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THANH PHAN LOAI VA THAM Thy'c V^T VEN SONG YAM CO TAY, TINH LONG AN Tap chi KHOA HOC DHSP TPHCM Sd 61 nam 2014 ^ THANH PHAN LOAI VA THAM THy'C V^T VEN SONG YAM CO TAY, TINH LONG AN LE BA KHOA', DANG VAN SON",PHAM VAN NGOT'" TOM TAT Kit qud nghiin ciru da xdc dinh duac ven sdng Vdm Cd Tdy cd 205 loai, 159 chi, 74 hp ciia 2 nganh thuc vat bac cap cd mach Id nganh Duong xi (Polypodiophyta) vd Ngpc Ian (Magnoliophyta). Tdi nguyin thuc vat cd ich dupe thdng ke, trong dd cd 135 loai cay cd gid tri lam thude, 31 loai lam thuc pham, 22 loai lam gia dung, 6 loai lam cdnh vd 1 loai cho tinh ddti. Dd xdc dinh 2 loai thuc vdt cd gid tri bdo tdn theo Sdeh Dd Viet Nam (2007) la Cd na (Elaeocarpus hygrophilus) vd Lua trdi (Oryza ruflpogon). Dang sdng cua thuc vat duac chia Idm 6 nhdm chinh la cay than thdo, cay bul, cay gd nhd, cdy go Idn, day leo vd bdn ki sinh. Ddng thdi, ghi nhdn duac 11 kieu quan hpp thirc vpt cd d ven song Vdm Co Tdy Tir khda: Vam Cd Tay, thuc vat ven song, dat ng^p nuac, tai nguyen thuc v|t, tham thirc vat. ABSTRACT Species composition and vegetation along the Vam Co Tay river. Long An province The results of the study of species composition ami vegetation along the Vam Co Tay river recorded 205 species, 159 genera, 74 families belonging to two phyla of vascular plants Polypodiophyta and Magnoliophyta. The plant resources were divided into five groups as follows: (I) medicinal plants with 72 species, (2) vegetables with 31 species, (3) household - used plants with 22 species, (4) ornamental plants with 6 species, and (5) essential oU with I species Elaeocarpus hygrophilus and Oryza ruflpogon are listed for conservation in Vietnam Red Data Book (2007). Life forms of plants were divided into sa groups including herbs, shrubs, small trees, big trees, lianas and hemiparasites. Moreover, 11 plant communities were identified along the Vam Co Tay river. Keywords: Vam Co Tay, riparian plants, wertands, plant resources, vegetation. I. D^t van de Song Vam Co Tay la mot ttong hai nhanh ciia song Vam Co thuoc tinh Long An dai 185km, chay qua cac huyen Vinh Hung, thi xa KiSn Tuong, Moc Hoa, Tan Thanh, Thanh Hoa, Thii Thira, thanh pho Tan An, Tan Tru va Chau Thanh. _HVCH, Tru&ng D?i hoc Su pham TPHCM _ThS, ViSn Sinh hoc Nhiet ddi TS. Truing Dai hpc Su pham TPHCM 60 Tap chi KHOA HOC DHSP TPHCM LeBd Khoa va tgk Song Vam Co Tay dugc xem la mot luu vuc a dong bang song Ciiu Long, la nai giao thoa ciia hai he thong song Dong Nai va song Me Kong nen da tao ra cac sinh canh thuc vat rat dac trung cho vung Dong Thap Muai. The nhung, trong nhung nam gan day, dual ap luc cua su gia tang dan so ciing nhu anh huong ciia qua trinh biin d6i khi hau, cung vai su khai thac khong hgp li ciia con nguai da gay tac dong nghiem trong d§n he thuc vat ven bo, nhieu sinh canh thuc vat tu nhien dugc thay xhk bai cac ao nuoi ca, dat canh tac hay cong trinh xay dung... Nghien ciiu nay nhSm cung dp nhung dan lieu ve su da dang cua he thuc vat ven song Vam Co Tay ciing nhu gia tri tai nguyen cua no, giiip cac co quan quan li co co sa khoa hgc trong viec quy hoach, bao ton, sii dung va phat trien ben viing nguon tai nguyen thien nhien nay. 2. Phirong phap nghiSn curu 2. J. Ngoai th irc dia Tiin hanh di^u tra va thu mlu thuc vat vao 3 dgt (thang 9, thang 10/2013, thang 3/2014) doc theo song Vam Co Tay; mau vat thu thap dugc chiip anh va xii II sa bg ngoai thuc dia bing dung dich alcohol 70 - 80%, kem theo ghi H lich mlu. De xac dinh cac quln hgp thuc vat, sii dung phuang phap Braun - Blanquet (1964). Phuang phap Braun - Blanquet dua tren thanh phan loai hien dien de xac dinh cac hgi doan thuc vat. De dan gian trong viec khao sat thuc dia chung toi chgn 6 mau voi kich thuoc tucmg d6i cho cac kilu tham thuc vat khac nhau: 6 tieu chuan co kich thuac 10m X 20m d6i vai quSn hgp cay go va cay bui; Im x Im d6i vai quan hgp ddng CO. Trong moi 6 tieu chuan, tien hanh thu mau de xac dinh thanh phan loai, mo ta cac dac diem cua tham thuc vat, ude lugng loai uu the. 2.2. Trong phdng thi nghiem Xac dinh ten khoa hgc cac loai thuc vat theo phuang phap hinh thai so sanh tren CO sa cac tai lieu chuyen nganh va cac mau chuan dugc luu giu tai Bao tang Thuc vat thu6c Vien Sinh hgc Nhiet dai, dong thai phan chia dang song va cac nhom cay co gia tri tai nguyen dua vao ket qua thuc dia ket hgp vai cac tai lieu nhu: Cay co Viet Nam cua Pham Hoang Hg (1999 - 2003) [3], Cam nang tra ciiu da dang sinh vat ciia Nguyin NghTa Thin (1997) [6], Nhung cay thuoc va vi thuoc Viet Nam cua D6 T^t Lgi (2004) [5], Tu dlkn Cay thu6c Viet Nam ciia V6 Van Chi (2012) [2], Sach do Viet Nam (2007) [1]. Lap danh luc thanh phan loai thuc vat theo each sap xep ciia Brummitt (1992). [7] 3. Ket qua va thao luan 3.1. Da dang ve thanh phdn loai Tir k6t qua diSu tra ngoai thuc dia kit hgp vaik^t qua phan tich trong phong thi nghiem da ghi nhan dugc thanh phan loai thuc vat ven song Vam Co Tay co 205 loai, thuoc 159 chi, 74 hg, ciia 2 nganh Thuc vat bac cao co mach la nganh Duong xi (Polypodiophyta) va Nggc Ian (Magnoliophyta). Trong do, nganh Duong xi c6 10 loai (chiim 4,9% tong s6 loai), 8 chi (chiim 5,0% tong so chi), 7 ho (chiem 9,5% tong s6 hg) la hg Rang la dira (Blachnaceae), Rau bg (Marsileaceae), Gat nai (Parkeriaceae), 61 Tap chi KHOA HOC DHSP TPHCM S6 61 nam 2014 Rang (Pteridaceae), Beo ong (Salviniaceae), Bong bong (Schizeaeeae) va Don (Thelypteridaceae); nganh Ngoe Ian co 195 loai, 151 chi, 67 ho. Nhu vay, cd the khang dinh rang nganh Ngpc Ian chiem uu the ve tong so loai, chi va hp 6 khu v\rc nghiSn cuu. Phan tich sau hon ve nganh Ngpc Ian (Magnoliophyta) cho thay: lop Ngpc Ian (Magnoliopsida) chi6m uru thS voi 143 loai (73,3% tong s6 loai trong nganh Ngpc Ian), s6 chi la 109 (72,2% t6ng s6 chi), s6 hp la 49 (73,1% t6ng s6 hp); lop Mot la mim (Liliopsida) co ti le thjp hon, eo sfl loai la 52 (26,7% tong s6 loai), s6 chi la 42 (27,8% tong so chi), so hg la 18 (26,9% tong so hp). Nhu vay, 16p Ngoc Ian chiem uu the trong nganh Thuc vat hat kin va tham chi trong toan he thuc vat vung nghien cuu. 6 cap dp hp, 10 hp CO so lupng loai nhieu nhat vol 101 loai chiem 49,3% t6ng s6 loai trong toan he. Trong do, hp co so lupng loai nhieu nhat phai ke den la hp Dau (Fabaceae) co 20 loai (chiSm 9,8% t6ng so loai); ke den la hp Hoa thao (Poaceae) vi ho Coi (Cyperaceae) co 14 loai (chiSm 6,8%); hp Cue (Asteraceae) va hp Bim bim (Convolvulaceae) co 9 loai (chiem 4,4%); hp Thau dau (Euphorbiaceae), hp Ca ph^ (Rublaceae) va hp Hoa mom cho (Scrophulariaceae) moi hp eo 8 loai (chi^m 3,9%)), ho Dau tam (Moraceae) co 6 loai (chiem 2,9%)) va sau cung la hp Sim (Myrtaeeae) eo 5 loai (chiem 2,4%)). d cip dp chi, CO 10 chi co s6 lupng loai nhiSu nhit la chi Coi (Cypertis) c6 7 loai (chito 3,4% tong s6 loai), kS dSn la chi Da (Ficus) co 6 loai (chiSm 2,9%)); chi Khoai lang (//jomoeo) va chi Tram (Syzygium) ciing co 4 loai (chiSm 1,9%)); cac chi c6 3 loai (chiem, 1,5%)) g6m: Bong bong (Lygodium), chi Bim (Merremia), chi Mic co (Mimosa), chi Diep ha chau (Phyllanthus), chi Lpc vimg (Barringtonia), chi Rau dira nucfc (Ludwigia), va ehi Thai lai (Commelina). 3.2. Ba dang ve dgng sdng eua thuc vat Theo each phan chia dang s6ng eiia Nguyin Nghia Thin (1997) [6], thi thuc vat vimg nghien ciiu dupe chia lam 6 nhom dang s6ng chinh, do la: cay than thao, cay bui, cay gS nho, cay gS Ion, day leo va ban ki sinh. Trong do, nhom cay than thao (C) co 111 loai (chiem 54,2%o tong s6 loai), nhom nay g6m cac cay s6ng ven bai b6i, ven bo song dat thip im, hay cac vung dit ngap nude, tap trung chii ySu vao cac hp nhu hp Hoa thao (Poaceae), hp Coi (Cyperaceae), hp Cue (Asteraceae)... TiSp dSn la nhom cay go ion (GL) va g6 nho (GN) lin lugt co 28 loai (chiim 13,7%) va 16 loai (chiim 7,8%), nhom nay gom cac cay s6ng o ven bcr song nhu hp Dao Ion hot (Anacardiaceae), hp Na (Annonaceae), hp True dao (Apocynaceae), hp Sim (Myrtaeeae), hp chile (Lecythidaceae)..
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