

Ms Eleanor Handford Acting Business Relationship Manager Level 19, Tower 108 W A 6000 Dated uth June 2012

Dear Eleanor,

RE: Wildlines Pty Ltd - Application for increase in finance dated 27 January 2012.

We wish to advise that we have made alternative financing arrangements to fund the balance of the development costs for Stage 1 of Dandalup Springs Estate and refinance the existing land facility.

You will shortly receive notification from Bendigo Bank that settlement for the refinance will be indicatively scheduled for the 9/7/2012. We request that you extend the current facility to the 15/7/2012, by which date the refinance will have occurred.

We are disappointed that after almost a 5 year history with the Bank for this project we have had to make these reluctant alternative financing arrangements.

The directors have made this decision due to the following:

1. Our application for increase in finance was made on the 27/1/2012 and we are yet to receive a formal approval. We have been verbally advised that the Bank is supportive of our request, but the time taken so far, and with practical completion of stage 1 approaching (due 14/7/2012), the directors could not wait any longer in the event that the approval was not forthcoming.

2. The Bank has also advised us that they could not guarantee that they would assist with future stages as the project was located in the Peel Region. Bendigo Bank have confirmed that they are happy to work with us on future stages, especially given the debt against the balance land will be close to nil once Stage 1 is sold out (currently 64% pre-sold).

3. The Bank has previously asked us to refinance shortly after the GPc. We made great endeavours to refinance at the time, but as you would be well aware all financiers had scaled back their lending to development sites and englobo land holdings and we were unable to do so. The opportunity is currently available to refinance and reduce our Group exposure to the Bank and we feel that this will improve our working relationship going forward with Silversun Corporation Pty Ltd.

We would like the Bank to process our application for Silversun Corporation Pty Ltd which was also made on the 27th January 2012 for a loan extension. We have received verbal advice on several occasions that the Bank would support this request, but todate we have also not received any formal approval documents. RCD.0024.0014.0086

The W APC has now formally approved the initiation of the rezoning from Rural to Urban and we expect that the final stages of the process will be completed within the next 15 - 18 months (we can provide a report from our planners Greg Rowe & Associates to detail final steps). The company will then own a 101.9 ha of Urban Zoned land.

The Bank is also well supported by shareholders guarantees from high net worth individuals which we have demonstrated can adequately service this loan and the Bank also holds an interest deposit.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Yours sincerely

Mike Kelly Director