o• I ^-/ allery Contents June 1997 Depicting Human Rights : prints from South Africa by Raison Naidoo Crossroads by Derek Huggins 14 Image and Form by Margaret Garlake 18 Mbile International Artists" Workshop, Zambia : brief notes by Barbara Munay ittf iii ftilWtt A Woman's Place : images of women in Zimbabwean society by Christine Sylvester T) Tracks in Africa: works by Helen Kedgley and Suzy Pennington by Frances Marks 25 Still Searching: works by Sithabile Mhlotshwa by Busani Bafana 25 Forthcoming events and exhibitions Cover: Marlene Dumas, Billy Holiday (6 parts), 1994, 35 X 3 1cm each, ink on paper Left: Suzy Pennington, Crossroculs, 1997, acrylic, collage and procion dye on flax © Gallery Publications Publisher: Derek Huggins. Editor: Barbara Murray. Design & Layout: Myrtle Mallis. Origination: HPP Studios. Printing: A.W. Bardwell & Co. Paper: Magno from Graphtec Ltd. Contents are the copyright of Gallery Publications and may not be reproduced in any manner or form without permission. The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the writers themselves and not necessarily those of Gallery Delta, the publisher or the editor Articles are invited for submission. Please address them to The Editor. Subscriptions from Gallery Publications, c/o Gallery Delta, 1 10 Livingstone Avenue, P.O. Box UA 373, Union Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel & Fax: (263-4)792135. e-mail:
[email protected] Depicting Art can be a powerful catalyst for change and development within both the collective and the individual human psyche. Riason Naidoo, artist and education officer with the Durban Art Gallery, writes from South Africa When the Images of Human Rights Poilfolio opened at the Durban Art Gallery on International Human Rights Day.