Arachnoid Parasites and Predators of in Secta

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Arachnoid Parasites and Predators of in Secta ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology Jahr/Year: 1963 Band/Volume: 13 Autor(en)/Author(s): Zaka-ur-Rab Md. Artikel/Article: Arachnoid Parasites and Predators of Insecta: A Bibliography of Literature. 873-889 ©; download Beiträge zur Entomologie, Band 13, 1963, Nr. 7/8 873 Arachnoid Parasites and Predators of Insecta: A Bibliography of Literature M d . Z a k a -tje-R ab Section of Entomology Department of Zoology Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, India1) The present paper is an attempt to bring together the scattered references on the subject in the form of a concise bibliography. It chiefly aims to cover the period (1914 to 1957), but all other references available to the author have been cited. Although all efforts have been made to achieve completeness, the possibility of several omissions, nevertheless, exists. The readers are earnestly requested to point out such omissions and kindly communicate them to the author so that they may be included in a future supplementary list which is rather inevitable in a work of this nature. General References A n d r é , M., Une nouvelle forme larvaire de ThrombidionParathrombidium teres sp. n. Bull. Soc. zool. France, 53, 514-519, 1929. — , Sur le Pediculoides ventricosus Newport (Acarien). Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, 8, 240-245; 337-341, 1936. A nony m ous , Mites on insects. Bull. Amateur Ent. Soc.,9, 57 — 59,1956. B a k er , E. W., & W harton , G. W., An introduction to Acarology. New York, 465 pp., 1952. B e b l e s e , A., Sur una nuouva specie di Trombidide appartenente ad un nuouvo genere supposta parassita, alio stato di larva, delle Cavallette in Puglia. Redia, 13, 93-97, 199, 1918. B o u v ier , G., & G a sc h e n , H., Sur quelques parasites de diptères piqueurs. Mitt. Schweiz, ent. Ges., 19, 191 — 197, 1944. (Achorolophius ignotus Oudemans on various insects) B r e n y , R., & B ollaert , D., Pediculoides ventricosus Newport, Un acarien prédateur polyphage. Bull. Inst, agron. Gembloux, 20, 23 — 32, 1952. (Host list) Cro w ell, R. M., Preliminary observations on the occurrence of watermites on insects in the Duke Forest. J. Parasitol., 36, 32, 1950. E wing , H. E., Notes on the taxonomy of three economic species of mites, including the description of a new species. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 65, 99 — 102, 1932. (In tracheae of insects) Gr e e n , J., & W ilk in s o n , W., Mites on insects of Skokhholm Island. Ent. mon. Mag., 87, 143-146, 1951. H ull , S., The eyeless migrants. A life episode of some Gamasids. Vasculum Hexham, 3, 102-110, 1917. !) Present address: Department of Zoology, Government Agriculture College, Sopore (Kashmir), India. B e itr.B n t. 13 57 DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.13.7-8.873-889 ©; download 874 Md. Z ak a-u r-R ab , Arachnoid Parasites and Predators of Insecta O’Connor, F. W., An outbreak of itch due to a predaceous mite, occurring in England amongst men engaged in unloading cotton seed from Egypt. Trans. Soc. trop. Med. Lond., 13, 10-12, 1919. Sa m sin ak , K., Einige Bemerkungen zur Faunistik der in Gesellschaft von Insekten lebenden Acari. Acta Faun. ent. Prague,2 , 109 — 114, 1957. S c h eu c h er , R., Systematik und Ökologie der deutschen Anoetinen. In: H.S tamJ. m er , Beiträge zur Systematik und Ökologie mitteleuropäischer Acarina, Leipzig, 1, 233-384, 1957. (Hypopi of Anoetinae off insects) S e l l n ic k , M., Eine parasitische Milbe aus dem Balaton-See. Arch. Balatonicum Tihany, 1, 173-177, 1927. —, Milben als Parasiten von Insekten. 7. Intern. Kongr. Ent. Berlin, 2, 1300 — 1307, 1939. —, Die Milbenfauna Islands. Göteborgs Vetensk. Handl. (5), Ser. B, 6, No. 14, p. 1-129, 1940. (Achorolophus, Phanlocylliba, Leptus, Parasitus and Hydracarina on Opioliones and insects) S w a n , D. C., The hay itch m ite,,,Pediculoides ventricosus (Newp.) (Acarina, Pediculoi- didae)“ in South Australia. J. Agr. South Austral., 37, 1289 — 1299, 1934. T hompson, G. B., I. Some new records of the occurrence Myialgesof spp. (Acarina). II. A new record ofMicrolichus uncus Vitzthum (Acarina). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 18,315-320,1936. T u r k , E ., & T u r k , F ., Systematik und Ökologie der Tyroglyphiden Mitteleuropas. In: H. J. S tamm er , Beiträge zur Systematik und Ökologie der mitteleuropäischen Acarina, Leipzig, 1, 1 — 231, 1957. V olgin , V. I., Prilog proucavanjuPediculoides ventricosus Newport (Acarina, Araeh- noidea). (Contribution à l’étude dePediculoides ventricosus). Acta Med. Iugosla- vica Belgrade, 1, 76 — 128, 1919. V oukassovitoh , P., Contribution à l’étude biologique dePediculoides ventricosus New., Acarien parasite. 7. Intern, Kongr. Ent. Berlin, 3, 1685 — 1714,1939. W illm a n , C., W inters chmidtia crassisetosa spec. nov. (Winterschmidtiidae, Acari), Boll. Lab. Zool. Portici, 31, 65 — 68, 1939 — 1941. Apterygota B a k e r , E. W., & W harton , G. W., An introduction to Acarology. New York, 465 pp., 1952. (Biscirus lapidarius (Kramer) onSminthurus viridis L.) Cu r r ie , G. A., The Bdellid mite Biscirus lapidarius Kramer, predatory on the lucerne flea Sminthurus viridis L. in Western Australia. J. Austral. Council Sei. & In- dustr. Res., 7, 9 -2 0 , 1934. Pterygota Orthoptera B a k e r , E. W., & W harton , G. W., An introduction to Acarology. New York, 465 pp., 1952. (Locustacarus trachealis Ewing in tracheae of grasshoppers;P. diander Volkonsky onLocusta migratoria L.; Pimeliaphillus podapolipophagus Tragardh on cockroach; Erytkraeus swazianus Lawrence on locust;Eutrombidium rostratus Scopoli on locusts) D a n ie l , M., & S am sin ák , K., Phanolophus nasica Andre (Acari: Smariidae) a new parasite of the Italian cockroachCalliptamus italicus L. Zool. Zh., 34,1242 — 1249, 1955. (In Russian). DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.13.7-8.873-889 ©; download Beiträge zur Entomologie, Band 13, 1963, Nr. 7/8 875 F elder , Z., Un Aearien parasite de la Courtiliere. Bull. Acad. Roumaine Bucarest, 27, 528-532, 1945. (Mycterothrombium neglectum n. sp. onGryllotalpa vulgaris Latreille) H arris , W. V., The locust tracheal mite. E. Afr. agrie. J. Nairobi, 6, 43 — 44, 1940. (Locustacarus locustae Ewing onLocusta migratoria migratorioides R. & F.) J u d d , W. W., Larval mites of the genusEutrombidium attached to a Carolina locust. Psyche, 60, 124-125, 1953. (.Eutrombidium trigonum Hermann onDissosteira Carolina L.) K eeg a n , H. L., A new genus and species of parasitic mite. J. Parasitol., 80,181 — 183, 1944. (Blattisocius triodons Keegan onBlattella germanica L.) L a h il l b , F., Un enemigo de la langosta(Podapolipus berlesei Lah.). Boll. Minist. Agrie. Buenos Aires, 6, 96 — 109, 1906. (On locusts) L av oipierre , M., The Acariñe parasites of S. African Acrididae, with special reference to the genusPodapolipus. J. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 4, 71 — 80, 1941. L a w r en c e , R. F., A note on some parasites Locustaof migratoria migratorioides R. St F. J. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 8, 173 — 178, 1940. P opova , A. A., On the biology and significance of the red spider(Eutrombidium debili- pes Leonardi) as parasite of the migratory locust(Locusta migratoria L.). Bull. Plant Protection Leningrad, 1,131 — 170,1932. (In Russian with English summary). P rich a r d , A. E., A new superfamily of trombidiform mites with the description of a new family, genus, and species. (Acariña: Iolinoidea: Iolinidae:Jolina nana). Ann. ent. Soc. Amer., 49, 204 — 206, 1956. (On cockroach,Blaberus craniifer Burmeister, and Diplopterus dytiscoides Serville) R o eh rich , R., Parasites et predateurs du criquet migrateur (Locusta migratoria gallica Rem.) dans les landes de Gascogne de 1945 a 1950. Ann. Epiphyt, 2, 479 — 495, 1951. (Eutrombidium trigonum Hermann on locust) S e v e r in , H. C., The grasshopper miteEutrombidium trigonum (Hermann) an impor­ tant enemy of grasshoppers. S. Dak. Apr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull., 3, 1 — 36, 1944. U sm an , S., & P uttartjdraiah , M., A list of the insects of Mysore including the mites. Dept. Agrie. Mysore State, Ent. Ser. Bull., 16, 1 — 194, 1955. (Erythraeus sp. on grasshopperColemania sphenarioides Bolivar; unidentified Trombidiidae on Oxya grasshopper; unidentified Tyroglyphidae inOxya rearing cages) U varov , B. P., Locusts and grasshoppers: A handbook for their study and control. London, (Acari, 116 — 120), 1928. V itzth u m , Graf H., Mantidoglyphus anastati (Acari). Z. Parasitenk., 11, 457 — 462, 1940. (In cocoon ofHierodula) V o lk o n sk y , M., Podapolipus diander n. sp. acarien heterstygmate parasite du criquet migrateur (Locusta migratoria L.). Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger., 18, 321 — 342, 1940. W e h r h e , L. P., & W elc h , P. S., The occurrence of mites in the tracheal systemof certain Orthoptera. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer., 18, 35 — 44, 1925. W o m er sley , H., On some new Acarina-Mesostigmata from Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.), 42, 505-599, 1956. (Blattilaelaps nauphoetae n. sp. off blattid, Nauphoeta cinerea Oliv.) Z alotarev , E. Ch., On the question of parasitism of the red mite of the genusEutrom­ bidium onLocusta migratoria L. Bull. North Caucasian Plant Protection Sta., 6/7, 239 — 242, 1930. (In Russian with English summary). 57 * DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.13.7-8.873-889 ©; download 876 Md. Z aka-ur-R ab, Arachnoid Parasites and Predators of Insecta Dermaptera B ehtjra , B. K., A little known Troglyphoid mite,Histiostoma polypori (Oud.) and its association with the earwig,Forfícula auricularia Linn.
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    Calaby’s Rodent Literature Abbott, I.J. (1974). Natural history of Curtis Island, Bass Strait. 5. Birds, with some notes on mammal trapping. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 107: 171–74. General; Rodents Abbott, I. (1978). Seabird islands No. 56 Michaelmas Island, King George Sound, Western Australia. Corella 2: 26–27. (Records rabbit and Rattus fuscipes). General; Rodents; Lagomorphs Abbott, I. (1981). Seabird Islands No. 106 Mondrain Island, Archipelago of the Recherche, Western Australia. Corella 5: 60–61. (Records bush-rat and rock-wallaby). General; Rodents Abbott, I. and Watson, J.R. (1978). The soils, flora, vegetation and vertebrate fauna of Chatham Island, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 60: 65–70. (Only mammal is Rattus fuscipes). General; Rodents Adams, D.B. (1980). Motivational systems of agonistic behaviour in muroid rodents: a comparative review and neural model. Aggressive Behavior 6: 295–346. Rodents Ahern, L.D., Brown, P.R., Robertson, P. and Seebeck, J.H. (1985). Application of a taxon priority system to some Victorian vertebrate fauna. Fisheries and Wildlife Service, Victoria, Arthur Rylah Institute of Environmental Research Technical Report No. 32: 1–48. General; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Whales; Land Carnivores Aitken, P. (1968). Observations on Notomys fuscus (Wood Jones) (Muridae-Pseudomyinae) with notes on a new synonym. South Australian Naturalist 43: 37–45. Rodents; Aitken, P.F. (1969). The mammals of the Flinders Ranges. Pp. 255–356 in Corbett, D.W.P. (ed.) The natural history of the Flinders Ranges. Libraries Board of South Australia : Adelaide. (Gives descriptions and notes on the echidna, marsupials, murids, and bats recorded for the Flinders Ranges; also deals with the introduced mammals, including the dingo).
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