Italian Politics & Society #72-73 |Spring-Fall 2013 CONGRIPS

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Italian Politics & Society #72-73 |Spring-Fall 2013 CONGRIPS Italian Politics & Society The Review of the Conference Group on Italian Politics and Society ISSN: 2291-143X #72-73 |Spring-Fall 2013 General Editor Christophe Roux (University of Nice, France) [email protected] ERMES – Département De science politique | Faculté De Droit et De science politique Avenue du Doyen Louis Trotabas | 06050 Nice cedex 01 (France) | Ph.: +33-492157068 | Fax: +33-492157128 Book Review Editor Jeffrey Hamill (Bryant University) [email protected] Suite K | 1150 Douglas Pike | SmithfielD, RI 02917 (USA) Managing Editors Alessandro Cagossi (West Virginia University), Jeffrey Hamill, Christophe Roux CONGRIPS A research group of the American Political Science Association President Amie Kreppel (University of Florida) [email protected] Vice-President Christophe Roux (University of Nice) [email protected] Executive Secretary Richard Katz (The Johns Hopkins University) [email protected] Program Chair Laura Polverari (University of StrathclyDe, UK) [email protected] Executive Committee John Agnew (University of California, Los Angeles) Mabel Berezin (Cornell University) Maurizio Carbone (University of Glasgow, UK) Pietro Grilli Di Cortona (ex-officio as SISP PresiDent, University of Roma Tre, Italy) James L. Newell (University of Salford, UK) Eleonora Pasotti (University of California, Santa Cruz) Group Liaison Officers with European Politics/Policy Groups For North America: Raffaella Nanetti (Illinois University at Chicago, USA) [email protected] For Europe: Marco Brunazzo (University of Trento, Italy) [email protected] CONGRIPS Webmaster OsvalDo Croci (Memorial University, CanaDa) [email protected] Membership Please visit or contact [email protected] 1 NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please senD your information to the relevant CONGRIPS European Politics anD Policy Liaison Officers: - for North America: Raffaella Nanetti [email protected] - for Europe: Marco Brunazzo [email protected] ITALIAN AFFAIRS Short articles (3 to 6,000 worDs) in English or Italian commenting the most recent issues of contemporary Italian politics & society. Please submit your proposal to [email protected] RESEARCH TRENDS Short research articles (3 to 6,000 worDs) in English or Italian about modern Italian politics & society. Please submit your proposal to [email protected] IERI E OGGI / THE STUDY OF ITALIAN POLITICS Short articles (3 to 6,000 worDs) in English about Departments, research centers, research groups, publishers, books series, journals, database, PhD programs (The Study of Italian Politics) or past works or inDividual scholars who contributeD to the development of the stuDy of Italian politics (Ieri e oggi). Please contact [email protected] before submission. BOOK REVIEWS Books for review should be sent to the Jeffrey Hamill, IPS Book Review Editor (see cover page). 2 IN THIS ISSUE NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Greetings from the New PresiDent, by Amie Kreppel p. 4 Conference Announcements, p. 5 Publications, p. 6 ITALIAN AFFAIRS The 2013 Italian General Election: the EnD of Bipolarism?, by Alessandro Chiaramonte and Nicola Maggini, p. 27 Territorial Disparities in Italy: The Case of Campania. Appraising the Successes and Failures of 25 years of Cohesion Policy Support, by Laura Polverari anD Laura Tagle, p. 38 RESEARCH TRENDS Left or Right? The Complex Nature anD Uncertain Future of the 5 Stars Movement, by Piergiorgio Corbetta anD RinalDo Vignati, p. 53 Beyond Mario Monti: Austerity Policies and Path-DepenDence. A Comparison of the Spanish and Italian Health Care Sectors, by Isabel M. Perera, p. 63 IERI E OGGI: THE STUDY OF ITALIAN POLITICS Contemporary Italian Politics: A Journal for the Twenty-first Century, by James L. Newell, p. 72 BOOK REVIEWS SiDney Tarrow (Cornell University) reviews Giovanna Procacci, Warfare-Welfare. Intervento dello Stato e diritto dei cittadini (1914-18) (Rome, Carocci, 2013), p. 79 Dwayne WooDs (PurDue University) reviews Ilvo Diamanti (eD.), Un Salto nel Voto. Ritratto Politico Dell’Italia di Oggi (Rome, Laterza, 2013), p. 81. 3 NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Greetings from the New PresiDent It is my great pleasure to welcome new development of Italy related expertise among anD olD readers to this Double issue of the Italian younger scholars anD encourage scholars at all Politics anD Society Newsletter. As 2014 arrives stages to consiDer integrating Italy as a case CONGRIPS is both celebrating past within broaDer comparative anD/or thematic accomplishments anD looking forwarD towarD research initiatives. These initiatives recognize new initiatives. During our business meeting the the general Decline in area stuDies across all 2013 APSA conference in Chicago we were finally regions, while recognizing the real value of in- able celebrate the Lifetime Achievement AwarD depth country knowledge and the utility of to Professor SiDney Tarrow (Cornell University). comparative case analyses to test anD further CONGRIPS officially gave this award to Professor develop theoretical moDels of all types. We hope Tarrow in 2012, but the cancellation of the 2012 that the upDates to the newsletter, website anD APSA meeting in New Orleans Due to weather our regular APSA panels will encourage the concerns DelayeD our celebration. This awarD development of greater links between scholars formally recognizeD the tremenDous interest in Italian politics anD facilitate the contributions Professor Tarrow has maDe to the sharing of information about events anD stuDy of Italian politics anD society During the opportunities related to Italian politics and course of a long anD very proDuctive career. For society, both of which will help to achieve these those who misseD the celebration, the goals. introDuctory comments maDe by CONGRIPS I would also like to take this opportunity immeDiate past President, Simona Piattoni to thank Simona Piattoni (Università di Trento) highlighted the long and impressive research for her energetic stewardship of CONGRIPS achievements of Professor Tarrow, incluDing the during her presidency anD wish her the best of broader impact his work has had through the luck as she now turns her full attention to her transformation of Italy into an significant post as PresiDent of the European Consortium for comparative case across many important political Political Research (ECPR). I woulD also like to anD social topics incluDing Communist welcome Laura Polverari (University of mobilization, center-periphery relations, and StrathclyDe) as our new program chair for APSA, clientelist relations among others. anD John Agnew (UCLA) as a new member of the While the Lifetime Achievement Award Executive Committee. I am also extremely highlights the substantial past accomplishments pleased to welcome Christophe Roux (University of scholars like Professor Tarrow, CONGRIPS is of Nice) as our new Vice President, while at the especially interested in increasing the breadth same time thanking him for his continueD efforts anD reach of new research on Italy by promoting on this newsletter. the stuDy of Italian politics anD society among a wiDe spectrum of the acaDemic community. In Amie Kreppel (University of FloriDa) particular, we would like to facilitate the 4 Conference Announcement CONGRIPS Panel Retrenching States versus ExpanDing Societies: Civic Sense, Public Engagement and Citizens’ Ability to Hold Power to Account in the Digital Era. APSA Annual meeting, Washington, DC, August 28-31, 2014 Info provideD by Laura Polverari The recent economic crisis has generateD The panel invites papers that: (i) explore unprecedented political challenges for Italy, other issues relateD to State capacity anD Western Democracies, new or transition representative Democracy crisis in Italy anD in democracies outside Europe and for the other countries in an age characterized by the European Union. In Europe, governments wiDespreaD use of Digital technologies; (ii) struggle to boost the economy anD contain examine the causal inter-linkages between the unemployment levels, and seem unable to meet high political flux and the role of the new digital citizens’ DemanDs for more inclusive anD meDia; (iii) consiDer the extent to which the responsive policy-making. Political instability anD challenges above DescribeD are acting as a fragmentation, the strengthening of populist anD catalyst for grass-root policy solutions outsiDe nationalist parties, the rise in social and territorial traDitional government anD, more generally, for a inequalities, increasing questioning of the reDistribution of power within national anD gooDness of the European construction, all subnational polities (anD, potentially, the role appear to inDicate an erosion of both played by the new digital media in this); (iv) representative Democracy anD State capacity. reflect upon how the Digital technologies have Yet, as governments retrench from the revolutionizeD citizen mobilization; anD (v) economy anD wane in popularity, grass-root civic explore the likely future evolution anD possible engagement, often focused on local problems, institutionalization of such recent developments. appears to gain momentum. The new Comparative papers – particularly those technologies anD social meDia are a key which compare anD contrast Italy with other EU development in supporting this process. At the Member States, with the UniteD States anD with same time, however, they are also breeDing new Latin American countries – will be favoreD, but tensions, for instance in relation to opportunities work with
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