Curriculum Vitae
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Curriculum Vitae LAWRENCE GUY STRAUS Leslie Spier Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Emeritus August 2019 Address: Telecommunications: Department of Anthropology 505/277-6688(office) University of New Mexico MSC01 1040 505/299-4871 (home) Albuquerque, N.M. 87131-0001 USA e-mail: [email protected] FAX: 505/277-0874 Education: The College of the University of Chicago: A.B., 1971 (with General Honors and Special Honors in Anthropology, Student Aide, Phi Beta Kappa). The University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology, A.M., 1972, Thesis title: Lithic Artifact Typologies in Old World Paleolithic Studies: A Critical Comparison of Theory and Method. (Readers: Professors L.G. Freeman, Jr. and K.W. Butzer). The University of Michigan, Department of Anthropology: Committee on Institutional Cooperation Traveling Scholar, 1-5/1972. The University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology, Ph.D., 1975. Dissertation Title: A Study of the Solutrean in Vasco-Cantabrian Spain. Dissertation Committee: Leslie G. Freeman, Jr. (Chair), Robert McC. Adams, Karl W. Butzer, Richard G. Klein. Specializations and Geographic Areas: Old World Prehistory/Paleoanthropology: Middle & Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic & Neolithic adaptations, Upper Pleistocene & Early Holocene environments, chronology, faunas & technologies; Cave archeology; Northern Spain, SW France, Belgium, Portugal. Main Research Projects (with Principal Funding Sources): Cantabrian Solutrean, Spain, 1973-75 (National Science Foundation [NSF]) La Riera Cave, Asturias, Spain (with G.A.Clark), 1976-79 (NSF, UNM, ASU) L’Abri Dufaure, Les Landes, France, 1980-1985 (National Geographic Soc., NSF, UNM) Southern Portugal Surveys & Excavations, 1987-88 (National Geographic Society, L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, UNM) Southern Belgium Excavations (Trou Magrite, Huccorgne, Bois Laiterie & Abri du Pape sites)(with Marcel Otte), 1991-1995 (NSF, National Geographic Society, Leakey Foundation, Governments of Wallonia & Belgium, UNM) El Mirón Cave, Cantabria, Spain (with Manuel González Morales), 1996-present (NSF, National Geographic, L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, Fundación M. Botín, Stone Age Research Fund, University of New Mexico, Governments of Cantabria & Spain) Geographical Research Areas: Northern Spain, Southwestern France, Portugal, Belgium 1 Languages: French, Spanish (read, speak, write) German, Portuguese, Catalan, Latin (read) Academic Positions: 2017- Leslie Spier Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Emeritus, University of New Mexico 2012-2016 Leslie Spier Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 2005-2011 Distinguished Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 1987-2005 Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 1981-87 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 1975-81 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico Fall 1996 Visiting Professor, Instituto de Antropología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jan 2002 Visiting Professor, Department of Archeology, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Spring 2004 Visiting Professor, Departments of Prehistory & Archeology, Universidades de Córdoba, Cádiz and Zaragoza, Spain. 2004- Associate Member, Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain. Fellowships, Grants, Awards and Honors National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Participation Grant (Field Museum of Natural History, Southwest Expedition), 1968. Woodrow Wilson Foundation Fellowship, 1971-72 (declined by me). National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1971-74. Ford Foundation Travel Stipend (for Burgos Archaeological Survey, through Professor Freeman), 1972. National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant GS40627, 1973-74. University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology Grant for computer time, 1974-75. 2 University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology Readership, 1974-75. University of New Mexico Faculty Research Grant (Rio Sella Survey Project) (declined by me), 1976. National Science Foundation Grant BNS76-08382 (La Riera Paleoecological Project, Co- principal Investigator with G.A. Clark), 1976-81. University of New Mexico Faculty Research and Board of Archaeologists Grants (La Riera Data Analysis), 1978. National Geographic Society Research Grant (Archaeological Survey of Guipúzcoa Province) (declined by me), 1979. Harper and Row travel stipend (Survey of Upper Paleolithic cave art in France and Spain), 1979. University of New Mexico Faculty Research Grant (Cave art photography project), 1979. University of New Mexico Research Grant (Archaeological Survey of the Chalosse District, Les Landes), 1980. National Geographic Society Research Grant (Archaeological Survey of the Chalosse District, Les Landes, France), 1980. University of New Mexico Research Grant (drafting for monograph, El Solutrense Vasco- Cantábrico: Una Nueva Perspectiva), 1981. National Science Foundation Grant BNS81-03589 (Terminal Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherer Adaptations in Pyrenean France: The Case of Abri Dufaure, Principal Investigator), 1981-1990. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grant (Paleolithic Reconnaissance & Analysis in the Franco-Cantabrian Region), 1985. University of New Mexico Research Grant (Paleolithic Reconnaissance and Analysis in SW Europe) (declined by me), 1985. University of New Mexico Research Allocations Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, and Dept. of Anthropology. Subvention grants for publication of La Riera Cave, 1985-86. National Science Foundation Grant BNS86-06658 (Partial subvention of La Riera Cave monograph, with G.A. Clark), 1986. University of New Mexico Research Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1987. National Geographic Society Research Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1987. 3 American Council of Learned Societies Travel Grant (University of Cambridge Symposium), 1987. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1987 (declined by me). L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal),1988. University of New Mexico College of Arts & Sciences Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1988. National Geographic Society Grant (Upper Paleolithic of Portugal), 1988. University of New Mexico Research Grant (Isotopic Analyses and Dating for the Meso-, Neo- and Chalcolithic of Portugal), 1989. National Geographic Society Grant (Capellades Paleolithic Project),1990(declined by me). L.S.B.Leakey Foundation Grant (Capellades Paleolithic Project), 1991-2 (declined by me). National Science Foundation Grant BNS90-02839 (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1990-91. Snead-Wertheim Endowed Lectureship in Anthropology & History, 1990-91. National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplementary Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1991. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1992. University of New Mexico Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1992 (declined by me). National Science Foundation Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1992. CHOICE Magazine/American Association of University & Research Libraries recognition of Iberia before the Iberians as one of the "Outstanding Academic Books of 1993". University of New Mexico Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1993. National Geographic Society Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1993. University of New Mexico College of Arts & Sciences and Research Office, Subvention grants for publication of Les Derniers Chasseurs de Rennes du Monde Pyrénéen. Smithsonian Institution Research Grant for study of French, Belgian & Spanish Paleolithic collections at the National Museum of Natural History, 1994. 4 National Geographic Society Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1994. International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) Grant for foreign participation at Anaheim INQUA/SAA symposia, 1994. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1994. University of New Mexico Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1995. National Geographic Society Research Grant (South Belgium Paleolithic Project), 1995. National Science Foundation/American Geophysical Union/National Academy of Sciences Travel Grant (Berlin INQUA Congress), 1995. University of New Mexico Assoc. Provost for Research & College of Arts & Sciences Travel Grant (Berlin INQUA Congress), 1995. University of New Mexico College of Arts & Sciences Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1996. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1996. UNM Research Allocations Committee Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1996 American Council of Learned Societies Travel Grant (Forli, Italy, UISPP Congress), 1996. L.S.B. Leakey Foundation Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1997. National Geographic Society Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1997. National Geographic Society Research Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1998. UNM Research Allocations Committee Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1998. National Science Foundation Grant (Upper Río Asón Valley/El Mirón Cave Project), 1998-2005. National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplementary Grant (El Mirón Cave Project), 1999. UNM College of Arts & Sciences Senior Research Semester Award, 1999. National Science Foundation/American Geophysical Union/National Academy of Sciences Travel Grant (Durban, South Africa, INQUA Congress), 1999. 5 Luso-American Foundation Travel Grant (Vila Real, Portugal,