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Complete List of Contents Complete List of Contents Volume 1 Publisher’sNote..............................vii Artichoke ...................................75 Introduction ..................................ix Arttherapy..................................77 ContributorList...............................xi Ashwagandha ................................78 CompleteListofContents.....................xvii Astaxanthin..................................80 Asthma.....................................81 Acerola......................................1 Aston-Patterning..............................86 Acetaminophen................................2 Astragalus...................................87 Acne........................................3 Atherosclerosisandheartdiseaseprevention........89 Active hexose correlated compound ................5 Athlete’sfoot................................95 Acupressure..................................6 Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder ............96 Acupuncture ..................................8 Atypicalantipsychotics........................100 Adenosine monophosphate ......................22 Autismspectrumdisorder......................100 Adolescentandteenagehealth...................23 Autogenictraining...........................102 Adrenalextract...............................26 Avicenna...................................104 Aging......................................27 Ayurveda...................................105 Alcohol misuse ...............................29 Bachflowerremedies.........................113 Alexandertechnique...........................31 Backpain..................................114 Alfalfa......................................33 Balneotherapy...............................118 Allergies....................................34 Barberry...................................119 Aloe.......................................37 Barrett,Stephen..............................120 Alopecia....................................40 Batesmethod...............................121 Alternativeversustraditionalmedicine.............41 Beano.....................................123 Altitude sickness..............................43 Bed-wetting ................................124 Amenorrhea.................................44 Beepollen..................................125 AmericanAcademyofAnti-AgingMedicine........45 Beepropolis................................127 Aminoglycosides .............................46 Beevenomtherapy...........................128 Amiodarone.................................47 Behavioralhealth............................129 Amoxicillin..................................47 Bell’spalsy.................................133 Andrographis................................48 Benignprostatichyperplasia....................133 Androstenedione..............................50 Benzodiazepines .............................137 Angina.....................................51 Beta-blockers...............................138 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors ....53 Beta-carotene...............................139 Antacids....................................54 Beta-glucan.................................142 Anthroposophic medicine .......................55 Beta-sitosterol...............................144 Antibiotics..................................58 Betainehydrochloride.........................145 Anti-inflammatorydiet.........................59 Bilberry....................................145 Antioxidants.................................60 Bileacidsequestrantdrugs.....................147 Anxietyandpanicattacks.......................61 Biochemictissuesalttherapy...................148 Appliedkinesiology...........................64 Bioenergetics...............................149 Arginine....................................65 Biofeedback................................149 Arjun......................................68 Biofeedbackforheadache......................153 Aromatherapy................................69 Biologicallybasedtherapies....................153 Arrhythmia..................................74 Biorhythms.................................155 xviii • Integrative, Alternative & Complementary Medicine Biotin.....................................156 Cankersores................................236 Bipolardisorder.............................157 Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) . 237 Bitter melon ................................159 Cannabinoids...............................239 Black cohosh................................160 Capsaicin..................................241 Blacktea...................................163 Caraway...................................244 Bladderinfection.............................165 Carbamazepine ..............................245 Bladderinfectionandhomeopathy...............167 Cardiomyopathy.............................249 Bladderwrack...............................168 Cardiovasculardisease........................249 Blepharitis..................................170 Carnitine ...................................255 Blessedthistle...............................171 Carnosine..................................260 Bloodroot ..................................171 Carob.....................................261 Blue cohosh ................................173 Carotenoids.................................262 Blueflag...................................174 Carpal tunnel syndrome .......................263 Boldo.....................................174 Cartilage ...................................265 Boneandjointhealth.........................175 Cataracts...................................266 Boron.....................................179 Catnip.....................................267 Boswellia ..................................180 Cat’sclaw..................................268 Bowers,Edwin..............................182 Cavityprevention............................269 Brahmi....................................183 Cayenne...................................270 Braid,James................................184 Cephalosporins..............................273 Branched-chainaminoacids....................186 Cervicaldysplasia............................273 Breast engorgement and homeopathy .............187 Cetylatedfattyacids..........................274 Breastenhancement..........................188 Chamomile.................................275 Breast-feeding support ........................189 Chaparral..................................277 Breastpain.................................191 Charaka....................................278 Bromelain..................................193 Chasteberry.................................279 Bronchitis ..................................195 Chelationtherapy............................281 Bruises....................................196 Cherries....................................282 Bruisesandhomeopathy.......................198 Childbirthandhomeopathy.....................283 Buchu.....................................199 Childbirth methods ...........................284 Bugleweed.................................200 Children’shealth.............................286 Burdock...................................201 Chineseherbalmedicine.......................288 Burningmouthsyndrome......................202 Chinesemedicine............................296 Burns,minor................................203 Chineseskullcap.............................298 Burns,minorandhomeopathy..................204 Chiropractic................................299 Bursitis ....................................205 Chitosan...................................304 Butcher’sbroom.............................206 Chocolate..................................306 Butterbur...................................207 Cholesterolelevation..........................308 Calcium....................................209 Chondroitin.................................312 Calcium channel blockers (CCBs)................214 Chopra, Deepak .............................315 Calendula ..................................215 Chromium..................................316 CAMonPubMed............................216 Chronicfatiguesyndrome......................320 Cancerandhomeopathy.......................217 Chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease(COPD).....322 Cancercomplementarytreatments...............218 Cinnamon..................................324 Cancerriskreduction.........................225 Cirrhosis...................................327 Candida/yeast hypersensitivity syndrome ..........232 Cisplatin...................................329 Candling...................................234 Citrulline...................................330 Candytuft..................................235 Citrus aurantium.............................331 Complete List of Contents • xix Citrus bioflavonoids ..........................333 Congestive heart failure .......................368 Cleavers...................................335 Conjugatedlinoleicacid.......................370 Clinicaltrials................................336 Conjunctivitis ...............................372 Clomiphene.................................341 Constipation................................372 Clonidine..................................341 Copper ....................................374 CodexAlimentariusCommission................342 Cordyceps..................................376 CoenzymeQ10..............................343 Coriolus versicolor ...........................377 Colanut...................................347 Corticosteroids..............................378 Colchicine..................................348
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