Structural analysis of the fault zone: Possible evidence for large-scale strike-slip faulting on



Despite four decades of research, the origin of Valles Marineris on Mars, the longest trough system in the solar system, remains uncertain. Its formation mechanism has been variably related to rifting, strike-slip faulting, and subsurface mass removal. This study focuses on the structural geology of Ius and Coprates Chasmata in southern Valles Marineris using THEMIS (Thermal Emission Imaging System), Context Camera (CTX), and HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) images. The result of the work is that the troughs and their plateau margins have experienced left-slip transtensional deformation. Syntectonic soft-sediment deformation suggests the presence of surface water during the Late left-slip tectonics in Valles Marineris. The total left-slip motion of the southern Valles Marineris fault zone is estimated to be 150–160 km, which may have been absorbed by east-west extension across and in the west and across Capri and Eos Chasmata in the east. The discovery of a large-scale (>2000 km in length and >100 km in slip) and rather narrow (<50 km in width) strike-slip fault zone by this study begs the question of why such a structure, typically associated with plate tecton- ics on Earth, has developed on Mars.

LITHOSPHERE; v. 4; no. 4; p. 286–330. | Published online 4 June 2012. doi: 10.1130/L192.1

INTRODUCTION et al., 2000; Anguita et al., 2001, 2006; Webb DATA AND METHODS and Head, 2001, 2002; Bistacchi et al., 2004; Although the 4000-km-long Valles Marin- Montgomery et al., 2009). Some combination Satellite Data eris trough zone is the longest canyon system of these processes and the role of preexisting in the solar system (Fig. 1A), its origin remains weakness in controlling its developmental his- The main objective of this study was to use elusive. The following hypotheses have been tory have also been proposed (Lucchitta et al., the shape, orientation, spatial association and proposed: (1) rifting (e.g., Carr, 1974; Blasius et 1994; Schultz, 1998; Borraccini et al., 2007; crosscutting relationships to infer fault kine- al., 1977; Frey, 1979; Sleep and Phillips, 1985; Dohm et al., 2009). The purpose of this study matics and the deformation history of the lin- Masson, 1977, 1985; Banerdt et al., 1992; Luc- is to test the above models by analyzing satel- ear and continuous Ius-Melas-Coprates trough chitta et al., 1992, 1994; Peulvast and Masson, lite images across two of the longest and most system in the southern Valles Marineris region 1993; Schultz, 1991, 1995, 1998, 2000; Mège linear trough zones in the Valles Marineris (Fig. 1). To achieve this goal, the following and Masson, 1996a, 1996b; Schultz and Lin, system: Ius in the west and Coprates data, available publically via web access at 2001; Anderson et al., 2001; Mège et al., 2003; Chasma in the east across the southern Valles, were used for recon- Golombek and Phillips, 2010), (2) subsurface Marineris region (Figs. 1B and 1C). As shown naissance and detailed mapping: (1) Thermal removal of dissolvable materials or magma here, the two trough zones are dominated by Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) satel- withdrawal (e.g., Sharp, 1973; Spencer and trough-parallel normal and left-slip faults; left- lite images obtained from the Mars Odyssey Fanale, 1990; Davis et al., 1995; Tanaka and slip zones are associated with en echelon folds, spacecraft with a typical spatial resolution of MacKinnon, 2000; Montgomery and Gillespie, joints, bookshelf strike-slip faults, and thrusts ~18 m/pixel (Christensen et al., 2000), (2) the 2005; et al., 2009), (3) massive dike typically seen in a left-slip simple shear zone Context Camera (CTX) images (spatial reso- emplacement causing ground-ice melting and on Earth. In total, this study indicates that the lution of ~5.2 m/pixel), (3) High-Resolution thus catastrophic formation of outfl ow chan- Valles Marineris fault zone is a left-slip trans- Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) (spatial nels (McKenzie and Nimmo, 1999), (4) inter- tensional system and its development was resolution of 30–60 cm/pixel) satellite images action among -driven activity and an similar to that of the Dead Sea left-slip trans- collected by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter ancient Europe-sized basin (Dohm et al., 2001a, tensional fault zone on Earth. The magnitude of spacecraft (Malin et al., 2007; McEwen et al., 2009), and (5) large-scale right-slip or left- the left-slip motion across the Valles Marineris 2007, 2010), (4) Mars Obiter Camera (MOC) slip faulting related to plate tectonics, lateral fault zone is estimated to be ~160 km. The lack images from Mars Global Surveyor space- extrusion, or continental-scale megalandslide of signifi cant distributed deformation on both craft with a spatial resolution of 30 cm/pixel emplacement (Courtillot et al., 1975; Purucker sides of the Valles Marineris fault zone suggests to 5 m/pixel (Malin and Edgett, 2001), and that rigid-block tectonics is locally important (5) High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) *E-mail: [email protected]. for the crustal deformation of Mars. satellite images obtained from the

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A (km)km

60oN 12

30oN 8

300oW 240oW 180oW 120oW 60oW 4 0o

0 o 30 S Valles Marineris -4 60oS -8

100°W 90°W 80°W 70°W 60°W 50°W 40°W 30°W 20°W 10°N B 0 100 200 300 400 500 km

Fig. 1C and Fig. 29A Noctis 0° Labyrinthus

Thaumasia Capri thrust fault 10oS Coprates Geryon Chasma Montes

Cop rates Catena Melas Capri Fig. 28 Chasma Chasma 20oS Eos Syria Sinai fault Planum Thaumasia Planum Thaumasia zone Planum thrust


(B) North Ius Fig. 2a C fault Fig. 4A Thrust Normal fault

Hsu Fig. 15 Fig. 25 Hpl2 Fig. 5A Fig. 4C Inferred offset Thaumasia Fig. 11A Hpl2 Hr thrust West Capri Ius Hpl3 fault fault Valles Marineris Fig. 23 fault zone Fig. 24 Fig. 26A 0 100 200 300 400 500 km North Coprates Fig. 17 fault Fig. 16 Fig. 26C

Fault scarps examined by this study. Hpl2 Hr Hpl2 Dot indicates scarp-facing direction Thaumasia thrust

Figure 1. (A) Global topographic map of Mars and location of Valles Marineris. (B) Topographic map of Valles Marineris and locations of Figures 1C, 28, and 29A. The Ius-Melas-Coprates (IMC) trough zone is bounded by a continuous and nearly linear fault system at the bases of the trough walls. The fault system terminates at northeast-striking normal faults bounding Capri and Eos Chasmata in the east and a complexly extended region across Noctis Labyrinthus and Syria Planum. The Ius-Melas-Coprates trough zone also terminates the north-striking Thaumasia thrust in the south and may have offset the thrust to the north for 150–160 km in a left-lateral sense (see text for detail). Note that is much wider and its southern rim is higher than the surrounding region. Also note that the eastern part of the Melas depression has a semicircular southern rim. (C) Geologic map of southern Valles Marineris from Witbeck et al. (1991). Locations of detailed study areas described in this study are also shown. Note that the location of the Thaumasia thrust, not mapped by Witbeck et al. (1991), is defi ned by the plain deposits (units Hpl2 and Hpl3) in the west and the Hesperian wrinkle ridge terrane (unit Hr) in the east. This contact, truncated by the Ius-Melas-Coprates trough zone, corresponds to the Thaumasia thrust belt shown in Figure 1B.

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spacecraft with a typical spatial resolution of generate faults and folds similar to those caused ~12–13 m/pixel ( et al., 2004). The util- by tectonic processes involving deformation of First-order fold Second-order ity of these data in planetary geologic mapping the entire lithosphere (e.g., Okubo et al., 2008; folds can be found in an excellent review by Schultz Metz et al., 2010; Okubo, 2010), care must be et al. (2010). Following the approach of Fueten taken to separate the two types of structures. Cri- et al. (2008, 2011) and Schultz et al. (2010), teria used in this study for identifying, mapping, the THEMIS and HRSC images were used for and characterizing tectonically induced features reconnaissance to locate key regional structures. include: (1) structural features not restricted to This was followed by the use of high-resolution a single unit, (2) deformation patterns that can CTX and HiRISE images for detailed mapping be explained by a uniform stress fi eld across the and structural analysis. Mapping on HRSC studied region with a suffi cient arterial cover- images has been carried out by geologists with age (e.g., across a segment of the whole trough the aid of HRSC digital terrain models (DTM) zone), and (3) structural patterns involving using ORION software available from Pangaea recent strata in the trough zones and their asso- Scientifi c ( (Fueten et ciation with those observed in older bedrock of al., 2005). This approach allows determination the trough walls and plateau margins. of attitudes of planar structural features such as bedding and faults (Fueten et al., 2006, 2008, Map Symbols 2010, 2011). Because mapping conducted in this study used mostly high-resolution CTX For map symbols in the geologic maps gener- images, for which digital topographic maps are ated by this study, I followed the standard nam- Figure 2. Relationship between trends of minor not widely available to the public, the “rule of ing practice employed by the U.S. Geological parasitic fold axes and the main fold axis. Note V’s” was applied for inferring the bed dip direc- Survey. Capital letters N, H, and A denote the that the orientation of minor folds could vary tions. This is a general practice of structural geologic time of , Hesperian, and Ama- as much as 90°. Thus, using fold trends for infer- geologists mapping on Earth; it can be done zonian during which the map units were depos- ring regional shortening directions without a because the shading of the images, particular ited or emplaced. Units with lowercase names are structural context can be misleading. with low incident angles of sunlight, provides informal, with the intention of being descriptive. a general sense of topography (i.e., locations of For example, trough-fi ll, gully-fi ll, and surface ridges and depressions) (Tanaka et al., 2009). deposits of dust and talus with unknown ages holistic approach of analyzing structures at vari- may be designated as units tf, gf, and sd. When ous scales independently without assuming any Photogeologic Mapping two trough-fi ll units are mapped, subscripts genetic linkages was considered in this study.

“y” and “o” (i.e., tfy, tfo) are used to denote the Photogeologic mapping is inherently uncer- younger and older fi ll units. For multiple land- GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND tain due to the lack of direct fi eld checks. As slides, subscripts of 1, 2, 3, …, are used to indi-

such, it is important to separate observations cate the older-to-younger sequence (e.g., ls1, ls2). The formation of Valles Marineris started in from interpretations. To do so, each interpreted the Late Noachian (Dohm and Tanaka, 1999; geologic map is presented in companion with an Methods and Procedure of Structural Dohm et al., 2001a, 2001b, 2009) and lasted uninterpreted satellite image used for map con- Analyses after the end of the Hesperian (Schultz, 1998) struction. Key features are also marked on the or as late as the Late Amazonian (younger than uninterpreted images so that the readers can eas- An important procedure in the structural 0.7 Ga) (Witbeck et al., 1991). The base of the ily see how the suggested interpretations in this analysis of folds adopted in this study is that the trough walls is commonly marked by linear study were reached. In addition, assumptions fi rst-order structures at the scale of the trough and high-angle escarpments interpreted as fault and mapping criteria are listed when presenting width are mapped fi rst. This is followed by sys- scarps (Sengör and , 1975; Blasius et al., geologic maps. Finally, the strengths and weak- tematic mapping of smaller secondary structures 1977; Witbeck et al., 1991; Lucchitta et al., nesses of competing interpretations of the same within the fi rst-order features. For example, a 1992; Schultz, 1998) (Figs. 1B and 1C). Blasius set of observations are compared, and, when large fl exural-slip fold may contain numerous et al. (1977) considered that the inferred faults possible, their predictions for future investiga- secondary parasitic folds, which typically fan out may still be active as some of the scarps cut tions are discussed. from the main fold axial plane (Fig. 2). In such a recent sediments and landslides. This argument The mapping presented in this study focuses case, the trends of the secondary folds could dif- was corroborated in a recent study by Spagnu- mainly on the trough-wall and trough-fl oor fer signifi cantly from that of the main fold axis. olo et al. (2011). structures. Identifying structures on trough walls A statistic tabulation of all fold trends without The existing hypotheses for the origin of is diffi cult in places, as young talus deposits and a clear differentiation of their actual structural Valles Marineris may be divided into (1) those screens of dusts obscure bedding attitudes. Map- positions and size-order relationships could related to erosion, (2) those related to tectonic ping structures in Valles Marineris trough fl oors lead to grossly wrong interpretations, such as an processes, and (3) those related to gravity-driven is equally challenging, as they are generally inference of multiple phases of shortening under processes (Table 1). In the erosion models, the covered by young landslides and recent trough variable regional stress states. That approach is Valles Marineris trough system was induced fi lls (mostly sand and dust deposits) (Witbeck most effective for a simple structural system that by surface collapse via mass withdrawal from et al., 1991; Quantin et al., 2004). Given that formed under a single stress regime. However, below (magma, ice, or carbonate rocks) (e.g., landslide emplacement, possibly triggered by for structures formed by superposition of several Sharp, 1973; Spencer and Fanale, 1990; Davis impacts, climate change, and tectonics, can also tectonic events under different stress regimes, a and Golombek, 1990; Tanaka and MacKinnon,

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TABLE 1. EXISTING MODELS AND THEIR PREDICTIONS FOR THE ORIGIN OF VALLES MARINERIS (VM) Model types Erosion Tectonics Gravity-driven (submodels below) (submodels below) (submodels below) List of predicted Collapse Antecedent Simple rift Complex rift Right-slip Left-slip Spreading Megaslide features (below) (Ref. 20–26) (This study) (Ref. 1–11) (Ref. 12–13) (Ref. 14–16) (Ref. 17–19) (Ref. 18) (Ref. 19) 1. Relation btw None Could be related Steep trough- Steep trough- Vertical trough- Vertical trough- Vertical trough- Vertical trough- troughs and to preexisting bounding faults bounding faults bounding faults bounding faults bounding faults bounding faults faults joints 2. Fault or trough- Highly irregular N/A Curvilinear, Curvilinear, Straight and Straight and Straight and Straight and edge geometry trough margins discontinuous, discontinuous, continuous continuous continuous linear continuous linear in map view overlapping overlapping linear fault linear fault fault traces fault traces fault traces fault traces traces traces 3. Normal faulting Locally N/A Only structures Required NW-striking en NE-striking en NE-striking en NE-striking en developed echelon normal echelon normal echelon normal echelon normal faults faults faults faults 4. Strike-slip Not required N/A Not required Not required Required Required Required Required faulting 5. Along-strike Localized N/A Decrease Decrease Variable Variable Variable Variable variation of extension across laterally laterally extension along extension along extension along extension along fault motion collapse sites releasing bends releasing bends releasing bends releasing bends 6. Attitude of Inward dipping Flat Outward dipping Inward tilt No need for No need for No need for No need for trough-margin due to rift- predating VM bed tilt bed tilt bed tilt bed tilt beds shoulder uplift rifting 7. Secondary Normal faults N/A Normal faults Normal faults Normal, Normal, Normal, reverse, Normal, reverse, structures reverse, strike- reverse, strike- strike-slip and strike-slip and slip and folds slip and folds folds folds 8. Relation btw Not required Not required Not required Not required Possible, with Possible, with Possible, with Not required VM faults and strike-slip faults strike-slip faults strike-slip faults NNE-trending as transfer as transfer as transfer grabens structures structures structures 9. Relation No relation No relation No relation No relation VM faults must VM faults must VM faults VM faults between VM have outlasted have outlasted terminate at terminate at faults and thrusting thrusting thrust belt thrust belt Thaumasia thrust belt 10. Predict closed Yes No No No Possible by Possible by Possible by Possible by basins forming pull- forming pull- forming pull- forming pull- apart basins apart basins apart basins apart basins 11. Linking Not required Not required Not required Not required Fault zone Fault zone Fault zone Fault zone structures at as extension as extension terminates at terminates at terminates at terminates at ends of the VM vanishes vanishes NNE-trending NNE-trending NNE-trending NNE-trending trough zone contractional extensional extensional extensional structures at structures at structures in the structures in the two ends two ends east and a thrust east and a thrust belt in the west belt in the west Note: References: (1) Blasius et al. (1977), (2) Masson (1977, 1985), (3) Frey (1979), (4) Wise et al. (1979), (5) Melosh (1980), (6) Plescia and Saunders (1982), (7) Lucchitta et al. (1992), (8) Peulvast and Masson (1993), (9) Schultz (1998), (10) Peulvast et al. (2001), (11) Schultz and Lin (2001), (12) Lucchitta et al. (1992), (13) Schultz (1998), (14) Courtillot et al. (1975), (15) Anguita et al. (2001), (16) Bistacchi et al. (2004), (17) Purucker et al. (2000), (18) Webb and Head (2002), (19) Montgomery et al. (2009), (20) Sharp (1973), (21) Spencer and Fanale (1990), (22) Davis and Golombek (1990), (23) Tanaka and MacKinnon (2000), (24) Montgomery and Gillespie (2005), (25) Adams et al. (2009), and (26) Jackson et al. (2011).

2000; Montgomery and Gillespie, 2005; Adams (2001, 2002) and (2) the thin-skinned megaland- eastern scarp is about two times wider than that et al., 2009; Jackson et al., 2011) or development slide model of Montgomery et al. (2009).The in the west. The trough-fl oor elevation of Melas of an antecedent drainage system. The tectonic contrasting predictions by the competing mod- Chasma decreases northward, reaching the maxi- hypotheses may be divided into (1) the right- els for the development of the Valles Marineris mum depth against the broadly curved northern slip model (Courtillot et al., 1975; Anguita et al., trough zone are summarized in Table 1. trough margin (Fig.1). is the 2001; Bistacchi et al., 2004) (Fig. 3A), (2) the The 2400 km linear trough zone consisting longest linear trough zone in Valles Marineris. left-slip model (Purucker et al., 2000; Webb and of Ius-Melas-Coprates Chasmata is the most Its width decreases systematically from west to Head, 2002; Montgomery et al., 2009) (Fig. 3B), dominant feature in southern Valles Marineris east, opposite to the width-variation trend of Ius (3) the simple-rift model (e.g., Blasius et al., (Fig. 1B). Overall, the elevation of the trough zone Chasma. Discontinuous and trough-parallel lin- 1977; Masson, 1977, 1985; Frey, 1979; Wise et fl oor decreases from west to east. Ius Chasma has ear ridges with various lengths are present within al., 1979; Plescia and Saunders, 1982; Lucchitta two linear subtrough zones separated by a linear the trough zone (Fig. 1). et al., 1992; Peulvast and Masson, 1993; Schultz, ridge. The central ridge terminates in the west- 1998; Peulvast et al., 2001; Schultz and Lin, ernmost part of Ius Chasma where two subtrough GEOLOGY OF IUS CHASMA 2001) (Fig. 3C), and (4) the complex-rift model zones merge. In the east, the central ridge termi- (i.e., the ancestral basin model) (see Lucchitta nates at much wider Melas Chasma. The overall Trough-Bounding Structures et al., 1992; Schultz, 1998). Finally, the gravity- width of Ius Chasma increases gradually east- driven hypotheses consist of (1) the thick-skinned ward. Melas Chasma has an irregular southern The Geryon Montes separate Ius Chasma gravitational spreading model of Webb and Head margin marked by two spoon-shaped scarps; the into the northern and southern trough zones. Two

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σ σ σ σ 1 A Right-slip fault model 3 3 B Left-slip fault model 1

′ ′ Conjugate Riedel shear (R ) Fold Fold Conjugate Riedel shear (R )

Riedel shear (R) Thrust Thrust Riedel shear (R)

MAIN TREND of MAIN TREND of the shear zone the shear zone

Normal fault Normal fault Primary shear (P) Primary shear (P) Joint set Joint set Instantaneous strain ellipse Instantaneous strain ellipse

Future cross faults Future cross faults

σ σ σ σ 3 1 1 3 (minimum (maximum (maximum (minimum compressive compressive compressive compressive stress) stress) stress) stress) Closed (pull-apart) basin Closed (pull-apart) basin

Trough-bounding faultsC Rift model

Closed basin Cross fault Extension vanishes at the end of the fault Trough-bounding fault

Strike-slip fault Thrust fault Normal fault Basin Fold

Figure 3. Three end-member structural models for the formation of Valles Marineris and their predicted structural associations and basin development: (A) right-slip fault zone model, (B) left-slip fault zone model, and (C) rift zone model. Note that box-shaped closed basins may be explained as pull-apart σ σ basins in strike-slip fault models, whereas the rift model requires orthogonal development of coeval normal faults. Symbols 1 and 3 represent the maximum and minimum compressive-stress directions.

main linear traces of escarpment were mapped Head scarps are mostly buried by younger talus no strike-slip offsets are apparent across local along the north side of the two subtrough zones deposits coming from above, leaving the toes of short fault scarps and the regional escarpment, by Witbeck et al. (1991) (Fig. 1C). Along the the older slumping structures sticking out at the the trough-bounding structure of this segment of north-wall base of the northern subtrough, the base of younger talus slopes (Fig. 4B). Ius Chasma appears to be a normal fault. linear escarpment typically truncates spurs and Some of the debris fl ows coming out of the A prominent escarpment is also well devel- gullies and is expressed by prominent rocky channel together with large fan deposits at the oped along the base of the north wall of the cliffs with their bases covered by unconsoli- base of the escarpment are cut by fault scarps (see southern subtrough, as seen from a CTX image dated talus cones. This can be seen from a CTX the lower-right corner of Fig. 4B). The young (CTX: P12_005795_1730_XI_07S082W) image (CTX: B03_010713_1739_XN_06S082W) fault scarp in turn is buried by younger slump in Figure 4C. Landslides and talus deposits shown in Figures 4A and 4B. The talus cones structures to the west (Fig. 4B). Since sediments were derived from spurs, whereas long-runout commonly exhibit multiphase slump structures cut by the fault scarp appear unconsolidated, the debris fl ows originated from canyons cutting with sharp semicircular breakaway scarps in scarp marking the trace of a trough-bounding the trough wall. These deposits were emplaced the upslope source regions and crescent-shaped fault may be still active, as postulated by the onto the trough fl oor, which is dominated by toes at the downslope distal edges (Fig. 4B). classic study of Blasius et al. (1977). Because consolidated layered sediments (Fig. 4C). The

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landslides and debris fl ows appear to be much older than those seen in the northern subtrough in that their surfaces are highly incised and N irregular in comparison to the smooth surfaces seen in the northern subtrough (cf. Fig. 4B). Because the sunlight was shed from the left side of the image in Figure 4C, the left banks of canyons on the trough wall and trough fl oor are well defi ned by the shade (Fig. 4C). The banks of the trough-wall canyons are nearly linear, whereas the banks of the trough-fl oor

Fig. 4B Base of escarpment canyons have rather irregular shapes (thin white arrows in Fig. 4C). An interesting observation 2 km is that the west banks of linked trough-wall A and trough-fl oor canyons are not continuous CTX: B03_010713_1739_XN_06S082W (North Ius Scarp) but appear to be offset by the basal escarpment (indicated by thick white arrows in Fig. 4C). CTX: B03_010713_1739_XN_06S082W (North Ius Scarp) If the trough-fl oor canyon banks (i.e., risers as defi ned in tectonic geomorphology; see Burbank and Anderson, 2001) were once con- Scarps of slump tinuous and linear, the misalignment of the structures N trough-wall and trough-fl oor risers may indi- Debris flow cate a left-slip sense of offset along the trough- bounding fault. Alternatively, the trough-fl oor canyons may have originated by a different mechanism such as wind erosion rather than fl owing water. The third possibility is that the trough-wall and trough-fl oor canyons were parts of a large drainage system. In this case, Toes of collapse Scarp stream channels bend westward coming out 500 m structures of the mountain range as a result of tributaries B merging with the eastward-fl owing main stream along the axis of the trough fl oor; this may have caused an apparent left-lateral stream defl ec- tion (e.g., Burbank and Anderson, 2001). This latter explanation seems unlikely because the discontinuities of canyon banks are abrupt and N Truncated and offset risers Truncated occur at the exact location of the escarpment. risers Also, the truncation of the canyon banks by the escarpment is consistent with the presence of a fault offsetting the risers. The fault-offset inter-

Landslide Landslide Talus pretation implies ~500 m of left-slip motion after the formation of the risers as seen from 4 km two canyon systems (Fig. 4C). As debris fl ows Debris flow C and landslides are not offset by the escarpment (i.e., the trough-bounding fault), the inferred Figure 4. (A) Context Camera (CTX) image B03_010713_1739_XN_06S082W shows a linear scarp left-slip fault motion must have occurred before bounding the north trough wall of the northern Ius subtrough zone. The location of the escarp- the emplacement of these units. ment is marked by white triangles. See Figure 1C for location. (B) Close-up view of scarps at the base of the north wall of the northern Ius subtrough zone. Numerous recent slump structures are Trough-Floor Structures: The Western present on talus slopes. Their presence requires the operation of geologic processes that have con- Traverse tinuously built up the basal talus slope, causing it to exceed the angle of repose periodically and thus occurence of slumping. Alternatively, slumping may have been triggered by seismic activity on nearby faults. (C) Context Camera (CTX) image P12_005795_1730_XI_07S082W shows a linear In order to understand the structural evolu- topographic scarp bounding the north trough wall of the southern Ius subtrough zone. See Fig- tion of Ius Chasma, two traverses were mapped ure 1C for location. Two south-fl owing channels display steep risers on the west sides that are trun- via photogeologic analysis across the trough cated and offset left laterally by the escarpment. The offset risers are indicated by white arrow pairs zone. The eastern structural transect is ~45 km pointing in opposite directions. Also note that the highly eroded drainage channel on the trough long in the north-south direction and ~30 km fl oor has an apparent left-lateral defl ection, curving progressively eastward from north to south. The south side of this inferred channel is marked by a series of thin and long white arrows. Several wide in the east-west direction (Fig. 5A). This landslides originating from the north trough wall overlie the trace of the escarpment, indicating overall trough zone is bounded by fl at plateau that the formation of the escarpment predates the emplacement of the landslides. margins in the north and south. In detail, it is

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divided by the Geryon Montes into the northern and southern subtrough zones (Fig. 5A). The Plateau region A northern subtrough fl oor exposes a large land- N slide complex derived from the north trough wall in the north and a narrow strip of layered trough-fi ll sediments in the south. The southern subtrough exposes several smaller landslides that were originated from the south trough wall and layered trough-fi ll strata display a northwest-trending fold complex associated with Fig. 5B complex minor secondary and tertiary folds (see details in the following sections). The geology of the northern and southern subtrough zones is described separately later herein.

Northern Subtrough Zone

A narrow strip of thinly bedded unit (gfo in Figs. 5B and 5C) lies in the north across a transi- tion zone between the north trough wall and the Fig. 7 main landslide (unit As of Witbeck et al., 1991). Northern trough To the south, a narrow strip of folded trough- fi ll strata is exposed along the southern margin Fig. 6A of the northern subtrough (units Atf1 and Atf2

in Figs. 5B and 5C). Unit gfo is separated from the main landslide by a zone of unconsolidated Fig. 6I

and fi ne-textured unit (sdy in Figs. 5B and 5C). This unit is interpreted as surface deposits of

windblown dust and talus. Beds in unit Atf2 are Fig. 6E composed of fl at-lying, light-toned layers that can be traced into two deep-cut valleys across the south wall (Figs. 5B and 5C). This relation- ship suggests that unit Atf lies depositionally on 2 Geryon Montes top of preexisting topography of the south wall. Fig. 6G Embayment relationships indicate that folded

strata of unit Atf1 are younger than the mapped landslide complex (unit As in Figs. 5B and 5C). Fig. 6K Thus, landslide emplacement predated deposi- Fig. 10 Fig. 8 tion of unit Atf1 and folding. Trough-fl oor structures. In order to deci- pher the effect of tectonic deformation across Fig. 9 the northern trough zone, one must fi rst establish Southern trough the primary structures related to the emplace- ment of the large landslide complex. For land- slides that occur in Valles Marineris without post emplacement deformation, their surfaces commonly display continuous grooves and ridges with rounded geometry in cross-section views (e.g., Lucchitta, 1979; also see fi g. 6a in Barnouin-Jha et al., 2005). Fractures associated with emplacement of landslides typically trend perpendicular to the landslide transport directions (see fi g. 2 in McEwen, 1989). In contrast to these expectations, the northeast-trending and north- 10 km northeast–trending ridges with rounded morphol- ogy within the landslide block are highly broken Plateau region and are systematically cut by northwest-trending Figure 5. (A) Index map across a segment of western Ius Chasma based fractures. In addition to having rounded top mor- on Context Camera (CTX) image P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W. The Ius phology (Figs. 6A–6D), the interpreted primary trough can be divided into the northern and southern subtrough zones ridge surfaces exhibit characteristic (1) rough divided by the Geryon Montes. See Figure 1C for location. (Continued on surface morphology possibly induced by erosion following page.)

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CTX: P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W B C HNu sdy

sd N HNu y HNu

HNu N HNu ls HNu gf y ls sdy Fig. 7 HNu HNu HNu sd y gfo


gfd ls HNu Original ridges sd ls of landslide y Original ridges of landslide sdy Embayment As relationship between As As sl

and Atf1 Fig. 6A


Fig. 6E sl

Joint sets HNu Embayment Atf relationship Fig. 6I 5 km 1 between As and Atf-1 Asd Buried Fault scarp? fault (?) Fig. 6G Atf2 HNu Asd

Fig. 6K ls Embayment of sd HNu HNu y trough-fills into 5 km HNu sd sd y valleys y sdy

ls Young landslide deposits derived from steep cliffs in mountainous regions; D surface morphology is well preserved. sd Young unconsolidated surficial deposits (dust and talus), fine- y textured surface and lack of bedding. Asd Sand dune fields

gfy Young gully fills restricted in narrow valleys in trough walls.

gfo Thinly bedded and consolidated sedimentary strata at the base of north trough wall. Beds can be traced into deep-cut valleysand form mesas in places. They are interpreted as older valley and trough fill deposits. E As Landslide sheet covering most northern trough floor.

Atf Younger trough-fill strata, light-toned and fine-textured on 2 surface. Beds are not folded. Older trough-fill strata, dark-toned and rougher textured than Atf1 Atf2. Beds are folded. HNu Trough-wall rock, thickly bedded.

Ridge formed during emplacement of the landslide block

Figure 5 (continued ). (B) A portion of uninterpreted CTX image P05 Inferred fault contact now buried below young sediments _002815_1720_XN_08S084W. See A for location. (C) Interpreted geologic map of the northern Ius trough zone based on image shown in B. Detailed lithologic division is shown in map legend and also described in detail Strike-slip fault Fold Joints in the text. (D) Development of northwest-striking right-slip faults inter- preted as a result of bookshelf faulting. (E) Development of northwest- Landslide, striking right-slip faults interpreted as a result of formation of Riedel Normal fault Thrust rock avalanche, shears. See text for details. sl or debris flow

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NE-trending joints 1 km A 300 m C Fig. 6C N


Offset ridges

Lobate Fig. 6D scarps NE-trending Sand joints dunes Sand Fault dunes trace

CTX: P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W Offset ridges with D 400 m round tops sd B y N Joints

? As N 1 km

Fault ls traces



Young landslide deposits derived from steep cliffs in ls Strike-slip fault Joints mountainous regions; surface morphology is well preserved.

sd Young unconsolidated surficial deposits (dust and talus), fine- y textured surface and lack of bedding. Normal fault

As Landslide sheet covering most northern trough floor. Thrust Landslide (unit ls) , rock avalanche, or debris flow sl

Figure 6. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W. See Figure 5B for location. (B) Interpreted geologic map based on image shown in A. (C) Close-up image showing possible left-lateral offset of a ridge across an interpreted fault. See A for location. (D) Close-up view showing possible left-lateral offset of a ridge across a fault. See A for location. (Continued on fol- lowing page.)

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Offset E ridges F


Offset ridges N N

Joint sets

1 km ?

Strike-slip fault Normal fault Thrust Joints Fold Impact crater

CTX: P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W 500 m G N H


Offset marker bed

I CTX:TX:: P05P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W_002002815_1720_XN_XN 08S084W84W J

JoJoiJointso nts JoiJJointsntsnt Rule of Vs indicating north-dipping beds 500 m RuleR le of Vs iindicatingndicndd ating sosoutsouth-dippingoutou h-dh- ppini g bebedsdsd


DunDuDunesnes N Estimated strike/dip DunDunesese (?)) directions Interpreted bedding


Estimated strike and dip directions Strike-slip fault Normal fault Thrust Joints Fold Impact crater of layered rocks Figure 6 (continued). (E) Uninterpreted CTX image; see Figure 5B for location. White triangles point to the traces of left-slip faults. (F) An interpreted fault map corresponding to image shown in E. (G) Uninterpreted CTX image; location shown in Figure 5B. (H) Interpreted geologic map showing rela- tionships between a left-slip fault and a series of oblique folds. (I) Uninterpreted CTX image; location shown in Figure 5B. (J) Interpreted geologic map showing relationships between a right-slip fault and a fold. (Continued on following page.)

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K Joint sets L Avfs1

N ?

Dark-toned marker bed ? OffsetOffO set mamarkerarker b edbedd Asd

Avfs1 OffsetOffO set mam markerrker b edbed Asd 350 m WeWWest-facingst-facing scscarpara p Avfs1 (folded and highly fractured)


East-facingEast-ffacining scscarpcarp



Sand dune deposits Avfs Valley-fill sediments Asd 2 Strike-slip fault Fold Youngest valley-fill Avfs Avfs Joints 3 sediments 1 Oldest valley-fill sediments

Figure 6 (continued). (K) Uninterpreted CTX image indicating the traces of a folded marker bed and a linear scarp interpreted as a fault; location shown in Figure 5B. (L) Interpreted geologic map showing relationships between a left-slip fault and a fold.

after landslide emplacement (Figs. 6B–6D) and the landslide itself but also younger unit Atf1 in mal faults includes (1) their irregularly curved (2) a gradual change in ridge trends (Figs. 6B and the south (Figs. 6B and 6C). They also offset the fault traces, and (2) fault scarps dying out in

6C). The latter is in sharp contrast to the north- contact between the landslide and unit sdy right scarp height away from their intersections west-trending linear and smooth scarps inter- laterally along the northern margin of the trough with strike-slip faults indicating diminishing preted as post-landslide fractures in this study. zone (Figs. 6B and 6C). The northwest-striking normal-slip motion (Figs. 6F and 6G). In con- The observation that the rounded ridges display right-slip faults and east-trending left-slip faults trast, the east-striking left-slip faults terminate curved geometry is common for all landslides in must have occurred simultaneously, as indicated at northwest-striking thrusts that are expressed Valles Marineris due to lateral spreading of the by their mutual crosscutting relationship shown by lobate scarps (see Figs. 5A and 6B). landslide materials (e.g., Lucchitta, 1979). in Figures 6B and 6C. Thus, interpretation of the The northwest-striking right-slip faults The recognition of originally continu- origin of any one set of the fractures must take across the northern subtrough margin exhibit ous ridges induced by landslide emplacement this relationship into account. nearly regular spacing at 3.5–4 km. This struc- allows determination of fault kinematics. First, The northwest-striking right-slip faults tural arrangement is quite similar to the classic the offsets of north-northeast–trending ridges display an en echelon fault pattern, typically bookshelf fault pattern in a broad shear zone. in the western part of the landslide require left- related to the initiation of strike-slip fault zones That is, northwest-striking right-slip faults slip faulting on several east-striking fractures (e.g., Naylor et al., 1986) (Figs. 6F and 6G). The were generated by east-trending left-slip shear (Figs. 6A–6D). Second, the offset of northeast- observed right-slip faults may have normal-slip (Fig. 6D). Alternatively, the northwest-striking trending ridges in the eastern part of the land- components, as they all bound linear basins right-slip faults may have been generated as slide requires right-slip faulting along northwest- parallel and adjacent to the faults. The north- Riedel shears in a broad east-trending right- striking fractures (Figs. 6E–6D). The strongest west-striking faults terminate at north-striking slip shear zone (Fig. 6E). This interpretation, evidence for the tectonic origin of the north- normal faults at their southern ends (Figs. 6F however, contradicts the observation that west-striking fractures is that they cut not only and 6G). The evidence for the interpreted nor- east-striking left-slip faults were active at the

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same time as right-slip faulting. The junctions left-lateral sense, suggesting that this structure expressed through cliff-forming morphology. between the trough zone and the northwest- has moved left laterally. Together, these obser- It also has a lower albedo, contrasting with unit

striking right-slip faults, with angles ranging vations suggest that the fault may have been gfo1. An anticline trending west-northwest was from 45° to 50°, are also too large to be Riedel reactivated from a preexisting joint fracture. recognized based on bedding dip directions shears, as Riedel shear fractures typically form Notice that the linear sand dunes in this area determined by the use of the rule of V’s. The at ~15°–25° from the main trend of the shear can be clearly distinguished from the north- anticline is bounded by the western scarp along zone (Sylvester, 1988). As shown in the fol- east-striking linear ridges interpreted as joints its northern edge. This fault is interpreted to lowing, the right-slip interpretation for trough- in bedrock; the sand dunes are restricted to have offset a thin and light-toned marker bed fl oor deformation shown in Figure 5E is also topographic depressions, have variable ridge left laterally. This same marker bed is folded inconsistent with the west-northwest trend of trends, and display curvilinear geometry along into a smaller anticline to the north and is itself folds in the trough zone, which indicate left- individual ridges (Figs. 6G and 6I). in turn offset by a curved fault interpreted as a slip shear (Fig. 5B) (see more details in the fol- Northern trough margin. Three linear thrust, because its geometry in map view indi- lowing sections). fracture-scarp zones are recognized across the cates a low dip angle. The west-northwest–trending folds involv- northern margin of the northern subtrough zone Southern trough margin. The presence of

ing unit Atf1 are expressed by the distribu- (Figs. 7A and 7B). The northern scarp zone has a linear alignment of north-facing scarps along tion of several weathering-resistant layers an east strike in the east and a west-northwest the southern edge of the northern subtrough (Figs. 6G–6J). The antiformal and synformal strike in the west. The two segments are linked wall in Ius Chasma indicates that the trough- fold shapes can be inferred from the dip direc- by a northwest-striking right-step bend. The wall boundary may be controlled by a buried

tions of the fold limbs using the “rule of V’s” southern scarp zone strikes mostly to the east fault below unit Atf2 (Figs. 5B and 5C). The and the fold shapes in map view can be inferred except along its westernmost segment, where shape of the scarp indicates north side down, from the distribution of marker beds with dis- it strikes in a west-northwest direction. Finally, and thus implies a normal-slip component tinctive tones (e.g., dark-toned bed in Fig. 6I). the western scarp zone trends dominantly in across this inferred fault. However, this obser- The fold in Figure 6I could have been offset by the west-northwest direction. vation alone does not preclude the fault from a left-slip fault trending northeast. This inferred Figures 7A and 7B (CTX image P05_002815 having strike-slip motion (i.e., it could be a fault has clearly defi ned scarps in the south; its _1720_XN_08S084W) show two scarp zones transtensional structure). southern segment faces to the west, whereas its along the base of the north trough wall of the northern segment faces to the east, as inferred northern Ius subtrough zone. Small black and Southern Subtrough Zone from the shading of the topographic scarps. white triangles in Figure 7 show the traces of From younger to older ages, the follow- Such geometry implies along-strike changes in interpreted left-slip faults. A right-bank riser of ing major lithologic units are recognized in the sense of relative vertical motion across the a trough-wall canyon appears to be offset left the southern trough zone (Figs. 8A and 8B): fault that can only be associated with strike-slip laterally (Fig. 7). This interpretation implies (1) young surface deposits of mostly dust (unit

faults. Although this inferred fault appears to that the curved segments of the faults (labeled sdy), (2) recent landslides (unit ls), (3) sand offset a dark-toned bed defi ning the southern as right-step bend) trending northwest are dune deposits (unit Asd), (4) two phases of

fold limb, its extent to the north is unclear. thrust faults. Also note that both the northern postfolding landslide deposits (units ptf-sl1 and

The northeast-striking linear ridges and and southern fault scarps truncate stream chan- ptf-sl2), (5) fl at-lying postfolding trough fi lls elongate depressions are prominent morpho- nels in their hanging walls. No corresponding (unit pst-fd), (6) pre- and synfolding sediments logical features across the folds (Figs. 6G–6J). channels can be found in the footwalls, which (unit pre/syn-fd), and (7) thickly bedded strata These features could either be erosional or may have been buried. The large white tri- exposed on the north trough wall (unit HNu) depositional features such as linear sand ridges angles in Figure 7A also indicate an oblique (Figs. 8A and 8B). or expression of joints. The joint interpreta- northwest-trending scarp in the western part The pre- and synfolding strata consist of tion is favored here as the linear ridges have of the image. In close-up view, both the north- highly fragmented broken beds in the eastern remarkably even spacing and are distributed ern and southern scarp zones consist of an part of the main depression, which has been across major topographic highs forming narrow en echelon array of short fractures (Figs. 7C incised by erosion. The broken blocks vary from resistant bends, possibly due to fl uid fl ow and and 7D), which are interpreted as high-angle a few hundreds of meters to less than 15 m in the mineralization along the joint fractures (Okubo extensional fractures as they only display dip- longest dimension (Figs. 8C and 8D). Most large and McEwen, 2007). Thus, the formation of the slip offset and have straight surface traces. blocks have rounded edges, and their internal folds and joints in the area is interpreted to have The latter imply high angles of fracture dips. beds are folded (Figs. 8C and 8D). This obser- occurred during the same phase of tectonic The arrangement of the extensional fractures vation suggests that folding occurred before the deformation. An additional piece of evidence to implies left-slip motion on the scarps that are fragmentation of the beds. Individual broken support the joint interpretation is that the north- interpreted as faults. The left-slip interpreta- beds appear to have slid from the margins to east-trending linear ridges occur in all trough- tion is consistent with the interpreted possible the center of the depression, as they commonly fl oor units except the youngest unconsolidated left-slip offset of canyon banks. display long and straight lateral ridges marking

deposits, unit gfy (Figs. 6B and 6C). Interpreted geologic relationships adjacent the edges of transport fl ows linking with lateral In the southeastern corner of Figure 6B, to the western scarp in Figure 7A are shown spreading heads in the interior of the depression

a northeast-striking fault offsets two sets of in Figures 7E and 7F in which two units (gfo1 (Figs. 8E and 8F).

marker beds in a left-lateral sense (Figs. 6I and and gfo2) are recognized. The older unit gfo1 has Similar broken bed units were also observed 6J). As this fault is subparallel to nearby joint a ripple-like surface morphology and locally by Metz et al. (2010) in many parts of Valles sets, it is interpreted here as a normal fault. high albedo. In contrast, the younger unit Marineris. These authors suggested that they

However, the northern extent of the fault also gfo2 displays a smooth surface morphology, is were induced by emplacement of landslides offsets or defl ects the northern fold limb in a well layered, and is resistant to weathering as from trough walls, and thus were unrelated to

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Landslides A Truncated Northern risers scarp Right-step Older gully fill deposits bend Northern scarp

Fault scarp Fig. 7C

Fig. 7E Southern scarp Western scarp Young surface deposits N 2 km Trough-floor landslide deposits CTX: P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W

ls ls ls gf o1 HNu B gfo2

gf gf y o2 gf Bedding gf o2 o2 sd Western gf y sd o1 gf HNu scarp zone y o2 ls ls gfo1 gfo2 sd y gf Northern gf o1 gf o2 o2 sd scarp zone HNu ysd ? y ls As ls gf HNu gfo1 o1 gf gf o2 gf o2 ls o2 gf01 HNu

gfo2 gfo1 gfo2 gf ls gf o1 y gf sdy o1 gf HNu Southern o1 gf ls o1 scarp zone N As sdy As ls

As As As 2 km As CTX: P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W As

Young landslide deposits derived from steep cliffs gf Thinly bedded and consolidated sedimentary Landslide, sl o1/o2 in mountainous regions; surface morphology is strata at the base of north trough wall. Beds can rock avalanche, well preserved. be traced into deep-cut valleys and form mesas sl or debris flow in places. They are interpreted as older valley Young unconsolidated surficial deposits (dust and and trough fill deposits. sd y talus), fine-textured surface and lack of bedding. Strike-slip fault

Asd Sand dune fields. As Landslide sheet covering most northern trough floor. Normal fault gf Young gully fills restricted in narrow valleys in y HNu trough walls. Units gfy1 and gfy2 are lower and Trough-wall rock, thickly bedded. upper members. Thrust Figure 7. (A) An uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image (P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W) along the northern margin of the northern Ius trough zone. See Figure 5B for location. Small black and white triangles indicate the traces of interpreted left-slip faults. Note that the right-bank risers of a trough-wall canyon on the west side of the image appear to be offset left laterally. This interpretation implies that the curved segments of the faults (i.e., the labeled right-step bend in the fi gure) trending northwest are thrust faults. Also note that both the northern and southern fault scarps truncate risers in their hanging walls. No corresponding risers can be found in the footwall, which may have been buried by the interpreted thrust or younger sediments in the thrust footwall. The large white triangles also indicate an oblique northwest-trending scarp in the western part of the image. (B) A detailed geologic map based on interpretation of the CTX image shown in A. (Continued on following page.)

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C CTX: P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W D CTX: P05_002815_1720_XN_08S084W 1000 m 500 m N N Landslides En echelon extension fractures

? Beddings

En echelon extension fractures

Joints Joints

Strike-slip fault Normal fault Thrust Joints Landslide, rock avalanche, or debris flow sl

E sd Young unconsolidated surficial y deposits (dust and talus), characterized by fine-textured surface and a lack of N bedding.

Asd Sand dune fields

Bedding Bedding gf Young gully fills restricted in narrow dipping S y dipping W valleys in trough walls.

Thinly bedded and consolidated gfo sedimentary strata at the base of north trough wall. Beds can be traced into Bedding deep-cut valleys and form mesas in dipping N places. They are interpreted as older

valley- and trough-fill deposits. Unitsgf o2

and gfo1 are upper and lower members. 500 m As Landslide sheet covering most northern trough floor.

sd Offset marker bed y F Strike-slip fault

gfo2 gfo2 N sdy Normal fault

gfo1 Thrust gfo1

gf gfo2 o1 gfo2 gf gfy o2 Fold

Estimated strike and dip directions of layered rocks

Truncational relationship? sd Geologic contact As y 500 m gfo2

Figure 7 (continued). (C) Uninterpreted image to show a close-up view of the scarp zones along the northern margin of Ius Chasma. See A for location. (D) Interpreted fault map based on image shown in C. Note that the scarp zones consist of an en echelon array of faults, which are interpreted as an extensional fracture implying left-slip motion. (E) Uninterpreted image, with location shown in A. (F) Interpreted geologic relationships adjacent to the western scarp. A west-northwest–trending anticline was recognized based on bedding-dip directions using the rule of V’s. The anticline is bounded by the western scarp along its northern edge. This fault appears to offset a thin and light-toned marker bed left laterally. This same marker bed is offset to the north by a curved fault trace, which is interpreted as a thrust as its fault geometry in map view indicates a low dip angle.

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Older terrace surface (paleotrough floor) Younger terrace surface (paleotrough floor) N

Post-folding beds sd Young surface y deposits Fig. 8C Highly Fig. 10 Recent landslide broken ls deposits beds

Folded strata Asd Sand dune fields Modern trough floor in development Younger postfolding Postfolding ptf-ls2 landslide landslide deposits 4 km ptf-ls Older postfolding 1 landslide deposits

Postfolding pst-fd Postfolding sequence landslide

Prefolding and Fig. 9 pre/syn-fd synfolding sequence

A CTX: P16_007140_1742_XN_05S084W HNu Trough-wall bedrock

HNu sdy HNu sdy HNu Landslide

sdy sl

Asd pst-fd Gullies on pre/syn-fd dust/talus slope Strike-slip fault Asd

pst-fd pt-fd pre/syn-fd Broken Asd beds Normal fault Asd Asd Asd Asd pst-fd Asd Asd Thrust

Asd pre/syn-fd

sdy Fold pst-fd pst-fd N

ls ptf-ls1 Asd

ptf-ls2 Asd

B HNu Asd pst-fd

Figure 8. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image P16_007140_1742_XN_05S084W. See Figure 5A for location. (B) Detailed geologic map of the southern Ius trough zone based on interpretation of CTX image shown in A. (Continued on following page.)

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pst-fd Fig. 8E N pst-fd Asd N Asd pst-fd

Broken pre-fd beds 500 m Asd pre-fd





Asd C D pst-fd

Asd Sand dune fields pst-fd Postfolding deposits sfd-ls Synfolding landslide deposits pre-fd Prefolding strata Landslide Joints sl

Figure 8 (continued). (C) Uninterpreted CTX image with location shown in A. (D) Interpreted geologic map of slump structures based on image shown in C.

ls pst-fd2 1 pst-fd2 pre-fd Broken beds ls 2 pst-fd2 200 m N


ls3 ls4


ls pst-fd2 bk 1

Asd E pre-fd F

Asd Sand dune deposits pst-fd Old postfolding deposits ls Synfolding landslide ls Synfolding landslide 1 3 1 Landslide sl ls Synfolding landslide ls Synfolding landslide pst-fd2 Young postfolding deposits 4 2 syn-fd2 Synfolding deposits

Figure 8 (continued). (E) Uninterpreted CTX image P16_007140_1742_XN_05S084W, with location shown in C. (F) Detailed geologic map of slump structures based on interpretation of image shown in E. Note that their narrow transport channel and expanding head region indicate fl uid-like trans- port and spreading.

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tectonic processes. In Figure 9, the traces of sev- on trough-bounding faults, as suggested by Southern Subtrough eral landslides can be recognized. They display Metz et al. (2010) for the occurrence of similar The southern subtrough zone in the eastern linear striations in thin sheets. Bedding below structures in Valles Marineris. traverse of Ius Chasma exposes Noachian–Hes- the striated landsliding surfaces can be clearly perian strata, as mapped by Witbeck et al. (1991), recognized and is fl at-lying and not deformed. Trough-Floor Structures of Ius Chasma: and trough-fi ll strata. The latter consist of a folded These fl at-lying beds in turn were deposited The Eastern Traverse unit, a broken-bed unit, and a fl at-lying post-fold- on top of the folded strata (i.e., unit pst-fd in ing unit (Fig. 12A). The broken-bed unit occurs Fig. 8B). These relationships suggest the fol- Northern Subtrough mostly along the margin of the topographic lowing sequence of events: (1) deposition of The northern subtrough is bounded by depression, with fragments ranging in size from prefolding strata, (2) folding, (3) deposition of Noachian–Hesperian wall rocks in the north >300 m to <15 m. Their geometry includes postfolding strata, and (4) emplacement of thin and south (Witbeck et al., 1991). The con- rounded patches (Fig. 12C), U-shaped patches landslide sheets. Note that a landslide sheet in tact between the north wall and trough-fi ll (Fig. 12C), elongated patches (Fig. 12D), highly the lower-left corner of the image appears to be deposits is covered by dust and talus depos- angular blocks with internal folds (Fig. 12E), resistant to weathering. As a result, beds below its superposed by small slump structures. No and angular breccia (Fig. 12F). The rounded and the landslide layer were protected from ero- prominent scarps cutting these young deposits elongate patches appear to be induced by the sion; the shape of the underlying beds is clearly are observed. The contact between the south- formation of load structures, whereas the brec- shown by morphology of the thin draping land- ern wall and trough-fi ll units is also covered cia may have resulted from downslope transport. slide sheet. by young sediments, and no escarpment is The presence of folds in consolidated angular In the western part of the southern subtrough, exposed in the mapped area. Thus, the nature blocks requires folding to have predated frag- the fi rst-order folds (i.e., the largest folds) domi- of the contacts at the base of the north and mentation of the beds, regardless if the process nantly trend northwest and are oblique to the south walls is unclear. was induced by slumping or not. A likely setting trend of the trough walls (Figs. 8A and 8B). A The fl oor of the northern subtrough zone for the formation of the broken-bed unit is that broken-bed unit is interlayered within a well- is dominated by two large landslide sheets they were located on the banks of a water-satu-

bedded and intensely folded sequence in the (units Als1 and Als2) that have complex sur- rated basin; folding occurred fi rst, and the folded western mapped area (Fig. 10). This relation- face textures characteristic of landslides in the strata were later transported into the basin by a ship suggests that deformation causing frag- Valles Marineris region (e.g., Lucchitta, 1979) gravity or seismically driven mechanism as sug- mentation of the beds occurred at the same time (Fig. 11). The large landslide complexes are gested by Metz et al. (2010). as deposition of the folded sequence. The north- in turn overlain by younger and much smaller Figure 13 is a detailed geologic map of a

west-trending fold complex and the broken-bed landslides (unit Als3 and Als4) originating from layered unit bounding the broken-bed unit in unit are offset by an east-striking, left-slip fault the north and south walls of the trough zone the south. The most striking features in the map (Fig. 10). The aforementioned slumping struc- (Fig. 11). Note that the units shown in Fig- area are a series of fold-like structures defi ned tures in the eastern part of the depression may ure 11 are defi ned in more detail in close-up by alternating white-toned and dark-gray–toned have been induced by seismicity during motion maps of the area presented later herein. beds. This pattern could be induced by mesa- like topography draping over fl at-lying strata. This explanation can be tested by examining the topography around the fold-like features. In the Surface of postfolding sequence image shown in Figure 13A, the sun-lit angle is Horizontal beds not covered by landslide below a landslide from northwest to southeast, as indicated, and thus sunlight would have cast dark shadows on the southeastern edges of the fold-like struc- Surface of high bank beds tures. The lack of predicted shades around the once or still covered by fold-like features suggests that there is hardly landslide any topography across these structures. Some light-toned layers pinch out completely along the southwestern limbs of two northwest-trend- ing fold-like features (Fig. 13A). The lack of

Basal sliding surface shadows suggests that the missing beds cannot of a landslide be explained by the presence of nearly verti- cal cliffs. A simple explanation is that this is induced by deformation, and the fold-like fea- 1500 m N tures are indeed structures imprinted over a rather fl at topographic surface. Because of the fl atness of the topography, it is Basal sliding surface diffi cult to differentiate anticlines from synclines. of a landslide P16_007140_1742_XN_05S084W Only in three locations where topographic reliefs are suffi ciently large was I able to determine the Figure 9. Context Camera (CTX) image P16_007140_1742_XN_05S084W showing the relationship directions of dips and strikes of bedding apply- between landslides and older slump structures. Note that the beds below a thin landslide sheet in ing the rule of V’s. From the determination of this lower-left corner are subhorizontal, which suggests deposition after folding and formation of slump anticlinal structure, the rest of the fold geometry structures. See Figure 8A for location. can be inferred and is shown in Figure 13B.

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InIntraformationaltrafforo mam tit ono aall brbbrokenokken bbedsedds


505000 m LeLeft-slipft-slip offset A

pre-fd pre-fd Asd Asd

fd pre-fd ls

pst-fd Asd sfd-brb

N Asd Asd B

Synfolding Asd Sand dune field pst-fd Postfolding deposits sfd-brb intraformational broken beds ls Landslide deposits pre-fd Folded prefolding strata

Strike-slip fault Thrust Fold Landslide sl

Figure 10. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image P16_007140_1742_XN_05S084W. See Figure 8A for location. (B) Interpreted geologic map based on interpretation of image shown in A. The fold limb and an intraformational broken bed unit are offset by an east-striking left-slip fault.

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A P17_007654_1730_XN_07S080W B HNu HNu ls

sdy ls ls





Als4 sdy


Fig. 12

HNu sdy




pre-fd 6 km N



sd y HNu HNu sdy HNu

Trough-floor landslide ls Als Recent small landslides 2 (phase 2) Landslide sl sd Als Trough-floor landslide y Young surface deposits 1 (phase 1) Strike-slip fault pst-fd Postfolding sequence pre-fd Prefolding sequence

Trough-floor landslide Trough-fill deposits Thrust Als tfd 4 (phase 4) including both prefolding and postfolding strata Trough-floor landslide Als3 HNu Bedrock on trough walls Fold (phase 3)

Figure 11. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image P17_007654_1730_XN_07S080W. See Figure 1C for location. (B) Interpreted geologic map based on image in A.

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sd tfd A B y N

sdy sd HNu y sdy 2 km


sd HNu y


kb ls brb_rd fbf

brb_an sl Fig. 12E fbf fbf ls kb Fig. 12F Fig. 12D kb brb_rd Fig. 13A brb_rd fb fd

Fig. 12C HNu fbf fbf brb_rd sdy brb_rd Fig. 14A

HNu sl sl fd

brb_rd ls HNu HNu

sdy HNu sdy sl

HNu CTX: P17_007654_1730_XN_07S080W HNu HNu

Map legend Layered beds expressed morpho- ls Landslide, rock avalanche, or debris- kb Strike-slip fault flow deposits derived from gullies of logically as rounded knobs. Interpreted steep bedrock trough walls. as relicts of unit fbf. Thrust Young surface deposits interpreted Folded, thickly bedded and sd y as talus and dust deposits. fd weathering-resistant layers interbedded with thinly bedded layers.

tfd Trough-floor deposits, northern Fold Ius trough. brb_an Broken beds with angular blocks.

fbf Flat-lying, layered basin fills. Broken beds rounded patches, brb_rd Landslide interpreted as load structures. sl

Noachian–Hesperian bedrock on HNu trough walls.

Figure 12. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image P17_007654_1730_XN_07S080W from the southern trough zone of Ius Chasma. See Figure 11A for location. Also shown are locations of C, D, E, and F. (B) Interpreted geologic map based on image shown in A. (Continued on following page.)

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CCDU-shaped D patch

500 m Elongated patch Rounded 500 m patches


Angular breccia Broken beds 400 m 150 m containing folds

Figure 12 (continued). (C) Rounded patches of broken beds, possibly induced by formation of load structures. (D) Elon- gated patches, possibly related to fl uidized slump structures derived from basin margins. (E) Broken bed blocks in which folded strata are present. This indicates folding occurred before slumping. (F) Angular breccia in the broken bed unit.

The traces of the interpreted fold structures fd), (2) the ridge-forming unit (unit tfd2), and of Coprates Chasma at its eastern end disap- are dominantly northwest-trending. However, (3) sand dune deposits (Asd). Gully-fi ll deposits pears altogether before reaching Capri Chasma they make a sharp turn to the south with an (unit gf) extend across the interpreted fault and (Fig. 1). For these reasons, this study focuses east-west strike (Fig. 13). It can also be seen represent postfaulting deposits. only on the structures exposed in the northern that a white-toned marker bed is offset by a From its relatively straight trace, the inter- subtrough zone across its western, central, and fault with a left-lateral sense of separation preted fault appears to be nearly vertical, but its eastern segments (Fig. 1). (Fig. 13A). Folds change trend progressively kinematics are diffi cult to deduce. Determin- from east to northwest, exhibiting an oroclinal ing the shape of the apparently folded strata is Western Area pattern indicative of left-slip shear (Fig. 13A). equally challenging due to the lack of valleys Thrusts parallel to the traces of fold axial sur- cutting across the folded beds. Because of this, A detailed geologic map was constructed faces are also exposed in the area (Fig. 13B). the assigned synformal fold shape is highly ten- based on a CTX image across the trough- From the topographic relationships, the folded tatively, requiring verifi cation when detailed bounding fault zone at the base of the north beds in the south appear to lie above the bro- topographic maps are available in this area. wall in western Coprates Chasma (Fig. 15). The ken-bed unit to the north. following units, from youngest to oldest, are Strata in the southwestern part of the mapped GEOLOGY OF COPRATES CHASMA recognized in the map area (Fig. 15): (1) mod- area also appear to be folded, and they are in ern sand dune deposits (unit Asd), (2) young turn truncated by a fault in the north (Fig. 14). Like Ius Chasma, Coprates Chasma can also surface deposits comprising talus and deposits

This fault juxtaposes three units in the north: be divided into the northern and southern sub- with smooth surfaces (unit sdy), (3) old surface (1) a bright and massive-looking unit with a trough zones divided by a central mountain belt. deposits comprising talus and dust deposits with

smooth surface (unit tfd1), (2) a ridge-forming Unlike Ius Chasma, however, its southern sub- their surfaces locally incised by recent erosion

unit (unit tfd2), and (3) a broken-bed unit that trough is much narrower, less continuous, and (unit sdo), (4) landslide deposits on trough wall can be traced to a basin to the north (unit brb) extensively fi lled by recent sediments and land- and its transition zone to the trough fl oor (units

(Fig. 14). Three units are mapped south of the slides in comparison to the southern subtrough ls and ls1,2,3), (5) a landslide complex with long, fault: (1) the interpreted folded strata unit (unit of Ius Chasma. In fact, the southern trough smooth, and slightly curved ridges and grooves

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sd Asd Asd sdy y sd sdy SunSun-lit-lit aanglenglng e ls y Asd sdo ls fbf Asd ls fbf sd Asd o brblg fd sdy

fbf fbf Asd brblg brbsm sd brblg o

brbpat LefLLeft-lateralt-lt lateralra sesseparationparatiat on brb brbsm fbf sm fd fd fbf fbf Asd brblg

N fd N

PinPinch-outch-outout fbf layerslaylaayers araroundounnd fold-likefolfof d-ld ike fefeaturesatureses fd fbf 1 km A fbf Folded marker bed B

fd Folded sequence consisting of thickly bedded, light-toned, and weathering- Map legends resistant layers interbedded with thinly bedded dark-toned layers. Fold

Asd Sand dune fields Broken beds expressed by large (up to 1 km in length) patches with brbpat rounded edges. They appear to overlie broken beds with smaller clasts. Young surface deposits, mostly valley fills interpreted as talus Thrust sd y deposits and dust covers; fine texture and smooth surface. Extensively brecciated beds consisting of relatively small angular clasts brbsm Older surface deposits, mostly valley fills interpreted as consolidated with sizes <15–20 m; original bedding is unrecognizable. sdo and well-layered talus deposits and dust covers; bumpy surfaces. Broken beds with large pieces >150–200 m; bedding can be recognized in Estimated brblg places; many rounded blocks or patches with diameters ranging from 150 m directions of fbf Flat-lying, layered basin fills. to 250 m, which are interpreted as load structures. strike and dip

Figure 13. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image P17_007654_1730_XN_07S080W of the southern trough zone of Ius Chasma. See Figure 12B for location. (B) Detailed geologic map based on interpretation of image in A. Note that the fold train exhibits an oroclinal drag pattern that is indica- tive of distributed left-slip shear.

that are cut by evenly spaced north-northeast– toned unit has been interpreted to be Amazo- tion requires a left-slip of about 5 km after the trending fractures (unit As), (6) trough-fi ll nian trough-fi ll deposits (equivalent to unit tfd emplacement of the rough-surface landslide deposits having smooth surfaces and irregular of this work), whereas the dark-toned unit was block. This fault also has a minor component of contacts, appearing to lie below the landslide assigned as the undivided Noachian–Hesperian down-to-the-south motion. The left-slip inter- unit As (unit ifd), (7) layered trough-fi ll depos- unit of Witbeck et al. (1991). pretation is consistent with the fold geometry its at the base of the trough wall (unit tfd), and The same fault that truncates the fold also that is cut by the fault, as its asymmetry also (8) undifferentiated Noachian–Hesperian wall forms a scarp, labeled as main fault trace in Fig- indicates a left-slip sense of shear, should it be rocks (unit HNu). ure 15. Across the fault scarp, the fault abruptly considered as a drag fold. Among all the mapped units, unit tfd stands juxtaposes two different landslide depos- out in that it is well layered, as defi ned by its. Landslide deposits in the north are clearly Central Area weathering-resistant beds. The bedding appears derived from the north wall and have a bumpy

to be folded, displaying asymmetric fold geom- surface with many rounded knobs (unit lskb in A geologic map was constructed using a CTX etry with the long limb parallel to the trough Fig. 15). In contrast, the landslide deposits in the image across the central segment of the north- margin (Fig. 15). The short limb of the inter- south display closely spaced, long, curved, and ern subtrough of Coprates Chasma (Fig. 16).

preted fold is truncated by a sharp and discrete smooth grooves and ridges (unit lsgr in Fig. 15), The following units from youngest to oldest are linear feature that is interpreted to be a fault. indicating a different emplacement mechanism. recognized by interpreting the image: (1) recent The interpreted fault juxtaposes the folded strata East of the high fault scarp, the fault juxtaposes landslides mostly concentrated along gullies

with a dark tone in the north against gray-toned the same landslide unit with the rough and (unit lsy), (2) older landslides mostly distributed

materials that do not have obvious layering. The bumpy surface. Surface offset indicates that the across the trough fl oor (unit lso), (3) younger sur- straight trace of the interpreted fault requires a fault motion had caused downward movement face sediments comprising mostly talus and dust

nearly vertical fault orientation. of the south side. North of this fault, the western deposits displaying smooth surface (unit sdy), From the image shown in Figure 15, another edge of the landslide is clearly truncated by the (4) older surface deposits comprising mostly nearly vertical fault can also be observed on a fault in the south, and its southern tip cannot be talus and dust deposits with incised surfaces

steep cliff at the western side of a landslide- found directly south of the fault. The only pos- due to erosion (unit sdo), (5) trough-fi ll deposits generated canyon on the trough wall. There, the sible counterpart south of the fault that marks that can be further divided into a knob-forming fault juxtaposes a thinly bedded and light-toned the western edge of the rough-surface landslide subunit and a smooth-fl oor subunit (the former unit in the south against a thickly bedded and block in the trough fl oor is the contact between appears to be older based on mapped structural

dark-toned unit to the north (Fig. 15). The light- unit lsgr and unit lskb in the east. This interpreta- relationships; see following discussion) (unit

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tfd2 500 m Asd gf

N tfd2


gf fd Asd

fd B

Broken beds, with Asd Sand dunes tfd Trough-fill deposits brb 2 rounded patches

gf Gully-fill deposits tfd1 Trough-fill deposits Strike-slip fault Thrust

tfd3 Trough-fill deposits fd Folded strata Fold

Figure 14. (A) Uninterpreted image and (B) interpreted image from an area across an interpreted fault. See Fig- ure 12B for location.

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Fault juxtaposing Asd Modern sand dune A beds of different thickness Thickly Main fault cuts Drag fold and offsets Young surface deposits, bedded sdy landslide margin mostly talus and dust cover Thinly bedded unit for ~5 km unit

sd Old surface deposits, o mostly talus and dust cover lskb

ls/ls Landslide deposits and age 1,2,3 sequences in 1, 2, and 3. Main fault trace Grooves Fig. 15B ls Landslide sheet with linear-groove gr surface texture

Scarp of main Landslide sheet with rounded-knob 5 km ls ls gr fault trace kb surface texture

As ls Landslide sheets on trough floor 2 Asd ls1 ls 3 Irregularly shaped trough-floor Asd ifd Asd N deposits, light-toned and layered sd y Trough-fill deposits at the base of ls tfd 3 HNu the north wall

Asd sdo HNu Noachian–Hesperian strata

sdy sd Strike-slip fault tfd y HNu Thrust tfd ifd Fold sl sd tfd y As ls Landslide ls ls P02_001865_1697_XI_10S068W sl3 B sd ifd y Impact crater

Figure 15. (A) Uninterpreted mosaic from Context Camera (CTX) images P02_001865_1697_XI_10S068W and P19_008616_1689_XI _11S068W. Note that the drag fold is cut by the same fault along its southern edge as the fault scarp that cuts and offsets a landslide with massive lithology. The offset distance of the western margin of this landslide is ~3–6 km. (B) Interpreted detailed geologic map based on image shown in A.

tfd), and (6) undivided Noachian–Hesperian tion is consistent with their trend being perpen- structures and northeast-trending normal faults) bedrock exposed on the trough wall (unit HNu). dicular to the northwest-trending contractional indicates distributed left-slip shear parallel to The mapped segment of the trough is lobate scarps. the trough. From the regional geologic map remarkably “clean” in that it is nearly free of East- and east-northeast–striking fractures are (Fig. 1), it can be seen that the central segment any large landslide deposits distributed across also present. They act either as linking structures of Coprates Chasma trends northwest, departing nearly the whole trough fl oor as seen in the between northwest-trending lobate scarps or from the regional west-northwest trend of the west and east of Coprates Chasma and in Ius small pull-apart extensional structures (Fig. 16). trough. The localized contractional structures Chasma. At a fi rst glance, the trough fl oor is It appears that thrusting and folding along lobate trending northwest may thus be induced by the smooth with a few small craters and mesa-like scarps have caused exposure of older and more development of a restraining bend in a broad knobs (Fig. 16). In detail, however, one can weathering-resistant trough-fi ll deposits, which trough-parallel left-slip shear zone. see numerous small-scale structures such as are expressed as small mesas against the inter- west-northwest– and northwest-trending lobate preted thrusts or inside the interpreted folds Eastern Area scarps and northeast-trending fractures. Follow- (Fig. 16). ing the common practice in planetary geologic A nearly continuous lobate scarp zone A detailed geologic map was constructed mapping (e.g., Schultz et al., 2010), the lobate trending northwest is present along the south- based on a CTX image covering a part of the scarps are interpreted as representing thrusts. ern margin of the subtrough zone. South of the eastern Coprates Chasma trough (B03_010712 The kinematics of northeast-trending fractures scarp-defi ned thrust, there is a west-northwest– _1656_XN_14S053W) (Fig. 17). The following are not well defi ned. They are generally short striking, left-slip fault that offsets a resistant units, from oldest to youngest, were recognized: and discontinuous (2–4 km) and do not offset marker bed for ~2–3 km. This same fault also (1) slide complexes on the trough wall that are any preexisting features laterally. Because of defi nes a linear scarp that bounds the southern truncated by fault scarps (unit ls), (2) young sur- this, they are tentatively interpreted as normal edge of the subtrough zone. This structural face deposits displaying smooth surfaces (unit

faults or extensional fractures. This interpreta- association (northwest-trending contractional sdy), (3) deposits of a sand dune fi eld (unit Asd),

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A B 5 km sd HNu y sdy

sdy HNu ls y1 sd lso3 y lsy2 N lso2


lso3 lso3



Lobate scarp




Lobate scarp

tfd2 Landslde cuts Offset riser by a left-slip wrinkle ridge trough-bounding fault (?)

HNu Lobate scarp cuts landslide Left-slip lso fault zone tfd Normal fault 2 Offset marker bed lso sdy HNu

sdy sl 5 km sdo1 sd HNu sdo2 y

CCTCTX:TX:X BB05_011543_1670_XN_13S062W005_00111 543_16700_XXN_N 13S00662W HNu

Trough-fill deposits; older unit forms knobs ls Recent landslides mostly along active sd Younger surface deposits, tfd y gullies y mostly from talus and dust 1,2 while younger unit forms smooth floor surface Old landslides mostly on the trough Older surface deposits, Undivided Noachian–Hesperian bedrock on lso sdo1,o2 HNu floor mostly from talus and dust trough walls

Lobate scarp interpreted as thrust High-angle scarp interpreted as normal fault Strike-slip fault

Figure 16. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image B05_011543_1670_XN_13S062W displaying structures on the fl oor of Coprates Chasma. See Figure 1C for location. White triangles point to the trace of an interpreted left-slip fault bounding the southern edge of the trough zone. Possible offset of a riser and/or cliff-forming marker is also shown. (B) Interpreted geologic map based on image shown in A.

310 | Volume 4 | Number 4 | LITHOSPHERE

Downloaded from by guest on 26 September 2021 Valles Marineris fault zone | RESEARCH 1 Normal fault and fold Thrust Strike-slip fault Impact crater Layered trough deposits trough Layered margins with irregular Older trough-floor Older trough-floor landslide sheet Trough-wall bedrock, Trough-wall upper unit bedrock, Trough-wall unit lower bedrock Trough-wall unit, undifferentiated Slide complex cut by Slide complex fault scarps surface deposits Young Sand dune fields trough-floor Ypounger landslide sheet smooth Younger deposits trough-floor Older smooth deposits trough-floor unit deposits from Talus itf 2 1 2 1 2 Map legend 2 1 y 1 ls itf sfd sd As As Asd HNu sfd itf HNu HNu y y sd 2 tion. (B) Interpreted geologic map of the geologic (B) Interpreted tion. sd sfd (A) (B) 2 Traces of Traces bedding itf itf2 Thrust Thrust scarp itf1 1 y 1 sd HNu itf 5 km Fig. 19 ls Fig. 21 2 itf itf1 1 itf 1 HNu HNu y Long-runout Long-runout landslide 2 sd itf ls Thrust Thrust scarp

Fig. 22 Fig. 20 1 itf itf1 2 2 sfd itf 1 1 itf itf itf1 itf 2 sfd Fig. 18A Fig. y Asd sd Fig. 18A Fig. 2 Traces of bedding Traces sfd 1 sfd 5 km 1 HNu HNu 2 y 1 sd As HNu 2 As y sd y sd y

N y B03_010712_1656_XN_14S053W sd y sd HNu sd Figure 17. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image (B03_010712_1656_XN_14S053W) of Coprates Chasma. See Figure 1C for loca 1C for See Figure Chasma. of Coprates (B03_010712_1656_XN_14S053W) (CTX) image Camera Context (A) Uninterpreted 17. Figure A. in shown Chasma based on image Coprates of easternmost zone trough northern

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(4) a younger trough-fl oor landslide sheet (unit the “rule of V’s” (Fig. 19). Lobate scarps on the the escarpment. These relationships are perhaps

As2), (5) an old trough-fl oor landslide sheet (unit trough fl oor are concentrated along the southern some of the best lines of evidence for the tectonic

As1), (6) younger smooth trough-fl oor deposits margin of the trough zone (Fig. 20). Some of origin of the trough-bounding escarpment.

(unit sfd2) along the base on the north trough the short scarps display an en echelon pattern The lack of a breakaway zone for the long- wall, (7) older smooth trough-fl oor deposits indicating left-slip shear (Fig. 20). runout landslide on the trough fl oor is puzzling.

(unit sfd1), (8) mass-wasting deposits derived One possibility is that the source region of this

from the cliff-forming unit itf2, (9) layered Trough-Bounding Structures along the landslide has been completely eroded away trough-fl oor deposits with irregular margins Central Segment of a Right-Step Bend above the escarpment. Given the youthfulness

(unit itf1), (10) the upper unit of the trough-wall The trough-bounding fault at the base of the of the landslide, which has hardly any impact

bedrock (unit HNu2), and (11) the lower unit of north wall is best expressed in the central seg- craters and displays pristine landforms of a typi-

the trough-wall bedrock (unit HNu1). ment of the right-step bend (Figs. 17 and 21). cal landslide, this interpretation would require This fault is marked by a continuous and abrupt unusually high erosion rates in recent Structures on the North Trough Wall escarpment separating the bedrock of the north history. This interpretation, however, does not The trend of the trough zone of Coprates wall from trough-fi ll deposits (Fig. 21). The explain why the source region of the landslide Chasma in the study area generally makes a escarpment cuts spurs and truncates hanging was eroded away while the nearby landslide right-step bend (Fig. 17). Associated with the gullies at its upper edge (Fig. 21). The lower itself is not eroded at all (Fig. 21). The same sharp bend, there are complex structures on the edge of the escarpment is covered by recent argument can also be applied to the preserved trough wall (Fig. 17). First, at the western end surfi cial deposits (talus and dust). The young landslide scarps on the trough wall that do not of the bend, discordant beds can be seen on the deposits themselves are also cut by linear scarps have a matching counterpart in the trough fl oor. curved cliff face of the trough wall (Figs. 18A that dip both to the north and south (Fig. 21). In Because of this diffi culty, a tectonic origin of the and 18B). A thick and weathering-resistant layer addition to scarps parallel to the main escarp- mismatch of landslides on the trough wall and can be traced on the lower-right corner of the ment, several northeast-trending high-angle trough fl oor is proposed here. A possible, though image in Figure 18. Given its resistant appear- scarps and one northwest-trending curvilinear nonunique, explanation is that the headless and ance, it is expected that the same bed is con- scarp are also exposed against the north trough toeless landslides were offset by strike-slip tinuous along the cliff face, barring any abrupt wall. The curvilinear scarp is interpreted to have motion on the trough-bounding fault. Assuming facies changes in the layered wall rocks. On the originated from thrusting, while the high-angle that the long-runout landslides were derived from right side of the image, above this nearly fl at- scarps trending northeast are interpreted to have debris fl ows out of trough-wall canyons, a good lying bed on the cliff face, there are layers that resulted from normal faulting. match can be achieved by shifting the landslides have different orientations with markedly more A detailed geologic map was constructed in on the trough fl oor eastward for 4.8 km, with the steep dips. The projected contact between the this area (Fig. 21). Major lithologic and mor- approximation that the trough-bounding fault is two discordant packages of beds also terminates phologic units, from youngest to oldest, recog- straight (Fig. 22). Although this reconstruction the western end of the thickly bedded subhori- nized by this study include: (1) young surface allows two long-runout landslides to match two zontal unit (Fig. 18). This relationship may be deposits comprising mostly talus and gully- different trough-wall canyons simultaneously,

explained by the presence of a thrust ramp that fi ll deposits with smooth surfaces (unit sdy), the solution does not preclude other possible cuts up section. This interpretation is shown in (2) slide deposits including both landslides and matches of the truncated landslides with differ- Figure 18C, which requires that the tilting of debris fl ows mostly concentrated at the base of ent canyon walls. That is, the matching could lie beds above the faults was induced by upward the north wall (unit sl), (3) sand dune deposits outside the satellite image. For this possibility, motion on the thrust ramp. The interpreted (unit Asd), (4) long-runout landslides or debris it is important to point out that the structures on

thrust trace coincides with a region where beds fl ows (unit sllr), (5) recent trough-fi ll deposits the trough wall along the right-step bend of the

appear to be fractured as expressed by discon- with smooth surfaces (unit sfd2), (6) trough- northern Coprates trough zone are dominated by

tinuous bedding (see white arrows in Fig. 18A). fl oor deposits with irregular margins (unit ifd1), thrusts and folds. Only left-slip faulting across a Farther west, a thin weathering-resistant (7) the upper unit of the undivided Hesperian– right-step bend can produce contractional defor- bed appears to be locally repeated and termi- Noachian strata characterized by dark-toned, mation (e.g., Sylvester, 1988). For this reason, nates laterally away from the repeated section gentler slope-forming and fl at-lying beds (unit left-slip motion on the trough-bounding fault is

(Fig. 18A). This relationship may be explained HNu2), and (8) the lower unit of the undivided favored. One should also note that the estimated by the presence of a minor thrust (Figs. 18A Hesperian–Noachian strata characterized by slip based on matching truncated the landslides

and 18C). As no fault scarps at the base of the light-toned and cliff-forming strata (unit HNu1). and their sources has been accumulated only trough wall are exposed, it is inferred that the The most interesting relationship in the map since the emplacement of the landslides, thus trough-bounding fault is buried by talus depos- area is that the landslide scarps on the trough the total slip of the trough-bounding fault could its originating from the trough wall (Fig. 18A). wall and the long-runout landslides on trough be much larger than the 4.8-km left-slip motion The kinematic nature of this inferred and now- fl oors are both truncated by the trough-bounding based on the estimated offset of the landslides. buried fault is unknown. escarpment without clear matching counterparts across the fault (Fig. 21). For example, a large STRUCTURES ON THE PLATEAU MARGINS Structures on the Trough Floor bowl-shaped landslide scarp is present in the Contractional structures can also be recog- north-central part of the image; their two edges Consistent with terrestrial fi eld-based and nized on the trough fl oor at the right-step bend both terminate at the fault scarp, and there is no photogeologic mapping investigations, unfold- of the northern Coprates trough (Fig. 19). Bed- obvious landslide of the same width and volume ing the evolutional history of Valles Marineris ded outcrops of isolated mesas display north- directly south of the fault (Fig. 21). Similarly, a also requires mapping and characterizing the west-trending folds; their shapes can be deduced long-runout landslide that is ~7 km long and less geology surrounding the canyon system. One from bedding attitudes estimated according to than 2 km wide is truncated at its northern end by of the problems with mapping structures only

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Downloaded from by guest on 26 September 2021 Valles Marineris fault zone | RESEARCH A’ HNu HNu

N o sd A Thrust Buried normal fault of bedding Trace Inferred directions of Inferred bedding strike and dip y sd ogic map based on interpretation of the CTX ogic map based on interpretation Asd ysd y ysd ysd sd

Fault HNu

Buried trough-bounding HNu Young surface deposits Young Old surface deposits Sand dune deposits Undivided Hesperian–Noachian wall strata on trough o 1 km y o sd sd sd HNu Asd B03_010712_1656_XN_14S053W B A’

N Inferred trough-bounding Inferred talus fault buried below deposits Steep beds Subhorizontal bed 1 km A B03_010712_1656_XN_14S053W A C Figure 18. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image B03_010712_1656_XN_14S053W with location shown in Figure 17. (B) A geol (B) 17. in Figure with location shown B03_010712_1656_XN_14S053W (CTX) image Camera Context (A) Uninterpreted 18. Figure image shown in A. (C) A schematic cross section showing possible relationship between bedding and interpreted thrusts. bedding and interpreted between possible relationship section showing cross A schematic (C) A. in shown image

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P07_003882_1645_XN_15S053W Interpreted folds N

Traces of bedding

Interpreted 2 km A normal fault B

P07_003882_1645_XN_15S053W N Interpreted folds

1 km Traces of bedding


Figure 19. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image P07_003882_1645_XN_15S053W, with location shown in Figure 17. (B) A geologic map based on interpretation of the CTX image shown in A. (C) Uninterpreted close-up view of CTX image P07_003882_1645_XN_15S053W shown in A. (D) Inter- preted geology based on image shown in C.

within the trough zones of Valles Marineris, small angle to the observed left-slip faults are left-slip fault. The defl ection pattern implies at for example, is that it is diffi cult to ascertain also present in the area. They are geometrically least 11 km of left-slip motion after the initia- whether the structures are uniquely associated linked with the left-slip faults, suggesting that tion of the defl ected drainage system (Fig. 24B). with the development of the trough fl oors via the normal and left-slip faulting occurred at the Notice also that the latest drainage activity on tectonics, surface processes, or a combination same time. Together, these observations suggest the Valles Marineris plateau dates from the Late of both. To address this issue, structures on the the occurrence of left-slip transtensional tecton- Hesperian (Mangold et al., 2004, 2008). Thus, northern plateau margin of Coprates Chasma ics across this segment of the plateau margin. these observations indicate that left-slip faulting were also investigated in this study. A major The presence of left-slip faults on the north- was active around that period. As the fault cuts fi nding of this investigation is that normal, left- ern plateau margin of Coprates Chasma is the drainages, its offset could have postdated the slip, and thrust faults may all be present in the also evident from THEMIS image V06856002 Late Hesperian. region within a distributed left-slip shear zone (Fig. 24). In this image, a fault is defi ned by Another feature shown in Figure 24A is a parallel to Valles Marineris. north-facing scarps across which channels are northwest-trending narrow linear topographic The existence of left-slip faults on the pla- systematically defl ected in a left-lateral sense high present north of the interpreted fault. The teau margin is evident in a THEMIS image (Fig. 24). Such a stream defl ection pattern is shape of the linear ridge resembles that of a (THEMIS V09827002) shown in Figure 23. In typically related to strike-slip motion on Earth wrinkle ridge, which may lie above a blind thrust this image, left-lateral offsets of a ridge com- (e.g., Yeats et al., 1997), with the best example system below or thrusts along the edges of the ing out of a crater in the south vary from 600 in the Creek area of central California fold (Fig. 24B). South of the interpreted left- to 2000 m across several northwest-trending along the San Andreas fault (Figs. 24F and 24G) slip fault, series of north-northeast–striking and faults. The trend of the left-slip faults is slightly (Sieh and Jahns, 1984). In Figure 24A, at least south-southeast–facing linear scarps are present. oblique at an angle of 10°–15° to the west-north- eight defl ected channels can be recognized. The A prominent basin is present against one of the west–trending Coprates trough zone (Fig. 1). morphology of channel margins becomes less major scarps, which may resemble a half-graben All the left-slip faults have north-facing scarps, and less well defi ned westward, consistent with bounded by a normal fault on the northwest indicating a component of down-to-the-north the westernmost channel being the oldest as well side of the basin. The interpreted orientations of normal-slip motion. Grabens subparallel or at a as the fi rst to have been offset by the inferred the normal faults and the wrinkle ridge are all

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normal faults. A graben structure is bounded by a Lobate southeast-dipping normal fault on the northwest scarps side and three northwest-dipping normal faults High-angle on the southeast side (Fig. 25). The surfaces of scarp the footwall blocks are all tilted in the opposite directions of the fault dips, which are expressed Lobate by gentle back slopes. This observation is con- High-angle scarps Lobate sistent with the classic isostatic rebound pattern scarp scarps Lobate of normal-fault footwalls (e.g., Masek et al., scarps 1994). The range-bounding normal faults in the Lobate scarps northern part of the image terminate at a zone of Fig. 22 closely spaced (<1 km) fractures (Fig. 25). At N a fi rst glance, they appear to represent a series of narrow grabens, but a closer examination suggests a mixed mode of fracture formations, with some displaying left-slip motion and oth- ers displaying normal slip (shown by white lines in Fig. 25). This is evidenced by a groove fea- ture that is offset by both left-slip and normal A faults across the same northwest-striking fault zone. This indicates that the northwest-trending closely spaced fracture zone may be a left-slip

flat transtensional system. Mutual crosscutting rela- bed (?) tionships can be detected between northwest- tilted bed (?) striking faults and the southeasternmost range- 2 km Monocline (?) bounding normal fault. The southernmost scarp of this northeast-striking fault is offset by a left- slip fault. However, the same northeast-striking normal fault also terminates northwest-trending fractures that display the same morphologi- cal features (i.e., grabens next to the faults) as N those to the south. Because of this relationship, the northwest-striking left-slip transtensional system and northeast-striking range-bounding normal faults must have been developed syn- chronously with the northwest-trending frac- ture zone at their southern terminations. Their orientations are consistent with deformation in a broad left-slip shear zone. Although the northwest-trending fracture zone and northeast-trending graben-bounding B structures may be coeval, closely spaced north- west-trending graben structures are also present Strike-slip fault Thrust Inferred directions of in the uplifted blocks of the normal-fault foot- bedding dip and bedding walls (Fig. 25). This relationship suggests that strike Normal fault Monocline an event of northeast-southwest extension pre- dates the inferred distributed left-slip transten- Figure 20. (B) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image P07_003882_1645_XN_15S053W, with sional faulting expressed by the widely spaced, location shown in Figure 17. Black arrows point to lobate scarps interpreted as surface traces of northeast-trending normal faults. thrusts, and white arrows point to interpreted normal fault scarps. (B) Interpreted geology based on image shown in A. DISCUSSION

Ius-Melas-Coprates Left-Slip consistent with left-slip shear. Assuming that ern Candor and western Coprates Chasmata. Transtensional Fault Zone the main trunks of the drainage system were As shown in THEMIS image I09802001, this straight, restoring the drainage network yields deformation is expressed by the development of The new observations obtained by this study total left-slip motion of 13 km and ~30° of coun- major and widely spaced (~15 km) north-north- are consistent with the original interpretation terclockwise rotation (Figs. 24C, 24D, and 24E). east–striking normal faults (Fig. 25). These of Blasius et al. (1977), in which trough zones Distributed left-slip deformation is also structures are expressed by linear scarps and of the Valles Mariners are bounded by major observed in the plateau region between east- were mapped earlier by Witbeck et al. (1991) as scarp-forming faults with signifi cant normal-slip

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components. However, the detailed mapping conducted here also reveals several unexpected Fault results. First, some trough-bounding faults dis- truncates play clear evidence for left-slip motion in addi- landslide tion to trough-side-down normal faulting. Sec- scarp Young Escarpment ond, structures in the trough zones of Ius Chasma scarp Truncated are dominated by northwest-trending folds. edge of a Third, east-striking left-slip faults and northeast- landslide trending extensional structures (joints) also occur in the trough zone of Ius Chasma. These struc- Young linear tures consistently cut all trough-fi ll units and are scarp thus interpreted to have tectonic origins rather Young linear than being induced by surface processes such as scarp emplacement of landslides. Locally, northeast- Highly striking left-slip faults and north-northwest– degraded scarp striking right-slip faults are also present. The Curvilinear mutual crosscutting relationships suggest that scarp these structures were developed synchronously under the same simple-shear regime. The geo- metric relationships among these structures are P07_003882_1645_XN_15S053W A consistent with left-slip shear parallel to the Valles Marineris troughs. Bedding HNu The occurrence of folded intraformational 1 soft-sediment structures with broken beds ls Landslide displaying folds in southern Ius Chasma sug- sl sd scarp gests coeval development of basin fi lls, slump y structures, and northwest-trending folds. Rocks involving soft-sediment deformation are thinly Asd bedded and light-toned and do not match rocks ls on trough walls, which are typically dark-toned, HNu thickly bedded, and resistant to folding along 2 Ius Chasma (Fig. 12). For these reasons, broken beds via soft-sediment deformation were most HNu1 likely derived from margins of the basins or sd transported from elsewhere. The high intensity ipd y ls of deformation expressed by the formation of lr 2 km sfd2 <15 m angular breccias (see Figs. 12C–12F) and the lack of large topographic relief from basin margins to basin centers suggest that the frag-

mentation and transport of the broken bed unit ifd1 were induced by seismic activity during strong B ground shaking (also see Metz et al., 2010). Young surface deposits Lower trough-wall sequence (cliff- Although folding in Ius Chasma, particu- sd HNu larly in its southern trough where soft-sediment y (mostly talus and gully fills) 1 forming, dark-toned, and flat-lying)

structures are present, may intuitively be related Slide deposits including both ls to emplacement of large landslides, the tim- landslides and debris flows ipd Deposits induced by impact ing is incompatible, as landslide emplacement clearly postdates folding (Fig. 9). The hypoth- Asd Sand dune fields esis of landslides as the driving mechanism for Scarp, interpreted to have a tectonic origin; ls Long-runout landslide arrow points to the scarp-facing direciton. fold development also faces the diffi culty of lr explaining the uniform northwest trend of fi rst- sfd Smooth floor deposits order folds wherever they are observed, as the 2 directions of landslide emplacement are highly Scarp with lobate surface trace interpreted Older floor deposits with to be generated by thrust faulting ifd variable in Valles Marineris (Lucchitta, 1979). 1 rough surfaces Observations from Coprates Chasma also HNu Upper trough-wall sequence support the hypothesis of its formation being 2 (dark-toned, gentler slope, Impact crater controlled by left-slip faulting, such as the flat-lying strata) presence of a left-slip trough-bounding fault associated with prominent drag folds (Fig. 15). Figure 21. (A) Uninterpreted Context Camera (CTX) image P07_003882_1645_XN_15S053W, with Developmentof northwest-trending contractional location shown in Figure 17. (A) Detailed geologic map based on interpretation of image shown in A.

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N Truncated Scarp landslides A

P07_003882_1645_XN_15S053W Figure 22. (A) Context Camera (CTX) image P07_003882_1645_XN_15S053W showing trun- cation of two landslides by a sharp fault scarp at the base of the north wall of the northern Coprates trough zone. See Figure 17 for loca- tion. (B) Restored landslide positions after matching their truncated upper edges against compatible channel outlets at the northern trough walls.

4.8 km

Restored positions of the landslides B

20 AB00 m Restraining Fau bend lt 9 Fault 6 Fault 8 Grabens Fault 7 Fault 5 Fault Figure 23. (A) Uninterpreted THE- 4 MIS (Thermal Emission Imag- 600 m ing System) image V09827002, with location shown in Figure 1C on the plateau region north of Coprates Chasma. (B) Interpreted 1400 m geologic map based on image Restraining shown in A. Note presence of a 4 km bend Fault 3 series of left-slip faults trending parallel to Valles Marineris on the Fault 1 plateau margin north of Coprates N Chasma. Post-left-slip Fault 2 craters V09827002

Fluvial channel walls Impact crater Strike-slip Normal fault Transtensional strike- fault slip fault

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E (2) Thrust Strike-slip fault Normal fault channels that Fluvial active sequentially were stream (8) (1) to stream from



? ? (1) 8 km

B N Restore shorteningRestore by thrusting to account for rigid-body rotation required 3.5 km Structural High induced by thrusting (?) (8) D Most recent drainage system (7) o (5) 7 (4) (3) (6) (2)


3) (

11 km (4)


3 (2) 1 (1) ~

Figure 24. (Continued on following page). (Continued on following 24. Figure (1)

Coprates Chasma ?

8 km ?

A N C 8 km Grabens

Structural high due to thrusting (6) (5) (7) (4) (3) (2) (1) 8 km Wrinkle RidgeWrinkle Fault Scarps ? THEMIS V06856002 (1) to (8): Drainage system from oldest to youngest oldest to (8): Drainage system from (1) to ?

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structures (folds, lobate scarps, and thrusts), northeast-trending normal faults, and west- W

o northwest–trending left-slip shear zones in the trough zones is also compatible with trough- Mexico parallel left-slip shear (Figs. 16, 17, and 20). The strongest evidence for left-slip fault- W o Canada

500 km ing across Coprates Chasma is the presence of United States left-slip faults on the plateau margin north of Coprates Chasma (Figs. 23, 24, and 25). Simi- W 135 o

Wallace Creek Wallace lar to the observed structures within the trough 130

North American plate zones, left-slip transtensional deformation also occurred on the plateau margin, which is indi- San Francisco Los Angeles W

o cated by the formation of closely spaced trough-

125 parallel, left-slip faults, northeast-striking nor- mal faults, and northwest-trending contractional structures (Fig. 25). The fresh fault scarps and W o left-lateral defl ection of recent drainages all 120 indicate that left-slip faulting on plateau mar- Pacific Pacific plate San Andreas San Andreas fault gins occurred recently, similar to the age of

Wfaulting within the trough zones in 140 the Late o N N N N N o Amazonian (i.e., younger than 0.7 Ga) (Witbeck o 115 o o o 40 30 45 50 35 et al., 1991). Due to extensive cover of sand dunes and recent landslides (unit Avm of Witbeck et al., 1991; Peulvast and Masson, 1993), Melas San Andreas fault Chasma does not display long linear traces of scarps as those seen along Ius and Coprates Chasmata. For this reason, this study did not examine the margin and interior structures Wallace Creek Wallace of this trough. However, my reconnaissance work indicates that the trough fl oors of Melas Chasma also expose northwest-trending folds (e.g., see CTX image P01_001575_1702_

Restored Wallace Creek Wallace Restored XN_09S075W), compatible with trough- parallel left-slip shear as seen in Ius and Coprates Chasmata. The details of this work will be presented elsewhere. In any case, it

200 m appears that the trough-bounding fault zone in Melas Chasma linking the North Ius fault in the west and the North Coprates fault in the 150 m east may have been largely buried below thick trough-fi ll deposits, some of which are folded FH G due to deep-seated, left-slip faulting.

Testing Models for the Origin of Valles Marineris

owing owing Observations from this study have important implications for testing the competing models for the origin of the Valles Marineris trough sys- tem. First, the occurrence of continuous linear scarps over tens of kilometers to >100 km along the bases of the steep trough walls of Ius and

ection of a south-fl Coprates Chasmata is best explained by the for- mation of fault scarps as originally suggested by Blasius et al. (1977). This argument is supported by the observation that trough-bounding scarps can be related to left-slip faults at several places examined by this study (Figs. 7, 15, 16, and 17).

Figure 24. (A) Uninterpreted THEMIS (Ther- (A) Uninterpreted 24. Figure image mal Emission Imaging System) of north V06856002 margin on plateau in with location shown Chasma, Coprates is fault that the interpreted Note 1C. Figure (B) Interpreted linear scarps. by expressed A. in shown map based on image geologic defl left-lateral Note on fault a left-slip across system drainage kinematic (C–E) Step-by-step margin. plateau remov- by system of the drainage restoration fault. motion on the interpreted ing left-slip channels stream and restored (F–G) Present in cen- fault Andreas San along the right-slip Google from taken was Image California. tral (H) Location of the image. Earth. Thus, the results from this study strongly favor

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western and eastern ends? The two issues are A B THEMIS I09802001 discussed next. Fault 1 Magnitude of Left-Slip Motion Offset of the Thaumasia thrust. A poten- tial candidate for measuring left-slip offset of the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault zone is the trun- cated Thaumasia mountain belt consisting of the Coprates Rise directly south of Coprates graben Chasma. The origin of the Thaumasia moun- 10 km 10 km tain belt has been attributed to two mechanisms. First, Schultz and Tanaka (1994), Dohm and Fault 2 Tanaka (1999), Anguita et al. (2006), Dohm et Curved scarp al. (2001a, 2001b, 2007, 2009), and Nahm and Schultz (2010) all suggested that the base of the eastern topographic front of the mountain range is marked by a major thrust they termed Fault the Thaumasia thrust (Fig. 1). This inference is consistent with terrestrial analogues for a NW-trending mountain belt such as the Himalayan orogen. fracture Fault 3 There, the leading edge thrust is the Main Fron- groove tal thrust, marking the base of the Himalayan orogen against the Indus-Ganges plains (Yin, Fault 4 2006). This interpretation yields ~160 km of left-slip displacement across the Coprates fault zone (Fig. 1C). Alternatively, the Thaumasia mountain belt is interpreted to have been cre- ated by the construction of a large volcanic pile (Williams et al., 2008). Both models explain the presence of a negative gravity anomaly rimming the eastern margin of the range and its topogra- Left-slip offset phy. Regardless of the mountain-building mech- fault anism, the location of the topographic front cor- Offset scarp Offset relates closely to the geologic contact between groove grove the Early Hesperian volcanic unit of Hr and the Late Noachian plain units of Npl2 and Npl3 in Witbeck et al. (1991) (Fig. 1C). The contact Strike-slip fault Normal fault between the Hesperian wrinkle-ridge terrane in the east and the Noachian plain deposits in the Figure 25. (A) Uninterpreted THEMIS (Thermal Emission Imaging System) image I09802001, with west in the map by Witbeck et al. (1991) is off- location shown in Figure 1C. (B) Interpreted fault map based on image shown in A. Note that set by ~160 km. This same contact corresponds interpreted northeast-striking normal faults either terminate into or are cut by the west-northwest– to the topographic front. striking left-slip faults. Also note that west-northwest–trending narrow grabens are present in the Offset of a pluton. As shown in Figure 17, uplifted footwalls of northeast-striking normal faults. the north wall of easternmost Coprates Chasma is dominated by layered rocks that are locally disrupted by thrusts and folds (also see Williams a tectonic origin for the development of Ius Montgomery et al. (2009) and the gravitational- et al., 2003). The layered unit terminates at the and Coprates Chasma and likely for the entire spreading or extrusion model of Webb and Head very eastern end of the north trough wall where Valles Marineris system (see following discus- (2002) and Anguita et al. (2006) (Table 1). a southward-pointing promontory occurs at the sion on closed basins). Second, wide occur- intersection between Coprates and Capri Chas- rence of left-slip faults parallel to trough walls, Magnitude of Left-Slip Motion, mata (Fig. 1B). Williams et al. (2003) suggested as well as northwest-trending folds and thrusts Fault Termination, and Palinspastic that this feature is related to the presence of a oblique to trough walls, does not support either Reconstruction mafi c pluton covered by younger Early Hes- the right-slip or pure-rift models (Fig. 3). Third, perian volcanic fl ows. An examination of a CTX the Coprates fault zone extends at least several The overwhelming evidence for a left-slip image indicates the presence of a massive unit hundreds of kilometers east of the northern ter- origin of Ius and Coprates Chasmata begs two overlain by layered rocks at this promontory. mination of the Thaumasia thrust belt, which important questions: (1) What is the total mag- The homogeneous appearance of this massive rules out the suggestion that the left-slip Valles nitude of left-slip motion along the trough- unit is best interpreted as a pluton and thus sup- Marineris fault zone terminates at the thrust bounding fault zone? (2) How does the Ius- ports the interpretation by Williams et al. (2003) belt as required by the megalandslide model of Melas-Coprates fault system terminate at the (Figs. 26A and 26B).

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A B CTX: P20_008945_1647_XN_15S052W

North Coprates fault Upper layered rocks

Fig. 26 (B) Capri Chasma

Fig. 26C

Pluton South Coprates fault 150 km Fig. 26D 5 km Capri scarp Layered trough- fill deposits

Layered trough-wall rocks Buried trace of CTX: P08_003961_ C D 1652_XN_14S050W 5 km South Coprates fault

Pluton Normal fault scarp

Layered Pluton trough- (massive unit) fill deposits Layered trough-wall rocks


CTX: P06_003394_ 5 km 1652_XN_14S050W

Figure 26. (A) MOLA (Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter) topographic map of eastern Coprates and Capri Chasmata area viewed from Google Mars. Traces of the North and South Coprates faults across Capri Chasma are interpreted based on their linear morphologic expression. Locations of B, C, and D are also shown. (B) A massive unit at the easternmost end of Coprates Chasma interpreted as a pluton. Background is Context Camera (CTX) image P20_008945_1647_XN_15S052W. (C) A massive unit inside Capri Chasma interpreted as a pluton against layered Noachian–Hesperian strata to the west. Background is CTX image P06_003394_1652_XN_14S050. (D) Normal-fault scarps along a releasing bend of the South Coprates fault in Capri Chasma. The fault trace is buried below young surfi cial deposits. Background is CTX image P08_003961_1652_XN_14S050W.

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The traces of the North Coprates fault can Coprates fault being a left-slip structure with a sedimentologic expressions such as crater rims, be followed farther eastward across Capri signifi cant normal-slip component. central peaks, and ejecta could all be removed. Chasma along a linear morphologic depression Offset of a caldera complex or an impact In this case, only the concentric-ring fractures (Fig. 26A). A reconnaissance examination of basin. Melas Chasma is unusual in the Valles rooting deep into the crust may be preserved. the fault trace using CTX and HiRISE images Marineris trough system in that its trough zone This scenario implies that if the Melas basin indicates that the fault trace is mostly covered is much wider and its trough margins are curvi- originated from an impact, its central peak may by unconsolidated young deposits that do not linear rather than linear, as in all other troughs have been eroded away by catastrophic fl oods display observable deformation. As morpho- of Valles Marineris (Fig. 1). The southern trough traveling through Valles Marineris (e.g., Burr logical expression of a terrestrial active fault margin is dominated by two semicircular, spoon- et al., 2009). Abundant dendritic networks of is a result of competition between the rates of shaped scarps. The smaller western scarp has a drainage channels, which dissect the southern deformation and sedimentation/erosion, a high radius of ~50 km and does not display scarp- margin of Ius Chasma, for example, display evi- sedimentation/erosion rate can completely parallel fractures. In contrast, the larger and east- dence of regional fl uvial modifi cation of land- cover or remove the morphologic expression of ern scarp has a radius of ~150 km and displays scape (e.g., Sharp, 1973). Such a process may the active structures. Thus, the buried fault and margin-parallel concentric-ring fractures that have removed the inferred crater rims and the its related structures might have been covered extend more than 100 km southward into the related ejecta deposits. by young sediments. interior of the plateau region (Fig. 27). Note the Admittedly, the impact-basin interpretation If the interpreted pluton at the mouth of smaller western scarp truncates the concentric- for the origin of Melas Chasma is tenuous. Coprates Chasma is cut by the North Coprates ring fractures parallel to the eastern and larger However, if the Melas basin had original circu- fault, its offset counterpart should be exposed scarp (Fig. 27B) indicating that the smaller west- lar geometry regardless of its origin, the north- south of the fault, exhibiting similar weathering- ern scarp postdates the eastern scarp. ern rim of the circular basin is missing; the resistant morphology. A small mesa with relics Despite its unusual geometry, the origin of inferred circular depression may have been off- of the old plateau surface is preserved south of Melas Chasma has not been discussed system- set ~150 km in a left-slip sense along the North the projected North Coprates fault in central atically in the literature. Borraccini et al. (2007) Ius–Coprates fault zone (Fig. 27). This inference Capri Chasma at the eastern end of the central attributed the formation of concentric-ring is consistent with the estimates from offsets of ridge separating the northern and southern sub- structures to collapse of the trough walls via the pluton and a thrust belt discussed earlier. trough zones of Coprates Chasma (Fig. 26C). landsliding. However, this would require the The “circular-basin” hypothesis may be testable The mesa is composed entirely of layered rocks, presence of a large volume of landslide materi- using detailed gravity modeling in the future, which are bounded to the east by an irregularly als at the base of the scarp, an inference that is expanding from the work of Dohm et al. (2009). shaped, massive, and homogeneous unit that is inconsistent with the mapping by Witbeck et al. Note that the 160 km left-slip estimate interpreted in this study as a pluton. Correlat- (1991). Witbeck et al. (1991) showed that the from the offset of the Thaumasia topographic ing this pluton with the one at the eastern mount area is dominated by Hesperian trough-fi ll lay- front measures the total offset across the whole of Coprates Chasma yields ~150 km of left-slip ered deposits covering isolated Noachian and Coprates fault zone, while the 150 km esti- motion along the North Coprates fault. A pos- early Hesperian basement rocks sticking out as mate from inferred offsets of the pluton and the sible test is to use Compact Reconnaissance isolated knobs inside the Melas basin (Fig. 1). inferred impact or volcanic basin only measures Imaging Spectrometer Data for Mars (CRISM) For a landslide origin, one would expect the the slip on the North Ius–Coprates fault. The dif- aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter base of the scarp to be dominated by chaoti- ference, at a face value, between the two esti- (MRO) (Pelkey et al., 2007). Its hyperspectral cally deformed rocks from the Noachian and mates implies that the total left-slip motion on imager, covering visible to near-infrared wave- Early Hesperian wall rocks. Furthermore, it is the South Coprates fault is much less than that lengths (0.37–3.92 μm at 6.55 nm/channel), also diffi cult to conceive how a landslide scarp on the North Coprates fault (i.e., only ~10 km). allows characterization of possible mineralogi- can generate concentric-ring fractures that are The inference is clearly crude with a large uncer- cal composition of surface rock. To make this located more than 100 km away. tainty. First, the exact cutoff point of the Thau- technique effective in detecting the composition It is also possible that the Melas basin origi- masia topographic front at the Coprates fault of bedrock, its exposure must be pristine and nated from magmatic-driven tectonic activ- zone is uncertain, because the thrust may have free of dust cover (e.g., Flahaut et al., 2011). ity, which includes uplift (Dohm et al., 2001a, variable trend across the 100-km-wide trough From the images shown in Figure 26, dust cover 2001b, 2009). This hypothesis is consistent zone that has erased or buried the thrust trace. is clearly a problem, and a CRISM test would with the fact that the region associated with ring Uncertainty with this estimate ranges 60 km yield an ambiguous result. fractures is a broad uplift, although the uplift to 100 km, depending on how the trend of the The trace of the South Coprates fault can appears to be a broad linear ridge trending in thrust is projected from north to south. Second, also be followed along a sharp linear depres- the northwest direction. Thus, it is possible that the three-dimensional shape of the offset pluton sion in the MOLA (Mars Orbiter Laser Altim- the large circular basin originated from a highly could vary considerably, leaving a large range eter) topographic map into Capri Chasma modifi ed volcanic center. of possibilities for the cutoff location of the plu- (Fig. 26A). The fault makes a sharp left-step The semicircular Melas basin and the associ- ton against the fault (e.g., the truncation points bend, along which a well-developed linear ated concentric-ring structures could also have in the west and east are exposed at the same normal-fault scarp occurs at a northward- been generated by impact. A pristine complex structural levels). The exposed size of the plu- pointing promontory (Fig. 26D). This promon- impact crater should have well-defi ned rims, a ton of 20–30 km across may be used as a bound tory, extending far into the lowlands of Capri central peak, well-developed ejecta surrounding for this uncertainty. Third, the margins of the Chasma from the plateau margin, also appears the impact basin, and concentric ring fractures inferred impact basin across Melas Chasma may to be controlled by the presence of a pluton commonly exposed by step terraces (Melosh, have been modifi ed by later erosion; its origi- (Fig. 26D). The presence of normal faulting at 1989). However, if crater basins had experi- nal radius may be much smaller than its present this left-step bend is consistent with the South enced signifi cant erosion, their morphologic and size, which would affect the previous estimate.

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OffsetOffset rrimim ooff circularcircular bbasinasin A

200 km

CCopratesopop Chasma ratese s Chasmaha sma 150 km

RestoredRestored rrimim ooff circularcircular bbasinasin

B MMelaselaselas ChasmaChasmahasma

Concentric ring 200 km fractures

Figure 27. (A) MOLA (Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter) topographic map of Melas Chasma viewed from Google Mars. The origin of the semicircular basin in southern Melas Chasma may have been related to deep magmatic-driven tectonic activity as proposed by Dohm et al. (2009), forming a caldera-like feature that was later offset by the Valles Marineris fault zone left laterally. (B) Close-up view of concentric ring fractures parallel to the circular scarp directly south of Melas Chasma. The ring fractures may have been related to deep magmatic processes causing local uplift, develop- ment of a landslide complex, and possibly formation of an impact basin (see text for details).

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Most importantly, there is a range of possible fi ts Figure 28. Normal fault scarps cut- up to 40–80 km for the postulated location of the ting young sediments de rived from northern offset impact basin. Considering these trough-wall channels along the Eos normal fault. Background is HiRISE uncertainties, the estimated total slip across the image PSP_009960_1665_RED. See Coprates fault zone is probably on the order of Figure 1B for location. Note that there Eos normal 160 ± 50 km. It is interesting to note that the are two phases of fan construction. fault north-trending boundary between regions with The fi rst phase predated most scarp- and without crustal magnetic anomalies across forming faults and exhibits rough the Coprates fault zone is ~150 km (Purucker et surfaces with numerous craters. The al., 2000; also see fi g. 1 in Lillis et al., 2009) second phase is spatially restricted and displays smooth and fi ne-tex- which is broadly consistent with the estimate tured surfaces along younger narrow slip obtained from this study. channels. The young channel deposits N drape over fault scarps, suggesting its Termination Mechanism of Ius-Melas- occurrence to have postdated scarp- Coprates Fault Zone forming normal faulting. The spatial correlation of the channels originated It has long been known that northeast-trend- Normal fault scarps from deep valleys in the mountains, ing troughs north of and at the eastern end of the and fi ne-textured channel fi lls suggest 1 km Valles Marineris trough system are controlled by that the sediments were delivered by HiRISE: PSP_009960_1665_RED normal faults (Witbeck et al., 1991; Flahaut et surface water. al., 2010). These troughs either terminate at the Valles Marineris system or are linked at its two ends (Fig. 1). A kinematic linkage between pos- been documented by Masson (1977), Tanaka spastic reconstruction of the southern Valles sible left-slip faulting and extension across this and Davis (1988), Anderson et al. (2004), Marineris trough system was performed (Figs. area and at the western end of the Valles - and Bistacchi et al. (2004). The area has been 29A and 29B). In this reconstruction, the Ius- neris in the Noctis Labyrinthus and Syria Pla- complexly deformed, and its northern part is Melas-Coprates fault zone is treated as a left- num area has been inferred by Webb and Head marked by two sets of orthogonal fractures. slip transtensional structure, and the Capri (2002) and Montgomery et al. (2009). However, Their relations to faults in Valles Marineris are and Eos faults are trough-bounding normal the way in which the fault zone terminates east all not well constrained. Additionally, there has faults without any strike-slip motion. The lat- of the inferred Thaumasia thrust has never been been no systematic evaluation of the magnitude ter assumption, supported by the observation discussed explicitly. Mapping by Witbeck et of deformation in this area. For these reasons, made in this study, implies that the relative al. (1991) indicated that the fault bounding the the way in which the Ius left-slip fault zone ter- motion of the blocks north and south of the northern Coprates trough links the northeast- minates at its western end remains unknown. Ius-Melas-Coprates fault zone (i.e., the Valles striking trough-bounding fault of Capri Chasma The estimated left-slip motion on the Marineris–North and Valles Marineris–South (Fig. 1). As the North Coprates fault is a left-slip Coprates fault zone implies >100 km of east- blocks in Figs. 29A and 29B) is not parallel structure, it requires the Capri fault to be a nor- west extension across Capri and Eos Chas- to the strike of the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault mal fault. Indeed, the Capri fault shows promi- mata. At this point, it is diffi cult to test this pre- zone. The oblique angle at 136° rather than nent down-to-the-east scarps (Witbeck et al., diction because the older normal faults in Capri 90° requires transtensional tectonics across 1991). The North and South Coprates faults also and Eos Chasma may have been buried in the southern Valles Marineris. A leaky transform- extend into Eos Chasma (Fig. 26). This interpre- rift basins, preserving only the younger and fault model is proposed here for the origin of tation requires that Eos Chasma also be bounded most outward trough-bounding normal faults. the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault zone. The fault by normal faults. A preliminary analysis of a Perhaps detailed gravity modeling in the future zone separating the Valles Marineris–North HiRISE image indicates this is indeed the case. could shed some light on this issue. and Valles Marineris–South blocks terminates As shown in Figure 28, small gullies cut by the Regardless of the uncertainties on the mag- at an expanding zone fi lled by intrusive and scarp-forming faults are not offset laterally, sup- nitude of extension along northeast-striking extrusive igneous rocks that had accommo- porting the interpretation that the structures are normal faults adjacent to the Valles Marineris dated east-west extension in the west. In the normal faults. Note that there are two phases of system, it appears that the left-slip fault zones east, the fault zone ends at the Capri-Eos rift fan constructions. The fi rst phase predates most across Valles Marineris act as a large accom- zone, which had accommodated northwest- scarp-forming faults and exhibits rough surfaces modation system, which separates the more southeast extension. The transtensional motion with numerous craters. The second phase is spa- extended northern domain (Lunae Planum to and the oblique relationship between the Ius- tially restricted and displays smooth- and fi ne- Xanthe Terra) from the less extended south- Melas-Coprates and Capri-Eos rift fault zones textured surfaces along younger narrow chan- ern domain (i.e., across the is similar to the Dead Sea transform rift zone nels. The young channel deposits drape over fault bounded by Syria Planum to the west, Claritas on Earth (Garfunkel, 1981). scarps, suggesting its occurrence to have post- Fossae to the south, and Valles Marineris to dated scarp-forming normal faulting. The spatial the north). The dynamic cause for the forma- Implications for the Formation correlation of the channels originated from deep tion of this accommodation zone is currently Mechanism of the Closed Basin in valleys on the north trough wall of Capri Chasma unknown. Northern Valles Marineris and fi ne-textured channel fi lls suggests that the fl uvial sediments were delivered by surface water. Palinspastic Reconstruction The presence of folds or tilted beds in Can- Extensional structures across the Noctis Based on the estimated magnitude of slip dor Chasma has been long known (Lucchitta et Labyrinthus and Syria Planum areas have on the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault zone, a palin- al., 1992; Lucchitta, 1999; Fueten et al., 2005,

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Eos fault Eos


f Hpl2 i

of a pluton 150 km offset Capr

Hpl2 o

Hr 136 Thaumasia thrust Thaumasia Hr of a magnetic anomaly 200–250 km offset and the oblique relationship between the Ius-Melas- between and the oblique relationship Hpl2 VM-North Block VM-South Block IMC left-slip transtensional zone zone. Note that the Capri normal fault is oriented at 136° is oriented fault normal that the Capri Note zone. also indicated. See text for details. (B) Current confi (B) Current details. for See text also indicated. is (VM) fault zone (Garfunkel, 1981). (Garfunkel, zone is (VM) fault Hpl3 ris. The fault zone separates the Valles Marineris–North block block Marineris–North Valles the separates zone The fault ris. Hpl2 Thaumasia thrust Thaumasia Syria Planum Zone volcanic Hr transtensional zone strain transfer model for the origin of IMC A transtensional D 160 km 1 lled by intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks at Syria Planum that had accommodated east-west extension extension east-west Planum that had accommodated at Syria igneous rocks and extrusive intrusive lled by 200–250 km offset of a magnetic anomaly boundary

2 o

Relative motion between VM- North and VM-South Blocks 136 motion on the Ius-Melas- 150 km of left-slip removing after zone trough Marineris Valles of the southern guration of a circular basin of a circular 3 150 km offset Offset edge of a crater 3 VM-South Block VM-North Block Offset Thaumasia front 2 0 100 200 300 400 500 km Valles Marineris Valles fault zone Current configuration of the Valles Marineris trough system Marineris trough Current configuration of the Valles System Marineris Trough Restored configuration of the Southern Valles Offset pluton 1 A B C Figure 29. (A) Geologic map of Valles Marineris from Witbeck et al. (1991). Major offset geological and geophysical markers are markers and geophysical geological Major offset (1991). et al. Witbeck from Marineris Valles (A) Geologic map of 29. Figure from the Valles Marineris–South block and terminates at an expanding zone fi at an expanding zone and terminates block Marineris–South Valles the from (CER) rift the Capri-Eos across extension northwest-southeast is absorbed by zone motion on the fault In the east, in the west. motion The transtensional on Earth. relationship center a typical transform-spreading for be expected as would than 90°, rather Valles of the southern the formation for origin fault a leaky transform suggest zones fault rift and Capri-Eos Coprates Coprates fault. (D) A strain transfer model for the origin of the Ius-Melas-Coprates (IMC) fault zone in southern Valles Marine Valles in southern zone (IMC) fault of the Ius-Melas-Coprates the origin model for transfer A strain (D) fault. Coprates tion of the southern Valles Marineris trough zone. (C) Restored confi (C) Restored zone. trough Marineris Valles tion of the southern

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2006, 2008). The work by Fueten et al. (2008) which created accommodation space for trough These authors attributed strike-slip faulting to regarding western indicates fi lls. The trough-fi ll strata were in turn folded Tharsis loading. More recently, Anderson et al. that (1) most faults are trough-parallel and show and faulted by broad and continued left-slip (2012) and Karasozen et al. (2012) showed that left-slip motion when examined closely (see shear deformation parallel to the regional trend structures controlling the Basin-and-Range–like their fi g. 8d) and (2) most folds trend northwest of the trough zones (Fig. 3). topography across formed both or west-northwest oblique to the main trend of prior to and during the formation of Tharsis the trough walls (see their fi g. 3). These observa- Timing of Deformation in Valles Marineris Rise. Amazonian-aged north- and northwest- tions are similar to those made in this study and striking left-slip faults were also described in suggest that Candor Chasma may have also been Left-slip structures, as examined in this study, the northwestern Tharsis Rise by Forsythe and induced by trough-parallel left-slip shear. Note all involve latest Amazonian (i.e., younger than Zimbelman (1988) and Anguita et al. (2001). In that the most recent work by Fueten et al. (2010) 200 Ma) units of Witbeck et al. (1991) or have the northern lowland region directly northwest also showed the presence of northwest-trending fresh morphologic expressions such as those of the Tharsis Rise, Okubo and Schultz (2006) folds of interior layered sediments, which were exposed on plateau margins. This suggests that documented Amazonian conjugate strike-slip deposited on top of bedrock of the north wall left-slip deformation occurred recently across faults associated with north-trending thrusts of Coprates Chasma, and thus the bedrock must the Valles Marineris. Displacement of recently accommodating east-west contraction. Right- have also been folded together (see fi g. 10b emplaced landslides and fault scarps cutting into slip and left-slip strike-slip faults parallel to the in Fueten et al., 2010). This is consistent with unconsolidated young talus deposits (Fig. 19) all Valles Marineris were also described by Anguita the observed northwest-trending contractional indicate that segments of the trough-bounding et al. (2001) and Borraccini et al. (2007) within structures from this study. A north-trending faults are still active, supporting the early pro- the Thaumasia Highlands south of the Valles anticline was also observed nearby by Fueten et posal by Blasius et al. (1977). The synchronous Marineris. Because these structures terminate or al. (2010). As this fold is located in the center development of soft-sediment deformation in with wrinkle ridges, they were most likely of a large landslide scarp and its relation to the Amazonian strata and left-slip deformation developed during the formation of the contrac- bedrock of the trough wall is not exposed, it is (mostly folding) requires, at least locally, that tional wrinkle ridges as transfer faults (e.g., not clear if the fold was induced by landslide tectonically controlled basins were saturated Borraccini et al., 2007; Golombek and Phillips, emplacement or was generated fi rst by tectonic with water, allowing load structures and fl uid- 2010) rather than related to the Late Amazonian stress and was later rotated during landsliding. ized slump structures to develop (Fig. 8). This (younger than 0.7 Ga) left-slip faulting across Okubo et al. (2008) and Okubo (2010) also inference is consistent with the coeval devel- the southern Valles Marineris. Most interest- mapped part of western Candor Chasma ~80 km opment of left-slip faulting and left-lateral ingly, the work by Schultz (1989) directly south west of Fueten et al.’s (2008) study area. Okubo drainage defl ection along minor left-slip faults of the eastern end of the Coprates fault zone in (2010) mapped a disharmonic fold complex and on plateau margins north of Coprates Chasma Capri Chasma showed the occurrence of east- interpreted it to have been generated by land- (Fig. 24). Since the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault striking left-slip shear zones linking small pull- slide emplacement. This landslide is cut by later zone cuts the Late Hesperian upper Syria Pla- apart basins. These faults cut wrinkle ridges in northwest-striking thrusts and northeast-striking num Formation (unit Hsu of Witbeck et al., the Early Hesperian volcanic fl ow unit (i.e., unit normal faults oblique to the trough walls. The 1991) (Fig. 1), its initiation must be younger Hr of Witbeck et al., 1991) and are subparallel to observations are consistent with left-slip defor- than the emplacement of this unit. This conclu- those described in this study along the southern mation as seen in Ius and Coprates Chasmata. sion is consistent with the timing of faulting Valles Marineris trough system. For these rea- Interpreting deformation across Candor in the Valles Marineris established long ago sons, the left-slip faults documented by Schultz Chasma to be related to left-slip shear offers by Schultz (1998). Also, since the Ius-Melas- (1989) could have been genetically related to the a new mechanism for the formation of closed Coprates fault zone links northeast-trending formation of Valles Marineris during broadly basins in Valles Marineris. Wilkins and Schultz normal faults at its two ends, it appears that the distributed left-slip shear deformation. (2003) documented the presence of normal eastern Tharsis Rise experienced two drastically It appears diffi cult to generate a left-slip fault faults bounding the north-northeast–trending different tectonic events: the Late Hesperian system with >100 km of displacement purely by blunt edges of Candor Chasma. They suggested east-west contraction as expressed by the devel- fl exural loading of the Tharsis Rise (Sleep and that these blunt and short trough edges were opment of the Thaumasia topographic front and Phillips, 1985), not to mention that Valles Mari- developed by orthogonal extension, assuming Late Amazonian (younger than 0.7 Ga) north- neris itself is located within this supposed load. the main trough-bounding faults are also nor- west-southeast extension linked by large-scale It is also unclear how such large-scale faulting, mal-slip structures. However, the presence of left-slip faulting. The Thaumasia topographic which developed so late in the Tharsis history, left-slip, trough-bounding faults together with front and Coprates Rise south of Valles Marin- was induced by a plume from below (e.g., the occurrence of normal faults at the short and eris may have formed in the Noachian (Dohm Golombek and Phillips, 2010). blunt edges of the closed basins in the Valles and Tanaka, 1999) and were later offset by the A possible terrestrial analogue for the devel- Marineris requires an alternative mechanism for Valles Marineris fault zone. opment of the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault zone the formation of the closed basins. In the con- may be the 1000-km-long, left-slip transten- text of left-slip tectonics, the closed basins may TERRESTRIAL ANALOGUE AND sional Dead Sea fault system on Earth (Fig. 30) have developed fi rst via formation of two paral- TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS OF LARGE- (Garfunkel and Zvi Ben-Avraham, 1996). This lel left-slip faults. The faults were later linked SCALE STRIKE-SLIP FAULTING structure bounds the western edge of the Ara- by cross faults that are normal-slip and oriented bian plate and forms a prominent rift zone. It perpendicularly to the early long strike-slip Andrews-Hanna et al. (2008) discovered Late links with the Red Sea spreading center in faults (Fig. 3). Further development of left-slip Noachian–Early Hesperian conjugate strike-slip the south and the Zagros suture zone in the faults with the short linking extensional struc- faults subject to east-west contraction near Sire- north (Ben-Avraham et al., 2008; Yin, 2010a). tures led to the formation of pull-apart basins, num Fossae west-southwest of the Tharsis Rise. Although the main motion across the fault zone

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30°EAlpine orogenic 40°E A Eurasia belt plate B Zagros thrust belt

Fig. 30D

Cyprus 35°N Dead Sea fault Mediterranean Dead Sea Sea fault zone Fig. 30D Sea of Galilee Arabian plate Mediterranean Sea Jordan

Dead Sea Arabian plate Sinai 30°N Gulf of Elat

Africa plate African plate

Red 0 150 km 300 km Sea Red Sea

Ius Chasma 20 km

30 km C D

Figure 30. (A) Topographic expression of the Dead Sea fault zone separating the African plate from Arabian plate. (B) Tec- tonic map of the Dead Sea fault zone adopted from Ben-Avraham et al. (2008). (C) Drainage pattern on the southern margin of western Ius Chasma. (D) Drainage pattern across the central segment of the Dead Sea rift zone.

has a left-slip motion of ~100 km (Garfunkel structural model is proposed for the current mation across Valles Mariners and at same time and Zvi Ben-Avraham, 1996), faults in this left- deformation of the Ius-Melas-Coprates trough is capable of explaining diverse structures that slip zone also have signifi cant normal-slip com- zone (Fig. 31). In this model, the trough-bound- have been observed in the trough zones and on ponents (Ben-Avraham et al., 2008). This led to ing faults could either be pure normal-slip faults the plateau margins in this study. the development of the prominent trough zone or oblique left-slip transtensional faults. It is As the Dead Sea fault zone is an undisputed along the Dead Sea fault system (Fig. 30). It is likely that the axis of the trough zone is domi- plate boundary, the similarity between this fault interesting to note that the nearby drainage pat- nated by a distributed left-slip fault zone. Motion system and the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault zone terns next to the Dead Sea transtensional zone on this fault produced the observed en echelon raises the question about the tectonic nature of are remarkably similar to those observed near folds and thrusts, and locally extensional struc- large-scale strike-slip faulting on Mars. As the Ius Chasma (Fig. 30). tures such as joints and normal faults. This radius of Mars (3397 km) is about one half of Inspired by the work of Garfunkel and Zvi model provides a new structural framework that the radius of Earth (6378 km), the obtained slip Ben-Avraham (1996), a three-dimensional accounts for the early observations of rift defor- of the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault zone may be

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Valles Marineris structures in Upper Amazonian strata and the trough zone coeval development of left-slip transtensional faulting and drainage defl ections all suggest that surface water was present during the tectonic for- mation of the southern Valles Marineris trough system. Displacement on individual left-slip faults varies from a few meters to ~13 km. The total estimated left-slip motion across the Ius- Melas-Coprates fault zone is 160 ± 50 km, 150 ± 30 km, and 150 ± 30 km based on the offsets of (1) the Thaumasia thrust, (2) an inferred cir- cular basin, and (3) a pluton. The 150–160 km of left-slip motion on the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault zone may have been accommodated by NW-SE extension across Noctis Labyrinthus and Syria Trough-fill Planum in the west and extension across Capri sediments and Eos Chasmata in the east. This interpreta- tion, together with the known regional tectonic Trough- history, suggests that the eastern Tharsis Rise bounding Trough- experienced two major episodes of tectonism: transtensional bounding left-slip fault normal fault (1) Late Hesperian east-west contraction form- ing widespread wrinkle ridges in the northern Buried left-slip and eastern Tharsis Rise and (2) Late Amazo- fault zone nian left-slip faulting linking extension across Figure 31. A three-dimensional structural model for the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault zone. Notice that the central and northeastern parts of the Tharsis the fault zone consists of multiple faults, and a trough zone that may be bounded on one side by Rise. The discovery of a large-scale (>2000 km a normal fault and another side by a strike-slip fault due to strain partitioning of transtensional in length and >100 km in total slip) and rather tectonics. A strike-slip shear zone may also lie below a thick section of trough-fi ll sediments. narrow (<50 km in width) strike-slip fault zone begs the question of why such a structure, typi- cally associated with plate tectonics on Earth, normalized to the surface area of the planet in Coprates fault investigated here has developed was developed on Mars. order to compare to slip magnitudes on major (Yin, 2010b, 2011). transform faults on Earth. The ratio of fault ACKNOWLEDGMENTS slip versus planet area is 3.5 m/km2 for the Ius- CONCLUSIONS Melas-Coprates fault zone, assuming its total This study was partially supported by a grant from slip is 150 km. This value is signifi cantly greater This study focuses on the structural geology the Tectonics Program of the U.S. National Sci- than 1.3 m/km2 for the Dead Sea fault (~105 km of Ius and Coprates Chasmata and the nearby ence Foundation on the mechanics of V-shaped total slip; see Garfunkel and Zvi Ben-Avraham, plateau margins in the southern Valles Marineris conjugate strike-slip systems. I thank Robert 1996) and slightly greater than 3.2 m/km2 for trough system. Its main result is that the trough Lovdahl, who critically read early drafts of the the southern San Andreas fault (~255 km of zones and trough margins of the two chas- manuscript and made many useful suggestions. total slip; see Oskin et al., 2001). This simple mata have experienced trough-parallel left-slip I am especially grateful for the critical and con- comparison suggests that the magnitude of hori- deformation and trough-perpendicular exten- structive comments made by James Dohm. I also zontal motion on the Ius-Melas-Coprates fault sion. This style of deformation is expressed by thank Ernst Hauber, Frank Fueten, Nicolas Man- zone is signifi cant. The consistent displacement the presence of trough-bounding left-slip and , Donna Jurdy, and an anonymous reviewer of 150–160 km across the Ius-Melas-Coprates normal faults, formation of northeast-trending of the journal. Their comments helped to improve fault zone over a distance of 500 km indicates extensional structures (joints), northwest-trend- the scientifi c content and clarity of the paper. that the regions bounded by the fault behave as ing contractional structures (thrusts and folds), rigid blocks, and their kinematics can be quanti- and locally developed minor northwest-trending REFERENCES CITED fi ed in a similar way to the classic description left-slip structures either across the plateau mar- of plate kinematics on Earth (McKenzie and gins or within trough zones. 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