CATHOLIC DIRECTORY « (t OF INDIA, FArtJ-STAXj I5u#/va A y y p c EY l o N' 1925 75th ANNUAL ISSUE OF THE MADRAS CATHOLIC DIRECTORY AND ANNUAL GENERAL REGISTER PUBLISHED BY THE CATHOLIC SUPPLY SOCIETY, MADRAS. PRINTED AT THE “ GOOD PASTOR ” PRESS, BROADWAY, MADRAS. file JHvinity Library to# Haven, Conn. M T ^ f ? C « 2 S i T iA 7 6 - , Nihil obstat. A. F. THEODORE, Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur: * J. AELEN, Archbishop o f Madras Madras, 17th December 1924. PREFACE. This, the Seventy-Fifth issue of the Catholic Directory of India, Burma and Ceylon, goes out under the happy auspices of a Blessing from the Visitor Apostolic to India. His Excellency the Most Revel. Alexis H. Lepicier, O.S.M., D D ., has very graciously blessed the Compiler and all those who have co-operated with him in bringing out the Directory. That this issue has merited in any special manner this courteous treat ment, is, to the Compiler, a matter of doubt, for he is fully aware that in spite of every effort at accuracy, errors and misprints have crept in. Yet, he feels sure that this Volume, like its, renowned predecessors, goes forth on its annual mission of usefulness and interest to a large number of Catholics of India, Burma and Ceylon. In the name of his Co-operators and in his own name, the Compiler thanks His Excellency the Visitor Apostolic for his very kind thought and Blessing. s It is a pleasant duty also to the Compiler to thank all those who have helped him in getting out this issue, though he has also to witzs/on confess that a few have failed in submitting >the usual sacred returns.
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