National College Physical Education Association for Men 1201 Sixteenth Street Northrist Washington D.C
1 DOCUNENTRESUNE ED 116:576 SP .009877 - , . TITLE Proceedings (of the) Sixty Eighth Annual Meeting (of the) National College Physical Education Association ,,for Zen. INSTITUTION American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington,"D.C. '. , PUB DATE 0 Jan 65 . NOTE 177p.; Proceeding's of the Annual Meeting of the Fationatl College Piysical Education Association for 'Men-(68th, Minneapolis, Minnesota, January 7-9, ... * -.1965) AVALABIE FROM kmeritan Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Pedreation, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.V., Washington, D. C: 20036' ($3.001 ,S. EDRS PRICE MR-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. -z DESCRIPTORS *Athletics; Cardiovascular System; Facility Planning; High Schools; History; Intercollegiate Programs; *Intramural Athletic Programs; Physical Activities; *Physical. Education; Physical Fitness; Psychology; *Teacher Education , . t ABSTRACT This document contains the 'proceedings of the, January 1965 Annual meeting of the .National, College Physical Education Association for Men (VCPEAM). In addition tp.,the special addresses "-- given al.-the meeting, the proceedings contain speeches on the topics: (1) research, .(2) -imtercollegiate.athleticsf (3) history of sport,(4) teacher. education,(5) basicinstruction,and (6) intramurals. The research areas. discussed include the relationship-between physical activity'ind coronary heart disease and the effects of specific soCial7incentive conditions on performance on physical fitness tests. Also included 'are the. president's report, finantial reports, minutes frbm the previous ieeting,.and reports from the StandingCommittees, 'continuingCommittees, Joint Committees, and the-President's tommittees. The Constitution of the NCPEAg and lists of honorary members and active members complete the document. .. , .- (CD) - , 3,1 ***************************************************4******************* * .',Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials .not available from other sources.
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