Fraternit}! Directory FOUNDERS OF FRATERNITY Maggie Campbell ..................... ................ Monmouth, Ill. Libbie Brooks-Gaddis ............. .. .. .. .. _..•... _.. .. .... Avon, III Ada Bruen-Grier ........... _......••...... _...... _...... Belleview, Pa. Clara Brownlee-Hutchinson . ........... _........... _.... Monmouth, III. Emma Brownlee-Kilgore .... _....... _... _......... _..... Monmouth, III Fannie Whitenack Libby ......... ................. .... Red Wing, Mon. Rosa Moore ....... .................... 207 W. 55th SL, New YorK City. Jennie Nicol (deceased) Ina Smith Soule ....... ........ ...... ................ Monmouth, Ill. Jennie Home-Turnbull ......... ...... .. 2546 N. 32 St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fannie Thompson (deceased). Nancy Black-Wallace . ........... ...... ... .. .. .. .. Glenosborne, Pa. GRAND COUNCIL PRESIDENT-Elizabeth Gamble, 49 Alexandrine Ave., West, Detroit, Mieh. VICE PUSrDENT-Mrs. Mav C. Reynolds, Fostoria, O. SECRETARy-Mary Bartol-Theiss (Mrs. Lewis E. Theiss), 64 W. IC»9tb St, New York City. TREAsuuR-Martha N. Kimball, Box V, Leadville, Colo. EDITOR-Florence Porter Robinson, 543 Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis, HISTORIAN Susan W. Lewis, 5605 Madison Ave., Chicago, Ill: CATALOGUER Mary Bartol·Theiss, 64 W. l09th 3t., New York City. CORRESPO NDING SECRETARIES ALl>lIA . -' lt OVLN CE PRESIOExT-Anna Morris Jackson, New York City. VERMONT ALPHA-Middlebury Coll.!ge, Bertha C. Duncan, Middlebury. Vt. VERM ONT BETA-University of Vermont, Emma Bcan, 411 Main St., Burlington, Vt. COLUMBIA ALPHA-George Washington University. Adele R. Taylor, 2705 P. St., Washington, D. C. P ENNSYLVANIA ALPHA-Swarthmore College, Elizabeth E. Johnson,. Swarthmore, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA BETA-Bucknell University. Florence L. Bacon, Lewis· burg. Pa. P ENNSYLVANIA GA~[MA-Dickin so n College, Gertrude H eller, Carlisle, Pa. OHIO ALPHA-Ohio University. Mary T reudley, Athens, Ohio. OHIO BETA-Ohio State University. Katherine Bancroft, 58 1 F ranklin AYe., Columbus. Ohio.
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