
Complete List of Contents

Volume 1

Publisher’sNote...... vii Artichoke ...... 75 Introduction ...... ix Arttherapy...... 77 ContributorList...... xi Ashwagandha ...... 78 CompleteListofContents...... xvii Astaxanthin...... 80 Asthma...... 81 Acerola...... 1 Aston-Patterning...... 86 Acetaminophen...... 2 Astragalus...... 87 ...... 3 Atherosclerosisandheartdiseaseprevention...... 89 Active hexose correlated compound ...... 5 Athlete’sfoot...... 95 ...... 6 Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder ...... 96 ...... 8 Atypicalantipsychotics...... 100 Adenosine monophosphate ...... 22 Autismspectrumdisorder...... 100 Adolescentandteenagehealth...... 23 Autogenictraining...... 102 Adrenalextract...... 26 Avicenna...... 104 Aging...... 27 ...... 105 Alcohol misuse ...... 29 Bachflowerremedies...... 113 Alexandertechnique...... 31 Backpain...... 114 ...... 33 ...... 118 ...... 34 Barberry...... 119 Aloe...... 37 Barrett,Stephen...... 120 Alopecia...... 40 Batesmethod...... 121 Alternativeversustraditionalmedicine...... 41 Beano...... 123 Altitude sickness...... 43 Bed-wetting ...... 124 Amenorrhea...... 44 Beepollen...... 125 AmericanAcademyofAnti-AgingMedicine...... 45 Beepropolis...... 127 Aminoglycosides ...... 46 Beevenomtherapy...... 128 Amiodarone...... 47 Behavioralhealth...... 129 Amoxicillin...... 47 Bell’spalsy...... 133 Andrographis...... 48 Benignprostatichyperplasia...... 133 Androstenedione...... 50 Benzodiazepines ...... 137 Angina...... 51 Beta-blockers...... 138 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors ....53 Beta-carotene...... 139 Antacids...... 54 Beta-glucan...... 142 Anthroposophic ...... 55 Beta-sitosterol...... 144 Antibiotics...... 58 Betainehydrochloride...... 145 Anti-inflammatorydiet...... 59 Bilberry...... 145 ...... 60 Bileacidsequestrantdrugs...... 147 Anxietyandpanicattacks...... 61 Biochemictissuesalttherapy...... 148 Appliedkinesiology...... 64 Bioenergetics...... 149 Arginine...... 65 Biofeedback...... 149 Arjun...... 68 Biofeedbackforheadache...... 153 ...... 69 Biologicallybasedtherapies...... 153 Arrhythmia...... 74 Biorhythms...... 155 xviii • Integrative, Alternative & Complementary Medicine

Biotin...... 156 Cankersores...... 236 Bipolardisorder...... 157 Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) . 237 Bitter melon ...... 159 Cannabinoids...... 239 Black cohosh...... 160 Capsaicin...... 241 Blacktea...... 163 ...... 244 Bladderinfection...... 165 Carbamazepine ...... 245 Bladderinfectionandhomeopathy...... 167 Cardiomyopathy...... 249 Bladderwrack...... 168 Cardiovasculardisease...... 249 Blepharitis...... 170 Carnitine ...... 255 Blessedthistle...... 171 Carnosine...... 260 Bloodroot ...... 171 Carob...... 261 Blue cohosh ...... 173 Carotenoids...... 262 Blueflag...... 174 ...... 263 Boldo...... 174 Cartilage ...... 265 Boneandjointhealth...... 175 ...... 266 Boron...... 179 Catnip...... 267 Boswellia ...... 180 Cat’sclaw...... 268 Bowers,Edwin...... 182 Cavityprevention...... 269 Brahmi...... 183 Cayenne...... 270 Braid,James...... 184 Cephalosporins...... 273 Branched-chainaminoacids...... 186 Cervicaldysplasia...... 273 Breast engorgement and ...... 187 Cetylatedfattyacids...... 274 Breastenhancement...... 188 ...... 275 Breast-feeding support ...... 189 Chaparral...... 277 Breastpain...... 191 Charaka...... 278 Bromelain...... 193 Chasteberry...... 279 Bronchitis ...... 195 Chelationtherapy...... 281 Bruises...... 196 Cherries...... 282 Bruisesandhomeopathy...... 198 Childbirthandhomeopathy...... 283 Buchu...... 199 Childbirth methods ...... 284 Bugleweed...... 200 Children’shealth...... 286 Burdock...... 201 Chineseherbalmedicine...... 288 Burningmouthsyndrome...... 202 Chinesemedicine...... 296 ,minor...... 203 Chineseskullcap...... 298 Burns,minorandhomeopathy...... 204 ...... 299 Bursitis ...... 205 Chitosan...... 304 Butcher’sbroom...... 206 Chocolate...... 306 Butterbur...... 207 Cholesterolelevation...... 308 Calcium...... 209 Chondroitin...... 312 Calcium channel blockers (CCBs)...... 214 Chopra, Deepak ...... 315 Calendula ...... 215 Chromium...... 316 CAMonPubMed...... 216 Chronicfatiguesyndrome...... 320 Cancerandhomeopathy...... 217 Chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease(COPD).....322 Cancercomplementarytreatments...... 218 Cinnamon...... 324 Cancerriskreduction...... 225 Cirrhosis...... 327 Candida/yeast hypersensitivity syndrome ...... 232 Cisplatin...... 329 Candling...... 234 Citrulline...... 330 Candytuft...... 235 Citrus aurantium...... 331 Complete List of Contents • xix

Citrus bioflavonoids ...... 333 Congestive failure ...... 368 Cleavers...... 335 Conjugatedlinoleicacid...... 370 Clinicaltrials...... 336 Conjunctivitis ...... 372 Clomiphene...... 341 Constipation...... 372 Clonidine...... 341 Copper ...... 374 CodexAlimentariusCommission...... 342 Cordyceps...... 376 CoenzymeQ10...... 343 Coriolus versicolor ...... 377 Colanut...... 347 Corticosteroids...... 378 Colchicine...... 348 Corydalis...... 379 Coldsandflus...... 348 Cough ...... 380 Coldsandhomeopathy...... 356 Cranberry...... 381 Coleus forskohlii ...... 357 Creatine...... 384 Colic...... 358 Crohn’s disease ...... 387 Colortherapy...... 360 Cryotherapy...... 389 Colostrum...... 362 Crystalhealing...... 391 Coltsfoot...... 364 Cupping ...... 392 Comfrey...... 365 Cyclosporine...... 393 Compulsiveovereating...... 367 Cystoseira canariensis ...... 394

Volume 2

Damiana...... 397 Earinfections...... 451 Dancemovementtherapy...... 398 Earinfectionsandhomeopathy...... 453 Dandelion...... 400 Eatingdisorders...... 454 Dawkins,Richard...... 401 Echinacea ...... 456 Deervelvet...... 403 Eczema ...... 460 Dementia...... 404 Edema...... 463 Depression...... 409 Education and training of CAM practitioners ...... 464 Detoxification...... 414 Elderberry...... 466 Devil’sclaw...... 415 Elderhealth...... 468 Diabetes...... 417 Elecampane...... 470 Diabetesandhomeopathy...... 423 Electromagnetic hypersensitivity...... 471 Diabetes,complicationsof...... 424 Eleutherococcus senticosus...... 472 ...... 427 Endometriosis ...... 474 Diarrheainchildrenandhomeopathy...... 430 Energymedicine...... 475 and Education Act ...... 431 Engel,GeorgeLibman...... 476 Digoxin...... 434 Enzymepotentiateddesensitization...... 477 Diindolylmethane ...... 435 Ephedra...... 478 Dioscorides,Pedanius...... 436 ...... 481 Diverticulardisease...... 438 Epstein-BarrVirus...... 485 DMAE...... 438 Equinetherapy...... 486 Dongquai...... 440 Ernst,Edzard...... 490 Double-blind, -controlled studies ...... 441 Essential oil monoterpenes ...... 491 Doxorubicin ...... 444 Estriol...... 491 Dupuytren’s contracture ...... 444 Estrogen...... 493 Dysmenorrhea...... 445 Ethambutol...... 494 Dyspepsia...... 447 Eucalyptus...... 494 xx • Integrative, Alternative & Complementary Medicine

EvidenceBasedCare...... 496 ...... 592 Exercise...... 498 Glucomannan...... 593 Exercise-basedtherapies...... 500 Glucosamine...... 594 Eyebright...... 502 Glutamine...... 597 Faithhealing...... 505 Glutathione...... 600 Falseunicorn...... 506 Glycine...... 602 Fatigue...... 507 Goldenrod...... 604 Feldenkraismethod...... 508 ...... 604 Fengshui...... 510 Gotukola...... 606 ...... 512 ...... 608 ...... 513 Grasspollenextract...... 610 Feverfew...... 514 Greatercelandine...... 611 Fibratedrugs...... 516 Greencoffeebeanextract...... 612 Fibromyagliaandhomeopathy...... 516 Green-lippedmussel...... 613 Finsen,NielsRyberg...... 517 Greentea...... 614 Fishoil...... 518 Guarana...... 616 Fitzgerald, William H...... 526 Guggul ...... 618 5-Hydroxytryptophan ...... 527 Guidedimagery...... 619 Flaxseed...... 529 Gymnema...... 620 Flaxseedoil...... 532 H2blockers...... 623 Fluoride...... 534 Hackett,GeorgeS...... 624 Fluoroquinolones ...... 535 Hahnemann,Samuel...... 624 Folate...... 536 Hawthorn...... 626 Folkmedicine...... 539 Headinjuriesandhomeopathy...... 628 Food allergies and sensitivities ...... 542 Headache,cluster...... 629 FoodandDrugAdministration(FDA)...... 545 Headache,tension...... 629 Fructo-oligosaccharides ...... 547 Healthfreedommovement...... 632 Functionalbeverages...... 549 Hearingloss...... 633 Functional foods: Introduction ...... 550 Heartattack...... 635 Functional foods: Overview ...... 551 Heartdisease...... 639 GABA...... 555 Hellerwork...... 644 Gallstones...... 556 Hemorrhoidsandhomeopathy...... 645 Gamma-linolenicacid...... 557 Heparin...... 647 Gammaoryzanol...... 561 , alcoholic ...... 648 Garlic...... 562 Hepatitis, viral...... 650 Gas,intestinal...... 566 Herbalmedicine...... 653 Gastritis...... 567 Herpes...... 655 Gastritis and homeopathy ...... 569 Heshouwu...... 657 Gastroesophageal reflux disease ...... 570 Hibiscus...... 658 Gastrointestinalhealth...... 571 Histidine...... 659 Gattefossé,René-Maurice...... 574 Historyofalternativemedicine...... 660 Genistein...... 575 Historyofcomplementarymedicine...... 663 Gentian...... 577 HIVandAIDS...... 666 Germander...... 578 HIVandhomeopathy...... 672 Gerson,Max...... 579 Hives...... 673 ...... 580 Homehealth...... 674 ...... 582 Homeopathy...... 676 ...... 587 Homocysteine,high...... 681 Complete List of Contents • xxi

Honey...... 683 Insomnia...... 733 Hoodia ...... 684 Insulin...... 736 Hopkins, Frederick ...... 685 Insurancecoverage...... 737 Hops...... 686 Integrativemedicine...... 738 Horehound ...... 688 Integrativenursing...... 742 Hornygoatweed...... 688 Intelligence ...... 745 Horsechestnut...... 690 Intermittent claudication ...... 746 Horseradish...... 692 Internet, complementary, alternative, and integrative Horsetail...... 693 medicine...... 748 Hufeland,ChristophWilhelm...... 694 Interstitial cystitis ...... 749 Humorandhealing...... 695 Iodine...... 751 HuperzineA...... 697 Ipriflavone ...... 752 Hydralazine...... 698 ...... 753 ...... 698 Iron...... 754 Hydroxycitricacid...... 700 Irritablebowelsyndrome...... 758 Hydroxymethylbutyrate...... 701 Irritablebowelsyndromeandhomeopathy...... 761 ...... 702 Ishizuka,Sagen...... 761 Hypertensionandhomeopathy...... 706 Isoflavones ...... 762 Hyperthyroidism...... 707 Isoniazid...... 767 ...... 709 Isotretinoin...... 768 Hypothyroidism...... 712 Ivyleaf...... 768 Hyssop...... 715 Jensen,Bernard...... 771 Immune support ...... 717 Jetlag...... 771 Indigo...... 719 Juicecleansing(Juicefasting)...... 773 Indole-3-carbinol ...... 720 Juniperberry...... 774 Infertility, female...... 721 Kava...... 777 Infertility, male ...... 723 Kelp...... 780 Influenzaandhomeopathy...... 725 Kidneystones...... 781 Injuries,minor...... 727 Kombuchatea...... 784 Inosine...... 728 Kratom...... 785 Inositol...... 729 Krilloil...... 787 Insectbitesandstings...... 731 Kudzu...... 788 Insectbitesandstingsandhomeopathy...... 732

Volume 3

Lactoseintolerance...... 791 Licensing and certification of CAM practitioners ....803 Lady’sslipperorchid...... 791 Licorice...... 805 Laetrile...... 792 Lifeextension...... 807 Lapacho...... 794 Lighttherapy...... 808 Larch arabinogalactan ...... 795 Lignans...... 809 Lavender...... 796 Ligustrum...... 811 Lecithin...... 798 Linden...... 812 Lemonbalm...... 799 Lipoicacid...... 813 Leukoplakia ...... 801 Lithium...... 815 Levodopa/carbidopa ...... 801 Liverdisease...... 816 xxii • Integrative, Alternative & Complementary Medicine

Lobelia...... 819 Molybdenum...... 915 Lomatium...... 820 Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors ...... 916 Loopdiuretics...... 821 Morningsickness...... 917 Low-carbohydrate ...... 822 Motherwort...... 919 Low-glycemic-indexdiet...... 824 Muirapuama...... 920 Lupus ...... 829 Mullein...... 920 Lust,Benedict...... 831 (MS)...... 922 Lutein...... 832 Musictherapy...... 925 Lycopene...... 833 Myrrh...... 928 Lysine...... 835 N-acetyl cysteine...... 929 Maca...... 837 Nails, brittle ...... 931 Macrobioticdiet...... 838 Narcoticaddiction...... 932 Maculardegeneration...... 839 National Center for Complementary and Integrative Magnesium...... 841 Health(NCCIH)...... 934 Magnettherapy...... 846 NationalHealthFederation...... 937 MaheshYogi,Maharishi...... 850 ...... 938 Maitake...... 851 Nausea...... 940 Malicacid...... 852 Neckpain...... 942 Manganese...... 853 Neem...... 943 Manipulative and body-based practices...... 854 Nettle ...... 944 Mann,Felix...... 857 Nicotinamideadeninedinucleotide...... 946 Mannose ...... 857 Nightvision...... 947 Marijuana...... 858 Nitrofurantoin...... 948 Marshmallow...... 861 Nitroglycerin...... 948 Massagetherapy...... 862 Nitrousoxide...... 949 Maté...... 865 Nondairy milk...... 949 Meditation...... 867 Noni...... 951 Medium-chaintriglycerides...... 869 Nonsteroidalanti-inflammatorydrugs(NSAIDs)....952 Melatonin...... 871 Nopal...... 956 Memoryandmentalfunctionimpairment...... 875 Nosebleeds...... 957 Menopause ...... 880 Nutrition-basedtherapies...... 958 Men’shealth...... 885 Oakbark...... 961 Meridians...... 889 Oatstraw...... 962 Mesoglycan...... 890 Obesityandexcessweight...... 963 Metabolicsyndrome...... 891 Obsessive-compulsivedisorder(OCD)...... 971 Metamorphictechnique...... 893 Office of Complementary and Alternative Methotrexate...... 894 Medicine...... 972 Methoxyisoflavone ...... 895 Office of Dietary Supplements ...... 973 Methyldopa...... 896 Ohsawa,George...... 974 Methylsulfonylmethane...... 897 Oligomericproanthocyanidins...... 975 ...... 898 Oliveleaf...... 978 Migrainesandhomeopathy...... 901 Optimalhealth...... 979 Milkthistle...... 903 Oral contraceptives ...... 981 Mind/body medicine ...... 905 Oral hypoglycemics ...... 983 Mind-GutConnection...... 907 Oreganooil...... 984 Mindfulness...... 910 Oregongrape...... 986 Mistletoe...... 913 Ornithinealpha-ketoglutarate...... 987 Mitralvalveprolapse...... 914 Orthomolecularmedicine...... 988 Complete List of Contents • xxiii

Osha...... 990 Pregnenolone...... 1078 ...... 991 Premenstrualsyndrome(PMS)...... 1079 Osteoarthritis and homeopathy ...... 997 Premenstrual syndome (PMS) and homeopathy ....1081 Osteopathicmanipulation...... 998 Pricklyash...... 1082 ...... 1001 Primidone ...... 1083 Oxerutins...... 1007 Probiotics...... 1084 PABA...... 1011 Progesterone...... 1091 Painmanagement...... 1012 Progressivemusclerelaxation...... 1093 Palmer,DanielDavid...... 1014 Prolotherapy...... 1095 Pancreatitis ...... 1016 Prostatitis ...... 1097 Pantothenicacidandpantethine...... 1017 Proteaseinhibitors...... 1098 Parasites,intestinal...... 1019 Proteolyticenzymes...... 1099 Parkinson’sdisease...... 1020 Protonpumpinhibitors...... 1103 Parsley...... 1023 ...... 1103 Passionflower...... 1024 Psilocybin...... 1106 PC-SPES...... 1025 ...... 1108 Pelargonium Sidoides ...... 1026 ...... 1110 Penicillamine ...... 1027 Pumpkinseed...... 1111 Pennyroyal...... 1028 Pygeum...... 1112 Pentoxifylline ...... 1028 Pyruvate...... 1113 ...... 1030 Qigong ...... 1115 Pepticulcerdiseaseandhomeopathy...... 1033 Quercetin...... 1117 Perilla frutescens...... 1034 Radiationtherapyandhomeopathy...... 1121 Periodontal disease ...... 1035 ...... 1122 Pettherapy...... 1037 Raw foods diet ...... 1123 Peyronie’sdisease...... 1039 Raynaud’sphenomenon...... 1125 Phaseolusvulgaris...... 1040 Redclover...... 1125 Phenobarbital ...... 1041 Redraspberry...... 1127 Phenothiazines...... 1042 Redtea...... 1128 Phenylalanine...... 1044 Redyeastrice...... 1129 Phenytoin...... 1045 ...... 1131 Phlebitis and deep vein thrombosis ...... 1048 RegulationofCAM...... 1134 Phosphatidylserine...... 1050 ...... 1136 Phosphorus ...... 1053 Reishi...... 1139 Photosensitivity...... 1054 Relaxation response ...... 1140 Phyllanthus...... 1055 Relaxationtherapies...... 1142 Picrorhiza...... 1056 Restlesslegssyndrome...... 1146 Placebo effect ...... 1057 Resveratrol...... 1148 Plantain...... 1059 Retinitis pigmentosa ...... 1149 Pokeroot...... 1060 Reversetranscriptaseinhibitors...... 1150 Policosanol...... 1061 Rheumatoid ...... 1151 Polycysticovarysyndrome...... 1062 and homeopathy ...... 1154 Popular health movement ...... 1064 Rhodiola rosea ...... 1155 Popular practitioners ...... 1065 Rhubarb ...... 1156 Potassium...... 1068 Ribose...... 1158 Potassium-sparingdiuretics...... 1069 Rifampin...... 1159 Preeclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension. . 1070 ...... 1159 Pregnancy support...... 1073 Rosacea...... 1161 xxiv • Integrative, Alternative & Complementary Medicine

Rosehips...... 1162 Royaljelly...... 1164 ...... 1163

Volume 4

Saffron...... 1167 Spleenextract...... 1235 Sage...... 1168 Sportsandfitnessperformance...... 1236 St. John’s wort...... 1169 Sportsandfitnessrecovery...... 1243 Salacia oblonga ...... 1175 Sportsinjuriesandhomeopathy...... 1245 Saltbush...... 1176 SSRIs...... 1246 SAMe...... 1177 Stanolsandsterols...... 1249 Sampson,Wallace...... 1179 Statindrugs...... 1250 Sandalwood...... 1180 Stevia...... 1252 Sarsaparilla ...... 1181 Strepthroat...... 1254 Sassafras...... 1182 Stress...... 1255 Sawpalmetto...... 1183 Stroke...... 1258 Scartissue...... 1185 Strokeandhomeopathy...... 1263 Schisandra...... 1186 Strontium...... 1263 ...... 1187 Sublingual immunotherapy ...... 1265 Sciatica...... 1190 Sulforaphane...... 1267 Scientificmethod...... 1191 Suma...... 1268 Scleroderma...... 1192 Sunburn ...... 1268 Seabuckthorn...... 1193 Superoxidedismutase...... 1271 Seasonalaffectivedisorder...... 1194 Supplements ...... 1272 Seborrheic dermatitis...... 1196 Surgery support...... 1272 Selenium...... 1197 Surgery support and homeopathy ...... 1275 Self-care...... 1200 Sweatdetox...... 1278 Senna...... 1201 Sweetclover...... 1279 Sexualdysfunctioninmen...... 1203 Swimmer’sear...... 1280 Sexualdysfunctioninwomen...... 1206 TaiChi...... 1283 ...... 1208 Tamoxifen...... 1285 ...... 1210 Tardivedyskinesia...... 1285 Shingles...... 1211 Taurine...... 1287 Sicklecelldisease...... 1212 Teatree...... 1288 Silica hydride ...... 1214 Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ Pain) . . . 1290 Silicon...... 1216 Tendonitis ...... 1294 Silver...... 1217 Tetracyclines...... 1296 Sjögren’ssyndrome...... 1218 Theophylline...... 1296 ,aging...... 1219 Therapeutictouch...... 1297 Skullcap...... 1223 Thiazidediuretics...... 1300 Slipperyelm...... 1224 Thomson,Samuel...... 1301 Smoking...... 1224 Thymusextract...... 1302 Softtissuepain...... 1227 Thyroidhormone...... 1303 Soy...... 1228 Tiller, William A...... 1304 ...... 1231 TimetoTalkcampaign...... 1305 Spirulina...... 1232 Tinnitus...... 1306 Complete List of Contents • xxv

Tinnitusandhomeopathy...... 1307 Walking...... 1399 Tinospora cordifolia ...... 1307 Warfarin...... 1400 Tocotrienols...... 1308 Warts...... 1405 Tongue diagnosis ...... 1309 Wartsandhomeopathy...... 1406 Traditionalhealing...... 1310 Weightloss,unitentional...... 1407 Tramadol...... 1313 Weil,AndrewT...... 1409 TranscendentalMeditation...... 1314 Well-being...... 1409 Tribulus terrestris ...... 1316 Well-beingandhomeopathy...... 1411 Tricyclicantidepressants...... 1317 Wellnesstherapies...... 1412 Triglycerides...... 1318 ...... 1414 Trimethoprim (sulfamethoxazole) ...... 1320 Wheyprotein...... 1416 Trimethylglycine...... 1321 White willow ...... 1417 Tripterygium wilfordii ...... 1322 Wholemedicine...... 1419 ...... 1323 Wildcherry...... 1422 Tylophora ...... 1325 Wildindigo...... 1423 Tyrosine...... 1326 Wildyam...... 1424 Ulcerative colitis ...... 1329 Witch hazel ...... 1425 Ulcers...... 1332 Wolfberry...... 1426 Unanimedicine...... 1335 Women’shealth...... 1427 Usui,Mikao...... 1336 Wormwood...... 1431 Uvaursi...... 1336 Wounds, minor ...... 1432 Uveitis...... 1338 Xylitol...... 1435 Vaginalinfection...... 1341 Yarrow...... 1437 ...... 1342 Yellowdock...... 1438 Valproicacid...... 1346 Yerbasanta...... 1439 Varicoseveins...... 1348 Yoga...... 1440 Vegatest...... 1352 Yohimbe...... 1444 Vegandiet...... 1352 Yucca...... 1445 Vegetariandiet...... 1355 Zinc...... 1447 Venous insufficiency and homeopathy ...... 1357 Vertigo...... 1357 Appendixes Vertigoandhomeopathy...... 1359 Reference Tools Vervain...... 1359 Glossary...... 1453 Vinpocetine...... 1360 Homeopathic Remedies for Selected VitaminA...... 1362 ConditionsandApplications...... 1483

Vitamin B1 ...... 1364 Bibliography...... 1487 B2 ...... 1365 Resources...... 1511 Vitamin B3 ...... 1367 Historical Resources Vitamin B6 ...... 1370 Timeline of Major Developments in Vitamin B12 ...... 1373 ComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine.....1515 VitaminC...... 1376 Biographical Dictionary of Complementary and VitaminD...... 1382 Practitioners and Critics . . 1525 VitaminE...... 1385 VitaminK...... 1391 Indexes Vitaminsandminerals...... 1394 Category...... 1533 Vitiligo ...... 1397 Subject...... 1539