Mendelssohn- Newsletter of the Foundation and Association July/August 2013 No. 38 Dust and jack-hammer create new things


page 2 Preface

page 3 Progress: the extension of the museum

pages 4/5 Mendelssohn, the European

page 6 Mendelssohn and

page 7 Museum concerts Competition Jugend musiziert

pages 8/9 Cooperations

page 10 News

page 11 Festival and Festive Concert

page 12 Master classes 2013

page 13 Garden concerts

page 14 News from the Association

page 15 Names, Dates and Facts

page 16 Further important information p. 2 Preface

C’est le lieu, Monsieur. director started successfully and became internationally renowned after a few decades only, as is proved by the high amount of foreign students at the end of the 19th Dear members, supporters and friends century. Thus even today Mendelssohns impact can still be recognized in many ways. During the recent years the Mendelssohn House has undergone a considerable development with regard to Yet, how often do you find a preserved historic its events and its impact in and abroad. Instead habitation that mirrors its famous resident’s personality of pointing out our achievements ourselves each time, so clearly? Indeed, only a few exist, for instance the we would like to yield the floor for an internationally expe- Goethe House in Weimar, the Villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth rienced longtime member of the friends’ association: and of course the Mendelssohn House .

In the museum’s entrance area a goodly number of distinguished visitors is listed. Here the intellectual The Mendelssohn House – giants met in the house of a great intellectual for spiritual A Jewel of Leipzig, the City of Music exchange. And even the modern visitor feels involved, in a manner of speaking. Here you can commemorate A definitely personal view Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy at the place of his death and, in the adjoining room, contemplate and marvel at the Those who, like me, grew up in a family of musicians water-colours from the genius’ last journey to Switzer- in , naturally have many encounters with places land in 1847, which reflect his enormous creative power. where great musicians have lived and worked. A documentation of his life, designed with loving attention to detail, provides the opportunity to refresh or extend When I came to Leipzig after being away from my one’s knowledge. Though having visited the place many home town for many years, I got the impression of an in- times, I still feel it‘s attraction time and again. herent musical culture for the first time again. This musical culture is perceptibly rooted both in the awarness of the This reminds me of an encounter in Cluny several general public and in the concreteness of the numerous years ago: I got into a conversation with an elderly cleric musical sites and buildings. I sensed that an important and expressed my disappointment about the ruinous cultural development had occurred here. It is by no means condition of the abbey church. His short and friendly the great Johann Sebastian Bach only who lived and reply was: “C’est le lieu, monsieur. (It is the site per se, worked here – the “Prachtkerl”, like Felix Mendelssohn Sir)”. These words sort of apply to the Mendelssohn House, Bartholdy, co-initiator of the Bach monument, used to too. Fortunately it was preserved. call him reverentially. Not to forget that the greater part of the city’s publishers, including important music Roland Baldini, June 2013 publishers, significantly influenced intellectual life in Germany for hundreds of years. Even Ludwig van Beet- hoven, living far away in Vienna then, published quite a few of his works in Leipzig. Prof Roland Baldini was born to an Austro-Italian The highly-cultured and widely travelled Mendelssohn family of musicians in Vienna. He studied music in briefly and memorably described the spirit of a city of Vienna, Salzburg, Bern, Siena and Trieste and finished culture in a letter to Klingemann, prioritizing the cosmo- his studies at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. He pursued politan Leipzig over Berlin. an international career as musician, teacher and juror. Starting in 1994 he has been teaching at the Mendelssohn confided in the distinct Leipzig public Hochschule für Musik und Theater Felix Mendelssohn spirit – the basis for, by way of example, the formation of Bartholdy Leipzig for 18 years. Now he teaches at the the Gewandhaus orchestra by culturally involved Music Academy Katowice (Poland), where as of October merchants in 1743, while, as head of the Gewandhaus 2014 he will hold a position as professor. orchestra, advocating for a betterment of his musicians’ As early as 2002 he became a member of the friends’ situations. association of the Mendelssohn House. For even a longer time he has guided music loving visitors of A further achievement of Mendelssohns’ was founding Leipzig to the Mendelssohn House – the site that is very the first German conservatory in 1843, a century after dear to his heart. the formation of the Gewandhaus orchestra. The conser- vatory with its outstanding staff and Mendelssohn as Proceedings in the Museum p. 3

About the Expansion of the Museum in the Mendelssohn House

On 3 February 2013, just in time people are extended as well to make Anybody interested in a tour of for Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s the museum even more attractive the building site may apply. We will 205th anniversary, the partly new for nursery and school classes, and gladly fix a date for a small tour at museum, which will by then be exten- to provide sort of a discovery area times when it is safe for groups to ded to the ground floor, will be inau- outside the historic rooms on the visit the site. gurated. To date the museum includes ground floor of the former coach house the actual appartment, i.e. the genuine where a special room for educational Construction work is proceeding: rooms in which the composer and his offers will be set up. the bottom picture shows a draft of the new ent- family lived until his death. Here the rance area including counter, shop and a comfor- spirit of the 19th century can be ex- The implementation of these new table lounge to linger and browse through books perienced, especially during the and indispensable ideas is supported available in the shop of the museum. Sunday concerts and other events by the Federal Department for Culture The library section is shown in the picture above on . Here books, sheet music, and audio- that take place in an intimate familiar and Media (€ 750.000) and the City visual information on Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy atmosphere. of Leipzig (€ 500.000). The Felix- will be provided. The picture aside shows the cur- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation rent state of the corridor – a lot has changed here The modernization of the ground has to make use of own resources already – the flooring is renewed, the old doors are reconditioned and reinstalled. floor is meant to help protect and to the extend of € 250.000 for this Currently workers are bustling about of the so- conserve the unique staircase and, wonderful project. called Effektorium, where the next steps will be most urgently, to improve the com- taken. fort and the quality of experiences Despite the flood that afflicted for our modern visitors during their Saxony and some of its craftsmen stay. Adjacent to the larger entrance again, work is preceeding uninter- area including an ample cloak room rupted. Painters, carpenters, brick at the front end of the house, a big- layers, electricians and flooring tech- ger shop with an extended product nicians are streaming in and out of range will be set up. Furthermore the house continually. there will be interactive media, for instance a library with, amongs others, Some rooms are already painted, audio and video material, offering the meter by meter of cable are laid for opportunity to concern oneself with the supply of the Effektorium where Mendelssohn‘s personality, his work visitors will be concerned with and life. Furthermore there will be Mendelssohn’s music in the future. the so-called Effektorium which will impressively illustrate Mendelssohn‘s work as conducter of the Gewandhaus orchestra. Here the visitor will have the opportunity to become acquainted with working with an orchestra. A new showcase displaying exhibits like for instance original documents accor- ding to the principle of a paternoster will be installed, too. Additionally, an outline of the changeful history of the Mendelssohn monuments completes the extended exhibition.

The historic part of the muse- um, that is the Mendelssohn family’s former appartment is kept in its original shape. Thus the Sunday con- certs will of course be continued. Beyond the exhibition, the educa- tional offers for children and young p. 4 Mendelssohn,

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy in Paris

Dr Susanne Wasum-Rainer, the Mendelssohn Bartholdy – the popular Ambassador of the Federal Republic Sonata in D major for violoncello and of Germany in France, hosted an- piano opus 58 MWV Q 32 – and by other concert for the Felix- César Franck, likewise a Sonata for Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation in violoncello and piano. her residence on 27 March 2013. This continued the longstanding tradition The music and speeches of the of Embassy concerts in Paris. evening passed too quickly, but the guests once more took home not In her internet welcoming text only beautiful memories, but also when she assumed her present enthusiasm and concrete arrange- position, she addressed the friends ments for further projects. The of Franco-German links and stressed proceeds from the concert went to the importance of these. “The rela- support the work of the Felix- tions between Germany and France are Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation. highlighted by their special history, their intensity and by their institu- tional embodiment. Over the decades an especially close network of cooperation has grown, which encom- passes almost all areas of civil society, politics, economics and culture”. Illustrations;

In this spirit she invited guests top: The ambassadress receives representatives of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation from from the fields of culture, politics and Leipzig, Mayor Burkhard Jung and Board member economics to a musical evening in the Jürgen Ernst Hotel de Beauharnais, to add another middle: Dr Wasum-Rainer welcoming her guests link to the cooperation network – this and speaking about Mendelssohn‘s role as cultural time Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy ambassador. stood symbolically by her side as a cultural ambassador. below: The evening‘s musicians, Marc Coppey (violoncello) and Bertrand Chamayou (piano)

The Lord Mayor of the City of bottom, left to right.: Jürgen Ernst, Dr. Gabriele Leipzig, Burkhard Jung, accepted the Goldfuß and OBM Burkhard Jung invitation in his capacity as Chairman of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy- Foundation – likewise the Head of the Department for International Relations in the City of Leipzig, Dr Gabriele Goldfuß, and Jürgen Ernst, the Managing Director of the Felix- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation, which the evening supported.

The musical pleasure was provided by two “old friends”, Marc Coppey (violoncello) and Bertrand Chamayou (piano), who have already performed before in the Hotel de Beauharnais, and whose thrilling interpreta- tions were welcomed with great enthusiasm. This time they offered a programme with works by Felix the European p. 5

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy in London and Hampton Court

Unveiling a historic English terate traveller – visiting this country More news from the Heritage “BLUE PLAQUE” ten times – Jew, Christian, humanist UK Friends of the Felix- and citizen of the world. to Mendelssohn in London Mendelssohn-Bartholdy- In this country, which Mendelssohn Foundation loved so much, and which supported On 4 February 2013, a cold but and inspired him, the UK Friends In May 2013 the UK Friends of clear day, an enthusiastic crowd of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy- the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy- gathered in central London to Foundation are privileged to work Foundation organized a fundrais- witness the unveiling of a historic with colleges, courses, concerts, festi- ing concert in the magnificent hall English Heritage “Blue Plaque”, to vals – to support young musicians of historic Hampton Court House. honour Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s “in the spirit of Mendelssohn”. This was built in 1757 by the 2nd visits to London and to recognize the Earl of Halifax as an “extravagant gift composer’s love for the city, country for his beautiful mistress”, Anna-Maria and people. Donaldson, and was designed by the renowned architect Thomas Wright. The event took place at 4 Hobart Place in Belgravia, the The internationally acclaimed home of Mendelssohn’s friend Karl Maggini Quartet gave wonderfully Klingemann, the Hanoverian Embassy lyrical performances of Mozart’s Secretary, where the composer stayed String Quartet in G K387 and on his later visits to London. Mendelssohn’s String Quartet in E flat opus 44/3. In the interval the musi- The four speakers at the histo- cians joined the enthusiastic audience ric unveiling ceremony were; the over wine and cheese, provided by the Director of the Barbican Centre, Sir Trustees of the UK Friends, Desmond Nicholas Kenyon; English Heritage Cecil, Tom Tress, Megan Tress and Historian, Howard Spencer; the Ruth Cecil. Chairman of the UK Friends of the Felix- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation, The concert not only gave great Desmond Cecil; the distinguished vio- musical pleasure to the audi- linist, Dmitry Sitkovetsky. ence, but the many generous dona- tions also raised valuable funds for Desmond Cecil (top left part of the charitable activities of the UK the picture), speaking on behalf Friends. Their next project is to of the UK Friends of the Felix- support the top-level profession- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation, al “mentoring” of talented young welcomed this wonderful recog- chamber musicians at the 25th nition of Mendelssohn in London. Anniversary of the Festival The UK Friends work close- “Mendelssohn on Mull”, the Scottish ly with the “parent” Leipzig Felix- island where Mendelssohn found the Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation inspiration for his Hebrides Overture. in supporting internationally the work and education of young musicians May 2013 (singers and instrumentalists) “in the spirit of Mendelssohn”.

In his short life Felix Mendels- sohn Bartholdy covered an asto- nishingly wide spectrum – great com- poser, conductor, pianist, violinist, scholar, reviver of the music of Bach and Schubert, painter, linguist, inve- p. 6 Mendelssohn and Switzerland

Information on this year‘s agenda Wengen Music Festival

The Mendelssohn Society offered to give a welcome piano recital. At this point we would like to Switzerland in memoriam Lili Wach- The date will be immediately after the draw your attention to the annual Mendelssohn began its yearly pro- Wengen Mendelssohn Week and we Wengen Mendelssohn week in Wengen, gramme on 29 May in Zurich with are happy to be able to profit from the Switzerland. a talk to the members of the Zurich presence of the following gentlemen Section of the Swiss Society for Jewish in the Bernese Oberland and welcome From 17 to 24 August this year Genealogy on the subject My fami- Michael Faber, Mayor and Deputy for internationally popular artists ly Mendelssohn, given by the great Cultural Affairs of the City of Leipzig; will perform a high-quality pro- grandson of Felix Mendelssohn Torsten Bonew, Mayor and Deputy for gramme way up high in the Swiss Bartholdy and president of the Swiss Financial Affairs of the City of Leipzig; Alps again. Amongst them the noted Society. and Jürgen Ernst executive member Gewandhaus-Bläserquintett Leipzig, of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy- the Merel Quartet and the Globe- On 14 July there was a matinée Foundation as guests of honour. Duo. concert in the Kunsthaus Interlaken with the Kazakh violin virtuoso To close the year our Society will The Mendelssohn House supports Aiman Mussakhajayeva, accompa- actively participate in the so called this festival from the very begin- nied by the well known italian pia- Culture Days of Kulturrüschlikon, an ning with chamber music concerts, nist Bruno Canino, performing works organization that regularly organizes a exhibitions and lectures about Felix by Tomaso Antonio Vitali, Johannes cultural event in November/December Mendelssohn Bartholdy and his work. Brahms, Ludwig van Beethoven and on a theme related to the locality and Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. history of the place. The centre of Tickets are available at gravity this year will be the interesting Wengen-Tourismus (Wengen Tourism) The Belgian born organist and story of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Postfach 494 (P.O.Box 494) pianist Els Biesemans, living in as Painter and Sketcher with special CH-3823 Wengen Switzerland, specialised on clavichord, emphasis on his Swiss watercolours and Telephone: 0041 33 856 85 85 fortepiano, modern piano, harpsichord sketches. The event will be held in the Fax: 0041 33 856 85 89 and organ, Master of Music at the so called „Brahms House“, a historical Music Academy of Löwen (Belgium) building in which Johannes Brahms The number of visitors has in- and, among various other distinctions, lived during his stay in Zurich. creased annually and the festival artistic leader of the concert series of meanwhile counts as an insiders’ tip. the Reformed Church of Zurich- Apart from musical performances It attracts not only performers from Wiedikon, has for some time concen- a film will be shown on the Honey- all over the world, but also a music- trated her activity on the compositions moon Journey of Felix Mendelssohn loving audience that highly esteems of Fanny Hensel, née Mendelssohn. Bartholdy and his bride Cécile the unique atmosphere of this festi- She will give a matinée concert Jeanrenaud, based on the Wedding val. on the Ried, the seat of the Swiss Diary of the newly wed couple. This Mendelssohn Society in the Bernese film was produced by the Swiss Oberland on 11 August with The Year, pianist and filmmaker André Vallana. Pianist Els Biesemans, artistic director of the a cycle of 12 piano pieces of Fanny concert series of the Reformed Church in Zurich- Hensel, composed during her stay Dr Thomas Wach Wiedikon in Rome. The musical pieces will be embellished by readings from letters to her brother Felix during her stay in , read by the actress Vera Schweiger.

After the Annual General Meeting of the Society, held on the Ried on 25 August, the russian born concert pianist and rising star Valentina Lisitsa (see adjacent picture), who will shortly change her residence from the USA to Switzerland and settle on the Ried, has Something Musical p. 7

Participatory Concerts Jugend musiziert

During the summer holidays the Mendelssohn House offers Winning the competition Jugend musiziert is a real participatory concerts for children. great honour. Especially this year, as the 50th anniversary of the competition is celebrated, winning is a special reward At the Mendelssohn House great emphasis is put on music for the great effort and diciplin it takes to achieve this and living stories, especially when it concerns the little goal. ones. The participarory concerts for little discoverers were established last year and are continued in August and Several years ago the Mendelssohn House together October this year. The new programme Schwarz- with the Sparkasse Leipzig created an award for promising Weiß und andere (Klang-)Farben: Tastenspiele im young talents, which is given to the winners of the regional Instrumentenkabinett von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy competition. In addition to a financial support, the prize (Black and White and Other Acoustic Colours: Keys and provides the opportunity of performing in a Sunday concert Games at Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s) leads into the in the Mendelssohn House. With the help of their teachers, world of keyboard instruments. This includes the harp- the students prepare a programme and brace themselves for sichord, the piano, the organ and several other sound the unique familiar atmosphere of the music salon, where producing objects that might have been new even to performers and audience meet directly. Mendelssohn. Two nosy keys, played by Anna-Barbara Schmidt and This year’s winner of the regional competition is Maria Racheli Rotstein, put all kinds of things in motion to make Pietschmann (violin). She was presented the award by music on their own. And of course the audience have the Dr Harald Langenfeld (Director of the Sparkasse Leipzig) and opportunity to contribute again. The scenic conception and by Dr Thomas Feist (member of the German ) for many opportunities to partake will make the concert an the second time in a row now. unforgettable experience. Children aged five or older are Also in the national competition Maria Pietschmann has cordially invited to playfully discover Mendelssohn’s music already won some prizes. In 2013 she reached, for instance, and living environment. 2nd place. We are looking forward to greeting many nosy guests! The young violinist has graduated from high-school Shows during the holidays: (German Abitur) this year and has already been accepted at Wednesday, 14 August 2013, 10:30 a.m. the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Felix Mendelssohn Thursday, 15 August 2013, 10:30 a.m. Bartholdy Leipzig. Friday, 25 October 2013, 10:00 a.m. (sold out) The concert in the Mendelssohn House will take place Show during term: on 22 December 2013, 11 a.m. Friday, 11 October 2013, 10:00 a.m. (sold out)

Mendelssohn House, chamber music room, former coach house Dr Harald Langenfeld, Director of the Sparkasse Leipzig; the violinist Maria entrance fee: € 3/€ 2, free entrance for teachers and Pietschmann and Dr Thomas Feist, MdB youth group leaders Information and reservation: 0341/1270294 p. 8 Cooperations

Bach – Mendelssohn – Schumann Media, Mass, Power, Modernism Mendelssohn Music Days in Krakau

This year the ten-year support of Like the Mendelssohn House and 18 Visiting the Krakow Mendelssohn the project Bach – Mendelssohn – further institutions, the Kurt Weill Festival: Schumann by the state and federal Centre Dessau belongs to the so- From 10 to 18 May this year the government ends. However, this does called KGO (German places of high Krakow Mendelssohn festival took not necessarily mean that the long-term cultural significance, www.kulturelle- place. The festival, hosted by the cooperation between the Bach-Archive, which are regi- Centre for Jewish Culture, has been the Mendelssohn House, the Schu- stered in the bluebook of the Federal supported by the Mendelssohn House mann House and the Museum for Government of Germany. since its creation in 2006. Musical Instruments has come to an The KGO’s cooperation includes not end, too. only an active exchange of ideas On the occasion of the now 40th bot also the exchange of special ex- anniversary of the Leipzig-Krakow Thus for the fourth time the four hibitions with theme-related institu- town twinning the Mendelssohn houses presented themselves at the tions or the organization of lectures to House together with the Leipzig De- Leipzig book fair, which set a record of inform other KGO-partners about the partment for International Cooperation 168.000 visitors this year. The interest latest insights or achievements. arranged a chamber music concert in in the museums’ stand was accor- This year we have the pleasure to host Krakow. Spokesman for the project dingly big, not least due to the diversi- an event in the course of the Kurt Weill was Leipzig Mayor Burkhard Jung. fied programme on the podium of the Festival in the Mendelssohn House: so-called Café Klangquartier, which ENTDECKUNGEN 11 The performing artists were was actively used by music publishers (Discoveries 11), Eva Sperl and Miki Wada (piano), for discussions, readings and musical Leipzig, 29 and 30 November 2013 Hellen Weiß (violin) and Tobias Bäz contributions. Mendelssohn-House (violoncello). The ensemble had al- ready delivered a brilliant perfor- The Kurt Weill Festival 2013, mance of Mendelssohn adaptions for themed Aufbruch – Weill und die chamber music in our music salon in Medien (Weill and the Media). the course of the recent Mendelssohn- Traditionally the presentation of Festival Leipzig. In Krakow their inter- the ENTDECKUNGEN (Discoveries) pretation of the Hebrides Ouverture, marks the beginning of the three-week the Symphony No. 5 (Reformation), the festival which takes place in various Sonata for Violoncello and Piano venues and offers lectures, concerts op. 58 and the Variations Sérieuses and round tables. The festival is a were appreciated enthusiastically as cooperation between the German well. Music Council, the radio station The performance was doubtlessly Deutschlandfunk, the Ernst Bloch a highlight of the diversified and Society, the Siegen University and internationally oriented festival. Likewise both the project home- the IFS (International Feuchtwanger page, which Society). provides an overview of the houses’ Illustrations: left to right: Eva Sperl, Miki Wada, Hellen Weiß schedules of events, as well as the More information at www.kurt- and Tobias Bäz, presented by the Mendelssohn printed broschure of activities are House Leipzig during a concert in Krakow. still available.

Furthermore the music museums currently discuss centralizing their educational programmes to increase awareness of Leipzig as a Music City and of the status of the museum as a place of education in both the teachers’ and the students’ minds. For this purpose a catalougue is developed that will sum up the houses’ offers. Cooperations p. 9

Live Music Now in the Mendelssohn House An outing to Rötha

It is the concern of the society Live presented the Suite for Violoncello The Mendelssohn House in Leipzig Music Now e.V., founded by Lord Yehudi D-major by David Funck (ca. 1630– has maintained a close partnership Menuhin, to bring the music to those 1699). The concert was completed with the Foundation for Marienkirche who are not able come to the numerous with the Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 by Church in Rötha for many years. venues in Leipzig. Heitor Villa Lobos. Readers of the newsletter know that this dates back to an outing For three years now the society has from Leipzig to Rötha which Felix met this concern with great passion. Mendelssohn Bartholdy undertook on Meanwhile the LMN members are well- 22 June 1840 because he wanted to known at hospitals, nursing homes, play the Silbermann organs in the two homes for the handicapped and even Illustrations; churches there. top: , MdB, and patron of the prisons, where their work and support concert opens the musical event of Live Music Therefore the Mendelssohn House is highly appreciated. Now Leipzig with his speech always organizes a concert in the middle: the stipendiaries during their rehearsal Marienkirche every June. in the The Mendelssohn House has been chamber music hall of the Mendelssohn House a partner from the beginning, provi- This year the concert focused on ding ideas and the venue for events. bottom: the Otto Celli the early works of Richard Wagner with Moreover the committed stipendiaries the lieder cycle based on Faust texts by are regularly invited to perform in the Johann Wolfgang Goethe for solo voices, Sunday concerts in the music salon. chamber choir and piano, solo songs and piano music by the composer. Also this year the Mendelssohn House granted free use of the chamber The interpreters of this rarely music room for the annual LMN sum- performed programme were Julia mer charity concert. Before the sold- Kirchner (soprano), Stephan Heine- out concert, Wolfgang Tiefensee, mem- mann (baritone) and the chamber choir ber of the German Bundestag and patron Ensemble TonART Leipzig; Christiane of the event, reported on the aim and Neumann had the musical lead on the the achievements of LMN. piano.

After that a musical fireworks The proceeds of the concert always inflamed that had the audience spell- go to the Foundation for the bound. Whether with a rapt smile or Marienkirche Church in Rötha, the with tears in their eyes – the guests left once run-down church of pilgrimage the concert obviously deeply moved. which, over the years, has been gradu- ally restored as a listed building, and Bénédicte Hilbert (soprano), Ying- now the last work can be carried out Chu Su (piano) and the recently foun- on among other things the restoration ded cello-ensemble Otto Celli Leipzig of the royal box and the completion of (Nico Treutler, Guido Scharmer, Felix the altar. Eugen Thiemann, Daniel Wachsmuth, Friedrich Thiele, Fermin Villanueva, Sarah Wiederhold and, as guest, Sehee Kim) had evoked these emotions with their skill and rarely performed pieces.

The opener was Heitor Villa Lobos’ (1887–1959) Bachianas Brasileiras No. 1, followed by Lieder by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847) and his sister Fanny Hensel (1805– 1847). After that the young musicians p. 10 News

Easter Concert Federal Volunteer Service

The Berlin clarinetist Karl Leister For a great number of A-level work, for instance in the fields and the Leipzig pianist Olga Gollej put students in Germany many questions PR, event organization and pro- on a splendid gala concert in the arise right after high-school gradu- motion the field of activity also Mendelssohn House on Easter ation (German Abitur): Questions extends to questions of social inter- Sunday, 31 March 2013. concerning academic studies, action. the future and work life. These One learns to react adequately They performed for the enthusi- insecurities can sometimes cause a in difficult situations and to deal astic audience a number of works: gap in young peoples’ lives. fairly and efficiently with people of from Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Therefore this gap must be any age group. the well-known Sonata for cla- filled. rinet and piano in E flat major, Furthermore the young volun- MWV Q 15, from Franz Schubert adap- For several years now the Federal teers attend a one-week seminar tions of songs for clarinet and piano Volunteer Service in Culture and every two months, where they (The curious one, To where?, In praise Education or simply gap year, as it encounter other volunteers from of tears and Serenade) and from Peter was called until recently, has proved Saxony and other federal states to Tchaikovsky four piano solo pieces a proper fill-in. exchange experiences, and future from The Seasons op. 37a. Unfortunately not every graduate plans. Thus a sustainable network is aware of the fact that this fill-in is generated. Both artists had already performed can be a lot more than just a stop- before in the Mendelssohn House and gap and neither was I until, during Hence, the federal volunteer ser- were very keen to come again because the recent year at the Mendelssohn vice has more to offer than it seems they had really enjoyed the informal House, this fact revealed itself to at first glance. atmosphere of the music salon. It had me. Therefore I am all the more been the express wish of the artists to happy to do voluntary service in an perform at this special event. The federal volunteer service institution of such great value like connects people, opens new per- the Mendelssohn House, and to have Guests from all over the world had spectives, prepares you for work the chance to make most important gathered for the Sunday concert and life and provides opportunities to experiences every day anew. celebrated the event together with the achieve ones potential in terms artists, who made the room light and of social and professional skills. Aron Schulze sparkle with their skill and music. In addition to the usual paper-

Olga Gollej (piano) and Karl Leister (clarinet) in the music salon of the Mendelssohn House, pictured here in their rehearsal Jewish Week: Concert and Get-together

In the course of the Jüdische Woche Leipzig 2013 a very successful concert, hosted by the Stiftung Friedliche Revolution, took place in the Mendelssohn House music salon on 25 June. The artists of the evening were the Israeli- Palestinian Duo Amal (Bishara Haroni and Yaron Kohlberg, piano), who were brilliantly performing works by Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Franz Lizt, Robert Schumann and Igor Strawinsky both two- and four handed.

Afterwards former Leipzig citizens, their children or even grandchildren, invited by the Department for International Cooperation of the City of Leipzig, joined a get-together in the former coach house. Dr Gabriele Goldfuß, head of said department warmly welcomed the guests from Israel who had visited various concerts, done sightseeing and not least enjoyed many inspiring collo- quies and signed the Golden Visitors’ Book of the City of Leipzig.

Now after their return home, they surely have told their families about their Leipzig experiences. They left the Mendelssohn House with warm words of appreciation. Festival and Festive Concert p. 11

Mendelssohn Festival 2013 Mendelssohn-Prize

From 12 to 22 September 2013 the Gewandhaus and it‘s Also in 2013 the International Mendelssohn-Prize co-operation partners like the Schumann-House or the Leipzig is awarded again and the awardees are determined: Mendelssohn House invite to the Mendelssohn Festival Dr. Richard von Weizsäcker (category Social Commitment), again. This year’s motto is Mendelssohn and Goethe. Thomas Hampson (category Music) and Prof Markus Lüpertz (category Fine Arts). As usual, the visitors will find a diversified offer of lec- tures, guided tours, chamber music and music for choir The awardees were announced by Burkhard Jung, and orchestra. mayor of Leipzig and head of the foundation board, at a press conference in the Mendelssohn House at the beginning of Again, the Mendelssohn House is hosting many concerts, July. some of them together with partners like the Mendelssohn Society Main-Taunus or, for the first time, the Baden-Baden The award is submitted by Burkhard Jung and Maestro Vocal Academy. Kurt Masur on 28 September 2013, as always in the course of a festive concert in the great concert hall in the Gewandhaus. Nearly every concert is already sold out. Tickets are still The artists of the evening are Markus Lüpertz & band, available for the following, very wothwhile events only: Gewandhaus organ player Michael Schönheit and Maestro Kurt Masur and the Gewandhaus orchestra. 14 September, 3 p.m., music salon Preisträgerkonzert/awardee concert with winners of The proceeds of the event are intended for the extension Jugend musiziert and of the Mendelssohn competition for of the Museum in the Mendelssohn House (see p.3). young string players and pianists from the Taunus and Main-Taunus region. The prize is awarded to persons who, like Mendelssohn, Tickets: € 10 / € 8,- + advance booking fee render outstanding achievements concerning creative diver- sity, open-mindedness and cosmopolitan actions. At the 14 September, 7 p.m., former coach house same time the ceremony honours the all-rounder Felix Choir concert with Prisma Vocale Leipzig Mendelssohn Bartholdy. His intellectual horizon ranged Goethe im Spiegel seiner Zeit/Goethe and his time from music to painting, poetry and the preoccupation with Lieder on texts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe the classical antiquity. He had a great impact on cultural Works by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Carl Friedrich Zelter, life both in the Music City Leipzig and throughout , Niels W. Gade, Moritz Hauptmann and others not only as a composer but with his aesthetic and moral Tickets: € 15 / € 10 + advance booking fee beliefs and his social commitment, too.

21 September, 7 p.m., former coach house Festive concert: 28 September 2013, 7 p.m. Walpurgisnacht/Night of the Witches Information and tickets: with the Baden-Baden Vocal Academy Gewandhaus Leipzig Diana Marina Fischer, soprano / 0341/1270280 Alessandra Wenger-Coladonato, alto Max Schäffer, tenor Come and join the concert – you will support the Dennis Sörös, bass Mendelssohn House! Kilian Sprau and Christiane Schmid, piano Dariusz Szymanski, presentation Direction: Annedore Hacker Works by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Carl Loewe, Louise Adolpha Le Beau and Johannes Brahms Organizer: VokalAkademie Baden-Baden Tickets: € 15 / € 10 + advance booking fee

Information and reservation: 0341/1270294 We would be happy to welcome you to these special events, which both highlight the relation between Mendelssohn and Goethe and provide an opportunity for young artists to present themselves in the course of a significant festival. p. 12 Master classes

Stipendiaries and Master Class Students in Leipzig and Böhlen

As in previous years the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation is welcoming stipendiaries of the American Friends of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation again this year. Once more they will pursue a well-organized schedule of activities in and around the Music City Leipzig. First thing first, though! This year the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy- Foundation under the umbrella of the Mendelssohn-Academy is offering three master classes: At first Prof Peter Schreier, awardee of the International Mendelssohn-prize 2011, and his voice students will work on a programme including lieder by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Robert Schumann. On 5 September the achievements will be presented in a concert in the Mendelssohn-hall in the Gewandhaus. Admission is free. The dates are mentioned here for listeners are welcome within the bounds of possibilities. Members of the friends’ association are emphatically invited to listen. 3 September 2013 10:30 a.m.–1 p.m. and 3–5:30 p.m. former coach house

4 September 2013 10:30 a.m.–1 p.m. and 3–5:30 p.m. former coach house

5 September 2013 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. final rehearsal – former coach house 7:30 p.m. concert – Mendelssohn-hall, Gewandhaus

From 19 to 22 September the conducting class with Maestro Kurt Masur is taking place. The Leipzig Symphony Orchestra has again kindly consented to work together with the stipendiaries of the American Friends and the master class students of Prof Masur. On the programme are Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s Symphony No. 4, (Italian Symphony), A-major, MWV N16, and the concert overture No. 2 (The Hebrides) b-minor op. 26, MWV P7. These classes are open for visitors and free of charge, too. So please come and listen, especially to the concert in the Kulturhaus Böhlen and witness the young conductors progress.

19 September 2013 7:30–10 p.m. Kulturhaus Böhlen/Leipzig Symphony Orchestra

20 September 2013 10–12:30 a.m. and 7–9:30 p.m. Kulturhaus Böhlen/Leipzig Symphony Orchestra

22 September 2013 10 a.m. final rehearsal – Kulturhaus Böhlen/Leipzig Symphony Orchestra 7:30 p.m. concert – Kulturhaus Böhlen/Leipzig Symphony Orchestra

The third master class will take place in the former coach house of the Mendelssohn House from 18 to 20 October 2013: together with GMD (General Music Director) Georg Christoph Sandmann the conductors will work on Mozart’s Requiem in d-minor KV 626. In case you would like to pass by – here are the course dates:

18 October 2013 4 p.m. Opening, topical preparation, consultation on course details, musicological introduction

19 October 2013 9.30–12. a.m. 1st phase – working with accompanists, conducting techique 3–5:30 p.m. and 7:30–9 p.m. 2nd phase – working with soloists, choir and accompanists

20 October 2013 10–12 a.m. and 1–3:30 p.m. 3rd phase – working with soloists, choir, and orchestra 3:30–4:30 p.m. course evaluation (video...)

Further information at, academy In Mendelssohn’s Garden p. 13

Musical programmes on the green grass

Given weather allows it, every year accompanied by an inspired blackbird special quality of the garden concerts three Sunday concerts take place in that sang along even in the right key. – during which artists and audience the Garden of the Mendelssohn House got into conversation. around June/July. These are much On 7 July the chamber choir appreciated by the audience, not only Ensemble TonART Leipzig performed The relaxed garden atmosphere due because of the special atmosphere a demanding programme consisting to wonderful music, good conversation but also because the programmes of some of Mendelssohn’s beautiful and a nice glass of Mendelssohn-wine differ slightly from those of the usual Lieder im Freien zu singen and works surely lingered with our guests all Sunday concerts. for choir by Brahms and Schumann, day long. pleasantly contrasted by European Until last year the the garden con- drinking songs and folk songs – and certs were organized by the Leipzig again the brave blackbird insisted on Gewandhaus in cooperation with the showing off its talent. Mendelssohn House. From this year on the Mendelssohn House is the sole The concert series ended with the organizer. Trio Saviano (Frank Nowicky – saxo- phone, Kerstin Friese – violin and Three very different perfor- Christoph Johannes Eichhorn – piano) mances elated the audience this year. on 14 July, playing jazzy, dreamy or The concert series started with the dancey adaptions of works by Johann Mendelssohn-Quartet (Gunnar Harms Sebastian Bach, Johannes Brahms, and Anna Schuberth-Meister – violin, Astor Piazzolla, Gaetano Donizetti and Larissa Petersen – viola and Susanne others. Raßbach – violoncello) presenting works from the Viennese Classicism The garden concerts attracted an period – a programme literally close international audience, including, to nature: Haydn’s Lark Quartet and among our habitués, visitors from Mozart’s Hunting Quartet perfectly America, France and China. fit the garden atmosphere between hedgerows and rose bushes. While The concerts each were followed playing Mozart the Ensemble was by a light summerly lunch – another Pictures: bottom left: the Mendelssohn-Quartet in the garden at the Mendelssohn-House; in chilly wheather the Quartet fired up the audience (in the positive sense) with Haydn’s Lark Quartet and Mozart’s Hunting Quartet. bottom right: The Ensemble TonART Leipzig, competing with Lieder im Freien zu singen against a feathered singing maniac. top: Also the little ones came, some even with their own vehicles. They had permission to use the privileged parking facilities next to the wall. middle: The members of the Trio Saviano, who performed a variety of works ranging from soft to fiery notes that fit perfectly in the summer’s day. p. 14 News from the Association

Letter of the new Board to all members

Pamela Ravenscroft Board member Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Mendelssohn-Hauses Leipzig e.V. Burgstraße 23 04109 Leipzig Telephone 0341 49690709 – E-Mail: [email protected]

1 July 2013

Dear Friends of the Leipzig Mendelssohn Society,

Thank you again for the trust you showed in electing me, I shall do my best not to disappoint you.

For those of you who are interested in being proactive in the society, I should like to invite you to join me to discuss how we can support our Mendelssohn House. Therefore, I suggest we meet on a regular basis once a month to exchange ideas and to plan activities. The meetings will take place in the new part of the museum on the first Wednesday of every month, starting on 4 September (time to be announced).

I would be very happy to hear from you. Please phone, email or write a letter with your thoughts or recommendations. How our society develops lies in your hands.

I wish you all a wonderful summer.

Kindest regards,

Pamela Ravenscroft

Financial support for the work of the Mendelssohn House Leipzig can be donated to the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy- Foundation.

For all members of the new Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Mendelssohn-Hauses Leipzig e.V. here all the important details:

Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Mendelssohn-Hauses Leipzig e.V. c/o Frau Pamela Ravenscroft Burgstraße 23, 04109 Leipzig

Account: Deutsche Bank Leipzig PGK AG Account No 133 0133 00 Sort code 860 700 24 IBAN DE 95 86070024 0133013300 BIC (Swift) DEUTDEDBLEG Names ... Dates ... Facts p. 15

New members of the Mendelssohn House Association until July 2013 Mr Kyle Faugerat, France Mr Jürgen Ernst, Germany Mr Andreas Kirchberger, Germany

A very warm welcome to you, we are looking forward to working together with you.

Many thanks to all our members who, in addition to paying their annually membership contributions, have provided their support for the objec- tives of the Mendelssohn House:

» Mr Hubert Bromberger » Ms Pamela Ravenscroft » Ms Johanna Flury » Mr Michael Ravenscroft » Ms Helga Grübler » Ms Dr. Schetelich » Mr Dr. Volker Hofmann » Ms Ingeborg Stiehler » Mr Ludwig Kolb » Mr Rainer Manertz » Ms Gisela Meyer » Mr Bernhard Pfaff

Many thanks to our benefactors, donors and helpers in the first half of 2013

» Ms Ellen Bassermann » Mr Uwe Kleinsorge » Mr Hubert Bromberger » Mr Rainer Manertz » delikat & gut GmbH » Mr Ernst-Otto Nedelmann » Ms Brigitte Diersch » Ms Dr. Elfriede Opitz » Mr Peter Doderer » Mr Wolfram Rockstroh » Ms Irmtraut Ertel » Ms Antje Rockstroh » Mr Dr Jürgen Friedel » Ms Sigrid Röder » Ms Christine Friedel » Mr Lutz Rudolph » Hotel Fürstenhof Leipzig » Ms Siegrun Rudolph » Gesellschaft der Freunde » Ms Gisela Stoessel des Lions Club Leipzig Saxonia » Mr Klaus Stoessel » Gewandhaus zu Leipzig » Mr Kurt Viermetz » Ms Dr Irmgard Graustein » Mr Hartmut Weber » Mr Prof. Dr. Gottfried Graustein » zonta Club Leipzig » Ms Gisela Heinrichs » Ms Uta Hollitzer-Weise » Ms Heike Jahn » Ms Victoria Kahnes

Board of the association Board of the foundation

» Andreas Kirchberger (Chairman), Leipzig » Pamela Ravenscroft (Vice Chairman), Leipzig » Jürgen Ernst (Treasurer), Leipzig » Dr Peter Krüger, Board member » Prof Andreas Schulz, Board member » Prof Takashi Oshio, Tokio » Jürgen Ernst, Managing board member p. 16 Further Important Information

Foundation council This edition Editing a n d De s i g n --> Maestro Kurt Masur – President » Christiane Schmidt (responsible)

Burkhard Jung, Mayor of the City of Leipzig – Chairman Te x t Contributions --> » Prof Roland Baldini » Desmond Cecil Members of the foundation council (in alphabetical order) » Christiane Schmidt » Aron Schulze Torsten Bonew, Deputy for Financial Affairs, City of Leipzig » Cornelia Thierbach Michael Faber, Deputy for Cultural Affairs, City of Leipzig » Dr Thomas Wach Wolfram Leuze, Chairman of the Expert committee for Culture, » Kurt Weill Fest Council board of the City of Leipzig Tomoko Masur Illustrations --> Dr Torsten Rodekamp, Director City History Museum Leipzig » Archives Mendelssohn-Haus » Archives Kurt Weill Gesellschaft » Archives Dr Thomas Wach Supporters and Corporate Members » English Heritage of the Mendelssohn House » Jürgen Ernst » Dr Thomas Feist Supporters Corporate Members » Stephan OKOLO Fromme » Christian Kern Deutsche Bank Leipzig Aengevelt Immobilien KG » Hans Leßke Prof Andreas Beurmann Hotel Fürstenhof Leipzig » Christiane Schmidt Dr Gottfried Franke Gewandhausorchester » Ulrich Schwarz GmbH Dr Jürgen Friedel Gewandhaus zu Leipzig » Trio Saviano Hotel Michaelis Segmenta PR, Heide Schwarzweller Dr Thijs Kramer Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Leipzig Tr a n s l a t i o n s --> Ulrike Krill de Capello Bromberger Packungen Donaueschingen » Desmond Cecil / Dr Thomas Wach Dr Kazoi Watanabe († Dez. 2010) » Tina Klohs / Intertext Takayuki Urushibara, July 2013 Bumpy Factory Corp. Pri n t e d a n d Pr o d u ce d b y --> » Merkur Druck, Leipzig Address Acc o u n t De t a i l s -->

Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Stiftung Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Leipzig Sort code: 860 555 92 BIC: WELADE8LXXX Acct. No: 109 0056 067 (business account) IBAN: DE04 86055592 109 0056 067 Please contact the association or the foundation: Acct. No: 1100800758 (donations account) Goldschmidtstraße 12, 04103 Leipzig IBAN: DE74 86055592 1100800758 Telephone: +49 / 341 / 1270-294 (office) Telephone: +49 / 341 / 1270-484 (museum) Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Fax: +49 / 341 / 211 52 88 Mendelssohn-Hauses Leipzig e.V. E-Mail: [email protected] Deutsche Bank Privat- und or Geschäftskunden AG Sort code: 860 700 24 BIC: DEUTDEDBLEG Acct. No: 1 330 133 00 Titel page picture: New entrance of the extended museum, in construction IBAN DE95 86070024 0133013300

The Mendelssohn House receives funding from the Office for Cultural Affairs of Leipzig City Council