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CONTACT INFORMATION Mining Records Curator Arizona Geological Survey 416 W. Congress St., Suite 100 Tucson, Arizona 85701 602-771-1601 [email protected] The following file is part of the Grover Heinrichs Mining Collection ACCESS STATEMENT These digitized collections are accessible for purposes of education and research. We have indicated what we know about copyright and rights of privacy, publicity, or trademark. Due to the nature of archival collections, we are not always able to identify this information. We are eager to hear from any rights owners, so that we may obtain accurate information. Upon request, we will remove material from public view while we address a rights issue. CONSTRAINTS STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey does not claim to control all rights for all materials in its collection. These rights include, but are not limited to: copyright, privacy rights, and cultural protection rights. The User hereby assumes all responsibility for obtaining any rights to use the material in excess of “fair use.” The Survey makes no intellectual property claims to the products created by individual authors in the manuscript collections, except when the author deeded those rights to the Survey or when those authors were employed by the State of Arizona and created intellectual products as a function of their official duties. The Survey does maintain property rights to the physical and digital representations of the works. QUALITY STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey is not responsible for the accuracy of the records, information, or opinions that may be contained in the files. The Survey collects, catalogs, and archives data on mineral properties regardless of its views of the veracity or accuracy of those data. S'AU OF CAUFQaNIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF MINES FUIT IUILDING SAN FRANCISCO 11, CALIF, . MINERAL SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF MINES RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED Form 3547 Requested Bound i~ orange cloth, the entire 147-page book, A number of interesting and significant geologic together wlth five plates folded in a pocket in the features are graphically portrayed by the map. These back (a geologic map lithographed in color, an eco include the San Andreas fault zone, the syncline of nomic map on the topographic base, a map showing the the Vallecitos area, the anticline of the north dome oil fields of the Newhall area, a map of the Placer of Kettleman Hills, the serpentine of the New Idria ita oil field and a group of structure sections) area, and the volcanic rocks of the Pinnacles Nation Geologic Sketch 01 the Southern Coast Ranges is priced at $3.75. The order blank on page 16 ma; al Monument area. by GORDON B. OAKESHOTT be used for ordering. The topographic map, used as a base map for the The Division of Mines has recently published the the west to the San Joaquin Valley on the east. The compila tion, was prepared by the Army Map Service, San Luis Obispo and Santa Cruz sheets of the new, Southern Coast Ranges make up a northwestward-trending SANTA CRUZ MAP READY Washington, D.C. The township grid was provided by colored, 1:250,000-scale State Geologic Map. As this geographic and geologiC province of broadly similar The Santa Cruz sheet, the fourth in the new Geo the U.S. Geological Survey and the offshore contours i ssue of Mineral Information Service goes to press, characteristics but one which shows great complexity logic Map of California series, is now ready for dis were adapted from work by Shepard and Emery which ap the Santa Maria sheet is expected shortly' the San in the details of its geologic history and geographic tri bution. I t is one of an estimated 28 colored peared in Special Paper No. 31 of the Geological So Francisco sheet is nearing completion, and'San Jose development. Climate is of the Mediterranean type, li thographed sheets which will depict the geology of ciety of America. Each of these is an important is in the planning stage. These five sheets encom wi th warm, dry summers and mild winters; rainfall is California on a scale of 1:250,000 (approximately contribution which has added to the usableness and pass the Southern Coast Ranges, which extend from moderately low in most of the area but ranges from as 1"=4 miles). usefulness of the completed map. the Golden Gate-San Pablo Bay-Suisun Bay depression An explanatory data sheet accompanies the map li ttle as 5 inches in the eastern foothills on the mar The area covered by this sheet is bounded by 36 on the north to the Santa Ynez River in Santa Barbara gin of the San Joaquin Valley to as much as 100 in and 37 degrees North latitude, and by 120 0 and 122 0 sheet. It describes the sources from which the map County on the south, and from the Pacific Ocean on ches, in some years, at Big BaSin, north of Santa Cruz. 12' West longitude. It includes all of San Benito was compiled, it explains the grouping of the stra t County, and portions of Monterey, Fresno, Kings, San igraphic uni ts which comprise the various time-stra t ta Cruz, Santa Clara, Merced, and Madera CQunties. igraphic state map units, it contains an index of The area extends from the Pacific coast to the cen topographic quadrangles, and it also contains a strik tral portion of the San Joaquin Valley and includes i ng photograph of the coastal area north of Pt. Sur. portions of the Santa Lucia, Gabilan, and Diablo The Santa Cruz sheet is available folded in a mountain ranges, and portions, or all, of Salinas, 9 x 12 inch manila envelope, or unfolded in a tube. Santa Clara, Panoche, Pleasant and San Joaquin val ,The map sheet. and its accompanying explanatory data ley. sheet, is llriced at $1.50 (plus 6¢ tax for California Thirty-six different map symbols have been used residents). Copies of it and the previously published to depict the wide variety of rock units that range Dea th Valley, Alturas and San Luis Obispo sheets may in age from pre-Cretaceous (Sur series) to Recent be ordered from Division offices in San FranCiSCO, (dune sand and alluvium). Los Angeles, Sacramento, or Redding. ORDER FORM Please send me: __copies, BULLETIN 172, Geology and mineral deposits of San Fernando quadrangle, at $3.75 each. __copies, SPECIAL REPORT 11, Guide to the geology of Pfeiffer-Big Sur State Park, at $0.25 each. __copies, SPECIAL REPORT )6, Limestone and dolomite, northern Gabilan Range" at $0.50 each. __copies, SAN LUIS OBISPO SHEET, Geologic map of California (Olaf P. Jenkins edition), at $1.50 each. __copies, SANTA CRUZ SHEET, Geologic map of California (Olaf P. Jenkins edition), at $1.50 each. v __copies, Information on the AUTOMATIC PURCHASE PLAN for sheets of Geologic map of California. NA~~ _________________________~~DRESS~ ___________________________________ Looking south at Morro Bay. Morro Rock in the bay at the extreme right, is one of a linear series of dark volcanic necks which can be seen trending eastward across the photo. Photo by John S. Shelton. CITY_______________________ ,ZONE'-- ___,STATE~ _____________..!AMT. ENCLOSED $:-__ Address orders to the California Division of Mines, Ferry Building, San Francisco II, California. Checks a,nd money orders should be made to lIhe Division. No postage i's required; please do not send stamps ln payment. California residp.nts please add !i!2 sale's tax. -mab- 2 California State Division of Mines (Vol. 13 No. I) Minerol Informotion Service 15 Topography MINERAL INFORMATION SERVICE Northwest-trending geologic structures and ero State of California Edmund G. Brawn, Governor sional processes during late Tertiary and Quaternary Department of Natural Resources DeWitt Nelson, Director time have developed a series of alternating mountain Division of Mines Ian Campbell, Chief ranges and valleys, also trending northwest. The Headquarters office: Ferry Building, San Francisco 11 very rugged and irregular coastline has a slightly more northerly trend and so generally intersects Branch offices: structures of the Southern Coast Ranges at a low an 312 West 5th St., Room 800, Los Angeles 13 gle, with consequent spectacular exposures of rock 10210 St., Roam A-400, Sacramenta 14 formations, faults, and folds along almost the entire Natural Resources Building, Cypress and Lanning Sts.; coast. The Santa Cruz Mountains extend along the San mail address, P. O. Box 546, Redding Francisco Peninsula to the Pajaro River, which emp ,\ IINERAL INFORM 1\ TION SERVICE is designed to inform ties into Monterey Bay. East of the Peninsula, the the public on the geology and mineral resources of California and depression occupied by San Francisco Bay narrows on the usefulness of minerals and rocks, and to serve as a news release on 111ineral discd\'erics, 111ining operations. lllarkets, statistics, southeastward into the Santa Clara Valley and Hol and ne\\' publications. It is issued l1Ionthl y by the California [)ivi lister, or San Benito, Valley. East of the Bay are sion of Mines. Subscription price, January through December, the BerkeleyH1l1s. Mt. Diablo, elevation3,849feet, is $ 1.00. stands at the northeastern end of the Diablo Range Other publications of the [)ivision of Mines include the Annual in the Eastbay. Mt. Hamilton, elevation 4,372, east Report of the State I\Iineralogist, the Bulletin and Special Report of San Jose, is another prominent peak in this high Tuff breccia outcrop on Little Last Chance Creek, quadrangles: Chilcoot, Loyalton, Sierraville, series. county reports, and maps. A list of the Division's available and rugged range. An eastern spur of the range has ~ Chilcoot quadrangle (left); sandstone member and Portola.