WARNING: The information provided in this outline, in all RoadToRaw.com program materials and web presences, and on the web presences of our individual members and professionals is offered as opinion only. Always consult a health professional before starting any diet or exercise program.

Welcome to the RoadToRaw.com 21-Day Total Detox

PART ONE: The 14-Day Raw Food Cleanse

Important note about your personal fitness plan: In addition to the RoadToRaw.com diet program, there is a custom exercise program provided with this Feast. Three easy-to-follow instructional videos that will feature routines performed in real time by Rebekah Borucki will be posted during the week of the Feast. We want to be sure that you use proper form while performing the exercises, so written details of each workout wonʼt be provided until each workout is posted. The workouts will be appropriate for all levels of athleticism and will include modified versions of each exercise appropriate for both beginners and elite athletes.


Perhaps this is your first time on a raw food diet. Maybe youʼve tried before but didnʼt achieve your goals because you didnʼt have the proper information or tools. Maybe youʼve wanted to try out a raw food diet for a while, but havenʼt had a clue where to start. Well, thatʼs where our program comes in!

I have made an in-depth suggested outline for you to follow to get you on the right path toward going raw. You can follow it step-by-step, day-by-day, or just use it for a general reference for recipes, tips, and ideas. I highly recommend that you read the entire document thoroughly. There are lots of great things that are thrown in the recipes and suggestions on how to make your meals gratifying, tasty, and simple.

You may find that some days your appetite will be less and youʼre not going to need all the food that is listed on the chart. Other days you may find that you are hungrier and want to eat more. On those hungry days, I suggest upping the size of your and drinking lots of extra water. Try your hardest not to eat too much extra food. I designed this program with the goal of detox and weight loss in mind. Itʼs important to get essential fats, but we also want to keep them at a low so we will be able to shed excess pounds. If you are trying to gain weight, or maintain your current weight, I suggest adding a little more fats to the recipes.

Raw Food is such a beautiful thing because if youʼre eating a well-rounded balanced diet, your body will do what it needs to do. You have to get familiar with listening to your intuition. What does my body need right now in order to feel good? If you need to shed pounds, you should lean toward a lower fat diet and the weight will drop off with little effort. Just watch!

A few more things before we get started that are very important to remember:

• I am a true believer that one size does NOT fit all. Everyone is going to need different things in order to feel good. This is a general outline. There may be some recipes or ingredients on here that you donʼt particularly like. That is TOTALLY fine. You can switch up ingredients to your liking. The only requirement is that itʼs all raw and vegan. • If you are working with a specific condition or have special needs I highly recommend contacting me directly to set up a private consultation so we can work together to tailor your raw food plan to the T. It is also crucial that you contact your health professional before starting any diet or exercise program. I want to make sure that you feel great and achieve your goals - whatever they may be! • And lastly, take it day-by-day. Remember to breathe deeply, keep a smile on your face, donʼt be too hard on yourself, and donʼt count calories. No one is perfect. We all have slip-ups. We are all human. If for some reason you fall off the plan, donʼt think twice. Just jump right back on and make your next meal raw. If you get discouraged, overwhelmed, or frustrated, know that you are detoxing. Lots of emotions can come up during this time and they are all normal. Love yourself, and remember you are making a huge life change and serious transformation may happen. Whether or not you stay raw after this cleanse, the most important thing is that there was a shift made in your food choices, thought patterns, exercise regime, and the way you feel about yourself. Feel free to contact me at any time and I will get back to you as soon as possible. The RoadToRaw.com online forum will be an incredible source of support and knowledge for you. Reach out to fellow participants.

Iʼm so happy to be working with you!

Sending you so much LOVE, Danielle Charboneau – Rawalicious


What do I eat on a Raw Food Diet? A raw food diet is an alkalized diet rich in enzymes! Raw greens, , and fats – all three daily – are the essentials of not only the raw food diet, but every diet.

David Wolfe writes in The Sunfood Diet Success System (2000): “I do not know of another person who has communicated with as many successful 100% raw foodists as I have. In every single long-term raw foodist Iʼve met, I discovered the following dietary pattern: green-leafy , sweet fruits, and [plant] fatty foods. To me discovering this pattern was a revelation. It tuned me up to an incredible level of health and clarity.”

• Raw Greens should be LIVING, not cooked or frozen.

• Raw Fruits include the sweet fruits we all love, plus sour fruits (cranberry, grapefruit, , ), fruits (bell pepper, cucumber, okra, pumpkin, squash, tomato, zucchini), and sun-dried fruits. Eat only red or yellow peppers, not green peppers (theyʼre unripe). Avoid without seeds, such as seedless and watermelon. Seedless fruits are generally genetically modified.

• Raw Plant Fats are seeds, nuts, avocado, olives, coconuts, and durians. Fats are soft, heavy and filling. They fill the empty spaces and ground you and bring you back to earth. They satisfy hunger. They feed your nerves so you're happier and handle stress with a smile. Seed and nut milks are a delicious way to eat fats. Click on the link to view a video on how to make nut milk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR7xORoLzno

The balance you need to find is that of the macronutrients – proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Find your balance each day in consuming a diet of leafy greens, fruits, and fats from nuts, seeds, oils, and avocados.

There are many more foods for you to eat than apples, lettuce and almonds! Itʼs important to find the right balance each day, because the nutrients and calories you need today depend on MANY variables:

• Are you overweight or underweight? • Stressed or living free? • Working in the city, or rambling in the country? • Is it freezing cold outside or boiling hot? • Are you pregnant, or doing heavy labor?

Our life changes, and so do our nutrient needs.

But where will I get my protein? Youʼll get protein from leafy green salads, roll-ups, green smoothies, and green .

Below is an overview of the (average) percentage of calories from protein.

• sprouts 55% • green leafy vegetables 35-50% • nuts & seeds 12-20% • other vegetables 10- 45% • 8-20% • fruits 1-10 %

My favorite places to get proteins from are:

• sprouts • spinach • kale • broccoli • parsley • cucumbers • artichokes • celery • hemp seeds • flax seeds • pumpkin seeds • tomatoes • almonds

Itʼs hard NOT to get enough protein during the day, unless you're a fruitarian (one who eats a diet consisting of only fruits, nuts, and seeds).

What do I need to AVOID on a Raw Food Diet?

(I know the list is long, but I just want to make it clear.)

• all animal meats, all fish and sea-foods, sushi, and bird meat • eggs • pasteurized milk and cheeses • hydrolyzed vegetable proteins • soy meat • protein powders (vegan ones, too – they don't resemble anything in nature) • fruits dried with sulfur • all breakfast • refined grains and flours like white bread, rolls, cakes, cookies, white rice, pasta

• all yeasted breads • muesli and granola with sugar • bakery and health store baked goods containing oil, sugar, additives • even ʻnatural flavorʼ is an excito-toxin (linked to lesions in the brain) • all fast foods such as french fries, potato chips (crisps) • all bottled oils need to be clearly labeled ʻraw cold-pressed, unheated, or unrefinedʼ • commercial nut • peanuts (raw + roasted) and peanut • roasted or salted nuts and seeds • all foods containing oil or cooked in oil • unripe or genetically modified (GMO) produce • food canned or preserved with chemicals and added sugar • frozen inorganic foods • foods dried with sulfur • junk foods, fast foods, and candies • commercial health food snacks not from raw food companies • products containing additives - including citric acid, vinegar, eggs, colorings, flavorings and preservatives • white sugar, brown sugar • corn syrup, cane syrup, molasses • dextrose, glucose, fructose • xylitol, sorbitol, sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners • no aspartame (diet soda) - it's genetically modified + linked to multiple sclerosis • unfiltered tap water • coffee and commercial chocolate • black tea • soda • alcohol • artificially sweetened fruit drinks. • limit pasteurized juices (apple, orange, etc.) and ideally mix with water.


Breakie Lunch Snack Dinner Dessert Drinks

Day 1 Pure Lettuce, 1 type of Zucchini Green Water of Water and Collard fresh Fruit Pasta one Smoothie Green, or Coconut Nori Wraps

Day 2 Pure Nut Pate One Hearty 1 type of Lots of Water and or Loaf Whole Kale fresh fruit Pure Smoothie with Melon of Salad Water Veggies your choice

Day 3 Pure One Veggies Leftover Let your Lots of Water and whole and Dip Hearty body rest- Pure Banana melon of Kale no desert Water Pancakes your Salad tonight choice

Day 4 Pure BIG 1 type of Ravioli Chocolate Lots of Water and Green fresh Fruit with Salad Pudding Pure Smoothie Salad Water

Day 5 Pure Cesar One Lettuce, Green Lots of Water and Salad Whole Collard Smoothie Pure Smoothie Melon of Green, or Water your Nori choice Wraps

Day 6 Pure Soup and Mexican Stuffed Fresh Lots of Water and Salad Cukes Peppers Fruit of Pure Smoothie your Water choice

Day 7 Pure Green Smoothie Taco More Fruit and Salad Night!!! if you Drink Oatmeal wish- one type

Breakie Lunch Snack Dinner Dessert Drinks

Day 8 Pure Smoothie Veggies As Much Let your Coconut Water and and Dip Fruit as body rest- Drink Oatmeal you wish no desert tonight

Day 9 Pure Green Veggies Zucchini Chocolate Lots of Water and Salad and Dip Pasta Shake Pure Smoothie Water

Day 10 Pure Lettuce, 1 type of Stuffed Cookies Lots of Water and Collard fresh Fruit Avocados Pure Smoothie Green, or and Green Water Nori Salad Wraps

Day 11 Pure Green 1 type of Hearty Let your Water of Water and Salad fresh Fruit Kale body rest- one Raw Salad no desert Coconut Granola tonight

Day 12 Pure Leftover 1 Whole Kelp 1 type of Water of Water and Hearty Melon of Noodle fresh fruit one Smoothie Kale your Pasta Coconut Salad choice

Day 13 Pure Zucchini 1 type of Soup and Green Lots of Water and Pasta fresh Fruit Salad Smoothie Pure Smoothie Water

Day 14 Pure Green Veggies Itʼs your Chocolate Lots of Water and Salad and Dip last night! Pudding Pure Smoothie You Water choose...

Ok, lets start with the basics...


Fruit, along with smoothies, will be one of the biggest staples in your raw food diet, BUT it needs to be combined properly in order to digest well. This is where a lot of people run into problems with a raw food diet. They mix fruit with other things such as fats.

The only thing that you ever want to mix with fruit is greens. If you do mix the fruit with greens, itʼs best in a blended smoothie so the machine does all the pre-digestion for you.

If fruit is eaten after a heavier meal, this is where you will run into gas and bloating. Ideally you want to eat fruit on its own, on an empty stomach. Fruit digests so quickly (some can go down as fast as 15 min) that you donʼt want anything to get in its way. I would not recommend eating fruit directly after a heavy meal. Wait at least 2-3 hours to eat fruit, try to eat it during the earlier part of the day, or eat it a half hour before a meal.

If you know that youʼre going to be out all day, the best thing to keep with you in your bag or car is fruit. It will give you all the energy and carbohydrates you will need to keep you going through the day. It will also fill you up, and hydrate the body. And NO, you will never gain weight by eating too much fruit. That is an absolute myth.


These will be THE most important staple in your raw food diet. When you have cravings for just about anything, fix up a smoothie, and I guarantee that youʼll make it through. All you need is a blender and your favorite ingredients!

You will find your favorite smoothie recipes by combining a mixture of fruit, greens, liquid, and maybe a few cubes of ice. Smoothies are stacked with enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins, and essential nutrients that you will need to get you through the day. As you progress with this detox plan, you may find that smoothies will make up the bulk of your diet. I would say that over 50% of my diet consists of blended drinks. The blender is great because it chops everything up and pre-digests the ingredients for you, so your belly doesnʼt have to work so hard. I encourage you to play with your favorite fruits and greens to come up with your own recipes, but here are a few of our favorites


BRIGHT GREEN ALMOND JOY 2 bananas 2 frozen bananas 2 champagne mangos (optional- if you 1 cup of raw almonds donʼt use, add one more banana) Water and meat of one coconut Water of 1 coconut 1 tbsp of raw honey Big handful of kale A few cubes of ice CHOCOLATE SHAKE 2 frozen (optional) bananas BANANA DATE BLISS ½ avacado 3 bananas ¾ cups almond milk 4 pitted dates 2 tbsp of your favorite sweetener 3/4 cup water (I like coconut nectar or raw honey) Ice 2 heaping tbsp of cacao powder 1 heaping tbsp of maca powder

CREAMSICLE 2 bananas COCONUT DRINK 1 cheirmoya Water and meat of one coconut 1 orange or tangerine 1 heaping tbsp of spirulina ½ cup of almond milk Blend together until smooth Ice

BANANA BERRY PEACH AND BASIL 2 bananas 2 nectarines ½ cup of blueberries 2 bananas 1/2 cup of raspberries Big handful of basil 1/2 cup of blackberries ¾ cup of raw cane and ice 1/2 cup of strawberries 1/2 cup of water and a little ice




This recipe is a great way to start the day and switch-up your morning breakfast. Eat this instead of a smoothie, or have a bit of oatmeal and a small smoothie.

2 apples, peaches, or nectarines 1 banana 1 tablespoon golden flax seed 2 teaspoons cinnamon Pure water

Put the flax seeds in the purified water and let sit overnight. Peel the apples and cut them in smaller parts (for the blender). Peel the banana and break in parts. Rinse the flax seeds.

Put all ingredients in a blender. This can be a hand blender or high-speed blender. Add ¼ cup water, just enough to let the mixture blend well. Blend all ingredients until smooth. You may want to add a little more water if it's too thick.

Tip: You can make this recipe even better by replacing the water with almond milk or fresh juice. You may also add a tablespoon of hemp seeds. I like this breakfast because it has healthy ingredients that are easy to get.


These are so delish! If you like bananas, you will LOVE them. Also, if you donʼt have the time to let them dry and eat as pancakes, you can also eat the batter like oatmeal with a spoon. The greatest thing about this recipe is that it requires no equipment!

Makes 2-4 pancakes

2 bananas 4 tablespoons coconut meal or dried coconut Cinnamon

Mash the banana with a fork in a bowl until very smooth. Add the coconut meal and some cinnamon to taste. Mix well. Flatten the banana/coconut dough and make small pancakes of them Leave out in direct sunlight for about 1 hour, flip over and leave for another hour. You may also use the dehydrator or oven. But then it will take longer to dry them. They don't have to be dry, just on the outsides. Tip: If you make them the night before, you can take them to go for breakfast in the morning.


Itʼs very easy to buy your raw granola at a health food store or to order some online, but if you have the time you can also make your own and store it for the week. This is a recipe is from Kelly Simonsen.

Combine: Coconut flakes Sunflower seeds Flax meal Cashews Goji berries A little sea salt

To bind it: Agave or Coconut nectar Raw honey A little olive oil

Mix all the ingredients together, and put it on a sheet pan covered with parchment paper. Put it in the oven to dehydrate for 72 hours with the oven light on. I eat it with raw homemade almond milk - YUMMY.



There are many ways you can prepare these. If youʼre using lettuce, I suggest using romaine hearts. If youʼre using collard greens, you have to use a knife to slice out the center stem, which will produce smaller wraps. And if youʼre using raw nori, the sheets come straight out of the package.

You will want to use some sort of dip or pate here. I particularly like a walnut pate or a raw hummus. A sunflower seed spread will also work nicely. Feel free to use whatever works for you, and try different combinations of ingredients.

These wraps are great to take to work for lunch or a quick snack and will last for a few days in the fridge.

This walnut pate recipe is from Reya Belna at http://theuncookedkitchen.com

1 cup Pecans ½ cup Walnuts ¼ cup Red Bell Pepper, diced ¼ cup Onion, diced 1 clove Garlic, minced 1 cup Crimini Mushrooms, diced 1 tsp Ground Cumin ½ tsp Ground Coriander 1 tsp Sea Salt 1 Tbsp Olive Oil ½ Serrano Chili, deseeded and diced

Process the nuts in a blender until finely chopped meal. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the remaining ingredients. Mix well using a fork. Allow it to marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour to enhance the flavors.

Tip: If I know Iʼm having a busy week, I will sometimes double the recipe so I can have some in the fridge to make quick snacks on the fly!

Spread onto whatever green youʼre using and add sprouts, tomato, avocado, cucumber, carrots... whatever you desire. Wrap it up and enjoy!


This pate is a recipe from Rebecca Hawkinson at http://rebeccasremedy.wordpress.com/2010/06/06/cashew-spread

This is great to use in lettuce or nori wraps, or you can use it for a veggie dip. It is a much healthier alternative to sour cream, cream cheese, or something dairy. You could also make it thinner to use as a creamy salad dressing. This is a great example of something that you could make early in the week and keep in the fridge for quick snacks or meals.

¼ cup Water 2-3 tbsp olive oil 2 cups soaked raw cashews (itʼs very important for you to soak raw nuts before consuming them. Check out why here: http://www.raw-food-living.com/soaking- nuts.html) Juice of a half lemon Freshly grated garlic or 1 tbsp of raw tahini (You may choose which tastes suits your buds) Spicy freshly grated garlic (the longer the garlic is in the mixture the stronger it gets) Freshly grated ginger root, chilies, cayenne pepper, or some sliced jalapeno Dried herb of choice (I used fresh tarragon & 2 crushed dried red chili peppers)

Bitter: fresh cilantro (or your fresh or dried herb of choice) Salty: Celtic Sea Salt, dulse, and tamari or Braggs

Blend the nuts until finely ground in the food processor or blender. Add a bit of water slowly until a thick “” forms. Add a few cloves of fresh garlic and slices of ginger root. Add some olive oil, Celtic Sea Salt and blend. Taste your mixture. If too sweet, add some lemon or lime juice. If too thick for the blender to handle, add more water. Then make adjustments for sweet, sour, spicy, salty, and bitter using the above ingredients or substitutes. (I find that the chilies, garlic, salt, soy sauce, lemon juice, and ginger were key for balancing the sweetness of the cashews or nuts.) For extra spicy, add 1 whole chopped jalapeno pepper or other chili pepper. Blend, and at the end, add dried or fresh basil, cilantro, or your favorite herb. (If you blend too much at the end, the green herbs will turn it an unappetizing shade of greenish beige.)


1 medium avocado ½ cup soaked cashews 2 pinches of sea salt 1/3 cup filtered water 1 tsp lemon juice Dill (½ tsp dry or 1-½ tsp fresh)

Using either a blender of food processor, grind up cashews as much as possible. Add the rest of the ingredients and puree. You may need to add additional water to get to a mayonnaise-like consistency.

This works well as a dip. I also make coleslaw out or shredded carrots and peeled broccoli stems using my food processor shredder blade, and use this dip in place of mayonnaise.


Serves 2

This is probably the most popular dish from my kitchen. Whenever I want something filling, but not too heavy, I always make this dish. If you have a vegetable spiralizer, you can use it to make the zucchini pasta. Otherwise, you can just use a regular old vegetable peeler to make your pasta.

3 medium sized zucchinis either spiralized or peeled ½ cup of sun-dried tomatoes 1-½ cups of parsley, loosely packed 1 cup of chopped cucumber ¼ cup of olive oil Juice of 1 lemon Salt to taste

Toss everything up and serve!


Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iR8Pkvz5mM for a full video on how to massage kale and turn this dish into something truly hearty, healing, and delish.

3 heads of big leafy kale 4 cloves of garlic 2 cups of a mixture of your favorite fresh herbs - I like to use dill and basil ¾ cup of olive oil ¾ cup of Braggs liquid amino acids ½ cup of sliced sun-dried tomatoes ½ cup of raw tahini ¾ cup of lemon juice ¼ cup of flax powder (optional) Sea salt to taste

Remove kale off stems and place in a large bowl. Add Braggs, olive oil, lemon juice, and salt to the kale and massage for 7-10 min. Add tahini, sun-dried tomatoes, and garlic. Massage for 1 minute. Add flax powder and herbs, and fold them in with a wooden spoon. This is THE crowd-pleasing recipe. Everyone will love this, AND it will keep in the fridge for 3-4 days. I love to make a lot and eat it all week.

To make a summer version of this salad, take out the garlic and sun-dried tomatoes. Add cucumber and fresh tomatoes. This one is just as tasty and I find its slightly more cooling.


This is an item on the menu that can be switched around to your own personal liking. On certain days you may want to make a heavier salad with more avocado, nuts, and seeds, and on other days you may feel the need for a lighter salad with more herbed and citrus flavor. This salad has a little bit of both, so feel free to add or take away whatever you wish.

Remember to take the time to sit down and really chew your greens. Itʼs SO important, because it maximizes nutrient absorption and aids in digestion. There are a lot of quality vitamins, proteins, and fats in salads that are essential for achieving success on a raw food diet. You want to make sure you get them all in by eating slowly and chewing well.

Enjoy, and be thankful that you are making such a great food choice! Your body will love you for it. A good tip I learned is to use kitchen scissors to cut up your herbs, sprouts, and greens so everything will digest nice and easy.

Serves 2

2 large bowls of mixed greens - I like to make my own mix as opposed to buying ʻmixed greensʼ. I will throw in tender leafy greens like butter lettuce and romaine, and then add a small amount of dark leafy greens like kale and collard greens.

2 handfuls of sprouts ½ bunch of cilantro, chopped ½ bunch of parsley, chopped 1 handful of mint, chopped 1 handful of basil leaves, chopped or torn 1 to 2 or any other kind of citrus like grapefruit or orange 2 to 3 limes 1/3 cup of olive oil or any kind of nut oil like walnut or macadamia Coarse sea salt 1 to 2 ripe avocados, peeled, pitted, and chopped 1 large handful of coarsely chopped nuts- preferably soaked 1 handful of dried currants 1 handful of your favorite seeds 1 handful of dulse

Toss all the greens together in a very large bowl or 2 bowls. Squeeze the citrus juices over the greens. Drizzle the oil, sprinkle the sea salt to taste, and toss well. Add the avocado, nuts, currants, seeds, and dulse. Toss gently to combine.


This recipe is mouth watering! You will absolutely LOVE it. It takes a little more time and prep then the rest of the recipes.

Pasta Wraps: 4 turnips or 2 big zucchinis, or 3 Jicima

Peel the turnips. Slice the turnips into very thin slices by cutting them in half and then using a Spiral Slicer, mandolin, or other vegetable slicer to make thin round disks. These will be used as the wrapper, which would normally be the pasta dough.

Ricotta Cheese: 1 cup of coconut water (from 1 coconut), seaweed water, vegetable broth, filtered water, or fresh-squeezed 2 cups raw walnuts 1 cup raw pine nuts Filtered water for soaking nuts ½ cup fresh parsley, chopped ¼ cup black 1 tbsp garlic 3 tbsp fresh-squeezed lemon juice ½ tsp peppercorns 1 tbsp tamari or Braggs

Soak walnuts and pine nuts in water for 4 to 8 hours. Drain nuts and place them in a blender with the parsley, miso, garlic, lemon juice, peppercorns, and tamari or Braggs. Blend, adding only enough liquid (coconut water, seaweed water, vegetable broth, filtered water, or orange juice) to allow the mixture to turn over. Use a rubber scraper to scrape the sides and keep the cheese turning over while blending. The cheese will keep fresh 1 to 2 days in the refrigerator.

Marinara Sauce (This can also be used on zucchini pasta or kelp noodles): 2 large tomatoes ½ cup sun-dried tomatoes ¼ cup fresh basil 1 clove garlic 6 dates dash of olive oil (optional)

Soak the sun-dried tomatoes until soft. Blend the tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, basil, and garlic in a food processor until well blended. Add the dates and olive oil, and blend until smooth. This sauce should be thick.

Directions for assembling the ravioli: Remove a single turnip slice, or whatever vegetable you use from the batch. Place a teaspoon full of cheese filling in the turnip slice and fold the turnip over until all the sides meet. Squeeze the edges together. If you use a smaller vegetable like a zucchini then you can put a second piece on top. Some of the filling will ooze out, but this is what will hold the edges together. Just put the excess back into the bowl to reuse. If you don't have enough filling in them, they will not stick together.

Place them in a single layer on a large plate and drizzle the tomato sauce on top, allow them to sit for a few hours. The turnip will become soft from the tomato sauce. Use a spatula to scoop the ravioli's up and serve.


Talk about a crowd-pleaser – everyone will love this one!

1 cup raw pine nuts 1 ½ tsp of turmeric 1 tbsp white or yellow miso 1/3 cup olive oil ¼ cup water Sea salt

Combine sunflower seeds, olive tapenade, miso, and a few dashes of olive oil in a blender or food processor. Process until chunky. Fluff with a fork.

ʻCheeseʼ Sauce: 2 cups raw sunflower seeds, soaked 1 tbsp olive tapenade, or just olives 2 tbsp white or yellow miso Olive oil (to taste) Combine pine nuts, turmeric, miso, salt to taste and water in a blender or food processor, processes till smooth (add water for desired consistency).

1 red bell pepper 2 avocados Fresh lime Sea Salt

Cayenne Sliced black olives Diced tomato Sprouts Chopped green onions (optional) Hearts of Romaine lettuce

Remove the seeds from the red bell pepper and blend until smooth to make a red pepper sauce. Put ʻcheeseʼ, ʻmeatʼ, and red pepper sauce aside. Scoop out the avocados and put into a bowl. Add some sea salt and a dash of cayenne and a few squeezes of lime. Mash with fork to make guacamole. Blend in small jar of raw sliced black olives. In this order, fill the lettuce leaf with: ground “meat”, “cheese” sauce, guacamole, diced tomatoes, drizzle a little red pepper sauce and add sprouts and green onions. Enjoy!


For the noodle heaven: 1 package sea tangle kelp noodles Purple cabbage (optional)

Rinse the kelp noodles well and drain in a colander. Transfer to a bowl. Thinly chop about ¾ cup worth of purple cabbage and put in the bowl with the noodles. Mix and set aside.

For the sauce: 4-5 tbsp almond butter ¼ cup filtered water 3 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil 1-2 jalapeno peppers, with seeds removed (depending on how much spice you like, start with one and add another if you want to make it very SPICY) 1 tbsp agave OR different sweetener like coconut nectar 1 tbsp Nama Shoyu or tamari or Braggs ½ - 1 tbsp ground ginger 2 tsp hot pepper sesame oil (or regular sesame oil) 1 tsp raw apple cider vinegar

Put all sauce ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth and creamy. After blending, pour over the noodle and cabbage mixture and let sit for about 5-10 minutes so that the noodles can soften. Garnish with dice tomatoes and/or fresh herbs.


1 large bunch of fresh basil 1 cup of soaked pine nuts, macadamia nuts, or walnuts 2 cloves of fresh garlic, peeled and crushed ½ cup of olive oil Salt and pepper to taste ¼ cup of Braggs

Blend all ingredients in a food processor or blender. If youʼre using a blender, you may need to add a little water to get it all moving.


Who doesnʼt love a Cesar salad?

Cesar Dressing 1 cup soaked sunflower seeds ¼ cup lemon juice ½ cup water 2 tsp miso 3 tbsp capers ½ tsp mustard 3-4 cloves of garlic, minced ¾ cup olive oil

Blend until creamy and toss up with romaine, avocado, and pumpkin seeds. Serve with slices of lemon over lettuce mix.


2 large fresh cucumbers Celtic sea salt ½ cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed Cayenne pepper (optional)

Peel and slice cucumber on the diagonal. Put into large bowl and toss well with salt and lemon juice. Dust with cayenne powder if you choose. Let sit and absorb flavor for 20 minutes or more in the refrigerator. Toss again and serve.


Slice avocados in half, remove pits, and peel off skin. Slice a small section off the back to form a base so it will sit flat.

There are many options here... stuff with any kind of pate or dip that you love.

Garnish with chopped red pepper, ground sesame seed, olive oil, tamari or Braggs, spirulina, and cayenne. This is a beautiful filling meal when served with a green salad.


This recipe is extremely tasty and simple, and it looks beautiful. Itʼs fun to prepare for guests when you want to impress!

Serves 2-4

4 red, yellow, or orange bell peppers with tops removed, de-seeded, and scooped-out 2 packs of kelp noodles or 3 medium zucchinis for spiralized pasta

Toss either choice of noodles with the pesto sauce from above, and stuff into peppers. Garnish with diced tomatoes.

If youʼre not in the mood for pesto, you can also stuff the peppers with the Kelp Noodle Heaven Recipe.


2 cups tomatoes 1 cup cucumber ¼ cup olive oil 1/3 cup lemon juice ½ tsp sea salt ½ to 1 tsp jalapeño pepper, minced 1 medium clove of garlic

Blend. Place in a bowl.

Add: 2 cups tomatoes, chopped 2/3 cup cucumber, chopped ½ cup red bell pepper, finely diced

¼ cup onion, chopped ½ cup cilantro or parsley, chopped

All the vegetables should be chopped or diced very fine. A food processor works great for this, but you can just use a blender or hand mix it yourself. Mix the chopped vegetables with the ingredients that have been blended. Serve cold on a hot summer day, or any time! You can also garnish with edible flower petals.


2 cups tomatoes or cucumber, or a mix of both 1 cup water 4 cups spinach 1 medium avocado 1 inch fresh ginger 1 tsp sea salt 1 tsp mellow miso 1 lemon, juice of 2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp olive oil

Blend all ingredients and serve.


1 cup mushrooms 1 large celery stalk 1 clove garlic 1 to 2 tbsp diced onion 1-½ tsp Nama Shoyu, tamari, or Braggs 1-½ tsp olive oil 2 tbsp almonds 1 tsp ground golden flax ½ tsp sea salt ¾ cup water (or more, depending on preference) 1 tablespoon (optional)

Place all of the ingredients, except the water, into a food processor or blender. Process or blend for a few seconds. Then add the water slowly. Add more water if you want a thinner soup.

Almond butter or tahini are also great substitutions for the almonds, but feel free to use any nut or seed you wish.


½ cup coconut meat ½ coconut, water of ¼ to 1 whole jalepeno or serrano pepper (dependant upon your heat preference) 1 good pinch of oregano (it doesn't sound Thai, but trust me!) A pinch of basil

Heat a bowl - or something else that can stand heat - in the oven for ten minutes before you make this. Use a blender for a smoother soup, but a processor works great too. Blend all the ingredients together. Pour into warmed bowl.

This soup is great on a cooler day, or if you are trying to clear up cold, sinuses, or allergies.



Serves 2-4

2 Avocados ½ cup cacao powder ½ cup carob powder ¼ cup of your favorite liquid sweetener - I use coconut nectar.

Put all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. You may need to add a little water to help the blender moving. This recipe can also be used as a delicious frosting on a raw cake.


1 cup of any kind of raw flour (ex: Leftover almond meal from making almond milk or any kind of nut milk, ground sesame seeds or any other seeds you would like to use. Coconut flour can be used as well. My personal favorite is using cashew flour from leftover cashew milk) 3-4 tbsp of raw honey

Mix together in a bowl. Make cookie balls, flatten a little, and place on a plate. Put in the fridge for an hour or so. Enjoy!


If youʼve never made raw ice cream, you will be blown away at how easy and amazing it is to make. All you need is a blender.

Freeze any kind of fruit you wish. My favorite is bananas and blackberries. Throw them in the blender with a little almond milk or coconut water. The texture will come out like a thick smoothie. Put in the freezer for a half hour. Serve with more sliced fruit if you wish. So EASY!!!

SUGGESTED GROCERY LIST: A complete list of all recipe ingredients in the Outline

*Not all of these items are required, and I would not recommend buying ALL of your produce at once. Over a 14 day period you should be shopping for your produce at least two times per week, if not three or four times during the week. Fresh is always best!


• Whatever is in season! • young Thai coconut • melon • bananas • avocados • mangos • cherimoyas • dates • oranges • nectarines • blueberries • raspberries • blackberries • strawberries • lemons • limes • grapefruit • tomatoes • apples • peaches


• Whatever is in season! • spinach • romaine lettuce • sprouts (any varieties you wish) • kale • collard greens

*This list is endless. Buy whatever is in season and is organic at your local farmers market - you can never get enough greens… YUM!


• Again, whatever is in season! • zucchini • bell peppers • onion • crimini mushrooms or whatever is local • cucumber • jicima • turnips • purple cabbage • jalapenos • mushrooms • celery


• basil • parsley • dill • cilantro • mint • ginger- fresh • garlic • cinnamon • cumin • coriander • tarragon • turmeric • oregano • serrano chili • chilies • sea salt


• almonds • pecans • walnuts • cashews • pine nuts • sunflower seeds • macadamia nuts

RAW POWDERS • cacao powder • maca powder • carob powder • flax powder • spirulina

PRE-PACKAGED RAW ITEMS These will all be available at http://RawFoodNaturals.com or at your local health store.

• dulse • olive tapenade • nori sheets • kelp noodles • tahini • dried currants • sun dried tomatoes • nutritional yeast • white or yellow miso • almond butter • capers • mustard • raw black olives • Goji berries


• almond Milk- preferably home made • cane juice • Braggs Liquid Amino Acids and or Tamari • raw apple cider vinegar • extra virgin cold pressed olive oil • extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil • sesame oil • clear agave nectar • coconut nectar • raw honey PART TWO: The 7-Day Juice Feast

Juice Feasting is the healthiest and easiest way to cleanse and detoxify the body while shedding pounds and feeling GREAT! Iʼm so happy that you have chosen this path of regeneration. It will be an experience you will not regret.

If you have never done a Juice Feast before, there will be lots of things both emotional and physical that you may go through during this week. If you were following along with the 14-Day Raw Food Cleanse prior to this, you have prepared your body in the way that it needs to get ready to take your cleansing process to the next level. If you were not following the Cleanse, then I would recommend that you give yourself at least 2-3 days to prep your body. Three days before, you will need to start weaning yourself off coffee, any alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, meat, animal fats, dairy products, and processed sugars. Two days before you will need to eat only raw foods. I suggest eating fruits and big green salads, and start drinking smoothies. The day before your fast you should eat a mono (one type) fruit and green salad all day. This will properly prepare you for the following liquid-only day.

It is important to have fun with this new adventure and play with it. If this is your first time, remember that this is a learning experience. The first time I did a Juice Feast, I was blown away at how much I learned about my body and the emotions that go along with .

You are your ONE TRUE TEACHER. Listen to your body and the way it is speaking to you. Some days will be easier than others. There will be days when all you will want to do is bite into something and chew. Donʼt get discouraged. If you are going to the bathroom everyday and taking enemas these cravings will slowly subside.

Remember to breathe deeply, love yourself, and take it one day at a time. You are participating in something that is truly life transformational. Have fun and smile.

I wish you the best of luck, and I canʼt wait to speak with you on the forum or in private consultation.

Sending you so much LOVE, Danielle Charboneau – Rawalicious


What is Juice Feasting? Juice FEASTING involves consuming only fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices to cleanse the body of old toxins and waste. It gives your digestive system a break from solids, freeing up energy usually required to break down food and allowing it to work on bigger jobs such as regenerating and rebuilding. You will also be getting a break from any refined sugars, processed starches, animal products, and other cooked foods or stimulants you may normally ingest. This alone makes a HUGE difference for most people. This is termed a ʻFEASTʼ rather than ʻFASTʼ because the Feaster gets ALL the calories they would normally get daily (ex.1500 for an average woman) from at least four liters or one gallon of fresh juice every day. A large volume of nutrient dense liquid passes through the body daily helping to cleanse, rebuild, rehydrate, and alkalize the system. Vegetable juices, fruit juices, and coconut water are all included.

What is the difference between Juice Fasting and Juice Feasting? The main difference between fasting and feasting is the quantity of juice involved. When people fast they take in small amounts of liquid/calories, the metabolism slows, their energy slumps, and they may feel quite ʻdysfunctionalʼ. This is not a very practical detox option for most people. Juice Feasting works differently. Because your body is getting all the calories it needs to function optimally, you can get on with life as usual. Work, play, and exercise can easily continue on a Juice Feast while still experiencing amazing cleansing, because calories are coming from pure juice rather than solid foods. Juice Feasting enables you to cleanse for longer periods of time than fasting. In this fast you will be consuming 3-4 cups of juice at least 4 times per day.

Why Juice Feast? The goal of is to cleanse, regenerate, and alkalize. Juicing removes all the fiber from the fruits and vegetables and leaves you with all the important nutrients that will absorb into the body for health transformation. Without fiber in the way, your body can easily absorb and assimilate the nutrients faster. Because digestion is easier, your body can use the saved energy to clean out old matter, especially from the small intestine and colon. The average person holds 5-10 lbs of old toxic waste in their intestines, and juice feasting is an ideal way to help release it. Free from the constant flow of waste passing through, the intestines can release old mucus, foods, and bacteria that may be fermenting and causing problems. Far from being a time of ʻdeprivationʼ, this extraordinary way of healing is an experience of massive nutritional intake and huge shifts in health.

What kind of results could a Juice Feast produce? Typical physical results on Juice Feasting include the loss of excess weight, a younger overall appearance, the skin becoming radiantly healthy, illnesses healing, sleep improving, eyes brightening, scar tissue rejuvenating, old waste being released, and the whole body detoxing at a deep level.

You may also experience what is know as a ʻhealing crisisʼ as the cells dump out the toxic acid that has built up from years of less-than-optimal living. Many people find that long-standing dependencies to substances such as alcohol, caffeine, or cigarettes also subside.

Mentally, most people experience deeper clarity of thought, improved memory and concentration, and an overall sense of mind-fog clearing.

People who juice often feel lighter, stronger, and happier overall. They may experience very significant shifts on emotional and spiritual levels. As old waste is removed, the body can connect to itself and to the universe on a much deeper level. People frequently report feeling more at peace, more optimistic, positive, loving, openhearted, and emotionally stable.

There is usually a boost in self-esteem and confidence. A newly discovered enthusiasm and adventurous spirit may shine through. This new energy often fuels the desire to cease procrastinating and get on with a disciplined lifestyle of enjoyable activities.

It is not uncommon for enormous life changes to occur for people during the course of a Juice Feast. People rarely come out on the other side without having experienced shifts on all levels of life.

Donʼt I need fiber? In general, a great guideline to follow is to ʻeat your fruits and drink your vegetablesʼ. This seems to hold true for a number of reasons. In comparison to vegetables, fruits are usually easier and tastier to just grab and eat. Fruit juices tend to unbalance the body quite easily, because they give a concentrated hit of sweetness without the fiber to soften the sugar-bolt to the system.

Over a short amount of time the overall benefits for the body as a result of taking a break from solids outweigh the importance of having foods with the fiber intact. Yes, you may miss out on a few micronutrients for a while, but overall, the break from solids will be a greater healing gift to your body. In the long-term, it may serve you well to follow the idea of ʻeating your fruits and drinking your vegetablesʼ for optimal balance.

Will I feel hungry? Itʼs common to feel hungry on the first three days of a Juice Feast, and that hunger may feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar to many people. This feeling is simply the body adjusting to a different volume of matter being introduced to the stomach. The amount of calories you are getting is still the same – it is just in a different form that allows for a flood of nutrient rich liquid to pass through your system daily. As your body adapts to receiving its fuel in this new form, the stomach will shrink and this superficial feeling of hunger will dwindle.

Feeling hunger prior to taking in nutrition is normal and healthy – it is a good sign that your body is ready to receive more fuel. Many people are not used to feeling hunger and are even a little fearful of it. Try to relax into accepting hunger as a natural part of your cycle – feel it, honor your bodyʼs needs by providing the nutrition required, and move on until the next time hunger arises. Feeling hunger does not have to be a traumatic experience – it is just your bodyʼs way of saying, ʻCan I have some more?ʼ

Please remember that Juice FEASTing is all about abundance, not deprivation. It involves drinking at least or 3-4 cups of fresh raw juices 4 times per day (or 1 gallon of juice per day). You are free to go above that minimum as much as it suits you. Feasting is all about enjoying the process of getting maximum nutrition into our bodies while putting only a little energy out.

What are the daily recommendations for juice? Green requirements:

• One head of celery and/or at least one cucumber • 2lbs of leafy green vegetables (lettuces, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, watercress, arugula, beet greens, cilantro, parsley, etc.) This tends to work out as the equivalent of roughly 4 lettuces per day or 2 lettuces and 4 bunches of whatever youʼd like (ex. 2 bunches spinach and 2 bunches parsley).

Celery and cucumber are said to be four times as hydrating as water as well as being a great source of organic sodium and other minerals.

Dark leafy greens are highly beneficial for detoxing, alkalizing, building the body, and for being nutrient dense. Be sure to get variety – try out different kinds of lettuces like red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce, Romaine and Boston lettuces, and others. With vegetables like lettuce, it is of particular importance to use ORGANIC produce, because they do not have a skin to remove and have such high water content. Any pesticides and contaminants will be throughout the entire plant.

Aside from the greens requirements above, you can include the following:

• whatever fresh raw fruit and vegetable juices you like • coconut water • bee pollen • MSM powder • kelp granules • digestive enzymes • hemp/flax/coconut oils • E3 Live liquid blue-green algae • nutrient dense green powders (ex. spirulina, chlorella, or barley grass powder)

If you are unfamiliar with any or all of these items, donʼt worry! It is not a requirement to use them. You will still have a successful Juice Feast. (Anyone wishing to Juice Feast who is dealing with serious health issues such as Crohnʼs Disease, Cancer, or Diabetes would do better to proceed with just vegetable juices, rather than a mixture of fruit/veggies, for maximum healing. They are also strongly advised to seek the guidance of a health professional.)

What foods should I avoid while Juice Feasting? Aside from all the obvious things like anything cooked or processed, many raw vegan foods should be avoided while Feasting.

Any pulpy fruits such as papaya, banana, durian, cherimoya, and mango are better left for after the Feast. They tend to produce very pulpy juices that will simply slow down your cleansing.

If you do want to use fruits like mango, cherimoya, or papaya, you can make ʻfruit waterʼ by blending together the flesh of the fruits with a large quantity of pure water (ex. one mango to 1-2 quarts water). Then strain that through a nut milk bag before drinking. This is more like an extra drink in your day rather than a real ʻjuiceʼ, because it is not very rich in calories. (Bananas, durian and avocados are best avoided altogether – they are far too dense, heavy, and slowing for the cleansing process. Try to aim mainly towards high water-content produce.)

Cacao (raw chocolate) should be avoided during Feasting, because this is another food that will ultimately slow your cleansing.

All nuts and seeds should to be avoided during Feasting, even if they are in the form of nut/seed milk (though fresh coconut water is fine to drink). They are acid and mucus forming and will slow down detox.

Be wary about your use of intense sweeteners such as raw honey while Feasting. While it is recommended to use raw honey to make up the Master Cleanser recipe and it can also be used as a great sweetener and preservative for green juices for a few hours, it is not optimal for your body to be ingesting honey in excess. Avoid the temptation to simply have it by the spoonful. Yes, it is a liquid and one of the most biologically active foods available, but it has a high glycemic index and can easily set you off balance. Also, honey may not appeal to raw vegans. If that includes you, consider using instead as a sweetener for the Master Cleanser recipe. Be aware that most ʻrawʼ agave syrups are actually heated.

Is it ok to eat a little food while Juice Feasting? No. This will only slow down the cleansing process - especially since we are only practicing a 7-Day Juice Feast. If your body starts to detox and on day 3 you eat something, this will send your body confusing messages. It is very important that you only drink freshly pressed juices during a Juice Feast in order to give yourself time to get rid of toxins and heal.

How do I know if Iʼm getting enough calories? Itʼs important to listen to the messages your body is giving you. If you are consuming at least 3-4 cups of fresh raw juices 4 times per day (or 1 gallon of juice per day), then you should be fine. However, there are other factors that you should consider. Are you an active person? If so, then you may want to consume more. A man will most likely need to drink more than a woman. If you are feeling tired, lethargic, dizzy, or weak, you should increase your intake. Most importantly, find what works for you. It is recommended that you drink more juice over drinking less. You may up your calorie intake instead of letting it drop to prevent bad reactions.


There are two main ways to make juice, which depend on the equipment you have. are machines specifically made to separate the liquids from the solids of produce such as fruits and vegetables. Blenders are more versatile machines that can be used to make anything from soups to smoothies to baby foods. It is not essential to buy expensive juicers or blenders unless you want to. Get a juicer or a blender that feels right for you and fits your budget. If you already have a simple juicer or blender, you can use that in conjunction with a nut milk bag for easy, fast, pulp-free juices.

Iʼve juiced using both a juicer and a blender combined with a nut milk bag to separate out the fiber. Iʼve made great juices using both methods. From a nutritional perspective, the more expensive juicers usually provide a higher quality of juice, which tends to be less oxidized or heated from the machine.

The main difference in the two methods from a practical standpoint is in the preparation and cleanup involved. When using a juicer, you can often just grab the produce and start juicing, with a minimum of cutting beforehand. When using the blender method, itʼs best to cut down all produce before adding it to the blender. There tends to be more cleanup time involved with juicers and less with blenders.

If you happen to have access to both a juicer and a blender, then you can use this knowledge to your advantage. Test each machine to see which works best for you.


Basic Green Juice Recipes:

• celery-lettuce-spinach-parsley • celery-lettuce-spinach-cilantro • celery-cucumber-kale • lettuces-spinach-watercress-chard • cucumber-celery-spinach-chard • cucumber-lettuces-arugula • lettuces-spinach-dandelion-kale • cucumber-fennel-chard

Pure green juice can taste VERY strong, especially for beginners. I love to mix it with coconut water, fruit juice, , or beet juice. You can also use broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens and cabbage. However, I personally tend to avoid those ingredients because they work against the thyroid and slow metabolism. Use a variety of seasonal greens in your juices, so your body receives a range of different nutrients. Fresh sprouts make for very vibrant juices, too. Be aware that both celery and cucumber juices are very low in calories. If they are used as the base for your green juices, you may find you need to drink a lot more than one gallon (or four liters) of juice because you wonʼt be getting all the calories you need. A quart of green juice with cucumber or celery as the base has approximately 300 fewer calories than the same amount of green juice with carrots as the base. Therefore, if you are finding it challenging to drink the minimum amount of juice a day, using a lot of celery or cucumbers may not be very beneficial for you. Try switching to heavier/denser foods (coconut water, sweet potatoes or yams, spinach, parsley and berries).

Be aware that some people report feeling cold and even a little dizzy after having green juices. This is because these drinks are very cleansing – they lower the blood pressure while cleaning, alkalizing, and unclogging the blood flow. If youʼre new to green veggie juices, take it in carefully as you adapt to having more of these powerful cleansers. Listen to the messages from your body, and adjust your juice ingredients accordingly.

Basic Fruit Juice Recipes:

• straight orange or tangerine • -blackberry (VERY intense) • watermelon, cantaloupe, or honeydew melon • apple-pear • peach-nectarine • plum- • mixed berries • grapefruit-orange-lemon • apple-blackberry • star fruit-pineapple

Be sure to rinse your teeth after drinking fruit juices. In general, try to avoid having many straight fruit juices, as they tend to spike your blood sugar and cause imbalance.

Recipes for Veggie/Fruit Combo Juices:

• blackberry-apple-spinach • pineapple-mint-celery-leafy greens • pears-turmeric-greens • apple-beetroot-ginger-celery-greens • pineapple-blackberry-greens • spinach-apple-celery (with a good sodium/potassium ratio, this is a good balancer) • apple-celery-cucumber (beauty juice - light, cleansing, and refreshing) • tomato-basil • pineapple-celery-red pepper • celery-red pepper-garlic-hot pepper-orange juice

The veggie/fruit combos are particularly useful for masking the flavor of strong greens and celery. Beginning your day with this kind of juice is a great way to get things going and to get in all your greens for the day right at the start, freeing up the rest of the day for playing with other combos. Be aware that citrus does not tend to mix well with leafy greens, with the exception of lemon juice. Apples and are great all-round sweeteners that go with just about anything.

Other Veggie Juices:

Feel free to mix and match any types of veggies you wish. Play with ingredients and find what suits your taste buds. Some you will love, others you wont. Remember, these are all just suggestions.

• carrots-beet (root) – help sweeten juices and support liver function • fennel – creates lightness to juice, is a diuretic, laxative, and eases digestion • radishes – for raising the metabolism/thyroid support and clearing mucus • red bell peppers – sweet, but not unbalancing • yams/sweet potatoes – these are calorie dense and give a nice sweetness to juice without being very unbalancing - they have a more grounded quality than fruits • pumpkin – gives a nice sweetness without spiking the blood sugars too much - combine with spices like cayenne, nutmeg, cinnamon, and vanilla for a treat • bok choi – supports lungs, quite mild flavor • asparagus – diuretic, supports kidney function, strong flavor • zucchini – creates a sweet, delicate, creamy juice, especially if used alone and flavored with a little ginger and lemon

Simple Carrot Combos:

• carrot-spinach • apple-carrot-ginger-lemon • carrot-parsley • carrot-cucumber-beet (root) • carrot-cucumber • carrot-apple-beet • carrot-celery-cucumber

Carrot juice is a useful ingredient that allows many people to ease themselves into juicing – carrots are cheap, widely available, and their sweetness is agreeable. They are pretty high on the glycemic index, so be wary of overdoing your carrot intake. Your skin could literally turn yellowish-orange!

Other Liquids to Feast On:

• coconut water • green juice with coconut water • pure water with mixtures of one or any the following: fresh herbs (mint, basil, parsley, cilantro), cucumbers, lemons, limes, strawberries • juice- high in chlorophyll and super healing • herbal teas

Juice Extras:

Use fresh herbs and extracts to flavor your juices and help your cleansing process.

• ginger root – helps ease digestion, bloating, and gas • lavender extract – eases bloating and aids digestion • turmeric – anti-inflammatory, helps clean the blood, supports the stomach/liver • fresh aloe vera leaves – use the aloe flesh in juices to soothe the digestive tract • fresh mint – soothes and aids digestion • dandelion – helps detox the liver and blood, eases bloating and digestion • cinnamon – blood sugar balancer, relieves digestive issues, anti-fungal • cayenne – an amazingly healing food, helps to raise the bodyʼs metabolism • hot peppers – helps expel mucus and raise metabolism • garlic – anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, blood and immune-strengthening

What do you do with all the pulp? Compost if possible... the soil will love it!


• Drink LOTS of water throughout the day, especially when you wake up in the morning. • Keep things simple. You may find that the first few days you are bloated or constipated, or you may have difficult digestion. If this occurs, I recommend juicing just one or two fruits/vegetables together at a time. • Exercise! If you find your energy is decreasing, get out and move around. Yoga and Pilates are great things to practice while on a juice feast, as well as low impact training, walking, or swimming. Custom workouts will be provided to you during the Feast. • Surround yourself with positive energy. Itʼs wise to not tell people who are not comfortable and supportive of it about your Juice Feast. They may express concerns and criticism that may be hard to deal with on the first few days. The RoadToRaw.com online forum will be a great source of support for you during the Feast. If you have serious health-related concerns, you should always consult a health professional. • Start the day with green juice and fruit. You will start to like the taste of greens, and it will set the pace for the rest of the day. If you get most of your greens in at the beginning of the day, it leaves you with the rest of the day to play with whatever combinations you wish. • Try and create as much peace in your life as possible. Minimize the use of TV (if not eliminating it all together). Meditate, pray, exercise, spend time in nature, read, be still, and remember to BREATHE DEEPLY. • Take enemas daily, or as much as possible. • Colon Hydrotherapy – try and get at least one colonic during your Juice Feast. If you are doing the 14-Day Raw Food Cleanse along with the 7-Day Juice Feast, I would recommend doing 3 colonics during this 21 day period if its financially possible. Itʼs VERY important to make sure your bowels are moving properly during cleansing.


Day 1 of breaking your fast: • Go for smoothies and juicy fruits. • Continue with juices, now adding in juicy fruits such as watermelon, berries, mangoes, cherries, tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges etc. • Avoid denser fruits like bananas, avocados or durian. • Try to have about half the amount of juice you were having while Feasting – continue to drink the green veggie juices and cut back on fruit juices. • You may start to eat whole fruits instead. • Eat juicier fruits as regular meals.

Day 2 of breaking your fast: • The final phase is to begin to add in salads while still having juices, smoothies, and juicy fruits. • Use tender leafy salad greens, sprouts, and very simple dressings like flax oil and lemon juice. • Avoid ʻcreamyʼ dressings at this point. • You can begin to add fatty foods like avocados and raw olives.

As you start to eat more and more solid foods, be conscious to take a look at what you are consuming. Reevaluate old eating habits, and embrace the change in your life, body, and mind.