer Program, PO \:J Funding sources: Direct observer costs - industry funded; NMFS operational Box 920587 Dutch Harbor, AK 99692 costs - government funded. Program duration: 1975 to present. Originally monitored foreign and joint ven- Observer Program Mandate and Authority ture fishing, 100% domestic since 1991. Mission of the program: Collecting essential biological and fishery management data Annual program costs: Costs to industry approx. $100 000. Government costs including quantifying species composition, bycatch, harvest, biological and (see North Pacific Groundfish Program summary). legal crab carapace size distributions, the reproductive status of female crab 1"1-, and monitor regulation compliance. Fishery Description (1997) Fishery management: State. '\J Target species: Pacific whiting. Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Manage- "--i Other commercially landed species: None. ment Act (Fishery Management Plan for Bering Seal Aleutian Islands King Bycatch: Salmon, marine mammals (several species), seabirds (several species). and Tanner Crab); Alaska Statutes - 16.05.05 and 16.05.251; Alaska Board Fleet size: 16 processing vessels. of Fisheries; Alaska Administrative Code - 5 AAC 39. 141 and 5 AAC Season of operation: May - June (closures subject to target quota limits). 39. 645. Total annual catch of target species: 120 000 t. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Total number of fishing days per year: 425. Funding sources: Direct observer costs - industry funded; Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) operational costs from - State general fund. Observer Program Management Program duration: 1988 to present. Brief overview of program structure: Program responsibilities are shared among Annual progr~m costs: Please refer to Bering Sea red and blue king crab program the fishing industry and five independent observer contractors (who are summary for overall crab observer program costs. certified by NMFS). The contractors hire and deploy observers. NMFS trains and briefs observers. NMFS provides other observer support Fishery Description services (debriefing, observer gear, training documents, enforcement Target species: Golden king crab, . (Red king crab fishery has been support) and is responsible for maintaining information systems for closed since 1996). scientific and operational data and administrative support. Other commercially landed species: Lith 0 des couesi Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for Bycatch: Female and sublegal golden king crab, Pacific cod, snails, sculpins and red funding and overall administration of the program (including observer king crab, Steller sea lion, gray whale, Pacific whitesided dolphin, northern training), debriefing and data management. The fishing industry is re- elephant seal, Dall' s porpoise, Harbor seal, California sea lion, northern ful- sponsible for making arrangements with NMFS-certified contractors mar, unidentified dark shearwater, unidentified storm-petrel, unidentified for placement of NMFS-certified observers aboard their vessels and puffin, unidentified seabirds...... ::::

Fleet size: 15 - 24. BERING SEA KOREAN HORSEHAIR CRAB POT FISHERY Season of operation: Golden king crab: September 1 until closed by Emergency Larry Boyle, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Shellfish Observer Program, PO Order when GHL is reached. Box 920587 Dutch Harbor, AK 99692 Avg. annual catch of target species: 7.8 million pounds. Number of fishing days in 1997: 1,446. Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To collect essential biologi~al and fishery management data Observer Program Management including quantifying species composition, bycatch, harvest, biological and Brief overview of program structure: ADF&G, the five certified independent legal crab carapace size distributions, the reproductive status of female crab contractors and the fishing industry share responsibilities for the Shell- and to monitor regulation compliance. fish Observer Program. Fishery management: State. Service delivery type and function of each entity: ADF&G is responsible for Authority to place observers: Alaska Statutes - 16.05. 05 and 16.05.251; Alaska Board establishing observer and contractor qualifications , certification and of Fisheries, Alaska Administrative Code - 5 AAC 39. 141 , 5 AAC 39.210 decertification, conflict of interest standards, and observer sampling and 5 AAC 39.645. procedures. ADF&G is also charged with review of observer training Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. programs, observer testing, briefings, debriefings, analysis of observer Funding sources: Direct observer costs - industry funded; ADF&G operational costs - data and reporting. The contractors hire, train and deploy observers State' general fund. provide all logistic support (food, lodging, transportation and sampling Program duration: 1993 to present. equipment), salary/benefits, and secure contracts directly with the ves- Annual program costs: Please see Bering Sea red and blue king crab fisheries pro- sels. The responsibility of the fishing industry is to procure and pay for gram summary. c:::: observer coverage through a certified contractor, provide the observer "--i food and accommodations while on board, catch information and the Fishery Description 1"1-, opportunity to sample the catch according to department requirements. Target species: Korean horsehair crab.

Other participating agencies: The North Pacific Observer Training Center Other commercially landed species: None. "--i (OTC), University of Alaska -Anchorage has provided observer train- Bycatch: Female, sublegal, and legal but not retained male Korean horsehair crab; "--i certified contractors since 1991 and has trained all f1! ing for the five bairdi C. opilio red and blue king crab, sculpin and snails. shellfish observers since 1994. The Alaska Department of Public Fleet size: 25 (moritorium on new participants). Wildlife Protection Division, investigates observer Safety, Fish & Season of operation: November 1 until closed by Emergency Order when GHL is \:J:) documentation of violations. reached. 1"1-, :::a A vg. annual catch of target species: 1.3 million pounds. Observer Coverage Number of fishing days, 1997: 232. 1"1-, purpose of estimating coverage: All Unit and defmition of fishing effort for \:J catcher/processor and floating processor vessels that process shellfish Observer Program Management at-sea. Since 1995 , observer coverage has also been required on all Brief overview of program structure: ADF&G, the five certified independent con- vessels that catch king crab in the Aleutian Islands registration area. tractors' and the fishing industry share responsibilities for the Shellfish Ob- Observer coverage in 1997 - three catcher/processor and 12 catcher server Program. vessels. Service delivery type and function of each entity: ADF&G is responsible for estab- c::: Fraction of fishing activity observed: 100%. lishing observer and contractor qualifications, certification and decertifica- tion, conflict of interest standards , and observer sampling procedures. ADF&G is also charged with review of observer training programs, observer testing, briefings, debriefings, analysis of observer data and reporting. The f1! contractors hire, train and deploy observers, provide all logistic supp0l1 (food, lodging, transportation, sampling equipment and insurance), sal-



arylbenefits, and secure contracts directly with the vessels. The re- Annual program costs: Industry costs: $1.2 - $1.7 million (U. ) (est.); ADF&G: sponsibility of the fishing industry is to procure and pay for observer $215 000 Observer Program administration; Data entry and analysis - coverage through a certified contractor, provide the observer food and $225 000, Observer training practicum - $30 000. \:J accommodations while on board, catch information and the opportunity

to sample the catch according to department requirements. Fishery Description "--i

Other participating agencies: The North Pacific Observer Training Center Target species: Red and blue king crab and Tanner and Snow crab , C. bairdi and C. (OTC), University of Alaska Anchorage (OTC) has provided observer opilio. training for the five certified contractors since 1991 and has trained all Other commercially landed species: None. shellfish observers since 1994. The Alaska Department of Public Bycatch: Female and sub legal male crab of the target species, non-targeted crab, Pa- 1"1-, Safety, Fish & Wildlife Protection Division, investigates observer cific cod, sculpin and snails. documentation of violations. Fleet size: 280+ 1"1-, Season of operation: September 15 through spring (fisheries are closed by regulatory Observer Coverage date or by Emergency Order (EO) when GHL is reached). \:J Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: All ves- A vg. annual catch of target species: sels over 44 feet that catch Korean horsehair crab in the Bering Sea, as red king crab: Pribilof fishery - 1. 2 million pounds; Bristol Bay fishery - a condition of their fishing permit. In 1997, 18 catcher vessels carried 2 million pounds. observers. blue king crab: Pribilof fishery - 0.6 million pounds; St. Matthew fishery - Fraction of fishing activity observed: 100%. 6 million pounds. 1"1-, C. bairdi - 4.5 million pounds (however, no fishery in 1997). C. opilio - 102 million pounds. BERING SEA KING CRAB AND TANNER CRAB POT FISHERIES '\J Larry Boyle, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Shellfish Observer Pro- Avg. number of fishing days per year: 13 500 est. gram, PO Box 920587 Dutch Harbor, AK 99692 Observer days of coverage, 1997: 1 923.

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Management Mission of the program: Collecting essential biological and fishery management Brief overview of program structure: ADF&G, the five certified independent con- data including quantifying species composition, bycatch, harvests tractors and the fishing industry share responsibilities for the Shellfish Ob- biological and legal crab carapace size distributions, the reproductive server Program. status of female crab, and monitor regulation compliance. Service delivery type and function of each entity: ADF&G is responsible for estab- Fishery management: State. lishing observer and contractor qualifications, certification and decertifica- Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and tion, conflict of interest standards , and observer sampling procedures. Management Act (Fishery Management Plan for Bering Seal Aleutian ADF&G is also charged with review of observer training programs, observer Islands King and Tanner Crab); Alaska Statutes - 16. 05.05 and testing, briefmgs and debriefings, analysis of observer data and reporting. 16.05.251; Alaska Board of Fisheries; Alaska Administrative Code - 5 The contractors hire, train and deploy observers, provide all logistic support AAC 39. 141 and 5 AAC 39. 645. (food, lodging, transportation, sampling equipment and insurance), sal- Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. arylbenefits, and secure contracts directly with the vessels. The responsibil- Funding sources: Direct observer costs - industry funded; ADF&G operational ity of the fishing industry is to procure and pay for observer coverage costs - State general fund, Observer training practicums - test-fish through a certified contractor, provide the observer food and accommoda- authority . tions while on board, catch information and the opportunity to sample the Program duration: 1988 to present. catch according to department requirements. Other participating agencies: The North Pacific Observer Training Center (OTC), University of Alaska Anchorage has provided observer training for the five ::::

certified contractors since 1991 and has trained all shellfish observers Catch of target species, 1997: 766 000 pounds shucked meat since 1994 The Alaska Department of Public Safety, Fish & Wildlife Number of fishing days, 1997: 483. Protection Division, investigates observer s documentation of viola- tions. Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: ADF&G, the five certified independent con- Observer Coverage tractors and the fishing industry share responsibilities for the Shellfish Ob- Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: All server Program. catcher/processor and floating processor vessels that process king Service delivery type and function of each entity: ADF&G is responsible for estab- Tanner crab at-sea. Observed vessels , 1997 - 16 catcher/processor and lishing observer and contractor qualifications, certification and decertifica- 11 floating processor vessels. tion, conflict of interest standards , and observer sampling procedures. Fraction of fishing activity observed: 0- 14%. ADF&G is also charged with review of observer training programs, observer testing, briefings, debriefings, analysis of observer data and reporting. The STATEWIDE SCALLOPS DREDGE FISHERY (EXCEPT COOK IN- contractors hire, train and deploy observers, provide all logistic support LET) (food, lodging, transportation, sampling equipment and insurance), sal- Larry Boyle, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Shellfish Observer Program ary/benefits, and secure contracts directly with the vessels. The responsibil- ity of the fishing industry PO Box 920587 Dutch Harbor, AK 99692 is to procure and pay for observer coverage through a certified contractor, provide the observer food and accommoda- Observer Program Mandate and Authority tions while on board, catch information and the opportunity to sample the Mission of the program: Collecting essential biological and fishery management catch according to department requirements. c::: data including quantifying species composition and distribution, by- Other participating agencies: North Pacific Fishery Management Council and Na- "--i catch, harvest, scallop size distributions, and monitor regulation com- tional Marine Fisheries Service. The North Pacific Observer Training Cen- 1"1-, pliance. ter (OTC), University of Alaska Anchorage (OTC) has provided observer

Fishery management: Joint State and Federal. training for the five certified contractors since 1991 and has trained all shell- "--i fish observers since 1994. The Alaska Department of Public Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Safety, Fish & "--i Management Act (Fishery Management Plan for Scallop Fishery off Wildlife Protection Division, investigates observer s documentation of vio- fit Alaska); Alaska Statutes - 16.05.05 and 16.05.251; Alaska Board of lations. Fisheries; Alaska Administrative Code - 5 AAC 38.076, 5 AAC tJ;) 39. 141 , 5 AAC 39.210 and 5 AAC 39.645. Observer Coverage fit Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory, at the department' s discretion. Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: All scallop Funding source: Direct observer costs - industry funded; ADF&G - state general fishing vessels (except the Cook Inlet registration area). 1"1-, funds; Federal -AkFIN. Fraction of fishing activity observed: 100% (for areas outside Cook Inlet). \:J Program duration: 1993 to present Annual program costs ($U. ) (1997): Industry - $164 000 (est); ADF&G - ATLANTIC SEA SCALLOP DREDGE FISHERY $53 000; Federal- $32 000. Danyl Christensen, Chief, Fisheries Sampling Branch, NOAA/NMFS, NEFSC 166 Water St. , Woods Hole, MA 02543 Fishery Description (1997) L., Target species: Weathervane scallop Observer Program Mandate and Authority c::: Other commercially landed species: None. Mission of the program: The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), NMFS is Bycatch: C. bairdi sole, skates, starfish, plus C. opilio in the Bering Sea. required to collect scientific, management, compliance and economic data Fleet size: 6. about fisheries through observers placed aboard U. S. domestic and foreign 1"1-, Season of operation: January, February, July - December (Closure subject to fishing vessels. These data, which cannot be obtained dockside or while scallop GHL or crab bycatch caps). aboard government research vessels, are necessary for the management of

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fisheries occurring in the U.S. EEZ as well as the management of fish- observer contractor is responsible for observer recruiting, deployment, logis- eries occurring on the high seas outside the EEZ. NMFS also has spe- tics, insurance and delivery of observer data to NMFS. cific responsibilities concerning marine mammals and sea turtles within Other participating agencies: None. state waters. \:J

Fishery management: Federal. Observer Coverage (1996) "--i Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Management and Unit and definition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: A sea day is Conservation Act, Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan. derIDed as a day when the vessel is not at the dock. This includes time spent Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. steaming to, from and between fishing grounds, time doing repairs or wait- Funding source: Government funded. ing for weather at sea, time deploying or retrieving gear or time spent 1"1-, Program duration: The domestic fisheries sampling program began in 1989 with searching for fish. Thirty-eight trips aboard 31 different vessels totaled 485 collection of discard data. Foreign observer coverage was initiated in days of coverage. 1"1-, 1977. Fraction of fishing activity observed: Approximately 1.5%. Annual program costs: $293 000 (U. \:J GIANT ATLANTIC BLUE FIN TUNA PURSE SEINE FISHERY Fishery Description (1996) Danyl Christensen, Chief, Fisheries Sampling Branch, NOAA/NMFS, NEFSC 166 Target species: Atlantic sea scallop. Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543 Other commercially landed species: Monkfish, winter flounder, summer floun- \::J der, yellowtail flounder, lobster, . Observer Program Mandate and Authority 1"1-, Bycatch: Small crabs, spotted hake as well as many flounder species which may Mission of the program: The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), NMFS is be discarded for regulatory reasons. There was no bycatch of marine required to collect scientific, management, compliance and economic data mammals, sea turtles or seabirds in observed hauls. '\J about fisheries through observers placed aboard U. S. domestic and foreign "--i Fleet size: A total of 355 vessels possess permits. Of those, 259 had permits in fishing vessels. These data, which cannot be obtained dockside or while the full time category. aboard government research vessels, are necessary for the management of Season of operation: Year-round. fisheries occurring in the U. S. EEZ as well as the management of fisheries A vg. annual catch of target species: 7900 t scallops occurring on the high seas outside the EEZ. NMFS also has specific respon- A vg. number of fishing days per year: In 1996, vessels in the "full time " cate- sibilities concerning marine mammals and sea turtles within state waters. gory of the Days at Sea (DAS) program had 182 fishing days. Those in Fishery management: Federal. the "part time" category had 82 fishing days. Those in the "occasional" Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Management and Conser- category had 16 fishing days. A total of 33 950 days were fished vation Act, Atlantic Tunas Convention Act. 939 by vessels possessing a full time category permit. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source: Government funded. Observer Program Management Program duration: The domestic fisheries sampling program began in 1989 with col- Brief overview of program structure: Program responsibilities are shared be- lection of discard data. Foreign observer coverage was initiated in 1977. tween NMFS and a contractor. The contractor provides observer can- Annual program costs: $84 000 (U. didates for training and testing by NMFS. An annual schedule for sea day coverage is provided by NMFS to the contractor. The contractor Fishery Description (1996) supervises, briefs, and debriefs the observers. The contractor is respon- Target species: Giant atlantic bluefin tuna. sible for editing, entering and auditing data, using NMFS provided Other commercially landed species: None. software. Bycatch: Six pilot whales, 1 minke whale and 1 humpback whale were encircled and Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for released alive in 1996. There was no other bycatch. complete funding of the program. V ia direct contract with NMFS, the Fleet size: 5. \:)::::

Season of operation: August 15 approximately through October (the season ends the EEZ. NMFS also has specific responsibilities concerning marine mam- when each vessels has caught its individual quota. mals and sea turtles within state waters. A vg. annual catch of target species: 225 t allocated as 75 t to each of the 5 per- Fishery management: Federal. mitted vessels. Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Management and Conser- Avg. number of fishing days per year: The vessels fished 138 days in 1996. vation Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, At- lantic Tunas Convention Act. Observer Program Management Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Brief overview of program structure: Program responsibilities are shared be- Funding source: Government funded. tween NMFS and a contractor. The contractor provides observer can- Program duration: The domestic fisheries sampling program began in 1989 with col- didates for training and testing by NMFS. An annual schedule for sea lection of discard data. Foreign observer coverage was initiated in 1977. day coverage is provided by NMFS to the contractor. The contractor Annual program costs: $285 000 (U. supervises, briefs, and debriefs the observers. The contractor is respon- sible for editing, entering and auditing data, using NMFS provided Fishery Description (1996) software. Target species: Swordfish. Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for com- Other commercially landed species: Bigeye tuna, yellowfm tuna, albacore mako plete funding of the program. Via direct contract with NMFS, the ob- sharks, thresher sharks. server contractor is responsible for observer recruiting, deployment, lo- Bycatch: Bluefin tuna, skipjack tuna, manta rays, ocean sunfish and other sharks. gistics, insurance and delivery of observer data to NMFS. 1996 a total of 100 marine mammals were caught, two of which were re-

Other participating agencies: None. leased alive. Species included (in order of abundance) common dolphins c::: beaked whales (several species), striped dolphins, pilot whales and spotted "--i Observer Coverage (1996) dolphins. 1"1-, Unit and definition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: A sea Fleet size: Approximately 15 are active although there at least twice as many permit- day is defined as a day when the vessel is not at the dock. This in- ted vessels that have participated and may still retain permits. "--i cludes time spent steaming to, from and between fishing grounds, time Season of operation: Semiannual quotas for swordfish allow two seasonal fisheries "--i doing repairs or waiting for weather at sea, time deploying or retrieving starting in June and November with each season potentially lasting about 10 1"1-, v.., gear or time spent searching for fish. - 14 days. The fishery is temporarily closed.

Fraction of fishing activity observed: Forty-three of the 45 trips that were made Avg. annual catch of target species: The swordfish quota for 1996 was 101 000 lbs. CJ:J

were observed for 95.6% coverage. The quota is set annually. fII A vg. number of fishing days per year: The vessels fished 165 days in 1996. LARGE PELAGIC DRIFT GILLNET FISHERY 1"1-, Danyl Christensen, Chief, Fisheries Sampling Branch, NOAA/NMFS, NEFSC Observer Program Management \:J 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543 Brief overview of program structure: Program responsibilities are shared between NMFS and a contractor. The contractor provides observer candidates for Observer Program Mandate and Authority training and testing by NMFS. An annual schedule for sea day coverage is Mission of the program: The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), provided by NMFS to the contractor. The contractor supervises, briefs, and NMFS is required to collect scientific, management, compliance and debriefs the observers. The contractor is responsible for editing, entering economic data about fisheries through observers placed aboard U. and auditing data, using NMFS provided software. c::: domestic and foreign fishing vessels. These data, which cannot be ob- Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for complete tained dockside or while aboard government research vessels, are nec- funding of the program. Via direct contract with NMFS, the observer con-

essary for the management of fisheries occurring in the U.S. EEZ as tractor is responsible for observer recruiting, deployment, logistics , insur- 1"1-, well as the management of fisheries occurring on the high seas outside ance and delivery of observer data to NMFS. v.., Other participating agencies: None.



Observer Coverage (1996) Avg. annual catch of target species: 32500 t lobster. Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: A sea Avg. number of fishing days per year: Not currently available from industry data. day is defined as a day when the vessel is not at the dock. This in- \:J cludes time spent steaming to, from and between fishing grounds, time Observer Program Management

doing repairs or waiting for weather at sea, time deploying or retrieving Brief overview of program structure: Program responsibilities are shared between "--i gear or time spent searching for fish. NMFS and a contractor. The contractor provides observer candidates for Fraction of fishing activity observed: Thirteen of the 16 trips that were made training and testing by NMFS. An annual schedule for sea day coverage is were observed for 81 % coverage. provided by NMFS to the contractor. The contractor supervises, briefs, and tJ;) debriefs the observers. The contractor is responsible for editing, entering 1"1-, LOBSTER POT FISHERY and auditing data, using NMFS provided software. Darryl Christensen, Chief, Fisheries Sampling Branch, NOAA/NMFS, NEFSC Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for complete 1"1-, 166 Water St. , Woods Hole funding of the program. Via direct contract with NMFS, the observer con- , MA 02543 \:J tractor is responsible for observer recruiting, deployment, logistics , insur- Observer Program Mandate and Authority ance and delivery of observer data to NMFS. Mission of the program: The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), Other participating agencies: None. NMFS is required to collect scientific, management, compliance and economic data about fisheries through observers placed aboard U. Observer Coverage (1996) domestic and foreign fishing vessels. These data, which cannot be ob- Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: A sea day is 1"1-, tained dockside or while aboard government research vessels, are nec- defined as a day when the vessel is not at the dock. This includes time spent steaming to, from and between fishing grounds, time doing repairs or wait- essary for the management of fisheries occurring in the U.S. EEZ as '\J well as the management of fisheries occurring on the high seas outside ing for weather at sea, time deploying or retrieving gear or time spent "--i the EEZ. NMFS also has specific responsibilities concerning marine searching for fish. Eight trips aboard 6 different vessels totaled 71 days of mammals and sea turtles within state waters. coverage. Fishery management: Federal. Fraction of fishing activity observed: Unable to calculate from currently available Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Management and data. Seventy-one days of coverage were accomplished which is less than Conservation Act ( Fishery Management Plan), Ma- 1 % of fishing days. rine Mammal Protection Act, Endangered Species Act. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. NEW ENGLAND AND MID-ATLANTIC GILLNET FISHERIES Funding source: Government funded. Darryl Christensen, Chief, Fisheries Sampling Branch, NOAA/NMFS, NEFSC 166 Program duration: The domestic fisheries sampling program began in 1989 with Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543 collection of discard data. Foreign observer coverage was initiated in 1977. Observer Program Mandate and Authority Annual program costs: $43 000 (U. Mission of the program: The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), NMFS is required to collect scientific, management, compliance and economic data Fishery Description (1996) about fisheries through observers placed aboard U. S. domestic and foreign Target species: American lobster. fishing vessels. These data, which cannot be obtained dockside or while Other commercially landed species: Red hake, black seabass. aboard government research vessels, are necessary for the management of Bycatch: There was no bycatch of marine mammals, sea turtles or seabirds in fisheries occurring in the U. S. EEZ as well as the management of fisheries observed hauls. occurring on the high seas outside the EEZ. NMFS also has specific respon- Fleet size: Not currently available from industry data. sibilities concerning marine mammals and sea turtles within state waters. Season of operation: Early spring through mid-December. Fishery management: Federal. ::::

Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Management and sible for editing, entering and auditing data, using NMFS provided software. Conservation Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Endangered Spe- Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for complete cies Act. funding of the program. Via direct contract with NMFS, the observer con- Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. tractor is responsible for observer recruiting, deployment, logistics , insur- Funding source: Government funded. ance and delivery of observer data to NMFS. Program duration: The domestic fisheries sampling program began in 1989 with Other participating agencies: None. collection of discard data. Foreign observer coverage was initiated in 1977. Observer Coverage (1996) Annual program costs: $1 134 000 (U. Unit and definition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: A sea day is defined as a day when the vessel is not at the dock. This includes time spent Fishery Description (1996) steaming to, from and between fishing grounds, time doing repairs or wait- Target species: Atlantic cod, pollock, various flounders, spiny and smooth dog- ing for weather at sea, time deploying or retrieving gear or time spent fish, monkfish, Atlantic croaker, weakfish, bluefish, mackerel, menha- searching for fish. A total of 790 days were covered in the New England den, shad, spot, Spanish mackerel, striped bass. gillnet fishery. Coverage in the Mid-Atlantic fishery was 368 days. Other commercially landed species: Winter skate, clearnose skate, sea robin Fraction of fishing activity observed: Unable to calculate accurately from currently Atlantic herring, little skate. available industry data. A total of 1 158 days of coverage was accom- Bycatch: A total of 134 marine mammals were caught in 1996, including (in plished. This is approximately 5 -7% of days fished. order of occurrence) harbor porpoise, harbor seal, harp seal, gray seal common dolphin, white-sided dolphin and bottlenose dolphin. Eighty- NORTHWEST ATLANTIC TRAWL FISHERIES c::: five of the were sampled for measurements, entire carcass col- Danyl Christensen, Chief, Fisheries Sampling Branch, NOAA/NMFS, NEFSC 166 "--i lection or tissue sampling. A total of 37 seabirds were caught (in order Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543 1"1-, of occurrence) greater shearwater, northern gannet, cormorant, com- \:J , thin-billed murres, great black- mon loon backed gulls and sooty Observer Program Mandate and Authority "--i shearwater. Other bycatch includes loggerhead turtles as well as many Mission of the program: The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), NMFS is "--i species of fish that are discarded primarily for lack of market or by required to collect scientific, management, compliance and economic data 1"1-, regulations such as closed seasons. about fisheries through observers placed aboard U. S. domestic and foreign Fleet size: Unable to determine accurately from current industry data but ap- fishing vessels. These data, which cannot be obtained dockside or while tJ;) proximately 600 which fish state coastal waters or EEZ waters. Ves- aboard government research vessels, are necessary for the management of 1"1-, sels may have multiple permits for different state and federal fisheries fisheries occurring in the U. S. EEZ as well as the management of fisheries many of which are not used. Some states license fishers rather than occurring on the high seas outside the EEZ. NMFS also has specific respon- 1"1-, vessels so counts of vessels operating within state waters do not exist. sibilities concerning marine mammals and sea turtles within state waters. \:J Season of operation: Varying locations, year-round. Fishery management: Federal. A vg. annual catch of target species: 25 300 t monkfish, 18 200 t spiny dogfish. Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Management and Conser- A vg. number of fishing days per year: Unable to calculate from current industry vation Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act. The following Fishery Man- data. agement Plans (FMP) authorize mandatory observer coverage: the Northeast Multispecies FMP, which includes, in addition to routine coverage, a Flexi- Observer Program Management ble Area Action System for emergency observer coverage to investigate dis- c::: Brief overview of program structure: Program responsibilities are shared be- card problems associated with large concentrations of juvenile, sub-legal or tween NMFS and a contractor. The contractor provides observer can- spawning Multispecies; Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish FMP; Summer didates for training and testing by NMFS. An annual schedule for sea Flounder FMP; Scup FMP. 1"1-, day coverage is provided by NMFS to the contractor. The contractor Voluntary or mandatory: Both. supervises, briefs, and debriefs the observers. The contractor is respon- Funding source: Government funded.



Program duration: The domestic fisheries sampling program began in 1989 with tractor is responsible for observer recruiting, deployment, logistics, msur- collection of discard data. Foreign observer coverage was initiated in ance and delivery of observer data to NMFS. 1977. Other participating agencies: None. \:J Annual program costs: $393 000 (U.

Observer Coverage (1996) "--i Fishery Description (1996) Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: A sea day is Target species: Northern shrimp, New England multispecies groundfish, monk- defined as a day when the vessel is not at the dock. This includes time spent

Illex Loligo fish, summer flounder squid squid, Atlantic mackerel steaming to, from and between fishing grounds, time doing repairs or wait- tJ;) scup, spiny dogfish, weakfish, bluefish, Atlantic croaker, and horseshoe ing for weather at sea, time deploying or retrieving gear or time spent 1"1-, crab. searching for fish. A total of 650 days of coverage was accomplished. Other commercially landed species: Butterfish, monkfish, sharks , weakfish Fraction of fishing activity observed: Weare not able to accurately calculate, due to 1"1-, bluefish, flounders, croaker, hakes, black seabass, dogfish, skates, stur- lack of industry data. However, the total fraction of all trawl fisheries cov- \:J geon, swordfish, tautog, tilefish, tunas and lobster. ered is less than 1 %. Bycatch: Common dolphins, pilot whales, loggerhead turtles, various seabirds finfish and invertebrates including non-target species or target species NORTH PUGET SOUND NON- TREATY SOCKEYE AND CHUM GILLNET that are discarded for lack of market or by regulation such as closed FISHERIES seasons or sub legal size. Observer Program Coordinator: Pamela Erstad, Washington Dept. of Fish and Fleet size: Accurate data are not available at this time. Vessels hold multiple Wildlife, 16018 Mill Creek Blvd., Mill Creek, WA, 98102 1'1! permits but do not necessarily utilize them. Season of operation: Year-round. Observer Program Mandate and Authority '\J Avg. annual catch of target species: 9 500 t northern shrimp, 3 000 t pollock Mission of the program: Investigate level of marbled murrelet and marine mammal "--i 300 t cod, 2,400 t yellowtail flounder, 600 t haddock, 17 000 t Illex entanglements with the non-treaty sockeye gillnet fishery in north Puget squid, 12 500 t Loligo squid, 1 500 t weakfish, 2 700 t bluefish, 15 800 Sound t Atlantic mackerel, 4 000 t summer flounder. Fishery management: state. Avg. number of fishing days per year: Under the Northeast Multispecies FMP Authority to place observers: Marine Mammal Protection Act; Endangered Species vessels fishing under the Fleet Days at Sea (DAS) permit, Individual Act. DAS permit, and the Large Mesh DAS permit had a combined alloca- Voluntary or mandatory: Voluntary. tion of 225 309 days. Of these, a total of 49 871 were actually used. Funding source: NMFS. However, many of the vessels fish in other fisheries where effort is not Program duration: July 1994 through September 1994. regulated. Annual program costs: $250 00 (U.

Observer Program Management Fishery Description Brief overview of program structure: Program responsibilities are shared be- Target species: Sockeye salmon harvest in north Puget Sound state management Ar- tween NMFS and a contractor. The contractor provides observer can- eas 7 and 7 A, and chum salmon harvest in Puget Sound. didates for training and testing by NMFS. An annual schedule for sea Other commercially landed species: None. day coverage is provided by NMFS to the contractor. The contractor Bycatch: Chinook and coho salmon, marine mammals, seabirds. supervises, briefs, and debriefs the observers. The contractor is respon- Fleet size: In 1994, approximately 1 100 licensed non-treaty gillnet boats in Wash- sible for editing, entering and auditing data, using NMFS provided ington state, although considerably less may participate in specific fisheries. software. Season of operation: Sockeye: Late July through August or early September, de- Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for pending on run size; Chum: Approximately mid-October through mid- to late funding of the program. Via contract with NMFS, the observer con- November, depending on run size. ::::

Avg. annual catch of target species: Total estimated sockeye catch in 1994: Annual program costs: approximate figures: 621 032, information on the chum catch was unavailable at the time of Oregon Trawl Commission: $359 000. this writing. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife: $106 000. A vg. number of fishing days per year: 1994 = 13 days sockeye fishing; 6 days of National Marine Fisheries Service: $319 000. chum fishing. West Coast Processors Association: $10 000.

Observer Program Management Fishery Description Brief overview of program structure: Washington Department ofFish and Wild- Target species: Major groundfish species harvested in U.S. federal waters of the U. life (WDF&W) responsible for hiring and deploying observers; NMFS West Coast off the coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California. oversee project and conducted safety and species ID training. Other commercially landed species: Occasional sharks, invertebrates, sturgeon. Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS provided funding, state Bycatch: Halibut, salmon, Tanner crab, and seabirds are designated as prohibited spe- implemented project. cies or protected species bycatch, and bycatch of groundfish in excess of trip Other participating agencies: NMFS, WDF&W, Northwest Indian Fisheries limits also occurs. Commission, Lummi Tribes, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puget Sound Ves- Fleet size: 245 vessels landed in 1997. sel Owners Association. Season of operation: Year-round. Avg. annual catch of target species: Approximately 98 000 t landed in 1997 in Ore- Observer Coverage gon. Unit and definition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: unit = A vg. number of fishing days per year: Approximately 125 days.

set or number of sockeye caught/set; total effort extrapolated by divid- C:: ing total number of sockeye commercially harvested by the average of Observer Program Management "--i sockeye caught/set (derived from observer program). Brief overview of program structure: Under a cooperative agreement between 1"1-, Fraction of fishing activity observed: approximately 7% for sockeye, informa- ODF&W and the Oregon Trawl Commission, ODF&W performs all super- C:J tion unavailable for chum. visory and field operations, database structuring and maintenance, vessel re- "--i , cruitment, observer hiring and training, and equipment purchasing. "--i WEST COAST LIMITED ENTRY GROUNDFISH TRAWL FISHERY Service delivery type and function of each entity: Observers are provided to vessels 1"1-, by ODFW. Project staff is employed by Pacific States Marine Fisheries Project Leader: Mark Saelens, Oregon Department of Fish Wildlife, 2040 SE Marine Science Drive, Newport, Oregon 97365 Commission (PSMFC). tJ;) Other participating agencies: ODF&W, Oregon Trawl Commission, NMFS, PSMFC 1"1-, Observer Program Mandate and Authority West Coast Seafood Processors Association, Northwest Food Strategies participating vessels and crews. 1"1-, Mission of the program: To determine present rates of discard by target strategy, :::v area, and time of year, and to determine the reasons for the occurrence \:J Observer Coverage of discard. Fishery management: Federal management; Pacific Fisheries Management Unit and definition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: Coverage will Council, NMFS. be estimated using number of tows observed versus number of tows made in Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and the fishery over a period of time as the primary method; coverage may also Management Act, authorization of vessel owners. be expressed by area or target strategy. L., c::: Voluntary or mandatory: Voluntary. Fraction of fishing activity observed: Preliminary coverage calculations show 5- 10% Funding sources: Oregon Trawl Commission, Oregon Department of Fish and depending on area and time. Coverage may also be expressed for the number Wildlife (ODF&W), NMFS, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commis- of tows where discard was recorded by vessels keeping voluntary logbooks records of discards. sion (PSMFC), West Coast Seafood Processors Association. 1"1-, Program duration: Mid- 1995 through December 1998.



SHORESIDE LANDINGS OF PACIFIC WHITING base, and provides in-season monitoring of whiting fishery and prepares end

Observer Program Coordinator: Hal Weeks, Oregon Department of Fish of season report. Service delivery type and function of each entity: plant observers are employees of Wildlife, 2040 SE Marine Science Drive, Newport, Oregon 97365 \:J state agencies or industry; industry contributions toward program fixed costs

Observer Program Mandate and Authority are routed through Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. "--i Mission of the program: To document salmon and finfish bycatch in the shore- Other participating agencies: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife side whiting fishery; collect biological samples for use in assessments CADF&G, NMFS.

of Pacific whiting and groundfish species. t:b Observer Coverage Fishery management: Federal. 1"1-, Authority to place observers: Relevant statute(s) - ilia; authority to land unsorted Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: landing at whiting with indemnity from prohibited species and groundfish overage shoreside processing plant. 1"1-, violations through exempted fishing permits issued by National Marine Fraction of fishing activity observed: 14% (1997). \:J Fisheries Service. Voluntary or mandatory: Voluntary. SOUTHEASTERN SHRIMP OTTER TRAWL FISHERY Funding source(s): Industry, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Elizabeth Scott-Denton, Bycatch Observer Program Manager, 4700 Avenue (ODF&W), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Depart- Galveston Texas 77551; 409- 766-3571, fax 409- 766-3508; elizabeth.scott- ment ofFish and Game (CADF&G), NMFS. denton( Program duration: Indefmite. 1"1-, Annual program costs ($U. ) (broken down by source): Observer Program Mandate and Authority

Industry - c. $60 000/yr. Mission of the Program: to characterize shrimp trawl bycatch and evaluate various '\J ODFW - c. $20 000/yr. gear types for the reduction of by catch. "--i WDFW - c. $10 000/yr. Fishery management: Federal. CADFG - c. $10 000/yr. Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Act, ESA. NMFS - c. $10 000/yr. Vessel selection: Voluntary. Funding source: NMFS, Gulf and South Atlantic Fishery Development Foundation Fishery Description Inc. Target species: Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) Federal program duration: 1991-present. Other commercially landed species: Yellowtail and widow rockfish. Annual program costs (broken down by source): $500 000 (U. Bycatch: Groundfish species, Pacific salmon (almost exclusively chinook), oc- casional Pacific halibut or . Fishery Description (1996) Fleet size: 40 vessels. Target species: Penaeid shrimp (brown, white and pink). Season of operation: Spring - summer. Other commercially landed species: None. Avg. annual catch of target species: 61 331 t (1991 - 1997 mean). Bycatch: One Atlantic bottlenose dolphin and 72 sea turtles since 1992. Finfish by- Avg. number of fishing days per year: 80 - 120. catch includes red snapper, groundfish, with Atlantic croaker and longspine porgy being the dominant species both in number and by weight for the Gulf Observer Program Management of Mexico (May 1992 - June 1997). Brief overview of program structure: Program is coordinated by ODF&W, Ore- Fleet size: about 7 000 U. S. Coast Guard documented vessels and an unknown num- gon processors contribute toward fixed costs of program (4 month data ber of state registered boats. technician, observer supplies) and hire observers. Plants in Washington Seasons and duration of fishery openers: year-round; main fishery is from May and California are observed by agency staff. Whiting landing and by- through December. catch data are provided to ODF&W which enters and curates a data- Average annual catch of target species: 200 million pounds. ::::

Average number of fishing days per year: 250 000 (24-hour days fished). Fishery Description (1992-present) Target species: Swordfish directed fishery harvested inside and outside the U.S. EEZ Observer Program Management primarily in the North Atlantic Ocean (above 5~ latitude) with some opera- Two coordinated observer programs: Contracted Services: Individuals con- tions extending to the Equator. tracted and supervised by NMFS, or by the Gulf and South Atlantic Other commercially landed species: Yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna, albacore tuna, dol- Fishery Development Foundation, Inc. (Foundation). All observers are phin(mahi mahi), shortfm mako, porbeagle, and other shark species (fm trained using standard protocol. Vessels are located through Sea Grant market). agents, NMFS port agents, Foundation contacts and fishery associa- Bycatch: Wide variety of species including billfish (prohibited by FMP), sharks (pro- tions. Each observer group (i. , NMFS or Foundation) is responsible hibited by periodic FMP closures), bluefin tuna (FMP quota restrictions), to get observer to port of departure. escolar, and marine mammals, turtles, and seabirds as protected species by- catch. Other commercially non-valuable species including oilfish, lancet- Observer Coverage fish, occasional rays and rare species (e. , cubiceps, ringed dogfish). Unit and Defmition of Effort: hours of trawling (nets in the water fishing). Esti- Fleet size: Over 1 000 swordfish permit holders. Longline fleet consists of 250-300 mate of Total Effort: about 6 million hours. Estimate is made by aver- vessels with 150-200 vessels active year-round. age catch per unit of effort for an area (based on dockside trip inter- Season of operation: Year-round (closures subject to swordfish quota and bycatch views by NMFS port agents) and total pounds for an area (based on quota limits). data collection at seafood dealers by NMFS port agents). Total annual catch of target species: Annual U.S. catch of swordfish reported to IC- Estimate of observer coverage: -::::1 CAT in round weight (metric tons) from 1990 to 1996 was 5 519, 4 525 236 191 074 551 , and 4 320, respectively. c:: SEFSC PELAGIC LONGLINE OBSERVER PROGRAM Total number of fishing days per year: Unknown; 1992-97 SEFSC observers spent "--i Dennis Lee and Cheryl Brown, Task Leader, SEFSC Miami Laborat07Y, 75 Vir- 115 days at-sea (excludes days at-sea spent by NEFSC for 1992-95). 1"1-, ginia Beach Drive, Miami, FL 33149

Observer Program Management "--i Brief overview of program structure: The SEFSC Miami Laboratory is responsible for Observer Program Mandate and Authority "--i Mission of the program: Collect data on effort, directed catch and bycatch quan- the administration of the Pelagic Longline Observer Program. The coordi- 1"1-, tity, morphometrics, biological characteristics, and interaction with ma- nators hire individual observer personnel under contractual agreements (Pur- rine mammals , turtles , and birds as they relate to federal fisheries chases of Services) and provide the observer support services (training, ob- tJ;) regulations. server gear, documents, debriefing, data entry). Program coordinators are re- 1"1-, Fishery management: Federal. sponsible for maintaining data storage and retrieval, quality control, and ad- Authority to place observers: Swordfish Fisheries Management Plan (50 CFR ministrative support. rr, part 630) under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Con- Service delivery type and function of each entry: NMFS is responsible for funding \:J servations and Management Act, as well as the Marine Mammal Pro- and overall administration of the observer program including observer tection Act and Endangered Species Act. training, debriefing, data management, and data analyses. Program coordi- Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. nators are responsible for arranging placement of NMFS certified contractors Funding sources: NMFS operational costs - government funded. aboard vessels, including logistics and travel support of observers to vessels Program duration: May 1992 to present. Five percent coverage by set effort is selected for coverage. All administrative support is provided by the coordi- L., the sampling target. nators and agency. c::: Annual program costs: Agency cost has varied over the years. Funding for 1992- 94 was between $1.2 and $1.4 million (U. ); funding for 1995 was Observer coverage: about $600 000, whereas funding for 1996 to the present ranged from Unit and definition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: Coverage is 1"1-, $315 000-$600 000. based on number of sets reported by the U. S. pelagic long line fleet in 11 geographical regions of the North Atlantic Ocean (north of SoN latitude).



Fraction of fishing activity observed: Sampling design is a random draw of prior 14 the closure changes to 75 miles offshore. Most fishing occurs between year reported longline fishing effort, stratified by fishing area and cal- August 15 and January 31 , when closure restrictions are lifted. The majority endar quarter. Sampling 5% of the long line effort directed at Atlantic of fishing effort takes place from October through December. \:J tunas and tuna-like species is required under a 1996 International A vg. annual catch target species: Swordfish, 1. 5 million pounds. Thresher shark

Council for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCA T) Recommenda- (common, bigeye) 395 400 pounds. Mako shark, 178 300 pounds. "--i tion that became binding on ICCA T cooperative parties in 1997. Re- Avg. number of fishing days per year: Estimated 3 400 sets (equivalent to days alized sampling fraction has varied from about 2.5% to above 5%, de- fished) in 1996. pending on available resources. Sampling in 1997 and 1998 is ex- ':J:J pected to be less than 5%, given available resources. Observer Program Management r-r, Brief overview ()f program structure: The Southwest Region is responsible for moni- CALIFORNIA/OREGON DRIFT GILLNET FISHERY toring the CAlOR drift gillnet fishery. The program was contracted in 1996 1"1-, Timothy D. Price, Operations Coordinator, NMFS as part of an effort to downsize the Federal workforce as required by the Na- , Southwest Region, 501 West \:J Ocean Boulevard, Suite 4200, Long Beach, CA 90802-4213 tional Performance Review. Observer training is conducted in conjunction with Southwest Fisheries Science Center - La Jolla Laboratory, Los Angeles Observer Program Mandate and Authority Natural History Museum, NMFS enforcement, U. S. Coast Guard, and the Mission of the program: To document the incidental take of marine mammals fishing industry. To date, 106 biological technicians have been hired and 793 trips completed. In 1997, there were 25 observers observing the drift gil1net sea turtles, seabirds, target and non-target fish species. To collect se- \:J lected biological specimens. feet. Trips typically last 6 to 20 days. The Southwest Fisheries Science 1"1-, Fishery management: Federal. Center receives observer data to calculate estimates of incidental take rates Authority to place observers: Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMP of marine mammals in preparation of Annual Stock Assessments Reports. A), Endan- '\J gered Species Act. Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for funding "--i Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. and overall administration of the program including observer training (two Funding source(s): Government (NMFS) funded. 2-week sessions, plus one, I-week briefing were conducted for a total of 25 Program duration: July 1990 to present. observers in 1997), initial debriefing, and data management. Vessel owners Annual program costs: Agency costs $650 000 (U. and operators are responsible for contacting the designated contractor make arrangements for placement of NMFS trained observers aboard their Fishery Description (1996) vessels. The Contractor is responsible for observer recruitment, monitoring Target species: Swordfish and thresher shark (common, bigeye). vessel activity, observer deployment, logistics, insurance/benefits, and deliv- Other commercially landed species: Mako shark, opah, louvar, and tunas (alba- ery of observer data to NMFS. core, yellowfm, bluefin). Other participating agencies: Through a cooperative agreement with the California Bycatch: Blue shark, pelagic stingray, striped marlin, and molas. Department of Fish and Game, total annual fishing effort is calculated for Incidental takes: Cetaceans: Sperm whale, short-finned pilot whale, Minke use in estimating total marine mammal mortality. whale, long-beaked common dolphin, short-beaked common dolphin Risso s dolphin, Dall's porpoise, Pacific white-sided dolphin, northern Observer Coverage right whale dolphin, Cuvier s and Baird' s beaked whales , and Meso- Unit and definition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: Drift gillnet plodon beaked whales. Pinnipeds: California sea lion and northern ele- vessels in this fleet make a single net-pull (e. , set) each day, thus each day phant seals. Sea turtles: Leatherback and loggerheads. that a vessel makes a set is a sampling unit. Fleet size: Marine Mammal Authorization Certificates are held by 130 vessels Fraction of fishing activity observed: During 1996, there were 421 observed sets, rep- approximately 110 are active. resenting 12.4% of the total fishing effort. Season of operation: The fishery is closed within 200 miles of the coast of Cali- fornia and Oregon from February 1 to April 30. From May 1 to August ::::

activity and deploying observers. Observer training is conducted in con- HA WAIl PELAGIC LONGLINE FISHERY junction with Southwest Fisheries Science Center - Honolulu Laboratory, Timothy D. Price, Operations Coordinator, NMFS, Southwest Region, 501 West Bishop Museum, NMFS enforcement, U. S. Coast Guard, U. S. Fish and Ocean Boulevard, Suite 4200, Long Beach, CA 90802-4213 Wildlife Service, and the fishing industry. To date, 18 biological technicians have been hired and 196 trips completed. Currently there are six observers Observer Program Mandate and Authority covering the longline fleet. Trips typically last 14 to 42 days. The NMFS Mission of the program: To observe and document all species caught, including Honolulu Laboratory analyzes the data in conjunction with logbook data sea turtles , seabirds , marine mammals, swordfish, tunas , sharks , and (Pacific Islands Area Office) to estimate total sea turtle takes and mortalities. other non-target fishes. To collect selected biological specimens. Data are used to prepare annual reviews of biological opinions, as required Fishery management: Federal. by the current biological opinion, quarterly reports to the Western Pacific Authority to place observers: Pelagic fishery management plan established un- Fishery Management Council, and estimates of bird mortality to the U. der the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Fish and Wildlife Service. (required by the biological opinion and incidental take statement, Sec- Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for funding tion 7 consultation of the Endangered Species Act). and administration of the program including observer recruitment, training Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. (one, 3-week session was conducted for 6 observers in 1996), placement Funding source(s): Government (NMFS) funded. aboard vessels, debriefing, and data management. Vessel owners and op- Program duration: February 1994 to present. erators are responsible for contacting NMFS to make arrangements for Annual program costs: Agency costs $370 000 (U. placement of observers aboard their vessels. Other participating agencies: Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, U. S. Fish c:: Fishery Description (1996) and Wildlife Service "--i Target species: Swordfish and tunas (bigeye, yellowfm, albacore, skipjack) 1"1-, Other commercially landed species: Marlin (blue, striped, shortbill spearfish), Observer Coverage L., mako shark, dolphinfish, wahoo, opah, barracuda, and pomfrets. Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: Unit of effort "--i Bycatch: Blue shark is defined as the number of hooks deployed (i. , 1 000 hooks = 1 unit of ef- , oceanic white tip shark, thresher shark (bigeye, common), "--i pelagic stingray, lancet fish, snake mackerel, escolar, and oilfish. fort). 1"1-, Incidental takes: Sea turtles: Loggerhead, leatherback, olive ridley, and greens. Fraction of fishing activity observed: During 1997, there were 748 781 observed Seabirds: Black-footed and Laysan albatross. Cetaceans: Risso s dol- hooks retrieved, representing 5.3% of the total fishing effort. tJ;) phin, short-finned pilot whale, and false killer whales. 1"1-, Fleet size: There were 164 Federal limited-entry longline permits in 1996, with NORTHWESTERN HA W AllAN ISLANDS LOBSTER FISHERY only 103 active. Timothy D. Price, Operations Coordinator, NMFS, Southwest Region, 501 West 1"1-, Season of operation: Year-round. Ocean Boulevard, Suite 4200, Long Beach, CA 90802-4213 \:J A vg. annual catch target species: Swordfish, 6. 2 million pounds. Bigeye tuna 2 million pounds. Yellowfin tuna, 1. 6 million pounds. Albacore , 1. Observer Program Mandate and Authority million pounds. Mission of the program: Collect data on catch and bycatch quantity and composition A vg. number of fishing days per year: Estimated 11 400 sets (equivalent to days characterize the fishery, and evaluate high grading. :s: fished) in 1996. Fishery management: Federal. C:: Authority to place observers: Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Manage- :s: Observer Program Management ment Act. Brief overview of program structure: The Southwest Region is responsible for Volunteer or mandatory: Voluntary.

monitoring the Hawaii pelagic longline fishery. Upon medical clear- Funding sources: Government (NMFS) funded. 1"1-, ance, observers are hired as direct NMFS employees. NMFS estab- Program duration: 1997 fishing season (July) lished a Port Field Station in Honolulu, Hawaii for monitoring vessel Annual program costs: Agency costs $65 000 (U.



Fishery Description (1997) Target species: Spiny (Panulirus marginatus) and common slipper (Scyllarides \:J squammosus) harvested in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Other commercially landed species: Ridgeback (Scyllarides haanii) and chinese (Parribacus antarcticus) slipper lobsters , kona crab, octopus. Bycatch: filefish, reef shark (grey, whitetip), butterfly fish, goatfish, wrasse surgeonfish, moray eels. t:() Fleet size: There are 15 limited entry permits. Nine vessels were active in 1997. 1"1-, Season of operation: Summer (closure subject to harvest quota limit).

Total annual catch of target species: Total harvest quota set annually. Harvest 1"1-, limit in 1997 was 322 000 animals. \:J Total number of fishing days per year: Variable. Quota dependent fishery. 1997, there were 198 fishing days.

Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: Management, administration, and observ-

ers provided by Southwest Region, Observer Management. Lobster 1"1-, training conducted by Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu Laboratory staff. Pacific Islands Area Office staff met with the West- '\J ern Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council to gain cooperation "--i from fishing vessels to carry observers. NMFS reimbursed vessels for observer subsistence costs. Service delivery type and function of each entity: NMFS is responsible for funding and overall administration of the program including observer training, debriefing and data management. The Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu Laboratory, receives observer data to calcu- late estimates of harvest, discard rates, and sorting and handling tech- mques.

Observer Coverage Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: The number of traps set and hauled. Fraction of fishing activity observed: 66% of the fishing effort was observed during the 1997 fishing season...... """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"...... :?:......


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GULF REGION - COD GULF REGION - GROUNDFISH MOBILE GEAR Observer Program Chief Ron Manderson Observer Program Chief Ron Manderson Scientific Coordinator: Alan Sinclair Scientific Coordinator: Alan Sinclair

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. To requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. To collect data for stock assessments. collect data for stock assessments. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. Annual program costs: $ 1 500 000 (Cdn. Annual program costs: $ 200 000 (Cdn.

Fishery Description Fishery Description Target species: Cod. Target species: American plaice Other commercially landed species: American plaice. Other commercially landed species: Cod, flounders. Fleet size: 300. Fleet size: 400. Season of operation: April - December. Season of operation: April - December. Annual catch of target species: 600 t (under moratorium). Annual catch of target species: 8 000 t. Average number of fishing days/year: 240. Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- \:J Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- ices is tendered for all observer services in the Region. The contractor ices is tendered for all observer services in the region. The contractor works in close consultation with the program manager to ensure timely

works in close consultation with the program manager to ensure timely and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensur- CJ;)

and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensuring ing sufficient observers are available for deployment. The contractor 1"1-, sufficient observers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs briefs observers based on input from the program manager and scientific observers based on input from the program manager and scientific coordi- coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. "1i nator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. \:J Observer Coverage Observer Coverage Fraction of fishing activity observed: American plaice - 20%; 700 days. Fraction of fishing activity observed: Cod - 20 %; 50 days.





GULF REGION - HERRING GULF REGION - NORTHERN SHRIMP Observer Program Chief Ron Manderson Observer Program Chief Ron Manderson Scientific Coordinator: Alan Sinclair Scientific Coordinator: Alan Sinclair \:J

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority "--i Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. To requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. To collect data for stock assessments. collect data for stock assessments. tJ;) Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. 1"1-, Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. rr, Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. \:J Annual program costs: $ 50 000 (Coo. Annual program costs: $62 000 (Coo.

Fishery Description Fishery Description Target species: Herring. Target species: Northern shrimp. Other commercially landed species: Mackerel. Other commercially landed species: Turbot. Fleet size: 6 seiners. Fleet size: 1 in this Region; 16 total license holders. 1"1-, Season of operation: May - December. Season of operation: January - December. Annual catch of target species: 12 000 - 15 000 t. Annual catch of target species: 3000 t. \:J Average number of fishing days per year: 1 500. Average number of fishing days per year: 260. "--i

Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- ices is tendered for all observer services in the region. The contractor ices is tendered for all observer services in the region. The contractor works in close consultation with the program manager to ensure timely works in close consultation with the program manager to ensure timely and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensur- and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensur- ing sufficient observers are available for deployment. The contractor ing sufficient observers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs observers based on input from the program manager and scientific briefs observers based on input from the program manager and scientific coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor.

Observer Coverage Observer Coverage Fraction of fishing activity observed: Herring - 5- 10 %; 150 days. Fraction of fishing activity observed: Northern shrimp - 100%; 260 days. \:)::::():)

GULF REGION - SNOW CRAB AREA 12 NEWFOUNDLAND REGION - GROUND FISH AND SHRIMP FISHERIES: Observer Program Chief Ron Manderson NAFO REGULATORY AREA Scientific Coordinator: Alan Sinclair Observer Program Chief Ben Rogers Scientific Coordinator: Dave Kulka Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing Observer Program Mandate and Authority requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. To Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with the NAFO Conservation and collect data for stock assessments. Enforcement Measures. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. Funding source(s): Federal. Annual program costs: $200 000 (Cdn. Fishery Description Fishery Description Target species: Groundfish and Shrimp (1996). Target species: Snow crab. Season of operation: January - December. Other commercially landed species: Avg. annual catch of target species: Groundfish 46 000 t; shrimp 650 000 t. Fleet size: 230. A vg. number of fishing days per year: 20 000 days. Season of operation: April -July. Annual catch of target species: 15 500 t. Observer Program Management A verage number of fishing days per year: 15-30/vessel. Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- Observer Program Management ices is set up equally between the three Atlantic Observer Contractors an- Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- nually. The contractors are briefed by the Program Manager. The reports gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- generated by observers on foreign vessels are sent directly to the appro- ices is tendered for all observer services in the region. The contractor priate nation. The infonnation is then sent to the NAFO Secretariat for works in close consultation with the program manager to ensure timely dissemination to all contracting parties. The contractor is responsible for responsible for ensur- and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is ensuring sufficient observers are available for deployment. Data collected 1"1-, ing sufficient observers are available for deployment. The contractor by observers are forwarded to the flag state of the vessel. briefs observers based on input from the program manager and scientific 1"1-, coordinator: Data entry is completed by the contractor. Observer Coverage \:J Fraction of fishing activity observed: Groundfish and Shrimp - 100 %; 3 800 days =:tJ Observer Coverage in 1996 and 2 400 days in 1997 Fraction of fishing activity observed: Snow crab - 20%; 650 days. It is a requirement that all vessels fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area have 100% observer coverage. Canada provided coverage on Canadian vessels and countries without an Observer Program (Latvia, Russia, Lithuania, and Estonia). c::: Canada has assisted these countries in setting up an observer program and they have recently begun deploying their national Observers. Other countries fishing in

the NRA are ED (primarily Spain and Portugal), Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland 1"1-, Norway, etc.



NEWFOUNDLAND REGION - LARGE PELAGICS NEWFOUNDLAND REGION - GROUNDFISH (EXCEPT COD) Observer Program Chief Ben Rogers Observer Program Chief Ben Rogers Scientific Coordinator: Dave Kulka Scientific Coordinator: Dave Kulka \:J

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority "--i Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quotas, gear Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, bycatch levels restrictions, bycatch, fmning sharks, reporting requirements, unauthorized landing requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting require- trans-shipping at sea. ments. To collect data for stock assessments and for input into opening t:J;) Fishery management: Federal. and closing fisheries. 1"1-, Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Fishery management: Federal.

Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. 1"1-, Funding source(s): Industry. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Industry. \:J Fishery Description Target species: Large pelagics. Fishery Description Season of operation: January - December. Target species: Groundfish (except cod). Avg. annual catch of target species: 2 600 t (combined NFLD and Maritimes). Season of operation: January 01 - December 31. \:J Avg. number of fishing days per year: 600 days (NFLD based observers). Avg. annual catch of target species: 30 000 t (excluding cod). 1"1-, A vg. no. of fishing days per year: mobile gear - 3 000 days: Fixed Gear). 45 ft - Observer Program Management 000 days: Fixed Gear 35-45 ft - 12 000 days. '\J Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- "--i gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- Observer Program Management ices is tendered for all observer services in the region, for one (1) year Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- with two (2), 2-year option periods. The contractor works in close con- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- sultation with the program manager to ensure timely and cost-effective ices is tendered for all observer services in the region, for one (1) year deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensuring sufficient ob- with two (2), 2-year option periods. The contractor works in close con- servers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs observers sultation with the program manager to ensure timely and cost-effective based on input from the program manager and scientific coordinator. deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensuring sufficient ob- Data entry is completed by the contractor. servers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs observers based on input from the program manager and scientific coordinator. Observer Coverage Data entry is completed by the contractor. Fraction of fishing activity observed: Shark 10% 10 days. Observer Coverage Swordfish 20% 80 days. Fraction of fishing activity observed: Tuna 20% 20 days. Fixed gear 35-45 ft 5%. Fixed gear ).45 ft 10%. The coverage levels are directed nationally. Historically funded federally; it is now Mobile gear all 20%. an industry funding requirement. The coverage levels are directed nationally. Historically funded federally; it is now an industry funding requirement. 1997 was a transitional year and coverage was approximately half the recommended levels...... ::::

NORTHWEST ATLANTIC SHRIMP NEWFOUNDLAND REGION - RE-OPENED COD FISHERY Observer Program Chief Ben Rogers Observer Program Chief Ben Rogers Scientific Coordinator: Dave Kulka Scientific Coordinator: Dave Kulka

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, catch of Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing juvenile groundfish species , landing requirements, gear restrictions, high- requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. To grading and reporting requirements. To collect data for stock assessments collect data for stock assessments. and quota management. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source( s ): Federal. Funding source(s): Industry. Fishery Description Fishery Description Target species: Cod. Target species: Shrimp. Season of operation: April - December. Season of operation: April - December. Annual catch of target species: 15 000 t. 1997 catch of target species: 46 000 t. Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- ices is tendered for all observer services in the region, for one (1) year ices is tendered for all observer services in the region, for one (1) year with two (2), 2-year option periods. The contractor works in close con- with two (2), 2-year option periods. The contractor works in close con- sultation with the program manager to ensure timely and cost-effective \::J sultation with the program manager to ensure timely and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensuring sufficient ob- deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensuring sufficient ob- servers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs observers

servers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs observers based on input from the program manager and scientific coordinator. tJ;)

based on input from the program manager and scientific coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. 1"1-, Data entry is completed by the contractor. Observer Coverage 1"1-, Observer Coverage Fraction of fishing activity observed: Cod - 5%; 400 days. \:J Fraction of fishing activity observed: The coverage levels are directed nationally. Northern shrimp has been subject to 100% coverage, paid by industry The total cod catch off Newfoundland was historically more than 300 000 t. Ob- since 1987. server coverage was federally funded at 30% to 100% (depending on the area) A major increase in the biomass led to quota allocations to vessels less from the mid- 1980s until the fishery was closed in 1992. than 65 feet in 1997. These smaller vessels had 140 days (8%) industry funded observer coverage. Fishing effort by the small vessels is expected When reopened in selected areas in 1997 , it was primarily a small boat fishery us- c::: to triple in 1998. ing gi11nets and baited hooks. Observer coverage was federally funded in 1997 as a transitional year. Funding levels and source is undecided for 1998.




NEWFOUNDLAND REGION - SCALLOPS NEWFOUNDLAND REGION - SMALL PELAGICS Observer Program Chief Ben Rogers Observer Program Chief Ben Rogers Scientific Coordinator: Dave Kulka Scientific Coordinator: Dave Kulka \:J

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority "--i Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed/licensed areas , catch Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quotas, catch of of undersize scallops , discarding and reporting requirements. Collection undersize species, gear restrictions, bycatch, discarding and reporting re- of scientific data. quirements. To collect data on roe condition and fish size which can be Q:j

Fishery management: Federal. used in decisions to open and close fisheries. To collect scientific data. 1"1-, Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Fishery management: Federal. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. 1"1-, Funding source(s): Industry. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. \:J Funding source(s): Industry. Fishery Description Target species: Scallops. Fishery Description Season of operation: January - December. Target spe~ies: Small pelagics. Avg. annual catch of target species: 10 600 t. Season of operation: January - December. Avg. number of fishing days per year: 8 150 days. Avg. annual catch of target species: 29 000 t. 1"1-, A vg. number of fishing days per year: 4 500 days. Observer Program Management '\J Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- Observer Program Management "--i gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- ices is tendered for all observer services in the region, for one (1) year gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- with two (2), 2-year option periods. The contractor works in close con- ices is tendered for all observer services in the region, for one (1) year sultation with the program manager to ensure timely and cost-effective with two (2), 2-year option periods. The contractor works in close con- deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensuring sufficient ob- sultation with the program manager to ensure timely and cost-effective servers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs observers deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensuring sufficient ob- based on input from the program manager and scientific coordinator. servers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs observers Data entry is completed by the contractor. based on input from the program manager and scientific coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. Observer Coverage Fraction of fishing activity observed: Observer Coverage Inshore scallops 10% 790 days. Fraction of fishing activity observed: Offshore scallops 20% 50 days. Capelin 100 days. Herring seiners 20% 260 days. The coverage levels are directed nationally. Historically funded federally, it is now Herring fixed gear 100 days. an industry funding requirement. 1997 was a transitional year; these levels were Mackerel 10 days. not attained. The coverage levels are directed nationally. Historically funded federally; it is now an industry funding requirement. 1997 was a transitional year and the above levels were not attained. ::::

NEWFOUNDLAND REGION - SNOW CRAB LAURENTIAN REGION - CRAB Observer Program Chief Ben Rogers Observer Program Chief John Chouinard Scientific Coordinator: Dave Kulka Scientific Coordinator: Jean-Denis Lambert

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, gear restric- Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing tions, discarding, dumping, highgrading and reporting requirements. To requirements, gear restrictions, discarding, highgrading and reporting monitor catches and method of discard of soft shell crab and collect sci- requirements. To collect data for stock assessments. entific data. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. Funding source(s): Industry. Fishery Description Fishery Description Target species: Snow crab. Target species: Snow crab. Other commercially landed species: None. Season of operation: May - August. Fleet size: 177 coastal and offshore. A vg. annual catch of target species: 45 000 t. Season of operation: April- July. A vg. number of fishing days per year: 12 000 days. Annual catch of target species: 12 000 t. Average number of fishing days per year: 15-30 days per boat. Observer Program Management I'J Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- Observer Program Management gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for serv- Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- ices is tendered for all observer services in the region, for one (1) year gional manager is responsible for program delivery. contract for with two (2), 2-year option periods. The contractor works in close con- services is tendered for all observer services in the region. The con- sultation with the program manager to ensure timely and cost-effective tractor works in close consultation with the program manager ton en-

deployments. The contractor is responsible for ensuring sufficient ob- sure timely and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsi- CJ0

servers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs observers ble for ensuring sufficient observers are available for deployment. The i'1J based on input from the program manager and scientific coordinator. contractor briefs observers based on input from the program manager Data entry is completed by the contractor. and scientific coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. 1"1-, \:J Observer Coverage Observer Coverage Fraction of fishing activity observed: The coverage levels are directed nationally. Fraction of fishing activity observed: 10-20%; 550 days observed. Historically funded federally, it has been funded by industry for the past two (2) years. The recommended level is 20%; only 5% has been achieved. c:::




LAURENTIAN REGION - SCALLOP LAURENTIAN REGION - SHRIMP Observer Program Chief John Chouinard Observer Program Chief John Chouinard Scientific Coordinator: Jean-Denis Lambert Scientific Coordinator: Jean-Denis Lambert \:J

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority "--i Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with bycatch restrictions, quota requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. landing requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting re-

To collect data for stock assessments. quirements. To collect data for stock assessments. tJ;)

Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. 1"1-, Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. 1"1-, Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. \:J Fishery Description Fishery Description Target species: Iceland scallop, giant scallop. Target species: Northern shrimp. Other commercially landed species: None. Other commercially landed species: None. Fleet size: 82 draggers. Fleet size: 57 trawlers. \::J Season of operation: May to September. Season of operation: April to October. rr, Annual catch of target species: 2 300 t. Annual catch of target species: 13 000 t. Average number of fishing days per year: ~ 1 00 days per boat. A verage number of fishing days per year: ~ 80 days per boat. '\J "--i Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. A contract for gional manager is responsible for program delivery. contract for services is tendered for all observer services in the region. The con- services is tendered for all observer services in the region. The con- tractor works in close consultation with the program manager ton en- tractor works in close consultation with the program manager ton en- sure timely and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsi- sure timely and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsi- ble for ensuring sufficient observers are available for deployment. The ble for ensuring sufficient observers are available for deployment. The contractor briefs observers based on input from the program manager contractor briefs observers based on input from the program manager and scientific coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. and scientific coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor.

Observer Coverage Observer Coverage Fraction of fishing activity observed: 10%; 50 days observed. Fraction of fishing activity observed: 5%; 200 days observed. ::::

LAURENTIAN REGION - NORTHERN SHRIMP LAURENTIAN REGION - GROUNDFISH - MOBILE GEAR Observer Program Chief John Chouinard Observer Program Chief John Chouinard Scientific Coordinator: Jean-Denis Lambert Scientific Coordinator: Jean-Denis Lambert

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. To collect data for stock assessments. To collect data for stock assessments. To open closed areas (test fish- Fishery management: Federal. ery). To assess cod abundance (sentinel fishery). Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Fishery management: Federal. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Funding source(s): Federal Govt.lFishing industry. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. Fishery Description Target species: Northern shrimp. Fishery Description Other commercially landed species: None. Target species: Cod (sentinel fishery). Fleet size: 4 vessels in region. Other commercially landed species: American plaice, flounders, other groundfish. Season of operation: January - December. Fleet size: 20. Annual catch of target species: 12 000 t. Season of operation: July to October. Average number of fishing days per year: ~300 days per boat. Annual catch of target species: 3 000 t. Average number of fishing days per year: N/ Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- Observer Program Management gional manager is responsible for program delivery. contract for Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- c:J services is tendered for all observer services in the region. The con- gional manager is responsible for program delivery. contract for tractor works in close consultation with the program manager ton en- services is tendered for all observer services in the region. The con- sure timely and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsi- tractor works in close consultation with the program manager ton en- tJ:J

ble for ensuring sufficient observers are available for deployment. The sure timely and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsi- 1"1-, contractor briefs observers based on input from the program manager ble for ensuring sufficient observers are available for deployment. The and scientific coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. contractor briefs observers based on input from the program manager 1"1-,

and scientific coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. \:J Observer Coverage Fraction of fishing activity observed: 100%; 1 050 days observed. Observer Coverage Fraction of fishing activity observed: 10% (100% for test and sentinel fisheries); 200 days observed. L., c:::




LAURENTIAN REGION - GROUNDFISH - FIXED GEAR SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - BLUE FIN TUNA - Observer Program Chief John Chouinard DOMESTIC Scientific Coordinator: Jean-Denis Lambert Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker \:J Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell

Observer Program Mandate and Authority "--i Mission of the program: To monitor compliance with closed areas, quota, landing Observer Program Mandate and Authority requirements, gear restrictions, discarding and reporting requirements. Mission of the Program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. To collect data for stock assessments. To open closed areas (test fish- Fishery Management: Federal. \J;) ery). To assess cod abundance (sentinel fishery). Authority to Place Observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. 1"1-, Fishery management: Federal. Voluntary or Mandatory: Mandatory. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Funding Source( s): Industry/Government. 1"1-, Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Program Duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. \:J Funding source(s): Federal Govt./Fishing industry. Annual Program Costs: $1.9 Million (Coo.) (Admin $427 000 Operation 451 000). Fishery Description Target species: Greenland halibut, cod (sentinel fishery). Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Other commercially landed species: Other groundfish. Target species: Bluefin tuna. Fleet size: 120. Bycatch: Swordfish, shark, other tunas. 1"1-, Season of operation: June - July. Fleet Size: 46. Annual catch of target species: 2 100 t. Season of operation: June 01 to March 31 , Peak: July to September. '\J Average number of fishing days per year: 20 days. Annual catch of target species: 370 t (1997). "--i Number of fishing days per year: 1 638. Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: Management of program is federal. The re- Observer Program Management gional manager is responsible for program delivery. contract for Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the services is tendered for all observer services in the region. The con- Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of tractor works in close consultation with the program manager ton en- the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides sure timely and cost-effective deployments. The contractor is responsi- with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of ble for ensuring sufficient observers are available for deployment. The the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- contractor briefs observers based on input from the program manager sponsible for supplying and training observers. and scientific coordinator. Data entry is completed by the contractor. Observer Deployment Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) Observer Coverage Fraction of fishing activity observed: Observer levels are directed nationally. Re- Fraction of fishing activity observed: 5% (100% for test and sentinel). gionally deployments are often based on consultation between DFO En- forcement, Resource, Science, and fishers.

Fisheries Tar Number observed level Actual sea days Bluefin tuna .(100 ft. (SW Nova Scotia) 20% Bluefin tuna .(100 ft. 10% Bluefin tuna? 100 ft 100% ::::

SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - BLUE FIN TUNA- SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - CRAB FOREIGN Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 12 (e) Coastal Fish. Protection Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Annual program costs: $ 1. Million (Cdn. ) (Admin. $427 000 Operation Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation $1,451 000). $1,451 000). Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Target species: Snow crab, other crab. Target species: Bluefm tuna. Bycatch: Lobster. Bycatch: Other tunas, swordfish, shark. Fleet size: Approximately 177. Fleet size: Approximately 6 vessels Season of operation: July through September. Season of operation: November 01 to January 15. Annual catch of target species: Snow crab 1 688 t. Annual catch of target species: 40 t. Other crab 16 111 t. Number of fishing days per year: 60 days. Number of fishing days per year: 3 864.

Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of the region.

the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides with the Chief t:JJ lr) with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of the Conservation and Pro- rr, the Conservation and Protection Branch. The Observer contractor is re- tection Branch. The observer contractor is responsible for supplying and training sponsible for supplying and training observers. observers. 1"1-,

\:J Observer Coverage Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) All foreign vessels had observer coverage. Snow crab 20% 373 days Other crab 20% 399 days Fisheries Target Number of observed

level Actual sea days Fisheries Target Number observed Bluefin tuna 100% 100% level Actual sea days c:::: Snow crab 20% 73 days Other crab 20% nil

1"1-, lr)



SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - GROUNDFISH - SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - GROUND FISH - FIXED GEAR MOBILE GEAR Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker \:J Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell

"--i Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Mission of the Program: To monitor fisheries legislation and coll~ct scientific data. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. tJ;) Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. 1"1-, Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Funding source( s ): Industry/Government. 1"1-, Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. ::=tJ \:J Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation ::=tJ $1,451 000 ). $1,451 000).

Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Target species: Groundfish. Target species: Groundfish. \:::J Bycatch: Pelagics. Bycatch: Lobster. 1"1-, Fleet size: 900. Fleet size: Approximately 234. Season of operation: January - December. Season of operation: January - December. '\J Annual catch of target species: Number of fishing days per year: 14 500. "--i Number of fishing days per year: 19 500. Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- sponsible for supplying and training observers. sponsible for supplying and training observers. Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) Fisheries Tar Number observed level Actual sea days Fisheries Target Number of observed Mobile gear .(45 ft. 20% 5 days level Actual sea days Mobile gear .(65 ft. 20% 308 days Fixed Gear .(45 ft. 149 days Mobile gear 65-99 ft. 20% 45 days Fixed Gear 45-65 ft. 10% 5 days Mobile gear /100 ft. 20% 483 days Fixed Gear 65-99 ft. 10 % 295 days ::::

SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - LARGE SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - LARGE PELAGICS - SHARK PELAGICS - SWORDFISH Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation Annual program costs: $1.9 Million (Cdn.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation 451 000). 451 000).

Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Target species: Shark. Target species: Shark, swordfish, other tuna. Bycatch: Tuna, swordfish. Bycatch: Tunas, shark. Fleet size: Approximately 15. Fleet size: 99. Season of operation: January - December; Swordfish: May - October. Season of operation: January - December; Swordfish: May - October. Annual catch of target species: Shark 1 241 t Annual catch of target species: Shark 1 241 t Swordfish 1 007 t Swordfish 1 007 t Other tuna 295 t Other tuna 295 t Number of fishing days per year: 2 151. Number of fishing days per year: 2 151. \:J

Observer Program Management Observer Program Management

Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the \:JJ

Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of 1"1-, the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of 1"1-, the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- \:J sponsible for supplying and training observers. sponsible for supplying and training observers.

Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year). Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year)

Fisheries Target Number of observed Fisheries Target Number observed L., level Actual sea days level Actual sea days c::: Shark 10% 28 days Swordfish 20% 195 days




SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - LOBSTER - OFF- SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - SCALLOPS - IN- SHORE SHORE Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker \:J Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell

"--i Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data.

Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. tJ;) Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. 1"1-, Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Industry/Govenunent. Funding source(s): Industry/Govenunent. 1"1-, Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. \:J Annual program costs: $1.9 Million (Cdn. ) (Admin. $427 000 Operation Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation 451 000). 427 000 ).

Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Y ear) Target species: Lobster. Target species: Scallops. \:J Bycatch: Groundfish, crab. Bycatch: Groundfish. 1"1-, Fleet size: 7. Fleet size: 277. Season of operation: January - December. Season of operation: January - December. '\J Annual catch of target species: 8 886 t. Annual catch of target species: 1 016 t. "--i Number of fishing days per year: 839. Number of fishing days per year: 8 297.

Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Federal Govenunent, with the day to day operation the responsibility of Federal Govenunent, with the day to day operation the responsibility of the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- sponsible for supplying and training observers. sponsible for supplying and training observers.

Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) No deployments. Fisheries Target Number observed Fisheries Target Number of observed level Actual sea days level Actual sea days Scallops 10% 184 days Lobster (offshore) 20% ::::

SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - SCALLOPS - SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - SHRIMP - OFFSHORE NORTHERN Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Annual program costs: $1.9 Million (Coo.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation 451 000). 451 000).

Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Target species: Scallops. Target species: Shrimp. Bycatch: Lobster, groundfish. Bycatch: Turbot, redfish. Fleet size: Approximately 32. Fleet size: 4. Season of operation: January - December. Season of operation: January - December. Annual catch of target species: 46 921 t. Annual catch of target species: 13 000 t. Number of fishing days per year: 3 759. Number of fishing days per year: N/ A.

Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of

the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides \:1J

with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of 1"1-, the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- sponsible for supplying and training observers. sponsible for supplying and training observers. 1"1-,

\:J Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) No deployments.

Fisheries Tar Number observed Fisheries Target Number of observed level Actual sea days level Actual sea days Northern shrimp 100% 879 L., Scallop (offshore) 20% c:::




SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - SHRIMP - SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - SHRIMP - SCOTIAN SHELF OTHER Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker \:J Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell

"--i Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. tJ;) Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. 1"1-, Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. rr, Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. \:J Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn. ) (Admin. $427 000 Operation Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn. ) (Admin. $427 000 Operation $1,451 000). $1,451 000).

Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Target species: Shrimp. Target species: Shrimp.

Fleet size: 21. Fleet size: 13. 1"1-, Season of operation: April - October. Season of operation: April - October. Annual catch of target species: 4 000 t. Annual catch of target species: 4 000 t. '\J Number of fishing days per year: 1548 days. Number of fishing days per year: 1548 days. "--i

Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- sponsible for supplying and training observers. sponsible for supplying and training observers.

Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) No deployments. No deployments.

Fisheries Target Number of observed Fisheries Tar Number observed level Actual sea days level Actual sea days Shrimp (Scotia Shelf) 10% Shrimp (others) 10% ::::

SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - SILVER HAKE - SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - SILVER HAKE - DOMESTIC FOREIGN Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Authority to place observers: Section 12 (e) Coastal Fish. Protection Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Funding source(s): Industry/Government. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Coo.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Coo.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation $1,451 000 ). $1,451 000).

Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Target species: Silver hake. Target species: Silver hake. Bycatch: Red hake, other groundfish. Bycatch: Squid, groundfish. Fleet size: N/ A. Fleet size: Approximately 10. Season of operation: January - December. Season of operation: February - September. Annual catch of target species: N/ Annual catch of target species: 8 872 t. Number of fishing days per year: N/ Number of fishing days per year: 860 days.

Observer Program Management Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of

the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides tJ;) with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of r-r, the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- sponsible for supplying and training observers. sponsible for supplying and training observers. 1"1-,

\:J Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year)

Fisheries Target Number of observed Fisheries Target Number observed level Actual sea days level Actual sea days Silver hake 7 days Silver hake 100% 1473 days L., c::




SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - SMALL SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - SURF CLAMS PELAGICS Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell \:J Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell

Observer Program Mandate and Authority "--i Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Fishery management: Federal. Fishery management: Federal. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. C3J Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. 1"1-, Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source( s): Industry/Government. Funding source( s): Industry/Government. Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. r-r-, Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation \:J Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn. ) (Admin. $427 000 Operation 451 000). 451 000). Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Target species: Surf clams. Target species: Herring, mackerel. Bycatch: Quahaugs/propeller clams.

Bycatch: Salmon, groundfish. Fleet size: 1. r-r-, Fleet size: Approximately 2 050. Season of operation: January - December. Season of operation: January - December. Annual catch of target species: '\J Annual catch of target species: Herring 101 131 t. Number of fishing days per year: 263. "--i Mackerel 3 402 t Number of fishing days per year: 6 508. Observer Program Management Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Observer Program Management Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of sponsible for supplying and training observers. the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- sponsible for supplying and training observers. Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) No deployments. Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year)

Fisheries Tar Number observed Fisheries Target Number of observed level Actual sea days level Actual sea days Surf clams (offshore) 20% Herring 20% 64 days ::::

SCOTIA-FUNDY FISHERIES - MARITIMES REGION - TEST / EXPERI- PACIFIC REGION - DOMESTIC TRAWL FISHERY MENT AL Observer Program Chief Barry Ackerman Observer Program Coordinator: Hugh Parker Scientific Coordinator: Mark Saunders Scientific Coordinator: Mark Showell Contracting Firm: Archipelago Marine Research Ltd.

Observer Program Mandate and Authority Observer Program Mandate and Authority Mission of the program: To monitor fisheries legislation and collect scientific data. Mission of the program: Observers are required to monitor compliance of the fish- Fishery management: Federal. ing vessel to area( s) or operations , gear restrictions and other fishery Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. regulations. Observers provide independent estimates of retained and dis- Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. carded catch for quota management purposes. Observers are also required Funding source( s): Industry/Government. to collect biological samples of target and bycatch species for the science Program duration: One year contract with two 24 month option periods. objectives of the program. Annual program costs: $ 1.9 Million (Cdn.) (Admin. $427 000 Operation Fishery management: Federal. $1,451 000). Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Fishery Description (1997 Calendar Year) Funding source: Co-Funded by Industry and Government. Target species: All species. Program duration: At sea observer monitoring on domestic trawl vessels has been Season of operation: January - December. compulsory since 1996. Components of the fishery are exempt from ob- Annual catch of target species: N/A. servers (e. , hake/pollock). Number of fishing days per year: NI Annual program cost: $2 300 000 (Cdn.

Observer Program Management Fishery Description (1997) Brief overview of program structure: The Observer Program is managed by the Target species: About 20 groundfish species including rockfish, flatfish, and other Federal Government, with the day to day operation the responsibility of roundfish. the region. Regionally, the ultimate responsibility for the program resides Bycatch: halibut and salmon are small component of catch. with the Chief of Surveillance Operations who reports to the Director of Fleet size: about 70 trawlers (50- 150 ft in length) .

the Conservation and Protection Branch. The observer contractor is re- Season of operation: year-round. c:J:J

sponsible for supplying and training observers. A vg. annual catch of target species: about 45 000 t. 1"1-, Avg. number of fishing days per year: about 5 500 (sea days). Observer Coverage (1997 Calendar Year) 1"1-,

Observer Program Management \:J Fisheries Target Number of observed Brief overview of program structure: DFO staff outline information and monitoring level Actual sea days objectives required of observer program. Affected fishing industry groups Test (all species) 100% 137 days have input on the operational requirements of program. Contractor is re- sponsible for most aspects of program delivery including hiring and training observer staff; supervising, briefing, and debriefing of observers; entering, editing and quality control of data. Contractor also provides c::: routine reporting and analysis for the time sensitive information require- ments. Service delivery type and function of each entity: DFO contracts with supplier firm lit for program delivery. Contracts are annual with two one-year renewal options.



Observer Coverage (1997) Unit and defmition of fishing effort: A sea day is defined as time, rounded to the \:J nearest two hour interval, that a vessel is at sea (i. , not at the dock). This

includes time spent steaming to, from and between fishing grounds, time "--i doing repairs or waiting for weather at sea, time deploying or retrieving gear or time spent searching for fish. 100%. Fraction of fishing activity observed: C);)



\:J PACIFIC REGION - IN HAKE FISHERY Observer Program Chief Barry Ackerman Observer Program Management Scientific Coordinator: Mark Saunders Brief overview of program structure: DFO staff outline information and monitoring Contracting Firm: Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. objectives required of observer program. Affected fishing industry groups have input on the operational requirements of program. Contractor is re- \:J Observer Program Mandate and Authority sponsible for most aspects of program delivery including hiring and 1"1-, Mission of the program: Observers are required to monitor compliance of the fish- training observer staff; supervising, briefmg, and debriefing of observers; ing vessel to area( s) or operations, restrictions on catch processing and entering, editing and quality control of data. Contractor also provides dumping, and bycatch sorting requirements. Observers provide independ- routine reporting and analysis for the time sensitive information require- "--i ent estimates of catch for quota management purposes. Obseryers are also ments. required to collect biological samples of target and bycatch species for the Service delivery type and function of each entity: DFO contracts with supplier firm science objectives of the program. for program delivery. Contracts are annual with two one-year renewal Fishery management: Federal. options. Authority to place observers: Section 46 Fishery (General) Regulations. Other participating agencies: None. Voluntary or mandatory: Mandatory. Funding source: Industry Funded. Observer Coverage (1997) Program duration: At sea observer monitoring has been compulsory on foreign Unit and defmition of fishing effort for purpose of estimating coverage: A sea day fishing vessels has been since 1987. is defined as any day six hours or more that a vessel is at sea (i. , not at Annual program cost: $200 000 (Cdn. the dock). This includes time spent steaming to, from and between fish- ing grounds, time doing repairs or waiting for weather at sea, time de- Fishery Description (1997) ploying or retrieving gear or time spent searching for fish. Target species: Pacific hake. Fraction of fishing activity observed: 100%. Fleet size: 3-5 foreign factory trawlers. Season of operation: June - September. A vg. annual catch of target species: 50 000 t. Avg. number of fishing days per year: 500 (sea days)......


'\J '\J r-r-,




'\J Barry Ackerman Laurie Allen DFO - Pacific Region NMFS - Northeast Region 555 West Hastings Street One Blackburn Drive Vancouver, BC V6B 5G3 Canada Gloucester, MA 01930 USA Tel (604) 666-3991 Tel (978) 281-9291 Fax (604) 666-8525 Fax (978) 281-9394 ackermanb~dfo- mpo. gc. ca laurie. allen~noaa. gov Chris Annand James W. Balsiger DFO - Maritime Region NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center PO Box 550 Station " 7600 Sand Point Way NE Halifax, NS B3J 2S7 Canada Seattle, WA 98115 USA Tel (902) 426-3514 Tel (206) 526-4000 Fax (902) 426-9683 Fax (206) 526-4004 annandc~mar .dfo-mpo .gc. ca j im. Anneka Bane Harry Bensen NMFS - Headquarters Seawatch Inc.

1315 East-West Highway SSMC3 14552 17 - 19 Pippy Place

Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA St. John' NF AIB 3R9 Canada Tel (301) 713-2259 Tel (709) 753-3880 Fax (301) 713-2258 Fax (709) 754-9530 nikki. bane~noaa. gOY Tony Blanchard Rolf Blikshavn DFO - Newfoundland Region Fisheries Directorate O. Box 5667 Strandgt 229

St. John' NF AIC 5Xl Canada 5002 Bergen, Norway Tel (709) 772-0928 Tel +47-55-23-80- Fax (709) 772-5983 Fax +47-55-23-80- blanchardt~dfo- mpo.gc. rolf. blikshavn~fiskeridir. dep. telemax.

Serge de Blois Larry Boyle ASD Canada Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game 2020 University, Suite 434 PO Box 920587 Montreal, PQ H4A 2A5 Canada Dutch Harbor, AK 99692 USA Tcl (514) 990-9904 Tel (907) 581- 1219 Fax (514) 964-3370 Fax (907) 581- 1572 sdeb lois~sprint. ca larryb~fishgame.state.ak. us ::::::::


Cheryl Brown Tonya Builder NMFS - Southeast Fisheries Science Center NMFS - Northwest Fisheries Science Center '\J '\J 75 Virginia Beach Drive 2040 SE Marine Science Drive 1"1-, Miami, FL 33149 USA Newport, OR 97365 USA Tel (305) 361-4275 Tel (541) 867-0237 Fax (305) 361-4562 Fax (541) 867-0389 r-- chery 1. brown~noaa. gov tonya. builder~noaa. gov

"--i Larry Byrne Guillermo Canete

--r, Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game INIDEP \:J 211 Mission Road Paseo Victoria Ocampo N1 Kodiak, AK 99615 USA (7600) Mar del Plata, Argentina "--i Tel (907) 486- 1875 Tel +54-23-86-2586

'\J Fax (907) 496- 1824 Fax +54-23-86-2695 lbyrne~fishgame. state .ak. us gcanete~lisa.inidep. edu. ar "--i Jacob Chabinka John Chouinard Javitech Ltd. DFO - Laurentian Region 115 Joseph Zatzman Dr. 104 Dalhousie Dartmouth, NS B3B 1N3 Canada Quebec City, PQ G1K 7Y7 Canada Tel (902) 468-9899 Tel (418) 648-5887 Fax (902) 468-9779 Fax (418) 648-7981 chouinardj o~dfo-mpo. gc. ca

Darryl Christensen Vicki Cornish NMFS - Northeast Fisheries Science Center NMFS - Office of Protected Resources 166 Water Street 1315 East-West Highway SSMC3 14552 Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA Tel (508) 495-2351 Tel (301) 713-2322 Fax (508) 495-2258 Fax (301) 713-0376 darry 1. christensen~noaa. g Paula Cullenberg Tom Curran North Pacific Observer Training Center DFO - Newfoundland Region Suite 207, 707 A Street O. Box 5667 Anchorage, AK 99501 USA St. John' , NF A1C 5X1 Canada Tel (907) 257-2770 Tel (709) 772-2045 Fax (907) 257-2774 Fax (709) 772-3628 currant~dfo- mpo. gc. Brandon Davis Douglas DeMaster Frank Orth and Associates NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NMML Suite 900, 10900 NE 4th Street 7600 Sand Point Way NE Bellevue, W 98004 USA Seattle, W 98115 USA Tel (425) 455-9693 loc 247 Tel (206) 526-4047 Fax (425) 646-9582 Fax (206) 526-6615 brandond~csspro. com Al Didier Brian Donahue Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission DFO - Ottawa Suite 100, 45 SE 82nd Drive 200 Kent Street Gladstone, OR 97027-2522 USA Ottawa, ON KIA OE6 Canada Tel (503) 650-5400 Tel (613) 990-0093 Fax (503) 650-5426 Fax (613) 941-2718 - didier~psmfc. org donahueb~dfo-mpo.gc. :?:......


Andrew Duthie David Edick DFO - Ottawa Alaskan Observers Inc. '\J 200 Kent Street # 206, 130 Nickerson '\J r-r-, Ottawa, ON KIA OE6 Canada Seattle, W 98109 USA Tel (613) 990-0157 Tel (206) 283-6604 \:J Fax (613) 990-9691 Fax (20~ 283-6519 duthiea(fYdfo- mpo. gc. ca ao istaff~alaskano bservers. com r---

Wendy Emerson Brian Fadely Frank Orth and Associates NMFS - Alaska Region

Suite 900, 10900 NE 4th Street PO Box 21668 "C:J Bellevue, W 98004 USA Juneau, AK 99802- 1668 USA Tel (425) 425-9693 loc 247 Tel (907) 586-7642

Fax (425) 646-9582 Fax (907) 586-7012 '\J driftnet( brian. fadely(fYnoaa. gov Shannon Fitzgerald Marc Gagnon NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center Biorex Inc. 7600 Sand Point Way NE 969 Roote de l'Eglise, #500 Seattle, W 98115 USA Ste-Foy, PQ G1V 3V4 Canada Tel (206) 526-4553 Tel (418) 654- 1316 Fax (206) 526-4066 Fax (418) 654-9217 shannon. fi tz gerald(fYnoaa. gov biorex( Sarah Gaichas Pam Gale NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center Alaskan Observers Inc. 7600 Sand Point Way NE #206 130 Nickerson Seattle, W A 98115 USA Seattle, W 98109 USA Tel (206) 526-4554 Tel (206) 283-6604 Fax (206) 526-4066 Fax (206) 283-65l9 sarah. gaichas~noaa. gov ao istaff(fYalaskano bservers. com Michael Gjernes France Henry Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. Biorex Inc. #200 - 525 Head St c.P. 817, Rue de la Reine Victoria, BC V9A 5S1 Canada Gaspe, PQ GOC 1RO Canada Tel (250) 383-4535 Tel (418) 368-5597 Fax (250) 383-0103 Fax (418) 368- 1372 mikeg(fYarchipelago. bc. ca biorex(fYglobetrotter. q c. ca Jim lanelli Maurice Jean NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center Biorex Inc. 7600 Sand Point Way NE 111 Boul St-Pierre Ouest, local 13 Seattle, W 98115 USA Caraquet, NB E1W 1B9 Canada Tel (206) 526- 1075 Tel (506) 727-7635 Fax (206) 526- 6723 Fax (506) 727-7338 jim. ianelli( biorexnb(fYnbnetnb. ca Bill Karp Kate King NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center NMFS - Northwest Region 7600 Sand Point Way NE 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg Seattle, W 98115 USA Seattle, W 98115 USA Tel (206) 526-4194 Tel (206) 526-6145 Fax (206) 526-4066 Fax (206) 526- 6736 bill.karp( kate.king( ::::"\)


Fred Koontz Dave Kulka NMFS - Enforcement DFO - Newfoundland Region '\J PO Box 977 O. Box 5667 1"1-, Aberdeen, W 98520 USA St. John' , NF AIC 5Xl Canada Tel (360) 532-8640 Tel (709) 772-2064 Fax (360) 532-8876 Fax (709) 772-2064 r--- fred.koontZ( kulka(fYathena. nwaf c .nf. ca "--i Micheal Lake Jean-Denis Lambert

--r, Alaskan Observers Inc. DFO - Laurentian Region \:J #206, 130 Nickerson 850 Route de la Mer, P.O. Box 1000 Seattle, W 98109 USA Mont-Joli, PQ G5H 3Z4 Canada "--i Tel (206) 283-6604 Tel (418) 775-0575 Fax (206) 283- '\J 6519 Fax (418) 775-0542 aoistaff~alaskano bservers. com lambertjd~dfo- mpo.gc.

"--i Dennis Lee Brian Lester NMFS - Southeast Fisheries Science Center DFO - Ottawa 75 Virginia Beach Drive 200 Kent Street Miami, FL 33149 USA Ottawa, ON KIA OE6 Canada Tel (305) 361-4247 Tel (613) 990-0090 Fax (305) 361-4562 Fax (613) 990-7051 dennis .lee~noaa. gOY lesterb~dfo- mpo. gc. Susan Linn Martin Loeft1ad US Dept of Commerce - Seafood Inspection NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center PO Drawer 1207 , 3209 Frederic 8t. 7600 Sand Point Way NE Pascagoula, MS 39567-4112 USA Seattle, W 98115 USA Tel (228) 769-8964 Tel (206) 526-4195 Fax (228) 762-7144 Fax (206) 526-4066 martin.loefflad~noaa. gov Bob Maier Ron Manderson NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center DFO - Maritime Region 7600 Sand Point Way NE PO Box 5030, 343 Archibald St. Seattle, WA 98115 USA Moncton, NB E 1 C 9B6 Canada Tel (206) 526-4197 Tel (506) 851-2088 Fax (206) 526-4066 Fax (506) 851-2504 bob .maier~noaa. gov mandersonr~dfo- mpo. gc. Bridget Mansfield Douglas March NMFS - Southeast Region Groundfish Research and Conservation Society 9721 Executive Center Drive North, Suite 201 10377 125 A Street St. Petersburg, FL 33702 USA Surrey, BC V3V 4Z7 Canada Tel (813) 570-5312 Tel (604) 951-0023 Fax (813) 570-5517 Fax (604) 951-0977 bridg et. mansfield~noaa. g Keith Matteson Angela McDiarmid Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. 2040 SE Marine Science Drive #200 - 525 Head Street Newport, OR 97365 USA Victoria, BC V9 A 58 1 Canada Tel (541) 867-0300 loc 244 Tel (250) 383-4535 Fax (541) 867-0311 Fax (250) 383-0103 keith.matteson~hmsc. orst. edu :?:...... :?:


Howard McElderry Dan McKiernan Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries '\J #200 - 525 Head Street Room 19901 , 100 Cambridge Street '\J Victoria, BC V9A5S Canada Boston, MA 02202 USA r-r-, Tel (250) 383-4535 Tel (617) 727-3193 \:J Fax (250) 383-0103 Fax (617) 727-7988 howardm~archipelago. bc. us r---- Mandy Merklein Richard Merrick Workshop Rapporteur NMFS - Northeast Fisheries Science Center 727 N. 74th Street 166 Water Street Seattle, W 98103 USA Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA Tel (206) 782-8273 Tel (508) 495-2291

Fax Fax (508) 495-2258' '\J richard. merrick~noaa. go Stephen Meyer Greg Morgan NMFS - Alaska Enforcement Division North Pacific Observer Training Center PO Box 21767 Suite 207, 707 A Street Juneau, AK 99802- 1767 USA Anchorage, AK 99501 USA Tel (907) 586-7225 Tel (907) 257-2770 Fax Fax (907) 257-2774 angtm~uaa. alaska. edu Chris Oliver George Pappas North Pacific Fishery Management Council Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game 505 W. 4th Ave, Suite 306 PO Box 920587 Anchorage, AK 99501-2252 USA Dutch Harbor, AK 99692 USA Tel (90) 727- 12809 Tel (907) 581- 1239 Fax (907) 271-2817 Fax (907) 581- 1572 chris. georgep~fishgame. state. ak. us Hugh Parker Laurent Paulin DFO - Maritime Region DFO - Maritime Region PO Box 550 Station " PO Box 5030, 343 Archibald St. Halifax, NS B3J 2S7 Canada Moncton, NB E1C 9B6 Canada Tel (902) 426-5850 Tel Fax (902) 426-5850 Fax parkerh~mar .dfo-mpo.gc. paulinl~dfo-mpo.gc. Michael Perez Donald Petersen NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NMML NMFS - Southwest Region 7600 Sand Point Way NE 501 West Ocean Blvd, Suite 4200 Seattle, W A 98115-0070 USA Long Beach, CA 90802-4213 USA Tel (206) 526-4014 Tel (562) 980-4024 Fax (206) 526-6615 Fax (562) 980-4027 michael. perez~noaa. gov don. petersen~noaa. gov Terrence Phillips Tim Price CARl COM NMFS - Southwest Region PO Box 3150, Carenage PO 501 West Ocean Blvd, Suite 4200 Trinidad and Tobago Long Beach, CA 90805-4213 USA Tel (809) 634-4528 OR (809) 634-4530 Tel (562) 980-4029 Fax (809) 634-4549 Fax (562) 980-4027 tphillips~wow .net .."::::::::


Becky Renko Leslie Rider-Araki NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center Chemonics International Inc. '\J '\J 7600 Sand Point Way NE Suite 600, 1133 20th Street NW 1"1-, Seattle, WA 98115 USA Washington, DC 20036 USA Tel (206) 526-4209 Tel (202) 955-3419 Fax (206) 526-4066 Fax (202) 955-7531 r-- becky lrider~chemonics. com "--i Ben Rogers Cheslie Rose DFO - Newfoundland Region Seawatch Inc. \:J O. Box 5667 17 - 19 Pippy Place St. John' , NF AIC 5Xl Canada St. John' , NF AIB 3R9 Canada "--i Tel (709) 772-4495 Tel (709) 753-3880

'\J Fax (709) 772- 5983 Fax (709) 754-9530 rogersb~dfo-mpo.gc. "--i Lionel Rowe Mark Saelens DFO - Ottawa Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 200 Kent Street 2040 SE Marine Science Drive Ottawa, ON KIA OE6 Canada Newport, OR 97365 USA Tel (613) 789-5901 Tel (541) 867-0300 loc 251 Fax Fax (541) 867-0311 lione1.rowe~sympatico. ca mark. saalens~hmsc. orst. edu Sue Salveson Mark Saunders NMFS - Alaska Region DFO - Pacific Region PO Box 21668 Pacific Biological Station, Hammond Bay Road Juneau, AK 99802 USA Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K6 Canada Tel (907) 586-7228 Tel (250) 756-7154 Fax (907) 586-7465 Fax (250) 756-7053 susan. salveson~noaa. gov saundersm~dfo- mpo .gc. ca Robert Sciocchetti Elizabeth Scott-Denton DFO - Maritime Region NMFS - Southeast Region PO Box 550 Station " 4700 Avenue U Halifax, NS B3J 2S7 Canada Galveston, TX 77551 USA Tel (902) 426- 1780 Tel (409) 766-3571 Fax (902) 426-9380 Fax (409) 766-3508 sciocchettir~mar. dfo- mpo. gc. ca lizabeth. scott -denton~no aa. g ov Mark Showell Allen Sinclair DFO - Maritime Region DFO - Maritime Region Bedford Institute of Oceanography, PO Box 1006 PO Box 5030, 343 Archibald St. Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4A2 Canada Moncton, NB E 1 C 9B6 Canada Tel (902) 426-3501 Tel (506) 851-2721 Fax (902) 426-7750 Fax (506) 851-2387 m - showell~bionet. bio. dfo. ca sinclaira~dfo- mpo. gc. Lauren Smoker Shawn Stebbins NOAA General Council - Alaska Region Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. 709 W. 9th Street Rm 909a, PO Box 21109 #200 - 525 Head Street Juneau, AK 99801 USA Victoria, BC V9A 5S1 Canada Tel (907) 586-7414 Tel (250) 383-4535 Fax (907) 586-7263 Fax (250) 383-0103 lauren. smoker~noaa. gov sha wns~archipelago. bc. :?:......


Mike Tork Donn Tracy NMFS - Northeast Fisheries Science Center Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game '\J 166 Water Street 211 Mission Road '\J Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA Kodiak, AK 99615 USA r-r-, Tel Tel (907) 486- 1822 \:J Fax (508) 495-2258 Fax (907) 496- 1824 mike. tork( donnt(illfishfgame. state. ak r-- Denis Tremblay Bob Trumble DFO - Laurentian Region International Pacifc Halibut Commission 104 Dalhousie PO Box 95009 Quebec City, PQ GIK 7Y7 Canada Seattle, W A 98145-2009 USA Tel Tel (206) 634- 1838 209

Fax Fax (206) 632-2983 '\J tremblayd(illdfo- mpo. gc. ca bo b(illiphc. washington. edu Teresa Turk Bruce Turris Association of Professional Observers Pacific Fisheries Management Inc. PO Box 30167 333 Third Street Seattle , W 98103 USA New Westminster, BC V3L 2R8 Canada Tel (206) 685-2104 or (206) 860-5828 Tel (604) 524-0005 Fax Fax (604) 524-0150 . turk( bruce - turris(illbc.sympatico. John Twomey Jay Wennemer Workshop Rapporteur Manomet Observatory #200 - 525 Head Street PO Box 1770 Victoria, BC V9A 5S Canada Manomet, MA 02345 USA Tel (250) 370- 1663 Tel (508) 224-6521 Fax Fax (508) 224-9220 sedwell(illii. j wennemer(illaol. com Wendy Williams Archipelago Marine Research Ltd. #200 - 525 Head Street Victoria, BC V9A 5S1 Canada Tel (250) 383-4535 Fax (250) 383-0103