The Ramp Page EAA Chapter 323 Sherman, TX Monthly Newsletter Celebrating our 51st year of service! September 2020 Email:
[email protected] Website: Like us on Facebook @eaa323 President’s Mission Brief: By John Halterman Hello EAA 323! We are now getting into the busy season with fall approaching. It will be an exciting few weeks. First, as you seen in my mailing, I had tried to get set up a Sherman HS airport visit. I really appreciate those that have volunteered their time and participation, and it's been put on hold. I will keep the chapter up to speed on that event and when it can be officially re-planned. Thank everyone for your patience and understanding. This coming Saturday Sept 19th at 9 AM at North Texas Regional Airport at the Texoma Aero Club hangar will be a planning session for our big EAA 323 sponsored event. We will need your help and participation for the event, which will occur the following Saturday Sept 26th in the morning hours. It will consist of a fly in, pancakes, and a homebuilt competition. We will discuss proper COVID protocols to ensure we are compliant at the event--such as facemasks, gloves while cooking, to name a few. If you have a homebuilt, feel free to fly it in (or taxi it over) to be judged! Mike Plyler has offered us to set up in front of his hangar, which will be in the shade all morning. I look forward to you all this coming Saturday Sept 19th to do planning for that event.