Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1939-08-11

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1939-08-11 IT 10, 1939 - Ar~hery Cloudy, Warmer IOWA-Partly doudy, _what Prof. A. S. GllJene Annoaneea warmer 111 west and north today: Procram for State Meet Here tomorrow fair, wanner 111 extreme (Bee 8tor" Pap .) °t DaiI» nonbeaA Days "oUJa City'. II ornin, NSUJ.paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1939 VOLUME XXXVDI NUMBER 172 Tornadoes, Cloudbursts Furnishes Roosevelt Will Have No Part Blood Walter Rhodes Aids Lash Sections of Iowa, Fellow Prisoner In ~Democratic Suicide,' Should With Transfusion FT. MADISON, Aug. 10 (AP)­ Cause Injury, Damage Blood from the veins of Walter Party Nominate Conservatives Rhodes, convicted of murder, for slaying his wife, tonight was help­ Iowa Farmers Foresee Record Yield ing W. J. Fair of Marengo, a fel· Dramatic Photo of a Rescue on the High Seas Six Are Hurt; low inmate at the state prison, Conservatism In T~is Year's Corn Crop Harvest In his battle against leukemia,' Spencer. Gets a circulatory system disease. Spells Doom, DES MOINES, Aug. 10 (AP)­ were harvested in 1912 and 1920, Rhodes, w b 0 s e home was in Iowa's 200,000 farmers see in but they were 1 1·2 bushels an Iowa City, contributed his blood in He Declares 4.1-Inch Rain their rapidly maturing corn crop acre less than the current fore­ a 50-minute transfusion in the I'S best-knoWl! the prospect of harvesting a rec­ cast. }ranere, slunt ord average yield of 47 1-2 bush­ Leslie M. Carl, federal agricul­ penitentiary hospital here this af­ Lynch, auw Liberty Center, els an acre, the agriculture depart­ tural statistician, placed the Aug. ternoon. Presidential Message )gram on each ment reported today. 1 condltJon of the crop at 93 per Rhodes, sentenced to death, is ons ot "thrill' Greenfield, Osceola Read at Meeting The August estimate represent· cent, the highest for that month the last of five death row occu­ e many dart. Report Wind Storms ed a 2-bushel an acre improve­ since Aueust, 1928. Of Young Democrats Iddi tion to an ment over the month previous Asserting the soybean outlook pants here. The other four died ,pod rome show on the gallows. The supreme DES MOINES, Aug. 10 (AP)­ and boosted the total yield out­ continues excellent, Carl report­ By D. RAROLD OLIVER us bands. look to 465,072,000 bushels, only ed that crop's condition at 92 per court reversed the Rhodes convlc· • • • • Two tornadoes and half a dozen one per cent less than the 1938 cent, the highest for the month tion and ordered the case retried. PITTSBURGH, Aug. 10 (AP) cloudbursts 18lIh~ scattered Iowa cribbed crop. since August, 1929. It was 90 The state has petitioned for are· -President Roosevelt tonight told communities today, leaving in Iowa's record per acre yields per cent on Aug. I, 1938. hearing of the high court decision. the Young Democrats' national their wake six persons with min· convention that if his party In­ ertain or injuries, scores of washouts on ---------------------------------- sisted on nominating "conserva­ highways and streets, flooded tlve or lip-service candidates" In ~ar basements and fields and the cus' 1940 he would take no active part tomary debris that results from Europe Awaits Hitler's Move In "such an unfortunate suicide of "flash" floods. the old democratic party." Four and one-tenth inches of The chief executive, in a care­ Is, a head-on rain fell at Spencer, in northwest ock sedans at Iowa, and nine other communities As Nations Prepare for War fully-worded message read to the nobile broad· had two inches or more - most of crowded, opening meeting by Pitt Tyson Maner 01 Montgomery, Ala .. car leaps over it the result of cloudbursts that sent cascades of water racing retiring president of the Young mobiles while Democratic Clubs of America, as- at the wheet, curb-deep through streets. Voice of Peace u.s. A.rmy Places 85 Million Dollar Z Incbes ~l\ " Minutes , .' serted flatly he would not sup- miles an hour rn_ h Order for Bombers, Other A.irplanes Story of the rescue of 209 persons of that amazing tragedy been re-, ton bales and wreckage trom the port a conservative in 1940. !r dare-devtl In Des Moines, where two inches of rain rell in 80 minutes Rises lJ.l:lroug . aboard the Jap/inese llner Bokuyo leascd by passengers. Here's one liner. The oil tanker Associated "It we nominate conservative during the supper hour, police WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 (AP) New long range foltr-motor Maru, which blew up in the Pa- of them. It shows a Japanese wo- . candidates, or lip-service candi- 30, the pro· cWc 1,000 miles from land, but man passenger, struggling to stay effected the rescue. Three lives dates, on a straddlebug platform," lented by tbe estimated 6,OOQ al.\tomobiles were - The army placed its largest bombers to be made by the Con­ I stalled on streets as water cover-I Preparedness Granere, not· aircraft orders .slnce the World solidated nd Boeing ompani only now nave dramatic pictures afloat, surrounded by flaming col- were lost. he said, "I personally, for my own ed the running boards and in some war today, asking J 1 plants to a . c ~s --------------------- • selt-respect and because ot my pilot featured cases licked at the tops of the seat supply it witb an undisclosed on the PacifIC coast will attam long service to, and belief in lib­ nal Air races. cushions. Trouble Spots Cast number of bombers, new type in- speeds at least approaching 300 mGH FLYING eral democracy, will find it im­ 19 monOPlane" Authorities \!s\,mated 15,000 terceptor pllrsuit planes, training miles an hour, topping the per­ Britons Darken I Police Protect possible to have any active part m such stunts downtown workl!rs in ·the capital Shadow; Maneuvers craft and engines, costlng alto- formance of the "flying fortresses" in such an unfortunate suicide of ! through two Hughes Asks Pennil city were marooned in office Spell 'Warnings' gether $85,978,000. already in service. Half of Nation the old democratic party." )nly two feet buildings, stores and restaurants While the number ot planes in- The interceptor pursuit planes, Girls' Abductor Re'U "Take A Walk" s of the plane, For ~ari Hop by water that ran curb deep By JOHN EVANS volved was not divulged, military designed to climb quickly to head He said, In substance, he not ,lane U'"WC,'" I through the business area streets, quarters believed it was more off air raids, are the same type In 'Blackout' From Lynching only would "take a walk" as Al­ ted retlcbed up to the doors of some Associated Press General Forel~n than 1,500. Equipment to be pro- as an expei'imental craft which WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 (AP) torming rJiI1i. fred E. Smith did on the party establishments, flooCled basements Editor vitled by the government will in- la st February attained 420 miles - Howard Hughes, famous before Roosevelt's renomination, nnd did other damage. War is on parade in Europe. crease their cost well beyond an hour on a trans-continental 'Enemy' Bombers Try sportsman-tlier, has requested Florida Slayer Held but he predicted the democratic r days of Ute One of the tornadoes dipped Great military machines are' gear­ $100,000,000, the war department dash which ended in a crash at the permiSSion of the federal party would "tall if it goes con­ lde auto races down at Osceola and Liberty ed for swift bl,lttle on land, on said. Mitchel Field, N. Y. To Pieree·Defenses government to make a fIIgl'lt Prj cflner in Guarded ~erva tive next year, or if it is t. I, and horse Center and the other hit near sea and in the skieS. In Peacetime Drill trom the United States ' to P ns Palm Beach Jail led by people who can oUer ld 31. Greenfield. The three towns ate Everywhere there is waiting, at a high altitude. naught but fine phrases." south and west of Des Moines. waiting for what? The word of FLAMING DEATH G-Men Enter This was disclosed today by Teetrfe Hurt the German leader, Adolf Hitler. LON DON, Aug. 11 (Friday) MIAMI, Fla., Aug. 10 (AP)- Giving no hint as to how he an official of the clvi I aeron­ feels on a third term, Mr. Roose­ At 0 e I W'lll T t · 88 (AP) - The blackn~ss of a pit autics authority, who said that sc 0 a I am ee ne, ,Upon his decision, statesmen Philadelphia Woman Dreher Ca se Police renewcd thcir vigilance velt added he did not expect a was hurt when a barn collapsed, agree, depends war or peace. dropped suddenly on London, Hughes was planning to use tonight to prevent mob violence conservative to be nominated "for trapping him inside the wreckage. Strangely enough, in all the Kills Self nerve center ot the far·reaching a so-called "strato-liner." This I to Charles Jefferson, who con­ I believe the convention (next Net'ghbors had to cle ar away the war-like atmosphere, the qUiet British empire, at the zero hour Is a four-motor Boeing 307 debrl' be! e h c Id b ulled of 12:30 this morning as the whole fessed abducting two Miami high year) will see the political wis­ s or e ou e p vOl'ce of peace I' S heard among all PHILADELPHIA Aug 1 0 plane. ' and taken to a hospl't I for ' . FBI• ". Aulh 0 rl"tl"es southeast of England joined in a dom, as well as the national wis­ ou , a peoples.
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    DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 64. NO. 19 PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 9. 1915 PRICE 5 CENTS BASE BALL ATTACKED AS TRUST Beginning of Legal Proceedings for a Star Player By a National League Club Provokes the Federal League Into Attacking Organized Ball in Court as a Trust, Asking for Its Dissolution The Great Issue Reached! Lajoie Sold to Athletics Chicago, lib., January 5. Charg­ Philadelphia, Pa-., January S. ing the Rational Commission, its Manager Mack, of the 1'hiladclphia laws and the \ationul Agreement Athletics, announced this afternoon under u'hich its members work, arc that he had purchased the famous in violation of the common law and .\apoleon JjU-joie, second bascman the Anti-Trust Late, the Federal of the Cleveland Club, and will play League today filed suit in the him at second base this season in United States District Court of Chi­ place of Eddie Collins, who icon cago, asking that the Xational Com­ sold to Chicago. The deal was a mission be decltircl illegal and its straight cash transaction. Manager members enjoined from further Mack paying out a goodly si if c of commission of illegal acts. The suit the money he received for Collins to is to come up before Judge Kene- the Cleveland Club and assuming sau) Mountain F.andis, who, several Lajoie's contract. 31an&ger Mack years ago fined the Standard Oil believes that Lajoie has much good Company $2'J,000,000, on January base ball left in him and mil get it 20. One of the can-sen charged is out of him u-ith Jack Barry and that the contracts arc null and void.
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