Monumenti U Busti Fil-Gżejjer Maltin

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Monumenti U Busti Fil-Gżejjer Maltin monumenti u busti fil-gżejjer Maltin ANTON CAMILLERI WERREJ Abbrevjazzjonijiet 24 Ħajr 25 Daħla 27 Kelmet l-awtur 29 Introduzzjoni 31 MALTA 35 Ħ’Attard 36 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 36 Monument lill-Papa San Ġwanni Pawlu II 37 Monument b’tifkira tal-Union Maltija tal-Infermiera u l-Qwiebel 38 Monument lin-nanniet 39 Bust lil Pierre Muscat 40 Bust lill-Mastru Karm Debono 41 Busti lir-Re Ġorġ V u r-Re Ġorġ VI 41 Bust lill-Prinċep Ġorġ – Duka ta’ Kent 42 Bust lil San Ġorġ Preca 43 Bust lil Madre Tereża 43 Busti lill-Presidenti tar-Repubblika 44 Il-Balluta 46 Bust lill-Papa San Ġwanni Pawlu II 46 Bust lill-Madonna tal-Karmnu 47 Ħal Balzan 48 Bust lil Dun Ġwann Zammit Hammet 48 Bust lil Gabriel Caruana 49 Il-Birgu 50 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 50 Monument tad-900 sena mit-twaqqif tal-knisja ta’ San Lawrenz parroċċa 51 Monument tal-1750 sena mill-martirju ta’ San Lawrenz 52 Monument tal-Assedju l-Kbir tal-1565 53 Monument b’tifkira ta’ Jum il-Ħelsien 54 Monument LILl-Papa San Ġwanni Pawlu II 55 Bust lil Sir Paul Boffa 56 Bust lil Nestu Laiviera 57 Bust lill-Gran Mastru Fra Nicola Cotoner 58 Bust lil Mons. Dun Ġużepp Caruana 59 7 Birkirkara 61 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 61 Monument tal-mitt sena mill-inkurunazzjoni tal-kwadru tal-Madonna tal-Ħerba 62 Monument lil Sir Anthony Mamo 63 Monument lill-vittmi Karkariżi tal-logħob tan-nar 64 Bust lill-Kavallier Ċensu Borg ‘Brared’ 65 Busti lill-Papa Urbanu VIII u l-Papa Piju XII 65 Busti lil Ġużeppi Briffa u Carmelo Brincat 67 Bust lil Karin Grech 68 Bust lill-Maġġur Anthony Aquilina 69 Bust lill-Mro Kavallier Ġużeppi Busuttil 70 Bust lit-Tabib Robert Farrugia Randon 71 Bust lis-Surmast Raffaele Ricci 71 Bust lis-Surmast Tommaso Galea 72 Bust lil John A. Mizzi 73 Birżebbuġa 74 Monument f’ġieħ il-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 74 Monument ta’ Tmiem il-Gwerra l-Bierda 74 Bormla 76 Monument li jfakkar lill-persuni b’diżabilità 76 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 76 Monument taċ-ċentinarju mill-inkurunazzjoni tal-kwadru titulari tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni 78 Monument lil San Ġwann Battista De La Salle 79 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tarzna 81 Monument lill-vittmi tal-Um El Faroud 82 Monument lill-Perit Dom Mintoff 82 Bust lil Abram Gatt 84 Bust lil Bro. Henry Grech 85 Ħad-Dingli 86 Monument lil Ġużè Ellul Mercer 86 Monument lil Francis Ebejer 87 Bust lin-Nutar Ġużè Abela 88 Il-Fgura 89 Monument lill-Madonna tal-Karmnu 89 Monument lil Ġorġ Stevens 90 Monument b’tifkira tal-25 sena mit-twaqqif tal-parroċċa tal-Fgura 91 Fleur-de-Lys 92 Monument lil Madre Tereża Spinelli 92 8 Il-Furjana 93 Monument lil Sir Hannibal P. Scicluna 93 Monument lill-Markiż Giuseppe Scicluna 94 Monument ‘Ulied il-Ġejjieni’ 95 Monument lil Sir Filippo Sceberras 96 Monument lill-vittmi tal-Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija 98 Monument tal-King’s Own Malta Regiment 100 Monument tar-Royal Malta Artillery 102 Monument lil Dante Alighieri 102 Monument f’ġieħ il-ħidma tal-membri kollha tal-Korp tal-Pulizija 104 Monument lil Dun Karm Psaila 105 Monument lit-Tabib Luigi Pisani 106 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 108 Monument lill-vittmi tal-forzi tal-ajru tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 109 Monument lill-Markiż Vincenzo Bugeja 111 Monument tal-Indipendenza ta’ Malta 112 Monument lil Sir Adrian Dingli 114 Monument lill-Kanonku Paolo Pullicino 115 Monument lill-Konti Sir Luigi Preziosi 116 Monument lil Sir Ugo P. Mifsud 117 Monument lil Giovanni di Nicolò Pappaffy 118 Monument lil Kristu Re 119 Monument lill-Gran Mastru Antoine Manoel de Vilhena 122 Monument lill-Inġinier Pietro Paolo Floriani 124 Monument li jfakkar id-diżgrazzja fuq il-baħar tal-1984 126 Monument lill-infermiera u qwiebel Maltin 127 Monument ANZAC 127 Monument b’tifkira ta’ meta l-Belt Valletta ġiet rikonoxxuta bħala sit ta’ Wirt Dinji 129 Bust lill-Gran Mastru Antoine Manoel de Vilhena 130 Bust lil Sir Paul Boffa 130 Bust lil Vincenzo Dimech 131 Busti lir-Rev. Dr George u martu Jessie Tod Wisely 131 Bust lir-Re Ġorġ V 133 Bust lill-Arċisqof Mikiel Gonzi 134 Ħal Għaxaq 135 Monument lil Ħal Għaxaq 135 Monument lill-annimali 135 Bust lil Wenzu Dalli 136 Il-Gudja 138 Monument tal-biċentinarju tal-istatwa titulari ta’ Santa Marija 138 Bust lil Raymond Caruana 139 9 Il-Gżira 140 Monument tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa 140 Monument taċ-Ċrieki 141 Monument lil Turu Rizzo 141 Monument lil Gerry Zammit 142 Bust lil Carmelo Scicluna 143 Bust lil Willie Apap 144 Bust lil Albert Rizzo 145 Bust lil Dun Karlu Manché 146 Bust lill-Gran Mastru Antonio Manoel de Vilhena 146 Busti lil Bro. Charles, Bro. Cuthman Anselm Morgan u lil Bro. Leo Barrington 148 Il-Ħamrun 149 Monument lill-Kaptan Spencer 149 Monument fl-okkażjoni tas-Sena Internazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ 151 Monument tal-Millennju 152 Monument lil Fra Diegu Bonanno 152 Monument lil Dr Anton Buttigieg 154 Monument lil San Gejtanu u San Ġorġ Preca 155 Monument lil Olaf Fredrick Gollcher 157 Busti lil Dr Anton Buttigieg fil-każin tal-Banda San Gejtanu u fil-każin Laburista 158 Bust lil Salvinu Spiteri 159 Bust lil Oreste Kirkop 160 Bust lil Dun Ġużepp Zammit Brighella 161 Bust lil Danny Cremona 161 Bust lil Joseph Sciberras 162 L-Isla 163 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 163 Monument lill-baħħara Sengleani 165 Bust lill-Mro Gaetano Grech 166 Bust lil Sigismondo Savona 167 Bust lil Juan Batista Azopardo 167 Bust lil Vitorin Galea 168 Bust lil Charles Clews 169 Il-Kalkara 170 Monument lil Lorenzo Gonzi 170 Monument lil Mons. Arċisqof Mikiel Gonzi 171 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 172 Monument tal-miġja tal-Papa Benedittu XVI 173 Ħal Kirkop 174 Bust lil Dun Ġużepp Barbara 174 10 Ħal Lija 175 Monument b’tifkira tal-għaxar anniversarju mit-twaqqif tas-sezzjoni tax-xogħlijiet fi ħdan il-Ministeru tal-Infrastruttura 175 Bust lil Giovanni Barbara 176 Bust lil Ġużepp Portelli 176 Bust lill-Mro Anthony Sammut 177 Bust lil Luigi Caruana 177 Ħal Luqa 178 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 178 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 179 Monument lil dawk il-ħaddiema li mietu fuq il-post tax-xogħol 180 Monument b’tifkira tal-mitt sena tal-avjazzjoni f’Malta 181 Bust lil Antonio Micallef 182 Bust lill-Mro Anton Muscat Azzopardi 182 Bust lil Ġużeppi Micallef 183 Bust lil Vincenzo Cremona 183 Bust lis-Surmast Joseph Abela Scolaro 184 Bust lil Dun Joe M. Camilleri 185 Bust lil Ġużeppi Camilleri ‘il-Jimmy’ 185 Bust lil Dun Ġużepp Micallef 186 Il-Manikata 188 Bust lil Dun Manwel Grima 188 Il-Marsa 189 Monument tar-Repubblika 189 Monument lill-Kavallier Lorenzo u Marija Carmela Balbi 190 Monument lill-vittmi tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija 191 Monument f’ġieħ il-patrijiet Kapuċċini fil-Marsa 192 Monument lill-Isqof Mons. Francis Baldacchino OFM Cap. 193 Monument b’tifkira tal-ħamsin sena mit-twaqqif tal-parroċċa Marija Reġina 194 Bust lil Patri Feliċjan Bilocca OFM Cap. 195 Bust lil San Ġorġ Preca 195 Bust lit-Tabib Henry Sacco 196 Bust lil Leli Sultana ‘il-Moni’ 197 Bust lil George Camilleri 198 Marsaskala 199 Monument tad-Douzelage 199 Bust lil Charles Clews 200 Marsaxlokk 201 Monument lis-sajjieda 201 11 L-Imdina 202 Monument lill-Isqof Publiju Maria dei Conti Sant 202 Monument lill-Isqof Francesco Saverio Caruana 203 Monument lill-Arċisqof Mons. Mikiel Gonzi 203 Monument lil Isqof Mons. il-Konti Carmelo Scicluna 205 Monument lill-Kardinal Fabrizio Sceberras Testaferrata 206 Bust lil Dr John A. Cauchi 208 Bust lill-Gvernatur il-Ġeneral Sir John Lintorn Arabin Simmons 208 Il-Mellieħa 209 Monument b’tifkira taż-żjara tal-Papa San Ġwanni Pawlu II 209 Monument lil Carm Lino Spiteri 210 Monument lill-emigranti Melliħin 210 Monument b’tifkira tar-rebħ tal-premju ta’ Destinazzjoni Ewropea ta’ Eċċellenza 211 Monument fl-okkażjoni tal-25 anniversarju mit-twaqqif tal-Kunsill Lokali 212 Bust lill-pittur George Fenech 213 L-Imġarr 215 Monument lill-Jum Dinji tal-Ikel 215 Bust lil Mons. Orazju Vella 215 Il-Mosta 217 Monument tal-Millennju 217 Monument lill-missjunarji Maltin 218 Monument ‘Favur il-Ħajja’ 219 Monument lil Dun Anġ Camilleri 220 Monument liż-żgħażagħ 221 Monument lil Emmanuel Benjamin Vella 221 Monument lill-Qalbiena Mostin 222 Monument lill-kelba Star 224 Monument lil Freddie Micallef 225 Monument lil Patri Avertan Fenech 226 Monumenti fil-Knisja Bażilika tal-Mosta 227 Monument lil Dr Dun Feliċ Calleja 227 Monument lil Mons. Mikelanġ Mifsud 228 Monument lil George Grognet de Vassé 228 Monument lill-Arċipriet Dr Dun Pawl Xuereb 229 Monument lill-Mastru Anġlu Gatt 229 Monument lill-Kavallier Karm Dimech 230 Monument lill-Kappillan Dun Ġammarì Schembri 230 Monument tal-bomba 231 Bust lill-Arkitett George Grognet de Vassé 232 Bust lil Nicolò Isouard 233 Bust lill-Markiż Nikola Mallia Tabone 234 Bust lil Frans Baldacchino ‘il-Budaj’ 234 Bust lill-poeta Dr Ġorġ Zammit 235 Bust lil Dr Daniel Micallef 236 12 Bust lil Vincenzo Maria Pellegrini 236 Bust lil Ġorġ Mifsud Chircop 237 Bust lil Victor Agius 237 Bust lil Sammy Calleja 238 Bust lil Anthony Camilleri 238 Bust lil Wistin Camilleri 239 Bust lil Dun Angelo Camilleri 239 Bust lill-iskultur Anton Agius 240 Bust lil Joseph John Camilleri 240 Bust lil Oreste Kirkop 241 Bust lil Mother Teresa 241 Bust lil Charles Arrigo 242 Bust lil Nicolò Isouard 243 Bust lil Ġanni Vella 244 Bust lil Victor Grech 245 Bust lil Mons.
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    MALTESE E-NEWSLETTER January 2018 Malta kicks off Happy Chinese New Y 1 MALTESE E-NEWSLETTER January 2018 The poster of 2018 Happy Chinese New Year in Valletta showcases the planned activities. [Photo/] A news conference for the 2018 Happy Chinese New Year in Valletta was held Jan 12 in the China Cultural Centre in Malta, kicking off this year's celebrations for the Chinese Lunar New Year in the country. Wang Yanjun, director of the China Cultural Centre in Malta, briefed the audience on the 2018 Happy Chinese New Year in Valletta, a major event co-organized by the China Cultural Center and Valletta Local Council. Wang said with the joint efforts of both nations, the celebrations during Chinese Lunar New Year have developed into one of Valletta’s annual events, contributing to the mutual understanding and cultural communication between China and Malta. During the celebration, 18 major activities will be staged, including livestreaming, exhibitions, film screenings, a parade, a temple fair, a Chinese ancient poetry reading and other festival celebrations by Chinese artists. On Feb 13, the Malta Carnival, with an outstanding history of 483 years, will welcome its first Chinese art troupe, the Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe, to give performances for the Maltese people. The Chinese Zodiac Creativity Exhibition , an event featuring woodblock printing, paper-cutting and shadow play about the 12 Chinese zodiac animals attracted a lot of local visitors on Jan 12. 2 MALTESE E-NEWSLETTER January 2018 PRESS RELEASE BY THE OFFICE OF THE
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