December 1, 2016

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December 1, 2016 University of Mississippi eGrove Daily Mississippian Journalism and New Media, School of 12-1-2016 December 1, 2016 The Daily Mississippian Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Daily Mississippian, "December 1, 2016" (2016). Daily Mississippian. 1058. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Journalism and New Media, School of at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Daily Mississippian by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact Thursday, December 1, 2016 THE DAILY Volume 105, No. 68 THEMISSISSIPPIAN STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SERVING OLE MISS AND OXFORD SINCE 1911 Visit @thedm_news WHAT’S INSIDE... The art of selectively slacking Mystery, murder, mousetrap! Rebels can’t overcome Check out Theatre Oxford’s newest slow start on stage production SEE OPINION PAGE 2 SEE LIFESTYLES PAGE 6 SEE SPORTS PAGE 8 DM STAFF REPORT University lights annual Christmas tree ASB rejects proposed ‘campus sanctuary’ Because of a failure to comply with senate procedures, Associ- ated Student Body senators with- drew an draft resolution Tuesday that recommended university offi - cials make campus a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants. Universities nationwide, includ- ing Florida International Univer- sity and Swarthmore College, sub- mitted similar petitions in the last month requesting their campuses become sanctuaries. Before the bill made it to the student body senate fl oor, activ- ist groups including the Our State Flag Foundation and Mississippi Rising Coalition shared leaked im- ages of an early draft on Facebook. The Associated Student Body did not discuss the resolution during its Tuesday session but did release a statement later explain- ing why the proposed legislation was rejected. ASB’s letter said the public- ly leaked documents exist only in draft form and have yet to be passed by the ASB Senate Com- mittee on Rules or the ASB Senate as a whole. PHOTO BY: MARLEE CRAWFORD “ASB’s executive leadership wants to reinforce the importance Hotty Toddy Holidays, a community event comprising various activities that celebrate many cultural traditions, takes places in and around the Union on Wednesday. The of properly following procedures annual Christmas tree lighting kicked off the event in front of the Lyceum Wednesday. SEE PAGE 4 FOR MORE PHOTOS SEE SANCTUARY PAGE 3 Parking commission considers new garage on the Square MAGGIE MARTIN 2014. The meters helped with The commission last met the parking issue, but the Thursday, Nov. 17, at city hall commission believes there is for a special work session. still a need for more parking. Commissioners and Mark The Oxford Downtown Since their installation, the Huelse, a member of the Plan- Parking Commission is mak- parking meters have gener- ning Commission, discussed ing progress with its proposal ated $881,729.50 in revenue the details surrounding the for a parking garage behind after expenses, according to garage, including the idea of the Oxford-University Club the Parking Division’s year re- charging for parking in at least on the Square. ports. If the commission gets some portion of the garage to The commission and the the OK to build the garage, generate additional funding Board of Aldermen have con- that money is expected to help for its yearly bond payment. sidered building a garage fund it. The commission discussed since 2013, but the conversa- Matt Davis, the city’s direc- how people would pay to use tion stopped for a while after tor of parking, said the budget the parking garage, assuming parking meters were installed for the garage would not ex- that some portion of it would on the Square in September ceed $9 million. FILE PHOTO SEE PARKING PAGE 3 Parking meters are seen on North Lamar Boulevard. PAGE 2 | THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN | 1 DECEMBER 2016 OPINION COLUMN The most important lesson in college? Prioritizing who try to do it all. They run to those things all the friends of trifles harms the important times have to choose family or on empty, attempting to gain you can make and all the fun work you should be doing. friends or work over class; just a little more energy from cof- you can have with them. We all need time to be still, make sure that is not a normal fee each day, slipping just a bit That amounts to a full rest and process that things occurrence. further into the red until the schedule for just about any- we have taken in during our I encourage everyone to be- final crash over the weekend. I one, if he or she wants it. day, week, month, year, de- come a master of the art of find this a rather unfortunate One of the common pitfalls cade, life. selectively slacking because cycle. of college is that students The art of selectively slack- you cannot do it all. I would The fact of the matter is we still have relatively little “real ing means devoting yourself be willing to bet that the anx- cannot do it all. Like quite lit- world” responsibility and as- to what is important and let- iety that permeates so many erally everything in existence, sume they can do everything ting the other things fall to the people’s day-to-day existence we are limited. or feel obligated to do so. side. Deal with the big fires in would start to alleviate if As the discussion moved But I want everyone running your life, and the little ones the attempt to do everything ETHAN DAVIS along, my friend and I reached on empty to know that you do will either burn out or get big stopped. a point where I revealed some not have to do it all. enough to grab your attention. So, figure out what is im- wisdom I have learned. Col- In fact, pacing yourself is Unfortunately, this prac- portant to you and start pri- lege is the art of selectively much better practice for life tice sometimes means having oritizing. Pretty soon the art Recently, I noticed a class- slacking. than attempting to go hell to forgo drinks with friends of selectively slacking will be- mate looked incredibly tired. Just think about all the on leather and manage a full or not turn in homework. I come the art of surviving life. Granted, it was an 8 a.m. class, things you can do at Ole Miss. course load, clubs and social know that not doing assign- but I asked her how she felt. There are clubs and Greek events. Cal Newport wrote a ments seems like the wrong Ethan Davis is a junior Her response: She was tired. life and classes and exhibits. book called “Deep Work,” and thing to do, and it usually is. philosophy and English I have found this is a recur- Opportunities exist in abun- in it he argues that filling your However, we are not immune double major from Laurel. ring problem among students dance, and then you can add life with an enormous number to the world. We may some- EDITORIAL STAFF: ADVERTISING PATRICIA THOMPSON The Daily Mississippian is published Monday SALES MANAGER Assistant Dean, Student through Friday during the academic year, on LANA FERGUSON days when classes are scheduled. CLARA TURNAGE Ben Napoletan Media and Daily Mississippian editor-in-chief managing editor Faculty Adviser Contents do not represent the official opinions S. Gale Denley Student Media Center of The University of Mississippi or The Daily LYNDY BERRYHILL MCKENNA WIERMAN SALES ACCOUNT 201 Bishop Hall, Mississippian unless specifically indicated. EXECUTIVES P.O. Box 1848 news editor ZOE MCDONALD University, MS lifestyles editors Cary Allen 38677-1848 The Daily Mississippian welcomes letters Ethan Gray to the editor. Letters should be e-mailed to Main Number: 662.915.5503 SLADE RAND Kathryn Hathorne Business Hours: Monday-Friday, DEVNA BOSE Letters should be typed, double-spaced BRIANA FLOREZ Blake Hein 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and no longer than 300 words. Letters may be assistant news editors assistant features editor Danielle Randall edited for clarity, space or libel. Third-party Sharnique Smith letters and those bearing pseudonyms, pen BRIAN SCOTT RIPPEE names or “name withheld” will not be published. sports editor Publication is limited to one letter per individual PATRICK WATERS ADVERTISING per calendar month. opinion editor CREATIVE DESIGNERS Letters should include phone and email SAM HARRES Grace Baird contact information so that editors can verify assistant sports editor authenticity. Letters from students should ARIEL COBBERT Ellen Spies include grade classification and major; letters from faculty and staff should include title and the CAMERON BROOKS MAGGIE MARTIN college, school or department where the person photography editors copy chief ISSN 1077-8667 is employed. NEWS THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN | 1 DECEMBER 2016 | PAGE 3 drafted by a few Associated Stu- said he thinks the parking ga- completely at times rethink SANCTUARY dent Body Senators and some stu- PARKING rage would be a welcome addi- how they’re coming and going continued from page 1 dent organization presidents call- continued from page 1 tion to the Square after seeing from work,” Currence said. ing for the university to become the effect of the installation of Oxford resident and univer- to ensure that in the future, legis- a sanctuary for undocumented be paid parking. the parking meters. sity professor Vanessa Grego- members of our community,” lation drafts contain correct infor- “The easiest way to do it “From a business stand- ry said she is concerned about Vitter said.
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