The tie that binds since 192£m The Cord Weekly


Various international visit Waterloo speakers to voice The Cord goes in search of the authentic Oktober

their about concerns humanitarian issues PAGES 8-9 test in Kitchener PAGES 12-13 ... experience ...

Volume 49 Issue 10 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15, 2008

Conservatives take KW

Braid (Conservative): 21,871 votes Telegdi (Liberal): 21,798 votes


POLITI-COASTER - Both Braid (left) and Telegdi (right) saw many ups and downs during the tense election that concluded last night. The KW riding result came as a shock to Telegdi.

Conservative Peter Braid won Kitchener-Waterloo with 36.1 percent of the vote as theTories won a minority government.

Liberal MP Andrew Telegdi, who has held the riding for 15 years, was just 73 votes shy of Braid's result

DAN POLISCHUCK the Braid LAURA CARLSON I in Upon confirmation of results, Commons will do my job such a fash-

WEB EDITOR in SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR ion when once again took to the microphone front so I've got no regrets it's done. I

of that still full. don't a room was completely certainly have any regrets of what I've

in "I'm I second It of and in I do The Liberal party's strength the Kitchen- glad brought along a speech!" was a night great upset unexpected done parliament, have regret that I

MP Andrew er-Waterloo riding has come to an end with Kitchener-Waterloo's new joked. defeat for local Liberal incumbent didn't get 100 more votes."

all of and who ended his the victory of Conservative candidate Peter "My commitment to you, to Telegdi, 15-year reign as Serving KW since 1993, 63-year-old Teleg-

Braid. will is will the voters of Kitchener-Waterloo, re- Member of Parliament for the Kitchener- di unsure of what he do now that he

the values is of While CTV correctly predicted yet another flect that our community built Waterloo riding in the early hours this is faced with an uncertain political future,

innovation and he Conservative minority government at 9:49 on: tolerance, compassion, morning. though did note that he has given some

- "I know and p.m. local time a mere 19 minutes after hard work," said Braid, adding, that Although Telegdi, his supporters consideration to a sabbatical from politics.

candidates don't elections alone. the media before polls closed in Ontario - the eventual predic- win It predicted a victory just It was "not a good day, period," said Teleg-

tion the - and show 11:30 when in of Liberal Andrew Telegdi winning takes teamwork boy did we that p.m., the final numbers came di referring to both his own defeat and the

local turned around 1:30 suffered defeat defeat of MPs riding out to be premature. tonight!" a.m., Telegdi a Liberal across the country.

News outlets Liberal With Conservative to Conservative candidate Peter Braid a "We are have predicted a victory Kitchener-Conestoga by going to a Conservative gov-

Al- 11:20 and Kitchener Centre victors Harold mere 73 votes. at p.m., with the incumbent ahead by ernment with a very low percentage of the

and Woodworth The lead back and forth between some 837 votes. brecht Stephen dropping swung popular vote.... We're going to be going back

As he concede the afterwards to their the two candidates until the bitter end - to the in I was about to riding by give congratulations, polls two years, can guarantee you

"un- with to Telegdi in a defeat speech shortly after Braid eventually described the night as Telegdi was ahead by eight votes only that."

and the five stations be The midnight, a campaign member interrupted nerving, exciting, exhilarating at polling waiting to counted tone of the night was a whirlwind of

- but Braid claimed Braid. The speech was put on hold until end." ultimately 21,871 votes, emotions as soon as the initial numbers

felt that could win this elec- while with the last of the 265 in the were "I we trailed 21,798. to trickle in around 11 Even polls riding always Telegdi began p.m. the

tion I knew we were in for a eve- Braid 36.1 counted. and long captured percent of the local local media was unsure of where to send re-

wasn't over said and see results that the yet," vote, Telegdi 36 it one with Braid The following two hours would ning; story percent, making porters, leading at the top of the

MP in jump back and forth between favouring the Braid. of the tightest races the country. night.

the Conserva- Liberals a about how he and "It's obvious we've some "We and the Conservatives, creating Speaking got rebuilding to went through a lot of emotions to-

Braid's tives were able to pull off the Braid do," said a shaken because of tense atmosphere at campaign party victory, visibly Telegdi addressing night course the early returns

at commented that "the and platform his and a handful of that showed that Morty's. policies family supporters we were behind and we weren't

turned out of Mr. resonate with remained at the Huether Hotel after the In the end, delaying the speech Harper's government ma- expecting to be behind," said David Cooke,

this to be a the first-time candi- the of community." jority of the crowd had a wise decision, as people dispersed assuming Telegdi's campaign manager.

date won with a total of 21,871 votes, only a Telegdi victory.

- SEE BRAID, PAGE 5 "I said when I first the into - 73-vote margin over Telegdi. got House of SEE TELEGDI, PAGE 3 News 2 WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15,2008 ■ THE CORD WEEKLY

The Cord Weekly

- The that biruls tie since 1926 - Greens local phone: (519) 884-1970 ext. 3564

fax:(519)883-0873 get support

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The Cord Weekly

75 University Avenue West

Ontario Green Waterloo, party candidate Cathy MacLellan ended the night with 12 percent voter support in the riding N2L 3C5


VOLUME 49 ISSUE 10 REBECCA VASLUIANU the 2006 10 of the works age compared to federal percent vote. That was parties and it to the advan-

NEWS EDITOR election. our first from the of the Next Issue: October 22 goal right begin- tage major parties," because

Kitchener-Waterloo of the and it of those candidate ning campaign looks many who do not vote are

QUOTE OFTHE WEEK Tension the Green MacLellan like I'm 12 I'm the was high at Cathy warmly greeted a at percent so very same demographic who would "1 just walked in ontheir rainbow party." last ofvolunteers headquarters night as the re- variety and local citi- pleased about that," she com- vote for the smaller parties.

- Sports Editor LaurenMillet,interrupting a "movie night." sults for local MP trickled in. zens, expressing her joy with the mented, adding that from a finan- An overwhelming disappoint-

The night was ultimately posi- party's outcome. cial point of view her results are ment with the three Kitchener rid-

the "I tive, however, as Green what I set out Conservative WORD OF THE WEEK party accomplished particularly positive. ings' victories was

doubled their local to which to that nearly percent- accomplish, was get "Reaching 12 percent, we'll evident, however, as those in at- Rodomontade - Vain boasting; empty bluster; pretentious, braggingspeech; rant. be tendance watched very well-financed moving into the local num-

our next campaign." bers change. CONTRIBUTORS

She also noted her satisfaction Also in attendance were Kitch-

Peachw Blair she treated ener-Centre Green Bhargava Forsyth-Stark lonathonKivard with the way was as a candidate John Butler Devon Keren Gottfried Mara Silvc.stri

NatalieDias YusufKidwai Josh Smyth member of the Green ex- Bithell and Kitchener-Waterloo Anne Donahue MichaelKochefT WadeIhompson party,

Leslie McEwan Andrei Kovacsik Hmily Vanderheide

Gillian Farber Whitfield that she felt Canadian Action Teja Maclaughlin Greg plaining as "equally party candidate Andrea Millet valued" as the three other major Kyle Huntingdon, who stated he

in the to parties area. felt compelled attend the event

noted her WLUSP STAFF Overall MacLellan ex- because he was invited and be-

citementabout the he feels "there's party's support cause a great af-

like the Copy Editing Manager Meredith Barrett in the area, stating, "I feel finity between the two parties."

Copy Editors Caitlin Henderson

voters of Waterloo me a to Matthew Jackson gave good According MacLellan, she

Ariel Kroon vote of confidence... I think that's a was extremely with the Gina MacDonald pleased

IT Manager Kayleigh Leßlanc foundation build on." good to "community" feel at her campaign Distribution Manager Nicole Weber her Throughout campaign, office on Tuesday night, stating "I

MacLellan attained several mile- love the cross-section; you have

stones as Kitchener-Waterloo's kids, grandparents, students... and WLUSP ADMINISTRATION Green representative, garnering everyone made a contribution."

President Greg Sacks over 65 volunteers, distributing MacLellan's next step is to "re- VP:Advertising Angela Foster

VP:Brantford Gibson 384 and the its view and the Holly signs getting party debrief" party's past Chairof the Board Bryn Ossington first for and she noted that she Vice Chair Janice Lee campaign headquarters campaign,

Board of Directors Brendan McGill the area. will continue to run in the riding. Luay Salmon

On a national level, MacLel- "This was a long-term commit-

ADVERTISING lan noted her disappointment ment for me and for of the LAURA TOMKINS many

the with 59 percent voter turnout, people on the team. We want to GREEN GROWTH - MacLellan was pleased with her accomplishments. Alladvertising inquiries should be directed to commenting that it "hurts smaller see the Greens win." VP:Advertising Angela Foster at

884-0710, ext. 3560 [email protected]


The Cord is theofficial student of Weekly newspaper the Wilfrid Laurier University community. NDP secure third in K-W

Started in 1926 the is as College Cord, The Cord Weekly an place editorially independent newspaper published by Wilfrid

Laurier University Student Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. WLUSP is governed by its

board of directors.

ClllfiEn.iiii ie; Cindy Jacobsen, New Democratic Party candidate for Kitchener-Waterloo, gets 14 percent support wiulav


DEVON BUTLER each other's turf and Opinions expressed within VieCord are those of the author and stepping on

donot reflect thoseof theEditorial The necessarily Board, Cord, STAFF WRITER WLU CanWeb each other." WLUSP, or PrintingInc. working against

that these Allcontent appearing in 7he Cord bears the copyright expressly She believes in events,

of their creator(s) and may not be used without written

consent. An excited full of within room bright or- candidates the same party

TheCord is created using Macintosh running OS X.2 computers ange signs can only mean one looking to represent various rid- using Adobe Creative Suite 3 (InDesign, Photoshop, Acrobat,

Distiller and Illustrator). Canon Rebel XT 8.0 megapixel digital thing: The New Democratic Party ings should work together and not cameras for are used principal photography. election this another. on night. However, against one The Cord Weekly is a proud member ofthe Ontario Press Councilsince 2006. animation short-lived the She was as explained that that was the Any unsatisfiedcomplaints can be sent

to the Council at [email protected]. results for the Kitchener-Waterloo reason why she shared her "Victo-

The Cord's circulation for a normal Wednesday issue is 7,000 in. The NDP came last withKitchener- copies and enjoys a readership ofover 10,000. riding poured ry Party" night

short with 14 Centre NDP candidate Oscar "Oz" Cord subscription rates are $20.00per term foraddresseswithin up only percent sup-

Canada. port from theriding, securing third Cole-Arnal. The Cord Weekly is a proud member the oftheCanadianUniversity Press (CUP), %■ wJ place. It was at NDP Headquarters since2004. "It is a sad day for all the disad- in Downtown Kitchener that both

Campus Plus is The Cord's nationaladvertising and in the candidates agency. vantaged fragile people gave hopeful speeches

world," stated first-time candidate regarding the future of the New

Cindy Jacobsen. Democratic Party. Preamble to The Cord Constitution American-born "You would think a place like Jacobsen ex- The Cordwill keep faithwith its readers by presenting news and expressions of opinionscomprehensively, accurately and fairly. Kitchener would understand the pressed her gratitude towards the

balancedand ofall The Cordbelievesin a impartial presentation sufferings of job loss and inequal- NDP and warned listeners that the relevant factsin a news report, and of all substantialopinionsin a matter of and action for watch controversy. ity, change away party was something "to in

The staff of The Cord shall uphold all commonly held ethical from the Conservatives." the future." conventionsof journalism. When an error of omission or of ANDREI KOVACSIK has occurred, that shall be commission error acknowledged did let the results Jacobsen, however, not "Though may say we promptly. THIRD PLACE - Jacobsen receives warm sentiments from supporters.

last results diminish her lack we know different," of an or night's When statementsare madethat are critical individual, support,

those affectedthe to an organization, we shall give opportunity "Politics are in blood she added. reply at theearliesttime possible. spirit. my

now. I'm in this for the haul." is ordeal." Ethical journalism requires impartiality, and consequently long Jacobsen explained that she terested, eagerly awaiting the an- come a cheerful conflicts ofinterest and the appearanceof conflicts of interest With Jacobsen of the work she Out has no will beavoidedby all staff. a light heart, proud has accom- swers. of all the questions I've Jacobsen said she regrets

wanted The limits of are those oftheworld around her views theelection have only any newspaper gave on out- plished and the way that she has been asked, the most intelligent but says she would will to cover its world with it, and so The Cord attempt a special focus Wilfrid Laurier on University, and the community of come: "Overall, I am surprised by run her campaign. ones came from that debate." more time to knock on people's Kitchener-Waterloo, and with a special ear to the concerns of the studentsof Wilfrid Laurier University. Ultimately, The the of the but "I As the thinned in and the hard-working strength Tories, not am so proud to have young crowds out the doors meet Cord will be bound by neither philosophy, nor geography in its mandate. surprised by the weakness of the people getting involved with this NDP's election office, Jacobsen's citizens of Kitchener-Waterloo.

Vie Cord has to foster freedom of the and an obligation press Liberals." election," she added, before refer- smile did not. As for Jacobsen's futurein Cana- freedomofspeech. This obligation is best fulfilledwhen debate both theinternal the anddissent are encouraged, in workings of fear and Jacobsen also commented on ring to the debate held at Wilfrid campaign I've dian "The stress, contact with thestudent "Throughout my politics, paper,and through The Cord's body. -1 will the between mem- Laurier a week learned so much. This election hard work were all worth it The will do what is with fear of relationship University only Cord always attempt to right, retaliation. The of the neither repercussions, nor purpose next bers of the same for started off but with the be in the is to act of social and so party fighting definitely running student press as an agent awareness, ago. scary good shallconductthe affairsofour newspaper. different ridings: "They are always "The students were all so in- help from my volunteers it has be- campaign." News 3 The Cord Weekly ■ Wednesdayoctober 15,2008

VOCAL CORD Conservatives win "What do you think of the more

Federal Election results?" seats, still shy of majority

Liberals major losers in election; Harper, Dion and Layton keep their ridings, Greens remain seatless

Minister Peter in her rid- JEREMY TREMBLAY was the lowest it has ever been for ing 62 percent of the popular vote MacKay

NEWS EDITOR which has a general election in Canada. to win by a margin of over 17,000. ing of Central Nova,

Kitchener-Waterloo fared slight- Both the NDP and Green been a Conservative stronghold

"I didn't know it Conservatives than 64 also made at Liberal since 1957. even was voting sea- Stephen Harper's ly better average, with per- Party gains

voters She second in the riding, son, yo." were given a second mandate to cent of registered casting expense. placed

The NDP won 37 seats, six 32 of the popular govern following the results of theirballots. falling winning percent

Allen vote. -Taureen Canada's 40th general election. Conservative gains largely came short of matching the NDP's best

communication studies the releaseof the of Dion's election result of 43 won her Third-year Following prelimi- at expense Stephane seats, by May expressed disappoint-

the Conser- 76 in 2006 Ed Broadbent's NDP in 1988. In ment at not but said she nary election results, Liberals, whowon seats; winning,

29 would continue to for her vatives hold 142 of the 308 seats in the party won 103. The party lost 2006 the party won seats. fight

beliefs. the House of Commons, 13 seats four percent of the popular vote Party leader Jack Layton, who

Toronto- "I'm concerned for all the short of a majority government. between 2006 and 2008. was the incumbent for peo-

In Tories his Lib- his with a mar- whose lives I to 2006, the picked up Despite party's losses, Danforth, won seat ple hoped change

elected - 124 seats. eral leader Stephane Dion won gin of over 7,000 votes. by getting tonight people

Eliza- who such difficult and Voter turnout in the election, his Montreal riding of St-Laurent- Despite her party's gains, are facing

beth failed defeat Defence which hovered around 59 percent, Cartierville comfortably, garner- May to trying circumstances, particularly

those low-income single moms in

with House of Commons seat distribution the riding, people disabilities, and seniors without pensions.

"There is much to be done to

"I'm That's who would have happy. I set things right. I can't do it in the voted for." short-term member of Par- as your

liament, I'll continueto do it as a

- Weaver Ashley member of this community," she

Third-year kinesiology said.

May expressed her pleasure

with the gains she and her party

made in the federal election. She

went from 671 votes in2006 to over

12,000 this year. Across Canada,

the Greens received seven percent

of the from four popular vote, up

percent in2006.

"Next time, we'll make all the

difference. We will be a staying

force in Central Nova because I'm

"I know the Conservatives had a minor- not going anywhere."

ity last time, so I don't know how much - Withfiles from CUP.

of a difference this is going to make."

See PAGE 18 for editorial reaction to this story

- Nimar Bangash Third-year economics

Liberal losses


- FROM TELEGDI, COVER shot of winning this riding some-

what handedly, but... the vote

"It didn't change anything." With Telegdi pulling ahead by splitting, it was really hurting the

several hundred votes and CTV Liberal Party," he added.

Lakhani -Ayaz displaying an image of an "elect- Despite the close margin, the

business Third-year ed" Telegdi around 11:30 the results were not within one one- p.m., RYAN STEWART

Liberals thought they were safe in thousandth of the total votes cast

claiming their victory. in the riding. Accordingly, there is Candidate Party Votes %

"Let's and thank no automatic recount. party ... you

an enthusiastic the Liberal will very much," However, Party

his be for Peter Braid Conservative Telegdi proclaimed to sup- asking one. 21,871 36.1

At it porters chanting his name at the press time, was not clear

conclusion of his initial when such a would take Andrew Liberal accep- recount Telegdi 21,798 36.0

tance speech. place.

Eric Davis, Youth Coordinator All federal ridings in Waterloo Cindy Jacobsen NDP 8,920 14.7

for the Liberal Party, explained Region were won by the Conser-

that with so few polls remaining vatives, including Liberal Kitch- Cathy MacLellan Green 7,329 12.1

"It kinda NDP." sucks. I vote to be counted they had assumed ener Centre incumbent Karen

Redman who defeated that they were destined to win. was by her Jason Cousineau Libertarian 337 0.6

- Drew Nelson "It's hard to overcome a cer- Conservative opponent by 339

Third-year history tain margin of victory and I think votes. Mark Corbiere Independent 108 0.2

sort of saw that we Conservative incumbents everyone just Har-

had [it]," said Davis. old Albrecht and Gary Goodyear Ramon Portillo Communist 108 0.2

"Last election he won by 11,000 in the Kitchener-Conestoga and Compiled by Dave Shore, votes... I think that a lot of were CAP people Cambridge riding respec- Kyle Huntingdon 107 0.2 photos by Jeremy Tremblay thought Andrew had a very good tively re-elected. N tWS WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15, 2008 ■ THE CORD 4 ■ WEEKLY

591 charges in Project Safe Semester

Project run by Waterloo Regional Police Service hopes to take proactive steps in neighbourhoods

JEREMY TREMBLAY interpretation to give us an exact

NEWS EDITOR reason [for the decline in charges],

believe that the kind of but we pro-

work that has done... A total of 591 charges were laid active been

has indi- during the month of September certainly an impact on

understand the as part of Waterloo Regional Po- viduals' ability to

of transition lice Service's (WRPS) Project Safe importance a smooth

Semester, 111 charges fewer than to the community."

the Heinzel that all the were laid during same period explained

laid in 2007. charges were not against stu-

This the second that that while the is year dents, adding police

the is not to WRPS have run Project Safe Se- "target behaviour, goal

students." mester, which has teams of police target

On and officers, community partners and most Thursday, Friday

dozen offi- students "proactively [visiting] Saturday nights, two

in the over 1,500 homes, meeting with cers were neighbourhoods

universities and in residents to address matters of around the up-

mutual interest and provide im- town Waterloo.

For WLU's homecoming, about portant information relating to

resources." and enforcement safety and community 70 police by-law

of officers were on Although the total number patrol.

this WRPS's goal is charges has decreased year, "long-term down," stated charges related to the Liquor Li- to bring charges

Heinzel. cence Act increased by about 50,

going from 336 in 2007 to 380 this "Charges are something we

would rather not lay. It is just one year. available and According to WRPS spokesman of the tools to police

Olaf Heinzel, the force is pleased bylaw officers and campus police,

in the with the results of this year's one tool they can use really

to educate the public campaign. bigger picture

the and the "This is only second year community."

WRPS that we've collected these statis- Heinzel expects that the GRAPHIC BY CHRISTINE PARENT

will continue to run Safe down in the Waterloo Region. tics under the auspices of Project Project SAFETY FIRST - The long-term goal of the project is to bring charges

do Semester in the future. Safe Semester. It's difficult to an

Full-time faculty negotiations continue

Lakehead some tion at the University of Windsor, University and WLUFA bargaining teams are continuing to They're still meeting twice a week, of "that the smaller issues have been signed off and and Laurentian University, stating

leaves WLUFA the association in On- far we're now towards some of the as only meet twice a week; only "smaller issues" tackled thus moving big- tario still at the table." ger issues," explained Crowley. bargaining

then went to that twice week. Neither however, would comment The release on explain REBECCA VASLUIANU FA) bargaining units meeting a party, decided thus far. Laurier's full-time faculty's salary is also "in NEWS EDITOR WLUFA Media Relations Officer Herbert on the specific issues upon

other universities relations noted "I don't think either last place" compared to Pimlott stated that are moving at a Crowley party

with more than 200 faculty members. mov- wants to bargain publicly." Full-time faculty negotiations are now steady pace. three" While WLUFA conceded that this does not much to Nego- He explained that the "top issues ing into their sixth week and, according to "There's not really report. and and take into account the difference in have tiations and we are are workload the way positional age both parties, none of the larger issues are continuing working salary, made. rank from other universities, they concluded tackled. item item," said Pimlott. appointments are yet been through salaries website Octo- the with call to better WLU Associate Director: News and Edito- The union's was updated on post a bargain Bargaining sessions began on September for their members. that ber 6 with a new Advisory." on rial Services Kevin Crowley explained "Bargaining 1 after exchanging proposals August 27, last their The with an overview of recent WLU's administration updated with both the University and the Wilfrid Lau- negotiations are moving along normally. post began 26. website on September continue to be fruitful. settlements made faculty and administra- negotiations rier University Faculty Association's (WLU- "Negotiations by


from: / I APP'y for monetary support I (J!\ J Ell Partners in Excellence X\

- Oct. For more info visit: Proposalsxdue 31y2008 Wednesday NEWS The Cord Weekly ■ october 15,2008 5

PHL volunteer

left in the dark

Student denied Peer Help Line interview after four years of volunteer service

because of undocumented "issues" concerning her past performance

REBECCA VASLUIANU "Unfortunately for Jaclyn, I The major confusion faced by

NEWS EDITOR haven't heard anything back yet," Milstein was the lack of feedback

he explained, adding "in this situa- while she was with the group.

I volunteered I After applying to become a volun- tion I have to take a little bit of ac- "Last year when

the heard but teer with Peer Help Line at Laurier countability because whenI got never anything great job,

I fourth information I should have fantastic. I never missed shifts, for the in a row, Jaclyn pushed any YUSUF KIDWAI year and Milstein, a fourth-year business further'right away." never did anything wrong they

was told there were to she told me I was co-op student, According Milstein, ap- never doing anything

Braid offers for the this Milstein "change" problems with her past perfor- plied position Septem- wrong," explained. the ber. After back that she WLUSU's to mance; problems, however, hearing got policy, according

back is were not documented and she has an interview, she did not hear Preston, to always give partici-

the time. feedback. - what issues FROM BRAID, COVER Ottawa and [having an MP] on the not been informed regarding a pants

government's side of the House." are. She then e-mailed Preston, who "The coordinator should be let-

know what "I certainly want to thank and Wilfrid Laurier University Stu- indicated that she should speak to ting the person exactly

Vice Presi- Peer Line in- the is," he stated. "Supporting families, support- recognize Mr. Telegdi's long years dents' Union (WfLUSU) someone from Help problem

Pres- interviews. Preston that while ing students, keeping our com- of service. He served with convic- dent: Human Resources Dan volved with scheduling explained

WLUSU's I as I that he is not able to She added that after performance appraisal munity safe and ensuring that tionbut felt, was at the doors, ton says yet being "ig-

I continues that it was make a decision this nored," she e-mailed Preston who "needs our economy to be people were indicating regarding system improvement...

Peer Line don't think at fault timefor hire, based on the lack of indicated that anybody's managed very, very effectively. change." particular Help really

identified with her but I think it's been unfair to [Community members] know Responding to the possibility any documentation. problems past here,

is that they're in good hands with of a recount, Braid was confident "Wfhat I've done now I've start- performance. Jaclyn."

would hold ed back the who "So far said that Milstein is with the Conservative [s]." that the end result to go to person they've they've upset way

me been able that there were it was dealt with, and has Explaining why he ran in such true. handed documentationand get to verify regrets

rid- "A win and I'm because I'm never documented situations about her volunteer a traditionally strong Liberal is a win very some more specifics any experience

I comfortable mak- about I'm with Peer Line. ing, Braid said it was his belief confident that will, over the not personally my performance. just Help

if and and "I think it's that "the people of Kitchener-Wa- coming days, remainthe Member ing a decision on the matter I waiting waiting waiting just very unprofes-

I I terloo understand the benefit of of Parliament-elect in Kitchener- don't have more information," said and they're not letting me know sional and in retrospect wish

the said would've time having more of a direct course in Waterloo." Preston. what complaints are," given my to an orga-

Milstein. nization who had appreciated it."

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+ Tax and a 2 Litre Pop 6 News THE WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15,2008 - CORD WEEKLY

CANADA IN BRIEF mini-van while crossing Albert BAG O' CRIME the Street. The driver of van did

not the stop. in mining fate of Homecoming BC Homecoming danger college facing lawsuit INJURED / SICK PERSON at Queen's will be given within the EMS and Special Constables next two months. have If you any information re- attended to a studentwho had

•a KINGSTON, ON — The future of — these VANCOUVER Apple Inc. is con- garding or any other in- fainted whilewriting an exam. Homecoming to be in appears sidering legal action against the cidents please call Community

trouble at Queen's U ofT student University. deported Victoria School of Business and SUSPICIOUS PERSON Safety & Security at 519-885-3333

Queen's most recent Homecom- Constables Crime Technology on Vancouver Island, Special responded or Stoppers at 1-800-222-

saw a to the fifth floor of the Bricker ing significant rise in the TORONTO — To- TIPS. You can also a University of claiming that the school's logo is report crime

Academic an number of into ronto student building regarding people flooding Saad Alam is being too similar to Apple's. electronically through the Com-

unknown male who was seen on as-well the city, as a of the to with doubling deported Bangladesh his The school insists its logo, al- munity Safety & Security website. the floor after hours, and who number of arrested individuals. after failed has rela- family a bid for refugee though apple-shaped, no ran from teaching staff. There Oyer 600 fines were given out, status to stay inCanada. tionto the computing company's. The Bag O' Crime is submitted by were no signs of foul play. but tickets and were lim- Alam of arrests completed two years a Apple Inc. has used its apple Community Safety and Security.

ited because there weren't life sciences de- simply undergraduate symbol with a bite out of the side ASSIST OTHER P.F.

officers available. at U of T and had ambitions for The associated HEAD ONLINE FOR MORE enough gree 30 years. logo BAG

The event is seen of A female WLU student by some as going to medical school. The with the school has been used for working 0' CRIME: CORDWEEKLY.COM

drunken for FootPatrol was struck by a dangerously partying deportation will prevent him from three years.

with a if connection The weak, any, getting his degree. symbols are very differ-

to school spirit. Many believe a A rally was heldin support of his ent, Dieter Gerhard, the school's

"street party" attitude has de- bid at the start of October, where president, told the Globe and of Southern California veloped as students and strangers Alam explained that going back to Mail. University

are drinking more, partying more Bangladesh would be "completely "An apple's an apple. It should Viterbi School of Engineering and creating a tense atmosphere devastating." be something that everybody gets

for those the when living in city. "I don't know how to read or to use, especially our logo is

Studentsand individuals lacking write the language. I can barely by no means similar to the Apple

association with Uni- it,"he said. trademark," he added. any Queen's speak Learn about earning an Engineering

versity created issues of safety and Alam's parents worked multiple The public voice, Gerhard MS degree from a top-ranked the weekend. security over Op- jobs to help pay his international hopes, will make Apple step away. graduate school by attending one tions already discussed include de- student tuition. His father, Badrul The school website has begun a of our Toronto information sessions. laying, cancelling and re-inventing Alam, has hoped for "the au- poll in which over 70 percent of

the school's Homecoming. thorities to let (his) son finish his the over 10,000votes havebeen on

The event has a huge economic education." the school's side.

impact on the city of Kingston. His deportation follows a re-

-However, school and city officials port conductedin May of this year Saturday at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM

are deeply concerned for the city by the Canada Border Services Compiled by Keren Gottfried, Nat- Holiday Inn on King Street and its residents, not just Queen's Agency. It found that Canada has alie Dias andLesley McEwan

Homecoming. Globe Campus. lost track of 41,000 illegal immi- *With files from CUP

ca that a decision deter- in the reports grants country.* Sunday at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm

Sheraton Parkway Toronto North


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Graduate nd HHI' BiSl "/ it Postdoctoral Studies •'■Ml — 1- ' • ' ■--& "",■••• . ■ 8 International WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15,2008 - THE CORD WEEKLY

Various views on human welfare

The Cord Weekly tackles humanitarian issues from three perspectives

Investigator: Debbie Bodkin

MARA SILVESTRI she him," says."It made me stop terview, afraid thatthe Arabswould STAFF WRITER thinking aboutmyself." have them killed. Bodkin then ex-

He proceeded to tell her that "life plained that not all Arabs agreed

Debbie Sergeant Bodkin from the is nothing when you have no one with the situation.

Waterloo Police force visited Lau- left." Bodkin then promised herself Within her interviews, Bodkin rier last she would whine Thursday to speak about never again or was once again exposed to crimes her experience as a UN special in- complain, as her interviews were including torture, looting, forced

in Darfur. from conducted with survivors of and vestigator Coming being expulsion, rape, execution in- the small of bombs and other discriminateattacks town Florence, ON, burns, bullets, on villages. For

Bodkin admits that she didn't have formsof tragedy. this reason, the team was equipped a worldly perspective until she be- "No one ever said no to an inter- with bulletproof vests, helmets and gan travelling. view," explained Bodkin, "every- a radiowith a call number.

In 2004, Bodkin made trips to one was anxious." Each interview Bodkin and her team began

Chad Her tookabout hour and would and Darfur. first trip an they conducting secret investigations at

and she do be- clinics that vil- lasted two weeks was as- seven or eight per day. "[l] so it wasn't obvious

consumed with the work signed as a female investigator to came so lagers were being interviewed, put-

in interview people refugee camps. that [I] just wanted to keep doing ting them less at risk.

were estimated to interviews." of who weren't Refugee camps Agroup men wor-

II hold at the with similar ried about killed result 20,000people time, Hearing stories pf mur- being as a NICK LACHANCE

inves- - numbers rising sharply. The der, rape and kidnapping from nu- of the interviews since they were DEBBIE IN DARFUR A UN special investigator tells her experience of

affected crimes in Chad was commissioned the merous Bodkin Bodkin interviewing people war and Darfur. tigation by people, expressed already targets, gave cop- by

US and Bodkin their was required to use strength. "People in general ies of government documents with a all of were so in that thatindicated which vil- questionnaire throughout amazing they were signatures Upon return from Darfur, the UN terms of taking action, Bodkin says her interviews. the so strong." In fact, interpreters lage would be attacked on which reported the findings didn't indi- the "most basic and most frustrat-

Until Bodkin and her that her with interpreter team worked were date, constituting written proof of cate genocide, but crimes against ing action is writing to our politi-

with victims them the attacks. met a refugee to practice con- themselves, giving a humanity, as they could not iden- cians," later stating that "politics is

she described vested interest in the Bodkin when ducting interviews, investigation. began interviewing Jan- tify a specific target group. my only answer" asked why

herself the first Bodkin continued - the as "panicking night. conducting jaweed militias considered Controversially, Bodkin stated there is no change.

I was and interviews her second for violence in Darfur. that "Darfur isn't Cana- like she hungry, tired, sweating during trip. responsible letting any "Start being noisy me,"

what I When she and her Moham- their differed dians rethinking got myself into." partner Consequently, stories in [the country]; no country is said, but admitted that "eventu-

interview her med from those of the that had That first changed were assigned interpreters, victims doing anything active. China has oil ally we will have to do something

outlook. "He been interviewed. Bodkin found was crying and had the Africans they were interview- in Darfur and vetoed all sanctions." more."

fled from Darfur and his two- the that the In the audience of about "I'll just ing recognized interpreters as Janjaweed downplayed 40 peo- do my little part, if everyone

Arab tribe. their of stolen live- year-old child, wife and his parents descendents of an They tales, speaking ple, the end of Bodkin's presenta- else does their little part."

had been in front of were reluctant to consent to an in- stock instead of slaughtered rapes. tion brought on great concern. In

Internationalresponsibility; Allan Rock

KEREN GOTTFRIED 2000 and adopted unanimously by Rock admitted that Darfur was He responded to questions ing Canadian litigation lawyer, as

STAFF WRITER the UN in member states 2005. an example of R2P failing. The Su- about US co-operation, the role of the treasurer for the Upper Law So-

of Although not a piece interna- danese government did not fulfil non-governmental organizations ciety of Canada and as the Minister

A tional of group of over 150 people gath- law, R2P is a set norms that its duties to its people and failed to and the need to develop quicker re- of Justice, of Healthand ofIndustry.

ered at the Centre for International are the the world end ethnic redefining way the cleansing within its sponse mechanisms. He is currendy the President and

Governance Innovation last understands (CIGI) global politics. borders. "I think there is a lot of unfin- Vice-Chancellor of the University

Allan The "I believe Wednesday to listen to Rock, document, Rock explained, don't Darfur is a rea- ished business to do," Rock ac- of Ottawa.

former Canadian ambassador has threeelements: for to prevention, re- son us to abandon R2P. I believe knowledged, "and Canada is in a the United Nations. action and it is for ad- make rebuilding. a reason us to renew our good position to great strides

Rock the audience "These atrocities don't arise that R2P is acted in the captivated vocacy to ensure completing project."

he talked about the Rock told the audience. as global duty overnight," upon. It takes time for emerging Allan Rock has served as a lead-

arise of of to guard people from "genocide, "They out a set circum- internationalnorms to take root."

ethnic and that that One the be large-scale cleansing stances evolve, emerge way principles can

that be crimes against humanity." and can recognized." strengthened is by ensuring thatwe

"If a state is unwilling or unable Fragile or failed states are most use it not only in the extreme cases to provide basic protection against vulnerable to genocide, and should of intervention, but in "benign cas- mass killings, the international be monitoredand developed. es" as well. community's responsibility is en- If there is evidence of "one tribe Rock cited the example of the gaged to ensure that that protection or group attacking another, liter- Democratic Republic of Congo is afforded," said Rock. ally killing them in mass numbers, (DRC), where the government

Theoretically, few people would there must be a reaction." would like to do something about deny the need for an international He suggested that this reaction the violence occurring in its eastern students and effort that could end the level of from the international community region but is unableto do so alone. helping Laurier to look

seen in atrocities like can be from con- R2P demands that the suffering past anything public global see their best since 1995 the Holocaust and the genocide in demnations to economic sanc- community provide the DRC with

Rwanda. tions, with military intervention as assistance in this case, too. Practically, though, it means a last resort. Rock closed his address by in- OPTKfiL of third element that that in weakening the norms state legiti- The states sisting "the strongest case

and which the international also favour of the doctrine is our com- macy sovereignty upon community

United founded has the state mon that we at the Nations was an obligation to help humanity ... accept

other rebuild once the has last the we have halfa century ago by allowing intervention long responsibility eye exams available on site countries to invade their territory. occurred. as one humanbeing to another."

three elements The CIGI The principles Rock advocated The result of the eager audience at en- 255 King St. N. (King at University) that much than him in hour come from a document called The means R2P is more gaged over half an of 519-888-0411 idea of him Responsibility to Protect (R2P). just a shifting of the state responses, nearly making late in for his home. It was spearheaded by Canada sovereignty. flight Cord Weekly ■ 1 The WednesdayOctober 15,2008 9

Survivor:Kamara Mariatu

said Sanford. HEATHER MACDONALD telling Kamara's story, they can begin opening up,

INTERNATIONAL EDITOR connections She remembers Kamara create among many talking

people. McClelland believes that about her experiences in Sierra Le-

A Ghanaian drummer welcomed "there is universality in suffering." one, but she tried to keep to more

be- a full house with the sounds of an She also said she felt that telling general topics in the classroom

authentic African beat last Thurs- Kamara's story would help her to cause with so many people coming

day at the Centre for International heal. from all differentwalks of life in her

Governance Innovation Kamara be sensitive (CIGI). agreed that the more she class, everyone had to

Mariatu Kamara and Susan Mc- talks about the suffering she faced to one another.

in Sierra "more it When asked about how Kamara Clelland, authors of The Bite of the Leone, the goes

that Mango, told Kamara's story through away." But she also said, "Any time appeared to be healing during

I Sanford said that she "didn't a question-and-answer period with look at my hands, my heart goes time,

hate." CTV reporter, DaieneVernile. back to that day." see any

Kamara, now a landed immi- During her days in Sierra Leone, But Sanford expressed her own

survivor Kamara "I felt it. I could grant in Canada, was a of lost many of her loved passion by saying,

- became have shot the kids that had done the civil war in Sierra Leone that ones, was raped pregnant

in 2002. her but she never said lasted for ten years, ending only to lose the child to malnutri- that to

Kamara describes in her book the tion, fought battles with depression anything."

these danger her village endured at the and, towards the end of her time in "There are all people put-

Sierra in beginning of the war. In 1999, when Leone,was living a refugee ting on a brave front and then every

Kamara 12 in chance to was years old, she nar- camp while begging on the streets once a while, you get a

in rowly escaped death at the hands for a living. look and see a glimmer of what

of the United When said San- Revolutionary Front Kamara finally came to they've gone through,"

(RUF). Canada, she didn't enroll in school ford of her experiences as an ESL

After tied and forced she teacher. being up right away but, as explains in

to watch the brutal slaughtering of her book, it took encouragement Kamara's book, The Bite of the

most of the people in her village - from her foster family to get her Mango, has given the world more

friends, family, and the man she back on her feet again. than just a glimmer of her life sto-

fine details had planned to marry - Kamara At the age of 17, Kamara was ry. She talks about the

had her hands cut off by the rebels taught how to read and write by of her life in Sierra Leone, and Ka-

that invaded her home. Lucy Sanford in an English as a mara attributes a lot of her strength

She explains in her book that Second Language (ESL) class in to the people in her life.

the child soldiers who cut off her Ontario. Sanford recalled her ex- "My students are all quite re-

hands her the encouraged to go to perience teaching Kamara during markable... there was a lot of sup-

"I president so he could see what they such a "fresh time" for her. port here for her," said Sanford.

did to her. The rebels didn't want Even when Maclean's published think she was happy to be here...

her to vote for the president. But, McClelland's article describing Ka- and I hope she finds some joy."

unbeknownst to her attackers, Ka- mara's life, the girl didn't want her "Sometimes I wonder why I'm

mara recalls thinking just after they fellow students to know about her here and [other victims of war] are

her hands with still said cut off a machete, story. [in Sierra Leone]," Kamara

"What is a president?" Sanford remembered thinking at the CIGI event.

Kamara But McClelland met soon to herself, "Okay, the whole coun- on Thursday night she came ANDREI KOVACSIK

after she came Canada and knows, but don't want the to the conclusion that "if I weren't - to they SURVIVAL STORY Kamara speaks of the struggles she endured in try you

in I Sierra Leone. She is currently living in Canada and promoting her book. soon began to tell Kamara's story people around you to know?" But it Canada, couldbe dead."

McClelland feels that didn't take for Kamara together. by very long to


Weefc of

October 14 - 19, 2008

moMirg®o)w rf

Hockey Hawks move to 2-0 for the season


OHH GOOD TIMES! - Jean-Michel Rizk makes an assist to Phillip Magistrale who netted the winning goal in Saturday's victory over Waterloo.

Assistant captain Jean-Michel Rizk leads the team to 5-3 victory over Waterloo with four points

TIEJA MACLAUGHLIN Waterloo's first goal, and Jordan first goal, with a little help on the man to score for the Warriors.

STAFF WRITER Brenner from Rizk added another. offence second-year Jean- Assistant Captain pegged a

"We Rizk and defenceman weren't moving our Michel top-corner goal from the combina-

Laurier lit- The Wilfrid Golden Hawks feet; we weren't battling," com- Ryan Bernardi. "We gained a tion ofveteran forward Vergeer and

men's team met with mented Head Coach Kelly Nobes. tle bit of steam late in the first rookie defenceman hockey up ... Phillip Magis-

Both served said Nobes. cross-town rivals the Waterloo teams a signifi- we finally going," traleand,afterseveralotherattempts 1:00 got Knight-fiqwborough Field, pm

Warriors the number of well into the second take command of the Saturday night at cant penalties as Moving period, to game, \ Waterloo Recreation Complex. as misconducts and ejectments there was a considerable change in the period ended at an even 3-3. bookstore The Hawks win- the first half of the the of the came out on top, throughout momentum game. Maintaining a strong defence, ATHLETESOF THE WEEK their second of the the for orchestrated talliedthe * ning game game, setting stage a num- The Hawks Magistrate game winner, V Lilke season with a 5-3 final score. ber of power-play opportunities. beautiful plays and dominated a one-time point shot assisted by Thompson

In the first the Warriors The in shots defenceman Wen's Football period, Hawks, two men up, were on goal, nearly doub- fellow Tyler Townsend Hither Fortuna out-skated the Hawks and rightful- denied twice with post shots from ling those of Waterloo. "We real- and Rizk.

earned a lead. forwards Mark Voakes it Nobes added. Rizk then added Women's Hockey ly two-goal Only two veteran ly picked up," one more

minutes after the first and Luke Girard. Girard Bernardi tied the of his puck drop, finally up game, own on an open War-

the Kurt Thornerof Warriors scored to the Hawks' a cross-ice from riors end the managed snipe completing pass net to game.

set team The Hawks m Voakes, up by captain look to continue their

Minutes fail- Nick Vergeer. later, perfect season, heading on the COME SUPPORT THEHAWKS! ure to clear the puck from the road to face the Windsor Lancers

Hawks' end allowed Mark Hart- this Friday.


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; : : '■ "if - - - i ¥ r i

"'iMMjn l

HBHHBHI jjj If\ iftßsPIHI3rini^^H Weekly Sports The Cord » Wednesday October 15,2008 . 11

Hawks dominate Marauders

their fourth Picking up consecutive victory on Saturday, the tenth nationally-ranked Golden Hawks secured third place in the OUA and home field advantage for their first playoff game when they defeated McMaster 50-31 in impressive offensive style

LAUREN MILLET three touchdowns. He added an-

SPORTS EDITOR other 14 points with his rushing

he in game, as again led the team

In front of 2,020 fans,fi the Wilfrid rushing yards, running for 76 yards

in Laurier Golden Hawks football nine attempts. team extended their season record Coming onto the field for the to 5-2 last Saturday, with an im- second half, the Hawks began

Mc- pressive 50-31 victory over the moving the ball and never looked

Master Marauders. back. Beginning with a 13-yard

Trailing 17-15 at the half-time run, Thompson broke a bunch of whistle, second-year quarterback tackles as he scrambled to make it

Luke Thompson led the Hawks to the end-zone giving the Hawks

third lead. through a spectacular quar- a 22-17 Veteran running back ter, scoring 21 unanswered points Ryan Lynch made it 29, and then to the Marauders. hooked with rookie put away Thompson up

"Our kids just went out and sensation Shamawd Chambers for played a great second half. There a 52-yard pass and a 36-17 lead. were a lot of great plays and we The fourth quarter saw Fantham moved the ball pretty well," said attempt to lead the Marauders to

their Manager of Football Operations a comeback, but hopes were and Head Coach Gary Jeffries. "We shattered by a Taureen Allen in- are thrilled with our progress, we terception, a bad snap on a punt

wanted to come out and continue that the Hawks recovered and a to get better, not have another fumbled punt return recovered by downturnand 1 think we did that." rookie safety Courtney Stephen;

On the Hawks' first possession, the latter two both leading to Lau-

Thompson was able to connect rier touchdowns. with veteran receiver Leach "We're We're RYAN STEWART Troy very, very happy. a

HOT PURSUIT - Shamawd Chambers runs from Kurt Morrison en route to making the score 36-17. for a 24-yard touchdown just four 5-2 football team, and at the start of away minutes into the game. This was the year there probably wasn't a lot followed by a missed field goal by of people that ever would have said kicker Chris and we'd Mamo, a touch- be that," said Jeffries. This season, the Hawks' running down pass from Marauders third- "They were great on offence. game has been significantly less

Fantham. Luke a hell of effective than year quarterback Ryan Thompson played a in previous years,

Thompson then displayed why game. They were amazing today," where it was heavily relied on. he has remained in the commented Fantham. starting po- "[The turn- "They're working hard every day, sition all this time; finding receiver overs] were pretty disheartening for we know it's just a matter of time.

he Josh Bishop up the field, re- us as a team,and kind of set us back We were down again at half-time, leased that led bit." a pass to a 101-yard a and we had to throw to come from touchdown catch and run from "We were hoping to score on ev- behind. That's generally what's

the Hawks 15-7 but 50 Bishop, giving a ery drive, to score points was been working for us," said Thomp- lead. AnotherFantham touchdown To know big. we can put that many son. "We're not worried about it at

McMas- and a 17-yard field goal for points up with such a youngoffence all; nothing that hard work won't ter brought the game to the end of is key," said Thompson. "A few key fix." the it second quarter. turnovers gave us good field posi- "We like to run the ball, will

"We have the playmakers to do tion to score some points." help us so it's something we need that plain and simple," said Thomp- The win secured third spot in the to work on. We have to be able to

of the Hawks' OUA son impressive game standings for the Hawks, and do both," said Jeffries. "But we'll in air. receivers them the "Not a lot of are gave home-field advantage continueto dowhat we do best and

receivers, so when for their first take what the other possession they game. teams give us,

in get the ball their hands, they "We're just starting to scratch but we would certainly like to be can make something special hap- the surface on our potential, we're able to run the football."

have all the in the I pen. They speed pretty youngbut think the learning The Hawks will conclude their world." is curve a lot season this coming along quicker. regular play Saturday RYAN STEWART

of Thompson completed 17 27, Hopefully we will make a big play- on the road against the 0-7 York CELEBRATION - Receiver Troy Leach, left, celebrates his touchdown,

the passing for 355 yards including off run," commented Thompson. Lions. Laurier's first of game, with fellow receiver receiver BJ Malott.

France. record with left ranked Hawks Lacrosse Hawks to 10-0, two games proved to be too SPORTS For the four Wikerd this weekend. past years upcoming On Satur- much and skated away with a 4-1

has been a force on the dominating continue domination day they will be facing the McGill victory, starting their season off BITES for the Golden Hawks men's Martlets court and on Sunday the Hawks positively with a 2-0 record.

team. While the Hawks volleyball will take on the McMaster Maraud- The ladies also took to the ice

have never been a con- This weekend to be in their final dangerous past proved ers regular season on Saturday at the Waterloo Rec-

tender in the OUA the 6-9 successful for the Wilfrid Lau- league, very game. Both will be held at home reation Complex in an exhibition

outside hitter Wikerd stood rier Golden Hawks women's la- on strong Knight-Newbrough Field. game against TeamOntario. J.P Wikerd to at the net, often crosse team as won all three of play pro ranking among they The Hawks held their own and

the in the nation for their matches in London. top points per played showed why they are one of the

in France and kills. The ladies faced the Perfect start for volleyball game Guelph top teams in the country, ending

He blazed through his first on Friday, their in year Gryphons winning the game a 1-1 tie. women's Jean-Paul Wikerd will up with the Hawks and earned him- first game 15-2. The travel hang hockey Hawks to London on

his to Rookie purple and gold and travel self the Rich Newbrough of The Hawks returned to action to off Saturday face against the France where he has earned the the Year Award and team rookie of Saturday with a 18-1 The Golden Hawks women's Western commanding hock- Mustangs and then return

to the as well as a place on the over the host and team second opportunity play professional year victory Mustangs, ey played their regu- home on Sunday to host the Wind-

OUA Team. then volleyball. All-Rookie made their back the lar season this way onto game past Friday, sor Lancers at RIM Park.

He has with his with the field later that hold of signed a contract In next two years day to grab a taking on the Western Mustangs in

the twice Mende which Hawks, Wikerd was named closer 15-11 win over the Toronto home Rec- volley-ball club, a game at the Waterloo

is tied for first in team MVP and on the Blues. was placed reation - currendy place Varsity Complex. Compiled by AndreaMillet the N3 division, and will be able OUA second all-star team and then These victories the the brought Though Mustangs put up a

to live his dream the in the OUA first all-star team. Hawks' undefeated on courts regular season strong fight, the third nationally- Weekly The Cord > Feature . Feature Wednesday October 15,2008 13 12 WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15, 2008 - THE CORD WEEKLY Oktoberfest ist [Illegible] gut, ja?

th ritual and adolescent riot Features Editor Kari Pritchard joins in the festivities of the 40 Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest, [Illegible] a mixture of authentic

He two - S or of that golden liquid but once did Around 12:30 a.m. the arena to clear out danc- tanek. what '' cup you began The linked arms with the "He's KARI PRITCHARD toberfest, who was making one of her 150 appear- pected. men lady they call th<

nd were back in business. a but still their the world prob- you bit, many were going strong, our pants FEATURES EDITOR "be herein KW and swinging and them off over and he's w ances, proud to an ambassador ers, effortlessly lifting very 8 As partygoers got drunker and drunker, bound- slowly wet and the festival here since done feet while other lifts with male about near the end of becoming promote locally I've at once, performing ably the aries were and inhibitions and dropped were thrown heavy with beer. By 12:5? all the world." and all to the timed "ooo's" polka kings," Wilura described It was 11:30 a.m. late Friday morning and Mother it over Next, Miss Oktoberfest dancers, perfectly the window. The floor with Ostanek 3n pl a er out was a.m. the started to led the crowd first of "aww's" of theaudience. be a 73-year-i Y packed dancing lights Nature was on the city's side. The sun had come Onkel Hans in my experience may

- I kid - fea- but after or and not were come a clear of the After the end to a dance at the people you couples grinding on, sign beloved dance - a dance that was to be playing KW C out from hiding and was getting the commu- the chicken watching peculiar

th he to finished off less later in the wood, a authentic end sure knows how g°ing- polka. night's end, by nity ready for the 40 annual Kitchener-Waterloo replicated in a organized manner turing men chopping good years, to

"We have "A lot of the events now are toward in for a that's what g°°d geared stu- a sing-along to our Oktoberfest. night. to my day events, I departed preparation my party, very ' ol' fashion 3 t ie dents and a lot of the focus is on own nationalanthemled Club of Kitchener at Altes advertising ... Stepping off the bus, I followed the sounds of The chicken dance was followed by a less-famil- night hosted by the Lions party," described C

lar and and dance. afar what I Muenchen Haus, also known as Queensmount crowd in incre; u especially advertising drinking so a lot of the by Ostanek. polka, the smell of sausage and the sight of leder- iar German whip From thought participating ell the culture be in Arena. rowdy rounds of the chicken as stuffis being left out," described dancer Ud- As Miss hosen to Kitchener City Hall. to extravagant feathers standard Oktoberfest promoted by

turned Four German dancers As the faded into the real call and Hoi, vari. She was the Grand The official startof the Bavarian festival and tap- hats out to be whips. sun darkness, night response "zigga zag gga! right. Oktoberfest,

with Ok- hoi, hoi!" This solidified River Transit to crack and to a beat was Suited generic was the bus ping of the keg seemed like a good place to start my used these whips snap along just beginning. up my by lady selling flashing sys-

If that hat and over-sized I for 8:32 I witnessed the of beer and boob his band search for the 'real' Oktoberfest experience. Arriv- provided by none other than an accordion. toberfest feather, was ready By p.m. g penis pins, making Ostanek, tem was offering a free

drunk in isn't authentic Oktoberfest I don't know the events. by a sloppily student: a to and the fellows dressed lederhosen from the Li- ride ing at the heart of the city - the site of the largest action, evening's evelry program sponsored by

little On the floor danced "I think it is a more tamer, come. a ons Club of Kitchener the most authentic of Molson Oktoberfest week- Bavarian festival in North America - I couldfeel my what is. [Oktoberfest] g ioes, tip- parts on

much drunkennessand around the the After few bad the moment ev- calmer. There's not as row- toeing beer spills of rather event. ends authenticity senses starting to tingle. a whip jokes came to prevent drunk driving. As great an

and the of- diness because of the checks in and also intoxicated ladies with home: focus of this of from was for: the place Nevertheless, students were not bothered the idea as this the bus drivers had The throng people ranging eryone waiting keg-tapping put reading, by was, to put up

of Tourism Mo- because of of the rules "I love Hans," culture hundred ficial start of Oktoberfest. Minister more [aware] "Sloptoberfest," 3 Walter" lack of and were with the idea with students ages one to one was a giant stage, housing people being quite pleased too drunk for their own good.

v_> Smith did the the and said Orest "0.J." Wilura, a member and "Prost!" of the source of the the Walter Ostanek Band. honours, busting keg regulations," at a bar that was polka: nique open being generic slightly cleaner, Although the drinking had stopped, the sing-

the flow of beer coloured the Lions Club of Kitchener that has been host- Onkel Hans and Miss Okto of the On- and as of e a short with better hats and limited choice To the right stage hung a giant blow-up starting brightly lighting, more a alongs continued on the bus and the scent of weed kel and and timedfountain in a events at Altes Muenchen Haus for 39 years. appearance - no mo minutes Hans several Oktoberfest that could streamers displays erupted ing literally of Canadian, Heineken or trickle into flags schnapps. began to my nostrils. Apparently, the

drunkenness? Calmer? This did - to another be the smallest in the crowd. love of beer. Not as much tap keg, bringir As students seen by even people generally accepted re legiti- consumed more and more alcohol, party doesn't end with the festivities. when this Oktoberfest. But the the With families and friends not sound like Oktoberfest at all. But I ar- macy to As I the group surrounding stage, happily singing polka [ e sjde 0f issues to arise. Girls were found in the home and far soberer joined began boys' Safely a sight thanmy trav- of this Mac- around I felt like I first rived at 7:30 I started to think Wilura mayhave the soon vanishedwith words Miss Oktoberfest Natalie songs me, was getting my p.m. night ure after bathroom and vice year's versa, as well as students get- el-mates, I thought about Wilura's favourite part of that the first beer the of the real Oktoberfest: but I was been that is, until he insisted passing out free (a contro Neil in ears: "I think it's just spirit of taste wrong. right... kicked into rang my t0 ting out and to back the Oktoberfest: "When it's all over there's lingering get ... no more of first students in line. the whole comes This first taste came after, as I sunk we needed to do arrival was a shot ... community shortly my thing upon gemiitlichkeit party. problems, no more issues. When everybody is out

tubeof meat. Once the traditionalwoodei together and so, so excited about teeth into a small but delicious A hot, Jagermeister. everyone gets ained so At 11:00 went out the window of the hall we're done for p.m., authenticity ... the year and we can - the authentic Oktoberfes Oktoberfest." with as much sauerkraut as Queensmount Arena is just that literally a was juicy sausage piled high t j t^e Ostanek and his band started for lus once more, as up a start planning another year." filledwith stands offer- of said members and old out- it could hold was first real taste of Oktoberfest. transformed hockey arena floodgates "Sloptoberft Community young easily my ened of "Sweet Home cover Alabama" to ear-piercing But this was just the beginning of Oktober- and After it became a challe numbered drunken students during the day, nat- As I sat entrancedby the melange of flavours in my ing hats, beer nuts, pretzels, beer, schnapps a this, -ould get shrieks from the crowd, obviously pleasing rowdy fest, as the drunken party and celebration of small the most and me to feel like I was experiencing mouth, were drawnback to the stage. drunk, partiers urally allowing my eyes stage. to students and from I llenge changing it up the usual polka. beer continues all week long until Sunday. the crowd of male and After to be in the Oktober- the next level not seeii the real Oktoberfest. To my right, a senior citizen Entertaining was a group expecting partaking by only Ostanek knew many students' intentions, and Whether you're looking for the authentic front of of KW's traditional Ger- fest activities traditionalGerman most but also who coi strolled with her walker; in me a baby female dancers from one at a house, a party drunk, by shared e biggest his thoughts with me before the night had Oktoberfest experience or just a good time in added to the inauthentic ass out of themselves. Luckil Zs in her father's The clubs. a arena ex- , caught some young arms. va- man hockey only , He her and and hardly begun." wants to meet she wants with friends, get out take advantage "a of the culture of the German of winner in this riety of citizens showed connections amongst the Dancing is part perience my night. was a challenge him and drink and have the to meet they want to a of opportunity to be a part of the Ostanek commanded the ci entire community and illustrated MacNeil's "spirit clubs," explained Melissa Udvari, who has danced Slowly but surely revelers began to fill the empty time I U P Wlth good and nobody complains about nothing, world's second largest Oktoberfest in

- inc with the club for "It's arena and 8:30 the was drunken students antics of gemiitlichkeit." Transylvania ten years. just by p.m. place packed. and . , 'with his I like that!" said the an our own Kitchener-Waterloo. . polka singer, providing very

of the The headliner for the was own accordion - hap] After a few introductions by CTV host Nancy part festivities." night 73-year- singing and the • egg- accurate of end of the But in a of beer- 1 depiction night. city rowdy, horny, like had three-time winner Walter Os- students on the Richards, the stage was handed over to Miss Ok- The dancing was nothing I seen or ex- old, Grammy ing by saying, irink, the were and out left, don't out Couples dancing making right hungry students, go ex- better we sound!

and - I did the last. centre, something not see any of men pecting authenticity to As the night progressed, th< me a sea or women from The Lions Club of Kitchener doing of hats and feathers dancing a

,n a oor - leaving others desperate to find a mate before the covered from end to end with

id plastic was over. I even one r night spotted poor, dejected cups. fellow getting rejected by the ladies multiple times, Naturally the longest line

was f°r who then and found who - hour changed strategies a girl beer taking halfan to 1

nds on a was drunker than himself. 14 Student Life WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15, 2008 « THE CORD WEEKLY

The skinny on being skinny

Diet adverts but interested are everywhere, not everyone is in losing weight

in my mind. search techniques to gain weight,

but avail. Equally frustrating is how my to no Weight gain is tar-

who "bulk body shape is seen as being the geted at men want to

preferable option between being up" and seldom at women who just PEACH BHARGAVA add few overweight and lacking size. want to a pounds. CORD STUDENT LIFE

A combination of factors some- The media continues to endorse

like women"with times cause weight loss, stress "full-figured messag-

like "I like I don't Looking through this week's "the or busy lives. es my curves, want

with Hello! What aboutthe cycle of skinny continues," I can't Magazine covers are riddled to be a stick."

"Losethose of who can't help but feel sorry for the celebri- headlinesthat highlight group us help being

last few inches" "sticks?" Instead of mes- ties featured in the gossip section or "Top ten ways to specific

at above and ofvarious magazines. shed pounds." When have you ever sages targeted women

the Eating disorders and self-star- seen "How to gain healthy weight?" beyond typical fashion model

where the vation are very serious personal The media is always focusing on weight, are messages

that be- issues that can have a detrimental losing weight, not gaining it. embrace us all, as long as effect health. is the main idea? on one's Often, these Speaking from personal experi- ing healthy

need If I know how hard it can be to Might I add, it is just as hard for people help. you're losing ence, u ilu: i I

due I have been to findclothes it is GRAPHIC BY JULIE MARION weight on purpose or to a psy- put on body mass. try- skinny people as

SMALL STUFF - is as difficult for some as be in it do for the last for size and there is no Gaining weight losing weight. chological illness, you might ing to so two years plus people, for the and I have found it difficult. Addition Elle or for wrong reasons. really Pennington's

and exercise but Retailers don't It's not often that we look at ce- I eat healthily I it's very skinny people. lebrities (with their usually thin tough to add pounds. cater to underweight individuals. ing to lose weight forever!" rarely see the other side of the

much avail- I These hurtful be- frames) and think that perhaps There is so support I've searched far and wide. re- comments are weight battle.

lose member time when I make feel Don't I they have trouble gaining weight. able for people looking to a had to pur- cause they skinny people get me wrong, support

- chase like their and It's not just celebrities that are weight from student-formed run- a polo tee from Abercrombie weight problems don't being healthy not placing em-

not Abercrombieand Fitch. count. on a subject to this manner of thinking; ning groups to governmental public Kids, phasis specific body shape

The is when I make a com- Just because someone is on the or as as regular "skinny" people like my- announcements on being healthly worst weight, long you're happy

I'm thin with and fall within self have a real problem putting on (not "skinny!"), to talk shows (think ment about how I think too side, doesn't mean they're yourself a

fit. And how index. But it's body mass. And it's frustrating for a Oprah and Tyra Banks). Even celeb- skinny and people attack me with healthy or come it's healthy body mass

such don't realize remarks such should be all tell that time take both sides of the "skinny person" as myself to rities seem to they're as "you right to someone they're people

look at people trying to lose weight leaving out the naturally skinny. happy, at least you're not fat" or too skinny but not that they're too scale into consideration.

when the opposite challenge exists Online, I have attempted to re- "you can't complain, I've been try- fat? I find it offensive, but people

S^^va^wJJ^(J uB

• mMrQAJFWhtikHHHV^. il- .3? JiHßLf'WJ ±A - RANT

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS & CONCERNS - [email protected]

[applications open October 17| | Student Life The Cord Weekly ■ WednesdayOctober 15,2008 15

Laurier has its eye on you

Across the Wilfrid Laurier University campus in

Waterloo, cameras are always watching you

GILLIAN FARBER ran's own professional knowledge,

CORD STUDENT LIFE the effect that these cameras have

on crime is dramatic. "We had

Last a WLU student was about incidents - month, 100 over a year

walking back to his residence. Be- vandalism, malicious damage, etc.

- since fore he returned to his humble but we put camera systems

abode, nature called. He rushed in and around the arts wing, we've

as quickly as possible but unfortu- hardly had any," he said.

nately he had to let nature take its Although the ethics of using

course and found the nearest bush CCTV surveillance are frequently

in which to relieve himself. With for the has up debate, technology

a welcomed empty bladder, he played an important role in solv-

pulled up his fly and turned around ing crime on campus. For instance,

see and head- last "the Athletic to flashlights sirens year building had

his ing in direction. a real string of thefts going on, over

he in and Unknowingly, hadbeen full 32 incidents, it was our cameras

view of a hidden CCTV surveillance that caught the suspect," explained

which camera is ultimately howhis Curran. WLU is heavily investing in

innocent short, bathroom break CCTV cameras right now and this

turned into an explicit free-for-all video surveillance boom is even

for whomever was on their shift in likely to extend inside dormitories.

the control room that evening. To demonstratethe extensive use

Thereis lot of quite a controversy of cameras on campus, Curran ex-

over the uses ofClosed Circuit Tele- plained the attention to detail that

vision surveillance, and for good CCTV technology grants. "From on

it Aird reason; directly impacts all of our top of the building I can see

it lives whether we know or not. a person's face in King Street resi-

There are two sides to the surveil- dence," said Curran. "Due to the

lance that are fact that argument constandy we do not have enough

being disputed. staff to patrol, the cameras are like

One side is that it is an invasive an extra staff member."

also technology that allows our lives to There is a sign posted in

be and does front of Laurier spied on by cameras so anyone entering

On not really keep us that safe. the campus knows that they are under

other side, some believe that CCTV video surveillance. "Once crimi-

surveillance can deter criminal be- nals see tend to that, they stay away

havior and should continue to be from the university," Curran said.

in implemented public and private And so the question remains, do

spaces. students feel safer knowing there

Whichever look at way you it, are surveillance cameras watch-

CCTV cameras are around us all ing over them, or do they feel their

is the time, but we seem to just ignore privacy being invaded as they

them. are being tracked? For some stu-

dents, it's a bit of a

Indeed, they are able to read a conundrum.

Should WLU MAGAZINE COVER FROM OVER ONE students sacrifice

HUNDRED METRES AWAY. SO THE some of their civil

liberties for Orwellian saying "Big Brother is safety?

Danielle Pessah, a watching" really isn't that far- fourth year com-

fetched. munications stu- EMILY VANDERHEIDE

CAMPUS CLOSE-UP - Over 107 closed-circuit form in cameras a system of surveillance on the WLU campus. dent, was sup-

of the 1port high u

This level of surveillance "As sophisticated technology on campus.

also in I operates taxicabs, red light a female student have to tell you

districts, ATM I machines, vending that feel a lot better knowing that J Wliat are YOU oing gra

n"t c«»n«iJ<>l a iilaJuate at V\ !',y certificate 112!"U'anj [at»U<>n 01ege! | CCTV it many other locations. tech- [It] makes easier for me to walk

is that it in the nology so sophisticated on campus, especially eve- We'll be Laurier on: utilizes special night vision, just ning, with a bit more confidence'! visiting like in the movies. However, fourth-year Political

Indeed, they are able to read a Science student Vince Zitano had

magazine cover from over one hun- another take. "These cameras are

dred So Teacher metres away. the Orwellian really an assault on our privacy. TESOL/TESL Training

Certification Courses saying "Big Brother is watching" re- And I'm not convinced we are real-

isn't • Intensive 60-Hour ally that far-fetched. ly any safer," he said. Wherever one Program

• The Laurier itself has 168 stands it is Classroom Techniques campus on camera technology, Management

• Detailed Lesson Planning cameras covering approximate- definitely here to stay. It is difficult • ESL Skills Development 80-85 with Curran when he ly percent of the grounds. not to agree • Comprehensive Teaching Materials is Students are increasingly being says, "Our goal to make campus • Interactive Teaching Practicum and safe and I think that is watched, we do not have a say everyone's • Internationally Recognized Certificate in the matter. Director of Opera- goal." • Teacher Placement Service tions Rod Curran reassured that, Nonetheless, a word to the wise: Money Back Guarantee Included

"These cameras investi- better to be safe than so en- are a sorry, • great Thousands of Satisfied Students

blinds closed inrez. gative tool and have made progress sure your are

on keeping our students safe on


According to statistics and Cur- 16 WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15,2008 - THE CORD WEEKLY

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The Embassy wants to know what questions about God

want the month of October we will be Christianity you answered. Throughout "

either at our dropbox in the collecting your questions monday nights lobby

Then the or online at throughout

series seek to shed on the four most following month's sermon we will light

requested topics. Opinion 18 2008 WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15, - THE CORD WEEKLY

Election lessons

In the wake of another elec- toral reform federal to a more proportional

few have tion, things changed for system of representation, where

Canada whole. as a seats are allocated according to

Our local is ofthe riding now repre- percentage popular vote.

sented by Conservative candidate In this election, the Conserva-

Peter Braid - of pending a recount tives won around seven percent

the - and votes federally, Stephen more seats while increasing their

Harper's Conservatives have re- share of the popular vote only by 1

their gained minority government. percent.

While little very has changed Until Canada achieves some

- the has minority Harper now is form of proportional representa-

roughly 20 seats stronger than it tion, there will not be true fairness

before - there was are two import- in the House of Commons.

ant lessons to be learned from this , This is especially important for

election. students, who are generally apa-

The first is that thetic towards This election every political voting.

party must accept that majority saw little change in this trend. A

governments in Canada are a thing shift to proportional representation

of the past. There are four strong would increase the significance of

parties in Canada, plus a growing the student vote, and this would

Green and with dif- motivate Party, so many likely more young people

ferent political options, obtaining to take interest in politics.

a will be difficult for No in Can- majority very minority government

any party in the near future. ada has ever gone its full four-year

It is that Can- Canada is clearly a country of term. fair to assume

divided interests that two parties adians will again be going to the

before With cannot adequately represent. polls four years are up.

Harper specifically should learn the abilty to establish majorities all

but the Can- from the outcome of this election. gone, and stability of GRAPHIC BY JULIE MARION adian Rather than attempting to gain a politics questionable, elec-

majority for the Conservatives, he toral reform seems to be the best

minor- federal must now focus on making way to stabilize politics. a is The is ity governmentfunctional. first-past-the-post system Caringfor pet

The other thing this election an old system - new generations

rather of Canadians deserve a new of should teach us, and urgent- style

ly, is thatCanada is in need of elec- democracy. harder than think you

WLU's music scene booming demands The student lifestyle already places too many on your time

For students living in Waterloo, it's a good time to be a music fan.

While of have the past couple years only presented meagre offerings

WLU live the of this students underestimate the who will be able to look after the to students craving some quality acts, beginning se- many

and off friends mester is ample proof somebody can study at Laurierand enjoy a vibrant cost of having a pet at school, pet whenyou're visiting

therefore often end for the musical nightlife. up bringing weekend, or sipping pina

the beach The sheer numberofwell-known musicians visiting Waterloo so far this their pets in to the local animal coladas on over reading LAUREN MILLET school has been staggering. Names like Shad, Tokyo Police Club, The hospital to be euthanized. week? year SPORTS EDITOR

Waking Eyes, Alice Cooper, and The Dears have graced stages here at Lau- Being a student is a temporary Dumping it on your unsuspect-

idea, rier and in the Waterloo community. arrangement, and having a pet ing roommates is not a good

don't It's know the But what's more exciting is the roster of acts coming here in the future: Pets belong at university. is a long-term commitment. You For one, they responsi-

of which is Finger 11, Martha Wainwright, Sam Roberts, Jason Collett and Ron Sex- as simple as that. must be able to offer your animal bility having a pet why

home. in the first smith, just to name a few. Many people have a longing to a long-term they are pet-free place,

and the animal With the near future so star-studded, it's hard not to be optimistic that share a pet's company. Well, ani- two, prefers

environ- this trend of quality musicians visiting the WLU area will continue for a mals also have a need for attention Students need to realize a stable home

where he/ long time to come. from you too, and when you're not ment, not one THAT THE REAL COMMITMENT around be- It's gratifying to knowthat as students, we can attract such acts on a con- home or you're out late, as is often she is shifted

IS EXERCISING AND sistent basis. After all, students like us comprise a large portion of most the case with a student's lifestyle, FEEDING, tween caregivers.

I'm not bands' audiences. may to feel lonely and Now, definitely target they begin CLEANING UP AFTER THEIR PET.

Particularly, this year's A-Teamhas done a great job ofbringing perform- abandoned. against people owning pets.

basis free shows for the student A is time commit- An animal lover I've ers to Wilf's on a regular to offer body. This pet a huge myself,

in and of How commit that surrounded animals. has been something sorely lacking past years. ment, taking care one re- can you to grown up by

be a there's no reason to ex- much more than an when four from now However, I was smart to Even though Lauriermay not large school, quires simply years you enough

than "I love therefore I have clue where leave beloved at home pcet anything less big name performers. animals, want a likely won't a my pets

attitude. will be what will when I here for school. pet" you living or you moved

Students needto realize that the be doing? It just isn't e feasible

least two-thirds The real commitmentis Pets teachers, they These unsigned editorials were agreed upon by at of feeding, exer- arrangement. are great

"End-of-semester Cord's editorial boardand do not necessarily reflect the views ofThe Cord's cising and cleaning up after their dumping" is always love us unconditionally, mind Cut of these also sad the mental state of volunteers, staffor WLUSP. pet. even one things a reality according to improve our

and have US Humane When and out, you a neglected pet. Society. stu- are generally great compan-

be Not to mention, student houses dents move back home, or into a ions. They deserve to given

to The Cord Weekly are not overly large, and animals new house and find the pet no back all that they give us. while not properly looked after can reek longer fits into their needs, they So before getting a pet Editorial Board 2008-2009 think about something fierce. abandon it. This is an unfair cir- away at school, really

Editor-in-Chief Special Projects Editor Graphics Editor kind is it whether the On top of this, really fair to cumstance suffered by thousands you can provide Alex Hayter Laura Carlson Julie Marion

[email protected] [email protected] conducive to hav- [email protected] the animal to house them in an ofpets each year. of home that is (519) 884-0710 ext. 3563 time Features Editor Web Editor already over-cramped apartment While at home, you have ing an animal.

News Editors Kari Pritchard Dan Polischuk much with five busy students who can to enjoy the companyof your pet, Think abouthow happier Jeremy Tremblay [email protected] [email protected] if allow it [email protected] barely move around? but when you move to school, so your pet might be you Student Life Editor Photography Managers its familiar, Animals need to run and other demand to remain at home in Rebecca Vasluianu Michelle Caldaroni Ryan Stewart space many things your

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] play and to lie downand relax. Stu- attention that you inevitably shift friendly surroundings. (519) 884 0710 ext. 3564 Editor Laura Tomkins if can t Arts & Entertainment dent houses simply cannot offer your pet to the back burner. It's only four years; you [email protected] Sports Editor Daniel Joseph for animals this of environment. extra-curricu- live without a thatlong, you Lauren Millet [email protected] type Friends, parties, pet

[email protected] Print Production Manager than - you also it's and - oh have Pets cost money; a lars yeah school work, bigger problems Opinion Editor Sydney Helland

International Editor David Shore [email protected] fact. Students do have known not frequently see you functioning at thought. Heather MacDonald [email protected] another no-brainer. Mix- unusual hours, therefore [email protected] money, messing

ing the two can lead to disaster. up the animal's feeding and play

Cord is Wilfrid Laurier Student Publications. The Weekly published by University Studies from the Humane Soci- schedules. [email protected] Contact: Greg Sacks, 75 University Ave. W, Waterloo,ON N2L 3C5 that else think about: ety of the United States find Something to Opinion Weekly . 19 The Cord ■ Wednesdayoctober 15,2008

Don't rule out coalition government

Tories for If the parties on the left were to band together and change our electoral system, they could shut out the years to come

divided The would be on for Conservatives' failure to win a ma- ing the big challenges. next election are roughly to ever. pressure

unite. themto move back towards the jority up to the fluke factors of this The left doesn't need to match howpeople actually vote. po-

and look for coalition election - the reaction against arts What it does need, though, is a brief With four or five strong parties, litical centre

funding cuts and, above all, the moment of unity. there would be no chance of one partners.

JOSH SMYTH If the economic crisis. There has already been talk dur- winning a majority government. side effect of changing the

THE EXAMINED LIFE but the election is of electoral is to the They certainly played a part, ing cycle of a coalition This functionally the case now, system defang

in but electoral reform would more rabid social conservatives focusing on them misses the point: government. course,

that few Canadians One of the dominant streams in the that in the new political climate, With the opposition holding a remove the chance of a fluke. party, though,

have wins Not Con- would shed a navel-gazing narrativeof this year's majority governments will be the majority of the seats, they a Who here? the really tear.

The servatives. The is and There is a real chance'here. election coverage was the so-called exception, not the rule. The right chance to formalize an agreement right united,

three it 35 No other stars have so that a "splintering" of the vote amongst may be united, but they are united between the parties and ask gets percent. party aligned system

the in defence of 37 of the them would even think of a co- that is in interests of the parties of the political left. about percent governor general to give a forming democracy

them in their is also in the interestsof most of the The process has been on-going the Canadianvote. chance at governing. alition with present

several the NDP The inverse of that of should do it. form. for years, as re- equation, They opposition parties.

ofCanadi- There second For this of It will take because lots gained its strength (and the Lib- course, is that63 percent is, though, a act to to happen, course, bravery, erals lost theirs). When Elizabeth ans disagree, and those Canadians this play. If a coalition government the Liberals have to abandon their of people will surely be upset. The

a to a return to Chretien result, will be a that May took the stage at the leaders' vote for parties that share at least emerged, they have chance dreams of the though, system

and have calm the actual Canadian debates, the realignment was com- some degree of consensus about banish the Conservatives (at least years, the NDP to represents

in in and talk- on and plete. English Canadais now a four- the role of government our lives. their current incarnation) from down a little actually start consensus government,

there party system, with theBloc bringing Understandably, havebeen government. ing to the other parties. keeps people like Stephen Harper

Quebec to five. calls to "unite the left" in the same If the first act they passed was For the Liberals especially, a pro- miles away from power.

is Of the now as the us all be a reform of our archaic electoral would be If this the of course, chips are way right. Let glad portional system actually consequence frag-

dominance. then let's embrace it. down. Stephen Harper squeezed that this is a fantasy. system to some variant of mixed- a ticket to long-term mentation,

To the Greens coalition on the left by with a minority against the best shoehorn NDP, member proportionality (MMP), Any potential Jack, Elizabeth, Stephane, Gilles, efforts of the left. Thankfully, in the and Liberals together into a big then coalition governments would (Liberal-NDP, Liberal-Green, even sit down this week and make it

aftermath of this election's results, tent arrangement would be a tre- become not a fluke, but the only Liberal-Bloc) would include them, happen.

assemble the there hides a stupendous opportu- mendous waste; all three parties way to a majority. probably as biggest partner.

wouldn't nity for progressives. do have (campaign rhetoric aside) Let's think about who wins from Of course, this bar the

where the Conservatives from Many analysts would chalk the distinctive strategies for approach- this scenario, seats in the power for- letters@cordweekly. com

GRAPHIC BY JULIE MARION Tory leadership needed to be flawless

At a Liberal rally in Quebec Inaccordance with that thought, ference between 40 and 30 percent ciling, Canadianvoters from theright

have and • broadcasted by CBC, when Harp- the party leader is going to to support, a majority a minority. and the centre. Canadians, especially

is seemed with the erwas near majority numbers, one be very dynamic. The other lesson about the com- Quebecois, uneasy

Ca- Conservative reporter rightly asked Dion if When the whole fate of the party patibility of Conservatism and Cana- approach to the econo-

MICHAEL KOCHEFF nadians afraid of better dians. criminal and the were no longer rests on one individual, you Stephen Harper, as reported my, justice arts. L THE EVERYMAN Harper. make sure that that individual is by the Edmonton Journal, had this Finding a balance is going to be

Conservatives Cana- As survey the flexible, capable of showing to say about compatibility: "We want difficult and one wonders if the

will have lose their So amajority governmenthas once ruins, pick up the pieces and lick dians another gear when times get to pull Canadians toward conserva- Conservatives to

again eluded Stephen Harper and their wounds - whatever phrase tough. tism, but Conservatives also have to Conservatism inorder to become the

the Conservative of Canada. - must also be ask- Credit the Liberals this time move toward Canadians if want natural of Canada. Party you prefer they they governing party

where from here. around. in the continue the time will Undoubtedly, many grassroots ing they are to go Early campaign, to governing country." Only tell.

volunteers and professionals in The Conservatives need to find a they were selling Stephane Dion In this election, we saw a leader

the that Canadians and Conservative party backrooms Conservatism can and the Canadian people were not a party torn between, not recon- letters@cordweekly. com

better for Liberals are asking what went wrong. get behind or a plan con- buying. began associating

With just weeks left in the cam- verting them wholesale. the party brand with a plethora of

for that not and as paign, the Laurier Institute Conservatives might argue individuals, just Dion, a

the the Study of Public Opinion and this simply isn't the case/ Canadi- result they obtained flexibility I hate hockey ans still need to so needed. Policy (LISPOP) was projecting a time acclimatize, they desperately

Conservative after of Liberal our All of a the Liberals had very slim majority. years rule, to sudden, •/

In situa- vision. and Cana- the weeks following, the opinions on everything blame; you who havebeen so thor-

tion Chantel Hebert of dians reacted The Lib- steadily deteriorated. However, as positively. oughly duped by the NHL thatyou

The in Conservative Toronto Star retorted while on erals of old seemed be back. think of slide sup- the to watching opposing bands

made who CBC's "At two mi- Bob Rae his around port Stephane Dion, Issue," straight displayed foreign goons sliding chasing after GREG WHITFIELD evi- had been written off as totally in- nority governments clearly isn't policy expertise, providing a rubber puck with long wooden RUFFLING FEATHERS the mandate" de- dence that had is nice capable by Canadian media, the "strong Harper Stephen Harper sticks a way to spend an eve-

follow- seem like Canada's sired. The a about It's the - protector. Conservatives, despite plagiarized speech ning. country that's crazy

all wanted this one in the Americans into and I have confession make. I'm I'm the Dion, despite what you might nay-saying, ing Iraq, a to sane one.

Martin hear from in a bad Paul touted not a Canadian. In before I write a Liberal pundit, was way. successfully probably good Now, you all off as

the time. He instead sensed Liberals' to I'm of traitor. Not I it's right place at the right They apprehen- ability manage during fact, something a duped loons, guess only sport-

didn't sion sheer economic times. because I took of I have to do anything spec- and, unfortunately, tough of those pictures ing that give you a chance to de-

of the Of there is Michaelle tacular; Harper basically handed dislike from certain parts course, nothing Jean getting out of her fend yourselves.

him with speaking notes. electorate. wrong focusing solely on a limo a la Britney, or for those se- But since I'm kinda busy, and

In fact, this there are leader, but that level of con- crets I to Dion had been castigat- With background party sold the North Koreans. don't really have time to hear suc-

trol demands ing lessons the Conservatives must perfection. No, this is much, much worse. cessive Harper for possessing a hid- lectures on the balletic

den this First of The Conservatives will need to I agenda throughout the entire learn from campaign. My friends, hate hockey. grace of the forecheck, I'm going

is if the to know what Canadians are think- I'll here while I wait campaign. This had little success all, party image going stay for the to go ahead and explain why most

until tied in the then mis- and deliver that. As was authorities Harper started mentioning be up leader, ing just to arrive.

r 'ch - ones - cannot made clear in this takes even minor a But it's fault. I'm the - people at arts galas and get- campaign, see, not my SEE WHITFIELD, PAGE 21

little heartfelt is ting on be tolerated. the dif- victim in all this. It's who tough crime. empathy you are to 20 Opinion OCTOBER 2008 THE CORD WEDNESDAY 15, . WEEKLY

Take a note from the south

We should be glad that the Hudson Bay Company

is American owned; the new owners are


- Mall is the first of its kind to in GREEN BAY No, not the city. The HBC at Conestoga "go green" Canada. pathfinders in green business and sustainability

has made such roof of the had been an American based in Zucker's deathinApril ever an extensive Bay rejected ners, group Following environmental by the city. The plan has since New York. 2008 and the subsequent purchase pledge, especial-

made The insubstantial decision of HBC NRDC, progressive ly not one with such our very progressive Water- city's by huge " long-term

this ambitions. loo home the first ofits leads one to the actual have been taken to make to green Bay question leaps JONATHAN RIVARD kind. motives of such rash inaction. Per- Canadian chain an environmental Motives of big business aside, FROM THE SOAPBOX

for like the this is the first box The city's reason rejection: haps, for many Canadians, pioneer. major store to

and deal an HBC is "go green," will no doubt I think it's timefor Canadians to get they had no existing policy to thought of American-owned changing things through- shape

"We can't out its stores to make them more trends for smaller and off their ethnocentric high-horses with alternative energy. company making a positive impact compet-

done like an invasive efficient and less wasteful. ing businesses. Waterloo and give Americans a break. do it, because we've never it in Waterloo seemed energy Mayor

addition wind Brenda Halloran believes before" like odd if an American leads Wa- In to turbines, "it shows Canadians were pretty upset seems an response gesture;

it HBC is other that it can be when their oldest corporation, The from a city best known for its tech- terloo's environmental initiative, implementing energy-ef- corporations

the local ficient waterless urinals, done." Hudson Bay Company (HBC), was nological innovation and forward could damage integrity of lighting,

and white It's a bit to some that purchased by an American entre- thinking. efforts. a sunlight-reflecting distressing

make their American is Waterloo's in But the truth Americans are roof to stores an company to preneur in 2006. But, after seeing disinterest creating is, naturally going

envi- our and cooler and less on air such lengths to the name HBC's environmentally progressive new policy to make positive handling company better, dependent preserve

with a in and integrity of the Bay, and to turnaround following the Ameri- ronmental change left HBC no are making positive change conditioning.

would but the Ontario Waterloo. much loftier com- work harder than previous owners can purchase, I call this ex- choice to appeal to Additionally,

Board. Since American mitments have found their to our nation'soldest change a good thing. Municipal entrepreneur way pull company

Zucker's in 2006, onto the A 90 from old environmen- HBC has established a very Only after the appeal was sched- Jerry purchase agenda. percent away equally

reduction initia- did the of Waterloo re- HBC has maintained itself as an chain-wide of waste tal policies. progressive environmental uled City

to Cana- initia- like tive to turn their stores into mod- verse their decision and restart honourable contributor through thorough recycling Maybe, city council, we

tives has been well as should be less concerned with els of business. If It's hard to think of a dian projected, as green making negotiations. society.

has main- the installationof that the of the new these in suitable to describe our The chain flooring can nationality owners, changes to every Bay store adjective completely

when in and focus more on the Canada hasn't proved challenging city's initialrefusal. tained its Canadian operation and be completely recycled bringing

st of of our businesses into the - those on the board need rest 21 enough, the City of Waterloo had "Lazy" comes to mind. I'd also management replacement.

of directors It's the Ameri- been their efforts until include discrimina- are all Canadian, that new century. stalling very "potentially nearly apparent

and former CEO and can owners are this com- recently. tory" among the list of descriptors, even presi- taking

the remains the into safe and direc- Last August, a request to install considering Bay was recently dent George Heller on pany a positive

tion. No Canadian box" two 17-metre wind turbines on the purchased by NRDC Equity Part- board. "big store [email protected]

\/' e <112# ' )f Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group /fr\ LSPIRG

\\) LSPIRG Notice of Special General Meeting

read: Wm A Special General Meeting is called for to consider amending the following By-laws to

V>\ Article 111 - Section 1:

Board of Direc- . "The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Corporation shall be held at such time as the

months of the Annual General torS eterm ' nes ' w ' thin 15 previous Meeting."

hijjj/M Article IV - Section 1:

" The board °112 directors shall be comprised of nine (9) directors elected by members."

Article IV - Section 2:

all members of the an The nine (9) directors shall be elected in two separate groups but corporation attending

" Annual General will vote for both The groups will be elected in the following yFBL General, or Special Meeting groups.

of the considered "student" members a) Six (6) shall be elected from the members corporation considered members b) Three (3) shall be elected from members of the corporation "community"

Email for the form. Please note members have the right to vote by proxy. [email protected] proxy

jjf 4 Date: October 21st at 5:30 pm

/I M Location: Grad Pub

I The Cord Weekly - Wednesdayoctober 15,2008 Opinion 21

Letters to the Editor Canada's game pointless

Cord reporting They serious dimen- - FROM PAGE 19 expose very WHITFIELD, Point: me. set of issues if you're cheering for sion of Laurier's culture I partying Second period: think your next the teachers' union. failed that needs to be addressed: of the that democracy gen- arguments might vindi- (likely shouted) retort will be about The fact is that nobody cheers

der relations. We as students have obsession cate your are empty and the camaraderie and enjoyable ri- for a coaching staff, or an offen- Dear Cord, a responsibility to each other to unconvincing. valry experienced by loyal fans as sive line, or a GM. You cheer for an

take an active interestin Laurier's I First, imagine you claiming the fortunesof their favourite teams ethereal concept that unites past

When I at the Laurier De- social spoke culture. There are in- that it's and rise many genuinely objectively a and fall. and present teams and exists only bate about the of stitutions that "inaccessibility f on invite and to see a But what these in campus great game, great game are teams you the minds of fans. And you called

democracy" I wasn't this kind of The just talking ; analysis; Wom- the best is a a me Point: played by players thing speak of? Sure they're collection crazy... me. I about Election Law, also meant t en's Centre, the Rainbow Centre, of great beauty. of athletes, coaching staff and man- Final Period: Now you're ready

media. I've suffered from The Miss Men being; G Nuts to that. Sure, find to Project, Against you might agement who ostensibly represent admit the truth. "Fine," you say,

patronized despite a serious level I Rape Coalition, BAC- it and LSPIRG, graceful powerful and beau- your favoured city, but the individ- "it's the violence. I just love the

of A token mention CHUS, Laurier the tiful participation. i (Shh) Secrets, to but that - the in- uals who make watch, you up any given team violence."

here or there, never listen- Laurier and really Envisioning dividual - believe this is no reason can't be what hold devotion Point: project, your Hmm, good point. you.

to what I'm "Oh of ing saying. look, course WLUSP are some of for me to believe it with over time. So I win just along you. maybe the game, but un-

a student, good for him," but little ! the avenues for this discussion. I I that have may just respond you The people who make up a team fortunately it's inevitable thatI lose else. I've been a serious partici- the authorof the letter for bad in applaud exceptionally taste most oth- change quite rapidly from season the season.

in all the debates, of which the to in pant i having courage speak up; er matters of as well. So to season and even from to No matter what I the beauty your game say or do,

there were with the many, doing so she (the letter implied on the of excep- opinion beauty anything game. hordes of devotees demand more

tion of the that the one Cord has : the writer was female but I want to is in free already question. Trades, agency, firings and puck chasing, and of course they'll covered wasn't (I welcome). acknowledge the possibility that Ah, but I've noted that entire already drafts shift the composi- get it.

However, election week the writer could have been is tion your male) hockey something of a national of a team in most cases once a But as and her fans hockey gear

was the first time I've took coverage a step towards obsession, so aren't decade. for another preventing you certainly up season of assaults

felt The reason this kind of violence from truly depressed. alone in belief that that team became fan of sit taking your (silly) So, you a on my sanity, and you down to

small never win is be- in is parties place our community again. hockey beautiful. in childhoodis not in your early any watch anotherepisode of Goons on

cause media never them a The rest of us need take I'll gives to an ac- Fine, that one. But a real sense the same team cheer thinkof give you you Ice, me and the poor, silent real chance. I'm sure Cathy from tive interestin our culture lot of think that New Sure campus people Kids for now. they might play in the and sane minority of people who,

the Green can tell that. to ensure that her letter not Party you was on the Block and make same stadium and wear like will be Katy Perry roughly me, stealing your car

Her was in the "alternative written in vain. party beautiful music, so there are clear the but there's same logo, nothing while the game's on.

views" section until this election and deeply disturbing problems really connecting these two teams,

what Canadian media -Lauren Smee that with suddenly go along appealing to the except maybe ownership.

realized they matter. majority's aesthetic sensibilities. And a you've got whole different letters@cordweekly. com

But I'm one of Cord, your own. -

You know me. Where's our fall Or maybe you I 1 don't. You never really tried. Un- p gg§|

til all views are acknowldged and reading week?

given equal coverage during an

"democratic" After Keren election, your reading Gottfried's ar- sys- v . tem will continue fail to average ticle about students coping with

Canadians. personal or academic problems,

And for the if had record, you and how the extent of those prob-

come of the other to any debates lems are not widely discussed

I li or listened to what was saying, in a popular university setting, I r^^^HHBHM

would realize that I'm not you was struck by the fact that some ■mmk£%iv •••;. «Kf- I that "out and there," many people post-secondary educations next 5

share my views. week will have a reading week,

but Laurier will not. To be sure,

* -Kyle Huntingdon being done school earlier around ~ ,v H& iiiilV'' VfC; : ' ■ MtMSSL Ml lamS?:: 1 CanadianAction Party the December exam period is a

Kitchener-Waterloo but if ! _'" '#**§&• plus, a reading week were

*'";\ ; I ' ' V J enacted around the long weekend

of Thanksgiving, for instance, how

went of these Homecoming many studentissues could

be addressed?Having "downtime" too far at WLU too to spend with friends, family, or

services like Personal Counselling,

I appreciated James Popkie's ar- the Women's Centre, and Campus

ticle, "University must embrace a Ministries would be stop-gap to

transparency" criticizing Queen's students in crisis. An added bo-

for stu- would University pressuring nus be that many first year

dents not to record and broadcast students, away from home for the

the on first and partying Homecoming time exposed to a new weekend. I agree that Universi- system of marking and academic

ties should encourage this kind expectations, would have time to of student-initiated documenta- study for the plethora of mid-term

I tion. however, with his exams and that of disagree, essays many us claim that "have we at Laurier fun suffer under in October. Why Lau- without it too far." I rier is taking was not implementing such an

disturbed very this Homecoming idea of a fall reading week, I do not weekend a scene of sexual by ag- know.

gression I witnessed between two

-T.A. Pattinson partygoers. (For anyone interest- ed I described my experience in

the article, "Homecoming Blues" Letters Policy: in Blueprint's Debauchery issue.)

The following Wednesday the All letters to the editor must be signed and

submitted with the author's student Cord name, published an anonymous identification number, and telephone number. si n » Q 9 I able to stop playing letter - by a student who had been Letters must be received by 12:00 (noon) Not being pm onfin*. Learn more Monday via email to of gambling problem. raped during Homecoming cel- a or through our website at www.cordweekly.

350 ebrations. These two instances are com. Letters must not exceed words. a sign that the partying at Home- The Cord reserves the right to edit any letter for I frl«ids4!rienils.iii and I brevity clarity. The Cord reserves the right coming weekend did go too far. in toreject any letter, whole or in part. The Cord understand that Mr. was Popkie reserves the right to not publish material that I - • "■ " is be libelous in £ deemed to or contravention II destruction . ■" focusing on of prop- mmw Code J with the Cord's of Ethics or journalistic I i in his erty article, but these sexual standards. Gambling Council Responsible crimes should not be overlooked. [email protected]. com 22 THE WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 15,2008 - CORD WEEKLY

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TAT TRTFT? 192 St. N. • 519.884.0710 ext. 4495 . King . , , „ „ Laurler International will be hosting the Crossing Borders: Jtj [email protected] . CareerfiuiDevelopment Centre Study and Work Abroad Fair in the Concourse on the same day! I

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Ridley Scott's body of why?

The Cord wonders why DiCaprio and Crowe both agreed to do another contrived film based on spies in the Middle East

So WADE THOMPSON when he kept telling me that,

STAFF WRITER judging from only the trailer, Body

of Lies was going to suffer from the

with of I took it into consider- In a conversation one my problem,

friends and fellow film afficiona- ation, but put more faith in the likes

dos today, he enlightened me to of Russell Crowe, Leo DiCaprio and

Scott. I a small yet very true point regard- Ridley mean, all of themare

thrillers: cell have of movie even ing spy phones capable making any

the a little tolerable completely ruined genre. They right?

are a cheap plot device used only to The answer is no.

easily relay confusing information Body ofLies is one of the most un-

of to the audience and tie up all loose intelligible pieces "filmmaking"

I since ends in a matter of seconds. that have seen TheMummy:

TomboftheDragon Emperor, which

was released at the end of the sum-

mer. So, for such a blatantly Oscar-

hungry film as Lies to come out and CONTRIBUTED IMAGE

flat it can't GOATEE AND WHISKEY - has this before... but wonders where... fall as as did, you help DiCaprio definitely played part one

but cringe at how much potential it

had to be good.

movie the in otherwise edented amount of cell The concerns a CIA opera- to play "puppetmaster" lead- stands out an yawn- phone con-

who is and tive (DiCaprio) stationed all over er stays close to home base inducing cast character ac- versation, create a confusing

the Middle the film's Mark He the convolutedenvironmentfor the au- East, attempting to gar- throughout events. Why tor Strong. portrays

Crowe's dience follow. It's ner any information he can about he would waste both his talent and Jordanian equivalent to to an attempt at

character American doesn't an Osama Bin Laden-type terror- his health in a role more suited for and outperforms him propaganda and

who - - is in of Liotta I will time he's Both close to ist, like his counterpart the likes Ray never every on-screen. a come achieving anything

hiding, nowhere to be found. understand. Crowe's American ac- gentleman and a businessman, he remotely successful.

is and He I The agent soon finds out that he cent also on off. pulled keeps you guessing as to whether Overall, couldn'tbelieve the re-

isn't in of much American twice he will with word sult of this movie. I in charge things as as off a perfect accent or not snap every myself, fact,

Crowe. I Leonardo he thought, after his US-stationed last year (American Gangster and he speaks. Hopefully, we'll be see- like Russell like

Scott. boss (Crowe) continuesto interfere 3:10 to Yuma), so it's really a won- ing more of Strong in the future, as DiCaprio. I also like Ridley

with his outfit. From there der this doesn't hold. he has time and time of themwould their here, are why one proven again Why any waste

double-crossings, terrorist attacks DiCaprio is no better, unfortu- that he can play with the big boys abilities on a film like this is abso-

and lot other The has himself this I would a of fluff that fills the nately. guy proven a (and in case, top them). lutely beyond me. So, rec-

Scott this movie unbelievably stretched 120-minute quality thespian, and yet, here he is Director does nothing to ommend for one reason,

and that is runtime. basically just re-warming whatever help the film's case. Sloppy editing, Mark Strong.

From Rus- massive his first appearance, was leftover from his tour-de-force combined with amounts Actually, scratch that. Just go and

sell Crowe looks out of place in his performance in TheDeparted. of plot information being spewed rent a good movie featuring him

The and character. He gained 50 pounds single performance that at the audience through an unprec- bypass this one entirely.

" C Modern rock out Cord/Onlint. boys > > Arts & Entertainment

Lo-Fi and the Vivian Girls - FROM PAGE 24 it's but I need to with a stellar of "The MODERN, my ego, everyone performance

closer the Devil come to stage," Alemany We Know'! Lo-Fi rock and punk is probably going to be the next musical

The crowd held steady at about urged the crowd, who obliged and With such strong and diverse Ca- craze - and Daniel Joseph doesn't think that it's a bad thing in it 30 for MBMG's set, which was danced in front of the band. The nadian rock acts around, seems a his review of The Vivian Girls' self-titled release. marred technical difficul- MBMG's shame that Maxwell's by some highlight of set was "My Music House

ties at the beginning, including a Baby Says Boy Don't You Ever Go" wasn't packed, even if it was the Not so subtle advertising... mic in I and that would not stay place for from their album Might As Well first night of Oktoberfest. Oh, Trevor Loughborough wonders why product placement in lead Akira Break with the crowd in case singer Alemany, causing It, clearly you were dying to know,

theband Hollywood blockbusters and TV has gotten so to re-start a song. feeling the sound of the catchy Alemany was wearing a white t- prime-time

the technical The band members black and a and However, once is- pop-rock song. shirt, skinny jeans pair common... so sloppy.

sues were dealt with, MBMG went interacted well with each other and of sweet black leatherboots.

on to rock the small venue. "Maybe the audience, and closed the set V J

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Wood, whisky, and folk

Collett Jason speaks with Anne Donahue on politics and being a part of the Toronto scene before his Thursday show at Starlight

ANNE DONAHUE tion on and unearth that the NDP has in for a moustache. I that made my part to try ground gained Layton having pearances are are people STAFF WRITER a bit of Canadian this a don't understand that, know?" that kind of mystique, you election, they've gained quite you are auxiliary members

bit of and I'm know, in my writing. momentum a long- No stranger to prominent Cana- of the band, like

Since his first solo album circle offriends releasing "Referencing some geography... time NDP supporter. dians,Collett's con- and [both of Broken in Toronto-based rock 'n' for relation- of of 2003, It conjures up an image every- "I've got a personal sists members Broken Social Social Scene]... it just was the natu- roller Jason Collett has toured the body; even if you've never been ship with some people that are in Scene and other renowned ral evolution of things.

both and critical there... strike the and used live the globe, won public It seems to a chord, party... I to in musicians. "I'm intending on really focusing

Idols with of praise for his 2005 release, Of interestingly enough people neighbourhood Jack Layton and on the band even more for the

Exile, and remained a outside of Canada. Olivia Child for prominent They're in- ten years... So on next record. The lineup has

in Canadian indie those The that I've figure the music trigued by references. personal level, watched changed a little bit in the

months I've discovered about refer- them the scene. After on interact in last and spending thing neighbour- year, it's quite the road in of his Canadian is that it hood and have how support February encing places seen genuine dynamic right now. release, Here's To Collett translates in a wonder- and involved are. There's Being Here, actually they They're very more of a is about embark the Exclaim! ful weird for that have committed to on way people people. collaborative ef-

been Canada. little bit "It's Magazine-sponsored Wood, Wire never to A funny, you know, the fort between all and which will take of in this in this of Whisky Tour, intrigue goes a long way politics country us to form the the band Canada and will business." across people trash Stephane tunes. So that include a stop at Starlight Lounge With his tour launching on elec- Dion for being a geek just makes for

October The Cord on 16. tion day, used this oppor- and they trash Jack something really

"Well, we like to to just play, you tunity ask the long-time strong and promising know?" shared Collett. "The NDP to for the record in thing supporter next my that I'm really into most about this share his thoughts mind." tour is we're doing a number of on the political However, Collett values

is small towns, which something race. "I'm the effort put forth by his fel- we've done before. And low and never this excited musicians cites them as is first for the actually our very coast-to- inspiration. "Toronto's been a re-

which is coast tour also something naissance of an amazing hotbed we've never done before. We've of great talent over the last seven, been do this for few I'm kind ofin the wanting to a However, eight years... belly

now and we've found while Idols of it and I don't have fur- years finally of to go any

time Exile ther that the to." featured guest than to really be inspired.

Collett's music is renowned I'm appearances by Emily inspired by being a part 0f... all

for its Canadian essence; Haines, Feist and Bren- the various members of the Broken

land- dan Here's referencing cities, Canning, Social Scene and the distant cous-

marks and traditions. to Being Here focused ins of the ...

"It's that the inherent Those not con- mainly on people are constantly doing

scious of a thing, talent within Collett and spinoff projects, solo projects and,

Collett his band. "We off think really." got you know, I we collectively

the road and went into kick each other's asses You're explained ...

"Those the what's songs studio as a band. sort of encouraged by in

have just sort It's more of a focused your atmosphere to stretch further

of effort on the material." happened... people I on your own

there's been a was playing with at the

See PAGE 18 for editorial reaction this story small bit of inten- time. The few to guest ap-

A modern show

Toronto's Modernboys Moderngirls played at

Maxwell's Music House and The Cord was there

with BLAIR FORSYTH-STARK Martel then picked up thepace

CORD A&E Lord'! his second song, "The Good

from Being a band stemming

Montrealwith cello their midst, "Don't be like every other journalist a in

Arcade and start the story with what we're the comparison to Fire

but Martel wearing," whispered Modernboys seems inevitable, quick-

Moderngirls (MBMG) frontman ly eluded that comparison as he

Akira Alemany, moments before masterfully covered "I'm Satisfied"

take the his band was to stage at by Mississippi John Hunt, complete

with Maxwell's Music House on Friday country twang. night. Sharing the same bandwith Mar-

it's write Mark Berube was the "Actually, your story, tel, night's whatever the hell you want," he next performer, and the two acts ef- added, leaving for the stage to be- fected a smooth transitionby bring- gin setting up. ing all band members on stage.

BLAIR FORSYTH-STARK With that blessing of journalistic But with seven people on such

WALK INTO THE LIGHT - Modernboys Moderngirls on the stage at Maxwell's Music House in Waterloo. freedom in hand, here's how the a small stage, it seemed that the show went down, minus the old of too cooks per- adage many in

the kitchen would affect the final the functory clothing descriptions. stage. enjoyable, his choice to end his out during Berube's set, it seems

Hours before MBMG's Berube's first without them members perfor- product. song hour-long set with a mix of "Shiny many of the audience

show with Go Berube s mance, the opened However, after a shaky start, the "We Down" was strangely remi- Plastic Bags" and "Barbershop" were friends or family of

Montreal native David Martel and band found their collective rhythm niscentof a Bruce Springsteen song, seemed tediousand long. and unfortunately, for MBMG, they

the band his three-member band. Begin- and finished "Yesterday's Halo" to but with the cello and Berube's key- Next on stage were the show's started to clear out before

with the mellow "Sto- an crowd. board work giving it a unique and headliners: Toronto-based indie could even their set. ning very applauding begin . r— ries" which was well-suited to the After their collaboration, Martel modern twist. rockers Modernboys Moderngirls.

- PAGE 23 intimatevenue of about 30 people, and a few of his band members left While Berube's set was mostly While the crowd had slowly filled SEE MODERN,