Collected Hymns, Sequences and Carols of John Mason Neale
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But having so cast it in, is not the claiming a vested interest in it, something like " keeping back part of the price of the land " i From the Preface to Jofi and GttrUt tfPartdiu, Jtinuty lo, lt6$. [FroHtitpitct A FAMILY r.ROUP AT 8ACKVILLK COr.LKfiB (FroM a photogvHpK taken in 1H,'5) COLLECTED HYMNS SEQUENCES \ND CAROLS OF JOHN MASON NEALE HODDER AND STOUGHTON LONDON N'EW YORK TORONTO ';«? PriwUd in Qnal Britain, t»H. INTRODUCTION A coLtcmoN of the pwtical works of John Maaon Neale bu been frequently Mked for during the lut ten ye»r», in the ourse of which hie merit* ar. s writer have become more fully appreciated than heretofore. The present book attempts to deal solelv -ith his hymns, original and trans- lated. (A companion irolume, containing his poems, is in preparation.) And whatever be the shortcomings of the present editors, they can at least claim some knowldge of their subject, and appreciation of the Author,—one of them being his eldest surviving daughter, sd the otl:er a senior member of 8. Margaret's Sisterhood, o during Dr. Neale'a lifetime was much employed by h' . in literary matters, and on whom since the death of his literary executor, in 1871, devolved the duty of preparing his posthumous prose " works for the press. The first Memoir of J. M. f le," published in the S. Margaret's Magazine was also tn- tier pen. Being a collection—not a selection—the editors have been aaaidooua to include in this volume all Dr. Neale's hymns, whether published or unpublished, well known or little known. Amongst those hitherto unpublished, there are doubtless some which would have been improved or polished, had they passed under his revising hand. But with two slight exceptions (which are marked) the editors prefer to give them exactly as he left them. His hymns naturally fall into two classes, translations and originals. In the former. Dr. Neale has been judged pre-eminent, and his work almost unique. Of his gifts as a translator, a Protestant " critic said : Neale seems to me to have always needed some previous fire at which to kindle Ti INTRODUCTION hia torch. When that could be found, his succeaa wm indeed great." More justly might it be said, with a change rather of metaphor, that he preferred to give us the old wine be than the new, "for he salth, the old is better;" but foremost that as it may, his translations stand first and among his hymns. Dr. Overton, in Julian's Dictumary of " qualifications of a good Hymnology, says : He had all the scholar translator. He was not only an excellent classical positively in the ordinary seise of the term, but he was also Dr. Neale's ex- steeped in medi' val Latin. Again, quisite ear for melody prevented him from spoiling the original, while rhythm by too servile a ; imitation of the the [.piritedness whi^h is a marked feature of all his poetry preserved that spring and dash which is so often wanting in a translation." At the same time it is only ^air to notice (as Dr. Overton says) that " while his translations have been almost univer- sally accepted by the English Church, they called down a storm of indignation from an opposite quarter. The Roman Catholics accused him of deliberate deception because he took no pains to point out that he had either softened down or entirely ignored the Roman doctrines in those hymns.