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XXX Summer closed in London. During the preparation days to the 21st Anniversary of the Independence, Uzbek atletes bestowed a worthy present to the greatest and dearest holiday of our free and flourishing country by successfully partaking at the XXX Summer Olympic Games. 53 athletes, having successfully completed difficult qualification stages, took part in competitions in 15 sports, such as artistic gymnastics, trampoline, cycling, swimming, athletics, weightlifting, canoe slalom and sprint, boxing, judo, taekwondo, freestyle and greco-roman , shooting, fencing and tennis. The modern Olympic Games in their current form took place for the first time in Athens- the capital of Greece. On 6-15 April 1896 representatives of more than a dozen countries competed for victory in nine sports. Today Olympic Games became the biggest competition in the world. All countries strive to take part in this sports forum. Nevertheless, not everyone can participate in the Games, let alone win medals. Athletes from 204 countries took part in the London Olympic Games, 119 of which couldn’t win a single medal. The athletes from only 85 countries have stood up on the podium. Among them the gold medal winning countries are even less- only 54. India with a population of 1 billion 230 million has sent to the Games 83 athletes, and none of them could win an Olympic gold medal. Greece- a birthplace of the Olympics was represented by 103 athletes in 19 sports, but they had to return home with a couple of bronze medals. 113 sportspeople from the permanent participants of the Olympics- Arab Republic of Egypt could win only two silver medals. In comparasion with those indicators, achievements of Uzbek athletes at the XXX Summer Olympics will immeasurable gain in weight. The main factor behind the achievements of Uzbek sportspeople is the huge attention and care by President Islam Karimov in developing sports. Improving the health of the population by supporting popular sports, training talented athletes, able to represent our country in international arenas are a priority task in our country. As a result healthy, harmoniously developed generation is emerging, new young athletes are entering the sports arena. Uzbek sportspeople never returned from the Summer Olympics without medals. Our Olympic team, participating at the Olympics since 1996 as an independent nation, has won five gold, five silver and eleven bronze medals at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Sydney, Athens, Beijing and London. In accordance with the decree of President of the country “On preparation of Uzbek athletes to the XXX Summer Olympic and XIV Paralympic Games in London (UK) in 2012” dated from 5 January 2009 our athletes have been provided with new sports equipment of world standarts. They have passed practice sessions, based on the contemporary sports norms, have honed their experience and skills in international tournaments. Scientific, medical-biological tests to help ensure high sports results have been conducted. World-known Uzbek atheletes – twice world judo champion and winner of the Asian Games Rishod Sobirov, twice world boxing champion Abbos Atoev and silver medalist of the Beijing Olympic Games in freestyle wrestling Soslan Tigiev have added a bronze medal each to the medals tally of Uzbek sports delegation. – Entering sports arena of any international tournament on behalf of the Motherland gives us, the athletes, an immense feeling of pride and responsibility-, says Abbos Atoev. – All necessary conditions for the youth to demonstrate their talents and capabilities, to perfect skills and experience in sports as in any other sphere are established. Such an extensive attention and care directs us to achive the highest goals. One of the most important events of the XXX Summer Olympic Games took place in the competitions in freestyle wrestling. Uzbek wrestler Artur Taymazov, taking part among the best freestyle wrestlers in the men’s 120 kg category, has achieved a rare in the sports world result of winning gold medal for the third time. In the honour of Artur Taymazov’s victory State flag of the Republic of was risen, the National anthem of our country was played. – Before competitions I promised myself to present a golden Olympics medal to the 21st anniversary of the independence of our country- says triple Olympics champion Artur Taymazov. – I am very happy that I kept my promise and could justify President Islam Karimov’s and all our nation’s trust. A. Taymazov has entered the annals of world sports as the third greco-roman wrestler to have won three gold medals at the summer Olympic Games. Only Aleksandr Medved from Belarus and Buvaysar Saytiev from could achieve this result since 1904, the year when greco-roman wrestling was included in the Olympics program. Aside from gold medals in Athens, Beijing and London Olympics, Artur has a silver from Sydney 2000. He is the only one with such a performance indicator. Furthermore, our wrestler has won two gold, two silver and one bronze medals in the world championships, and is a twice continental champion and a triple Asian Games champion. Results in sports do not only depend on force and skills, but also on luck. Several of our athletes were short of a bit of luck, a few seconds to stand up on the pedestal. Sergey Lagutin, who came fifth to the finish line in road cycling, lagged 8 seconds behind the winner. A single victory put apart boxers Elshod Rasulov, Jasur Latipov, Uktam Rakhmonov and Fazliddion Goibnazarov, judoka Ramziddin Saidov, freestyle wrestler Kurban Kurbanov from winning a medal, athlete Svetlana Radzivil was short of just 3 sm in women’s high jump. A twice world champion in canoe Vadim Menkov, weightlifter Ruslan Nuriddinov showed the fourth, Ivan Yevromov the fifth best results in the relevant competitions. Ulyana Trofimova was the first among Uzbek artistic gymnasts to participate in the Olympics, Mariya Sisoeva – the first in weightlifting among women. The first-time participant among our athletes in fencing Ruslan Kudaev took over an Asian champion, World Cup winner Kyoungdoo Park (South Korea), which has been rated by international sports specialists as a big achivement of the Uzbek sports. Denis Istomin was the first Uzbek tennis player to have won two consequent games in the Olympics. In general, Uzbek athletes have displayed their skills, experience and potential at the XXX Summer Olympic Games and have upheld the honour of our country with dignity. According to the unofficial calculations, our country team took 47th place. This is the 6th place among CIS countries and the 7th in Asia. The achievements of the Uzbek athletes in London have been a worthy gift to the greatest and dearest holiday of our nation – 21st anniversary of independence of our Motherland. The next Olympic Games, to be held in 2016 in Rio-de-Janeiro (Brazil) will be waiting for athletes from all over the world. UzA, London. Zohir Tashkhodjayev and Muhammad Amin (photo)

Published at 14.08.2012 15:53, views