
Matrices, transposes, and inverses

Math 40, Introduction to Linear Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Matrix-vector : two views

• 1st perspective: A￿ x is of columns of A 44 11 232 3 11 22 33 4 −− 33 ==44 ++33 −− ++22 = 215215   22 11 55 21 ￿￿ ￿￿ 22 ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿ ￿ A ￿x

• 2nd perspective: A￿ x is computed as dot of rows of A with vector ￿x

4 4 1 23 4 − 3 =  2 4  = 2 1 5   of 1 and 3 21 ￿ ￿ 2 5 2 ￿ ￿ A  ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿x  

Notice that # of columns of A = # of rows of ￿x . This is a requirement in order for multiplication to be defined.

What sizes of matrices can be multiplied together?

the matrix product AB For m x n matrix A and n x p matrix B, is an m x p matrix. m x n n x p “inner” parameters must match “outer” parameters become parameters of matrix AB

If A is a matrix and k is a positive integer, we define Ak = A A A · ··· k factors ￿ ￿￿ ￿

Properties of matrix multiplication

Most of the properties that we expect to hold for matrix multiplication do....

A(B + )=AB + AC (AB)C = A(BC) k(AB)=(kA)B = A(kB) for k

.... except commutativity!!

In general, AB = BA. ￿ Matrix multiplication not commutative

Problems with hoping AB and BA are equal: In general, • BA may not be well-defined. AB = BA. (e.g., A is 2 x 3 matrix, B is 3 x 5 matrix) ￿

• Even if AB and BA are both defined, AB and BA may not be the same size. (e.g., A is 2 x 3 matrix, B is 3 x 2 matrix)

• Even if AB and BA are both defined and of the same size, they still may not be equal.

11 12 24 33 12 11 = = = 11 12 24￿ 33 12 11 ￿ ￿￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿￿ ￿

Truth or fiction?

Question 1 For n x n matrices A and B, is A2 B2 =(A B)(A + B)? − −

No!! (A B)(A + B)=A2 + AB BA B2 − − − =0 ￿ ￿ ￿￿ ￿ 2 2 2 Question 2 For n x n matrices A and B, is (AB) = A B ?

No!! (AB)2 = ABAB = AABB = A2B2 ￿ Matrix

Definition The transpose of an m x n matrix A is the n x m matrix AT obtained by interchanging rows and columns of A, i.e., (AT ) = A i, j. ij ji ∀

Example 15 135 2 A = T 33 532− 1 A =   ￿ ￿ 52  21 Transpose can be viewed as −  flipping entries about the .  

Definition A A is symmetric if AT = A.

Properties of transpose

apply twice -- get back (1) (AT )T = A to where you started

(2) (A + B)T = AT + BT

(3) For a scalar c,(cA)T = cAT

(4) (AB)T = BT AT To prove this, we show that T [(AB) ]ij = . T . Prove that for any matrix A, A A is symmetric. T T =[(B A )]ij Special matrices

Definition A matrix with all zero entries is called 0000 A = 0000 a and is denoted 0. 0000   Definition A square matrix is upper-triangular 1 2 4 5 if all entries below main diagonal are zero. A = 06 0 00 3 analogous definition for a lower- −   3 8 000 −0 200 Definition A square matrix whose off-diagonal A =  00− 40 entries are all zero is called a . −  0001     100 Definition The , denoted In, is the I3 = 010 n x n diagonal matrix with all ones on the diagonal. 001  

Identity matrix

100 Definition The identity matrix, denoted In, is the I3 = 010 n x n diagonal matrix with all ones on the diagonal. 001  

Important property of identity matrix If A is an m x n matrix, then ImA = A and AIn = A. If A is a square matrix, then IA = A = AI. TheTheThe inverse notion inverse of aof of matrix inverse a matrix Exploration Let’s think about inverses first in the context of real num- ExplorationExploration ConsiderLet’s think the about of inverses real , first in theand context say that of realwe have num- bers. Saybers. we Say have we have equation the equation 3x = 2 3x =23x =2 and weand want we towant solve to forsolvex.Todoso,multiplybothsidesby for x. What1 to do1 obtain we do? and we want to solve for x.Todoso,multiplybothsidesby3 3 to obtain 1 1 12 We multiply both(3 sidesx)=1 of (2)the 1equation = x by= 3 .to obtain2 3 (33x)= (2)⇒ = 3x = . 13 31 ⇒ 3 2 For , 1 is the1 multiplicative(3 inversex)= of(2) 3 since= 1(3) =x1 = 1. . For3 R, 3 is the multiplicative3 inverse3 of 3 since3 3(3) = 1. ⇒ 3 1 of 3 since (3) = 1 Now considerNow consider the3 following the following system system of ofNoticeNotice that thatwe can we rewrite can rewrite these these equationsTheNow,equationsThe inverse consider inverse of the a linear of matrix a system matrix equationsNoticeequations that as we as can rewrite as 3x 35x =65x =6 3 35 x51 x1 6 6 ExplorationExploration1 Let’s12 thinkLet’s2 aboutthink about inverses inverses first in first the in context the− context= of real= of realnum- num- − − − 23 x 1 bers. Say we2x have+32 equationx1 +3= x12 = 1 23 x2 2 1 bers. Say1 − we have2 equation− ￿− ￿− ￿ ￿ ￿￿￿ ￿− ￿− ￿ − − A 3x =23x =2 A ￿x ￿x ￿b ￿b which wewhich want we to want solve to for solvex1 forandx1xand2. x2. and we want to solveHow for dox .Todoso,multiplybothsidesbywe isolate the vector ￿x by itself on1 LHS?to1 obtain and we want to solve for x.Todoso,multiplybothsidesby￿ x ￿￿￿ ￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿3￿￿￿￿ ￿￿to￿￿ ￿￿ obtain￿ How do we isolate the vector xx1= 1 by itself on the3 LHS? How do we isolate1 the1 vector1 x1= byx itself2 on2 the LHS? (3x)=(3x(2))= (2) = x2 =x￿ =2￿x. = . 3 3 3 3 ⇒￿ ￿⇒ 3 3 1 1 3 5 For ,Multiplyis the1 multiplicative both sides of matrix inverse equation of 3 since by3 5(3)−2 − =13 1.: MultiplyR For3 bothR, sidesis the of multiplicative matrix equation inverse by of− 32 − since33−: − (3) = 1. 3 − − 3 3 5 3 5 x1 ￿ 3￿ 5 6 The notion3 −5 of− inverse3 5 −x1 ￿ =3￿ −5 − 6 Now considerNow consider− the following− the2 following3 system− system23 of ofNoticex=2 Notice− that− thatwe2 can3 we rewrite can1 rewrite these these 2 ￿−3 − ￿￿￿23− x2 ￿￿ ￿￿ 2 ￿−3 − ￿￿1 − ￿ equationsNow,equations consider￿− − the￿￿￿ linear− system￿￿ ￿￿equationsNotice￿equations− that as− ￿￿we as −can￿ rewrite equations as 10 x1 13 10 x1 =13 − 3x1 35x12 =65x2 =6 01 =x2 −3 359 x51 x1 6 6 − − 01￿ x2￿ ￿ ￿ 9￿−− ￿− = = 2323x x2 1 1 2x1 +32x12 +3= x12 = ￿ 1 ￿ ￿I ￿ ￿ − ￿￿ 2￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ − − I ￿− − ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿− ￿− − − A x1 A 13 ￿x ￿x ￿b ￿b which wewhich want we to want solve to for solvex1 forandx1xand2￿. ￿￿xx1 2￿. =13 − How do we isolate￿ ￿￿ ￿ the vector=x2 − ￿x ￿by itself9￿￿ ￿on￿ ￿￿LHS?￿ ￿ ￿￿ ￿ x2 ￿ ￿￿x 9￿￿￿ −￿ ￿￿￿￿ ￿ ￿￿ ￿ How do we isolate the vector￿ ￿xx1= ￿ −1 ￿by itself on the LHS? How do we isolate the vector3 x =5 x1byx itself on the LHS? 6 ? − x2 ￿ 2￿= ? Thus, the solution to (￿)is23x1 = ￿13x and￿2 x2 = 9. 1 Thus, the solution￿￿￿￿ to (￿)isx1 =− 13 and−￿￿x2 =￿￿ 9.3 ￿￿￿−5 − ￿ Multiply both sides of matrix equation by3 5− − : Multiply both sides of matrix equation− by − −− 2: 3 want this equal to identity matrix, I 2 3− − Lecture 7 Math 40, Spring ’12,− Prof.− Kindred Page 1 ￿ 3 5 ￿￿ 3 5 ￿ x1 ￿ 3￿ 5 6 Lecture 73 −5 Math− 3 40, Spring5 − ’12,x1 Prof.3￿ Kindred5=3￿ −5 − 6 Page 1 − − 2 3 − 23− x=2 −− − 2 3 1 2 ￿−3 − ￿￿￿23− x2 ￿￿2 ￿￿3 2 ￿−3 − ￿￿1 − ￿ ￿− − ￿￿￿− ￿￿ ￿￿￿− −￿−￿ − ￿￿− ￿ 10 x1 13 10 x1 =13 − x1 10 x011 =x2 −3 5 9 6 13 = 01￿ x2=￿ ￿ −￿ 9￿−− ￿ = − x2 01￿ ￿x￿2I ￿ ￿2− ￿3 1 9 ￿ ￿ ￿ I￿￿ ￿ ￿− − ￿￿− ￿ ￿ − ￿ x1 13 ￿ ￿￿x1 ￿ =13 − ￿ ￿￿ ￿ =x2 − 9 x ￿ ￿ 9￿ − ￿ ￿ 2￿ ￿ − ￿

Thus, the solution to (￿)isx1 = 13 and x2 = 9. Thus, the solution to (￿)isx = 13 and− x = 9. − 1 − 2 − Lecture 7 Math 40, Spring ’12, Prof. Kindred Page 1 Lecture 7 Math 40, Spring ’12, Prof. Kindred Page 1 Matrix inverses

Definition AsquarematrixA is invertible (or nonsingular)if matrix ∃ B such that AB = I and BA = I.(WesayB is an inverse of A.)

Example 27 4 7 A = is invertible because for B = − , 14 12 ￿ ￿ ￿− ￿ 27 4 7 10 we have AB = − = = I 14 12 01 ￿ ￿￿− ￿ ￿ ￿ 4 7 27 10 and likewise BA = − = = I. 12 14 01 ￿− ￿￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ The notion of an inverse matrix only applies to square matrices. - For rectangular matrices of full , there are one-sided inverses.

- For matrices in general, there are pseudoinverses, which are a generalization to matrix inverses.

11 Example Find the inverse of A = .Wehave 11 ￿ ￿ 11 ab 10 a + cb+ d 10 = = = 11 cd 01 ⇒ a + cb+ d 01 ￿ ￿￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ = a + c =1anda + c =0 Impossible! ⇒ 11 Therefore, A = is not invertible (or singular). 11 ￿ ￿

Take-home message: Not all square matrices are invertible.

Lecture 7 Math 40, Spring ’12, Prof. Kindred Page 1 Important questions: When does a square matrix have an inverse? • If it does have an inverse, how do we compute it? • Can a matrix have more than one inverse? •

Theorem. If A is invertible, then its inverse is unique. Proof. Assume A is invertible. Suppose, by way of contradiction, that the inverse of A is not unique, i.e., let B and C be two distinct inverses of A. Then, by def’n of inverse, we have BA = I = AB (1) and CA = I = AC. (2) It follows that B = BI by def’n of identity matrix = B(AC)by(2)above =(BA)C by associativity of matrix mult. = IC by (1) above = C. by def’n of identity matrix Thus, B = C,whichcontradictsthepreviousassumptionthatB = C. ￿ So it must be that case that the inverse of A is unique. ⇒⇐ ￿

The inverse of a matrix A is unique, Take-home message: 1 and we denote it A− .

Theorem (Properties of matrix inverse).

1 1 1 (a) If A is invertible, then A− is itself invertible and (A− )− = A.

Lecture 7 Math 40, Spring ’12, Prof. Kindred Page 2 (b) If A is invertible and c =0is a scalar, then cA is invertible and 1 1 1 ￿ (cA)− = c A− .

(c) If A and B are both n n invertible matrices, then AB is invertible 1 1 1× and (AB)− = B− A− . “socks and shoes rule” – similar to transpose of AB generalization to product of n matrices

T T 1 1 T (d) If A is invertible, then A is invertible and (A )− =(A− ) .

To prove (d), we need to show that there is some matrix such that AT = I and AT = I.

1 Proof of (d). Assume A is invertible. Then A− exists and we have

1 T T 1 T T (A− ) A =(AA− ) = I = I and T 1 T 1 T T A (A− ) =(A− A) = I = I. T T 1 1 T So A is invertible and (A )− =(A− ) . ￿

Question: If A and B are invertible n n matrices, × what can we say about A + B?

There is no guarantee A + B is invertible even if A and B themselves are 1 1 1 invertible! In other words, we cannot say that (A + B)− = A− + B− .

How do we compute the inverse of a matrix, if it exists?

Lecture 7 Math 40, Spring ’12, Prof. Kindred Page 3 Inverse of a 2 2 matrix: Consider the special case where A is a 2 2 × × matrix with A =[ab]. If ad bc =0,thenA is invertible and its inverse is cd − ￿ 1 1 d b A− = − . ad bc ca − ￿− ￿

1 10 1 ￿ Exercise: Check that AA− =[01]=A− A. 21 Example For A = − ,wehave 3 3 ￿ − ￿ 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 A− = − − = − − . 3 3 2 1 2 ￿− − ￿ ￿− −3￿ We can easily check that 1 1 21 1 3 10 AA− = − − − = 3 3 1 2 01 ￿ − ￿￿− −3￿ ￿ ￿ and 1 1 1 3 21 10 A− A = − − − = . 1 2 3 3 01 ￿− −3￿￿ − ￿ ￿ ￿

How do we find inverses of matrices that are larger than 2 2matrices? ×

Theorem. If some EROs reduce a square matrix A to the identity matrix 1 I, then the same EROs transform I to A− .

EROs -1  A I   I A     

1 If we can transform A into I,thenwewillobtainA− .Ifwecannotdoso, then A is not invertible.

Lecture 7 Math 40, Spring ’12, Prof. Kindred Page 4 1 31 Example: Find the inverse of the matrix A = −360− . 101 ￿ ￿ 1 31100 1 31100 − − R2+3R1 − − 360010 0 33310   −−−−→R3+R1  −  101001 0 32101 −     13 1 100 R1 − − − 0 33 310 −−R3 − −→R2  −  − 00 1 2 11 − − −   10221 0 R +R 1 2 0 3331 0 −− −R −→3  −  − 00121 1 −   10 2 210 1R −3 2 01 1 1 1 0 −− −→  − − −3  00 1 21 1 −   100 2 12 R1 2R3 − − − 2 010 1 3 1 −−−−→R2+R3  −  001 21 1 −   Thus, A is invertible and its inverse is 2 12 1 − −2 A− = 1 1 .  3 −  21 1 −  

Why does this ? = discussion next class ⇒

Lecture 7 Math 40, Spring ’12, Prof. Kindred Page 5