History of Lincoln Laboratory at the Reagan Test Site

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History of Lincoln Laboratory at the Reagan Test Site History of Lincoln Laboratory at the Reagan Test Site John A. Nelson and Kenneth R. Roth In 2012, MIT Lincoln Laboratory celebrates 50 The Reagan Test Site (RTS), as it is known today, is the United States’ premier missile years of continuous service on the Kwajalein » range. Located on Kwajalein Atoll in the Atoll. Since the first Laboratory staff arrived on Pacific, RTS has played a major role dur- the atoll in 1962 to take on the responsibilities ing the past 50 years in intercontinental ballistic missile of scientific director to Project PRESS (Pacific (ICBM) testing, missile defense development and test- ing, space-object tracking and identification, new foreign Range Electromagnetic Signature Studies), launch monitoring, sensor technology development, and personnel from the Laboratory have been scientific research. MIT Lincoln Laboratory has filled the supporting technology development and technical leadership role at RTS since 1962 when the first instrumentation radar, Target Resolution and Discrimi- operations at the Reagan Test Site (RTS), nation Experiment (TRADEX), became operational. The formerly known as Kwajalein Missile Range. year 2012 marks 50 years of operation of TRADEX and 50 With the technical support of Lincoln Laboratory, years of continuous presence and service of Lincoln Labo- now serving as scientific advisor to the site, ratory at Kwajalein. During those 50 years, the Laboratory has been responsible for keeping the RTS instrumentation the RTS has been a critical contributor to the at state-of-the-art levels by continuously developing and ballistic missile defense and space situational inserting advanced technology. As a result, the RTS major awareness national missions. In addition, many support areas expanded and evolved over time in line with the enhanced sensor capabilities. important technologies had their beginnings and Lincoln Laboratory, initially under the sponsorship many science experiments leading to improved of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a understanding of the Earth and our universe have Department of Defense agency, and since 1968 under been carried out at RTS and the Kiernan Reentry sponsorship of the U.S. Army, serves as scientific direc- tor of the Kiernan Reentry Measurements Site (KREMS), Measurements Site. and since 1996 as the scientific advisor for all RTS instru- mentation. KREMS is that portion of the RTS that con- tains a suite of the world’s most powerful and precise instrumentation radars. KREMS is named after U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Joseph M. Kiernan, who, as an ARPA engineer, oversaw the early radar design and development during a period of rapid growth from 1963 VOLUME 19, NUMBER 2, 2012 n LINCOLN LABORATORY JOURNAL 7 HISTORY OF LINCOLN LABORATORY AT THE REAGAN TEST SITE State of Alaska Shemya United Island States Japan ~4300 miles International Date Line State Wake Island of Hawaii or uat Kwajalein Atoll, Eq Marshall Islands Roi-Namur Australia N Kwajalein Atoll 9N 0 5 10 MILES 167E Kwajalein (a) (b) (c) (e) (d) FIGURE 1. The Reagan Test Site is located in the central Pacific on the world’s largest atoll. This atoll is about equidistant from Hawaii, Australia, and the Philippines (a). The world’s most sophisticated instrumentation radars are located on Roi-Namur island (b) at the northern extent of the atoll. Most personnel manning the site continue to reside on the southernmost Kwajalein Island (c). In a typical missile test, a launch occurs remotely, in this case shown at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California (d), and the parts of the test that requires detailed data collection occur near Kwajalein, in this case a multiple reentry event (e). to 1966. LTC Kiernan later served as Commander of the other systems, including optical-data-collection sensors, 1st Engineer Battalion of the 1st Infantry Division in Viet- telemetry data-collection instrumentation, and range nam, where he was killed in 1967. safety systems, all of which are integrated and controlled Kwajalein Atoll, lying 9° north of the equator and through a mission-coordination center that interfaces to 3500 km southwest of Hawaii, is a necklace-like col - the instrumentation. Figure 1 provides a synopsis of RTS lection of remote islands in the Pacific Ocean. Situated location information. 7000 km downrange from Vandenberg Air Force Base Over the 50-year period, RTS has undergone a num- in California, Kwajalein Atoll is the home of the Reagan ber of name and government organizational changes. Test Site with the KREMS radar suite located on Roi- Table 1 lays out the dates of the RTS evolution. Namur Island, the northernmost island in the atoll. In Today, KREMS includes four unique, high-power, addition to KREMS, RTS also includes a wide array of precision radars: TRADEX, which became operational 8 LINCOLN LABORATORY JOURNAL n VOLUME 19, NUMBER 2, 2012 JOHN A. NELSON AND KENNETH R. ROTH Honoring LTC Kiernan Lieutenant Colonel Joseph M. Kiernan Jr., the son of a captain in the U.S. Navy, was commissioned in the Army after his graduation from the U.S. Mili- tary Academy at West Point. The top graduating senior in the class of 1948, he was assigned to the 1st Engineering Battalion of the 1st Infantry Division (nicknamed the Big Red One). After earning a master’s degree at the Cali- fornia Institute of Technology, Kier- nan was assigned to the Missiles and Space Division of the Office of the Chief of Research and Development. His expertise in missile technology led to his Pentagon assignment in the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and to Project PRESS. During a critical three-year period of growth and consolidation, 1963– 66, Project PRESS was energized by the leadership and presence of LTC Upon completing his tour of Legion of Merit, the Distinguished Kiernan. Under his personable, ener- duty at Project PRESS, Kiernan vol- Flying Cross, the Bronze Star Medal getic, and knowledgeable guidance, unteered for assignment in Vietnam with V for Valor Device, the Air both the ARPA Long-Range Tracking so that he could return to the Big Medal with seven Oak Leaf Clus- and Instrumentation Radar (ALTAIR) Red One as Commander. Not long ters, and the Purple Heart Medal. and ARPA-Lincoln C-band Observ- after his tour began, he was killed in In recognition of his contribution ables Radar (ALCOR) radar designs a helicopter accident in 1967. Kier- to the defense efforts of the United were conceived. These powerful radar nan was a highly decorated soldier, States, the instrumentation com- systems have contributed significantly having received numerous awards plex at Roi-Namur was renamed the to the collection of important data on and decorations including the Sil- Kiernan Reentry Measurements Site ballistic missiles and satellites. ver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, the (KREMS) in 1969. in 1962, ALTAIR (ARPA Long-Range Tracking and today as state-of-the-art radar systems. Figure 2 shows Instrumentation Radar), and ALCOR (ARPA-Lincoln the island of Roi-Namur as it exists today with the four C-band Observables Radar) both of which have been KREMS radars, and Table 2 gives some of the important operating since 1970, and the MMW (Millimeter-Wave) parameters for each of the radars. radar, which began operations in 1983. Over the years, RTS also contains an extensive suite of additional the Laboratory has repeatedly upgraded and modernized instrumentation, including two MPS 36 skin and beacon- the electronics and most of the other hardware, except tracking radars located on Kwajalein Island; a variety of the antennas and pedestals, and all four radars remain optical data-collection systems, including fixed-mount VOLUME 19, NUMBER 2, 2012 n LINCOLN LABORATORY JOURNAL 9 HISTORY OF LINCOLN LABORATORY AT THE REAGAN TEST SITE Table 1. Reagan Test Site name changes Name Era Naval Station Kwajalein Post WWII–1959 Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kwajalein, managed by the U.S. Navy 1959–1964 Kwajalein Test Site managed by U.S. Army Nike-X project office 1964–1968 Kwajalein Missile Range managed by U.S. Army Kwajalein Missile 1968–1986 Range Directorate Kiernan Reentry Measurements Site (KREMS) at Roi-Namur 1969–Present United States Army Kwajalein Atoll (USAKA) lead on-island command 1986–Present Kwajalein Missile Range, subordinate command, responsible for all 1986–1999 technical instrumentation Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site (RTS), responsible 1999–Present for all technical instrumentation staring cameras and several telescopes installed on high- suite of test and evaluation national ranges. RTS contribu- performance tracking mounts, located on several islands tions have been primarily in the five following major areas: around the atoll; a large number of telemetry antennas • U.S. Air Force missile system development and opera- for receiving in-flight position and housekeeping data on tional testing test vehicles; and a ship-based range-safety command- • Space surveillance, tracking, and object identification destruct system. Since 1993, Lincoln Laboratory, in con- • Ballistic missile defense (BMD) research and system cert with the government and with the support of the testing RTS operations and maintenance technical contractor, • Sensor and command and control advanced technology has provided technical leadership for the design, develop- development ment, and execution of major upgrades and technology • Scientific research improvements to all of these RTS systems. The first area involves collection of data on U.S. stra- The Laboratory has also been and remains respon- tegic missile system components, such as the Air Force sible for the development and upgrade of the mission Minuteman and Peacekeeper systems. These components coordination center, which orchestrates the integration include reentry vehicles (RV) and associated objects. and control of all of the RTS sensors. Finally, the Labora- Recently, this mission area has transitioned to become tory is heavily involved in planning how the sensors are part of the U.S. global strike system. The U.S.
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