2.3.4 Road Network

Map of Sulawesi Road Network

Click here for information related to road conditions in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Province following the 2018 Earthquake and Tsunami.

For information on Indonesia Road Network contact details, please see the following link:

4.2.1 Indonesia Government Contact List

The roads in have the same challenges as those throughout most of Indonesia – traffic jams and occasional flooding. There are plans in place to improve traffic flow at the local level.

One such policy has been the introduction of restrictions of vehicles carrying heavy loads driving through the city centre.

In late 2013 a law was implemented that meant that between the hours of 05.00 – 21.00 containers can no longer be carried on trucks if they are going to be driving through the city limits.

Instead containers must be unpacked and re-loaded onto smaller vehicles.

There are plans in place to develop a ring road and additional by-pass’ to ease congestion, however there is currently no timeline of when construction will commence.

Distance Matrix

Makassar Pare-pare Palopo Mamuju Bitung

Makassar 154 374 448 1765 1715

Pare-pare 154 221 392 1612 1562

Page 1 Palopo 374 221 335 1392 1342

Mamuju 448 392 335 1331 1281

Bitung 1765 1612 1392 1331 48

Manado 1715 1562 1342 1281 48

Travel Time Matrix

Makassar Pare-pare Palopo Mamuju Bitung Manado

Makassar 2hrs 30min 5hrs 30min 7hrs 30min 28hrs 27hr

Pare-pare 2hrs 30min 3hrs 15mins 7hrs 30min 26hrs 25hr

Palopo 5hrs 30min 3hrs 15mins 10hrs 23hrs 22hr

Mamuju 7hrs 30min 7hrs 30min 10hrs 23hrs 30min 23hr

Bitung 28hrs 26hrs 23hrs 23hrs 30min 1hr

Manado 27hr 25hr 22hr 23hr 1hr

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

Axle load limits Makassar

Truck with 2 axles 10mt

Truck with 3 axles 10mt

Truck with 4 axles 10mt

Road Class and Surface Conditions

There are restrictions in place for cargo movements within Makassar city.

Where there are movements from within Makassar city (i.e. Gowa to Makassar) the following roads must be taken :

Jl Sultan Alaudiin Jl A.P. Pettarani Jl Landak Baru Jl Veteran Jl Dr.Ratulangi Jl Kakatua Jl Gagak Jl Rajawali Jl H.M. Patompo

However if the cargo movement is from Makassar to Gowa the following roads must be taken :

Jl H.M Patompo Jl Penghibur Jl Maipa Jl Lamaddukelleng Jl I.H. Saleh Jl Areif Rate Jl Cendrawasih Jl Kakatua Jl Landak Lama Jl Veteran Jl Sultan Alauddin

At all times the cargo weight on these roads should not exceed 10 metric tonnes.

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