Ghaqda Muzikali Vittorja, Naxxar

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Ghaqda Muzikali Vittorja, Naxxar Ghaqda- Muzikali. Vittorja, Naxxar - Festa 2008 Warm Atmosphere Good selection of wine Open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Everyday of the week and also Home Delivery Service And PARTY BOOKINGS for Large Groups werrej Kumitat G˙aqda MuΩikali Vittorja – Naxxar 2007-2009 ...................3 Messa©© mill-President ......................................................................5 Kelmtejn mill-President Emeritus ......................................................7 Messa©© mis-Sindku tan-Naxxar ........................................................9 G˙aaqdaqda MMuuΩiikalikali Messa©© mill-Arçipriet .....................................................................13 Messa©© mill-Viçi President .............................................................16 VVittorjaittorja - NNaxxaraxxar Messa©© mis-Segretarju ....................................................................21 Festa 2008 Kelmtejn mill-Kaxxier ......................................................................25 Messa©© mis-Surmast Direttur ......................................................... 29 Messa©© mill-Assistent Surmast .......................................................33 Messa©© mill-Konsulent tal-Banda ...................................................35 Mill-Pinna tal-Arkivista ....................................................................37 Le˙en il-Kummissjoni Banda ........................................................... 38 Bandisti ©odda mal-Banda Vittorja .................................................. 39 Messa©© mill-Kummissjoni Ûg˙aΩag˙ ............................................. 41 Messsa©© mill-Arçisqof ta’ Malta .................................................... 49 Programm Vokali u Strumentali mis-Soçjetà MuΩikali Vittorja – 2007 ............................................ 52 Ìurnata Memorabbli g˙an-Naxxarin ................................................56 Attività Speçjali Organizzata mill-Kummissjoni Banda ...................60 Programm tal-Festa 2008 ..................................................................66 Programm tan-Nar 2008 ................................................................... 69 Cover Design Il-Kappella ta’ Santa Luçija ..............................................................73 Conrad Axisa Inkomplu nsebb˙u l-kaΩin .................................................................82 Editur Lista ta’ Marçi ...................................................................................85 Vince DeBono Servizzi mill-Banda Vittorja tan-Naxxar ..........................................87 Ìbir ta’ Reklami Programm Vokali u Strumentali tal-Banda Vittorja .........................89 Jurgen Attard Aktar dwar l-attivitajiet li saru matul din is-sena ..............................93 Clinton Galea Clint Muscat Mro. Vittorio Scerri (1858 – 1942) .................................................107 Anthony Muscat Il-Knisja tal-Vitorja ©ewwa Óal Qormi ..........................................117 Lawrence Azzopardi Jamie Sciriha L-Ewwel Elezzjonijiet Ìenerali tal-1849 u n-Naxxarin .................123 Prosit u Kura©© ............................................................................... 127 Lir-Rebbie˙a Nazzarena ................................................................. 131 Kappelli Maltin ...............................................................................135 Design & Printing: Jikteb Edward Calleja ..................................................................... 139 IΩ-Ωjara tal-Gvernatur fi n-Naxxar ................................................... 143 L-Iscouts f’Malta…Storja ta’ Mitt Sena… .....................................145 Tislima lil Kalçidon Agius ..............................................................147 Ûurrieq Road, Qrendi Ag˙tihom Mulej il-mistrie˙ ta’ dejjem ...........................................151 Tel: 21680789 • Mob: 99259084 E‐mail: [email protected] Min irreklama... ...............................................................................152 1 2 KUMITAT G˙aqda MuΩikali Vittorja – Naxxar 2007-2009 Patrun Angelo Xuereb President Emeritus Anthony Catania President Tabib Michael Farrugia M.D. Viçi President Vincent DeBono Segretarju Kaxxier Clifford Galea John Muscat Arkivista Charles Cachia Assistent Segretarju Direttur Assistent Kaxxier Daniel Vella Carmel Cortis Jurgen Attard Delegati tal-Banda Daniel Vella, Charles Cachia, Anthony Muscat Delegati g˙all-Kummissjoni Ûg˙aΩag˙ Jurgen Attard, Clint Muscat, Clinton Galea RappreΩentanti g˙all-M.B.C.A. Charles Cachia, Carmel Cortis Membri fi l-Kumitat Carmel Cortis, Anthony Muscat, Charles Cachia, Jurgen Attard, Raymond Borg, Clint Muscat, Daniel Vella, Jamie Sciriha, Clinton Galea Direttur Spiritwali Rev. Dun Karm Catania Awdituri Joseph Zammit, Anthony Catania Surmastrijiet Onorarji Mro. Joseph Fenech, Mro. Raymond Sciberras F.L.C.M. Surmast Direttur Assistent Surmast Mro. Roderick Bugeja F.L.C.M. Christine Vella F.L.C.M. 3 4 Messa©© mill- President Dr Michael Farrugia M.D., M.P. G˙addiet sena o˙ra u l-©urnata ddedikata lil Marija Bambina re©g˙et mag˙na. Kienet sena li fi ha l-kumitat tas-Soçjetà Filarmonika Vittorja tan-Naxxar ˙adem u mexxa bl-ikbar serjetà. Il-kumitat tieg˙i kien impenjat bla heda biex ikompli bit-tisbi˙ u r-restawr tal-kaΩin. Fost l-o˙rajn sar xog˙ol estensiv fuq il- bar. Biss l-ikbar pro©ett kien ir-restawr tal-faççata u l-©enb tal-kaΩin. Matul il-medda taΩ-Ωmien, il-faççata tal-kaΩin kienet inΩebg˙at kemm-il darba. Barra minn hekk,. biççiet tal-©ebel kienu waqg˙u min˙abba li partijiet tal-faççata ddeterjoraw maΩ-Ωmien. Kull min illum jg˙addi minn quddiem il-kaΩin jista’ jara b’g˙ajnejh ix-xog˙ol kbir li sar. Dan ix-xog˙ol kien jinvolvi nefqa konsiderevoli. RiΩultat ta’ hekk is-soçjetà tag˙na kellha tissellef ming˙and diversi membri u ming˙and il-Kummissjoni Ûg˙aΩag˙ tas-Soçjetà tag˙na ˙alli tkun tista’ tag˙mel il-˙lasijiet relatati max-xog˙ol ta’ restawr. Sfortunatament sal-lum, minkejja diversi weg˙diet, ftit li xejn kienet l-g˙ajnuna ming˙and dawk li jifta˙ru li g˙andhom g˙al qalbhom ir-restawr ta’ postijiet li g˙andhom l-istorja ta’ Malta marbuta mag˙hom. Fl-istess ˙in irrid nirringrazzja lill-Kunsill Lokali tan-Naxxar, lil Libjan Arab Holding u diversi sostenituri o˙rajn li b’mod jew ie˙or taw l-g˙ajnuna tag˙hom. Irrid nirringrazzja lil dawk kollha g˙all-˙idma tag˙hom li g˙amlu b’mod volontarju fuq il-bar u fuq l-aperturi tal- kaΩin. Lejn l-a˙˙ar tas-sena li g˙addiet, il-kumitat tieg˙i kellu jibni banka tal-lottu o˙ra wara li l-awtoritajiet tilfu l-kawΩa li kellhom mas-sid tal-art li fuqha kienet mibnija l-banka tal-lottu l-antika. Hawnhekk nixtieq nirringrazzja lil Attard Bros. g˙ax-xog˙ol b’xejn tal-infrastruttura fuq din il-banka. Nirringrazzja wkoll lill-President Onorarju s-Sur Toni Catania tal-g˙ajnuna tieg˙u biex stajna naslu fl -inqas Ωmien g˙al soluzzjoni mal-awtoritajiet. Matul din is-sena kellna Ωjara mill-President tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta Dr. Edward Fenech Adami u l-mexxej il-©did Laburista Dr Joseph Muscat meta dawn it-tnejn separatament g˙amlu Ωjara fi l-lokalità tan-Naxxar. It-tnejn kellhom kliem ta’ tif˙ir g˙ax-xog˙ol li sar s’issa fi l-kaΩin u l-impenn u l-˙idma biex il-muΩika tkun aççessibli g˙al aktar u aktar Ωg˙aΩag˙. Fis-27 ta’ Lulju 2008 kellna l-unur li s-surmast tal-banda tag˙na Mro Roderick Bugeja dderie©a b’suççess l-Orkestra Filarmonika Nazzjonali fi l-preΩentazzjoni tal-kunçert Pop Fever. Kienet lejla mill-isba˙ u li Ωgur li Mro Bugeja jibqa’ jiftakar. Nie˙du l-opportunità wkoll biex nirringrazzja lil membri kollha tas-soçjetà, lill-Kummissjoni Banda u lill- Kummissjoni Ûg˙aΩag˙ tal-attivitajiet li ji©u organizzati, tal-parteçipazzjoni attiva tag˙hom u tal-g˙ajnuna kull meta u kull fejn kien hemm bΩonn. Fuq kollox nirringrazzjahom tas-serjetà li wrew f’kull ˙in u f’kull mument anke meta kienu pprovokati. Nirringrazzja wkoll lid-dilettanti tan-nar fi ˙dan is-Soçjetà li ja˙dmu qatig˙ ˙alli kull sena jkollna festa kompluta kif jixraq lill-Bambina. Grazzi g˙all-g˙aqda, il-˙idma u s-serjetà nistg˙u nifta˙ru b’sena o˙ra ta’ suççessi li bdew matul il-festa ta’ Marija Bambina tas-sena li g˙addiet u li komplew matul l-a˙˙ar sena. Sfortunatament f’Marzu li g˙adda l-lokalità tan-Naxxar intlaqg˙tet minn tra©edja fejn mhux biss mietet persuna innoçenti imma diversi familji spiççaw bla dar jew bi ˙sarat fi l-propjetà tag˙hom. Is-Soçjetà tag˙na kienet solidali ma’ dawn il-familji. Barra minn hekk is-soçjetà minn rajna offrejna li g˙al din is-sena jsir tnaqqis fi ç-çelebrazzjonijiet ta’ barra, speçjalment f’dak li hu ˙ruq tan-nar. Qbilna mal-Kumitat tal-festa li nar tal-ajru jin˙arraq fl -a˙˙ar jumejn tal-festa fi lwaqt li dak tal-art jin˙araq darba biss, ji©ifi eri fi s-6 ta’ Settembru. Sfortunatament çertu su©©erimenti o˙ra li saru ma ©ewx milqug˙a. Nittama li fi l-©ranet li ©ejjin l-affarijiet jitmexxew bl-akbar serjetà ˙alli jkollna festa mill-isba˙ kif tixraq lil Marija Bambina. Fl-istess ˙in importanti li s-sapporters tas-soçjetà tag˙na jobdu d-diretturi tal-uffi çjali tas-soçjetà ˙alli bl- aktar mod çivili nifi r˙u u nferr˙u b˙alma dejjem g˙amilna. In˙e©©e© lil kul˙add biex jipparteçipa fl -attivitajiet ta’ divertiment u/jew orkestrali organizzati mis-soçjetà muΩikali Vittorja. Nawgura lin-Naxxarin kollha festa mill-isba˙. Viva Marija Bambina. 5 CONFECTIONERY Prop. Mario Riviera 21st September Ave., Naxxar Accepts orders for Parties, Baptisms, Engagements, Weddings, etc. VISIT US FOR OUR SELECTION OF DAILY FRESH PASTRIES, CHEESECAKES, FRUIT CAKES, GATEAUX AND ALL TYPES OF SWEETS We also supply a variety of pastries
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