[HUMAN POWERED INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT SYSTEMS] Jack Robinson Human Powered individual transport systems Feasibility Report Project 3a (64ET6918_1213_9) By Jack Robinson 10298859 1 Contacts: | MMU [HUMAN POWERED INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT SYSTEMS] Jack Robinson 0.0 Summary The following report aims to address the key issues surrounding human powered vehicles and analyse them in such a way as to outline the existing benefits, flaws and bring focus to potential improvements. Using the past as a spring-board, this report will critically analyse the growth and evolution of this mode of transport. Then moving forward, it will assess and criticise current options available finally looking at the potential for future growth and evolution. The further stages of this project will revolve around velomobiles; a great deal of primary and secondary research has been conducted to give the reader a full understanding of their construction and purpose. Great care has been taken to ensure that I have feedback and responses from the market that velomobiles appeal to by using specific cycling forums and contacts. Taking a critical standpoint this report utilises mistakes from the past to influence and redesign the future. 2 Contacts: | MMU [HUMAN POWERED INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT SYSTEMS] Jack Robinson 0.1 Acknowledgements Contacts: Undercover Cycling – Go-one -
[email protected] Ymte Sijbrandij – Owner of Velomobiel.nl Rollin Nothwehr – recumbent bicycle designer and manufacturer Dr Graham Sparey-Taylor – British Human Powered Forums Shimano bicycles – Bicycle and fishing company British Human Power forum - users Bentrider online forum – users The recumbent bike forums – Users Surveymonkey 3 Contacts: | MMU [HUMAN POWERED INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT SYSTEMS] Jack Robinson Contents Table of Contents Contacts: ...................................................................................................................................