Tuesday, 19 March The National Servicemen’s Association of Australia Inc 2019

General Meeting of the National Council Minutes held in Sydney, NSW

General Meeting of the National Council Minutes held Tuesday, 19 March 2019



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1.1 The National President and Chairman, Earle Jennings, opened the meeting, welcomed members and guest BRIG. Ray McCann AM OBE. He acknowledged the awarding of OAM to Bob McIvor (VIC) and extended congratulations.


2.1 The Vice President, Ron Brandy, delivered the Ode of Remembrance followed by one minute’s silence.


3.1 The Secretary reported 18 present as per register.

3.1.1 Apologies: Mr Allen Callaghan; Mr Barry Presgrave; Mr Ron Strachan; Mr Des Casey; and Mr Stuart Fairbairn

3.1.2 Proxies: The Secretary tabled proxy for WA – Mr John Thorne for Mr Barry Presgrave.

3.1.3 Motion: That apologies and proxy appointments be accepted.

Moved: B McIvor (VIC) Seconded: J Faunt (ACT) Motion Carried.


4.1 The Chairman introduced BRIG Ray McCann AM OBR (Rtd). Mr McCann addressed members and covered a range of topics which included:

i. Military background and New Guinea experience; ii. Contact with Second Era National Servicemen; iii. Problems facing all ex-Service organisations; iv. Supporting and adjusting to an ageing membership; v. Overview of the NSW RSL situation with advice that we should not be spooked by their circumstance; vi. NSAA Branches preparing for the future, and vii. Suggestion DVA could do more to assist the administration of ex-Service organisations.

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4.2 The Vice President, Ron Brandy, delivered a vote of thanks to BRIG McCann and acknowledged and endorsed some of the points made. President Earle Jennings presented a memento and expressed appreciation for his presentation.


5.1 No amendments requested.

5.2 Motion: That the minutes of the meeting held Thursday, 6 September 2018 as circulated and amended be taken as read and accepted.

Moved: T Stevenson (QLD) Seconded: J Thorne (SA) Motion Carried.

5.3 Matters Arising

5.3.1 Item 6.2.2 – National Sub-Branch email list. Proving difficult task with continued changes and constant monitoring. Work in progress.

5.3.2 Item 6.2.4 – NSW RSL President. The Secretary advised due to ongoing problems with State RSL Branch, it was considered not appropriate he be at this meeting. The matter of a one on one meeting with Earle Jennings is still open.

5.3.3 Item 6.2.6 – ESO’s Speak with One Voice. This was concept of previous Minister. Follow up with current Minister to wait pending the upcoming election. The Chairman advised of quick meeting with current Minister in Brisbane without result.

5.3.4 Item 10.1 – National Service Rose. Mr Thorne (SA) reported that his follow up and investigation had shown high demand and limited stock from supplier. He was told more stock will be available later this year. Will follow up National distribution network list.


6.1 Motion: That the record of proceedings from the Executive Meeting held 22 February 2019 as circulated be taken as read and accepted.

Moved: B McIvor (VIC) Seconded: J Thorne (SA) Motion Carried

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6.2 Matters Arising

6.2.1 Item 3.3.1 – Military Shop Payment. The Chairman confirmed NSAA had received payment. Discussion re. payment details and purchases from Military Shop.

6.2.2 Item 3.3.2 – President’s Bulletin. The Secretary advised bulletin had been sent to States however concern was expressed that feedback from some Sub-Branches indicate that now all are getting National information. The Chairman requested that Sub-Branches are provided with a copy.

6.2.3 Item 4.1.2 – ACNC Presentation. Discussion required re. suggestion that constitutions be amended to allow for external appointments for some Executive positions. The Chairman asked that members consider this matter.

6.2.4 Item 4.1.3 – Closure of Court Case. The background was explained to members and the Chairman spoke of his attempts to obtain information from the Court without success. He advised he would continue to pursue the matter.

6.2.5 Item 4.1.4 – VITA Insurance. The Chairman explained reason for insurance payment and expressed doubt about need. The Treasurer informed that last payment cheque had not been presented. Request for States to advise if they have trained Welfare advocates. Members advised TIP trained advocates not recognised after June 2019. Discussion re. trained advocates. Motion: That the VITA programme not be renewed. Current payment to be processed with no further payments to follow.

Moved: J Faunt (ACT) Seconded: B Sonter (TAS) Motion Carried

6.2.6 Item 4.1.5 – NASHO Widows Legacy contact. The Chairman confirmed his contact with Legacy as per Executive Minutes and requested NSW Branch to advise the Sub-Branch who submitted the original motion.

6.2.7 Item 5.1.1 – Eligible NASHOs for Republic of Vietnam Medal. The Chairman spoke of his involvement and gave details of two tribunal hearings with no positive result and advised he would continue to pursue the matter.

6.2.8 Item – Correspondence from Brad Bauer. The Secretary provided information re. Mr Bauer’s attempt to have Vietnam Veterans’ Day gazetted as a National day. The Chairman sought members’ attitude re. support for proposal. Following lengthy discussion and debate on gazetted and non-gazetted days. It was felt the proposal was not warranted. Motion: That this Council could not support that Vietnam Veterans’ Day be gazetted.

Moved: N Mallard (NSW) Seconded: B Sonter (TAS) Motion Carried.

6.2.9 Item 6.1 – Grant in Aid 2019. The Secretary advised of new format and timing for application of Grant which indicates approval and payment not until October. This would create a funding problem for meeting and conference in September. QLD member offered to assist.

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6.2.10 Item 6.2 – Subsidy to States. The Chairman confirmed subject to grant approval. Subsidy will be as in 2018. The Secretary advised that amounts of airfares claimed do not relate to application and quotes. Discussion agreed that the Secretary provide copies of quotes and claimants keep expenditure as close as possible to those amounts.

6.2.11 Item 6.10 – Tenth Anniversary Memorial. The Secretary outlined proposed programme for AWM service and associated activities for September 2020. The Chairman requested States organise member attendance. The Secretary to commence discussions with AWM. Suggested organising committee includes ACT members. Formulate plan and time lines. It was pointed out that this is an event for ALL NASHOS, not just Association members. Following discussion, it was agreed the Council meeting should take place on Monday, 7 September 2020 and the Reunion Commemorative activity be Tuesday, 8 September 2020. Motion: That the commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the National Service Memorial be held in Canberra on Tuesday, 8 September 2020.

Moved: N Pulford (TAS) Seconded: B Connelly (VIC) Motion Carried.


7.1 Members circulated with a copy of the correspondence register for the period. The Secretary highlighted the following items:

i. From Mercure Hotel – Costs for Sydney venue; ii. From VITA – Details and account for insurance; iii. From Allen Callaghan – Speaker acceptance to attend September meeting; and iv. From J Smorgon – Profile and non-acceptance to attend September meeting. 7.2 No matters arising from correspondence.


Note: Executive Reports to be presented at following AGM.

8.1 Queensland

8.1.1 Presented by Neal Freier. Copies issued and the following points emphasised.

i. Membership remains stable; ii. White cards issued to significant number of members; iii. State has good relationship with DVA; iv. Recent service at Wacol to unveil a memorial to NASHOs who died in accidents. Well attended by service people, dignitaries and NASHOs – over 200 attended;

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v. Branch will continue to encourage and pursue issue of white card; vi. State conference planned for September 2019; and vii. Advice and discussion re. Grants.

8.2 New South Wales

8.2.1 Presented by Norm Mallard. Copies issued and the following points emphasised.

i. Advised State Secretary resigned. Paid compliment to Colin Shapland’s efforts over the years; ii. Revised and updated membership database has been completed; iii. State AGM to be held in rural town of Parkes on 25 May 2019; iv. Constitution being reviewed with possible amendments required; and v. Gave recognition to committee member’s efforts.

8.3 Australian Capital Territory

8.3.1 Presented by John Faunt. Copies issued and the following points emphasised. i. A reminder they are a stand-alone Branch with no Sub-Branches; ii. Advised of closure of some ex-Service organisations in the ACT; iii. Census indicates average of members is 79; iv. Consideration to becoming un-incorporated; v. Monthly meetings continue to be attended by hard core members; and vi. Great support from Ladies Auxiliary.

8.4 Victoria

8.4.1 Presented by Bob McIvor. Copies issued and the following points emphasised.

i. Victorian members embrace Veterans’ card and pin with the benefits available; ii. Numbers are falling with now only 18 Sub-Branches within the State; iii. State AGM and election recently held. All positions filled except State Secretary; iv. National Servicemen’s Day in February was held at the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance with an impressive march and service; v. Expressed gratitude for assistance from the Salvation Army; vi. Annual Memorial Day held at Puckapunyal. NASHOs from all over Victoria attended. Numbers down a little, but still a good roll-up; and vii. Toy Drive for the Salvo’s continues during the year. Victorian NASHOs have donated 78,000 toys over 14 years which go to under-privileged children through Salvo centres within the State.

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8.5 South Australia

8.5.1 Presented by John Thorne. Copies issued and the following points emphasised. i. Membership declines because of sickness, resignation and passing of members. This places financial restraints on the State Executive; ii. The Branch does not support the proposed increase in National Capitation fees. A greater effort should be pursuing Grants; iii. Executive members attended State dinner to commemorate the Centenary of Armistice; iv. The Branch participated with other ex-Service organisations to respond to productivity committee report on the treatment of veterans; v. Involved with community and ex-Service organisation groups in lobbying for the re- establishment of the previously closed Repatriation hospital; vi. Supporting fundraising to establish a Scholarship for a special student education program to remember Michal Herbert, the last SA Vietnam veteran who died toward the end of the Vietnam conflict; and vii. Acknowledged five years of work to complete the Memorial Walkway and Memorial Rose Garden which would not have happened without the assistance of members and sponsors.

8.6 O.T.U Association

8.6.1 Presented by Frank Miller. Copies issued and the following points emphasised. i. Although not a large percentage, membership continues to rise due in part to many classes celebrating 50 years since graduation and therefore creating a greater awareness of the Association; ii. With much of the membership now retired, many events have been rescheduled resulting in better attendances; iii. Windsor NSW will be the location for a planned National Reunion in October 16-18, 2020; iv. “Team Scheyville” will be the name of a team from Duntroon competing in a Military Academy Word competition with 54 teams. The team’s name is seen as recognition of O.T.U and what it achieved in the field of training. Much of O.T.U memorabilia is now held at ARMC Duntroon; v. There is a great deal of enthusiasm from members for class reunions, luncheons, formal and casual dinners and sporting days; vi. The Association remains financially strong. The five-year projection plan of income and expenditure is reviewed and updated every six months; vii. A coffee table book “Images of Scheyville” featuring photographs is to be produced during the year; viii. The Association’s youth development initiatives continue. Funding was provided to sponsor young men and women in the 16-17 age group to attend development camps in VIC, QLD, SA, WA and a Rotary program in the ACT designed to instill in the youth of Australia an understanding of leadership and a personal sense of awareness.

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ix. Members will march behind the Scheyville banner in State and Territory capitals in this year’s parades; and x. The Scheyvillian magazine continues to be published three times a year and gives a meaningful insight into what Scheyville was and to the subsequent history of those who were part of it.

8.7 Northern Territory

8.7.1 Presented by Mike Lane. Copies issued and the following points emphasised.

i. The NT NSAA commenced the logistical and administrative arrangements for the commemorative Centenary of Armistice event in early 2018 to conduct a commemorative service at River War Cemetery in November 2018. Grants were obtained from DVA and NT government to meet the budget. The attendance was in the order of 300 including Federal, Territory and Local government representation and military Chiefs from the area; ii. The RSL organisation in Darwin has suffered in recent times with the appointment of an administrator to the North Darwin Branch, the burning down of the Darwin City Branch and the loss of leased premises of the Palmerston Branch; iii. The NSAA NT Memorial plaque was relocated from the North Darwin RSL and placed on a plinth at the Darwin Bi-Centennial Park. The re-commemoration ceremony was held on National Servicemen’s Day, 14 February 2019; iv. The Bombing of Darwin commemoration day, 19 February 2019 was attended by members with a tribute being laid at the cenotaph; v. The 2018 audited financial statement shows the Branch in a good financial position and remains an ongoing concern; and vi. In 2019, the NT Branch proposes to purchase and lay inscribed pavers around the National Service Memorial Garden, the Esplanade Darwin.

8.8 Western Australia

8.8.1 With no representative present, the Secretary tabled correspondence.

i. Change in WA Executive. New Executives for 2019 – President, Des Casey; Vice President, Trevor Freestone; Treasurer, Ken Pages-Oliver, and Secretary position is vacant; ii. Mr Des Casey offered apology due to health problems. Delegate Stuart Fairbairn was unavailable due to other commitments; and iii. Request to appoint SA as State proxy.

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8.9 Tasmania

8.9.1 Presented by Barry Sonter. Copies issued and the following points emphasised. i. State President spending time visiting Sub-Branches; ii. Sub-Branch camaraderie very strong with luncheons and get-togethers and fewer meetings; iii. Although ranks are thinning, members are determined to keep going; iv. Expressed concern re. attitude to the NSSF; v. Advised members against any increase in fees; and vi. Membership decline a challenge.

8.10 Motion: That all reports as circulated be taken as read and accepted.

Moved: F Miller (OTU) Seconded: B Sonter (TAS) Motion Carried

8.11 No business arising from reports.


9.1 No notices of motion.


10.1 ACNC Compliance

10.1.1 The Treasurer, Carl Adams, presented the following information:

i. Reference to items presented by ANCN representative, Prue Monument, at the September conference; and ii. Concern re. proposed legislation after July 2019.

10.1.2 Direct contact with ACNC clarified the following:

i. July legislation applied to organisations operating overseas; ii. NSAA and Branches are not required to register with the ACNC unless they have an annual income in excess of $250,000; iii. Branches must comply with their State legislation; iv. Executives must act in the best interest of members. Complaints may result in an investigation; and v. Funds raised for a purpose must be spent for that purpose.

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10.1.3 Discussion took place re. varying State legislation and requirements for fundraising. The Chairman requested compliance with State legislation and good governance must be undertaken.

10.2 The QLD delegate made a request for Branches to encourage members to register on the Nominal Roll. He outlined the benefits and advantages and expressed what had been achieved to date.

10.3 The QLD delegate tabled a paper relating to updating of Australian National Service history. It included:

i. That Major Peter Badcoe VC be added to the Officer history document as a National Serviceman. Supporting details were provided; ii. That the total number of National Servicemen called 51-72 be reviewed. Supporting details were provided; and iii. That details of National Service fatalities in the 51-59 period be included in History of National Service and commemorated where appropriate. Supporting details were provided. 10.3.1 It was emphasised that the information provided was not a criticism of previous research, but an update of records as a result of further investigation. 10.3.2 The Chairman offered appreciation for the details provided and agreed the request will be considered.

10.3.3 The SA delegate advised that Major Badcoe VC is given appropriate recognition in SA.

10.3.4 The matter of National Service Memorials was discussed relating to knowledge of them and their recording. The Secretary advised that a National register is maintained. It was suggested these should be formally registered with the appropriate government authority and also details placed on our website. The matter is to be investigated.


11.1 It was agreed the next meeting be held in Canberra on Thursday, 5 September 2019 followed by commemorative ceremony at the on Friday, 6 September 2019. 11.2 With no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 3:00pm.

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