Artæ + Societate / Arts + Society #39, 2011 20 Lei / 11 €, 14 USD Jeannette Ehlers Black Magic at the White House, 03:46, Sound, 2009, Courtesy: the Artist
w artæ + societate / arts + society #39, 2011 20 lei / 11 €, 14 USD Jeannette Ehlers Black Magic at the White House, 03:46, sound, 2009, courtesy: the artist On the cover: Marjetica Potrcˇ, Rural Practices, Future Strategies, 2007, #8/11 drawings, ink on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm, courtesy: the artist and Meulensteen Gallery, New York Aspirafliile celor care ar vrea sæ izoleze arta de lumea socialæ sînt asemænætoare cu cele ale porumbelului lui Kant ce-øi imagina cæ, odatæ scæpat de forfla de frecare a aerului, ar putea zbura cu mult mai liber. Dacæ istoria ultimilor cincizeci de ani ai artei ne învaflæ ceva, atunci cu siguranflæ cæ ea ne spune cæ o artæ detaøatæ de lumea socialæ e liberæ sæ meargæ unde vrea, numai cæ nu are unde sæ meargæ. (Victor Burgin) The aspirations of those who would isolate art from the social world are analogous to those of Kant’s dove which dreamed of how much freer its flight could be if only were released from the resistance of the air. If we are to learn any lesson from the history of the past fifty years of art, it is surely that an art unattached to the social world is free to go anywhere but that it has nowhere to go. (Victor Burgin) arhiva 5 Jurnal urban: Lupta pentru spafliul comun CITIES LOG: THE STRUGGLE FOR COMMON SPACE STEALTH.unlimited (Ana Dzˇokic´ & Marc Neelen) galerie 30 Marjetica Potrcˇ: Tipare protectoare øi Practici rurale, strategii pentru viitor PATTERN PROTECTS AND RURAL PRACTICES, FUTURE STRATEGIES scena 51 Con Fusion: Bienala de la Veneflia 2011 CON-FUSION: THE VENICE BIENNALE 2011 Marta Jecu 62 Ying-Bo: O poveste în douæ pærfli.
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