Ptna News Letter 2016
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PTNA NEWS LETTER 2016 Piano Teachers’ National Association of Japan 1-15-1 Sugamo Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8458 JAPAN Tel: +81 (0)3 3944 1581 Fax: +81 (0)3 3944 8838 [email protected] PTNA (PIANO TEACHERS’ NATIONAL Commitment To the Entire Music Life ASSOCIATION of JAPAN), founded by The 50th Anniversary of PTNA Yasuko Fukuda, is a nonprofit organization of professional piano and music teachers. Our mission is to advance the value of piano and music teachers committed to furthering a higher level of the pedagogical skills, and to explore cultural and artistic activities by ways of piano. We encourage piano and music teachers in the community to improve the quality of piano pedagogy and performance studies, promote a rich humanism from music pedagogy, communicate with internal and external associations, and contribute to a broader cultural development. -Established : 1966 -Chairperson: Nobuyuki Idei -Vice Chairperson: Yuichiro Hata, Yuko Ninomiya PTNA encourages all who -CEO : Seikoh Fukuda love piano. Its membership -Board Members: Trustees, Nobuyuki Idei service extends to families Treasurers. Advisor, and tuners this year. Councilors -Groups & Committees <1> Commitment to the performers, composers, researchers, *Administration and Organization Group students, amateurs, families, corporates *Research Group Enrichment of Musical Life *STEP Project Group and institutions, and tuners (added *Competition Group PTNA, established in 1966, com- in 2016). This year, a part of “sup- -Networks: Branches (124), Stations (449) memorates its 50 year anniversary port member”, a group of about 1,400 -Number of Members: 15,882 -Membership Status: Authorized member, this year. The association started with members, was shifted to “family mem- Teacher, Performer, Composer, Researcher, 30 teachers and now consists of over ber”. Their roles are considered to be Family, Student, Corporates and 15,000 members. Nowadays, the new more identical and important recently. Institutions, Tuner, GrandMuse (amateurs) members are increasing at the rate of In fact, it enhances children’s growth in as of Dec.2016 about 100 people per month (15% are many ways as the statistics show. In the in their 10-20s, 65% are in their 30- PTNA Piano Competition, the number The number of 40s, 20% are in their 50s and older). of participants whose parents were sup- 15,000 PTNA members 14,000 The wider the network becomes, the port members has increased twice as 13,000 more individual piano teachers become much as those of non-members in the 12,000 connected and collaborative. Like- last 5 years. It signifies that family sup- 11,000 wise, its commitment to and impact port enhances the continuation of piano 10,000 on the music field has also increased, learning. Nowadays, it further encour- 9,000 which led to an increase and diversity ages their collective participation as 8000 in membership services. At present, family ensembles (in STEP). 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 membership covers piano teachers, PTNA News Letter 2016 <2> Commitment to Devel- introductory level students” / Zen-on opment of Careers in Music score. Gakufu), Atsuko Fujiwara (“One step Regarding 3) theoretical compre- forward to refined music making with -Teachers’ License Demands hension, the number of examinees Bastien Method” / To-on Kikaku), Ma- was increased 2.5 times as many as sayo Baba (“How to choose music to More Well-Balanced Skills last year. This trend also suggests they raise children’s motivation” / Yamaha Half a century ago, PTNA was would like to have more solid founda- Music Media), etc. a small study group which provided tions both in theory and practice. The 2nd session was titled “What lectures and seminars for piano teach- This program is also for young Should Piano Teachers Consider ers, but had no opportunity to assess people. Yoko Deguchi, a university Now?”, in which 4 PTNA executive themselves. In the 1990s, the Teach- student who majors in politics, is one members talked about the transition ers’ Examination was established to of them. She has not decided her future of the education trend and its future assess a set of teaching skills. It was career yet, but her teacher suggested prospects. The panelists were Katsuko transformed to the “Piano Teachers’ that the license program would help her Kaneko, Mitsuyo Esaki, Mutsuko License Program” a few years ago, in have multiple choices after graduation, Tozawa, and Hideo Sugiura. order to evaluate teaching skills in a either to work in the business industry The 3rd session had Akiko Ebi (pia- more well-balanced, structured man- or to work as a piano teacher. In the nist) as lecturer and Arisa Iida (music ner; 1) teaching demonstration, 2) stage process of studying, she learned how to writer) as interviewer, to discuss what performance, 3) theoretical comprehen- teach kids in an appropriate way, and and how young pianists should learn sion, 4) essay writing. now she has one regular student. piano in order to achieve higher levels Then how do they prepare effi- of artistry. Ebi, who served as a jury ciently for these high goals? This year, -Various Topics in the 49th member in the Chopin Piano Competi- PTNA started introducing teachers who Piano Teachers’ Seminar tion and the Hamamatsu Piano Compe- give professional advice to candidates. tition both in 2015, encouraged young Yukiko Watanabe (representative of On April 24th, the PTNA Piano pianists to have a strong belief and a Hibiya-Dream Station), has already Teachers’ Seminar vol.49 was held in solid attitude in their music making. taught 28 candidates who passed all the Tokyo, having 300 piano teachers in She also showed a video of her teacher, categories and levels of examinations the audience. This event is one of the the late Aldo Ciccolini, performing prerequisite for the license. One of her special programs for commemorating Elger’s “Salut d’Amour” full of affec- students and a successful candidate, the 50th anniversary of PTNA. The 1st tion and humanity. Erimi Tsuchimochi (representative of session consisted of presentations and Chiba-Asumigaoka Station), already poster sessions by 8 piano teachers, -“Dual Career” to Support an experienced teacher and local music sponsored by 8 publishing companies Young Teachers leader, has completed all the license ex- (PTNA corporate members). The lec- ams this year. She asked Ms.Watanabe turers were Yuko Hisamoto (“Excellent A career as a piano teacher is not for advices before taking the advanced instruments created excellent music, built in one day, and not necessarily level exam in order to review her own from Mozart to Liszt” / Gakken), Mami by one way. There are approximately performance and teaching skills, which Imano (“Training techniques and ex- 4,000 graduates per year from music brought her success with the highest pressions through Gillock’s pieces for colleges in Japan, but it is not easy for them to become mentally, technically, and financially independent immedi- ately. Therefore, PTNA proposes “a dual career”, as one of the options. PTNA looks for a few employees who are able to work at the PTNA head- quarter 3 days a week, and 2-3 days as piano teachers. This is expected to help them learn the work ethics, communi- cate with experienced piano teachers, Yuko Hisamoto in the 1st session, and understand what is truly desired panel discussion in the 2nd session, Akiko Ebi (right) in the 3rd session for music education. Above all, they have “lesson review” time every week, pianist, and professor of Tokyo College in which they report some challenges of Music, introduced a musical analysis discovered in lessons, and receive feed- on early works of Beethoven’s sonata, back from their colleagues. with scientist-like precision and detail. Narumi Uegaki has been working MuSIC is the first research center in at the PTNA office for 4 years after Asia that focused on music (location: graduation from the Graduate school Sophia University). Emiko Harimoto, a of a music college. While she serves as committee member of MuSIC, Execu- an operator of STEP advisors’ logistics tive member of PTNA, and professor (1,800 advisors for 550 venues / year), of Tokyo College of Music, expects Akira Wakabayashi, she learns the basic working skills this center to make enormous achieve- 2 participants, and and knowledge. At the same time, she ments, and bring assistance and encour- 2 accompanists teaches 24 students. She will leave the agement to pianists and educators. (Keina Sato & Yuhi office and become independent from Ozaki), at the event “The Concerto Day”. next year. -Learn Piano Concertos with Piano Accompaniment! <3> Commitment to Better- of Composers Inc. (JFC) on March 6th, ment of Learning Process On May 5th, “The Concerto Day - in which 10 composers gave lessons learn piano concerto with piano accom- of their own pieces to young students. What to learn is important, but paniment!” was held in Tokyo. In the Naoto Omasa, composer and Executive how to learn is more important. PTNA 1st session, pianist Akira Wakabayashi Director of JFC, explains why it is so members including former prize win- gave lectures to two young pianists. important to work with living compos- ners, are now piloting younger genera- Wakabayashi himself was a former ers. “If one would know true messages tions for the betterment of their learn- PTNA prize winner in 1979. Based from living composers themselves, it ing process. on his orchestral experiences more could enrich your music-making in a than 400 times, he advised the pianists way that you would never experience -Scientific Approach to the to breathe deeply, feel the entire at- while studying Classical or Romantic Piano Performance mosphere of the music, and share its pieces”. image, structure, and direction with The 65th PTNA Piano Festival was orchestras.