Documenta Praehistorica XLIII (2016) Initial stages of two Neolithisation models in the Lower Volga basin Aleksandr Vybornov Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, Samara, RU
[email protected] ABSTRACT – In this paper, two groups of ancient sites located in the Lower Volga River basin are analysed. The first group is linked to the emergence of the oldest pottery in this region, which is one of the most ancient in Europe. The presence of this feature of the ‘Neolithic package’ can be dated to the middle of the 7th millenium BC. A production economy is a particular feature of the second group of sites, which can be dated to the end of the 6th millenium BC. This is one of the earliest pieces of evidence of the existence of domesticated species in Eastern Europe. These two groups of sites show the initial stages of two Neolithisation models in the Lower Volga basin. IZVLE∞EK – V ≠lanku analiziramo dve skupini najdi∏≠ na obmo≠ju spodnjega dela reke Volge. Prva skupina je vezana na pojav najstarej∏e lon≠enine na tem prostoru, ki je hkrati ena najstarej∏ih v Ev- ropi. Navzo≠nost lon≠enine, ki je del t. i. ‘neolitskega paketa’, lahko datiramo v sredino 7. tiso≠letja pr. n. ∏t. Pojav produktivnega gospodarstva je zna≠ilnost druge skupine najdi∏≠, ki jih datiramo na konec 6. tiso≠letja pr. n. ∏t. To je eden najstarej∏ih dokazov o navzo≠nosti udoma≠enih vrst ∫ivali v Vzhodni Evropi. Obe skupini najdi∏≠ predstavljata za≠etne stopnje dveh razli≠nih modelov neolitiza- cije na obmo≠ju spodnje Volge.