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now TO .HAKE nOIET. to the the lntr dark ¦Written for CITY AND DISTRICT. accomplish polishing, as well as down one of these boles Into the depths T*m Evcxino Stab. too dim to itid bT. Annt^wr m w. in Tbo exalted a by mechanical Below one can see a of the surface ot a appreciated iM used by large proportion «f u. proces-*s. part hnge nation of Ppp^rteo* PUim wooM «a (bat ibc Is an SOME BECOLLECTIOHa Of KB. U»> efth^piiiw employe-. The Ulirart wai Marl. a iu Ikvi a^a Indutlry JmU- It ordinary printing press, with a list bed, Iron cylinder. The cylinder can be opened by bare rung tlit bell tor s servant. Bui Mr. Lincoln, .' »<* the district militia. to which have been a aeries ol roilera, means of a round lid or cover. When the old CMA *** brro «*..». rapid Kor < b. .usljr applied op¬ like an firmest farmer .if the w«t. w.-nt upetans !h5222i ¦ r Utere has J erated by Uiat the then money is in U la down a tunnel In¬ '*f nn«s-B all teen years be»B at, 5olr« «M«I ( nninirnl« About (he Differ¬ eccentrics, ink plate, wtpe brought, dumped tor a cand.e. and brought It down himself: and. of $j.*< tor the put VICRI GBIBMBACKS AMD BAMX-MOTXS ARB MAPI. them, then rub and polish them, drying the sur¬ to one of these cylinder*, a committee, comprising HW Wit mjm* WlH«i. holding It In one hand and Ike letter in the i _"!.,tl"ul *ppr\«|»>l«tioh ent and the In the of the different branches printed tbbt tni wrtiijuni 4«» tir «**». ' IX* purrhaars are Mt4 OrfanlsaliM*. tub Brasar o» bmobavimo amd nujncw AMD face, lesring ink only engraved representatives other, like picture* of Dr. Johnsnn reading the i^thJ' iiSHT *B ""h 'A* ot the cw l.nes. A girl Is employed to feed the pceas and a of tbe Treaaury Department interested, besides rww rmmii cass.tact n orrmm kuotm oa- of the Vicar of the Preni- havb pmo»rRKtD.Tiu-iin itianTii>w w »ci- slLV A-, a|.f»rovaJ whit hi* .*** txrir. iwt> wwar is i n m IVlNCaH.CUK'tl TO PBBVBMT CMACTHOR- one manuscript WakeOeld. sar^ J ears or ue 11laior) of the irosto.mij- pressman to attend It. In case wen presses come representative, in theory at least, of the gene¬ rr*rL». 4 warn ioni nmrnrnnr.UNH a dent read the letter to na with the greatest wm. B«rrmc awd miMcti stijhts- urni aivow- I.vlh- n(* and to in.t: t « USD IMFLATIOM Or TUB CtBKXSCT. Into use It to one could ral Ic, watches the When y"*r*pf growth. up irnrrw oaiTirran aT twk ranntM »»di. claimed that pressman pub gravely operation. uvrnr fbom ma un»uMAv-Lincoln at tbk A poem entitled "Why Should Mortal Mai. be MOniTTOJI# SEEPED. i'lil,r»r>r'* oolT two or three (h<»i«i.d 1 HIE DIVTKliT WILITM attend to several presses at a time. The Impres¬ all the money has been dumped and mixed with Proud?" was said to be * favorite with Mr. Lin¬ fontauied SIO«AL COar».DkJLUSO IH sions made are stiu the chemicals used in tbe of S0I.DISS1 BOUE. Theprs^nt appnn rlaUon | ilM T A>T»* THS BOI by these perfecting presses process maceration, coln. "Departtnent libraries are great institution*. >ud the obraiy IDiTS. Why not? At Mm when every one would tbe Is and locked with . Prowri luien.led, tlm«, lignter than those made hy U»e XiUlgan preas. cylinder lid closed several As it in order to wish at) ars work was now*. wouldhr1ST to a use to U» like to spent )u-*t a ,«v dollars more than be has puve printers say th .t ne mechanical padlocks. Each member of the committee takes recall personal raooUectlons of I said Ubrenw Fitzgerald, of the M ar |x-p irunent ondiuoti to t>of m,w The D;«rft militia arm irle* have not M«n aa can be as effective as the trnlne 1 hand anaapplianceeye of the key of one of the The is th® wit ana wisdom of Mr. I venture to 1 had the honor of b-'ing sppotnu-d by Mr. Un tibrary, to a Star reporter. tho of¬ l*t*r!,«"n- It Il» accw«nm<da. la bis pocket, wliy could not tue swart pressmen padlocks. cylinder Lincoln, ) -They give tlm «^ .* al limited 10 o«e elj tn'« »»*ek as 11 uaL The clone proximity of a printer, who, with uner-in* touch, swiftly de¬ then net to revolving1, and turns and turns and offer you some of my own tn that coin. In 1H8K, as one of the three cocnuil-wioner* ficials and Clerk* a chau-e to Improve then leisure T 'V pre*, hi. way. J^l . .t tbe Bureau of Engraving and Printing work tects turns come experiences ** ¦" bwily l.*bt"d hat Iran I* Ele It MMays U the can* M It. as many of tbe sol¬ and corrects the errors of the InW-rolior, until the committeemen the next day It was my privilege, his to have under the einancipation act to pay the people of time with an4 fonn valuable il^rt' eaUre t> ov»r time a little and a during presidency, profitable mhlliiK |t |9 imviMrr print few hundred mil¬ working the ink with his uands Into the engraved and open the lid. If they Ond that tbe mass has r flay dier l»'v« are cl»rtcs in laislnees bcusea. and many had several interviews with Mr. and at the District of Columbia tor their slaves. It was a aoufves of reference on in ta. We .,Tl h^r u" >*»r in order to a: lion* lor gsnsral circulation, to be spent on the been reduced to a pulp and lost all semblance and Lincoln; Importaut quest i he ''V' get M tii~iu ar*1 <*og i?wd In work that requires all In the 197 hand- trace of tta original character the cylinder is they were not merely formal tney all pe¬ work of no little labor aad responsibility, and we hare here," warin; t>ts hand toward the rrr*t sacred bonor of every citizen, only for turkeys and great press-room upstairs poasaued were * ,1"orv "».* has never If,Mr 'Irr.e just now. mere ts one g"Od thiag that presses and 18 were at wort It the maceration la not completed the culiar interest, as to out some char¬ nearly nine monrbs incompleting it. our re¬ shelves that nil a room on the no* of i» i iT . lltwwry toys, and beautiful gift* for lov-d ones. It tbe steam-presses _«ooj emptied. Is tending bring large third ," 'n « stnu* ran bo sold of tue District milli.a and tbat tbe of the presses were money of different cylinder set In motion again. From hog to 1,200 acteristic. Of all port was mnrnable to the 9*ret»rv of the Treas¬ the .n.rt* *'.' t* ,!"M."HJl > Is, money one of thos? makes eTery printing Some ot old millions ot dol- public men it has been my for¬ Department build nc. "about 1*000 volume*, V wi^TL. made havelt 11 t r au«f*TTtHt l< Bute tak It is stout an 1 and con¬ inky printers kinds, others wore revenue stamps. pounds notes, agzn>gaUng tune to ury, but in the A?>-#nar of Mr. t'baS* at the time aaother ot tue iiwi[«>-uag sturdy time be a turn to the level* were printing the backs and lars, are in a cylinder at a time, and what encounter he was the least pretentious, l* Jno. M. including i'-\K) U* b Mis, A000 In generu liter¬ part building tain* iitt> of th» element. All of the rives long of his press printers engaged in printing | placed the most my coilearvan <U«l ll-^wrtio hit*, 1 *vHt .*l*e" was exchanged for turkeys st current rates there otiiers the (aces of Treasury uowa or bank notes. would constitute a princely fortune is churned frank, cordial, and approachable. flmdheadi and m\wif concluded u> rail, with our ature and a Urye number of magazines and .ooa* in th» r»r*<rr nrrtrv aoi-Hers r <ke honi of their Juilee witn an energy would be Four notes are printed at a time, the plates hav¬ away into nothing but a pulpy mass in a night. I begin oy relating the circumstance* attending clerk. Mr. Woodwurt, upon the President, and an¬ periodicals Besides, there to a number of ere. u- Tlirre art. ouw Ubrsnea I. ..e i.,er.or that h enough turkeyx. tf strung together, to the same on U «#¦ nounce conclusion of Depart¬ gratltyiug W> their superior officers. ing design ougiaved my last Interview with him. It was on the 19th the our labors. He received live documents and not included la this ev¬ ment »ut dom> ao - extend rrom the Printing Bureau to the White When the last whose handjour atluie*^sheet RE.41. ESTat:: GOmiP. us know report* buildlru. u-m ,.r Impnctaat <<ea. ordwuy la determined Laat lil* ommand printer through day pleasantly, and saw he was -glad to ilmate. a a* Uie Patent House, and all the pressmen working passes has finish'-d his work, the notes still lack ot-October, iwm. I was at the time connected thdt somebody had finished and that Thl» library wa* given irreat inijietu*, Id library, «.