
INSTRUCTIONS This workbook was designed to assist you in how to relate better with other people. As all relationships require both giving and receiving, this workbook is meant to help both parties more clearly express their needs! Have an open mind as you both give and receive feedback. Make sure your responses combine both honesty with gentleness. For the instructions below the two parties will be a Core Type and a Friend. However, this model can be used in any relationship (one-on-one, as a group, family, co-worker, roommate, etc). HOW TO GET ALONG WITH CORE TYPES In this section the Core Type is the one speaking and sharing how their Friend can better relate to them. The Core Type is DECLARING WHAT THEY WANT in the relationship.

1. Both the Core Type and Friend should write the Core Type's name in the first row. 2. The Core Type needs to read each statement aloud. 3. For each statement, the Core Type should declare "Yes, I prefer this." or ?No, this isn?t important.? The Core Type should also take a moment to elaborate on why they prefer each item. 4. Both the Core Type and Friend check all items that the Core Type affirms. We encourage Core Types to check at least half of the statements.

If you have clarifying questions, ask. Don't move onto the next section until you have clarity about what is being requested. HOW CORE TYPES CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS In this section the Friend is the one speaking and sharing how the Core Type can better relate to them. The Friend is DECLARING WHAT THEY WANT in the relationship, sharing ways the Core Type can grow in better relating to them.

1. Both the Core Type and Friend should write the Core Type's name in the first row. 2. The Friend needs to read each statement aloud. 3. Then, the Friend should declare "Yes, I prefer this." or ?No, this isn?t important.? The Friend should also take a moment to elaborate on why they prefer each item. 4. Both the Core Type and Friend check all items that the Friend affirms. We encourage Friends to check at least half of the statements.

If you have clarifying questions, ask. Don't move onto the next section until you have clarity about what is being requested. Also, feel free to use this in group settings. In these scenarios, repeat the instructions above for each member of the group. Refer back to these sheets often. These are your relational cheat sheets. The person is literally telling you what they want out of your relationship!


PRIMARY PROCESSING CENTER: Body WORLDVIEW: The world is imperfect - I must correct this ENERGY: Good & Ethical STRENGTH: A strong moral compass that works hard to bring good into the world CHALLENGE: Over-identifying with being righteous to the point of becoming critical DEADLY SIN: Resentment DEFENSE MECHANISM: Reaction Formation GOSPEL MESSAGE: "I have made you good just as you are." VIRTUE FOR TRANSFORMATION: Patience

WHO SPEAKS?: Core Type HOW TO GET ALONG WITH ONES WHO LISTENS?: Friends "As a One, you can honor and relate to me by..." (Check all that apply)

PLACE NAME OF ONE IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Praising me for my concern for others and for the way I X help.

Appreciating my ethics, high standards, and steadiness. X

Showing me that you are a trustworthy, loyal friend.

Doing your share of the work on projects (I get upset when I perceive things as unfair).

Keeping in mind that I can sometimes pick up on the X slightest negative remark (so be gentle and sensitive when you register your complaints with me).

Reassuring me (again and again) that I don?t have to be perfect to be loved, respected and appreciated (I grew up much too soon because I felt I had to be the responsible, perfect child).

Remembering that I cannot face how angry I really am (because it's not a good thing to be angry)... you'll have to tell me that you love and appreciate me if I ever do get angry because the self-critic in my mind will work over-time on me.

4 Showing me understanding when I make a mistake (it won?t be X often because I rarely make mistakes!!).

Encouraging me to take my vacation time by getting away from my work (it will surprise you and it will surprise me how much I lighten up when I am away from my primary responsibilities).

HOW ONES CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS WHO SPEAKS?: Friends "As your friend, you as a One can relate well to me by..." (Put friend's initials on all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Core Type

PLACE NAME OF ONE IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Engaging/listening without so much evaluation and SS judgment.

Being more relaxed, knowing what you want rather than KB focusing on what is right (i.e. not so focused on possible mistakes, errors).

Having fun with me (know your tendency is to be very task focused).

Being adaptable, open-hearted to my ideas and inputs, SS and less entrenched in your conception of what is the KB ideal (i.e. being less rigid).

Owning your own anxiety and fear, acknowledging honestly that life is, at times, messy (including your own life).

Opening yourself up to the ambiguity of relationships, LL not being as fearful and angry of ?grey? (Know your tendency to prefer a ?black and white? world.)

Realizing I will not approach life as obsessively or critically (i.e. evaluation) as you do? Use discretion when selecting which topics to bring your intensity to, or else things will overwhelm you. Sharing your personal needs with me? this will make SS you feel more human to yourself and to me.


PRIMARY PROCESSING CENTER: Emotions WORLDVIEW: The world is full of suffering and need - I must help alleviate this ENERGY: Loving STRENGTH: Truly caring for and doing good for other people CHALLENGE: Over-identifying with being loving to the point of becoming codependent DEADLY SIN: Pride DEFENSE MECHANISM: Repression GOSPEL MESSAGE: "You are loved and wanted." VIRTUE FOR TRANSFORMATION: Humility

WHO SPEAKS?: Core Type HOW TO GET ALONG WITH TWOS As a Two, you can honor and relate to me by..." (Check all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Friends


Appreciating my warmth, enthusiasm and sense of X humor.

Thanking me for my help... then thanking me again... and again.

Reassuring me that I am special to you (i.e. talking with X me about my favorite subjects).

Taking a genuine interest in my life without letting me X transfer the focus to your life (i.e. help me stop being a helper all the time).

Asking me what I need. Be patient and help me clarify X my needs.

Helping me to find and pursue my own creative pursuits.

Encouraging me to accept help (I feel embarrassed to ask for anything because I don't want to admit my own needs and I don't want to be preoccupied with myself so that I cannot help others).

6 Gently helping me to risk expressing how I feel (I often X have a lot of anger down deep but don?t know it) and engaging in conflict when needed (it is so hard to live with the fact that everyone will not love me).

WHO SPEAKS?: Friends HOW TWOS CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS WHO LISTENS?: Core Type "As your friend, you as a Two can relate well to me by..." (Put friend's initials on all that apply)


Doing honest and authentic affirmation and SS encouragement of others and staying away from exaggerated flattery.

Having clarity about your own needs and desires and KB feeling free enough to appropriately express them.

Recognizing that your sense of self-worth is anchored in your communion with Christ and not how well you meet everyone else?s needs.

Not being overly dependent on others for your sense of SS identity and value. KB

Seeing and attending to people's needs in a life-giving way (i.e. not exaggerated care, which is evidenced by a co-dependent enmeshment).

Having honest and humble appraisal of your giftedness LL from God.

Recognizing it is best to listen and provide honest feedback, but knowing it is not your responsibility to fix someone else.

Having clear boundaries that give you the freedom to SS say no when a no is needed.

Realizing that everyone has limits, including you (i.e. KB you have needs and are not limitless).


PRIMARY PROCESSING CENTER: Emotions WORLDVIEW: There is a lack of order and flow to how things work - I must organize and plan to make things happen and get results ENERGY: Effective STRENGTH: Efficiently accomplishing tasks by motivating others CHALLENGE: Over-identifying with appearing successful to the point of becoming inauthentic DEADLY SIN: Deceit DEFENSE MECHANISM: Identification GOSPEL MESSAGE: "You are loved for yourself." VIRTUE FOR TRANSFORMATION: Truth

WHO SPEAKS?: Core Type HOW TO GET ALONG WITH THREES As a Three, you can honor and relate to me by..." (Check all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Friends

PLACE NAME OF THREE IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Acknowledging my achievements & successes. Knowing I get a little irritable with details and X with feelings brought into the work environment. Understanding that the primary way I give to a relationship is through my effort and diligence.

Giving me honest feedback but also being X sensitive to my feelings (it is very easy for me to feel judged as superficial). Admiring my confidence, optimism, efficiency X and energy. Encouraging me to slow down and nurture my inner life (I am always in a hurry). Taking interest in how I feel (I don?t know how I X feel so I will need you to help me discover that for myself). Not bringing up my past mistakes or focusing on X negatives (I often have a scattered ego and simply am not strong enough to face failures unless I really know you care about me).

8 HOW THREES CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS WHO SPEAKS?: Friends "As your friend, you as a Three can relate well to me by..." (Put friend's initials on all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Core Type

PLACE NAME OF THREE IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Being mindful of the temptation to be manipulative (I SS know this awareness can be extremely difficult when the goal/work/project/mission is greatly valued).

Realizing not every effective and valued person will KB share in your drive? Sometimes, you can want more of people than God has created us to give? excellence is good but an exaggerated attention to excellence de-humanizes and de-values others.

Attending to the needs and conditions of those you lead? leadership energy must stay attuned and attentive to those you lead (interruptions may be a way of gaining new insight which may help you reach your goal? beware of an instinctive negative reaction to an interruption).

Recognizing your gift is efficiency but not requiring that SS of everyone else? quality, not just quantity matters. Acknowledging that you think well on your feet and that makes you biased toward action. You learn best by doing (a side effect is that you can get impatient with long-winded theories and explanations!).

Recognizing that you have a need for others who pay LL attention to details, procedures and protocols. Appreciate this by seeking their input and critiques of the organization's missions/goals? You do best when you make space for honest feedback.


PRIMARY PROCESSING CENTER: Emotions WORLDVIEW: There is a profound despair that comes from our lack of deep connections - I must re-establish these ENERGY: Original & Unique STRENGTH: The ability to make the ordinary extraordinary and beautiful CHALLENGE: Over-identifying with being deep to the point of becoming dramatic & moody DEADLY SIN: Envy DEFENSE MECHANISM: Introjection GOSPEL MESSAGE: "I see you and know you for who you are." VIRTUE FOR TRANSFORMATION: Equanimity

WHO SPEAKS?: Core Type HOW TO GET ALONG WITH FOURS WHO LISTENS?: Friends As a Four, you can honor and relate to me by... (Check all that apply)


Appreciating my creativity, depth and intensity of feelings. X

Acknowledging my feelings and changing moods (you can X be honest about how these are affecting you).

Understanding my need for independence and autonomy.

Keeping in mind that criticism usually activates my X feelings of shame (so go carefully).

Not being controlled by my moods (stand your ground in a X honest, caring way, especially when I become unrealistic).

Not offering me easy solutions for my pain (there aren?t any, and even if there were, I wouldn?t want them!).

Encouraging me to be creative and to make my creative X work publicly available to others.

Lightening me up (but only when I want to be light!). X Helping me see other sides (i.e. helping me gain more information) when I feel offended so I can better see if it was just a misunderstanding.

10 WHO SPEAKS?: Friends HOW FOURS CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS As your friend, you as a Four can relate well to me by..." (Put friend's initials on all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Core Type


Being aware that you can have significant emotional SS swings, and when you do the fall-out is that others will find it hard to be close to you.

Knowing you have tendencies to make others feel they KB are somewhat inadequate and you need something more of them? You must remain appreciative of others even when you feel they have disappointed you.

Offering your creativity in problem-solving and life-giving ways that bless the lives of others.

Bringing your appreciation for beauty (aesthetics) as a SS way to enrich others? You really can make the ordinary KB extra-ordinary!

Realizing that one of your gifts is making the ?small? things special and beautiful (e.g. a special napkin, instead of a paper towel!).

Remaining attentive to others even when your emotions LL are swinging within you and pulling you into focusing on yourself.


PRIMARY PROCESSING CENTER: Thoughts WORLDVIEW: Resources are scarce - I must conserve my time, energy and knowledge, or I will be entirely depleted ENERGY: Observant STRENGTH: The ability to see the big picture by gathering many facts and synthesizing them CHALLENGE: Over-identifying with being perceptive to the point of becoming detached DEADLY SIN: Greed DEFENSE MECHANISM: Isolation GOSPEL MESSAGE: "Your needs are not a problem." VIRTUE FOR TRANSFORMATION: Generosity

WHO SPEAKS?: Core Type HOW TO GET ALONG WITH FIVES WHO LISTENS?: Friends As a Five, you can honor and relate to me by... (Check all that apply)

PLACE NAME OF FIVE IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Appreciating my objectivity, intellect and wit. X

Speaking straightforwardly and briefly. X

Helping me move forward instead of being only in my head (but do it gently... and repeatedly).

Respecting my need for privacy while I am working. X

Telling me what you need in a matter-of-fact rather than demanding manner.

Never embarrassing me publicly or putting me on the X spot.

Taking special note when I show my feelings by doing something helpful for you (I find it easier to do something for you than to express verbally my feelings for you).

12 Not forcing me to act more enthusiastic than I feel I can X act (you?ve got to trust that I am enjoying the party or am on-board with the project even when it may not look like I am).

Being objective when working out interpersonal X problems (if you get emotional on me, it will probably be counterproductive!).

WHO SPEAKS?: Friends HOW FIVES CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS WHO LISTENS?: Core Type "As your friend, you as a Five can relate well to me by..." (Put friend's initials on all that apply) PLACE NAME OF FIVE IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Being more aware of the emotional side of life? so you SS must do all you can to feel what is happening, not simply think of what is happening.

Being aware of your tendency to withdraw/detach and KB working to stay emotionally present.

Being willing to share what you have and what you know. You have a gift of objective observation and assessment. It must be shared.

Realizing there are worse things in life than being SS anxious. KB Knowing your fear of being dominated and the defense of isolating/holding out.

Remembering that it is easy for others to experience LL you as detached and uninvolved even when you are not (so you shouldn?t be put off if someone wants to know if you are with them). Go out of your way and be what may feel a little exaggerated in showing others that you are interested and involved with them.


PRIMARY PROCESSING CENTER: Thoughts WORLDVIEW: The world is an unstable, unpredictable and dangerous place - I must find meaning, stability and support ENERGY: Reliable & Faithful STRENGTH: Respect authority and are responsibly faithful to commitments CHALLENGE: Over-identifying with being dutiful to the point of becoming authoritarian DEADLY SIN: Fear DEFENSE MECHANISM: Projection GOSPEL MESSAGE: "You are safe in my care." VIRTUE FOR TRANSFORMATION: Courage

HOW TO GET ALONG WITH SIXES WHO SPEAKS?: Core Type As a Six, you can honor and relate to me by... (Check all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Friends

PLACE NAME OF SIX IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Appreciating my loyalty, compassion, intellect and X ability to come through in difficult situations.

Being open and honest rather than flattering and X overly nice (because I feel safer when all the cards are on the table).

Making very clear agreements with me (do what you say you are going to do because I don?t deal well with unannounced changes in what you said you would do).

Encouraging me to talk about my fears, and when I X do, just listen without trying to solve them.

Letting me know you are looking for a way to resolve our disagreements in a constructive manner.

Helping me focus on the best things that could X happen rather than on the worse.

Backing off when I blow up (you can do that when you recall that there is a lot of fear deep down in my soul... be patient and compassionate with me).

14 Telling me directly when my anxieties start driving you up the wall (sometimes I need someone to say ?time out? to help me get on with life).

Showing me that my deepest desires will never come to X fruition without taking a few, measured risks along the way.

HOW SIXES CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS WHO SPEAKS?: Friends "As your friend, you as a Six can relate well to me by..." (Put friend's initials on all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Core Type

PLACE NAME OF SIX IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Recognizing that you have a tendency to be anxious SS and fearful about things that really don?t matter or may not even exist? so don?t project your anxiety on me.

Knowing that you can become overly aggressive to the KB point of being confrontational? so take a step back and calm down.

Paying attention to how you are relating to authority, specifically not being too compliant or too confrontational.

Remembering that people are not against you but for SS you? You do well to take them at face value rather than KB being suspicious or looking for an ulterior motive.

Participating in the experiences that others are engaged in.

Knowing the gift you bring is a loyalty, dedication and LL stability to our relationships, projects and mission.

Giving the gift of faith and courage when challenges are steep.


PRIMARY PROCESSING CENTER: Thoughts WORLDVIEW: The world lacks a bigger plan full of possibilities - I must generate these ENERGY: Optimistic STRENGTH: The ability to make everything come alive with their energy and excitement CHALLENGE: Over-identifying with being fun to the point of becoming naive and unrealistic DEADLY SIN: Gluttony DEFENSE MECHANISM: Sublimation GOSPEL MESSAGE: "I will take care of you." VIRTUE FOR TRANSFORMATION: Sobriety

HOW TO GET ALONG WITH SEVENS WHO SPEAKS?: Core Type As a Seven, you can honor and relate to me by... (Check all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Friends

PLACE NAME OF SEVEN IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Appreciating my optimism, spontaneity and X enthusiasm.

Listening to my stories and engaging in X conversations in a stimulating way (but don?t let me do all the talking... gently make me listen to you!).

Joining in some fun adventure with me.

Reminding me that problems will not go away and X that I need to face it (I would rather deny and gloss over my difficulties).

Helping me get in touch with my deep feelings and helping me to stay in touch with them enough to express them.

Remembering that I am really terrified of painful X emotions and will do anything to run from them... so you will need to gently help me face my emotional reality.

Being gentle with your criticisms of me (make them as brief as possible so I don?t get so defensive).

16 HOW SEVENS CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS WHO SPEAKS?: Friends "As your friend, you as a Seven can relate well to me by..." (Put friend's initials on all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Core Type

PLACE NAME OF SEVEN IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Recognizing that not everyone is going to have the SS same high level of enthusiasm for life and will not be willing to take the risks you are willing to take (i.e. others are not inclined to as much experimentation to find a solution or excitement).

Appreciating the stead-fast commitment and loyalty that KB others will have to a task/project and others. Be open to being influenced by that.

Realizing that if someone is not exuberant about you, it doesn?t mean that they don?t like you.

Having a willingness not to gloss over or be superficial SS about someone?s pain? it will greatly help you to ?stay? KB and not bail out of difficult situations.

Being grounded enough in your own reality to share your own hardships and difficulties with me.

Staying present in difficult circumstances and emotions LL with a group or with me? You tend to run and avoid such things but need to learn to stay with difficulty.

Staying more focused? it will help me stay on track with you and you with me.


PRIMARY PROCESSING CENTER: Body WORLDVIEW: The powerful take advantage of the weak - I must change this ENERGY: Unstoppable STRENGTH: Knowing how to obtain, use and keep power that is used in the service of justice CHALLENGE: Over-identifying with being strong to the point of becoming coercing DEADLY SIN: Boundlessness DEFENSE MECHANISM: Denial GOSPEL MESSAGE: "I will not betray you." VIRTUE FOR TRANSFORMATION: Mercy

HOW TO GET ALONG WITH EIGHTS WHO SPEAKS?: Core Type As an Eight, you can honor and relate to me by... (Check all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Friends


Appreciating my strength, self-reliance and sense of justice. X

Being honest, direct and upfront with me (tell me what?s on X your mind and let me tell you what?s on my mind, too!).

Accepting my blustery style (don?t assume that I am making an attack on you).

Meeting me with some intensity (I like energetic, mental and X even physical contact... so don?t be a wimp around me). Standing up for yourself (don?t let me push you around even when it seems that is exactly what I want and what I am doing).

Letting me know if/when I wound you (I am often unaware of X doing that). Backing off when I?m angry (reacting with anger/fear to my anger will set me off).

Encouraging me to relax (and even exercise) so I can deal X with stress better.

Asking me to listen to other points of view without showing X how crazy they are.

18 Helping me feel comfortable talking about my own X problems... if you make me feel comfortable, I will probably become more vulnerable with you.

WHO SPEAKS?: Friends HOW EIGHTS CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS As your friend, you as an Eight can relate well to me by..." (Put friend's initials on all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Core Type

PLACE NAME OF EIGHT IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Recognizing that the strength of your personality can be SS overwhelming to others. If you do, it'll help you get things done that need to get done in a good way. If you don?t, you'll constantly find yourself having to find another ?body? to work with. Knowing that others are not ?against? you and that your KB tendency is to ?fire, ready, aim?? You must be in touch with the God-given energy within you to do things now.

Being open and willing to listen to the other side of the story (another perspective)? You can learn from me without losing yourself or your energy.

Slowing down and being willing to wait and not immediately SS responding with force? it will help me and you if you are KB more in touch with your ?innocent? side.

Carefully gathering information in a thorough, non-biased way, which will often mean you need another perspective before you come to your own conclusion.

Reminding yourself that others see your willingness to push LL for and engage conflict as a character issue of immaturity and a lack of self-control (i.e. domineering, control-freak, angry, ?job more important than people,? etc.).

Being careful not to pull away and abandon a relationship or situation if your strength didn?t work.

Being careful about making assumptions about my motives SS or intentions? You must come to see my intentions are not always ?against? you.


PRIMARY PROCESSING CENTER: Body WORLDVIEW: Everyone deserves to be respected and heard - I must enable this ENERGY: Easy-Going & Amiable STRENGTH: An intuitive sense and appreciation for peace and harmony in relationships CHALLENGE: Over-identification with being peaceful to the point of becoming passive DEADLY SIN: Indolence DEFENSE MECHANISM: Narcotization GOSPEL MESSAGE: "Your presence matters to me." VIRTUE FOR TRANSFORMATION: Exertion

HOW TO GET ALONG WITH NINES WHO SPEAKS?: Core Type As a Nine, you can honor and relate to me by... (Check all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Friends


Giving me a compliment and hug and other forms of X attention.

Focusing on what I do rather than on what I don?t get accomplished.

Getting me to do things with ?Would you like to...?? or X ?Would you help me...?? rather than ?Do this? or ?You should do that? (I rebel under pressure, nagging or complaining!).

Understanding that I often interpret requests as accusations of something I haven?t done but was supposed to do.

Listening to me (I like to bounce my ideas off others). X Encouraging me to express my frustrations and grievances. Helping me keep my environment peaceful.

Helping me find out what to do or how I feel by asking X clarifying questions (I also enjoy having choices).

Gently encouraging me to prioritize and set goals and get X things done.

20 HOW NINES CAN GET ALONG WITH OTHERS WHO SPEAKS?: Friends "As your friend, you as a Nine can relate well to me by..." (Put friend's initials on all that apply) WHO LISTENS?: Core Type PLACE NAME OF NINE IN COLUMN Exam ple: Jesse Making decisions and not requiring me to decide SS everything for you or for us.

Staying present and using your gifts to bring about KB harmony and resolution even when you find yourself in conflict.

Communicating what you are thinking and feeling? this will mean you must maintain your own self-clarity (You cannot lose touch with yourself? You must stay in touch with your own purpose and gifts and agenda).

Knowing you cannot let everything slide? You must be SS willing to stay engaged in the trouble and struggle of my KB experiences.

Stop piddling? You will relate better if you stay focused on what really matters.

Having a greater confidence in who you are and your LL giftedness (what you bring to the table).


This material was compiled from the following original sources: "Are You My Type, Am I Yours?" by Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagle Workshop Notes from Dr. Richard Plass and James Cofield of CrossPoint Ministry "The Art of Typing: Powerful Tools for Enneagram Typing" by Ginger Lapid-Bogda

Compiled and edited by Brittany Baumli, Kiana Brown, Brent Walker and Jesse Eubanks.


Love Thy Neighborhood is an urban missions agency that equips and mobilizes the next generation of Christian leaders to work with the poor, the suffering and the marginalized through social action and communal living. Designed for young adults ages 18-30, LTN's mission is to develop young adults into servant leaders and strengthen our nonprofit partners while living together in intentional Christian community. Our vision is to transform lives in local communities through the power of the gospel. Serve for a summer or a year. To apply or t o donat e, visit w w w.lovet hyneighborhood.org.


The EnneaCast

This podcast series hosted by Jesse Eubanks and Lindsey Lewis explores the Enneagram from a Christian perspective. In each episode, Jesse and Lindsey teach on the Enneagram, interview a counselor, pastor or author, play fun games based on personality and answer listener questions. You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you prefer to listen to podcasts. More info: lovethyneighborhood.org/enneacast.

Mapping Your Enneagram Story: Tracing the Story of Your Life to Find God's Fingerprints by Jesse Eubanks


The Enneagram is a powerful diagnostic tool. It creates a road to greater relational intimacy with the people we love. As insightful as the Enneagram is, it is incomplete without your life story. In Mapping Your Enneagram Story, you?ll explore how the story you?ve lived has made you into who you are and why Jesus is the key to living a better story. Available for purchase at lovethyneighborhood.org!

Enneagram Quick Notes: A Searchable Spreadsheet Compiling the Teachings of 20+ Authors

Whether you are new to the Enneagram or not, it can be difficult to keep up with the volume of teaching and materials available. Gain lifetime access to Jesse Eubanks? personal notes on over 20 different Enneagram authors and teachers! Whether you?re an Enneagram coach, a newcomer, or just an Ennea-Nerd, this google spreadsheet can help you explore the spectrum of Enneagram teaching to gain more self-clarity and build better relationships! Available for purchase at lovethyneighborhood.org!


Nothing is more important nor more difficult than relationships.

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LOVE THY NEIGHBORHOOD is an urban missions agency that equips and mobilizes the next generation of Christian leaders to work with the poor, the suffering and the marginalized through social action and communal living. Designed for young adults ages 18-30, LTN's mission is to develop young adults into servant leaders and strengthen our nonprofit partners while living together in intentional Christian community. Our vision is to transform lives in local communities through the power of the gospel. Serve for a summer or a year.