Ecclesiology Today
•I ECCLESIOLOGY TODAY Numbcr9 January 1996 Incorporating the NEWSLETTER of the ECCLESIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Successor ofthe Cambridge Camden Sociery of 1839 Registered Charity no. 210501 PRESIDENT; D.R. Buttress, MA, Dip.Arch., FSA, ARIBA Surveyor of Wesuninster Abbey IN THIS ISSUE Annual General Meeting and Annual Service Planning Day Records of the Ecclesiological Society Conference 1996 Articles: St. Mark's, Silvertown; The Revd. Dr. John Mason Neale 1818-1866; Dr. Campbell's Visit to London; Peace Which the World Cannot Give For the Bookshelf Details of Summer Visits ECCLESIOLOGY TODAY Number9 January 1996 Incorporating the NEWSLETTER of the ECCLESIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Successor ofthe Cambridge Camden Socie1y of 1839 Reg islered Charity no. 210501 PRESIDENT: D.R. Buttress, MA, Dip.Arch., FSA, ARIBA S11rveyor of Westminster Abbey THE SOCIETY'S OFFICERS SUBSCRIPTIONS CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL: Paul Velluet, B.A., Annual subscriptions were due on lst January. Those _,.. BArch, MLitt, RIBA, 9 Bridge Road, St. Margaret's, still outstanding should be sent as soon as possible to the Twickenham, Middlesex TWl IRE. Hon. Treasurer, Mr. R.L. Cline, 34 Kingstown Street, HON. SECRETARY & EDITOR of "ECCLESIOLOGY London NWl 8JP. The rates are once again unchanged: TODAY": Professor Kenneth H. Muna, BArch, DipArch, £6 for members within 30 miles of central London FRIBA, "Underedge'', Back Lane, Hathersage, Derbyshire (reduced to £4 for under-25 and retired members), £4 for S30 lAR. country members (reduced to £3 for under-25 and retired HON. TREASURER: Roger Cline, MA, LLB, 34 members) and £5 for corporate members; overseas rates Kingstown Street, London NWl 8JP. are likewise unchanged.
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