The ichthyological diversity of Pokémon Augusto B. Mendes1, Felipe V. Guimarães2, Clara B. P. Eirado-Silva1 & Edson P. Silva1 1Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ, Brazil. 2Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, São Gonçalo, RJ, Brazil. Emails:
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[email protected] Pokémon, or Pocket Monsters, was 1998, selling together more than 10 million originally created for videogames, becoming a copies. Also in 1998, the Yellow version of the worldwide fever among kids and teenagers in game was released, which has as its most the end of the 1990’s and early 2000’s. distinct feature the possibility of having Pikachu Currently, it is still a success, with numerous (the most famous Pokémon) walking side by games, a TV series, comic books, movies, a side with the player in the game. Pokémon Trading Card Game, toys and collectibles. Green, Red, Blue and Yellow are the so-called Through its core products and vibrant “first generation” of games in the franchise. merchandising, Pokémon took over the world, Today, the Pokémon series is in its seventh influencing pop culture wherever it landed. generation, with 29 main games released, Despite losing some steam in the early 2010’s, besides several spin-offs. The TV series, on the Pokémon is now back to its previous uproar other hand, is in its sixth season, with more with the release of Pokémon GO, an augmented than 900 episodes. reality (AR) game for smartphones. This game The games and TV series take place in launched in 2016, with almost 21 million users regions inhabited by many Pokémon and downloading it in the very first week in the humans.