17 Mar 1953 Tynwald Hansard When the Time Comes. ALCOHOL
REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS• OF TYNWALD COURT. Douglas, Tuesday, March 1'7, 1953. Present: The Governor (Sir Ambrose propose, as our agenda is very long, and Flux Dundas, K.C.I.E., C.S.I.). In the we do not want to rush it, that the Court Council: The Lord Bishop (the Right should•sit..a little later, up to 7 o'clock Rev. J. R. S. Taylor, D.D.), Deemster Sir thE evening, with half-an-hour interval Percy. Cowley, C.B.E., Deernster John- for tea, and the same to-morrow, which son, 0.B.E., the Attorney-General (Mr S. I hop d will be long enough for our busi- J. Kneale, 0.B.E.), Messrs J. F. Crellin, ness. If not, then we will sit again on M.C., R. Kneen, G. Higgins, and J. Cal- ' Thursday. (Hear,. hear.) • lister, with Mr J. N. Panes, M.A:, Gov- ernment Secretary and Clerk to the Council. In the Keys: The Acting-., PAPERS LAID BEFORE THE COURT. Speaker (Mr E. B. C. Farrant, M.B.E.), The Governor: I have the honour to Messrs T. F. Corkhill, H. K. Cor- lay before the Court:— lett, L. Gerrard, F. H. Crowe, T. • Q. Cannell, R. C. Cannell, A. C. Bye-law of the Isle of Man Harbour Teare, H. C. Kerruish, Mrs A. Board, dated 18th December, 1952. Bridson, Messrs J. A. C. K. Nivison, J. The Isle of Man Water Order No. 4, H Nicholls, T., E. Brownsdon, A. Moore,' -dated 13th February, 1953, made by the T. A.
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