2013-02-07 Po

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2013-02-07 Po Know the warning signs of heart disease SUBSCRIBERS — FIND t o YOUR COPY OF WOMAN WITH TODAY’S NEWSPAPER PLYMOUTH A G A N N E T T C O M P A N Y I PRICE: $1 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2013 • hometownlife.com Central issue School board sets May 7 bond election The Plymouth-Can- ton Board of Education has m ade the decision By Brad Kadrich Board picks new trustee, A3. joined in approving the measure district?” Crouch said. “Being a to close venerable Staff W riter by President John Barrett, Sec­ visionary requires you take a lit­ Central M iddle School the deciding votes on whether — retary Adrienne Davis and Trea­ tle risk .” and build a new middle Canton corporate attorney Kim and when — the school district surer Sheila Paton. school in Canton, if vot­ Crouch brought new meaning to will seek a $114 million bond to, Vice President Judy Mardi- Lower amount ers pass the $114 mil­ the phrase “out of the frying pan among other things, replace Cen­ gian, who sat on the board during The date was set after much lion bond the district and into the fire” Tuesday night. tral Middle School. failed bond elections in 2006 and discussion about the pros and will seek in May. Crouch was chosen from The board voted 4-3 to seek 2007, voted against the date, as cons of going after the bond so Central Middle among four finalists to fill the the bond, which administrators did Trustees Mark Horvath and quickly. Brodie Killian, the dis­ School is the oldest vacant seat on the Plymouth- say will also make the district a Mike Maloney. trict’s executive director of busi- i building in the school Canton Board of Education. leader in the use of technology, “The question is, do we want district, having served Three hours later, she cast one of in a May 7 election. Crouch was to be a good district or a great Please see ELECTION, A3 as the original Plym ­ outh High School. i School board members have begun to debate what to do with the Township, building, and over the years options have been discussed ranging from selling the prop­ clerical union erty to converting it to board office space. S o t h e C a n to n O b ­ settle contract s e rv e r wants to know from its readers: W hat w ould you do with By M a tt Jachman Central Middle School? Staff W riter Please em ail your thoughts to C a n to n Unionized administrative support O b s e rv e r editor Brad employees in Plymouth Township Kadrich at bkadrich® will get their first pay raises in sev­ hometownlife.com. eral years, but also pay more toward their health insurance, with the approval of a new three-year con­ tract. Bonny The deal with the Technical and passes Professional Office Workers of Michigan was approved by a 6-0 Bonny Dore, w ho Plymouth Township Board of Trust­ founded the student Kelley Connelly (left) plays Laura, w hile Madeline Klozik takes on the role of Laura's mother, Am anda, in ees vote during a special meeting r a d i o s t a t i o n W S D P f o r the Park Players' production of Tennessee W illiam s' "The Glass Menagerie," opening this weekend at the Friday evening. It had previously Plymouth-Canton Com ­ Canton Little Theater. been ratified by the union. m unity Schools, died The TPOAM, a civilian branch Saturday after a long of the union that represents town­ battle w ith blood cancer. ship police officers, represents 13 Dore, a graduate of full-time and seven part-time town­ the University of Michi­ i ‘Glass’ in the house ship employees: clerks, accoun­ gan, had a tants, technology specialists and oth­ long career ers. Pay averages about $40,000 a in b r o a d ­ year, with some specialists earning a c a st in g . top level of about $54,000, township S h e w a s Park Players take on Tennessee Williams Supervisor Richard Reaume said. t h e g e n ­ The new contract does away with e ra l m a n ­ By Brad Kadrich the unpaid furlough days to which a g e r a n d Staff W riter DETAILS the TPOAM had agreed several D o r e founder of What: Park Players' years ago as a cost-saving measure, W S D P - F M Reaume said. It provides for a 2-per­ With a shorter-than-usual rehears­ production of 'The Glass (88.1). She also w orked al period and a large-cast, over-the-top cent pay raise this year, plus 2-per­ M e n a g e r i e ' in public television. She comedy production coming up in the cent raises in both 2014 and 2015. When: Feb. 8-9, Feb. helped create the aw ard­ spring, Park Players director Paul Bird The contract expires at the end of 14-16, all perform ances w inning children's series was looking for something on a smaller 2015. Vegetable Soup f o r P B S scale for the troupe’s winter production. 7 p .m . The unpaid furlough program had and w ent on to create That’s why the Players will produce Where: Canton Little been curtailed in recent years, from and produce another the Tennessee Williams play The Glass Theater, Canton High 13 days per employee per year when award-winning kids' Menagerie beginning Friday on the S c h o o l it was instituted to just four days educational program. stage at Canton Little Theater in Canton Tickets: $10 per employee last year, the supervi­ H o t F u d g e , f o r A B C . High School. Cast: Directed by Paul sor said. She w as also a past “The other show this sem ester is Bird; featuring Madeline “Furlough days were a way to cut president of W om en in Legally Blonde, which has a huge cast Klozik as Am anda, Sean expenses during the down years,” Film and co-chaired the Reaume said, explaining that fur­ and is a way-over-the-top comedy,” Bird Larson as Tom, Kelley Caucus for Television Sean Larson plays Tom, said. “I thought I’d like to do something lough days were staggered so Donnelly as Laura and Producers, W riters and through whose memory The Joey Courtney as Jim. D ir e c t o r s . Glass M enagerie' is told. Please see 'GLASS/ A10 Please see CONTRACT, A2 INDEX Environmental AW Transmission Engineering Business........................... A 8 USA Inc., a Plym outh Township Crossword P u zzle .. B11 com pany that remanufactures Entertainment.......... B6 record wins AWTEC Fo o d .................................... B8 automatic transm issions for Hom es.............................. B10 major automakers, w as honored Jobs..................................... B11 ‘green’ award w ith a Clean Corporate Citi­ Obituaries...................... B5 zen Award from the Michigan O p in io n ........................... A12 Department of Environmental Services........................... B10 By M a tt Jachman Quality on Friday. Pictured Sports................................ B1 above, during a presentation W heels............................. B12 S taff W riter at the com pany's headquarters, © The Observer 4 Eccentric After chalking up a 90-percent are tow nship Supervisor Richard Volume 126 • Number 52 reduction in solid waste, a water sav­ Reaum e (left, front row), deputy ings of 29 percent and energy-effi­ DEQ director Jim Sygo, AW TEC Home Delivery: ciency measures that saved $30,000 a president Eiji Kato, Clean Corpo­ (866) 887-2737 year, a Plymouth Township supplier rate Citizen program m anager to the auto industry has been recog­ Jeff Spencer, and Bryce Feighner, Return Address: nized for environmental stewardship. chief of the DEQ 's Office of Envi­ 41 304 Concept Dr. ronmental Assistance. Standing Plymouth Ml 48170 AW Transmission Engineering USA behind them are members of Please see AWTEC, A2 AW TEC's environmental team. ♦ C o m m u n ity Fin a n cia l right here right for you ♦ www.cfcu.org (877) 937-2328 _____________ ___________________________________________________________ __ _ HHBMHNBHHHHHHHHHH *Variable rate of 2.50% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is based on a $25,000+ line of credit and 80% Loan to Value (LTV). Rate assumes excellent credit and includes a .25% rate discount when payments are automatically deducted from a Community Financial checking account. Rates are based on the published Prime Rate and subject to change without notice. Additional rates available based on l<?an amount, LTV and individual credit history. Maximum rate 18.00% APR, minimum rate 2.00% APR. An early termination fee of $300 will be charged on lines closed within the first 24 months. Federally insured by NCUA. t»> Equal Housing Lender. ©2013 Com m unity Financial OE8793668 ♦ M * i 4 tr* *0• < v> *r *T **‘*.f' i k X 1 & * • a a * v i , • Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, February 7, 2013 L O C A L N E W S f A online at hometownlife.com K tem just over a decade Reducing waste AWTEC ago, said Dave Tbeppe, Recycling and reuse Changes coming to Continued from page A1 the company’s environ­ measures helped AWTEC mental management rep­ reduce the amount of Inc., which will mark resentative, in a speech waste its sends to land­ its 25th anniversary lat­ Friday. fills by more than 90 er this year, on Friday Those steps include percent, from 26 tons a downtown martini bar received the Michigan reusing in-plant equip­ month in 2003 to 2.5 tons Department of Environ­ ment such as packing a month last year, Toeppe mental Quality’s Clean materials and parts con­ said.
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