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BEST_0510.indd 1 25/05/10 3:11 PM VOL 47 ISSUE 1 2010 The Australian Firefighter

PRESUMPTIVE EXPLAINEDON THE CONTENTS CAMPAIGN 4 Contacts TRAIL 5 Editorial 6 International news 7 National news One fire service 8–15 Branch news more 16–19 Cover story firefighters 20 Presumptive COVER STORY 16 WORKFRONT SAFETY 20 21 Muscular Dystrophy 22–23 NCOM gallery 24–25 Buy Local 26–27 Vic Campaign 28–29 Power Plays 30–31 The Insider BUY LOCAL 32–33 Men’s health policy 34–35 Wildlife protection 36–37 Winter warmers 38–39 River reverie CAMPAIGN 40–41 Revolution TRAIL 42 The last word WORKFRONT PROTECTION 24 WORKFRONT CAMPAIGN 26



The Australian Firefighter I 3 CONTACTS United Firefighters Union of Australia

United Firefighters Union of Australia

National The Australian Firefighter Magazine website: 410 Brunswick St, Fitzroy VIC 3065 Editor: Dave Lane Australian Capital Territory Branch email: [email protected] Secretary: Jason Jones Design: Studio Pazzo Pty Ltd Unions ACT, 189 Flemington Road Mitchell ACT 2911 mob: 0418504642 Ph: 02 6175 3434 Pre publishing: United Firefighters Union of Australia

Aviation Branch Cover design: Andrew Cunningham Secretary: Mick Farrell Cover pic: AAP image /Alan Porritt 86A O’Shanassy St, Sunbury VIC 3429 Advertising and publishing National Office Ph: (03) 9746 3722 Fax: (03) 9746 3766 Austral Media Group Ltd ACN 068 899 696 New South Wales Branch 63–71 Boundary Rd, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Australian Capital Territory Secretary: Chris Read Ph: (03) 9328 4226 Fax: (03) 9329 4633 Branch 1–7 Belmore Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 Ph: (02) 9218 3444 Fax: (02) 9218 3488 Contributors Aviation Branch We welcome your contributions to The Australian Queensland Branch Firefighter Magazine. Make it a letter, story, Acting Secretary: John Oliver column, feature or even just an idea. Send us NSW Branch Level 1, 286 Montague Rd, West End OLD 4101 you photographs too, but make them a minimum of 120mm x 80mm at 300dpi. We like travel and Ph: (07) 3844 0366 Fax: (07) 3844 0367 workplace stories, as well as personal profiles. Queensland Branch Email all to [email protected] South Australian Branch Secretary: Greg Northcott Authorised by P Marshall 410 Brunswick St, Fitzroy VIC 3065 Tasmania Branch 148 South Rd, Torrensville SA 5031 All material in The Australian Firefighter magazine Ph: (08) 8352 7211 Fax: (08) 8234 1031 is subject to copyright and cannot be published or Victorian Branch reproduced without permission. Victorian Branch Secretary: Peter Marshall Opinions expressed in the magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, the United West Australian Branch 410 Brunswick St, Fitzroy VIC 3065 Firefighters Union of Australia, or the publisher. Ph: 03 94198811 Fax: 03 9419 9258 Contributions are accepted on the basis that the material is accurate and not defamatory. No Tasmanian Branch responsibility is accepted for error or omission and Secretary: Richard Warwick every effort is made to verify submitted material. 379 Elizabeth St, North Hobart TAS 7000 National It is not possible for the publishers of The President Ph: (03) 6234 9331 Fax: (03) 6234 9505 Australian Firefighter to ensure that advertisements Mick Farrell published in the magazine comply with all aspects Western Australian Branch of the Trade Practices Act 1974; that responsibility Secretary: Graeme Geer rests with the person, company, or advertising 21 View St, North Perth WA 6006 agency submitting material for publication. Ph: (08) 9228 8122 Fax: (08) 9227 7822 PRINT POST APPROVED PP 543 451/00009

Advertising: Advertisements in the publication are solicited from organisations and businesses on the National understanding that no special considerations, other than those normally accepted in respect of commercial Secretary dealings, will be given to any advertiser. Peter Marshall Not a phone list: It is the desire of the publishers that the Australian Firefighter Buying Guide be used for the benefit of its members and valued sponsors. Therefore we ask you to respect the intention of the Australian Firefighter Buying Guide and not to use it for the purposes of telemarketing and soliciting of donations. Any person, group or company who decides to use the directory in this way is deemed as having accepted the following rates and becomes legally liable to pay these amounts: 1. An amount of $20.000 to a charity nominated by the publisher for the use of the directory as a mailing list, 2. An amount of $50,000 to a charity nominated by the publisher for the use of the directory as a telemarketing list.

4 I The Australian Firefighter EDITORIAL

From the From the National Secretary National President

s daily temperatures drop across the continent, the political elcome to this new edition of The Australian Firefighter. temperature is on the rise. A federal election will soon be There can be no argument that a firefighter’s work A upon us and this gives firefighters an ideal opportunity to W environment is more dangerous than any other campaign on a number of issues that have direct impact on our civilian workplace; that’s why the UFUA places a primary focus working lives, health, safety and the protection we provide to the on occupational health and safety issues. And it’s the Rudd communities we serve. government’s program to replace state and territory based The current national political climate is one that can work in OH&S laws with a national set of standards that’s another favour of firefighters, the UFUA and the Australian Union movement election year issue getting firefighters out on the campaign trail. right across the board. The government is under pressure from The federal ‘harmonisation’ of OH&S regulation is designed the , it has suffered a number of self inflicted wounds to streamline the laws, make them more consistent and reduce and voter support is drifting to minor parties. This has created an bureaucracy. However, the current draft is a worry to the Union ideal campaign environment movement because it looks like the and firefighters are taking government is going for a lowest the opportunity to press our common denominator solution when demands vigorously. instead it should be picking the best With the overhaul of from each jurisdiction. We detail the Australia’s Award system well issues at stake in this edition of underway, a review of awards the magazine. and agreements covering public The cover story examines sector fire authority employees the Victorian Bushfires’R oyal will be conducted this year. Commission and the UFU The government likes to call Victorian Branch’s submission for its streamlining of the system a restructure of the state’s fire Award ‘modernisation’; the services. Union movement is not so sure While the Royal Commission that’s the correct word for it. is yet to deliver its final After the decade of report, it seems likely that its attacks recommendations will not only on workplace rights and reverberate throughout Victoria trade unions, Unionists can but will have major implications be pleased with a number for fire and emergency service of protections the Rudd management structures and government has introduced as practices right across the country. part of its FairWork industrial The OH&S theme continues with relations package. However as UFUA National Secretary Peter Marshall and National President a contribution from Queensland always, the devil is in the detail Mick Farrell at the March NCOM meeting in Perth Branch President Steve Bunney on and the government’s version of presumptive laws for firefighters who flexibility could have serious consequences for firefighter staffing, contract workplace diseases such as cancer. Steve is the UFUA’s rosters and hours of work. All UFUA branches will be campaigning Presumptive Laws National Officer and he provides valuable together very strongly to ensure firefighter safety and our ability advice about protection against exposures that can trigger some to respond quickly to emergencies is not compromised by federal of these deadly diseases. government mandated Award inclusions. We also ask the question, do you know where your work gear Members’ conditions are protected most effectively in collective is made – and does it matter? At the March NCOM meeting in agreements negotiated between the Union and Fire Services. That’s Perth, delegates heard from a local manufacturer of PPC and why the review of agreements by FairWork Australia (the national other firefighter, emergency worker and military clothing about industrial relations body that replaced the Industrial Relations why firefighters should demand locally sourced product. There Commission and Howard era IR instruments) is a critical opportunity could be definite value in raising a few questions when your to press home the point that that our rosters and staffing levels are management prepares the tender for the next issue of new key to firefighter and community safety. uniforms or replacement gear.

Peter Marshall ■ Mick Farrell ■

The Australian Firefighter I 5 NEWS INTERNATIONAL

undertaken by firefighters in North America Global Alliance and Canada in raising money and building on track awareness about muscular dystrophy,” says Peter Marshall. “As you will see, A phone hook-up of Unions that make IAFF firefighting members have a long and up the International Fire Fighter Unions proud history of fundraising for the US and Alliance (IFFUA) was held in late May and Canadian Muscular Dystrophy Association representatives agreed to a number of (MDA) which has accumulated into many measures to move the Alliance and its millions of dollars over a number of years.” activities forward. “We’ve approved a new budget and a Local visit plan to strengthen the communications Jerry Lewis is the patron of MDA and has a links between the Unions and our Members very close working relationship with North around ,” says UFUA National American firefighters and their Union. One Secretary, Peter Marshall. “The IFFUA fundraising event undertaken each year is a website will be completed soon and a 24-hour phone-in marathon but this is just newsletter will be produced to circulate one of numerous events, many of which are among member Unions.” organised at local fire station level. No borders “Jerry Lewis will be visiting Australia in A strong international alliance of firefighter Unions is the latter half of June,” says Peter. “We’ll key to the protection of firefighters in every corner In a world dominated by the international of the globe pic: stockxchng_jzlomek be meeting with him to further explore and financial meltdown, planet-wide climate understand the relationship he has with retirements, professional firefighters should change, the threat of pandemics and have access to reduced benefits at age 55 growing violence, the strength has to and unreduced benefits at age 60. This be in global unity. “These issues don’t is five years earlier than other workers. In recognise territorial borders,” says Peter, May, proposed amendments to the Canada “That’s why it’s so important for Australian Pension Plan (CPP) were announced; firefighters and the Union to strengthen our consultation about the changes continues. international links and build campaigns to protect the workplace rights and safety of Cancer cover firefighters wherever they may be.” The Canadian province of Alberta will now The UFUA is one of four firefighter Unions cover compensation claims for 10 types of representing more than 350,000 members occupation related cancer which firefighters in five countries that joined forces as IFFUA are in heightened danger of contracting. In back in 2006. “We then commissioned May, the provincial legislature passed a new an investigation that identified another law that increases the cancer types covered North American firefighters and their Union raise 70 Unions or so around the world that millions to support muscular dystrophy sufferers by its presumptive laws from eight to 10; the represent firefighters,” says Peter. “And and their families. additions include oesophagus and testicular from this we’ve been able to expand our the IAFF and firefighters in North America. cancers. Alberta’s new legislation brings the contacts.” We’ll be also working with MDFA to assist province into line with the coverage in other in Mr Lewis’ public appearances during his Canadian jurisdictions. MD support visit, and to develop more Australian MD While the laws vary greatly between awareness and fundraising projects.” states and provinces, most US states and The Union is helping firefighters build a new Canadian provinces now have some form initiative to support those struck down by of presumptive law covering firefighters and muscular dystrophy – and their families. Pensions and emergency response workers. ■ On page 21, you can find out more about * The IAFF MDA page is at how firefighters will support the Muscular presumptive Dystrophy Foundation of Australia (MDFA) A federal review of retirement systems during its June awareness raising visit of is being conducted in Canada, and the GLOBAL ALLIANCE veteran comedian and actor Jerry Lewis. North American firefighter Union, the IAFF Find out more about the “I encourage Members to go to the has produced a submission emphasising International Alliance of Fire Fighter Unions from the website of our global partner, the IAFF*, and that due to the dangerous nature of the website at view some of the activities that have been profession and the unique nature of

6 I The Australian Firefighter NATIONAL

However, after a draft set of laws was OHS rights and obligations will increase Award update circulated, the Union movement began to the number of people killed and injured at The overhaul of Australia’s Award system is wonder who would benefit most from this new work,” says Mick Farrell. “The review of OHS well underway. In the end, more than 4,000 approach to OHS. law should be an opportunity to adopt the state and federal awards will be collapsed “The stakes are high - more than 150 best, not compromise what we’ve already into 130 ‘modern’ awards. people died in work-related incidents last achieved.” In December last year, the Industrial year,” says UFUA National President Mick And who pays for workplace health and Relations Commission ruled on a new Farrell. “So naturally, Unions are campaigning safety neglect? Overwhelmingly, the cost is national firefighting services award, the to ensure OHS laws are strengthened borne by workers and the community; latest Firefighting Industry Award 2010. Following in every jurisdiction, not watered down available figures indicate employers contribute the decision, there have been some anywhere.” only 3% to the total cost (Australian Safety questions raised about this new award by No one objects to streamlining and the and Compensation Council report). firefighters in New South Wales. reduction of bureaucracy but the proposal “Concerns about the position of NSW as it stands has more losses than gains retained firefighters and their conditions for workers and Unions. While the rights of employment are unfounded,” says and powers of NSW H&S reps will improve, UFUA National Secretary Peter Marshall. the ability of Unions to prosecute over OHS “The award does not apply to NSW Fire breaches will go, as will the reverse onus Brigade retained employees because they of proof. Queensland workers will lose their are employed in the public sector and are Workplace Safety Officers and also the covered by the state industrial relations reverse onus of proof, with less onerous system.” obligations being imposed on employers. All together Along with all other state and territory firefighters, Paid parental leave for all – in this NSW colleagues will be year’s federal budget included in the review of awards and agreements covering public sector Super ideas fire authorities to be The UFUA National Women’s Network conducted as part of the is reconvening this year. Parental leave, Award modernisation back-to-work provisions, conflict resolution, process later in the year. harassment and EEO are major issues “We’ll be all in it requiring input from both male and female together when this review firefighters. The Network does not adopt an begins – and we can ‘us and them’ approach; much of its work expect the employers ends up benefiting all firefighters. will mount a vigorous Employer superannuation contributions will attack on staffing, rosters increase following changes announced in this and other conditions year’s federal budget. The boost won’t begin that protect firefighters until 2013 but by 2020 the superannuation at work,” says Peter guarantee will be 12%, up three from the Marshall. “Our Union’s current 9%. That’s if the government’s budget strategy survives the campaign against its branches will be working Federal OHS laws need to strengthen not weaken closely together to ensure workplace protection pic:warrenfrey/tas mining industry super profits tax. no firefighter in any state Paid parental leave is another initiative in or territory will be the federal budget. From next year, eligible put at a disadvantage.” The best required parents will receive taxable payments at the Unions say the ability to initiate prosecutions rate of the federal minimum wage for up to should be available Australia wide and 18 weeks, paid for by the government, not Harmony for whom the reverse onus of proof be extended to employers. ■ Originally a Howard era initiative, the proposal all jurisdictions. A provision allowing for was to replace state and territory based the disqualification of H&S reps and the UFUA NATIONAL occupational health and safety laws with a watering down of the obligation on employers National President: Mick Farrell national set of standards. The states agreed to consult about OHS matters are also Branch Secretary: Peter Marshall Website: to a review and the process continued with concerns. email: [email protected] the election of the Rudd Labor government. “We believe any diminishing of existing

The Australian Firefighter I 7 NEWS ACT BRANCH

Hard bargain The last few months have been busy ones for the ACT Branch. Our Collective Agreement (CA) negotiations will draw to a close over the next few weeks after what has been a fairly difficult and drawn out process. Most of you negotiating CAs over the past 12 months will know that the economic downturn and the subsequent tightening of the purse strings has made for exceptionally difficult circumstances for improving wages and conditions, particularly when bargaining with government. The ACT Government approached our negotiations (and negotiations with all ACT Unions) complaining of a $65 million hole in their budget caused by the Federal Labor Government's review of GST state D&D+VERS = valuable extra support across a tough career and territory revenue streams. This cut ACT Government GST revenue almost in half and they immediately called on Unions for wage for three days a week. Dave has been Early retirement working hard on the CA, as well as restraint. Members who contribute across the life of developing a sound industrial program Very early in the piece, they started their career will have the option of retirement for our branch. The main aspect of this attacking us all in the media, claiming that up to five years early with their full wage will be the D&D+VERS scheme, which our wage claims were irresponsible and paid until retirement benefits kick in. This Dave will be working on after the CA is exorbitant. Other Unions are seeking relief will reduce the strain on firies at the end of finalised. in FairWork Australia and we have comm- their career and give them the opportunity to The scheme is being developed to enced proceedings to take protected enjoy a long and fruitful retirement. There's industrial action. address the serious shortfall in our an added employer benefit of workers Gains made Members’ ability to access income compensation costs dropping off before a protection insurance and life insurance. firefighter's likely injury peak (the last five Despite all of this, we have had substantial Most insurance companies charge years of their career). negotiating success. We have maintained career firefighters triple their normal The D&D+VERS scheme will fix a the focus on tidying up our agreement and public servant premiums. Most won't massive shortfall in protection for our improving Members’ capacity to access their sell income protection insurance to Members for a fraction of the cost of life entitlements. The pay rise is likely to be in career firefighters at all, while the few insurance or income protection insurance. line with CPI or slightly higher and we have that do, charge exorbitant premiums. Similar schemes work in NSW and SA, and firmed a commitment from ACT Government They say it is too expensive to pay we will be borrowing heavily from them. We to work with us to develop a Death and injured firefighters because of the impact are still in the planning stage so it may not Disability plus Voluntary Early Retirement of even a minor injury on a Member end up exactly as described. However, we (D&D+VERS) scheme over the life of our being fit for duty. are confident that with a lot of hard work and agreement. support from Members, we will develop the With the weight of a fully unionised Significant benefits best scheme possible for ACT firefighters. workforce behind us, we successfully fought Interesting times are ahead for all off attempts from the government to reduce The D&D+VERS will be a co-contributed Australian firefighters and we look forward access to 100% compensation for workplace scheme where Members contribute to continuing to work with all branches to injuries, deteriorate the 10/14 roster and a percentage of their income every further the interests of our Members. cut our entitlement to annual leave and fortnight, matched a matching, employer Yours in Unity, personal leave. So despite the difficult paid percentage of the total wages bill. ACT Branch Committee of Management ■ economic times, we have come through with Members will be able to access money a reasonable outcome with our CA. when they are injured (non-compensable UFU ACT Branch injuries only), while lump-sum payments Branch President: Matthew Mavity Industrial support will be made to Members (or their Branch Secretary: Jason Jones In a first for the ACT Branch, we have families) following permanent injury Website: email: [email protected] employed Industrial OfficerD ave Livingstone, or death.

8 I The Australian Firefighter AVIATION BRANCH

(EWP) licence. This is a basic licence Hose bowl issue formulated for general application, such as The Union has other safety concerns about in the construction trade. Although it does how the vehicle is deployed by the ARFF. form part of the relevant fire service training These include: required for firefighters to perform aerial - firefighters must turn their back on the operations, the applicable ARFF qualification incident (most likely in poor visibility) while system in this area is the ‘Public Safety bowling the hose down the middle of the Training Package’ (PSTP); the relevant ladder section during set-up, module is PUAFIR310B, ‘Operate Aerial or - misdirected hose and tangling, Specialist Vehicle’. - hose regularly fouls on the ladder rungs However, there are no ARFF firefighters at preventing immediate deployment of hose, Melbourne who hold this qualification and so - hose(s) bowled back down the ladder the Union believes those who instruct and centre blocks access for other firefighters, those who operate the vehicle do so without - inadequate water curtain and no heat The Morita Aerial Specialist Vehicle the necessary firefighting qualifications. shield on the basket, and This means Members are at risk when - time wasting, inefficient hose hook-up Aerial woes operating the Morita at an aircraft accident requirements. or incident. Not only is there a lack of Firefighters, the Union and the The debate between ARFF management and suitably qualified trainers, but Morita training Commissioner witnessed many of these the union surrounding the introduction of has been ad hoc, spasmodic and lacking problems during that training exercise we the Morita Aerial Specialist Vehicle (ASV) at the necessary support materials when it attended. Category 10 Stations around Australia has does occur. been in progress for nearly two years. Exposure levels high This eventuated in a Fair Work Australia Further, issues with the ARRF use of the (FWA) hearing, including an on site inspection Morita vehicle include: by Commissioner Smith being conducted - outdated body belt worn to attach in May. All that attended witnessed a firefighters to the basket, demonstration of the Morita(ASV) at - no easy access to BA connections or spare Melbourne airport ARFF fire station. cylinders for firefighters on the rig, and The result highlighted a number of the - poor communications equipment. concerns that the Union has put to ARFF Morita operators are expected to deal with management over time regarding the theses problems often when 10–15 metres operation of this vehicle. The Morita is above the ground. We are also concerned designed as a rescue ladder or to be used about the overall high level of exposure in what is known as a ‘surround and drown’ Unintended uses – the ARFF Morita issue for crews; the basket is quite open and technique where water is discharged through firefighters are far too exposed to possible a monitor at a distance from an incident to Mock-up no help now flashovers or fireballs. combat a fire. However, it was not designed The ARFF has recently advised that a The UFUA has submitted a list of fixes for the way the ARFF now uses the vehicle. purpose-built mock-up will be constructed to the ARFF. In the meantime, the Union Firefighting aerial specialists tell the Union to provide realistic training; but this – and has advised management it should stop that no other fire service in the country the rushed and inadequate training to date the practice of bowling the hose backwards would consider mounting an aerial internal – does nothing to assist firefighters who are down the ladder rungs and mounting internal firefighting attack from a basket using hose currently expected to operate the vehicle in firefighting attack from the basket. Following bowled backwards down a ladder. The ARFF an emergency. appropriate training, the Morita should be is currently using the Morita to do just this Unfortunately, there’s more. Staff who used only for rescue/escape or for a remote and we believe it is unsafe and will leave our the ARFF view as qualified Morita operators aerial firefighting attack until successful Members dangerously exposed – and at risk. have never actually bowled hose down the engineering solutions are implemented. ladder from the basket and advanced into a Mick Farrell Training, quals, safety structure such as an A380. So, the theory Aviation Branch Secretary ■ When ARFF introduced the Morita, firefighters management relies on – that two firefighters UFUA Aviation Branch were trained by personnel who were not can successfully deploy enough lengths of Aviation Branch President: Joe Stenhouse qualified in aerial vehicle operations. After hose from the Morita basket to reach the Aviation Branch Secretary: Mick Farrell Website: http :// approaches by the Union, the ARFF trained interior extremities of an A380 aircraft – has email: [email protected] staff to gain an ‘Elevated Work Platform’ not been tested.

The Australian Firefighter I 9 NEWS NSW BRANCH

members should not be penalised because National Award of dithering by the Department. Perhaps the The handing down of a new national judge thought so too, as the matter will now firefighting services award by the go back to the Full Bench for decision. Industrial Relations Commission (now FairWork Australia) will not affect NSW Not telling firefighters employed in the public sector. Management left it to the Union to tell Despite some questions raised about the Station Officer Promotional Program (SOPP) position of retained Members, it is clear the participants that not all would be promoted federal Firefighting Industry Award 2010 will at the end of the last six week training have no impact on firefighters employed in round. In November, management told the public sector as they are covered by the the Industrial Relations Commission and state industrial relations system. the Union that from the start of this year, The new Award is a private sector award improvements in its approach to workforce and includes mandated clauses that are planning would ensure the promotion of being imposed on all national awards as A hanging issue – magnets and SOPP graduates immediately after the part of the Rudd government’s industrial aluminium vehicle panels completion of the program. relations changes. The process is called resourced. It’s important management has When the Union brought the dispute back before IRC it recommended all graduates Award ‘modernisation’ and eventually, more than the workers comp premiums in from Class 27 be promoted to Station Officer national awards will replace most state and mind when designing and implementing such Level 1 within 12 weeks and to Station territory based industrial arrangements. a program – the D&D Award demands it. Officer Level 2 in two years. At the start of Firefighters who are currently covered by September, there’s to be a report back to the an enterprise or collective agreement are IRC on plans for the next program – and a also protected from Firefighting Industry Magnetic resolution to this dispute. Award 2010 clauses that have been miscalculation imposed by the federal government. Peter Marshall Safety at work is paramount; but a UFUA National Secretary A review of awards and agreements Departmental answer to traffic hazards has Mick Farrell covering public sector fire authorities is UFUA National President ■ come unstuck – even before it could be put to be conducted as part of the Award in place. The issue of 40 kph advisory, ‘slow ‘modernisation’ process later in the year. when lights flashing’ signs to help protect Members at road and traffic incidents was Bypass not on followed by advice to stick them on the back Management continue their attempts at of appliances when required. They even job restructuring, calculating somewhat come with magnets – to help fix them to the naively that they can complete the exercise aluminium panels of the vehicles. It seems without talking to firefighters or the Union. someone wasn’t paying attention in science Media leaks and the rumour mill are class at school. no substitutes for genuine talks; it’s time A lack of guidance about displaying 40 management caught up with the fact that kph and / or Hazards Ahead signs isn’t John Howard left the stadium more than two helpful either. For a start, two separate years ago and the obligation on employers signs would help. Protection of crews to bargain and talk to Unions and Members is paramount and vehicles should be is back. positioned to maximise this. It’s up to the police or RTA to handle any resulting traffic A well oiled machine management requirements. Not! Incident Ground Health Monitoring (IGHM) should be planned and effectively Back to the Full Bench OH&S Alert is the UFUA national health and structured. The current approach by That was the reaction of the Industrial safety newsletter. Subscribe at to management can’t provide what’s required Relations Commission when the Department have each edition delivered to your email inbox – and that’s a consistent, practical program appeared before it over a refusal to observe that’s able to provide protection for all an agreement about recruit training made UFU NSW Branch Members. Firefighters right across the state back in 2008. The deal was to reduce Branch Secretary: Chris Read are entitled to an IGHM program that works, training by four weeks or pay recruit Members Website: Email: [email protected] not a hit-and-miss approach that’s under at the rate of FL1 after 12 weeks. Recruit

10 I The Australian Firefighter QLD BRANCH

Under new management

With a new management team in office, the Qld branch has hit the floor running. Our employers have been reminded on numerous occasions that there is a new management team in office at the UFUQ and things are being handled a little differently in this office from now on. UFUQ Members turned out in strength for the 2010 May Day march Given the impediments that we faced earlier in the year, as your President it is not be tolerated. We suspect there are more Now Who’s Saving Theirs?’ campaign. heartening to see our Union pick itself up occurrences of this type which are going Our campaign of highlighting to politicians off the floor and get down to the nuts and unreported by our Members. We need to at all levels of government, our employers – bolts of our business, which is working change that mindset and take affirmative and of course our very own Members – about for YOU, our Members. Members will action. Any such attack upon our Members diseases and illness that effect firefighters realise that this new team does things a will result in swift and decisive action from has led to the recognition and understanding little differently now. Our office staff have the UFUQ. We will ensure the full force of at a higher level of management, and caused adjusted well to a new management team the law is enacted upon any person whom significant changes to historical work practice and embraced a different management style feels stupid enough to take cheap shots at for firefighters. in the running of the office. I believe the firefighters who are just doing their job. Up against significantly larger unions, this results are starting to speak for themselves. is a major award for the UFUQ and is just- Diesel exhaust emissions ifiable recognition for our efforts. It is further The employer has agreed to conduct a survey evidence of our Union punching well above at all fire stations in Queensland and discuss its weight. with the UFU suitable outcomes for the management of diesel exhaust emissions within the identified fire stations. Members are asked to please contact your regional delegates with your concerns so that they may liaise with the State office for action. Start of shift checks Queensland firefighters on the march – 2010 These are also currently under review May Day parade in Brisbane and negotiations are being held with the Code Red employer to deliver a suitable and safe outcome for our Members when undertaking The UFUQ new look Code Red bulletin – ensuring We are keeping true to our promise and these tasks. no confusion on directives working hard to improve communications Finally, what a fantastic Labour Day! To with our Members. The Acting State OHS issues all our Members and their families who Secretary recently introduced a new Code Our Occupational Health and Safety celebrated our Union’s existence and shared Red information bulletin for Members. Officer has ensured that the UFU will be in the pride of marching the city streets of The newsletter will only be used as represented on all committees by an Brisbane, I say thank you all. To our chief communication to Members when serious authorised UFU delegate and that, as a Labour Day organiser Glenys, how could we issues such as bans, industrial action priority, there must be full and meaningful do it without you? To our helpers, our fantastic etc. are being put into place by the Union, consultation to ensure acceptable outcomes office staff, to Chris and Pete who sweated it ensuring there is no confusion on directives. are achieved. out on the bbqs, and my family who pitched It’s imperative that any issue of a Code Red Other OHS issues currently being in wherever needed. I was inundated with is read out at all musters and relayed to all addressed include: remarks about what a fantastic day was had shifts. It’s just one more way of cutting out - turnout ensemble: going to tender, by all. So a big Thank You to everyone, and the confusion. - helmets: expression of interests are being let’s make next Labour Day even better. called for, and Firefighter assaults Steve Bunney - fit for duty: discussions are being held on State President There has been a marked increase in involvement. UFUQ branch ■ reported assaults on firefighters while carrying out their duty. The UFU has been Labour Day award UFUA Queensland Branch totally supportive of our Members who have At the recent Qld Council of Unions’ Labour Branch President: Steve Bunney been the recipients of such attacks and any Day dinner, the UFU Qld Branch received the Acting Branch Secretary: John Oliver Website: type of verbal abuse or physical threat or ‘Best Industrial Campaign in a Workplace’ email: [email protected] actual harm upon any of our Members will award for the ‘FirefightersS ave Our Lives

The Australian Firefighter I 11 NEWS SA BRANCH

Adelaide’s 38th – Seaford fire station is now open

some of the key design and environmental also the materials used such as internal Seaford two bay features of the station are: polished brick, reduce the frequency - photovoltaic solar panels providing 12 and cost of ongoing maintenance for opens kilowatts of power are installed and grid the facility, and connected, enabling any surplus power - the station is capable of housing a On Saturday February 13, the thirty eighth generated to be returned to the electricity second appliance and crew to cope with MFS Station opened in the network, future expansion. southern suburb Seaford. The new station - water recycling initiatives including the This new station at Seaford is the fifth is the southern most evolution of the new MFS metropolitan station, ‘two appliance bay’ fire and is an industry and station designs to be Australian leader in constructed following energy efficiency and Elizabeth, Golden Grove, green design. Beulah Park and Paradise. The station was Each of these stations formally opened by has had a Union nominated Minister for Emergency representative from the Services the Hon. Station who, through Michael Wright MP. In consultation with the attendance were the previously built station Hon. John Hill Minister representative, has for the Southern identified and implemented Suburbs and State design improvements. local member, Amanda With regard to Seaford, Rishworth, Federal improvements have Member for Kingston, as been made in the food well as representatives preparation area, making of local government it more user friendly. and community UFUA SA Branch Secretary Greg Northcott (r) attended the Seaford FS The Union fully supports organisations. opening along with (l-r), the Federal Member for Kingston Amanda Rishworth, Joe Szakacs UFU SA Industrial Officer, SA Branch President Barry Luke and Southern Suburbs Minister (and local and acknowledges that Seaford is a bustling member), John Hill and state Emergency Services Minister Michael Wright this consultative process development in the the S.A. Metropolitan Fire southern fringe of metropolitan Adelaide, and Service is using when designing and building the new $4.5 million station will use of rainwater for both garden irrigation new stations is benefiting all. ■ serve the community for decades to and in toilets are incorporated into the come, with a projected useful life for the building, UFUA SA Branch station being a minimum fifty years. - the layout maximises the use of natural Branch President: Barry Luke The commissioning of the station has light and ventilation and has a high Branch Secretary: Greg Northcott seen 22 crew moved to Seaford, and resulted thermal-energy rating to reduce the Website: email: [email protected] in an extra recruit drill squad in 2009. Among requirements on heating and cooling;

12 I The Australian Firefighter TAS BRANCH

Questions answered redeployment within each agency. “Medical Election outcome In the run-up to the election, the Tasmanian retirement options are also an important Tasmania is now ruled by a Labor/Greens Firefighter, Ambulance andP olice Unions area for the government to do some work coalition after a state election that produced a circulated a questionnaire to each major on,” says Richard Warwick. “The tone of the hung parliament*. Firefighters and the Union questionnaire response suggests the new are looking forward with optimism to the government will also take this up with the government now delivering on promises made agencies.” during the election campaign. Fire service specific “We’re encouraged by a commitment The Union also requested the parties from the Labor Party to keep Tasmanian respond to a series of further questions firefighter wages on par with their mainland about TFS resourcing and fire preparedness counterparts,” says UFUA Tasmanian Branch across the state. The Labor Party indicated Secretary, Richard Warwick. a willingness to implement the outstanding During the election campaign the Greens recommendations of the 2007 Hobart Myer committed to support a third, full-time fire coronial inquest recommendations staffed, 24 hour fire station on the northwest and those of the Victorian BushfiresR oyal coast. “This promise was much appreciated Workplace reps (l-r) John Hardstaff (Branch Junior Commission that are relevant to the state. by our Members up there,” says Richard. Vice President), Steven Davison and Martin Sloane at the Branch Annual Conference On other particular resource questions “And we’ll be following that up with the about such areas as the urban / bush Greens for implementation now they are part interface, the northwest coast, Launceston of the government.” party canvassing their views on emergency and the Kingborough municipality, Labor services workers’ wages, staffing levels and has said it would set up reviews should the Critical Incident Stress Disorder. In addition government assess the need arises. to the wages comparability commitment, the “The Union will be keeping the pressure Labor Party also made promises on staffing on the new government over resources,” levels. “The last thing we want is for the lives says Richard Warwick. “We are encouraged of Tasmanian people to be put at risk because by their promise of additional road accident we do not have enough staff in a particular rescue equipment for Hobart’s northern area,” the ALP told the Unions. “We will review existing staffing levels across the spectrum of police, fire and ambulance to make sure all areas are appropriately staffed and if not we will commit to improving those staffing levels.” The Party said it will establish a fully staffed, 24 hour helicopter based emergency The Branch Annual Conference was held just days before the state election: guest speakers from the medical service and recruit 30 additional major parties attended police. “We anticipate a review will also ident- ify gaps in firefighter numbers and resources Bargaining round that we know exist across the state, particularly in the northwest,” says Richard The Tasmanian firefighters Collective Warwick. “Given their commitments, we Reps Justin Smith, David MacFarlane, John Agreement with the Tasmanian Fire Service look forward to Labor and the Greens rapidly McDonald (standing)and Peter Tavasz were enthusiastic participants (TFS) ends on June 30 and negotiations completing the review and filling the gaps.” have begun for a new agreement. It’s a suburbs this financial year. But we see tight budget environment but firefighters are Stress disorder support that as just a start and we’ll be expecting encouraged by commitments given to them In response to the questionnaire, Labor said the government to attend to those other by the ALP during the election campaign. it will continue to fund the police Critical outstanding resource issues promptly.” “We’ve lodged the claim and hopefully it will Incident Stress Management Team which The Union will also pressure the Labor/ be a less confrontational bargaining process also covers fire and ambulance employees Greens government to fund an independent than we’ve seen in recent times,” says and will review its effectiveness. “It’s also review of career firefighter training in Richard Warwick. good to hear the party that is now the major the TFS. ■ The Labor Party promise to keep force in government views rehabilitation of *The Labor/Greens coalition is the first attempted Tasmanian firefighters wages in line with injured employees and their return to work since 1989 when a Labor/Greens accord lasted a their mainland counterparts should help. The its ‘highest priority’,” says Richard. little over twelve months before being sunk by the Greens over forests policy. comparability formula is 100% relativity of For those unable to return to work, the average of the first class firefighter rate in Labor say it will look into implementing a UFUA TASMANIAN Branch each mainland state and territory. Projections redeployment system across the whole- Branch President: Vincent Males across the life of the Tasmanian agreement of-government in Tasmania. This will go Branch Secretary: Richard Warwick are then made based on mainland EBs and Website: further than the current emergency service email: [email protected] collective agreements. agency approach to non-operational duties

The Australian Firefighter I 13 NEWS VIC BRANCH

The review of the standard fire station EBA campaign bites guidelines is underway, capturing the MFB and CFA firefighters have been improvements made to fire station design campaigning hard for the last six months as since 2003. negotiations over new collective agreements “We’ve also made further gains in continue. “Our grassroots campaign to negotiations over the CFA Mechanical build public support for our conditions and Maintenance and Tower Overseer Enterprise resources claims is showing very positive Agreement after Members voted down a results,” says Victorian Branch Secretary proposal back in December,” says Peter Peter Marshall. “The public understands Marshall. “We’ll be visiting workshops during that their safety and protection depends June to discuss the gains before a further on firefighters being able to do their job ballot is held.” effectively. Our ‘Save Property Save Lives’, There are at least 24 under-resourced CFA stations, ‘Save 7.7’ and ‘More Firefighters Not Less’ many in the state’s 52 bushfire ‘hot spots’, but Victorians still wait for government action messages are hitting their mark.” National Award Despite independent recommendations deserve our thanks and the encouragement Late last year, the Australian Industrial to boost staff at CFA stations, there was no to keep up their efforts. Thanks also to Relations Commission handed down the our tireless delegates and staff – we are Firefighting Industry Award 2010. It replaces making progress and we’re now seeing MPs Victorian Firefighting Industry Employees in those marginal seats getting increasingly Interim Award 2000 and applies from January uncomfortable as the election draws closer.” 2010. In line with federal government policy, Find out more in the campaign report on the standard flexibility clause (Cl. 7) has been pages 26 – 27 and in the cover story on pages 16 – 19. ■ CFA working parties The Union’s work with the CFA to resolve of outstanding issues is producing results. It’s now agreed there will be no more sharing of dormitories at Fiskville for firefighters on The UFU’s submission to the Victorian Bushfires courses. Air con will also be installed in the Royal Commission is delivered to the Commission’s office in Melbourne. dorms. There’s been further clarification to allow Members on residential courses funding allocation in the recently announced greater flexibility to travel home – and state government budget for 2010–2011. be compensated – if you live within a Meanwhile, MFB management wants to reasonable travel distance. The stowage for PPC lockers in turnout Action stations! MFB and CFA firefighters demand abolish the current minimum crew allocation resources, roster and crew arrangements to keep that would see resources and numbers areas has been finally agreed; it’s been them and the community safe stretched even further – and put pressure an outstanding issue since 2003. Geelong included. In the public sector, it applies only if on response times. City, Belmont, Traralgon and Greenvale stations are the first to be fitted out, while the employee receives payment as if working Progress the retrospective fit-out of other integrated the 10/14 roster. At least for now, part-time The Bushfires Royal Commission will report stations will be discussed. employment has been limited to the private at the end of July and if the submissions sector. by the Commission’s own legal counsel Staffing and training This means that employees in the public are anything to go on, many of the issues The Union has told the CFA that Bendigo, sector must not be disadvantaged in any identified by the Union will feature in its Ballarat City, Shepparton, Warrnambool, alternative rostering arrangement. UFU final report. The UFU submission for the Eltham and Cranbourne’s engine bays will members are currently protected from restructuring of the state’s fire services need to be examined regarding the housing these provisions by the current enterprise and the creation of a single fire service of new appliances, e.g. Heavy Pumpers, agreement. ■ for Victoria was delivered to the Royal Hazmats, Aerial Pumpers and Technical Commission in April. Rescue PODS. Also, staffing, allowances UFU VIC Branch “We’ve had thousands of Members and training for new Heavy Hazmats and Branch President: Dave Hamilton attend rallies, leaflet communities and proposed Technical Rescue POD need to Branch Secretary: Peter Marshall Website: campaign in marginal seats over the last be discussed and agreed prior to their email: [email protected] few months,” says Peter Marshall. “They deployment.

14 I The Australian Firefighter WA BRANCH

Let’s hope there is not blood on the floor Resources squeeze before someone listens and learns that the It’s a busy time in the Industrial Relations safety concerns we have are real. Commission (WAIRC) for the WA Branch. Two from one The big hurdle for the Union has been the Fire and Emergency Services Authority’s In WA, there’s a push to break up the single continuing attempts to shut the Membership fire service into urban and country services, out of decision making. Management says despite the problems this structure approach if it sends a letter to the Union then it has has produced in other states. We say rural consulted. areas are growing to such an extent that their We believe this is not good faith con- fire services shouldn’t be treated as rural fire The squeeze at Perth Fire Station sultation; management should negotiate services – they are urban fires services just surrounded by bush. about what it wants to do and seek input from and Superintendant, management has been The recent Toodyay fire is a case in point; the Membership about the best way to do it. stalling and won’t engage in discussion. 38 houses were lost but they still called However, the Authority refuses to do this. This The Union has gone to the WAIRC about the it a ‘bush’ fire. The Union says, no – that problem runs across every issue that comes competencies for Area Officers. was a ‘38 house’ structural fire. You plan between Management and Members. We’ve got to get the skills-set right but for bushfires out in the bush and once unfortunately, this gets back to ongoing it becomes an urban area, you’ve got to attempts by management to homogenise our start planning for structure fires – and the Area Officers and create broad management Authority is just not doing that. teams for any emergency. We believe this is being driven by the Australasian Fire New Office and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC) which wants jack-of-all-trades people The Union has moved in to our new in place of Officers with the appropriate office – the old North Perth Fire Station. competencies. Members are thrilled with the purchase of this property and are looking forward to a A generic Comms Centre – management must Instructors meeting hall and club house to be added, keep talking pic: mike teraci The WA Branch is also arguing about hopefully starting this year. Peak argument the correct classification for our recruit instructors at the training centre. Twenty Chronic understaffing and under resourcing years ago, they were all at District Officer at the Communications Centre has been level but over time they’ve been arbitrarily issue in the WAIRC for nearly two years dragged back to Firefighter level. Members now. Staffing levels are not keeping up with say this must be sorted out – they’re sick the growth of emergencies in WA, because of the current situation – and want to be management says the service will never classified properly and be paid appropriately. be able to cope with peaks; so it always In the meantime, they’ve decided not to under-staffs the centre. The Union says A two fire services push – planning in the wrong do any further instructing and this has us direction pic: mike teraci management is aiming too low. back in the Commission where the Union To make matter worse, we are seeing finally gained a concession and higher Our retired firefighters are ecstatic at the an attempt to turn the Comms Centre into classification during the current Recruit prospect of holding functions here rather a generic centre to look after all types School while the Union prepares a Work than going to a local hotel. They’ll be able of emergencies, such as storms or sea Value claim for Instructors. to come to the Union office and keep the rescue, anything bar the police. Fortunately, brotherhood alive, passing their stories to the Authority’s attempts to have our case in Wellington St the next generation of firefighters (see the the WAIRC dismissed have been rejected, Problems at the new Perth Fire Station pictures on 22–23). so that’s forced management to keep remain unresolved but Members have been Graeme Geer discussion open. forced to move in following an order handed Branch Secretary down by the Industrial Relations Commission. See the centre page gallery for pics of the recent Skills set tussle The engine room at the station is too WA Office opening celebrations. ■ The Union is also in negotiations over small and there’s very restricted vision when agreed competencies for every rank up to responding to emergencies, particularly UFUA WA Branch WA Branch President: Kevin Jolly Superintendant. So far, we have them for at night. Already, there have been several WA Branch Secretary: Graeme Geer Firefighters andS tation Officers, but for ranks near misses and we’re concerned the traffic Website: email: above, including Area Officer, District Officer management studies weren’t done properly.

The Australian Firefighter I 15 COVER STORY

One fire service more firefighters Some fifteen months after the Black Saturday The campaign trail leads right back to the heart disaster, the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission of Melbourne where, in an astounding move, MFB is winding up. The UFU’s Victorian Branch has put management wants to cut firefighter on-shift a strong case for the amalgamation of Victoria’s numbers that would see response times blow out fire services to the Commission and continues with lives and property put at risk. to pressure the state government to recruit Summer has gone and the bushfire season might more professional firefighters for dangerously be over but in Victoria, debate over the state’s fire understaffed localities. services is really hotting up.

16 I The Australian Firefighter n April, 2,000 MFB and CFA firefighters After the alert call, two volunteer CFA brigades Ambulance Victoria was created from three marched to the Bushfires Royal Commission at Plenty and Diamond Creek were paged before ambulance services and it makes sense to do the Iin Melbourne’s CBD to hand deliver their the CFA integrated brigade at Eltham. The same for fire services. Union’s submission. It was a Wednesday, the same closest station to the fire was Greensborough, The Premier has not been shy about day Christine Nixon, former police chief but now an MFB station about four minutes away, but it commenting on views put to and by the chair of the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction wasn’t contacted until 12 to 13 minutes after the Commission. An ABC online commentary noted and Recovery Authority, faced the Commission. initial call. as early as February “the fact that the Premier CFA Fire Officer Stewart Marshall from So what’s behind this approach? Barry Thomas appears to have already taken a long term view Greenvale, near Melbourne airport, told the told the Commission “I guess it’s a territory on so many of the questions under investigation rally, “On my station, we have myself by the Commissioners must leave them and two other firefighters to respond to scratching their heads.” To date, there’s a call, which may range from an alarm been no discernable change in John to a full blown structure fire, whereas in Brumby’s approach. other parts of this country, seven is the minimum on the fire ground to do the Mass inefficiency job. In the CFA it can be two!” The UFU submission to the Royal Commission puts the case for a single Competition problem fire authority for Victoria. It details the impact of multiple agency (MFB, Stewart works in one of Melbourne’s CFA and DSE) responsibility for the rapidly expanding suburban fringe areas, response to, and suppression of, fire which along with fast growing provincial across the state. Unnecessary duplication towns, are demanding the same protec- and inefficiencies that have resulted in tion their neighbours have in the greater systemic failures leading to the loss of life metropolitan area of Melbourne. and property include: The tragedy of the Black Saturday - duplication of costs and different bushfires in February last year revealed funding arrangements, systemic failures in communication and - different approaches to training, coordination between the MFB, CFA accreditation and endorsement of staff and DSE (Department of Sustainability (including training manuals), and Environment) hierarchies. Again, it - different uniforms, rank and insignia, exposed the competition over territory - different safety equipment (including that exists between the three authorities. BA), equipment duplication and While Melbourne’s established inner incompatibility (including hose and suburbs have 24/7 MFB protection, pump couplings), residents in the outer suburbs and growth - different terminology in relation to fire corridors rely on a patchwork of CFA fighting equipment, professionals and volunteers. The UFU - command, control and submission details the public safety and communications duplication and economic benefits of a single fire service incompatibility, for Victoria and how professionals and Royal Commission chair Bernard Teague. The final report will be - numerous and complex MOUs volunteers would work together, as they delivered at the end of July pic: aap/angela wylie between agencies requiring review and do now in the CFA. auditing, and One fire service thing. It’s a boundary thing ... It may be based - cultural differences plus irrelevant and Boundary impact on proximity to fire, but it is not based on the outdated territorial boundaries. CFA firefighter Barry Thomas was the final appliances that could get there the quickest.” In contrast, a single fire service, would gain ‘organisational structure’ witness to appear Barry told the Commission this incident from increased flexibility, more effective resource before the Royal Commission. Barry’s career was an illustration of the sort of problems allocation and an increased financial base. An with the CFA spans nearly 35 years and he told associated with both the MFB and the CFA being expert report by Professor David Hayward from the Commissioners about a fire at the Apollo responsible for incident response in metropolitan the RMIT University School of Global Studies, Parkways Primary School in Greensborough, Melbourne. Social Science and Planning was commissioned an outer north eastern suburb of Melbourne. by the UFU and presented to the Commission in The fire broke out on a weekday morning Resistance support of the case for amalgamation. during March 2008 and caused, according to Despite these problems, the Victorian government one report, about $1.5 million worth of damage. says the current setup has served the state well Times a changing Luckily, it was the Easter school holidays at the and rejects calls from the Union – and the Royal The CFA currently covers approximately one time and no children were there when the Commission’s counsel – to merge the CFA and third of greater Melbourne and the MFB covers fire broke out. MFB. The UFU points out that back in 2008, the balance.

The Australian Firefighter I 17 COVER STORY

MFB firefighters also provide emergency Volunteers be recognised and in some cases paid or provided medical response – attending some 6,000 rescue for with an allowance. There should also be The UFU told the Commission that any future and emergency medical calls last year. But these defined career paths available to volunteers amalgamated organisation would continue to rely services are not generally delivered by CFA who aim to become full time paid staff. These on volunteers in fire suppression and response in volunteers due to training and accreditation opportunities could be best facilitated by an requirements. amalgamated fire service. Any fire service covering a large, complex, industrialised 7.7 minutes 7.7 – not negotiable city must be capable of As debate over structure and responding to structure, resourcing raged, and while the chemical and industrial fires, Royal Commission continued crime related incidents and to hear the heartbreaking stories bushfire in outer metropolitan from Black Saturday victims, and rural regions. In addition, MFB management embarked on the UFU submission noted a remarkably ill-timed push to that resourcing to cope with strip back firefighter availability in the impact of climate change metropolitan Melbourne. will require a boost in Victoria’s Its timing could not have been firefighter numbers of between worse, and the potential impact 24.7% and 44.3%.* has been highlighted in the Add to the mix the fact Union’s 7.7 Campaign. As the that fires in domestic and Union’s submission to the Royal commercial structures now Commission was being delivered, being built with composite Victorian UFU secretary Peter lightweight materials burn and Marshall told the 2,000 firefighters collapse very quickly, and the rallying outside, that MFB argument for a single agency management plans to scrap the providing standardised fire cover and lower response times is minimum number of firefighters more compelling than ever. on duty at any one time threatened irefighters have reacted with six minutes after the alarm to find community safety. He said the VFB disbelief at MFB’s plan to cut residents in the upper floors trapped proposal would compromise the F Melbourne’s fire protection by smoke, one holding a baby out a international maximum response The UFU says fire services in cover by scrapping the minimum broken window and another trying Victoria should be amalgamated number of firefighters on duty at any to climb out. Because of their timely time standard of 7.7 minutes. into a single fire service, the one time. “Fewer firefighters on duty arrival, firefighters quickly suppressed “7.7 minutes means the Victorian Fire Board. The will mean fire station closures from the fire and successfully evacuated the difference between life and death,” Board would manage and time to time, or appliances being residents. said Peter Marshall. “It means the unavailable due to crew shortages,” “It is not just fires,” said Mac direct the activities of an Urban difference between being able to says UFU Victorian Branch Secretary Hanson. “For medical response calls, contain a fire to the room where Division and a Rural Division. Peter Marshall. “The current standard it’s not just minutes that matter Neil Bibby also supports – a response within 7.7 minutes – but every second. That’s why we it started as opposed to losing the integration of Victoria’s fire gives fire crews the maximum chance respond with Ambulance Victoria to whole building, and any chance of services. A firefighter whose of saving life, and preventing the fire unconscious, non-breathing patients. extracting someone and saving their career began as an MFB recruit reaching flashover and spreading from The sooner we can commence CPR life is greatly diminished.” Peter told in 1973, Bibby was CFA CEO the room of origin in 90% of structure the better the chances of survival the rally that the fire service should fires.” for the patient. The same applies to from 2002 until his retirement be going forward, not backwards MFB Station Officer Melissa ‘Mac’ car accidents, chemical spills and to the bad old days when people in in September last year. He told Hanson told firefighters at theR oyal every other emergency we respond the Commission he supported Commission rally of her concerns as to. Response times are critical to a the metropolitan area could not be integration via evolution not an operational firefighter. At a recent successful outcome. They are how we guaranteed a fire truck would turn revolution. “Now, there are a fire in three-storey units at suburban measure our efficiency. They are not up save their families and property. lot of steps that need to be put Maribyrnong, the first fire crew arrived negotiable.” In the lead up to a state election into place. A simple thing like in November, firefighters are now having the same hose couplings campaigning in marginal electorates wouldn’t go amiss; the same rural and regional areas. The UFU accepts that to let the public know that MFB radio network. So they can’t happen overnight. the CFA currently has a large number of highly management plans will put their – and firefighter However, if there is a long-term goal then all of motivated volunteers with experience and skills – lives at risk (there’s more detail on pages 14 and these things can be budgeted for, can be looked at that make them particularly suitable for Incident 26). The website, with its links to and you have something to aim for. Currently we Management Teams. Facebook and Twitter pages, is keeping the public have nothing to aim for.” The Union says the work of volunteers should up to date with campaign developments.

18 I The Australian Firefighter URGENT NEED IGNORED The great divide UFU Life Member Rod Knowles spent thirty years with the MFB, much of it stationed near CFA boundaries in Melbourne’s south east suburbs. Rod now heads the UFU Victoria Branch 2011 Centenary celebrations Committee and is part of the Union’s team advising the UFU counsel at the Royal Commission. A strong advocate for amalgamation of Victoria’s fire services, he remembers well the difficulties caused by the CFA / MFB structural divide. “When we were at a big fire with MFB and CFA appliances, confusion always reigned,” says Rod. “We didn’t know which rank we were talking to because their insignias were different to ours. It’s a problem that still exists. Their trucks were also set up differently; if we needed breathing apparatus quickly we couldn’t use theirs because it was ‘theirs’, it was different and, in any case, we didn’t know where it was. There was an ‘us and them’ mentality on the fireground. The Bushfires Royal Commission has a great opportunity to fix all this. t is now more than 12 months since a Board the firefighters who protect them - are still waiting. Let’s hope it does.” of Reference ruled that 26 CFA fire stations CFA Fire Officer Stewart Marshall, a firefighter Ineeded mandatory upgrades. These included with 34 year’s experience, told the Melbourne stations located in 34 of the 52 hotspots identified rally, “(e)very day I wonder if I will be returning to by the Victorian government before the start of last my home at the completion of my shift due to the summer’s fire season. Many are in Melbourne or woefully inadequate manning levels that the CFA close to suburban fringe. Others are in, or adjacent are imposing upon us … when we turn out to jobs, to, major regional cities and towns. In April last I’ve got to go and take a hose line into a building year, the CFA asked the State Government for and I may not come out – that’s always in the back more professional firefighters. ButV ictorians - and of the mind of every firefighter in the CFA.”

Next to write-up the final report before delivering The final week of Royal Commission hearings it to the Victorian Governor on the last is at the end of May with the state government Saturday in July. ■ in the spotlight. The Age newspaper says a * From the UFU commissioned Workplace Research leaked submission by the lawyers assisting Centre (University of Faculty of Economics the commission accuses the government of and Business) 2009 paper. ‘’substantial policy failure’’ that placed ‘’at least Follow the 7.7 campaign on the Union’s FireCrisis some of those who died at great risk’’. It says the website: government and fire agencies still fail to grasp The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission was that the stay-or-go policy has been discredited established on February 16, 2009 to investigate – and merely tinkered with it across the last the causes and responses to the Victorian bushfires of January and February 2009. An interim report bushfire season. was published August on August 17 last year and The newspaper says agency chiefs have been the final report is due by the end of July. The Royal assessed as managers not leaders, while another Commission is chaired by the Hon. Bernard Teague submission recommends a Victorian Fire Services AO with the support of Commissioners Ron McLeod AM and Susan Pascoe AM. Board be established to sit over the three fire services and coordinate planning and resourcing An awful toll: The Saturday February 7, 2009 Victorian bushfire was the worst in recorded decisions, including the allocation of resources Australian history. 173 people died and 414 were “within and between” the services and the MFB / injured. 7,562 people were displaced when 450,000 CFA boundaries. ha burnt, destroying more than 3,500 structures, Royal Commission hearings have stretched including over 2,029 houses, 59 commercial properties, 12 public sector and community across more than 150 days and once completed, buildings, and 729 farm buildings (in addition to the Commissioners will have about two months houses), 399 machinery and 363 hay sheds.

The Australian Firefighter I 19 WORKFRONT SAFETY

Presumptive explained How can firefighters best protect themselves from diseases linked to the profession? Steve Bunney, UFUA Queensland President and the Union’s Presumptive Laws National Coordinator, explains

What are presumptive laws? A presumptive More safeguards disability law links a particular occupation with a disease or condition that has been shown to be a Make sure that all PPC is laundered frequently: hazard associated with that occupation. - make it a priority after every significant As a result of this linkage, if an individual contamination at any type of fire, including after employed in the occupation covered by the grass or bush fires where there is a long duration presumption contracts a disease or condition of exposure, that is specified in the presumptive law, then that - the days when the badge of honour was a disease or condition is presumed to have come firefighter’s filthy turnout gear are also long gone; from that occupation. In this case, the burden of now it’s just a sign of foolishness or lack of or proof shifts from the employee to the employer, understanding, who must demonstrate that the condition was Do not wear or bring soiled PPC into the cabin of not in fact associated with the occupation but the fire appliance: with another cause. (This definition comes - the cabin is also a work place and as such must from North America, where state and provincial be kept contaminate free, presumptive laws are now widespread.) - any PPC that is dirty needs to be bagged and So what does all this ‘mumbo jumbo’ mean for where possible placed in the rear locker away firefighter sitting in a mess room in a fire station from the cabin. Pressure on state and territory governments Change and clean your Breathing Apparatus, (BA) somewhere in Australia? Not a lot, probably. Put will be required to enact presumptive simply, it means if you contract an identified legislation to protect firefighters after every fire: disease or illness, it’s up to the employer to prove - dirty BA must be stored away from the fire it’s not work related. appliance cabin where possible, doing is dragging the stuff we trying to protect - if you’re unable to do this, wash the BA set to The questions you from into the station and affecting the health clean off any particulate matter and place it in a So what will save you firefighters? You need to of yourself and all of the staff in that station – plastic bag before it’s re-stowed on the appliance, ask these questions now to find out: those days are long gone. - on return to station source a new BA. i. Will presumptive laws save me? The short answer is NO! These laws will ensure firefighters receive the best available care, allow them to maintain an income and reduce the impost on their family. Does it stop them getting cancer? NO!. What is needed is a complete change of thinking about the historical nature of our job. ii. How do I ensure that I reduce the chances of getting one of these diseases? This is one of the most frequently questions I’m asked to answer. In short, take care of each other: - don’t store turnout clothes in the engine bay; make sure you are able to store or isolate your turnout gear away from the engine bay, - don’t wear turnout pants, boots etc. inside your station work and living areas – all you are Prevention is the only way when there is no cure: see page 33 for more pic: stockxchng/jayphen

20 I The Australian Firefighter Personal hygiene is a priority after every job, no - if not, after you have the appliance outside contract heart disease, lung disease and cancer than matter how small: make sure the doors to the engine bay are closed other workers. - even those ‘nothing’ jobs like grass fires, rubbish behind you, fires, pot on the stove, where there’s no smoke Don’t you become a statistic! - make sure that any engine bay exhaust extraction etc, make it a habit to wash your hands and Given the importance of this issue, your Union system is operated prior to starting up the wash your face before you eat or drink, leaders recently met at national level and together, appliance. - if you feel hot a sweaty, go and take a shower; formulated an action plan to start the adoption of Lastly and most importantly, lead by example; your remember these gases can enter into the skin these types of presumptive laws, state by state. actions now will leave a legacy of safe work practices through dermatitic contact. Do you think you may have a case or know for years to come. Start of shift checks – take the truck outside when of someone who would be eligible for this type undertaking these checks: We know that firefighters are exposed on a presumptive legislation? Please contact your state or - if you have an engine bay where you can get full daily basis to stress, smoke, heat and various toxic regional delegate for action. Together, we will have ventilation from front to back, open all doors, substances. As a result, we are far more likely to these laws enacted. ■

Benefits Muscular Dystrophy Jerry Lewis’ association with North American firefighters goes back 40 or 50 years. They Muscular dystrophy has no cure and its victims can be came on board with him in the very early affected at an early age. Now a local support group is stages of his support for MD. “Firefighters raise an enormous amount of both money and seeking firefighter involvement in its cause awareness each year there by getting out and The UFUA is teaming up with the Muscular mark the start of a UFUA / MDFA association talking to people, collecting and being involved Dystrophy Foundation Australia (MDFA) to help as firefighters support Jerry in his public in events,” says David Jack. Last year they its work supporting those afflicted – and funding appearances at footy matches and other events raised $28 million. research into the condition. across the third and fourth weekends in June. David said that when he spoke to delegates Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a at NCOM in Perth, the response was neuromuscular, genetic disorder: quite overwhelming. “The interest and it’s not just one disease but willingness to be involved and give common to all its forms is support – I can just see this as being of the weakening and wasting of enormous benefit to the children and the muscles over time. While most families in the time to come” types of MD occur in babies or Victorian CFA firefighter Stewart children, some others appear in Marshall is part of the UFUA / MDFA late adolescence or adulthood. planning group and says this is an The incidence of opportunity for local firefighters to join neuromuscular disorders in their colleagues in North America and Australia is estimated to be one the UK. “This is very much a natural in 10,000. That means more progression to incorporate Australian than 20,000 people have some firefighters and make it the major form of the disease. Research fundraiser and support activity we’re into the causes and ways to stop involved in,” says Stewart. its dreadful progress continue. Following the MDFA presentation at Some forms of MD are terminal. NCOM, the Jerry Lewis visit has given firefighters the impetus to get active. Fundrasing “The events we’re planning for June will be a first; they’re a chance to get our Veteran actor and comedian Muscular Dystrophy Foundation Australia’s David Jack spoke to delegates at the Perth NCOM meet this year association with MDFA off the ground Jerry Lewis, is a long term so that over the next couple of years Muscular Dystrophy support we will roll out support activities across activist in North America, where MDFA CEO David Jack says when firefighters Australia,” says Stewart Marshall. each year, millions of dollars are raised by engage with the community people listen. firefighters and their Union (the IAFF) with ‘fill “So for us to be able to be associated with More information about MDFA and its activities the boot’ fundraising drives for MD awareness firefighters is a huge honour and a privilege for can be found on the Foundation’s website at and support. our organisation,” says David. “When we Keep an eye on your UFUA In June, Jerry is coming to Australia to mentioned the possibilities with firefighters here, branch website for more on the joint fundraising assist the MDFA and its work. His visit will also Jerry was very enthusiastic,” activities planned for June.

The Australian Firefighter I 21 NCOM National delegates meet In March the UFUA National Committee of Management met in Perth. Key strategies to build the national Union and strengthen international firefighter Union links were endorsed.

The importance of strong international links was emphasised by National Secretary, Peter Marshall

WA Branch building now open!

UFUA legal rep Adam Bandt detailed the Rudd NCOM delegates and WA Members celebrated the official opening of the new government’s FairWork Act changes UFUA WA Branch HQ, the old North Perth Fire Station. The ribbon was cut by John Mc Mahon, retired Chief Officer and committee member of the Officers’ Industrial Union. Retired Member, Pat Richards was also acknowledged.

22 I The Australian Firefighter National delegates meet

Delegates to the 2010 NCOM in Perth

Delegates mapped out national campaign plan for presumptive diseases protection

WA Branch building now open!

NCOM delegates and WA Members celebrated the official opening of the new UFUA WA Branch HQ, the old North Perth Fire Station. The ribbon was cut by John Mc Mahon, retired Chief Officer and committee member of the Officers’ Industrial Union. Mark Gribble, the UFUA’s ISO and Standards Australia Retired Member, Pat Richards was also acknowledged. rep brought delegates up to date on ppc standards

The Australian Firefighter I 23 WORKFRONT APPAREL g l o b a l p r e s s u r e

(ADA) says “I could take my design to China or Vietnam and get it copied for two or three hundred dollars cheaper. But the question is, is that good for Australian industry, because if you take away this business from Australia, you won’t get it back.” There are direct – and negative – implications if the local firefighter clothing industry disappears. One is ‘speed to market’, particularly with follow up. “If you want quick service from overseas then you won’t get it,” says Rob. “During the bushfires last year, wildland gear producers supplied within hours of orders. They worked weekends, making more product. You don’t get that out of China or Romania.” Value stacks up The value of ‘speed to market’ on top-up and urgent orders should not be underestimated. Add to this the likelihood of better quality control over design and manufacture, plus quicker response to particular needs or critical issues, and the value of local manufacture starts to stack up. Tariffs saw another reduction in January this year and the high relative value of our currency against the US dollar is further battering the defences of the Australian textiles, clothing and “Bit by bit it moves off shore, slowly but surely”. Fire service garment contracts are starting to undermine a valuable local industry footwear (TCF) industry. It’s a sector that still employs close to 50,000 people and for lower skilled people, TCF provides work and security in an age when newer industries require higher Location, location skills or a move to remote regions where the cost of living is over the top. Ever thought about where the PPC and other work gear supplied by your employer is made? Should we be making Clear labelling need sure it’s manufactured locally? Let’s check the argument When current contracts are up for renewal and new tenders are being prepared, the Union and epending on where you live, the work Romania. If this is the start of a trend, then Members should consider the value of keeping gear you’re wearing could be coming firefighters are in a good position to question the skills base in Australia, says Rob Walsh. Dfrom Romania or China. And you may what’s happening and campaign for the survival “Once the contracts go overseas, those skills will think that doesn’t matter, so long as it’s up to of a local industry that’s being squeezed by be lost and it’s unlikely they’ll ever be back.” spec and does the job. powerful multinationals. ADA produces structural ppc for Queensland However, just as the debate over the new firefighters from its factory in Bendigo in central mining tax is raising questions about where Too much Victoria. It has a fully unionised workforce of the money goes and who benefits most, similar With pressure on trade barriers and growth of 250 people and the local economy benefits from questions are being asked about the industry that the global economy, corporates like the US Lion a manufacturing plant of this size. It’s helping to supplies firefighter ppc and other apparel. Apparel and British Bristol Uniforms are making keep jobs in a place where people prefer to live. Structural firefighting clothing for most inroads into Australia. The frustrating thing for As far as tenders for new contracts go, a first Australian fire services is still made right here. local manufacturers is that they’re being told they step could be to ensure the source of the clothing However, for South Australian, Aviation are too expensive. “So tell us where you’d like it is clearly identified. “There have been contracts (ASA) and – across the ditch – New Zealand made,” they respond. won and I’ve explained to a few people, well your firefighters, it’s produced overseas in China or Rob Walsh from Australian Defence Apparel garments are made in China,” says Rob. “There

24 I The Australian Firefighter are a lot of misconceptions about where things adopt the same approach for the nation’s are made. I would like to see manufacturers state firefighters? very clearly where the garment is made.” Erosion Weight it With no local procurement policies implemented For those who come back with the level playing by governments or authorities, we see big field and ‘free’ trade arguments, the reality for multinationals like Lion and Bristol pick up fire many Australian businesses is very different. service contracts to supply the gear - but then get “You try and sell garments into the US,” says it made in developing nations where labour is Rob Walsh. “You can’t do it. I’d like to see a cheap and clothing workers are on around $US weighting given to local manufactures, whether 60 a month, or about one fiftieth of the average that’s 10 or 20%, to support local industry.” Australian garment worker’s wage. When fabric maker Melba industries went “My concern is that as more and more A problematic agencies choose the foreign made garment, it under last year, it was bought by another formula: ‘free’ trade Australian company and the skills base was + global economy forces us in the local industry to consider going = national industry offshore,” says Rob Walsh. “What happens is it kept here. “That’s good, but we need to keep decline + local the same skills base for the garments,” says Rob. jobs loss just erodes the business; bit by bit it moves off shore, slowly but surely.” ■ Earlier this year, the federal government said it wanted to keep key industries – including Have your say: Go to the ufua national website at Please Note: NOT TO SCALE - only. and throw your two bob’s worth into the textiles – that support the defence forces debate. Vote in the online poll that asks should fire onshore. The question firefightersDimensions can now ask of advertisement: 190.0mm wide and 131.0mmservices’ clothing high. and equipment tenders be weighted to give local manufacturers a fair chance against their local MP is, when will the government overseas competitors?

The Australian Firefighter I 25 WORKFRONT CAMPAIGN v i c t o r i a

inquiry which, over 12 months ago, identified 24 CFA stations in need of urgent upgrade to deal On the campaign trail with urban growth and the lack of professionals. As our CFA comrades will know, many of these Victorian firefighters are out on the streets to defend stations fall within the government’s own 52 ‘hot their work conditions. Branch Campaigns and New Media spots’ – they are under-resourced and in high risk bushfire areas. Officer, Jake Wishart tells the story In the Royal Commission we have been making these points clearly – highlighting the direct link “ ’m not just doing this for my own sake; I’ll be between our employment conditions and the out of the brigade in a few years. I’m doing it standard of fire cover for the Victorian people. for the generation that comes after me when I There have already been murmurs and speculation I’m gone.” Standing out the front of a suburban about greater integration / amalgamation of the shopping centre in a marginal seat on a Saturday fire services, with the creation of a new Victorian morning, UFU delegate Peter Hall spoke about Fire Services Board. We await the Commissioner’s why he helped organise the campaign action along findings eagerly, but whether the Government with shop steward Glen Cavanagh and the other has the inclination to follow through with logical delegates and Members. Glen nods in agreement. recommendations is sometimes a separate matter. “The way I see it, we are the custodians of our conditions. They weren’t just given to us as a gift Six months more from the employer; we’ve got a duty to protect We are at a crucial point in our campaign for them.” a new EBA and I want to thank all Members, particularly our delegates, for all the hard yards and volunteering on the campaign trail. We have six months until the state election and the pressure is ramping up on the Government to deliver a fair outcome for firefighters and the community. For Members yet to take part in a local community action, please consider giving it a

Victorian Campaign challenge

national media. We have shown the public that Firefighters take the campaign to Ringwood our working conditions are directly linked to their in a marginal Labor electorate standard of emergency services protection and we As most Members know, we are now fighting in are turning up the heat on some nervous marginal a new setting. Under the Fair Work Act, our ability seat MPs. to take traditional protected action in the form of For our Members in the MFB, we are bans has been severely curtailed. Staring down the campaigning against the abolition of the 269 barrel of an arbitrated outcome, where long-held minimum crewing chart to ensure that Members existing conditions are up for grabs, we have had have the resources and troops needed to be safe to campaign creatively and fight smart for the in responding quickly to emergencies within Confident campaigners in Richmond, another changes we need in the fire services and our EBA. the MFD. If MFB management are successful marginal seat for the government in abolishing 269 it will threaten fire cover and go if there is one in your area. Shop Stewards Response challenge response times, spell the end of recall for Members and WOC (Workplace Organising Committee) For the past six months, the UFU community and, coupled with the proposed MFB redundancy members often do the ring around to ask for campaign for More Firefighters, Not Less has been clause, could lead to job losses. support and numbers at the actions – please give it educating and mobilising the public to support a thought next time. If there is no action coming maintained and increased fire cover standards Urgent upgrades up in your area, contact the office and let’s make across Victoria. Through Members engaging in For the CFA, we have been pushing hard for one happen. ■ grassroots campaigning, we have managed to increased resourcing and professional crews Until next time, Strength in Unity comrades educate and galvanize the support of thousands of for stations stretched to the limit with a lack Jake Wishart Campaigns and New Media Victorian residents and voters – through our local of staff. We have been lobbying government actions, large rallies, online campaigning and a Follow the Victorian firefighters’ campaign at to immediately implement the independent where there are also links to the consistent public presence in local, state-wide and recommendations from the Board of Reference campaign Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages.

26 I The Australian Firefighter Safety first When 2,000 Victorian firefighters delivered the Union’s submission to the Bushfires Royal Commission they also alerted the public to Fire Service plans to scrap the mandantory minimum number of firefighters on duty and change shift arrangements. The firefighters’ message was clear – resourcing cuts mean longer response times and less protection for people, property and themselves. MFB fire crews currently respond within the internationally accepted maximum emergency response time of 7.7 minutes. The community expects fire service managements to keep it this way.

The Australian Firefighter I 27 POLITICS POWER PLAYS c h a r l e s l i v i n g s t o n The business end Reform is the first casualty when vested interests go to into battle against a government and the opposition plays for total tactical advantage, says Charles Livingstone

he 2007 election seemed to set up Labor for at least two terms, as the Opposition T were swept, leaderless, from office. Now, if the polls are to be believed, Labor could lose the upcoming election, becoming the first single term government since the Second World War. What went wrong? Labor governments are elected to reform, not to conduct business as usual. Rudd’s platform promised reforms including ending WorkChoices, addressing climate change and improving health and education. To achieve this, Labor has had to overcome the opposition not just of the dispirited and only modestly talented coalition parties, but also of increasingly powerful and vocal vested interests who never hesitate to oppose that which threatens their wealth and power. Pressure points Vested interests now routinely pressure governments in ways almost unimaginable a generation ago. Back room deals with captains of industry were apparently commonplace in Abbot’s tactical strengths are also his weakness pic: stock.xchng/shuttermon the 1950s and 1960s. Corporate lobbying, donating and campaigning have replaced those cosier arrangements over the last 50 years, as the crisis. That of the US continues to hover President Obama’s health reform legislation notions of political propriety have changed. around the 10% level, despite the beginnings was so watered down by the action of vested There are currently 288 registered lobbyist of what seems now to be solid recovery. Unlike interests in the health care industry that many companies operating in Canberra, not including most of the world, Australia avoided recession commentators suggested it was barely worth organisations like the Minerals Council, the altogether. On this basis alone, Labor has a strong implementing. Even so, it took all the President’s Business Council and so on. Their influence with case for re-election, particularly given renewed considerable nous and political capital to steer it the machinery of government is significant. This economic uncertainty generated by the debt crisis through the Congress, even with a comfortable seems particularly so when the opposition has of Greece and the Euro zone. Democrat majority in both houses. But the control of the Upper House. real point of the exercise was to maintain the There is no doubt that Labor has many Total opposition Obama administration’s momentum, and that solid successes, not the least of which is its However, Labor’s reform agenda seems to have was achieved. His political fortunes improved excellent counter-cyclical management of lost momentum during the GFC. As in sport, immediately. the global financial crisis. No other advanced victory in politics is often a matter of momentum, Despite grieving over their 2007 election loss, economy was as well managed as Australia’s, or of who is seen to be making progress, achieving as Tony Abbott recently admitted, the Liberals suffered less damage from the GFC. Australia’s their goals, carrying the ball forward. Once have taken their status as the opposition literally. unemployment rate never exceeded 6% during momentum is halted, it’s hard to re-ignite. The list of measures they opposed includes the

28 I The Australian Firefighter establishment of a national health promotion foundation, as recommended by the Preventative Abbott has turned Health taskforce, increasing tax on alco-pops, and private health insurance reforms, which oppositionalism into an art, would have reduced the subsidy on private health rebates for the wealthy. backed wherever possible Leading from minority The alco-pops tax hike, despite the frenzied by vested interest – opposition of the alcohol industry, would have instituted parity in tax between other forms the real Abbott army of alcohol and these sweet drinks designed for juvenile palates – and reduced consumption. Turnbull’s opposition backed down in the face of accurate data on consumption patterns. However, private health insurers worked hard to protect their $5 billion government subsidy. The opposition certainly saw this as an opportunity to inflict further pain on Labor. Their opposition to improved preventative health measures is a mystery. Abbott has turned this oppositionalism into an art, backed (it seems) wherever possible by vested interest – the real Abbott’s army. The carbon pollution reduction scheme (CPRS), agreed by Turnbull, was the vehicle for Abbott’s succession when the conservative rump of the pic: stock.xchng/coniferine Liberal Party rebelled against Turnbull’s small-l response debacle demonstrated. Like a shark, if Nimble liberalism. This was a touch and go rebellion – he stops, he dies. had the leader’s ballot been held a few days later, Abbott is an experienced and masterful after two moderate Liberals had been elected in All in the tactics political tactician. But his lack of substance is by-elections for Higgins and Bradfield (vacated Unlike conservative parties, Labor is a becoming more and more clear. Rudd’s less by Brendan Nelson and Peter Costello) Abbott progressive, reforming force. Yet reformist cunning and sluggish response to Abbott’s would not have won. Abbott is a minority leader governments also have to maintain their own manoeuvrings is perhaps the inevitable result of within his own party. momentum, something that Obama clearly a government currently lacking momentum and understands (having quickly moved from health trying to counter the adroit moves of a more Shark moves to regulation of the financial sector) but which nimble opponent. The vested interests that opposed the CPRS Rudd, for whatever reason, has struggled to Yet Abbott’s strength is his weakness. most vigorously were the same interests that now achieve. Opposing change is easy when backed by oppose the resources super profit tax (RSPT), By abandoning what he had previously called powerful vested interests seeking retention of a progressive tax on the collective property of ‘the greatest moral challenge of our time’ in the excess profit, monopoly or massive government all Australians – resources that can never be face of conservative intransigence, Rudd played subsidy. The RSPT and other wrangles have replaced. The Minerals Council of Australia into the opposition’s image of a Prime Minister given Abbott short-term momentum, backed by and its Chief Executive Mitch Hooke devoted without reforming conviction. Not damaging the wealth of vested interest. The government, enormous energy to successfully undermining for a conservative, but mortally wounding for a despite lacking momentum, has developed the CPRS. The anti-RSPT campaign is no Labor leader. long-term responses to core problems, including less energetic. As it happens, it perfectly In contrast, Abbott is all tactics. He conceded the exhaustion of Australia’s resources and our suits Abbott’s agenda – a minority leader, as much in his now infamous 7.30 Report need for a stronger revenue base. demonstrating momentum to his troops. interview, when he conceded that he can’t always Abbott and his party have yet to tell us This has been a successful strategy, projecting be believed when speaking off the cuff. This how they would build a nation for the 21st an energetic and active image. But, largely bereft is much more an admission of an unremitting century. ■ of policy, Abbott must keep moving lest his lack search for tactical advantage than it is of Charles Livingstone is in the Department of of substance become a problem, as the budget untruthfulness. Health Social Science at Monash University.

The Australian Firefighter I 29 POLITICS THE INSIDER s i r m u r r a y Leadership Lost With porkies and politics a seemingly unavoidable combination, distinguished Australian Sir Murray Rivers is preparing the obituaries

here is a saying from the American poet Walt Emerson Tthat reads, ‘“(t)he louder he talked of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons.” I think this in a sense sums up the fate of, not only the do-absolutely-nothing-but-do-it-very- quickly Prime Ministership of Kevin 07, but also, after his very unfortunate ‘gospel truth’ interview with the 7.30 Report’s Kerry O’Brien, our great new leader Crusader Abbott. So, where to begin with both leaders’ political obituaries? (Young Malcolm up the back of the class, stop giggling.) Let’s start with Kevin Rudd. The fact is that young Kev is not just on the nose, he is up a well-known creek without a paddling device. Have no doubt, Rudd is down for the count and he won’t be getting up again – even if Labor wins the next election. Limb tearers The reason is simple. The media rocket scientists and other pea-brained trouser shakers that comprise the Canberra press Pollies need better weather checkers pic: stock.xchng/dimitri_c gallery have accomplished what they have done historically: place a politician on an unwarranted Richardson was the best SB the colony has ever pedestal and then, deciding that he’s no fun Richo missed seen on either side of politics. anymore, commenced to tear him limb by limb Like all vain, clever politicians, Rudd’s chameleon Richardson’s simple genius was to lick his from the pedestal. instincts require that those surrounding him are finger and pop it out his window each morning Uniquely, in the case of Rudd, his spectacular very impressed with the brilliance of Kevin Rudd. to see which way the political wind was blowing. downfall has been, on this occasion, a combined After all, he certainly is. If it’s true, as Ernest Hawke or Keating never died wondering or ever effort. His mistake however, was to think that Hemingway once said, that “every writer needs got a dodgy weather report from the man who once elected he could tell the gallery to go away to have a shit barometer”, the same is true of did whatever it took. Since ‘Richo’, there has and not bother him. After all, couldn’t they see – politicians. Therein lies part of the problem for been no one giving that sort of brutal advice; but he was a bit busy posing as a leader. Rudd and Labor. even if there were, Rudd wouldn’t accept it. None of this would have mattered had the For a very long time now, throughout the PM and the Government delivered on their leadership debacles that were Simon Crean, Bar advice election promises. He failed and this is why this Kim Beazley and the Mark Latham circus, How else do you explain having twenty nine year PM is the Black Knight of Monty Python fame. Labor has desperately needed someone to act as olds as senior advisors? With all due respect to He is a dead bird, a past parrot. If it wasn’t for the a political SB. In other words, Labor has never those aspirational young Generation Y things, Dream Team on my side of politics continually replaced ‘Richo’. Former Senator Richardson, for they may be clever, ambitious and do a fine line scoring own-goals, Kevin Rudd would be better or worse, colourful as he may have been, in egocentricity, but apart from this, there is little gone by now. policy-devoid at all times, the pragmatic Senator else. What on earth do you know about life at

30 I The Australian Firefighter twenty nine? What are you going to advise Kevin Club reaction The effect at the Club was immediate. Poor 07 about – the hottest bars? old ‘Bumsie’ ( Sir Rodger Darling) was calling What about the rest? Too many back-flips to But returning to my point, something I like for oxygen, Vice Admiral Wilmonth-Smythe mention. It’s fine to announce new initiatives to do on occasion during an article, Rudd’s tipped his glass of port down his trouser legs and at the speed of sound, but if you don’t deliver problems have come about because having was predicting Armageddon, and I was forced to you can’t blame the voters for not trusting you. promised the voters Shangri-la, he’s failed to open another ‘69 Grange to steady my nerves. deliver a blade of grass in the Gobi Desert, let The German playwright Bertold Brecht once alone Nirvana. observed, “there is one fundamental problem Age of consent Yes, we have the apology to our Ingenious with the armoured tank. It’s driver.” So too the Look when it comes to telling political porkies, people. But that should have happened a long problem for the Labor Party, and I’m very loath I take the very mature view that provided a time ago. My view has always been with this to say, the other side of politics. porky is told, in private, between consenting Stolen Generator business, that if you nick Jaw dropping is not something one sees all that adults could I care? Fate is a funny thing and someone’s generator, you should apologise for often down at the Melbourne Club but when Lord Turnbull must have cracked an even more lifting the parts and then we all move on. I’ve word spread of Tony Abbott’s massive blunder on expensive bottle of red as he watched the ABC. never worked out why Howard couldn’t say the 7.30 Report, some of the elder membership Malcolm, a word of advice from here on in sorry. Bad potty training would be my guess. But had conniptions. Good Lord, telling the voters – if you want the leadership back just remain are the appalling circumstances for the Upper that they shouldn’t believe what you say unless silent. It is clear that keeping one’s trap shut is Regional people any different under Rudd? No, they get it in writing isn’t the smartest thing a about the smartest trick in town. ■ in fact they’re worse. Three hundred and twenty politician might say. What came over the man? Sir Murray Rivers QC (retired). houses were to be built in the first term, thirty Look, I know Crusader Abbott is a practicing A former distinguished Victorian Supreme Court judge, Sir Murray’s contribution to the two have been finished – almost. Beware of white Catholic but there’s a time and place for the nation’s public life continues as a great and very men bearing gifts. confession. distinguished Australian


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The Australian Firefighter I 31 LIFE HEALTH e d

blog Crikey, that despite being some 110 years late, how well the policy goes down will depend How healthy is that? more on to its implementation than the launch fanfare. She points out that we’ve had a National In May, the Rudd government released a nationwide Women’s Health policy for about 21 years and men’s health policy. A good move or an election year that the first national men’s health conference stunt? Read on Macduff was held way back in 1995. n average, the Aussie Employer health male dies some five years checks Oearlier than his female counterpart. Research indicates that So now that we finally have one – Australian men have an average life and it comes with a $16.7 million expectancy of just under 79 years. budget – is it any good? Andrology This compares to nearly 84 years Australia, a research and men’s health for women. This gap isn’t new, promotion body with a focus on male so why has it taken so long for a reproductive health, is positive about federal government to come up with the policy. Its Associate Professor the plan to deal with male health Doug Lording says, “(o)ne of the problems? most important aspects of the policy Last month, the Rudd government is its acknowledgment of the range of trumpeted the release of its National factors that influence male health and Male Health policy. This one follows the importance of a strong evidence on from an election promise, so it base to inform policy and practice.” been three years in the making and For firefighters who face the formulation hasn’t been short the prospect of exposure to toxic on consultation. Last year, 26 public chemicals and dangerous workplaces forums were conducted in regional every time they go on shift, the fourth and metropolitan centres across the action priority, with its focus on the country. That involved around 1,300 preventive will be music to the ears of people, the sort of sample size your males in the ranks. The policy aim average newspaper pollster uses to is to encourage employers to deliver gauge the popularity of government health checks and programs for men and opposition parties from time as well as monitor workplace hazards to time. and environmental toxins. This aspect of the policy could synch in very well Action priorities with the Union’s NCOM decision The new policy has six priority areas to pursue presumptive laws and and in the time honoured tradition regulation to better recognise of the consultant (‘give me your and deal with firefighter cancers watch and I’ll tell you the time’) we and other work-related diseases. A poor tradie always blames … well, maybe not. Men’s health is now well and are being told that the ‘action plan’ truly on the agenda with Australia’s first National Male Health policy For female firefighters, the news is that requires us blokes to do something – the National Women’s Health policy ourselves – to make a difference. Of - health equity between males at different life is also currently being reviewed, course government, health and non-government stages, although it’s unknown where it might head sectors will be there to lend a hand we’re told, so - a focus on preventive health for males, with workplace issues. that’s heartening. - building a strong evidence base on male More broadly, the policy’s strong message Those six action priorities include the health, and about prevention will, hopefully, filter down promotion of: - access to health care for males. to employers and HR departments – and state - optimal health outcomes for males, All good stuff but will it work? Canberra based and territory governments – across the nation. - health equity between population groups health policy commentator Margo Saunders Unfortunately, the money may not go quite of males, pointed out in the online news and commentary far enough.

32 I The Australian Firefighter The spend framework of action”, says Andrology Australia’s So how will the bulk of the dollars be spent? Doug Lording, “it is important that individuals, Over 40% (nearly $7 million) of the budget will organisations, service providers and governments go on a national longitudinal men’s health study. work together to ensure that the policy is This forms part of its whole-of-life viewpoint, effectively implemented.” says Andrology Australia and the study will It “touches all the bases” says Margo Saunders hope to identify “the social determinants of but a number of unanswered questions remain, male health and the associations with biological, Targeting men – but will the National Male Health such as how it will relate to other national health policy make a difference? pic: stockxhng/flycat environmental and other factors across the policies, such as the National Drug Strategy and lifespan.” strategic approaches to obesity. been allocated to the Australian Men’s Sheds For firefighters, there are echoes here of the So, for Australia’s men. does life need to be a Association, while $6 million will be spent Monash University firefighter health study that choice between quantity (life span) and quality on promoting the role of Indigenous men in was proposed after the discovery of a cancer (how well we live)? Or could us blokes have it all, their children’s and families’ lives. “This clearly cluster at the Atherton fire station in northern thanks to the National Male Health policy? Only doesn’t leave a lot for everything else, such as Queensland. This year, the Union is investigating time will tell. ■ addressing major needs in primary prevention,” the value of supporting the study and whether says Margo Saunders. The ageing editor it is more studies or more immediate action by Check out the detail of the National Male Health Policy at governments and employers that will prove the The limits Read Margo Saunders Crikey column in full via most effective way to support firefighters who With its nine supporting documents the new contract cancer through workplace exposure. National Male Health Policy does appear to be To find out more about the Australian Centre of Excellence in Male Reproductive Health, visit the But back to the National Male Health policy weighty and comprehensive. But is that a recipe Andrology Australia website at budget commitments; a further $3 million has for success? “While the policy now provides a


Firefighters continues to be at risk of hotspots and make their checks. Health risks from exposure asbestos exposure because it was Asbestos fibres can enter the lungs and Clues to its presence frequently used in older structures. Its become trapped which can lead to scarring. ability to linger in the air even after a fire Asbestos was used in a number of Over time, this can increase the risk of has been extinguished also makes it building products. While there is no developing conditions like mesothelioma, a hazard. definitive way to tell whether a material asbestosis or lung cancer. However, that does contain asbestos there are some risk depends on the nature of exposure. Asbestos and fire clues after a fire. For example, if certain Patients diagnosed with asbestos Asbestos exposure is unlikely to occur parts of a structure are in much better related diseases usually have a pattern of during the initial firefighting stages when relative condition than other parts, asbestos exposure. Therefore, it is unlikely firefighters are wearing BA that prevent there’s a fair chance asbestos could that a one time exposure will lead to the asbestos from being inhaled. However be present. development of cancer. But if you have during a fire, asbestos containing materials been exposed to asbestos, report it and might disintegrate from the fire itself or Removal or abatement get a medical check. from water when it makes contact with If a building has had asbestos removed, Prevention is key: a good start is to hot material. that means it is no longer present in the make sure all PPC is cleaned frequently. It might also be released into the air structure. If a building has undergone in the case of structural failure. The fibres asbestos abatement that means the Sources include the US based Check out the website’s firefighter section via tinyurl. are not combustible and can linger in material has been removed or sealed com/27wusot the air during the overhaul stage of a fire within a protective material to prevent it There’s more information about asbestos and its dangers on the Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia website when firefighters extinguish remaining from being released. at

The Australian Firefighter I 33 LIFE CARE w i l d l i f e For the wild Rescue and rehab are key roles for wildlife responders as bushfires, emergencies, climate change – and the GFC – pile on the pressure

ach year, countless numbers of wild with assessment, medication – and in some cases occupy the time of wildlife responders. There animals are killed, injured and orphaned euthanasia – of injured and distressed animals. are food drops to drought and fire affected areas, Eacross Australia as a direct consequence Eastern grey kangaroos, swamp and redneck dealing with the results of illegal trapping and of human activities or natural disasters. wallabies, along with possums and lizards were poisoning attempts (possums), mindless cruelty Firefighters are all too aware of the impact of the most severely affected species. Injuries (bow and arrow attacks on birds and animals), fires and other emergencies they attend on included serious burns to paws, limbs and dog and cat attacks (sugar glider and brush-tails) the animal population. And that extends to tails. Stress and dehydration affected many of plus road injuries (koalas, wombats, echidnas) domesticated animals as well as those in the the animals and there were a number of joeys and entanglements (grey headed flying foxes). bush. orphaned. Volunteers also rehabilitate and care for injured animals – and staff the emergency However, it is not-for-profit and volunteer Rules and regs based organisations that lead the charge to phone service. In Victoria alone, 60,000 calls protect wildlife across Australia. Many provide Rapid access to injured wildlife can be an issue are dealt with each year. Funded by donations, around-the-clock rescue, rehabilitation and and delays can be frustrating for the responders. it is nevertheless relied on by government information services. departments, zoos, sanctuaries, veterinarians, councils, police and Modus operandi emergency services – as well as the Wildlife Victoria is one such rescue body. general public. Formed in 1989, the group celebrates a Qualities 21st birthday this year. Animal rescue, So what’s it take to be a rehab and support is an expensive business, good wildlife support person? Of and as state and territory governments course sensitivity to wildlife rescue and tighten their belts to cope with the rehabilitation is a must, along with impact of the global financial crisis, they enthusiasm, dedication, a professional are spending less in this area. So an even attitude, not to mention the ability greater responsibility for the rescue and to remain calm and focused under care of injured and threatened wild species pressure. You need to be able to work is being placed on these voluntary groups. alone and unsupervised while the Wildlife Victoria relies on about 650 ability to relate is a must – not only to members, mostly volunteers, to do the injured animals but also to members work. Volunteers are trained to perform of the public who are often distressed their tasks during emergencies such as when they come across wildlife in need bushfires, accidents or chemical and fuel Scarce already, but koalas are just one native species suffering of urgent care. spills. In addition to rescue operations, increased stress pic: stock.xchng_albertip And what’s it take to be a good many volunteers devote hours to care and wildlife supporter? How about starting rehabilitation, education and training, wildlife To clear up areas of confusion, Victoria’s with a donation? ■ advocacy and research. Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) has recently revised its protocols for Grampians Wildlife protection and support groups wildlife rescue on fire grounds. are state and territory based. A good example of how wildlife emergency They cover some 18 pages but Wildlife Links to a number of them include: NSW: Wildlife Information and Rescue responders go about their work can be found Victoria believes the revision represents “a Service back in January, when a bushfire burnt through significant change in the mindset of government SA: Fauna Rescue of SA at 1,700 hectares of the Grampians National park departments in factoring the state’s wildlife in WA: Department of Environment and Conservation in Victoria. disaster response planning.” This new approach Wildcare courses and helpline via Within 24 hours, a Wildlife Victoria response has been heavily influenced by the Victorian effort swung into action involving more than 20 bushfires tragedy of last year, when wildlife Vic: Wildlife Victoria at team members working in shifts across each day. rescue and rehabilitation was almost entirely;DSE/CFA The protocols can be found via Team members, decked out in rescue equipment resourced by Wildlife Victoria. and protective gear included vets who assisted However, it’s not only bushfire injuries that Banner pic: stock.xchng/egilshay

34 I The Australian Firefighter Sign of the times Communities have always been at a disadvantage when they’ve lacked the protection of paid, professional firefighters. However, in their absence, communities cope in various ways and from China here’s a sign describing how one town went about protecting itself against fire. And just in case the image is a little difficult to decipher, here’s what the sign says.

Fire Department The people in Wu Zhen have been emphasised anti-fire and the fire department consisted of three communities that paid the daily expenses to prepare some necessary anti-fire implements. These implements differed in different times, originally, they was made from wood, after the anti-war, the newly produced pump was used. On fire, the people went all out to put out it, who went to do so were all voluntary. Later, the people in the town regarded May 20 every year in the lunar calendar as anti-fire day. When all the people would like to take active part in fire drill.

UFU Victoria Branch Industrial Officer Harry Mitchell snapped this priceless piece of fire prevention history on a trip to China.

Dispatch is the UFUA’s national industrial and campaign newsletter. Subscribe at to have it delivered to your email inbox

The Australian Firefighter I 35 LIFE EATS m a n n i x

The Godfather …. an offer you can’t refuse

1 can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed Winter warmers And the meatballs: 450g (about 6) chicken and fennel Eat now, save some for later – it’s the only way to go sausages 1 cooked chicken breast (from the chicken with winter comfort food, says Chef Mannix used for the soup) 1 egg oup with hot buttered toast, mashed Ingredients: 2 tblspns chicken fat (skimmed from stock) veggies with grilled meat, steaming, 1 small chicken (about 1.5 kg) ½ cup (plus more) matzo meal or Ssticky pudding! It’s that time of year 3 carrots, peeled and diced breadcrumbs. where we just want to be kept warm. These are 3 stalks of celery, diced (and some Rinse out the chicken, place the celery tops, some of my favourite winter dishes. And they’re leafy tops) the dill and the garlic cloves in the cavity and all worth making in large quantity because they 3 onions, peeled and diced place it in a large pot. Add all other ingredients all taste even better the next day! 3 ripe tomatoes, diced except the capsicum and zucchini, cover with water. Bring to the boil then reduce heat to a The Godfather Chicken Soup 3 tufty sprigs of dill 3 bay leaves gentle simmer and allow to cook at least 2-4 I made this soup for my god daughter when hours. Remove from the heat, allow to cool 1 piece of old parmesan rind she was here for a visit. She turned up on my then cover with a lid and refrigerate overnight. 1 cup of dry white wine door step with a nasty cold and this soup was Next day, skim the fat from the surface of the just what the doctor ordered! You can skip the 1 parsnip, peeled and diced pot and set aside. Lift the chicken out of the meatballs and just shred the chicken instead. 3 cloves of garlic, peeled water, trying to keep it intact. Add the zucchini But who can resist a meatball? If you start the pinch each; paprika, salt and pepper and capsicum to the soup and bring back to a day ahead, you can skim all the fat from the 1 red capsicum boil. Add a cup of small pasta shells and, if you broth. And don’t overlook the old parmesan 3 small zucchini, diced like, some white beans. rind; it gives the soup a ton of character. 1 cup pasta shells Slice one breast from the chicken, remove

36 I The Australian Firefighter VIDEO MANNIX

Rip roaring, rooty-toot mash the skin and dice the meat. Remove the butter, a teaspoon of pepper, nutmeg and zest. sausage meat from their casings and mix with Cover and allow to sit for a couple of minutes. the chicken meat in a small bowl. Add two Add ¾ of the grated cheeses and blend, mash If a picture is worth a thousand tablespoons of the chicken fat, one egg, ½ cup or process. I use an immersion blender; that words, a ‘how to’ video is worth a of matzo meal (or substitute with crushed Sao gets everything pureed using a single pot. Taste, few thousand more. To see Mannix biscuits). If you don’t wish to use sausages, then add salt if necessary. Add the beaten eggs and in action in the kitchen, log on to use an equal quantity of lean chicken mince. combine well. YouTube at Add 1 tablespoon of grated parmesan, some Spoon into a baking dish, cover with the mannixeats to see these recipes fennel, salt and pepper and cayenne. remaining cheese – and breadcrumbs (Japanese built before your very eyes. Roll the mix into balls slightly smaller than a panko breadcrumbs work best – check the Asian golf ball. Roll these in some additional crumbs food isle in your supermarket). Bake in a hot and drop them into the soup. If the balls are too oven until topping is golden brown. What you need: soft, let them sit on some waxed paper in the Comforting in the extreme. For the berries and toffee: fridge for 30 minutes, then add to the soup. 115g butter Allow to simmer 30 minutes, until meatballs 2 cups dark brown sugar are cooked. Taste the soup for seasoning; you 2 cups blackberries can add salt, pepper or cayenne to taste. pinch salt. There, you have it. For the lemon pudding: 115 g butter Rooty Toot Mash 1 cup sugar There is something about mashed vegetables 2 eggs, plus 1 egg yolk which everyone seems to find comforting. This zest and juice of 1 lemon mix of root vegetables are mashed with some 1 ¾ cups self raising flour cheese and butter, lightly spiced and topped ½ cup yoghurt. with breadcrumbs. I always make a large batch Mix the butter and sugar and salt into a because everyone comes back for seconds. And batter, spread across the bottom of a cake pan they taste as good with the Sunday roast as they or baking dish. Arrange the blackberries evenly do with Monday night’s grilled sausages! on top of the toffee batter. The goods: Pre-heat oven to 200c. 8 swedes Cream butter and sugar in a mixing bowl, 8 parsnips add one egg yolk and combine. Add eggs and 4 carrots lemon zest and beat well. Add flour, lemon 115 g unsalted butter juice and yoghurt and beat for two minutess. 115g grated gruyere If the batter is too stiff, add a little water or 250g cream cheese additional lemon juice. 50g grated parmesan Spoon cake batter over the berries and bake for about 35 minutes until the cake is browned salt, pepper and feels firm to touch. Allow to cool slightly pinch grated nutmeg and either turn upside down on a platter or 1 tspn grated lemon zest What ever way up, this upside down pudding is a treat spoon straight from the dish. 3 eggs That’s the great thing about comfort food; 1 cup breadcrumbs. Upside Down Pudding eat some straight away and save a bit for later. Peel all of the vegetables, cut the swedes in Either way, in the kitchen, the approach of colder half, then cut each half into quarter wedges. Cut This one is with blackberry and lemon but you weather is something to look forward to. ■ the parsnips and carrots into quarters. Put the can make this dessert with any fruit. However, Visit the vegetables in a large pot of salted water, bring the blackberries and toffee are heavenly with the for day to day suggestions and to find out to the boil and simmer until tender (about 20 lemon scented pudding. Lashings of cream and more about Chef Mannix, a Melbourne lad now minutes). Drain, add the diced cream cheese and lemon gelato don’t go astray either! living in Los Angeles.

The Australian Firefighter I 37 LIFE BREAKS d a v e l a n e

River reverie After six days investigating seven centuries of Cambodian empire building, the next stage of Davo’s trip had to be a relaxing one River trip pics: davo

ngkor Wat and its surrounds are been fought over by the Khmers and Thais for That half hour took us close to the junction of captivating, no doubt about it. We were centuries and more recently was the front line the Siem Reap River and a very large lake, the A so impressed, we got the tuk-tuk* driver in the brutal civil war between Pol Pot forces Tonlé Sap. to give it handful and range further afield so (covertly backed by the UK and US) and the we could check out a number of temples and eventual victors, some disaffected factions of Boat lotto palaces of other Khmer kings. These ruins of the Khmer Rouge reinforced by battalions of The water level was low and rickety duckwalks glories past are extensive but the connecting Vietnamese warriors. down the steep muddy banks pointed to where roads are rugged and it was January, right in There are a number of ways to get to we should head. But which was the Battambang the middle of the Cambodian dry season. So Battambang from Siem Reap; the river trip is boat? There were a number of possibilities, we were not only hot but also very dusty by not exactly the quickest and during the dry all classic Indochinese river ferries with long the final day of our tour of Vedic friezes and season it can take all of a very long day. That’s flat bottomed wooden hulls, eyes painted on Buddhist sculptures. why at six the next morning, we found ourselves the bow, open air apart from a tin roof held So how about a relaxing little river trip, in a packed minibus (85% backpackers, 15% up by a dodgy wooden frame and at the stern, suggested Maria. Cool breezes, slow currents locals) hairing down another potholed road to an adjustable propeller on a long swing shaft and a timeless land immediately sprung to the ‘port’. trailing into the water. mind. Hmm, that ice cold Angkor, the excellent Speed, as your neighbourhood quantum The modern backpacker is a demanding local brew I was tucking into at the time, was mechanic will tell you, is not a constant. In animal and each of their increasingly insistent starting to work. Cambodia, hairing down a highway means queries “Battambang?” had the local sailors, you cover about 12 kilometres in around 30 labourers and police pointing to a different Westward ho minutes. While local drivers don’t bother trying boat each time. I suppose this is how they get a We were in Siem Reap, a noisy boom town that to avoid the potholes, there are a number of laugh during an otherwise uneventful morning. services the Angkor tourist industry, but our other things they will, including monks, larger However, it all settled down after a couple of next destination was Battambang, the capital vehicles, animals, motor scooters, drays, bicycles side splitting attempts by young tourists to of Cambodia’s ‘wild’ west. This region has and other pedestrians – in about that order. scramble through the mud from one boat to

38 I The Australian Firefighter undergrowth to get around nets, fish traps, bathers, clothes washers, small boats, bigger barges and severe bends. There was also a liberal measure of bottom bouncers and shoal churning to test the propeller, the long shaft and its gantry. Roof view With our boat negotiating its way between two and three metre high banks, the only view of the country side was now from the tin roof with the neck craned. Farmers digging in the still of the afternoon, while masses of ducklings packed behind flimsy corrals competed with the fish Faith is required where freeboard is scarce traps for scarce river bank space. another and consensus was reached about which seats now softer (one good reason for taking a Relaxing ? Yes it was. And as the sun dipped one was going to make the journey. jumper to the tropics). We chugged by small to the horizon we knew we must be approaching When filled to 215% capacity, the diesel was open fishing boats with mum, dad and the Battambang, as those tell tale signs of an urban brought to life, the prop lowered and we were kids plying their nets, and yes, it had become a population – heaps of plastic rubbish – started to off, churning mud from the river bottom and relaxing little trip. pile piled up on the river’s pebble banks. pouring sooty black smoke into the morning air. We approached the shore again and cruised Next stop, a prahoc (fish paste) village.Step 1: A relaxing river trip? The jury was still out but it by the Prek Toal bird sanctuary. Storks, pelicans catch a boatload of fish.Step 2: leave them in the didn’t look good. and birds of prey popped out of the greenery or hold for a month. Step 3: that’s another story. ■ Fresh water circled overhead as we turned up the Sangker Three quarters of an hour later, we were River to meander our ploughing across the north end of the lake. way across the plain to The youth had decamped to the roof to avoid Battambang. the crush of the wooden benches in steerage, making a slight stretch possible for the rest of Narrows us. A mild breeze had also sprung up, so things Whole lives are lived were definitely looking up. on this river; the boats Tonlé Sap is the largest freshwater lake in of course, but add to South East Asia. It connects to the mighty this floating houses, Mekong River and water moves in two vegetable gardens, pig directions. The Mekong floods fill it during the sties, temples, shops wet season and the water drains back during the – even whole towns dry. It’s a critical ecosystem for the region’s fish and their inhabitants – and wildlife and acts as a natural flood control moving up and down device for the mid / lower Mekong. All this is with the water levels. now threatened by massive dams and hydro However, not affluent projects further upstream in China and Laos. lives by the look of So here we were, running against the current, Dry season can be a cruel it; serene at times perhaps, but tough, judging breeze in our hair, and with those hard wooden by the very small fish being caught by a large what’s what Terms: *a tuk-tuk or remorque moto is a low powered number of people. two stroke three wheeler, where the front end of a step- Our boat paused regularly to drop off and through morphs into a back end of a Cape cart. pick up the locals, and we stopped at the Getting there: direct Bangkok Airways flights connect (slightly less floating) river junction port of Prei Bangkok and Siem Reap but they’re not cheap (around $AUD 350 return for a 50 minute flight each way). The Chas for a fuel stop and lunch. The blokes – boat trip is around $AUD 20 pp. You can also travel in and their aviator sunglasses – lounging around the reverse direction. With hotel construction going the hand-pumped bowser suggested we had hell for leather, reasonable value accommodation is not too hard to find in Siem Reap. There’s less choice in arrived in the wild west. Battambang – but it’s cheap! A little later, the river became narrow and Money: US dollars are the thing in Cambodia. Auto shallow, so the rest of the day was dominated tellers and bank staff dish them out and prices are usually quoted in them. You’ll get the local currency by tight manoeuvres – backups, multi-point (Kip) in change, along with some lollies to make up the Home is where the tilt is turns, bank sideswipes and close brushes with difference.

The Australian Firefighter I 39 LIFE PLAY m i c k o ’ r e g a n

Revolution ... or just plain revolting? With its cross code recruiting and salary cap scandals, Mick O’Regan looks into what is happening to footy pic: stockxchng/xtrapink

wouldn’t have dreamt of ending up starring hat word ‘revolution’ has gone from underhand – has been around for generations in a different code. Sure, there was movement being very busy to absolutely flat strap, as well. between the two species of rugby but it was from an occasional reference to an T Skills purchase pretty limited and basically involved the same everyday description. It used to involve popular game. The really radical idea was to suggest a uprisings, overthrowing governments and all No, the revolution is all about the collapse switch from Aussie Rules to rugby league, or that. But then advertising got hold of it and of the differences between football codes and vice versa. Imagine Ron Barassi entertaining the everything from toothpaste to radial tyres the emergence of an open market for players. idea of himself in a St George Dragons’ jersey or became revolutionary. (Yeah, I know, that’s to To recruit Queensland rugby league star Bobby Fulton turning out in the sleeveless kit of be expected.) But now it’s spread to sport, and Karmichael Hunt as the first signing for the the Essendon Bombers. not just the bumpf about revolutionary boots, new Gold Coast AFL club was a masterstroke Now, imagine Karmichael Hunt, so familiar energy drinks or hair replacement schemes. A of publicity. Suddenly the as-yet-unnamed club to hundreds of thousands of people in his revolution has gripped sport itself. was all over the back page of most newspapers Maroon State of Origin jersey, suddenly being At one level, it’s all about the huge change and on every talkback show. Local leaguies said the face of the AFL in the fastest growing region from something we did to have fun (or hang it was an insult to serious AFL fans. Diehard in the nation. It’s about to happen. out with friends) to a massive business exercise. Melburnians questioned whether Hunt would The link between sport and play was once do any good in their code. But beyond the fundamental, but at an elite level these days particular merits of the AFL and rugby league, Home grown gone that’s pure nostalgia. Sport and pay is now the this was a clear example of buying sporting As the ‘80s pop song bluntly acknowledged, key link. But that’s hardly revolutionary either; skills, irrespective of where they were fashioned. ‘money changes everything’. In sport, money the influence of money – dollars both legit and Once upon a time, a serious football player doesn’t re-write the rules as much as make

40 I The Australian Firefighter them up to suit the situation. Over the past Beefy limits best soccer involves mastery of space and speed, generation, as the amateur shackles were and of chess-like manoeuvres that create gaps in Scanning the AFL ranks, I’d be so tempted to thrown off, the cheque books flew open. Sport a defensive pattern. It’s not an issue of tucking direct some of the tall timber to rugby union. internationalised with extraordinary speed. the ball under one beefy bicep and charging at Players like Spider Everett and Tony Lockett Overseas in the English Premier League (EPL), the line. In soccer, skill not force is the active could’ve been huge in rugby. Their power and it’s hard to find a home-grown player in a top element. defensive strength would have suited such a club’s roster. collision-oriented game. And the Brisbane The EPL is a market open to the best of Fan dilemma Lions’ Jonathon Brown has the physical the best and that’s who it attracts. Players are In the end it’s skill that sells. Depending on the presence you’d love in a top rugby league centre. traded like the valuable commodities they are code, the degree to which the skill has to be and club owners are just as likely combined with sheer physical to be overseas billionaires as local The Union online toughness varies. But the grandees. Clubs are now big essential point is this; what you Find links to firefighter campaign, industrial, training and OHS investments and not simply the grew up playing in the backyard news – updated weekly. Subscribe to Dispatch and OH&S Alert sporting expression of a particular might not be where you end up, newsletters or download a copy of The Australian Firefighter community. magazine. The UFUA national website is at – if sport becomes your life. However, the ingrained Interchange it’s worth a regular visit familiarity a lifelong player and But back to the revolution, and the fan brings to a specific sport blurring of football distinctions. A is crucial to the culture of the television commentator on ABC game. In Australia we’ve emerged TV’s program recently as a series of somewhat hostile noted it’s “all about foot skills” not sporting camps. In the eye of the about sporting pedigree. If an elite true believer, his or her favourite player has the athleticism to jump, will be forever superior. So what run, catch, kick and handpass to will it be like when players begin the level required, then does it to move from one sporting matter what game he used to play? citadel to another, when last The emergence of young Somali- season’s AFL star is next season’s born players in the AFL comp rugby league revelation? highlights this very nicely. Their height, speed and balance haven’t Trade options been honed playing Aussie Rules The unspoken element in all but it is all there, to be channelled this is what has happened at as necessary. It’s what you can do, the Melbourne Storm rugby not what you’ve been doing. league club. Discovering the So who might be ‘swappable’ in club officials have deliberately the eyes of cross-code enthusiasts? rorted the salary cap has been My background is mixed with met with severe punishment with a Melbourne childhood and teenage years in Seeing him hit the advantage line with his great premierships discounted and points erased. At the Brisbane exposing me to Aussie Rules and both upper body strength would be a real crowd base of it all is money and cheating, but it’s also rugby codes. So I’ll declare myself entitled to pleaser. raised a heap of questions about restraint of trade choose. From the ranks of rugby league I’d Perhaps that physical contest marks a line and player options in a wide sporting market. love to see the Melbourne Storm’s Greg Inglis that soccer players would find hard to cross. In Who knows how it will all play out because and Billy Slater playing AFL. The former’s Australian Rules football and in rugby there’s a right now the future is so uncertain. Like I said, combination of power and balance would make focus on defence that means stopping the player, it’s a revolution. ■ him a remarkable centre half forward, while not just the ball. The bone-jarring head-on Slater’s speed and deceptive running would set defence expected in these codes simply doesn’t Mick O’Regan is the ABC Radio National’s online editor, former presenter of the Sports Factor the midfield alight. exist in soccer. It’s easy to understand why; the and a passionate sports enthusiast.

The Australian Firefighter I 41

THE LAST WORD t e r r y p e t e r s Size matters A landmark study by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technologies demonstrates the benefit of optimal crewing. Terry Peters checks it out

ince contributing articles to the This study has now opened another door laddering, ventilation and time taken to Australian Firefighter Magazine, I have for this argument. It is backed up by credible put water on the fire. Swritten about a number of topics, from data showing the effects of various situations Statistically speaking, this research is well firefighter cancer presumptive laws to grassroots that included 22 firefighting tasks. It found the overdue seeing the US Fire Administration lobbying campaigns. Regardless of the topic, the time taken to perform the tasks varies greatly figures show that in 2008, 403,000 residential point I keep returning to is that structure fires killed close to 3,000 we need to get involved and utilise people and injured about 13,500. not only our own initiatives but They accounted for approximately those from other organisations as 84% of all fire deaths, with direct well. If we seek, consult and lobby costs totalling about $US 8.5 by simply getting involved, this billion. While firefighter deaths can be incredibly rewarding for remain steady at approximately 100 not only city and small, township annually, tens of thousands more fire brigades but potentially, for are injured every year. internationally shared benefits as well. Delay grows risk An example of this is a study This study will no doubt prove just released in the United States beneficial for brigades that are faced that contains the most inspirational with staffing short sightedness and I findings. It is being carefully encourage everyone faced with this watched across the boarder in challenge to address the facts and Canada through the IAFF and understand this fresh research. The I would encourage all UFUA Canadian firefighters Sid Allman, Brad Collicutt, Kevin Culos and Captain Carl report can be downloaded from Members to also take note of it. Jones (l to r) from Powell River (British Columbia). Field experiments simulating low-hazard residential structural firefighting and rescue demonstrate the the NIST website. Key factor superiority of four person minimum crews. Backed up by NFPA standard 1710, this study now provides a This unbiased landmark study, released by the depending on the staffing levels assigned. Until stronger point to quantify what we have been U.S. Department of Commerce’s National now, few scientifically based comparisons have saying all along. Despite economic challenges, Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST), been available. fire risks will always grow, and each minute of shows that the size of firefighting crews has a delay in gaining control poses an increased substantial effect on a fire service’s ability to Two to five trial risk of death, injury and property damage. protect lives and property during residential fires. The NIST research explored a number of Public officials need to understand that reducing Now let’s put that into perspective. Of course, scenarios, including fires in residential structures, firefighter numbers is not the solution – it will if you don’t have enough firefighters at a fire it where the vast majority of fatal fires occur. The only put lives (including their own) at is not only going to be more difficult to do the researchers and their collaborators conducted greater risk. job, but matters become a lot more dangerous more than 60 controlled fire experiments to for not only us but the public as well. Seems determine the relative effects of crew size, the In Solidarity. like common sense! But we continue to find arrival time of the first fire crews and the spacing Terry Peters examples of that not being understood, no between other apparatus arriving. Exchange Fire Fighter/ Canadian Correspondent ■ matter where we are in the world. If everyone Crews of two, three, four and five firefighters The IAFF is the north American Union, with the ability to rectify the problem listened were timed as they performed standard the International Association of Fire Fighters. to us, we would never have to argue the point! firefighting and rescue taks while extinguishing The NIST Building and Fire Research a live fire at a test facility. These included (just Laboratory website So ultimately, common sense is not so common The NFPA is the US National Fire when it comes to staffing fire apparatus. to name a few) occupant search, rescue, Protection Association

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