New Zealand Gazette
Dumb. 53. 2217 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WffiLLING'rON, 'rHURSDAY, JUI-,Y 24, 1$130. Proclaiming the Borough of Palmerston North to be a City. FIRST RCHEDUI,E. , ALI. those areas in t.he Auckland Land District, containing [L.s.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. by admeasurement 8 acres 3 roods 39·6 perches, more or A PROCLAMATION. less, being the pieces of road closed by Proclamation dated ;\ i HEREAS a petition has becn received from the Mayor, 28th May, 1930, and publi.hed ;n Gault __ of the 5th day of \ . \ Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Palmers .June, 1930, and being the parcels of land more particularly ton North, praying that the said borough be proclaimed a city described as follows :- under the provisions of the Municipal C',orporations Act, 1920 : Firstly: 1 acre 3 roods J 9·1) perches, more or less. Bounded, And whereas the population of the said borough is not commencing at the westernmost corner of Allotment 218, less t·han twenty thousand: Apata Parish; towards the south-west by Allotment 230 of And whereas" it is desirable that effect should be given the said parish, .~2·8 links; towards the north-west by a to the said petition : puhlic road, 3·7 links, 116·7 links, 174-0 link., and 60· 1 links; Now, therefore, I, Charles, Baron Bledialoe, the Governor again towards the north·west generally by Allotment. 217, General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and Al'ata Parish, 57·2 links, 127·9 links, 693'0 links, 605·9 links, exercise of the powers conferred upon me by section one and 62·9 links to a public road; towards the north by thl' hundred and thirty of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1920, said public road, 114·i links; to" arda the south-east generally do hereby proclaim the Borough of Palmerston North to be a by Allotment 218, Apata Parish, 158·[; links, 61)6,1 links, city as on and from the first day of August, one thousand 726'0 links, 31>2·7 links, and 140·3 links, to the point of nine hundred and thirty.
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