Thibtysecomd Report (Third Lok Sabha)
PAC. No. xop THIBTYSECOMD REPORT (THIRD LOK SABHA) [Appropriation Accounts (Railways), 196263 and Audit Report (Railways), 19641 LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI LIST OF AUTHORISIUI) AGRNTS FOR THB SALE OF LOK SAW SECRETARIAT PUBLICATIONS SL Name ?f Agent Agency $1. Name of Agent NO. NO. NO. %!? ANDHRA PRADESH 11. Churlrs LombM and Cornpan ,101, Mahatma ~.n&ik~, oppite Clock TowcD, Fort, - 8 Bombay . 12. The Current Book Hok, G. R. LPlrshmipathy Chetty Maruti Lane, Raghunath and Sons, Gencral Dadsji Stmt, Bombay-I Madmts and News fS? than- 13. Deccaa Book Stall, &noor Ferguson College Rood, %&, Poono-4 , District . 94 . RAJASTHAN 14. Iaform~tionCentre, Go- 7 vernment of Robthan, Tripoli& Jaipur City . UTTAR PRADESH Amar KitPb Ghar, Post 1s. Swastik Industrial Worko, Box 78, Diagonal Road, 59? Holi Stmt, MMlYt Jmshcdpur . , 37 cm 16. Law Book Company, Snrdar Pate1 Mrrg, Vijay Stom, Station Road, Allohsbrd-I . Amd . 35 WEST BENGAL The New Ordu Book Company, ELLis Bridge, 17. Ahmedabrd-6 , . 63 MADHYA PRADESH 18. W. Newman dr Corn y Modern Boek Houoe, Shiv Ltd., 3, Old Court IP"ow Street, Cplcutta ViLe PdBcC, Indore . City ... 41 19. DELHI 20. 6 ax. Sot Narain & Sou 141 MOM. AU w~lrr:Fdai Gate, Delhi . aa. Fout note 4 5 10 17 19(b) I 9(b) 2 1 24 21, 2 4 311 3 3 5 3 5 36 36 4 1 46 1; 7 t", 64 64 6 4 55 66 70 Col e k are also 1a-kent kiiwqs Rinistcrc 1\y6162 such a shows the theid opt ian letter sleeps Railways F.A.
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