15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–12 Edition) Pt. 744, Supp. 4
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Pt. 744, Supp. 4 15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–12 Edition) SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 TO PART 744—ENTITY LIST License review FEDERAL REGISTER cita- Country Entity License requirement policy tion This Supplement lists certain entities subject to license requirements for specified items under this part 744 of the EAR. License requirements for these entities include exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) unless otherwise stated. This list of enti- ties is revised and updated on a periodic basis in this Supplement by adding new or amended notifications and deleting notifi- cations no longer in effect. AFGHANI- Abdul Satar Ghoura, 501, 5th Floor, For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869,11/21/11. STAN. Amanullah Sancharaki Market to the EAR. (See nial. Opp Chaman E Huzuri, Kabul, § 744.11 of the Afghanistan; and Flat No. 41 EAR).. Block No. 24 Macroyan 3, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate ad- dresses under Pakistan).. Assadullah Majed, 42S WD 18476 For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869,11/21/11 22167 Kabul, Afghanistan; and. to the EAR. (See nial. A2 Ground Floor, City Computer § 744.11 of the Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Af- EAR).. ghanistan. Fazal Rahim Farid, a.k.a., the fol- For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869,11/21/11. lowing three aliases:. to the EAR. (See nial. —Fazel Rahim Farid; ...................... § 744.11 of the —Farid; and ..................................... EAR).. —Engineer Idris. .............................. Microrayan 3rd Apt. 45, block #21, Kabul, Afghanistan; and A2 Ground Floor, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Af- ghanistan. (See alternate ad- dresses under Pakistan).. Hanif Computer Zone (HCZ), For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869,11/21/11. Ghazni City, Afghanistan.. to the EAR. (See nial. § 744.11 of the EAR).. Habib ur Rahman, a.k.a., the fol- For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869,11/21/11. lowing two aliases:. to the EAR. (See nial. —Hanif; and .................................... § 744.11 of the —Habib Rahman. ............................ EAR).. Ghazni City, Afghanistan. ................ Iqra Computer Products, a.k.a., the For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869,11/21/11 following two aliases:. to the EAR. (See nial. —Iqra IT solutions; and ................... § 744.11 of the —Iqra Computer Store. ................... EAR).. A2 Ground Floor, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Af- ghanistan.. Kurshid Ghoura, a.k.a., the fol- For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869,11/21/11. lowing two aliases:. to the EAR. (See nial. —Kurshed Ghoura; and .................. § 744.11 of the —Kursheed Ghoura. ....................... EAR).. 501, 5th Floor, Amanullah Sancharaki Market Opp Chaman E Huzuri, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Flat No. 41 Block No. 24 Macroyan 3, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate addresses under Pakistan).. Lapcom Computer Stores, A2 For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869’, 11/21/11. Ground Floor, City Computer to the EAR. (See nial. Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Af- § 744.11 of the ghanistan. (See alternate address EAR).. under Pakistan).. Muhammad Halim Ghoura, 501, 5th For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869’, 11/21/11. Floor, Amanullah Sancharaki to the EAR. (See nial. Market Opp Chaman E Huzuri, § 744.11 of the Kabul, Afghanistan; and Flat No. EAR).. 41 Block No. 24 Macroyan 3, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alter- nate addresses under Pakistan).. 370 Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce Pt. 744, Supp. 4 License review FEDERAL REGISTER cita- Country Entity License requirement policy tion Ologh Beg International Forwarders For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869’, 11/21/11. Ltd., 501, 5th Floor, Amanullah to the EAR. (See nial. Sancharaki Market Opp Chaman § 744.11 of the E Huzuri, Kabul, Afghanistan. EAR).. (See alternate address under Pakistan).. Qazi Abdallah, a.k.a., the following For all items subject Presumption of de- 76 FR 71869’, 11/21/11. four aliases:. to the EAR. (See nial. —Khan Dilawar; .............................. § 744.11 of the —Ibrahim Valid Javaid; ................... EAR).. —Jawid, Sa’id Jan ‘Abd-al-Salam; and. —Ibrahim Walid ............................... Microrayan 3rd Apt. 45, Block No. 21, Kabul, Afghanistan.. ARMENIA ....... Bold Bridge International, LLC, For all items subject Presumption of de- 75 FR 1701, 1/13/10. Room 463, H. Hakobyan 3, to the EAR. (See nial.. Yerevan, Armenia. § 744.11 of the EAR). BELARUS ...... Belmicrosystems Research and De- For all items subject Presumption of de- 75 FR 36519, 6/28/10. sign Center, Office 313, 12 to the EAR. (See nial. Korzhenevsky Street, 20108 744.11 of the Minsk, Republic of Belarus. EAR). SOE Semiconductor Devices Fac- For all items subject Presumption of de- 75 FR 36519, 6/28/10. tory, Office 313, 12 Korzhenevsky to the EAR. (See nial. Street, 20108 Minsk, Republic of 744.11 of the Belarus. EAR). Vasili Kuntsevich, Office 313, 12 For all items subject Presumption of de- 75 FR 36519, 6/28/10. Korzhenevsky Street, 20108 to the EAR. (See nial. Minsk, Republic of Belarus. 744.11 of the EAR). CANADA ........ Ali Bakhshien, 909–4005 Bayview For all items subject Presumption of de- 73 FR 54504, 9/22/08. Ave., Toronto, Canada M2M 3Z9; to the EAR. (See nial. 76 FR 71869, 11/21/ and HSBC Tower, Suite 502, § 744.11 of the 11. 3601 Highway 7 East, Markham, EAR).. Ontario, L3R 0M3, Canada.. Kitro Corporation, 909–4005 For all items subject Presumption of de- 73 FR 54504, 9/22/08. Bayview Ave., Toronto, Canada to the EAR. (See nial. 76 FR 71869, 11/21/ M2M 3Z9; and HSBC Tower, § 744.11 of the 11. Suite 502, 3601 Highway 7 East, EAR).. Markham, Ontario, L3R 0M3, Canada.. CHINA, PEO- 13 Institute, China Academy of For all items subject See § 744.3(d) of 66 FR 24265, 5/14/01. PLE’S RE- Launch Vehicle Technology to the EAR. this part. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. PUBLIC OF. (CALT), a.k.a., the following six aliases:. —13th Institute China Aerospace Times Electronics Corp (CATEC); —713 Institute of Beijing; —Institute of Control Devices (BICD); —Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices (BIACD); —Beijing Aerospace Control Instru- ments Institute; and —Design and Manufacture Center of Navigation and Control Device 33 Institute, a.k.a., the following For all items subject See § 744.3(d) of 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. four aliases: to the EAR having this part. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. —Beijing Automation Control Equip- a classification ment Institute (BACEI); other than EAR99 —Beijing Institute of Automatic or a classification Control Equipment; where the third —China Haiying Electromechanical through fifth digits Technology Academy; and of the ECCN are —No. 33 Research Institute of the ‘‘999’’, e.g., XX999. Third Academy of China Aero- space Science and Industry Corp (CASIC). 371 Pt. 744, Supp. 4 15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–12 Edition) License review FEDERAL REGISTER cita- Country Entity License requirement policy tion 35 Institute, a.k.a., the following five For all items subject See § 744.3(d) of 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. aliases: to the EAR having this part. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. —Beijing Hangxing Machine Build- a classification ing Corporation; other than EAR99 —Beijing Huahang Radio Measure- or a classification ments Research Institute; where the third —China Haiying Electronic Mechan- through fifth digits ical Technical Research Acad- of the ECCN are emy; ‘‘999’’, e.g., XX999. —Huahang Institute of Radio Meas- urement; and —No. 35 Research Institute of the Third Academy of China Aero- space Science and Industry Corp (CASIC). 54th Research Institute of China, For all items subject See § 744.3(d) of 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. a.k.a., the following three aliases: to the EAR having this part. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. —CETC 54th Research Institute; a classification —Communication, Telemetry and other than EAR99 Telecontrol Research Institute or a classification (CTI); and where the third —Shijiazhuang Communication Ob- through fifth digits servation and Control Technology of the ECCN are Institute. ‘‘999’’, e.g., XX999. A.C. International, Room 1104, For all items subject Presumption of de- 73 FR 54503, 9/22/08. North Tower Yueziu City Plaza, to the EAR. (See nial. No. 445 Dong Feng Zhong Rd., § 744.11 of the Guangzhou, China. EAR). Asia International Trading Com- For all items subject Presumption of de- 73 FR 54503, 9/22/08. pany, Room 1104, North Tower to the EAR. (See nial. Yueziu City Plaza, No. 445 Dong § 744.11 of the Feng Zhong Rd., Guangzhou, EAR). China. Baotou Guanghua Chemical Indus- For all items subject See § 744.2(d) of 66 FR 24266, 5/14/01. trial Corporation (Parent Organi- to the EAR having this part. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. zation: China National Nuclear a classification Group Corporation (CNNC)), other than EAR99. a.k.a., the following five aliases: —202 Plant, Baotou Nuclear En- ergy Facility; —Baotou Guanghua Chemical In- dustrial Corporation; —Baotou Guanghua Chemical In- dustry Company; —Baotou Nuclear Fuel Element Plant; and —China Nuclear Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industry Company 202 Factory Baotou, Inner Mongolia. Beijing Aerospace Automatic Con- For all items subject See § 744.3 of this 64 FR 28909, 5/28/99. trol Institute (BICD), a.k.a., the to the EAR having part. 75 FR 78877, 12/17/10. following four aliases: a classification —12th Research Institute China other than EAR99. Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT); —Beijing Institute of Space Auto- matic Control; —Beijing Spaceflight Autocontrol Research Institute; and —China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp First Academy 12th Research Institute 51 Yong Ding Road, Beijing. 372 Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce Pt. 744, Supp. 4 License review FEDERAL REGISTER cita- Country Entity License requirement policy tion Beijing Institute of Structure and For all items subject See § 744.3 of this 64 FR 28909, 5/28/99.