
Possible Correlations of Basement Rocks Across the San Andreas, San Gregorio- Hosgri, and Rinconada- Reliz-King City Faults,

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1317 Possible Correlations of Basement Rocks Across the San Andreas, San Gregorio- Hosgri, and Rinconada- Reliz-King City Faults,



A summary of basement-rock relations and problems that relate to possible reconstruction of the before movement on the


U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Boss, Donald Clarence, 1924- Possible correlations of basement rocks across the San Andreas, San Gregrio-Hosgri, and Rinconada-Reliz-King City faults, California

(U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1317) Bibliography: p. 25-27 Supt. of Docs, no.: 119.16:1317 1. Geology, structural. 2. Geology California. 3. Faults (geology) California. I. Title. II. Series: United States. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 1317. QE601.R681984 551.8'09794 84-600063

For sale by the Distribution Branch, Text Products Section, U.S. Geological Survey, 604 South Pickett St., Alexandria, VA 22304 CONTENTS

Page Abstract ______1 Introduction ______1 San Gregorio- zone ______3 San Andreas fault zone ______8 Rinconada-Reliz-King City fault zone ______16 Problems of Salinian-block reconstruction that still remain.______18 Cordilleran miogeoclinal rocks______---_------_ 18 Bean Canyon Formation ______19 Temblor clasts ______19 Sierran quartzites ______19 Metallic-mineral deposits.______19 Barrett Ridge slice.______20 Montara Mountain and Gualala granitic clasts ______21 Europium-anomaly contrast ______21 Unlocated west flank of the Salinian block. ______23 Conclusions.______23 References cited ______24 Supplemental information ______27 Comparison of the porphyritic granodiorites of and Monterey _____ 27 Comparison of the granitic rocks near the Pinnacles and Neenach Volcanic Formations of Matthews (1976) ______31


Page FIGURE 1. Index map of central and , showing selected geologic and geographic features ______2 2. Map showing postulated realinement of some basement-rock units along the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone 3 3. Generalized geologic map of the Gualala area ______4 4. Generalized geologic map of the northern Salinian block ______6 5. Generalized geologic map of the central Salinian block ______7 6. Generalized geologic map showing location of a possible north-south-trending fault connecting the Ben Lomond and La Honda faults ______8 7. Map showing probable offset of the west margin of the Salinian block by the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone 8 8. Map showing locations of wells to basement between the Chalone Creek and San Andreas faults ______9 9. Generalized geologic map of the southernmost and the westernmost Mojave Desert ______10 10. Generalized geologic map showing locations of sheared rocks along the Vergeles fault.______11 11. Map showing extrapolation from well-core data of some basement-rock units in the central Salinian block ___ 15 12. Generalized geologic map of the southern Salinian block ______17 13. Triangular diagram showing comparison of modally analyzed specimens of the porphyritic granitic rocks of Thermal Canyon and the porphyritic granodiorite- of the La Panza Range.______18 14. Maps showing possible reconstructions of the northern and central Salinian block before San Andreas fault movement-______22 15. Generalized geologic maps showing locations of modally and chemically analyzed samples of the porphyritic granodiorites of Point Reyes and Monterey ______27 16. Triangular diagrams showing modes of the porphyritic granodiorites of Point Reyes and Monterey ______28 17. Histograms showing chemical analyses of the porphyritic granodiorites of Point Reyes and Monterey ______28 18. Triangular diagrams showing chemical compatibility of the porphyritic granodiorites of Point Reyes and Monterey ______30 19. Triangular diagrams showing modes of the Tomales Point and Inverness granitic bodies ______30 20. Maps showing locations of granitic rocks of the Pinnacles and Neenach areas and of modally and chemically analyzed samples.______31 21. Triangular diagrams showing modes of granitic rocks of the Pinnacles and Neenach areas ______34 22. Histograms of chemical analyses of samples of granitic rocks of the Pinnacles and Neenach areas ______35 23. Triangular diagram showing modes of chemically analyzed samples of granitic rocks of the Pinnacles and Neenach areas ______36 24. Triangular diagrams showing chemical compatibility of granitic rocks of the Pinnacles area with those of the Neenach area______36 ill IV CONTENTS

Page FIGURE 25. Histograms showing semiquantitative-spectroscopic-analysis "midpoints" of trace-element concentrations in samples of the tonalite and granodiorite of Johnson Canyon, the granodiorite of the Fairmont Reservoir, the granite of Bickmore Canyon, and the felsic variant of the Fairmont Reservoir body ______37


Page TABLE 1. Chemical analyses of selected granitic rocks from the Point Reyes and Monterey areas, California-______29 2. Modes of selected granitic-rock samples from the Neenach area, California-______33 3. Chemical analyses of selected samples of the tonalite and granodiorite of Johnson Canyon, the granodiorite of the Fairmont Reservoir, the granite of Bickmore Canyon, and the felsic variant of the Fairmont Reservoir body.______35 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS THE SAN ANDREAS, SAN GREGORIO-HOSGRI, AND RINCONADA-RELIZ-KING CITY FAULTS, CALIFORNIA


ABSTRACT quartzite and marble units of the Cordilleran mio- geocline units that almost certainly reach the A reconstruction that treats the Salinian block as a south­ San Andreas fault southeast of the Sierra Nevada. ward extension of the Sierra Nevada is supported by (1) the Two recent developments, however, lend support possible correlation of several basement-rock features of the central Salinian block and the south end of the Sierra Nevada, to a reconstruction model that would derive the and (2) reversal of right-lateral movement on the San Gregorio- Salinian block from the southern Sierra Nevada Hosgri fault zone that significantly telescopes and shortens the region. First, my mapping in the east-west-trend­ north end of the Salinian block. However, currently accepted ing tail of the Sierra Nevada (San Emigdio Moun­ and documented movements on the San Gregorio-Hosgri and tains) has revealed a major structural break that San Andreas fault zones are not great enough to allow either the Barrett Ridge slice or the K-feldspar-rich Cretaceous and juxtaposes oceanic basement1 on the north against lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks of the Gualala area to be continental basement on the south. The Vergeles- derived from the southern Sierra Nevada. Additional fault dis­ Zayante fault zone in the central Salinian block placement or transportation of exotic blocks from considerable may be a continuation of that fault zone in the distances would seem to be required. A model that treats the Sierra Nevada. Salinian block solely as a fault-derived fragment of the southern Sierra Nevada does not appear to completely resolve the re­ Second, Graham and Dickinson (1978a) and, more construction problem. Yet the similarities between the base­ recently, Clark and others (1984) have suggested ment rocks of the Salinian block and the southern Sierra Ne­ that significant right-lateral offset may have taken vada are great enough that strong data would be required to place along the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone. A support alternative models of Salinian-block origin. reconstruction that took account of such offset could significantly telescope the northern part of INTRODUCTION the Salinian block ( to Ben Lomond) and help resolve the longstanding contrast be­ During the past several years, I have gathered tween suspected offsets on the San Andreas fault considerable information on the distribution, pe­ in southern and . About 300 km trography, and chemical composition of the gra­ of right-lateral offset on the San Andreas fault is nitic and metamorphic rocks of the California Coast documented by the offset of several Tertiary and and , particularly in the Salin­ basement-rock units across the fault in central and ian block. On the basis of that information, I pre­ southern California. More than 500 km of right- viously noted (Ross, 1978) that a parent for lateral offset has been suggested in northern Cal­ the Salinian block is not evident and that the south­ ifornia on the assumption that the northernmost ernmost Sierra Nevada is not a likely source ter­ granitic outcrops in the Salinian block were once rane from which the Salinian block could have been adjacent to granitic terrane on the northeast side derived. Three strong objections were made (Ross, of the San Andreas fault. The telescoping effect of 1977a, 1978) to a reconstruction that would place the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone, inferrable from the Salinian block adjacent to the southern Sierra the the data of Graham and Dickinson (1978a, p. Nevada. First, hornblende-rich high-grade meta­ 17) and Clark and others (1984), removes more than morphic rocks, which are widespread in the south­ half of the offset discrepancy. ernmost Sierra Nevada, appear to be absent from In this report, I review data from selected base­ the Salinian block. Second, the Salinian block is ment-rock units in the Salinian block, the south- practically barren of metallic mineralization, whereas metallic-mineral deposits are common in the southern Sierra Nevada. Third, there is no evi­ *As used in this report, "oceanic basement" includes not only greenstone, basalt, and gabbro derived from oceanic crust, but also the Franciscan assemblage and dence in the Salinian block of metasedimentary associated rocks, most of which were deposited on, and are closely associated with, rocks that could be correlative with the thick oceanic crustal material. POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA ernmost Sierra Nevada, and nearby areas in re­ however, the correlations of Cordilleran granitic lation to the problem of offset on the San Gregorio- suites and their surrounding metamorphic rocks Hosgri, San Andreas, and Rinconada-Reliz-King are particularly difficult because in this region sim­ City fault zones. I also discuss problems concerning ilar rocks are widespread and recurrent. The work the Barrett Ridge slice and the Gualala granitic then becomes a search for unusual rock types that clasts problems that are difficult, if not impossi­ may be, if not unique, at least rare enough to be ble, to resolve on the basis of 300 to 350 km of base­ regionally significant. The younger, fossiliferous ment movement between the central Salinian rocks, whose correlation parameters (such as block and the southern Sierra Nevada. shorelines and lithofacies pinchouts) are more de­ By their very nature, basement-rock correlations finitive, give us a better chance for unequivocal are equivocal; for this reason, I place little faith in correlations, but these younger rocks cannot be "one-to-one" basement-rock correlations. The com­ used to resolve fundamental offset problems con­ parison of several basement-rock units to several cerning events that predate their existence. Thus, similar basement-rock units is much more con­ I have for the most part consciously ignored the vincing, and such a comparison is more apt to pro­ younger sedimentary, volcanic, and alluvial units vide a genuine contribution to a correlation model; that are inherently part of any reconstruction 122"

FIGURE 1. Index map of central and southern California, showing selected geologic and geographic features and locations for figures 3, 4, 5, 9, and 12. SAN GREGORIO-HOSGRI FAULT ZONE

model; my studies have been concerned solely with blende-biotite tonalite. This adjustment would also the basement rocks and with the maximum move­ place all known onshore and offshore outcrops of ments of fault blocks, as recorded by these rocks. the northern Salinian block (Bodega Head, Point A series of generalized geologic maps of parts of Reyes area, Cordell Bank, and the Farallon Is­ the Salinian block, the southern Sierra Nevada, lands) to the south of the Pilarcitos fault (see fig. and nearby related areas is included in this report 4). Furthermore, it follows that if, as Silver and to show the distribution of those basement-rock others (1971) suggested, the Gualala Basin is un­ units that are pertinent to the discussion. Figure derlain by Franciscan basement, then a blunt- 1 shows the areas covered by these geologic maps. ended Salinian block rests against Franciscan basement on the north. The presence of Franciscan SAN GREGORIO-HOSGRI FAULT ZONE basement is suggested by a small fault-bounded outcrop of spilite (fig. 3) near Black Point (Went- Graham and Dickinson (1978a, b) suggested as worth, 1968). Such spilitic basement rocks are un­ much as 115 km of right-lateral slip along the north­ known in the Salinian block but are found in the ern part of the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone, on Franciscan basement. the basis of correlation of several features across Even if the Gualala area is underlain by Fran­ the fault zone, including: similar Cretaceous and ciscan basement, granitic basement rocks must be Tertiary sedimentary sections, two similar anom­ relatively close by to have supplied a source ter­ alous K-feldspar-bearing tectonic slabs of the Fran­ rane for a thick section of Cretaceous and lower ciscan assemblage, a matching pair of Mesozoic Tertiary K-feldspar-bearing arkose and conglom­ ophiolite patches, an offset gravity feature, and a erate that is rich in clasts of granitic rock. If the tectonic contact of the Franciscan terrane against Gualala Basin is floored by the Franciscan assem­ Salinian-block basement between Bodega Head blage, then this basin cannot be too wide because and the Gualala Basin (see fig. 4) that has been granitic basement must be present to the west or observed to match certain relations along the Pi- south; that is, the Salinian block probably extends larcitos fault. If these Cretaceous, Tertiary, and northward from its exposures at Bodega Head and ophiolite correlations are valid, then the northern Cordell Bank, possibly as far as Point Arena (fig. Salinian-block basement rocks must also have been 3). dismembered and moved a comparable distance. Graham and Dickinson (1978a) noted that their pairs of offset geologic features are not "tightly constrained" and that they "show probable offset EXPLANATION ranges." More recent work by Clark and others Tonalite of Montara (1984) indicates that a larger right-lateral offset on Mountain SAN GREGORIO-HOSGRI the of about 150 km is called for Porphyritic granodiorites FAULT ZONE of Monterey and by the present distribution of Tertiary sedimen­ Point Reyes tary rocks of the Point Reyes, Santa Cruz Moun­ Bodega tains, and Monterey areas. The granitic basement Tomalesx Head of this same region is also compatible with such an Point Ben TonalUes of Tomales offset (see supplementary section below entitled Point \ Lomond Polnt Ben Lomond, "Comparison of the Porphyritic Granodiorites of Reyes and Vergeles Point Reyes and Monterey"). O A basement reconstruction using either the 115- km offset of Graham and Dickinson (1978b) or the Monterey 150-km offset of Clark and others (1984), is permis­ Peninsula sible, considering the vagaries of shapes of granitic Vergeles bodies. The larger offset, however, in my opinion, permits a better "onstrike" alignment of a number of possibly related tonalitic bodies, as well as an alignment of the porphyritic granodiorites of Point Reyes and Monterey (fig. 2). Either reconstruction 60 KILOMETERS would place the granitic rocks of Bodega Head op­ posite Montara Mountain a permissible correla­ FIGURE 2. Postulated realignment of some basement-rock tion because both masses are dominantly horn- units along the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone. POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA

123"45' 123°30' ,39-00'

K-feldspar arkose Plagioclase arkose (Tertiary) (Cretaceous) 123°15'

K-feldspar arkose (Cretaceous)


-1 38°30'


FIGURE 3. Generalized geologic map of the Gualala area (modified from Wentworth, 1968). SAN GREGORIO-HOSGRI FAULT ZONE

Instead of the large block (sphenochasm) that the Vergeles-Zayante fault zone suggest that the Silver and others (1971) suggested for the Gualala Logan-type gabbroic rocks may be less extensive Basin, there may be only a thin sliver of the Fran­ than had previously been believed. The only other ciscan that is bounded by a fault on the west just basement-rock data for the area between these two offshore, as Wentworth (1968) suggested. This fault fault zones are from the Union Hihn #2 oil well could well be an extension of the Pilarcitos fault (fig. 4). This well is east of Ben Lomond, and its that is, a San Andreas fault strand. If the Pilarcitos plotted position is just east of the Zayante fault fault correlates with a structural contact north of (Ross and Brabb, 1973). The core material from the Bodega Head and south of Fort Ross, as suggested well is much like that from the basement outcrop by Graham and Dickinson (1978a), then granitic just west of the Zayante fault. The Union Hihn #2 basement rocks may extend as much as 70 km may actually bottom west of the Zayante fault if northward of Bodega Head and offshore of Gualala the fault dips steeply east, or if the well is some­ (fig. 3). It would be interesting to know whether what deflected or either the well or the fault are any of the Eocene rocks east of Montara Mountain slightly mislocated. Union Hihn #1, a few hundred between the Pilarcitos and San Andreas faults re­ feet northeast of Union Hihn #2, bottomed at 7,747 semble the K-feldspar arkoses of the same age in ft in Miocene beds, whereas the basement samples the Gualala area; such a resemblance would be ex­ from Union Hihn #2 are from depths of 3,400 to pected if the offset suggested by Graham and Dick­ 3,500 ft (Ross and Brabb, 1973). These data suggest inson (1978a) is valid. some discordance (the Zayante fault?) between the Placing Bodega Head opposite Montara Moun­ two holes. Nevertheless, Salinian basement in the tain would leave granitic rocks north of probable block between the Vergeles-Zayante and Butano oceanic basement. Both geologic and geophysical faults cannot be ruled out on the basis of the pres­ evidence suggest that oceanic basement may be ent data. I first suggested (Ross, 1970) that the present between the Vergeles-Zayante fault and gabbroic rocks at Logan composed a thin fault the Butano fault (figs. 4, 5). The only basement sliver along the San Andreas fault, but later grav­ outcrop between these two faults is the hornblende ity and aeromagnetic data (Clark and Rietman, quartz gabbro and anorthositic gabbro near Logan 1973; Hanna and others, 1972) have suggested that (fig. 5). These basement-rock types are unlike any the gabbroic rocks are much more extensive; none­ granitic basement in the Salinian block, and their theless, the seismic-refraction velocity of 5.5 km/s chemistry and petrography suggest that they are seems to contradict all these older data. Clearly, probably oceanic (Ross, 1970). more data are needed to delineate the basement of West of the Logan outcrops (fig. 5), the occurrence this block. of a gravity high (Clark and Rietman, 1973) sug­ If the block between the Butano and Vergeles- gests that gabbroic rocks extend westward of the Zayante faults is oceanic, the Vergeles-Zayante present outcrop, possibly to the Vergeles fault. fault zone may be an old strand of the San Andreas Also, Hanna and others (1972) and Brabb and system, as Dibblee (1980) suggested. Alternatively, Hanna (1981) noted that the Boulder Creek aero- the terrane between the Butano and Vergeles-Za­ magnetic anomaly north of Ben Lomond Mountain yante faults could be an exotic sliver that was between the Zayante and Butano faults is one of caught up in the Salinian block. The problem with the largest magnetic features in the vicinity of the considering the Vergeles-Zayante fault zone to be San Andreas fault. The Boulder Creek high and a major oceanic-continental break is that the Mon­ the somewhat less impressive Corralitos aeromag- tara Mountain granitic massif would then be ma­ netic high (fig. 4) are most likely caused by gabbroic rooned east of the westernmost fault of the San rocks similar to those exposed near Logan, where Andreas fault system. On the basis of the presence there is also an impressive aeromagnetic anomaly of the Montara mass (fig. 4), the basement between (Hanna and others, 1972). Seismic-refraction veloc­ the Butano and Pilarcitos faults is generally ities of about 5.5 km/s have recently been obtained thought to be granitic. from the basement between the Zayante and Bu­ A northward continuation of the Ben Lomond tano faults. These velocities are compatible with fault that would tie into the La Honda fault (fig. those obtained elsewhere in the region from Fran­ 6) was suggested by C. M. Wentworth (oral com­ ciscan graywacke (A. G. Lindh, written commun., munication, 1982) on the basis of an abrupt change 1982). Graywacke in this block would be as com­ in the geologic grain and attitude of bedding in patible as gabbro with an oceanic basement. Seis­ Tertiary sedimentary-rock units across this zone. mic-refraction profiles obtained recently north of The occurrence of such a fault would suggest that POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA granitic basement underlies the block of country tends westward to the San Gregorio fault. between the proposed La Honda-Ben Lomond fault Granitic rocks and metasedimentary rocks ex­ and the San Gregorio fault from Montara Moun­ posed east of the Ben Lomond fault are grossly tain south to Ben Lomond (fig. 6). Such a north- similar to the basement rocks of the Ben Lomond south-trending fault and the accompanying block Mountain area; that similarity suggests that the of granitic basement would contradict my current Ben Lomond fault is not a significant basement suggestion that a suture of oceanic basement be­ break and that displacement of the basement is tween the Zayante-Vergeles and Butano faults ex­ modest. However, an impressive aeromagnetic

123°30' 123°15' 123°00'

Granodiorite and granite of Inverness

Tonalite of Cordell Bank /(dredge hauls sites.a)

Porphyritic granodiorite of Point Reyes




Texaco Pdetti *1 (porphyritic greno- diorite of Monterey?) 37«OO'

FIGURE 4. Generalized geologic map of the northern Salinian block. Well symbol (-£-) shows location of undivided granitic rocks in the subsurface. SAN GREGORIO-HOSGRI FAULT ZONE

high between the Zayante and Butano faults (fig. fault is truncated by the Zayante fault or vice 6), which suggests the presence of gabbroic rocks versa, but probably nothing short of additional sub­ there similar to exposed rocks near Logan (Brabb surface basement data can resolve this dilemma. and Hanna, 1981), appears to terminate near the Because of similar gravity patterns near Ano line of the proposed fault. The aeromagnetic-anom- Nuevo Point (west of Ben Lomond) (fig. 1) and off­ aly gradient drops off rapidly west of the proposed shore from Point Sur (fig. 5), Silver and others fault, but it is questionable whether the gradient (1971) suggested an offset of only some 90 km on change is enough to allow the interpretation that the San Gregorio fault. They interpreted these granitic basement is faulted there against gabbroic data to indicate offset on the west margin of the basement. Salinian block (the Nacimiento fault zone). More Information provided by present exposures and recent data, however, suggest that the Franciscan geophysical data do not appear to be sufficient for assemblage of the Point Sur area has been dis­ a unique solution to the problem of a possible north- placed from similar rocks near Cambria (fig. 1) south-trending fault and an accompanying strip of along the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone (Graham granitic basement. Closer examination of the area and Dickinson, 1978a). Thus, the Sur fault is most near the junction of the Ben Lomond and Zayante probably a segment of the San Gregorio-Hosgri faults might resolve whether the Ben Lomond fault zone and not part of the Nacimiento fault


3ligocene \ sedimentan/S. 121°15' vrocks \

'-<-x Tonalite *"-*granodio..~ "-/i'. Johnson Canyon

i ^ v\\ x of Monterey «T °>«>V\. N

§^^>\ X^?» %*. \ X_ V



Charnockitic tonalite o* Compton (1960)


10 15 20 25 KILOMETERS \ \li^' lrrTs i___i___i ,____NV'.^>|!'.'I FIGURE 5. Generalized geologic map of the central Salinian block. 8 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA zone. If so, the offset on the Nacimiento fault zone ern and his Neenach Volcanic For­ is about 130 to 135 km (fig. 7). The question then mation on the opposite side of the San Andreas arises whether the gravity pattern off Point Sur fault (see fig. 20) are correlative and were contig­ (Silver and others, 1971) is related to the gravity uous 23 m.y. ago, in Miocene time. To directly jux­ expression of the Farallon Ridge to the north. Note tapose the Neenach and Pinnacles volcanic areas, that this offset on the Nacimiento fault zone is Matthews suggested that the Chalone Creek fault somewhat less than the 150-km offset indicated by (fig. 8) is an early Miocene trace of the San Andreas data of Clark and others (1984) for the San Gregorio fault. He based this suggestion on the alignment fault. The structure is complex where the Naci­ of the Chalone Creek fault with Peach Tree Valley miento fault intersects the shoreline south of Mon- and on the absence of granitic outcrops in the sliver terey, and more San Gregorio-Hosgri slivers may between the Chalone Creek and San Andreas exist there that are analogous to the one at Point faults. Oil wells have penetrated granitic basement Sur. Thus, the seeming discrepancy may be less at 2,000 to 4,300 ft within this sliver, however, and than the present figures suggest. the core material suggests ties with the central Recent dredging in Ascension Canyon (off the Salinian block (Ross, 1974). coast west of the Ben Lomond area) (fig. 7) has Core samples 34 and 45 (fig. 8) are probably of brought up specimens of spilitic basalt and serpen- the schist of . These cores are lo­ tinite that are considered to be inplace Franciscan cated very near the extension of the Chalone Creek (Mullins and Nagel, 1981). This dredged material fault proposed by Matthews, but the fact that the provides a definite tie point to limit the westward samples were recovered at depths of 5,300 and 5,800 extent of the Salinian block at that latitude. ft suggests that they are east of the Chalone Creek fault, because surface outcrops are present no SAN ANDREAS FAULT ZONE more than 5 km to the west. If samples 34 and 45 are of the schist of Sierra de Salinas and if sample Matthews (1976) presented compelling evidence 27 is of the tonalite and granodiorite of Johnson that his Pinnacles Volcanic Formation in the south- Canyon, as its lithology suggests, it is unlikely that

124° 122° Tonalite of Point Arena Montara Mountaii y o

Cordell \ 38° Possible extension O of Nacimiento fault zone »s »s BEN LOMON o FAULTS Sedimentary rocks of Pigeon ' Point (Cretaceous! T Tonalite of Ben Lomond Ascension Canyon eromagnetic highs O I o Metasedimentary rocks

20 40 KILOMETERS -fr Point Sur 36° MONTEREYBAY (Franciscan*?)^ 40 120 KILOMETERS' /______sssemblsge)

FIGURE 6. Generalized geologic map showing location FIGURE 7. Probable offset of west margin of the Salinian of possible north-south-trending fault (hachured line) block (Nacimiento fault) by the San Gregorio-Hosgri connecting the Ben Lomond and La Honda faults. fault zone. SAN ANDREAS FAULT ZONE 9 the Chalone Creek fault has had significant strike- to the hornblende-rich high-grade metamorphic slip displacement, and it may be dominantly dip rocks of probable oceanic affinity that underlie slip, as Andrews (1936) suggested. The general con­ large areas of the Sierran tail. However, the recent figuration of the slice between the Chalone Creek realization that the Pastoria fault zone (fig. 9) of and San Andreas faults more closely resembles a Crowell (1952) may extend westward to intercept sliver along the San Andreas fault, and the well- the San Andreas fault has caused me to speculate core data are admittedly sparse. Even if the Cha­ that the Pastoria fault zone may have a counter­ lone Creek fault is not a strike-slip fault, Matthews' part fault in the Salinian block the Vergeles-Za- (1976) correlation is still valid. The present sepa­ yante fault zone. The Pastoria fault zone and, by ration of these two volcanic-rock units compares much inference, the Vergeles-Zayante fault zone well with earlier estimates of San Andreas base­ may indicate a major structural discordance ment offsets by Crowell and Walker (1962) and with (strike-slip or reverse fault movement, or both) that various Tertiary offset features described by Ad- juxtaposes oceanic and continental . Cer­ dicott (1968) and Grantz and Dickinson (1968). tainly, the gabbroic rocks at Logan (see figs. 5, 14) These offsets would bring the Gabilan Range (fig, and Eagle Rest Peak (see fig. 9,14) near these two 5) up against the Sierra Nevada tail (San Emigdio fault zones are petrographically and chemically Mountains) (fig. 1). I am skeptical of this correla­ compatible with each other (Ross, 1970; Ross and tion for several reasons, mainly because there is others, 1973). The absence north of the Vergeles- no evidence in the Salinian block of counterparts Zayante fault zone of representatives of the horn-


'innacles Volcanic Formation of Matthews (1976)

Tonalite and granodiorite /of Johnson Canyon!?)

Basement penetrated at Granitic rocks; about 3000'; no samples undivided

Dsrk gneiss, like gneissic Schist of Sierra rocks at Red Hills (?) de Salinas Hornblende-biotite tonalite 3500'


FIGURE 8. Locations of wells to basement between the Chalone Creek and San Andreas faults, showing rock types penetrated, sample numbers, and depths to basement. Modified from Matthews (1976, fig. 18); basement core data from Ross (1974). 10 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA

;«»^».i»»«**'*»»»YX»«V'-^^^&*--~~ «***-. * * ***»* ** »**»*»**- *» *~~' *^-y> *&£?<±&^&i&:^ ttift*#»v u ,v;« v; v.\<.\s.* :


gV w

5 SAN ANDREAS FAULT ZONE 11 blende-rich high-grade metamorphic rocks may across the Vergeles fault zone, and they may have simply indicate more overlap by Eocene and Oli- a relation analogous to that of the granite of Brush gocene sedimentary rocks and Miocene volcanic Mountain to the Pastoria fault zone (fig. 9). How­ rocks there than to the north of the Pastoria fault ever, the granitic rocks that appear to be on the zone. The outcrop belt of the hornblende-rich meta­ north side of the Vergeles fault zone are more likely morphic rocks thins markedly north of the Pastoria a sliver along the fault. fault zone near the San Andreas fault, and so the Cursory examination of the rocks at several lo­ absence of such rocks along the north side of the calities along the Vergeles fault zone has revealed Vergeles-Zayante fault is not surprising. only a modest amount of shearing that can be re­ On an earlier map of the Vergeles fault area, lated to the fault (fig. 10). Several thin slickensided Alien (1946) showed a sliver of granitic rocks north shear zones were observed in Tertiary sandstone of the Vergeles fault about 5 km south of San Juan immediately northeast of the Vergeles fault zone Bautista (fig. 10). My examination of this area re­ at its west limit of exposure east of U.S. Highway vealed marble, mica schist, the tonalite of Vergeles, 101. There, the fault takes a more northerly trend, and medium- to coarse-grained granite, all sparsely and shears that strike about N. 20° W. are aligned exposed along a ridge that extends from the Ver­ with the mapped fault trend. The slickensided geles fault northward to the Old Stage Road, where zones dip 60°-70° S. and flake off in flattened ovoid tonalite and granite are exposed in a roadcut. plates that have the appearance of paper shale. These granitic rocks might have been emplaced Sparsely exposed granitic rocks just southwest of


Strike and dip of foliation

Pliocene and Holocene sedimentary deposits

Protomylonitize tonalite

Sheared metased - imentary rocks*

FIGURE 10. Generalized geologic map showing locations of sheared rocks (circles) along the Vergeles fault. Geology simplified from Clark and Rietman (1973) and Dibblee (1980). 12 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA

the faultline are deeply weathered and show no described, in which deformation is localized along obvious evidence of shearing. Slickensides were ob­ discrete shear zones. Because of poor exposures, served, however, in some granitic float. relations are unclear there, but I suspect that the Shearing also occurs in Tertiary sandstone and deformed granitic rocks are in or very near the in micaceous schist on both sides of the Vergeles Vergeles fault zone. These protomylonitized gra­ fault along the San Juan Grade Road between Sa- nitic rocks are a likely source for the Tertiary sand­ linas and San Juan Bautista (about 8 km east along stone in San Juan Canyon that contains myloni- the fault from the U.S. Highway 101 locality). Slick- tized grains of granitic composition. ensided shear zones, as much as 0.3 m wide, cut The clues of mylonitization at these latter two Tertiary sandstone beds that are in, or just north localities suggest that strong compression is part of, the Vergeles fault zone. The shear zones trend of the deformational pattern of the Vergeles fault. N. 70° W. and dip about 85° S. About 0.2 km south Mylonite would also seem to be more compatible of the fault zone, shearing and granulated lenses with a strongly compressional strike-slip fault zone are evident in micaceous schist in a roadcut. These than with a largely extensional dip-slip fault zone, shear zones also strike N. 70° W., but they dip some­ which the Vergeles fault had previously been con­ what less steeply at 70° S. Some of this so-called sidered to be. However, the basement is certainly shearing, parallel to the schistose foliation, may downdropped north of the Vergeles fault; seismic- merely be weathered metamorphic foliation. The refraction lines across the fault suggest a down- granulated zones, however, observed in thin sec­ drop of several thousand feet (W. D. Mooney, writ­ tion, definitely postdate the metamorphic foliation ten commun., 1982). and reflect later deformation. Coppersmith (1979), in a detailed study of the Shear zones were also seen in granitic rocks Vergeles-Zayante fault zone, noted slickensides in about 0.2 km south of the Vergeles fault zone, di­ trenches across the fault zone whose orientations rectly south of the St. Francis Retreat (fig. 10). A indicated a significant horizontal component in few thin red shear zones cut the granitic rocks and most recent movements. He also noted that several trend N. 65° W. and dip about 80° S. Very near the streams crossing the fault trace had clearly been mapped trace of the Vergeles fault in San Juan diverted in a right-lateral sense. Coppersmith fur­ Canyon (about 2 km to the west of the previous ther noted that fault-plane solutions of several seis­ locality), a roadcut on the south side of the canyon mic events that most probably were associated exposes Tertiary sandstone. This sandstone con­ with the Vergeles-Zayante fault zone show strike- tains many angular quartz grains, as much as 4 slip focal mechanisms with little or no vertical com­ mm.across, that are strongly undulatory, granu­ ponent of movement. Dupre (1975) observed that lated, and (or) slivered; some of these grains may the Sangamon-age Watsonville terrace complex be fragments of mylonite. Other clasts are poly- (100,000 years old) is deformed by faulting and that crystalline and consist of plagioclase and deformed Holocene activity is evident in the fault-controlled quartz. The general clast lithologies suggest that geomorphology. He cited these observations as evi­ the source rocks were cataclastically deformed, dence that the Vergeles-Zayante fault zone is ac­ probably felsic granitic rocks. Most of the sand­ tive and has undergone late Pleistocene and Ho­ stone that I sampled near the Vergeles fault in the locene movements. Dupre (1975) also cited current Tertiary section probably is locally derived. By seismic activity in the Vergeles-Zayante region as analogy, the sandstone containing the clasts of cat- indicative of ongoing fault movement. These two aclastic(?) quartz and granitic fragments was ap­ fairly recent studies support the view that the Ver­ parently derived from deformed granitic rocks geles-Zayante fault zone is an active strike-slip along the Vergeles fault. fault zone. Just south of the Old Stage Road, biotite grano- Coppersmith (1979) also noted that along much diorite is exposed on a ridge on the north line of of the more than 80-km trace of the Vergeles-Za­ sec. 16, T. 13 S., R. 4 E., just south of the trace of yante fault zone, a main fault is difficult or impos­ the Vergeles fault (about 4 km west of the mylonite sible to identify and that there are many relatively clast locality, fig. 10). These granitic rocks have a short fault segments without much lateral conti­ protomylonitic texture in thin section; they include nuity. It is difficult to reconcile this statement with strung-out, mosaicked, and slivered quartz as well my contention that the Vergeles-Zayante fault as streaked-out biotite that gives an anastamosing zone is a major throughgoing strike-slip fault zone. fabric to the rocks. These rocks seem to be deformed Poor exposures may explain the apparent absence more pervasively than are the outcrops previously of a mappable main fault; nevertheless, if Cop- SAN ANDREAS FAULT ZONE 13 persmith's interpretation is correct, it creates dif­ with all three granodiorites the of Fre- ficulties for my suggestion that the Vergeles-Za- mont Peak (Gabilan Range), Tejon Lookout, and yante fault zone is a major strike-slip fault zone. Brush Mountain (Sierran tail). Miocene volcanic rocks directly north of the Ver- Neither the tonalite of Vergeles nor the tonalite geles fault have a radiometric age of 22 m.y., which and granodiorite of Johnson Canyon of the Gabilan is the same as the age of similar volcanic rocks just Range (fig. 5) appear to have counterparts in the north of the Pastoria fault zone in the San Emigdio Sierra Nevada tail (fig. 1) (San Emigdio Moun­ Mountains (fig. 9) (Huffman and others, 1973). The tains). The granodiorite of the Fairmont Reservoir, suggestion that these two volcanic areas were once however, which crops out near the Neenach Vol­ part of one volcanic field is strengthened by lith- canic Formation, is similar lithologically, modally, ologic and petrologic similarities (Bazeley, 1961), and chemically to the Johnson Canyon body, which and by similarities of both bulk chemical analyses crops out near the Pinnacles Volcanic Formation. of the volcanic rocks and trace-element concentra­ Both the Fairmont Reservoir and Johnson Canyon tions in garnet and biotite from the two areas granitic bodies contain much sphene with inclu­ (Turner, 1968). sions of opaque material in shapes resembling ar- Numerous workers, the earliest of whom were abic- to runic-written characters. I have observed Hill and Dibblee (1953), have noted stratigraphic this feature in other plutonic masses in the Cali­ similarities between the Eocene to Miocene sedi­ fornia Coast and Transverse Ranges, but it is un­ mentary section in the western San Emigdio Moun­ common there, and so its abundance in both the tains (fig. 9) and the interconnected depositional Fairmont Reservoir and Johnson Canyon masses area that received sediment of the same age in the may be significant. More detail on the similarity northern and the northern Ga- of those two granitic masses is presented in the bilan Range north of the Vergeles fault (fig. 5; see supplementary section below entitled "Comparison sources cited by Clarke and Nilsen, 1973, and Nil- of the Granitic Rocks near the Pinnacles and Neen­ sen and Link, 1975). ach Volcanic Formations of Matthews (1976)." The In all, there is abundant evidence from such di­ presence in the Sierra Nevada tail of equivalents verse groups of rocks as oceanic gabbroic rocks, to the Johnson Canyon and Vergeles bodies would Miocene volcanic rocks, and Eocene to Miocene sed­ greatly strengthen correlation of the tail with the imentary rocks for a firm tie between the north­ central Salinian block, but considering the common ernmost Gabilan Range and the westernmost San shape and distribution vagaries of granitic bodies, Emigdio Mountains (Sierra Nevada tail). In view the absence of such equivalents is not devastating of this tie, as well as the compelling similarity be­ to the proposed correlation. tween the Pinnacles Volcanic Formation in the Strontium-isotopic data available for the central southern Gabilan Range and the Neenach Volcanic Salinian block and the Sierra Nevada tail enable Formation southeast of the San Emigdio Moun­ a general comparison between these two areas. tains, the question should be asked: Can the Salin- Relatively high initial strontium-isotopic ratios ian block basement units of the Gabilan Range be (approx 0.7082) have been determined for several fitted to the basement units in the San Emigdio granitic samples from the Gabilan and Santa Lucia Mountains on the east of the San Andreas fault? Ranges (Kistler and Peterman, 1973). More de­ I have long been intrigued by the close resem­ tailed work by J. M. Mattinson (written commun., blance of the granodiorite of Natividad in the Ga­ 1982) indicates that not all the Gabilan Range plu- bilan Range to the granodiorites of Lebec and Gato- tons are cogenetic and that there is some variance Montes in the Sierran tail (figs. 5, 9); in fact, I com­ in initial strontium-isotopic ratios; nevertheless, monly referred to the granodiorites of Lebec and all are relatively high. Similar high initial stron­ Gato-Montes early in my Sierran work as "Nativ­ tium-isotopic ratios (0.7079-0.7085) have been de­ idad type." All three granodiorites are medium-fine termined in one sample of the granodiorite of Lebec grained and contain distinctive scattered coarse and in several samples of the granodiorite of Gato- biotite flakes. All three masses are distinguished Montes in the Sierra Nevada tail (R. W. Kistler, by scattered hornblende crystals with red cores written commun., 1981). One granitic sample from that indicate the presence of skeletal clinopyrox- the La Panza Range has an initial strontium-iso­ ene remnants. Modally and chemically, the three topic ratio of 0.7080 (Kistler and others, 1973). masses are also virtually identical. Coarse-grained These data, though admittedly sparse, point to biotite granite, of the typical and common "low strontium-isotopic compatibility between the cen­ melting trough" granitic rock type, is associated tral Salinian block and the Sierra Nevada tail. 14 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA

Doe and Delevaux (1973) determined the lead- blende, clinopyroxene, and minor quartz. The isotopic compositions in seven granitic samples source of these dikes is unknown. from the length of the Sierra Nevada for the Late The contact along the north margin of the schist Cretaceous part of the Sierra Nevada . Of of Portal-Ritter Ridge has been mapped as a fault particular interest in their studies is the 2wp\)/2Mp\) the Hitchbrook fault of Dibblee (1960, 1961). How­ ratio, which is a measure of the uranogenic or "ra­ ever, this fault does not cleanly separate granitic diogenic (J-type)" lead. The two southernmost sam­ rock on the north from schist on the south. For ples analyzed from the batholith (lat approx 35°45' example, the large mass of schist at Quartz Hill is N., near Isabella Lake, fig. 1) are two of the three north of the fault, and the Hitchbrook fault, as Sierran samples with the highest 206Pb/204Pb ratios mapped, passes through a spur of schist in the main (19.37 and 19.15). Doe and Delevaux (1973) reported Portal-Ritter Ridge body (Dibblee, 1961). Further­ similar relatively high 206Pb/204Pb ratios from the more, Evans (1978) showed a small outcrop of gra­ Santa Lucia Range (19.53 and 19.11) and Point nitic rock south of, and adjacent to, the Hitchbrook Reyes (19.44) in the Salinian block. They suggested fault. This outcrop, immediately south of a dis­ that these data support the contention that the tinctive hill of lithic lapilli tuff, is not shown as Salinian block is a faulted-off part of the Sierra fault-bounded against schist; however, no mention Nevada batholith. This conclusion, though permis­ of this outcrop is made in Evans' text. The contact sible, is admittedly based on very limited data. between the schist and the granitic rocks is covered Another feature that seems to relate the two with alluvium along much of its length. In my brief areas is their anomalous structural grain. The gra­ examination of the rocks along the Hitchbrook nitic contacts, and the trend and strike of much of fault in a few localities, I saw sheared granitic rock the metamorphic pendant material in the northern and no granitic apophyses into the schist. Never­ part of the Gabilan Range, are generally east-west, theless, I am not convinced that the Hitchbrook markedly different from the north-southward to fault is a tectonic break between the schist of Por­ northwestward trend of most California basement. tal-Ritter Ridge and the granitic terrane to the If the Gabilan Range is placed alongside the Sierra north. I suggest that a thorough search along this Nevada tail and if the Vergeles and Pastoria faults contact be made for intrusive relations whose oc­ and the Neenach and Pinnacles Volcanic Forma­ currence would support the thesis that the schist tions are lined up, the combined block will have a terranes of the Sierra de Salinas and Portal-Ritter generally east-west-trending grain. Ridge are correlative and were once contiguous. Another correlation between these two areas has Together with the Tertiary correlations, the pos­ already been suggested, on the basis of the simi­ sibility of basement-rock correlations suggests larity of the schist (metagraywacke) of Sierra de that the Gabilan Range (figs. 5, 11) may have orig­ Salinas (figs. 5, 11) to the schist of Portal-Ritter inated opposite the area of the present Sierra Ne­ Ridge (Pelona Schist?) (fig. 9); (Ross, 1976). The ex­ vada tail (fig. 9). Important to this correlation is posed schist of Sierra de Salinas, together with sim­ my interpretation that the Pastoria and Vergeles- ilar schist in well cores, composes a rather impres­ Zayante fault zones represent a tectonic contact sive belt that appears to be cut off by the San between oceanic and continental terranes. If it can Andreas fault. If the Gabilan Range is placed next be determined that the basement between the Ver- to the Sierra Nevada tail, this belt aligns with out­ geles-Zayante and Butano faults is largely oceanic, crops of the schist of Portal-Ritter Ridge. and if similar rocks underlie the block north of the The strong physical and chemical similarity of Butano fault, these facts would suggest a major the schists in these two areas has already been break between continental and oceanic terranes established (Ross, 1976); similarity of their struc­ that would greatly strengthen the correlation be­ tural settings remains to be shown. The schist of tween the Gabilan Range and the Sierran tail. Sierra de Salinas in the Gabilan Range is intruded A reconstruction that attaches the Gabilan by granitic rocks and has some migmatitic mar­ Range to the Sierran tail would probably carry the ginal zones. In addition, dikes and sills of volcanic Santa Lucia Range along with the Gabilan Range. rocks (probably related to the Pinnacles Volcanic The gneissic and tonalitic rocks (with associated Formation) are conspicuous near the south end of migmatite of the Santa Lucia Range) might have the large outcrop area of schist in the Gabilan their onstrike equivalents in the gneisses and ton- Range. By contrast, the only known intrusions into alites of the Holcomb and Wrightwood area (fig. 1); the schist of Portal-Ritter Ridge (fig. 9) are dark (Ross, 1972a). Correlation of these two gneissic ter­ diabasic dikes composed of labradorite, horn­ ranes was suggested to me several years ago by P. SAN ANDREAS FAULT ZONE 15

L. Ehlig, and the idea still seems to have merit. At that the correlation would fit with the Gabilan- present, such a correlation must remain specula­ Sierran correlations. One possible reason to reject tive because much of the basement between the this correlation is the fact that the route from the Santa Lucia Range and the San Andreas fault is Santa Lucia Range to the San Andreas fault seems covered by younger rocks, but it is worth noting to be blocked by granitic rocks and schist similar 121°


Location of well from which basement core was studied

Limits of extrapolation from well-core data

»' ** * SANTA « LUCIA " RANGE H ......

-eppery-^ji^ , > Quarttpoor granite **- / ^hornblende-rich \ * »\ /'\ tonalite


FIGURE 11. Extrapolation from well-core data of some basement-rock units in the central Salinian block (modified from Ross, 1974). 16 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA

to the schist of Sierra de Salinas that are evident Andreas fault if the Gabilan Range is to be refitted in well-core material from the San Ardo oil-field against the Sierra Nevada tail. However, for a con­ area (figs. 5, 11). siderable distance south of the La Panza Range no Hypersthene-bearingtonalite and associated hy- basement rocks are exposed, and the extent of the persthene-bearing granulite-grade metamorphic Thermal Canyon mass is also unknown. Thus, the rocks are found in both the southernmost Sierra separation may be somewhat less than 400 km. It Nevada and the Santa Lucia Range. The tonalites seems unlikely, however, that the discrepancy in and associated metamorphic rocks of both terranes separation can be completely compensated for in have middle Cretaceous U-Pb radiometric zircon this way. Smith (1977) has noted the problem and ages. In addition, coarse red garnet is character­ proposed some 175 km of right-lateral offset on a istic of both terranes. The occurrence of granulite- fault within the Salinian block, but I have trouble grade metamorphic rocks also implies greater crus- reconciling the basement-rock data with such a tal depths than is common for batholithic terranes fault. in California. At the least, these two unusual, coe­ One additional obstacle stands in the way of a val terranes appear to reflect a similar metamor­ La Panza-Thermal Canyon correlation. The Ther­ phic and tectonic setting. The correlation of the mal Canyon region seems to have a framework of two terranes is speculative but plausible. Further Precambrian metamorphic and granitic rocks details of the comparison of these two terranes (Rogers, 1965; Jennings, 1967), whereas no Precam­ were discussed by Ross (1983). brian rocks have been found in the central Salinian Another large area of basement rock in the cen­ block. However, small outcrops of an unusual tral Salinian block is the porphyritic granodiorite- gneiss have been noted in American Canyon (fig. granite of the La Panza Range (fig. 12). This body 12) just south of the La Panza granitic outcrop. I of rock probably extends southward, possibly dis- have examined these outcrops and studied some continuously, from the San Ardo area to the La thin sections and stained slabs from the specimens Panza Range and presumably even farther south collected. The gneiss appears to be of relatively (fig. 11), although no basement outcrops or sub­ high grade and in part to have a distinctive purple surface data indicate its presence there (Ross, color in weathered outcrop; at least in part, it ap­ 1974). Much of this large and relatively homoge­ pears to be an orthogneiss. These gneissic rocks neous mass is distinctly porphyritic, and I have resemble some of the gneissic rock at Red Hills or suggested (Ross, 1978) that it is correlative with some of the "dioritized" gneiss of Mount Abel- the porphyritic granodiorite of Monterey (figs. 4, ; their appearance is out of character 5). for the central Salinian block. Further study of A body of porphyritic granitic rock in the Ther­ these rocks, particularly isotopic age dating, is mal Canyon area (fig. 1) was believed by Smith needed. At this latitude, these gneisses may very (1977) to be a possible correlative of the La Panza well be Precambrian because a Gabilan Range- mass. I was also informed by S. E. Joseph (oral Sierran tail reconstruction would place the La commun., 1979) that the rubidium-strontium data Panza Range adjacent to known Precambrian ter­ for the Thermal Canyon and La Panza rocks are ranes in the San Bernardino Mountain area (fig. similar. I have examined and sampled the granitic 1). rocks in Thermal canyon and made modal analyses of seven stained slabs. In the field, these rocks RINCONADA-RELIZ-KING CITY FAULT ZONE strikingly resemble the granitic rocks of the La Panza Range. In modal composition (fig. 13), the In previous reconstructions, the Rinconada fault Thermal Canyon samples are generally lower in has been considered to be a favorable structure quartz than the La Panza rocks, and the two fields along which to sliver and attenuate the Salinian are somewhat distinct, although they overlap. It block. For example, Smith (1977) called for some is hard to evaluate the relation between these two 170 km of right-lateral offset on this fault zone. bodies because I sampled only a small area in Ther­ Dibblee (1976), in a carefully documented study of mal Canyon. More data are needed to confirm (or the Rinconada and related faults, called for a more deny) the correlation between these two masses. modest offset of Upper Cretaceous and lower Ter­ The present distance between the Thermal Can­ tiary units, of about 60 km. Graham (1978), in a yon rocks and the nearest La Panza Range granitic detailed study of Tertiary units and structures in outcrops is more than 400 km; this distance exceeds the central Salinian block, postulated 45 km of the amount of displacement required on the San right-lateral movement on the basis of offset shore- 120°30'


fd r


34°45' 10 20 30 KILOMETERS

FIGURE 12. Generalized geologic map of the southern Salinian block. Black dots denote locations where basement core material in the Barrett Ridge slice is gneiss and felsic granitic rocks, both of which are unlike basement rocks to the west in the central Salinian block. See Ross (1974) for description of core material. 18 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA lines and other features. He also believed that the Presumably, the Rinconada-Reliz fault zone con­ distribution of the schist of Sierra de Salinas sup­ tinues northwestward along the course of the ports such an offset. On the basis of the present much-discussed and sometimes controversial King distribution of schist in the subsurface in the San City fault (Ross and Brabb, 1973). It may continue Ardo oil field and in outcrops in the Sierra de Sa­ across Monterey Bay along one of several north­ linas (fig. 5), offsets of much as 50 km are possible. west-trending faults of the Monterey Bay fault I have rnoted that the major schist bodies in the zone of Greene and others (1973). Then, to the Sierra de Salinas and in the Gabilan Range, to­ north, the Rinconada-Reliz-King City fault zone gether with all the other schist localities (except probably merges with the San Gregorio-Hosgri the isolated San Ardo area), form a somewhat dis­ fault west of the basement outcrops in the Ben continuous, relatively regular west-northwest- Lomond area (Ross and Brabb, 1973, fig. 4). trending belt of schist that extends from the Sierra de Salinas to the San Andreas fault. I see no com­ PROBLEMS OF SALINIAN-BLOCK pelling reason to believe that this schist belt was RECONSTRUCTION THAT STILL REMAIN significantly faulted or offset by the Rinconada fault zone. Many basement-rock correlations seem to make I have long been perplexed by the isolated schist good sense or, at least, provide compatible ties if of the San Ardo area and its relation to the rest of the Bodega-Point Reyes basement is pulled south­ the schist belt. The San Ardo rocks may be some­ ward along the San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zone to thing other than the schist of Sierra de Salinas, the Ben Lomond area and then the central block but physically they are certainly similar. Given of the Salinian block is pulled southward along the Graham's (1978) data on Tertiary shorelines, the San Andreas fault to the general area of the Sierra basement may have been offset by the Rinconada- Nevada tail (San Emigdio Mountains). However, Reliz fault, though by no more than some 45 km. the following basement problems still persist, Interestingly enough, reversal of that amount of unresolved. movement across this modest crack in the Salinian block would bring the porphyritic granodiorite of CORDILLERAN MIOGEOCLINAL ROCKS Monterey and its offshore continuation much closer to the northernmost outcrops of the por­ The upper Precambrian and lower Paleozoic sed­ phyritic granodiorite in the Gabilan Range a cor­ imentary rocks of the Cordilleran miogeocline have relation I had suggested before Graham's study been traced southward from Nevada, through east­ (Rqss, 1978). ern California, across the Mojave Desert, and into

Other the San Bernardino Mountains. Although the pres­ ervation of this belt is spotty and near its south Biotite content ranges from 2 to 12 percent in the La limits is much disrupted by intrusive rocks and Panza body. Less than 1 covered by younger rocks, there seems to be little percent hornblende in some specimens doubt that it reaches, and is cut off by, the San Andreas fault zone. The distinctive rock types of

Hornblende Biotite this section thick pure quartzite and thick lime­ stone have not been found in the Salinian block. 60 EXPLANATION La Panza If the Gabilan Range-Sierran tail correlation is valid, then such rocks might be expected to appear O Thermal Canyon at about the latitude of the La Panza Range (figs. 11, 12). The La Panza Range basement is almost entirely granitic; it contains only traces of biotite schist and marble, as well as a small amount of unusual-ap­ pearing gneiss just south of the main granitic base­ ment outcrops. Admittedly, vast areas to the north

90 65 35 10 and south of the La Panza Range granitic outcrops K-feldspar Plagioclase are covered by younger deposits that conceal the FIGURE 13. Comparison of modally analyzed specimens of composition of the basement; nevertheless, it the porphyritic granitic rocks of Thermal Canyon and the would have been reassuring to see at least a few porphyritic granodiorite-granite of the La Panza Range. quartzite or marble pendants in the exposed base- PROBLEMS OF SALINIAN-BLOCK RECONSTRUCTION THAT STILL REMAIN 19 ment. Of considerable interest are the strikingly clasts. Bouldery beds in the Miocene Santa Mar- distinctive pure quartzite (orthoquartzite) cobbles garita Formation in the Temblor Range (fig. 1) ap­ and pebbles that are common in the Cretaceous pear to be cut off on the west by the San Andreas beds which lap up on the south side of the La Panza fault. Huffman (1972) suggested that the most plau­ granitic basement. These pure quartzite cobbles sible source terrane for these clasts is the northern and pebbles are of a rock type that is virtually Gabilan Range. In examining the Temblor clasts, unknown in the Salinian block basement. I noted many metavolcanic and dark andalusite- Howell and Vedder (1978) speculated that both bearing rocks (Ross, 1980). I have seen neither rock the concentration of quartzite in the erosional type in the Gabilan Range or anywhere in the Sa­ product of the basement and its rarity in the pres­ linian block, but these two rock types generally ent basement may reflect differential magmatic characterize the Bean Canyon Formation. This di­ stoping. They proposed that the relatively light lemma will persist until these two rock types are quartzite is selectively floated to the upper parts found in the Gabilan Range basement. My studies, of the magma chamber, where it becomes an early which admittedly were scattered and concentrated erosional product, leaving the pluton relatively im­ on the granitic rocks, leave much room for more poverished in quartzite, even though quartzite detailed investigation, particularly of the meta- may have been abundant in the original metamor- morphic rocks of the Gabilan Range. phic framework. Their mechanism suggests that upper Precambrian and lower Paleozoic Cordil- SIERRAN QUARTZITES leran miogeoclinal rocks may once have been pres­ ent in the central Salinian block. Within the metasedimentary rocks of the south­ ern Sierra Nevada, pure quartzite (orthoquartzite) BEAN CANYON FORMATION is distinctive and abundant enough to be noted and mapped in various localities. I have suggested that The Bean Canyon Formation forms discontin­ the absence of pure quartzite in the Salinian block uous pendants for almost the entire length of the was one of the reasons for questioning a match granitic outcrop south of the , from between the Salinian block and the southernmost the San Andreas fault east for about 60 km (fig. 9) Sierra Nevada. However, I have come to think that The Bean Canyon contains distinctive metavol- this distinction may have been overemphasized. canic-rock layers and dark schist that, in part, is Certainly, only minor amounts of pure quartzite rich in coarse andalusite crystals. If the Gabilan occur near the San Andreas fault in pendants and Range is moved up against the Sierran tail, the inclusions in the granodiorite of Lebec and in the Bean Canyon Formation might be expected to oc­ Bean Canyon Formation, whereas more seems to cur in the central or southern Gabilan Range; how­ occur in the Kernville and Isabella Lake areas (fig. ever, no metavolcanic or dark andalusite-bearing 1) farther to the north and east. The difference may rocks have been seen there. Note, however, that be solely a matter of facies change or is an indi­ the westernmost large exposure of the Bean Can­ cation of irregular variation in a discontinuously yon is dominantly marble and contains neither exposed sedimentary section. I no longer think that metavolcanic-rock layers nor dark andalusite the difference between the metasedimentary rocks schist, and that the next most easterly marble-rich of the Gabilan and Santa Lucia Ranges and those area of outcrop contains very minor amounts of of the southernmost Sierra Nevada is great enough andalusite-bearing schist and thin layers that may, to argue against correlating these two terranes. or may not, be metavolcanic rocks. These volcanic and andalusite layers are probably absent to the METALLIC-MINERAL DEPOSITS west because of a facies change and so would not be expectable in the Gabilan Range. Scattered mar­ In an earlier report (Ross, 1978), I noted the abun­ ble inclusions throughout the granitic terrane of dance and variety of metallic-mineral deposits in the central and southern Gabilan Range may rep­ the southernmost Sierra Nevada, in contrast to the resent the Bean Canyon, but no distinctive asso­ virtual absence of such deposits in the Salinian ciated lithologies occur to make a convincing tie. block. The Salinian block still appears to be anom­ TEMBLOR CLASTS alously barren.However, the number of developed and productive properties drops off sharply south Directly related to the discussion of the Bean of the latitude of Tehachapi (fig. 1), and mineral Canyon Formation is the problem of the Temblor deposits are notably sparse in the Sierran tail 20 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA that is, in the area where the proposed correlative ite. In other words, the suite of subsurface samples join with the barren Gabilan Range would be. The generally resembles the outcrop areas of Barrett difference in the amount of mineralization is con­ Ridge and Red Hills. siderably less if the Sierran tail alone is compared The inferred south end of the Barrett Ridge slice, with the Salinian-block rocks. The normal vagaries and the southernmost basement exposure of the of distribution of mineral deposits in similar ter- Salinian block, is the massif of Mount Abel-Mount ranes may also be a factor here. Pinos (fig. 12). Although the geology is complex in The problems discussed thus far can all be ac­ detail, the overall pattern is simple. A southern commodated, at least in part, by the proposed re­ belt is dominated by felsic granitic rocks. A central construction. Four more serious problems remain, belt of high-grade banded gneiss, augen gneiss, involving: (1) the Barrett Ridge slice (fig. 12), (2) migmatite, and amphibolite is characterized by Montara Mountain and the K-feldspar-rich sedi­ gradations of the gneiss to homogeneous granitic mentary rocks of the Gualala area (figs. 3, 4), (3) a rocks of tonalite and granodiorite compositions, europium-anomaly contrast between the Salinian much like those of the Red Hills. The central belt block and the southernmost Sierra Nevada, and (4) overlies a northern belt of the Pelona Schist along the unlocated west margin of the Salinian block. a thrust contact marked by an impressive mylonite zone which may be the westernmost exposure (on BARRETT RIDGE SLICE the southwest side of the San Andreas fault) of the Vincent thrust (Ehlig, 1968). The Barrett Ridge slice (Ross, 1972a) the anom­ It is clear from this description that the Barrett alous basement terrane east of the Red Hills-San Ridge slice differs significantly from the central Juan-Chimeneas fault (fig. 12) poses possibly the Salinian block to the west. Plutons of tonalite and greatest problem for a fault-reconstruction model granodiorite seem to be absent to rare in the Bar­ based only on reversal of currently acceptable dis­ rett Ridge slice, and the granitic rocks generally placements on the San Andreas and San Gregorio- contain patches of ghost gneiss and grade into Hosgri fault zones. A recapitulation here of the gneissic rocks. Kistler and others (1973) obtained data from the Red Hills, Barrett Ridge, Mount an anomalously high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7164 Abel-Mount Pinos, and several well cores should from a sample of homogenized gneiss from Mount help explain why the Barrett Ridge slice presents Abel; they concluded that the gneiss is probably a problem. Precambrian. They also obtained an initial 87Sr/86Sr In the Red Hills, a few square kilometers of gneis- ratio of 0.7095 from homogenized gneiss from the sic basement rocks pokes up through the Cenozoic Red Hills a value significantly higher than from cover and appears to be truncated on the west samples from the central Salinian block (west of against the Red Hills-San Juan-Chimeneas fault. the Barrett Ridge slice), but comparable to those Most of these outcrops consist of hornblende-bio- obtained from gneissic samples from the San Ga­ tite gneiss of tonalitic composition that is, in part, briel Mountains to the southeast. These data con­ homogenized to a massive granitic rock. Less com­ firm what the petrography had suggested that a mon are outcrops of augen gneiss, biotite-rich strong discordance exists between the Barrett gneiss, hornblende schist, amphibolite, marble, Ridge slice and the rest of the Salinian block. and metasiltstone. If rn attempt is made to slide the Barrett Ridge Barrett Ridge is an elongate rib of basement slice back along the San Andreas fault zone, find­ made up largely of quartzofeldspathic gneiss that ing a parent terrane poses a real problem. South­ is locally rich in biotite but poor in hornblende. The eastward from the Portal-Ritter Ridge area (fig. 1) gneiss is thinly layered and strongly folded, in part on the northeast side of the San Andreas fault, the ptygmatically. Near the south end of the ridge, a Holcomb and Wrightwood basement rocks (Ross, thick interbed of relatively pure quartzite and a 1972a) might be able to accommodate part of the plug of alaskite are present. Alaskite-aplite dikes Barrett Ridge slice, but surely the large plutonic are common in the gneiss and, at least in part, bodies of the San Bernardino Mountains (fig. 1) and appear to be sweated out of the gneissic rocks. Sev­ their probable Cordilleran miogeoclinal roof pen­ eral wells drilled north and south of Barrett Ridge dants would be strange company for the Barrett have pierced the basement. Studies of core mate­ ridge slice. The basement sample from the Barrett rial from these wells (Ross, 1974) show the base­ Ridge slice is small; however, a good petrographic ment to be dominantly dark gneiss and granofels, sample is available from the Red Hills along the with lesser amounts of amphibolite and felsic gran­ west side of the slice to the Mount Abel-Mount Pi- PROBLEMS OF SALINIAN-BLOCK RECONSTRUCTION THAT STILL REMAIN 21 nos area (fig. 12). These rocks are relatively similar MONTARA MOUNTAIN AND GUALALA GRANITIC CLASTS and are distinctive over a large area. If, instead of pushing the Barrett Ridge slice The proposed reconstruction that places the Ga­ back along the San Andreas fault, that slice and bilan Range opposite the Sierra Nevada tail also the adjacent Mount Frazier area were to be pushed presumes that oceanic basement is present north back along the south side of the San Gabriel loz­ of the Vergeles-Zayante fault. This reconstruction enge and molded around it along the San Gabriel- (fig. 14) leaves the granitic basement of Montara (fig. 1), a better match of Mountain marooned considerably north of the Bo­ rock types would be obtained. Also, the Pelona dega Head-Ben Lomond granitic basement. This Schist at Mount Abel-Mount Pinos would end up anomaly calls for the Montara mass to be either a south of, and almost adjacent to, the main outcrops structurally isolated block or an intrusion into of the Pelona Schist in the eastern San Gabriel oceanic basement. Mountains. Although this reconstruction makes The K-feldspar arkose of Gualala (fig. 3), with its good lithologic sense, it brings about a structural coarse granitic debris, must have been derived problem that is virtually insurmountable. If the from a continental source. According to my recon­ San Gabriel basement block originated opposite struction, however, these sedimentary rocks are the Chocolate and Orocopia Mountains before San also cut off from a granitic basement source. Both Andreas fault movement, as Crowell and Walker the granitic rocks of Montara Mountain and the K- (1962) convincingly demonstrated on the basis of a feldspar-rich sedimentary rocks of the Gualala correlation of several basement-rock units, then, area can be accommodated more easily if the base­ to reach its present position, the Barrett Ridge ment is continental north of the Butano fault; how­ slice would have had to travel some 200 km farther ever, such a situation would cast considerable than the central block of the Salinian block. This doubt on the correlation of the Pastoria and Ver­ movement would be necessary for both the corre­ geles-Zayante fault zones. lations of Crowell and Walker (1962) and the one proposed here for the Gabilan Range-Sierra Ne­ EUROPIUM-ANOMALY CONTRAST vada to be satisfied, and clearly it is implausible. Trace-element patterns for the granitic rocks of Howell and others (1980) suggested that the Red the Salinian block and the southernmost Sierra Hills-San Juan-Chimeneas fault is part of an old Nevada present possibly significant contrasts. Eu­ collision zone between two basement terranes that ropium anomalies in the rocks of the southernmost were accreted to the North American Continent at Sierra Nevada not only occur in the granites, as a latitude somewhere in southern Mexico. These they do in most granitic suites, but also are sur­ two terranes drifted northward as a structural prisingly common in the granodiorites and even in unit, beached in southern California, and subse­ some of the tonalites. In the Salinian block as well quently were transported some 300 km by move­ as in the central Sierra Nevada (Dodge and others, ment on the San Andreas fault system. This pro­ 1982), pronounced europium anomalies are found posal nicely solves the apparent need for additional only in the granites. A graphic comparison of the movement on the Barrett Ridge slice, but it sug­ trace-element patterns of these three regions was gests that we should see evidence of an impressive shown by Ross (1982). collision in the area of the Red Hills-San Juan-Chi­ The Salinian-block data, though sparse (14 sam­ meneas fault zone. Small samples of basement ples), cover a wide range of chemical compositions rocks from the Red Hills, San Juan Canyon, and and a wide geographic range, and so they are prob­ Barrett Ridge have not revealed the types of major ably representative. The sampling in the south­ contortions and cataclastic deformation that I ernmost Sierra and, even more so, in the central would expect to find associated with such a struc­ Sierra is much more extensive and surely reflects tural event. Nonetheless, it seems reasonable to an actual difference in trace-element patterns. view the Red Hills-San Juan-Chimeneas fault zone The contrast in trace-element patterns between as a major structural discordance (possibly a the Salinian block and the southernmost Sierra strike-slip fault) that predates the San Andreas Nevada is incompatible with the correlation of fault. The Barrett Ridge slice and its west-bound­ these two terranes. At present, however, the full ing fault present a serious if not insurmount­ significance of this contrast is not fully understood. able problem for a simple 300 to 350 km of base­ More trace-element data for the gap between the ment reconstruction. central and southernmost Sierra Nevada are to to EXPLANATION

O W w wHH

H Gabbros of Gold Hill, Ugan, and Eagle Rest Peak £ Hi < O Schists of Sierra de Salinas and Portal-Rttter Ridge O

Contact, dotted where concealed w

FaUt CO H PASTORIA FAULT Eagte Rest Peak H Gold B H O

Western Mmit^N o Of Sierran » basament o Franciscan^'/ / assemblage //, /.Gualala Point / «x Reyes Ben tr1 Lomon H g HOS^^CTz5Ni

Franciscan NACIMIENTO O FAULT ZONE assemblage 2 HH

> FIGURE 14. Possible reconstructions of the northern and central Salinian block before San Andreas fault movement. A, Distribution of key basement-rock units after commonly accepted movements on the San Andreas and San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zones are removed. B, Major oroclinal bend proposed by Burchfiel and Davis (1980) and their interpretation of the distribution of selected areas of basement rocks of the Salinian block before movement on the San Andreas fault. Simplified from Burchfiel and Davis (1980, fig. 9-9). PROBLEMS OF SALINIAN-BLOCK RECONSTRUCTION THAT STILL REMAIN 23 needed to determine the geographic extent of eu­ vada cannot be lightly dismissed. As we continue ropium anomalies and their values over a broad to search for the source of the Salinian block, so range of granitic rock compositions. also must we continue to search for its sheared-off west margin. UNLOCATED WEST FLANK OF THE SALINIAN BLOCK CONCLUSIONS The Salinian block, as presently exposed, is no­ tably thinner than other parts of the Cordilleran Figure 14A, which shows selected key units of plutonic arc, from which arc it is generally assumed basement rock of the Salinian block reconstructed to have been derived. For example, in comparison along the southwest side of the present San An­ with the southern California batholith or the cen­ dreas fault, indicates a possible distribution of tral , the Salinian block basement before movement along the San Grego­ appears to lack a west flank that elsewhere in the rio-Hosgri and San Andreas fault zones. Figure Cordilleran plutonic arc includes abundant tonal- 145 shows a similar reconstruction, including the ite, trondhjemite, and gabbro as well as metamor- oroclinal bend proposed by Burchfiel and Davis phic framework rocks rich in volcanic material and (1980). Their reconstruction connects the Naci­ volcanoclastic debris. Page (1982), in his compre­ miento fault around the oroclinal bend with the hensive review of the migration history of the Sa­ contact, now buried, between Sierran basement on linian block, emphasized its anomalous thinness the east and the Franciscan-assemblage basement and suggested that the disappearance of the west on the west. Note that the reconstruction by Burch­ flank is the result of either (1) megatransport at fiel and Davis (1980) places the Santa Lucia Range the Earth's surface or (2) destruction by piecemeal about 50 km south relative to the Gabilan Range, (tectonic erosion). so as to take account of the movement proposed by If the present west limit of the Salinian block Graham (1978) across the Rinconada-Reliz-King (the Nacimiento fault) marks a zone where oceanic City fault (fig. 5). Either way (fig. 14A or 145), there material has collided with a continental margin, is a good juxtaposition of the schists of Sierra de the surviving continental-margin rocks would be Salinas and Portal-Ritter Ridge. The combined expected to preserve some evidence of this strongly Pastoria and Vergeles-Zayante fault zone would compressive event. However, the westernmost gra­ presumably bend southward, with the oroclinal nitic exposures in the La Panza Range, adjacent flexure somewhere seaward of Bodega Head and to the Nacimiento fault zone, do not appear to be Cordell Bank to join the Nacimiento fault zone. strongly deformed or melanged, and Page (1982) However, the dilemma of the isolation of the Gual- noted that Salinian granite, essentially in contact ala area and Montara Mountain north of the other with oceanic and pelagic sedimentary rocks, shows continental (granitic) basement remains, and its no evidence of interaction. It seems unlikely that solution demands more data on the characteristics piecemeal subduction of lighter continental ma­ of the basement at the north end of the Salinian terial downward into denser oceanic material could block. have occurred here (or anywhere) on a large scale A reconstruction that depends on some 300 to without leaving evidence of such an impressive 350 km of right-lateral offset on the San Andreas event. fault and some 130 km of similar movement on the The abrupt west termination of the granitic base­ San Gregorio-Hosgri fault brings into alignment ment of the Salinian block against oceanic mate­ several basement-rock units and structures in the rial, seen in both the La Panza and Santa Lucia central Salinian block with similar features in the Ranges, more likely reflects a strike-slip fault zone. southernmost Sierra Nevada. Correlations of in­ If the missing western part of the original Salinian dividual granitic and metamorphic basement rocks block has, indeed, been stripped away by mega- can never be truly unequivocal because similar transport to a site as yet unknown, it is plausible basement-rock types and textures are apt to recur. that as Howell and others (1980) proposed the However, the occurrence of a cluster of correlative east margin of the block may also have undergone basement-rock units in the Gabilan-Santa Lucia megatransport, of which modest movements along Ranges and the southern Sierra Nevada region the San Andreas and San Gregorio-Hosgri fault cannot be dismissed lightly. zones are only the most recent events. However, In summary, that cluster of possibly correlative the possibilities of correlation between the central units and features includes (1) an unusual and dis­ Salinian block and the southernmost Sierra Ne­ tinctive metagraywacke (schists of Sierra de Sali- 24 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA nas and Portal-Ritter Ridge), (2) mineralogically Sierra de Salinas and Portal-Ritter Ridge could unusual hornblende quartz gabbros and coarse an- both be part of a composite coastal terrain that orthositic gabbros (in the Logan, Gold Hill, and Ea­ was split apart by later San Andreas movement. gle Rest Peak areas), (3) several granitic units, (4) However, the granitic rocks, structures, and struc­ a similar east-west structural grain, and (5) a struc­ tural grain in the Sierran tail are firmly tied to the tural break between oceanic and continental base­ main Sierra Nevada block and are separate from ment terranes (the Vergeles-Zayante and Pastoria any composite coastal block. The presence, which fault zones). I have suggested, of correlatives of these features The reconstruction that fits the central part of in the central Salinian block could pose problems the Salinian block to a potentially correlative ter- for the model of Howell and others (1980). Their rane is far more uncertain for the northern part model would then call for the present Gabilan of the Salinian block. There, the composition of the Range to be beached (after its long journey from basement rocks is of critical importance, but large southern Mexico) adjacent to some nearly identical areas are now covered by sedimentary rocks and rocks and structures in the southern Sierra Ne­ ocean water. Furthermore, whether this northern vada and that would imply a degree of coinci­ basement is oceanic or continental, some correla­ dence that is hard to credit. tion problems still remain. To the south is an even In conclusion, the problem of the origin of the greater problem the Salinian block-Sierra Ne­ Salinian block does not seem to be resolved. I had vada reconstruction places part of the Barrett hoped that this study would resolve the problem; Ridge slice opposite the San Bernardino Moun­ instead, these reconnaissance studies have merely tains in an untenable juxtaposition of dissimilar provided tantalizing clues that need to be pursued. basement rocks. Neither the model that calls for some 300 km of By themselves, movements on the San Andreas San Andreas fault movement supplemented by San and San Gregorio-Hosgri fault zones do not seem Gregorio-Hosgri fault movement, nor the model of to resolve the problem of the origin of the Salinian Howell and others (1980), which calls for a pre-San block. Such movements solve some problems, but Andreas movement of a large composite terrane, they create other, greater ones. As already dis­ provides all the answers. 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E., 1973, Petrography and structural ference on Future Energy Horizons of the Pacific Coast: relations of granitic basement rocks in the Monterey Bay American Association of Petroleum Geologists-Society of area, California: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Re­ Exploration Geophysicists-Society of Economic Paleontol­ search, v. 1, no. 3, p. 273-282. ogists and Mineralogists, Pacific Sections, Annual Meeting, Ross, D. C., Wentworth, C. M., and McKee, E. H., 1973, Cretaceous Long Beach, Calif., 1975, Proceedings, p. 367^00. mafic conglomerate near Gualala offset 350 miles by San Page, B. M., 1982, Migration of Salinian composite block, Cali­ Andreas fault from oceanic crusutal source near Eagle Rest fornia, and disappearance of fragments: American Journal Peak, California: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Re­ of Science, v. 282, p. 1694-1734. search, v. 1, no. 1, p. 45-52. Rogers, T. H., compiler, 1965, Santa Ana sheet of Geologic map Silver, E. A., Curray, J. R., and Cooper, A. K., 1971, Tectonic of California: California Division of Mines and Geology, development of the continental margin off central Califor­ scale 1:250,000. nia: Geological Society of Sacramento Annual Field Trip Ross, D. C., 1970, Quartz gabbro and anorthositic gabbro: Mark­ Guidebook, p. 1-10. ers of offset along the San Andreas fault in the California Smith, D. P., 1977, The San Juan-St. Francis fault and the Rin- Coast Ranges: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 81, conada-Jolon fault: proposed middle Tertiary right-lateral no. 12, p. 3647-3662. faults in southern California: Geological Society of America 1972a, Petrographic and chemical reconnaissance study Abstracts with Programs, v. 9., no. 4, p. 501-502. of some granitic and gneissic rocks near the San Andreas Turner, D. L., 1968, Potassium-argon dates concerning the Ter­ fault from Bodega Head to Cajon Pass, California: U.S. Geo­ tiary foraminiferal time scale and San Andreas fault dis­ logical Survey Professional Paper 698, 92 p. placement: Berkeley, University of California, Ph.D. thesis, 1972b, Geologic map of the pre-Cenozoic basement rocks, 99 p. Gabilan Range, Monterey and San Benito Counties, Cali­ Wentworth, C. M., 1968, Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary fornia: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies strata near Gualala, California and inferred large right lat­ Map MF-357, scale 1:125,000. eral slip on the San Andreas fault, in Dickinson, W. R., and 1974, Map showing basement geology and locations of Grantz, Arthur, eds., Proceedings of conference on geologic wells drilled to basement, Salinian block, central and south­ problems of the San Andreas fault system: Stanford Uni­ ern Coast Ranges, California: U.S. Geological Survey Mis­ versity Publications in the Geological Sciences, v. 11, p. 130- cellaneous Field Studies Map MF-588, scale 1:500,000. 143. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 27

SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION everywhere porphyritic (seriate). The phenocrysts in the Point Reyes granitic rocks do not exceed 5 cm in length, whereas those in phenocrysts of the COMPARISON OF THE PORPHYRITIC GRANODIORITES OF Monterey granitic rocks are as much as 15 cm long. POINT REYES AND MONTEREY This extreme development of coarse phenocrysts, however, occurs only locally in the Monterey mass; The granitic rocks at Point Reyes and on the commonly, the phenocryst size in both masses is Monterey Peninsula (fig. 15) are generally similar similar. The modal mineralogies of the two masses in appearance. Both contain conspicuous euhedral are also similar (fig. 16); the variations are well K-feldspar phenocrysts, but the rocks are not within the limits found in normal plutonic units.


100 KILOMETERS 122«00'

S& Area of rY_ .figure 15C \ \ 38° Point I A I Reyesif/A \ \

San Francisco \ (Offshore extent \ \ based on 121°45' \

\ ^ I Area of7 figure 156

123° Porphyritic grano diorite of Monterey DR-X»» 1973 5 KILOMETERS

Tonalite of' Tomales Point


123° Granodiorite and granite of Inverness

38° DR-533-3 ife Boat station 532A

38" Porphyritic granodiorite of Point Reyes

FIGURE 15. Locations of the porphyritic granodiorites of Point Reyes and Monterey. A, Locations of study areas at Point Reyes and Monterey. B, Locations of modally analyzed samples (dots) and chemically analyzed samples (circles) of the porphyritic granodiorite of Monterey. C, Location of the porphyritic granodiorite of Point Reyes. D, Locations of modally analyzed samples (dots) and chemically analyzed samples (circles) of the porphyritic granodiorite of Point Reyes. Numbers refer to samples listed in table 2. 28 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA

One possibly significant difference is that the spec­ imens of the Point Reyes mass that I have exam­ ined contain about 1 percent of hornblende, whereas I have seen no hornblende in the Mon­ terey mass. Also, the Monterey mass has what ap­ pears to be primary muscovite, which is absent in the Point Reyes mass. However, the granodiorite of Cachagua, which I consider to be in gradational | contact with the Monterey mass, contains horn­ blende, as does a suspected correlative of the Mon­ terey mass in the La Panza Range (fig. 12). Thus, both the overall physical appearance and the modal mineralogy suggest that these two masses are compatible and are potential correlatives. Chemically, the two masses also appear to be ap­ proximately comparable (fig. 17; table 1). Although

Number of super- posed samples I

£ 16 Hornblende 2 o°

_«M 2 15 t- O O uj 14 O X O 70 CM O in K-feldspar 90 65 35 10 Plegioclase 65 PORPHYRITIC GRANOOIORITE OF POINT REYES 60

CM t-Q 1

0 4

2 - Hornblende Biotite

K-feldspar 90 65 35 10 Plagioclase Point Monterey Reyes PORPHYRITIC GRANOOIORITE OF MONTEREY FIGURE 17. Histograms showing chemical analysis FIGURE 16. Modes of the porphyritic granodiorites of Point of the porphyritic granodiorites of Point Reyes and Reyes and Monterey. Monterey. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 29 only two analyses are available from the Point darker granitic rock (sample 533-3, fig. 19) that con­ Reyes mass, they probably are representative of tains conspicuous abundant hornblende and nu­ the small exposed part of the mass. Oxide contents merous small ellipsoidal mafic inclusions. The dark are comparable to the average value for the four rocks sharply contact the lighter Point Reyes gra­ specimens from the Monterey mass. The Point nitic rocks (which here are not porphyritic), but the Reyes mass is somewhat richer in CaO and poorer age relation is not obvious. These dark rocks, which in SiO2, but these differences do not seem to be contain 11 percent biotite and 9 percent horn­ significant. The chemical similarity of the two blende, I interpret to be a large inclusion of the masses is further accentuated by the ternary plots tonalite of Tomales Point within the porphyritic Q-Or-(Ab+An), Or-Ab-An, and Alk-F-M (fig. 18). Of granodiorite of Point Reyes. The granitic rocks of possible significance is the fact that both masses Point Reyes may well be connected physically at have normative corundum: 1.4 percent for the depth with the tonalite of Tomales Point and the Point Reyes and about 3.0 percent for the Monte­ granodiorite and granite of Inverness. However, rey. The average abundance of normative quartz the physical and chemical compatibility of the is higher in the Monterey mass (34 percent), than Point Reyes and Monterey granitic rocks leaves in the Point Reyes mass (31 percent), but values open the possibility of their correlation and of a for Monterey samples overlap those for the Point structural break between the Point Reyes and In­ Reyes samples. verness masses. The dark rocks near the Fish The exposures of granitic rocks on Point Reyes Docks could as well be an inclusion of the tonalite lie 10 km from the nearest granitic exposures of of Soberanes Point, which is widely exposed in the the Inverness area. I had originally (Ross, 1972a) Santa Lucia Range south of Monterey. considered the Point Reyes granitic rocks to be part Nothing at Point Reyes rules out a correlation of the granodiorite and granite of Inverness (fig. with the granitic rocks at Monterey. I think that 15). The porphyritic texture of the Point Reyes gra­ the granitic rocks at Point Reyes are related to the nitic rocks, and their hornblende content, indicate Tomales Point-Inverness basement. At Kehoe that they are at least a separate facies of the In­ Beach, about 17 km north of Point Reyes, darker verness granitic rocks; they could even represent rocks resemble some of the rocks at Point Reyes. a separate granitic body. Also, near Inverness, hornblende-bearing granitic Just east of the Fish Docks is an exposure of rocks occur that are physically and modally nearly

TABLE 1. Chemical analyses of selected granitic rocks from the Point Reyes and Monterey areas, California

[All values in weight percent; n.d., not determined. Sources of chemical data: sample DR-532A, Ross (1972a); sample LPR-3, Clark and others (1984); samples Mo-IB, DR-1973, DR-1974, and Mop-1, Ross (1977b). See figure 15 for sample locations]

Point Reyes Monterey

Sample DR-532A LPR-3 Average Mo-IB DR-1973 DR-1974 Mop-1 Average

Si02 70.2 71.02 70.6 73.5 69.2 72.3 73.2 72.1 A1 2D3 15.4 15.00 15.2 14.4 16.5 15.6 15.3 15.5 Fe ? 0o .74 1 2.80 } 2 ' 6 .53 1.2 .80 1.9 1.1 FeD-- 1.6 .83 1.7 1.0 .08 .9 MgO .97 .75 .86 .33 .56 .42 .45 .44 CaO 3.0 2.50 2.8 2.1 2.6 2.2 2.1 2.3 Na 20 3.3 3.27 3.3 3.7 3.8 3.3 2.4 3.3 K 7\ 3.2 3.63 3.4 3.3 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.1 H~cr .09 n.d. .1 .09 .24 .24 .39 .2 i/n+ .64 n.d. .6 .68 .67 .50 .34 .6 TiOo .59 .43 .5 .20 .43 .26 .23 .3 p 05 - .14 .10 .12 .05 .10 .06 .06 .07 MnO- .11 .04 .07 .08 .06 .06 .06 .07


FIFeO+2 Fe2O3 +MnO) Other

10 EXPLANATION Tonalite of Tomates Point O Monterey Point Reyes


\ \ Alk (Ns,O+K,O) 50 M(MgO) K-feldspar 90 65 35 10 Ptogioclase

Other _ 6 Number of super V-3- posed samples

Granodiorite and Normative minerals 20 granite of Inverness

50 Hornblende

Ab+An K-feldspar 90 65 35 10 Plagioctese

Other f\^ 10 points Alaskite samples 10 within the Inverness body 20

Hornblende Biotite

Ab 50 An / 7 FIGURE 18. Chemical compatibility of the porphyritic K-feldsper 90 65 35 10 Ptagioclese granodiorites of Point Reyes and Monterey. FIGURE 19. Modes of the Tomales Point and Inverness granitic bodies. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 31 identical to those at Point Reyes. This whole dis­ cussion illustrates the frustrations of attempting to make positive correlations of granitic basement terranes.

COMPARISON OF THE GRANITIC ROCKS NEAR THE Cenozoic sedimentary deposits, undivided PINNACLES AND NEENACH VOLCANIC FORMATIONS OF MATTHEWS (1976) EXPLANATION The Pinnacles and Neenach Volcanic Formations LOCATION OF SAMPLES of Matthews (1976) (fig. 20A) are both closely as­ Chemical analysis sociated with various granitic rocks. In the Pin­ . A DR-1555 nacles area (fig. 20B) the tonalite and granodiorite Granite of Bickmore Canyon Grenitic rocks of Johnson Canyon, the granite of Bickmore Can­ undivided yon, and associated felsic rocks crop out over a Tonalite and granodiorite large area adjacent to the Pinnacles Volcanic For­ of Johnson Canyon mation. Petrographically and chemically compa­ rable granitic bodies, the granodiorites of Fair- mont Reservoir and Burnt Peak, and a felsic variant(?) are exposed near the Neenach Volcanic Formation (fig. 20C). Tonalite and granodiorite Granitic data from the Pinnacles area were col­ of Johnson Canyon lected early in the 1970's and summarized by Ross (1975). Data from the Neenach area are a combi­ nation of an earlier reconnaissance study of the Transverse Ranges (Ross, 1972a) and more detailed mapping and sampling near the Neenach Volcanic Aplite, alaskite Formation in 1982 (fig. 20C; table 2). Present pegmatite 12V 120° 119°

Pinnacles Volcanic : 37° Formation of '. ' Matthews (1976)

Granite of Bick more Canyon 36" . ranite of Bick- ' ' ' 'more Canyon


Schist of Sierra. de Salinas


FIGURE 20. Granitic rocks of the Pinnacles and Neenach areas. A, Locations of generalized geologic maps of the Pinnacles and Neenach areas. B, Locations of modally and chemically analyzed samples of the Pinnacles area. Numbers refer to samples listed in table 3. C, Locations of modally and chemically analyzed samples of the Neenach area. Numbers refer to samples listed in tables 2 and 3; unnumbered sample locations are from Ross (1972a). 32 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA modal data probably are sufficient to character­ single granodiorite pluton with a somewhat fine ize the various granitic units, but more details are grained core (Fairmont Reservoir). Certainly the needed to better define the relation between the Burnt Peak and Fairmont Reservoir masses are Gabilan Range units (Johnson Canyon and Bick- petrographically nearly identical and are closely more Canyon) and the Neenach units (Burnt Peak related. and Fairmont Reservoir). Chemical data are ad­ The granite of Bickmore Canyon in the Pinnacles mittedly sparse and certainly need augmenting, as area (fig. 20B) is a felsic rock that was mapped do the radiometric ages and Rb/Sr analyses. separately from the Johnson Canyon unit. No con­ The modal field of the Johnson Canyon mass (fig. tacts were seen, however, and the only diking re­ 21A) in the Pinnacles area is similar to the field of lation of the Bickmore Canyon into the Johnson the combined Fairmont Reservoir and Burnt Peak Canyon that suggested the occurrence of two sep­ units (figs. 21B, 21C) in the Neenach area. The arate bodies may have been an alaskite rather than modal field of the Johnson Canyon body is some­ a Bickmore Canyon dike. Aplite, alaskite, and peg­ what more spread out, but considering that it rep­ matite are abundant in the Bickmore Canyon area; resents samples taken from a much wider area and distinctions, particularly between the alaskite than that of the Fairmont Reservoir-Burnt Peak and the granite of Bickmore Canyon, are difficult. pair, this spread is not surprising in such varying Furthermore, darker rocks within the Bickmore plutonic bodies. Particularly noteworthy is the hor­ Canyon mass show considerable modal overlap izontal trend of these modal fields, which reflects with the Johnson Canyon mass (fig. 21C). The John­ a generally similar quartz content over a wide son Canyon-Bickmore Canyon pair may be a zoned range of plagioclase/K-feldspar ratios. pluton somewhat analogous to the Burnt Peak- My recent (1982) work in the Neenach area con­ Fairmont Reservoir pair. firmed that as I had suspected earlier (Ross, Another general similarity between the Pinna­ 1972a) there are two mappable granodiorite bod­ cles and Neenach areas is the abundance of aplite, ies (the Burnt Peak and Fairmont Reservoir). The alaskite, and pegmatite in both areas. Mostly, dashed contact shown separating them on figure these rock types occur in isolated dikes or dike 20C gives a picture that may appear more defini­ swarms and are not mappable, but just west of the tive than I would desire. The contact was not seen, Pinnacles Volcanic Formation (fig. 20B) a large nor were any diking relations seen to confirm the mass could be delineated. The granite of Antelope occurrence of two separate intrusive bodies. In­ Buttes and numerous other felsic rocks in the stead, the observable evidence includes grada- Neenach area (fig. 20C; table 3) are also similar in tional lithologies and suggests that this may be a this respect. Aplite, alaskite, and pegmatite are 118°45' 118°30'

Neenach Volcanic Formation of Matthews (1976) .- ' ' '.Granodiorite of Granodiorite of ' ' ''. '/isj'Fairmont Reservoir .57.'*5>.'5746-' Burnt Peak 5756 .. .-.- ' Granite of :' : ;' ' ' 5758C '.'.-. .' '; Antelope Buttes :': '

34°45' 5748 5744A 5744B . ... 5771 DR-593.5770A -590 5 7 50 A 5750C 5767 Granodiorite of DR-614 Fairmont Reservoir DR-602 10 KILOMETERS


Sample location .5762 A DR-590 Schist of Portal- Modal analysis Chemical analysis Ritter Ridge

FIGURE 20. Continued SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 33 widespread in varying amounts in many granitic The granitic rocks of the Neenach and Pinnacles terranes; it is only their relative abundance and areas are not petrographically unusual, but they even local dominance in the Neenach and Pinna­ do have some features that may increase their cor­ cles areas that is supportive of correlation. relative possibilities. Small salmon-pink K-feldspar phenocrysts, as much as 2 cm long, are noteworthy TABLE 2. Modes of selected granitic-rock samples from the in the Bickmore Canyon, Burnt Peak, and Fair­ Neenach area, California mont Reservoir bodies and are present, but less common, in the Johnson Canyon mass. More dis­ [All values in modal percent. Others: 0, opaque minerals; S, sphene. All samples were collected in August 1982 except samples BP-2, 590, 592, 595B, 600A, 617, and tinctive may be the subhedral to euhedral sphene 618, which are from Ross (1972a). See figure 20 for locations of samples] crystals that contain opaque-mineral inclusions in intriguing shapes that resemble arabic or runic Sample plagioclase K-feldspar Quartz Biotite Hornblende Others written characters. These distinctive sphene crys­

Granodiorite of the Fai rraont Reservoir tals are present in the Johnson Canyon, Burnt Peak, and Fairmont Reservoir bodies. By itself, the 49 15 26 9 0.5 0.5(S) 48 13 26 11 1 Ko, s) occurrence of these crystals is probably only of 47 16 27 9 KO.S) 48 18 26 8

Other Other

(Biotite) granite of (Hornbtende-biotite) Bickmore Canyon tonalite and granodiorite of Johnson Canyon

rzx K-feldspar 65 35 10 Plagioclase K-feldspar 65 35 10 Plagioclase Other Other

(Hornblende-biotite) (Biotite) granodiorite grenodiorite of of Fairmont Reservoir Burnt Peak

\ \ K-feldspar 65 35 10 Plegioclase K-feldspar 10 Plagioclase Other 9 (Number of superposed samples) Granite of Antelope Buttes (0) and related felsic rocks (A) that intrude the granodiorites of Fairmont Reservoir and Burnt Peak

'/rocks Canyon \ \ ]*- ^ I ,Johnson\Canyon ,~\J---. L -VF»irmFairmont Reservoir Burnt Peak

/ 7 K-feldspar 90 65 35 10 Plegioclese K-feldspar 10 Plagioclaae

FIGURE 21. Modes of granitic rocks of the Pinnacles and Neenach areas. A, Modal plots of granitic rocks of the Pinnacles area. B, Modal plots of granitic rocks of the Neenach area. C, Comparison of modal fields of granitic rocks of the Pinnacles and Neenach areas. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 35

- CM *3- t ( CM CO CO

00 ' C\J ID in r^ LD

T I i I CO CO i I V ^ g s. £* - i T i r-«. c\j r*^. ID

R i * 5 ' O r-» CM O in r^vOt «CMi icororo f-^ v ? [U,


00 0)

COf^t ICMt


oo o o cri in


CM oo 00 oo if> ID


CM^Dt-HCOCMincOCM Fairmont Johnson Bickmore Reservoir Canyon Canyon C Felsic variant of Fairmont Reservoir i ll£)r-ICOCMinCO, 1 , I FIGURE 22. Comparisons of chemical analyses of samples of the tonalite and granodiorite of Johnson Canyon with those of samples of the granodiorite of Fairmont Reservoir, and of chemical analyses of one sample of the felsic variant of the Fairmont Reservoir body with those of samples of the granite of Bickmore Canyon. 36 POSSIBLE CORRELATIONS OF BASEMENT ROCKS ACROSS FAULTS IN CALIFORNIA

plots, Q-Or-(Ab+An) and Or-Ab-An, clearly show FIFeO+2Fe2O3 +Mr»O) grouping and separation of the two pairs of bodies. The ternary diagrams accentuate the picture of EXPLANATION chemical compatibility that was evident in the his­ o Johnson Canyon togram (fig. 22). o Fairmont Reservoir The trace-element abundances for the chemi­ Fairmont Reservoir cally analyzed samples are plotted here on a his­ (felsic) togram for easy reference and comparison (fig. 25). A Bickmore Canyon The data were derived from semiquantitative spec- 50 50 troscopic analyses. The data plotted in figure 25 are arbitrary midpoints of the steps shown, from which the actual concentration may vary by one or two steps. The comparison of values between the Johnson Canyon and Fairmont Reservoir masses clearly shows similarity. Levels of nickel

(Ni) and, to a lesser extent, scandium (Sc) and chro­ Alk(Na,O+K,O) M(MgO) mium (Cr) are somewhat higher in the Johnson Canyon samples. This relatively high concentra­ tion probably reflects the generally higher mafic- mineral content of the Johnson Canyon mass Ni, Sc, and Cr are all relatively concentrated in mafic minerals. Expectably, the samples from the Bick- more Canyon body and the one felsic sample from the Fairmont Reservoir area are generally about the same, or somewhat lower, in most trace ele­ ments than are the granodiorite samples. Excep­ tions are barium, which is slightly higher in the granites (probably because they contain relatively more K-feldspar), and lead, which is also slightly higher in the granite specimens. Such differ­ ences of one or, at most, two steps are probably not significant in semiquantitative spectroscopic

Other v 2(Number of superposed samples) a 10 EXPLANATION

o Johnson Canyon o Fairmont Reservoir Fairmont Reservoir (felsic) Bickmore Canyon

K-feldspar 90 65 35 10 Plagioclase 50 Ab+An FIGURE 23. Modes of chemically analyzed samples of the granodiorite of Fairmont Reservoir, the granite of Bick­ FIGURE 24. Chemical compatibility of the tonalite and gran­ more Canyon, the tonalite and granodiorite of Johnson odiorite of Johnson Canyon with the granodiorite of Fair­ Canyon, and the felsic variant of the Fairmont Reservoir mont Reservoir, and of the granite of Bickmore Canyon with body. the felsic variant of the Fairmont Reservoir body. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 37

CONCENTRATION, IN PARTS PER MILLION data. Nevertheless, comparison of the trace-ele­ o o ooooo o .» ooooooo ooooo o ment concentrations in the Johnson Canyon and ' o moo ooom oo ooo m oooo o Fairmont Reservoir masses, and of the Bickmore ! ! 1 1 1 1 II i i 1 MINI INN! Canyon mass with felsic specimens from the Fair­ J mont Reservoir area, supports the contention that R Zr these two pairs are correlative. Sparse Rb/Sr data suggest compatibility between the granitic rocks of the Neenach and Pinnacles a Yb n areas, although, clearly, more work is needed. Three samples from the Johnson Canyon body and a Y one from the Bickmore Canyon unit give an initial i 1 1 i i i strontium-isotopic ratio of 0.7082 (R. W. Kistler, in innj Ross, 1972b). A single sample from the Fairmont r i i V Reservoir mass gives an initial strontium-isotopic ratio of 0.7083 (Kistler and others, 1973). Sr Dikes of Tertiary volcanic rocks that are almost ffl certainly satellitic to the main intrusive center of the Pinnacles Volcanic Formation are abundant CD Sc

rfl and widespread in granitic rocks of the Pinnacles area. The relation leaves little doubt that the vol­ Pb canic rocks intruded the surrounding granitic t-r-H rocks. By contrast, I have seen no volcanic dikes Fairmont -~i i Reservoir f ^ in granitic rocks of the Neenach area. I do not know Ni Johnson Canyon x,-, ,-R the reason for this anomaly. Could it be caused by - n structural discordance between the volcanic and B a Nb granitic rocks of the Neenach area? The pattern 1 1 1 that is apparent on the map (fig. 20C) does not |~ I ""] La suggest an abrupt break between the two rock CD types. However, exposures in this area are very LJ -1 poor for example, most of the area underlain by granitic rocks and surrounded by volcanic rocks near the west end of the Neenach map area is a low rolling grassy slope with scattered felsic gra­ B a Cu nitic rock fragments and a small exposure of the granodiorite of Burnt Peak at its south tip. Mat­ Cr a cj thews (1973) noted that poor exposures hindered delineation of the volcanic and granitic units, and

Co he resorted to showing vertical fault contacts on a a cross section. This expedient fails to solve the prob­ i i i ZJZZJ lem; it merely points out that a problem exists. My Be B n reconnaissance work with the granitic rocks sug­ m gests that they are relatively cohesive and that Fairmont Reservoir i | I JM, Fels'c ^variant the faults shown within them (Dibblee, 1967) do not Bickmore Canyon i i B seriously disrupt the granitic rocks. Nevertheless, Johnson Canyon i i i r i 1 1 1 1 1 1 M II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the question of why volcanic dikes are absent in oooooooooooo-jo^-;,-;,-; 0 ,-; 0000 the granitic rocks of the Neenach area needs an °°°°°°°°666o d o .00 oooo answer! ° CONCENTRATION, IN WEIGHT PERCENT In conclusion, the granitic rocks near the Pin­ nacles Volcanic Formation are compatible, both FIGURE 25. Histograms showing semiquantitative-spectro- modally and chemically, with the granitic rocks scopic-analysis "midpoints" of trace-element concentrations near the Neenach Volcanic Formation. The expect­ in samples of the tonalite and granodiorite of Johnson Canyon, the granodiorite of the Fairmont Reservoir, the granite of able uncertainties of correlating granitic masses Bickmore Canyon, and the felsic variant of the Fairmont Res­ persist, but the further work suggested in this re­ ervoir body. port may reduce these uncertainties considerably. GPO 587-OW10016