Sobit Negmatullaev Geophysical Survey AS RT Geophysical Monitoring Near Large Dams in Tajikistan PEER Science Cycle 2 Geophysical Survey AS RT Dushanbe,
[email protected] Sobit Negmatullaev 59 Shevchenko str., Dushanbe, Tajikistan
[email protected] Dushanbe, 734025 Printed On: 4 December 2012 PEER Science Cycle 2 1 Sobit Negmatullaev Geophysical Survey AS RT Application Form Report Fields Project name* Geophysical Monitoring Near Large Dams in Tajikistan Total budget* $180,000.00 Country* Choose from the list of eligible countries. If your country is only listed in the special categories list, please choose "Special category" at the bottom of the list. Tajikistan Special categories (if applicable) Please check the category that applies. If your country is already listed as eligible (see above), it is not required that your project fall within one of these categories to be eligible for review. If none of these categories applies, you can leave this question answered or choose "none". None Primary field of research* Applicants are encouraged to consult the list of projects funded in Cycle 1 of PEER Science for examples of the topics and types of projects supported. Disaster mitigation If you chose "other", please list below your primary field of research. Proposals focused on basic science topics without clear relevance to USAID development objectives are strongly discouraged. N/A Secondary field of research Please list a secondary field of research, if any. Seismology Principal investigator* Sobit Negmatoullaev E-mail of principal investigator*
[email protected] Telephone number* 992372219161 Printed On: 4 December 2012 PEER Science Cycle 2 2 Sobit Negmatullaev Geophysical Survey AS RT Co-PI(s) If any None Principal investigator's institution* Geophysical Survey of the Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tajikistan Address of principal investigator's institution* Sobit Negmatoullaev Director Geophysical Survey Academy of Sciences Republic of Tajikistan 59, Shevchenko Str.