R . I . Je":'ish Hl.S~~ ...... Association et 130 sessions Str~2906 p rovidence,· RI

Regarded As 'Invincible Ignorance' Baptist Leader Criticized Over Anti-Jewish Remark

NEW YORK , (JTA) - A Baptist leader's in teresti ng, at great political rallies, how you rHpt"t"lmg tht" rt>ligiou, convictions or In h1.s remarks Rev. Altman referred lo claim that '· Cod Alm ighty doe, not hear the have a Prol"tant to pray, a Catholic to pray, othm the fom1a l talk5 which Southern Baptists prayer of a Jew·· hai drawn sharp criticism and then )'OU han'! a Jew to pny. With all He added. " If Cod Alm,ght) cannot ha,e been conducting wit h Jews for the past fro":' Jewish and some Baptist groups and a due respects to th05oe dear people, m) hnr the pn)en of Je,,,,, )'OtJ°re putting St.'H>ral )Can These eJ1changes included demal by Or Bailey Smith. president of the fnt'nds, Cod Alm,~ht) d0t'1 not hear the prett, se,e,rel1m1tson rourdoctnneof Cod ·· sut"h topics as thl' sourC'CS of re ligious pra)er of a Je.., · Southern Baptist Convention. w.ho made the The Ant1-Def1mat1on U"ague of B' na, b1gotf\ and lhl' need to explore common souret".5 m thl' B1bl t:> statement. that he i.s anti-Semitic Rf."!,pond111g lo tht- angf} reactions to h1J B nth, m n-sponse to the statement. made Smith, however, would not disavow the The Re, Glenn ln~lehart, head of the remarks, Sm,lh d«lared · I am pro-je.., I pubhc l«-tten from a number of 8.p11sl remarks made at the National Affairs Oallu con,ent1on's interrai1h relat ions he belie\-t> they are Cod-, spec,al people I m1msten and agencv ht>ads of tht> church Hnefing. a gathering of fundamentalUt dep;,artment, reforred to the sta tement as ht'l1t>\-e the) are thll lmed in the heart of aJamsl the remark made b) Re, Smith. Chrisliam in Dalla, la.st month Marc "Commenls b) Chri5tian leaden which God and that tht> Jev. ~ are klffle of the ..,ho ..,u elmed to lht> l ,'l-- million•memhcr Tanenbaum. director of the interreligioU.5 af. could be inll.'rpreted as anti-Jewish" and greate1ot hleumgs humam1y hu e,er ~ denommat,on s top pml I.st spnng fairs department of the American Jewish hut wllhout }nu, Chrut the) are losl 1'.o w-:rirned that " We mu,t be ... ary or placing Committee, dC'K"ribcd Smith·s assertion a, pr.1,er ge!J through that 1s nol pn,)ed Although cnhemnfi!: the remark made at rntnet1011s on "'ho Cod "'-ill li5ten lo .. .. invindble ignorance,. of the Jewi,h fa,th through JMuJ lie cl;umed that ·Je-.t ha,e tht- Brwfmg. non(' e,pl1c,th u.ked Dr Sm11h Southern Baptists ha\e also plaeffl strong and .. almmt totall y at variance with the ma• an argument ..,,th me because the) ha,e •n to •tt"p Jo..,n All ll'tten did. ho"'t:''er. t•mpl1as..•s on a fuller rt'('Og nilion of the Jor pronouncements of the Southern Baptut argumenl ...-1th the Ne-. Te-slamc-nt suuc,t 1ha1 th t" •l.itl'ment could damage 111 • Jt- ... 1sh henlagt- of Jesus during their convention ·· Smith i.ll Pa,lor of the Finl terh,th N-lahom dialOf(UM Pror J William Angell, A Baptist Sou the rn Bapti!t Church in Del City. Okl a Smith 's remarlu ..,.,.re rondem™!'d by a RC" Jad. Altman. pastor of the Second "'ho u .i member of the faculty of Wake Smit h', Dallas ,peech wu reo:>rdf!d by colleague. Dr Jamet Dunn. dm~ctor of tht" B.p11tl Church m Cumberland. \td , "'rote Fordl Unuenity, based his criticism on that Millon Tobian, eJ1ec111ive director of the Da lla,-hasc-d Chrut,an Lafe Commwion of that "Such recl..kB.. imoens111,e •ords. b) heritage stating that " I do wish Mr. AJCommittcc', North Tc.us region which Teus Bapluh Dunn obw:oed that .. Bap­ 1he pno,tdenl of tht" Soothem Baphsl con• Smith "'ould p:,ause at leut long e nough to malled transcripts to JewUh leaden late lut tbb at their best ha,e al-.·ays beJ;e,ed in ,entton, Yrould rontnbute nothing of a ll"alitt that Jesus wu a Jew, a loyal and wttk. Smith was reamled u saying ·· 11 i, religious libcrt)" but ··you can' t mil) po:Mll~ nature lo the ..,on; of our mterfa1t h lfa,thfol Je"'' Doe, that mean that Cod wou ld believe in rellgio u, liberty" without ..,,tneu diak,gues •1th oor Je,,.·ish friends not hear him'?"

Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 40,000 With Your People Membership

VOLUME LXVII, NUMBER •6 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 30c: PER COPY NCSJ Forms Jackson Angered Over Speculation Crisis Committee NEW 't'ORK. (JTA) - Burton Levinson, Of Rift With Begin chainmrn of the National Conference on Sovicl Jewry, announced the creation of a WAS HI NGTON, (JTA) - Sen llenry \.ery lo)n;al lo Begm' and thal " pc-r~:mall) , JacUl"ln ,. abo ,trt'»l'd lhe !>o"1et compo­ special " Crisis Committee" to deal with a Ja<' k~o n (D Wash ), whoSt' su pport of hrael Scoop (Jacbon) is a jtood fn<'nd of lkgm · nent m • orld affa,n and human nJhts critical 5iluation facing Jewish e migra tion lrns bt:en un~1ueslioned in hi.s long polilie:i l Askt" all~al1on ht' Jat"bon rt'l'f'l\ed slandmg O\allons before from tht' Sov1cl Union lie 11lso announced ciir••••r, has indlcatt•d annoyance ... 1th 1, anJ[ry "'1th Bt-g,n. Fosdick fl•pl,rd '' it i ut ­ .ind aftf'r h1, 11>ttC"h 10 tk n·mu e·nth , lht• o1ppo111tmcnt of Ri chard Maus, fonncr krl~ ridiculous th• dot':'in' t han• to ans... t-r publb hecl Sl)l."Culation Iha! he did nol mt·n• f"u!od,d notl'd lie d,scuiSc.'d lhe element, NCSJ cl1airman, to chair the committee stuff lilc that · tin11 lsrad in his adtlr... S5 lo the lfn11i B'ntli ;about ... h,ch hr iJ thf' ~11a11.•·s foremosl c,- Lcvmson said the ro1lc of Jewish emig ra­ lnll'rnati01111 I convf'ntion becaus-e he i~ lndf'1)l.'ndt•n t ol~r'H•n noteJ that ... h,le 1)(.'rl ~, 1d Jc• ,~h 1·m1Jrahon and lhc lmn from lhc Soviet Umon has !x"Cn slas hed ":mgr)' .. wit h Prf'micr Mcnac-hem Begin Jackson did not menhon brae! 111 hb ad­ problem) slt·mmin_K from ll ~ dcl)l'nden('(' lo o1bou 1 half r,f its J9i9 level, and ne"' Untlt'r lwacll int•s such a~ " Wh) St'nator dn~. neither d,d Aust ralian Pnml' \l nmtt:>r un \1 1ddlt• t,.,.ut ml rl'~tnt"liuns have prcvcntt-d thousands from Jackson \Vas Mum m1 lsral'I" and "Somt• Malcolm Fr.uor, whOSC' crl.'df'nh.1b ill SUJ>­ In an 1111t•f\1C"' "'1th The• \Vaslungton appl) mg Durmg August, 7i0 Sovict Jews llt'rH Thundt'r in Jackson's Silence." S<'C­ pur1 of brad ~ ~0H·rnmenl art' suml.irh un• '->t.ir l\.\o month, a~o. J:u:kion cnticized the arnwd III Vit-n11a Compared with the same tions nr 1l w /1.nw ri can Je"1sh press earned (llll'~!lont-d Fraser, "'how- address prt'<."rdt'd 11m1111t · of hrarl ) <"Sl.1 bhd1me11t of ne"' pcrioJ lasl yt•a r. when 4,711 Jews arrived, the r<'port from tlwir own \Vashmc,l on ~dllt·mt·nls on tlw \V('St Ban\. b\11 in the this represent, a mon!hly dt.-creasc or over <.,,-irrespcmdt•n t that lwgan '' How an~!') is·· s.i mt• mlt'f\lt"' lw \:1 1d ' lhl' ~e ttlcment\ are H-'l pt'r ('('lit In lhe first eight months of this Jackson with Bq:;in? The report nol<'

... ofyour family traditions and record5 I'm enc::los.mg my ct,eci,. 10f $_ .nifl ($5 per 1ree) to plant__ trees in ///I lsrael,asag,111 0 ____ Jl'WISH Myname,s _____ MJIOIW. 331-8094 ~:~~t~te _____ Zip Rl'I) I understand my contnbuhon 1s !All 458 HOPE STREET. PROVIDENCE deductible.and that my cancelled check will serve as my rece,p1 Corner Hope &. Doyle Avenue Jewish National Fund 1330 Beacon Street Celebrate the joy of life. Brookline. MA 02146 Share it with the . LEWIS I- BOSLER, R. E. IN FLORIDA (305) 861-9066 731,6850 THE RHODE ISLA D HERALD, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 25. 1980 3 Women's Hadassah Carter Meets With Jewish Leaders Honors Casgrain Was 'Relatively Straight£ orward' MO TRE L. (JTA)-300 members of the national Hadassah-WIZO and the WASHINGTON, (JTAJ - The heads of Israel's Jerusalem la"' on which the .S brass tacks ) he recei,ed cooperation" from Montreal Hadassah chapter honored American Jewish national o rganizations, abstained Premier Menachem Begin and President Senator Therese Casgrain here fo r her ser- following an hour-long meeting with Presi­ " The President reiterated that the S An"' ar Sadat, quadron said ices to humanity and for her staunch dent Carter at the White House, took a will veto such sanct,oru"' Squadron said He also reported that, "-ilh respect to the friendship for Israel and Lhe Jewish people. carefully worded, non-committal position "The President stated •el') clearly for the Securit, Council resolution, Carter .. felt Mrs. Casgrain, who is 82, has parLicipated with respect to their views of his candidacy first t,me that in the e•ent of an effort to Jhstenllon "'as an absolute)) neo.>ssa" ac- in various international congresses for the for reelection while crediting him with be­ challenge the credentials of Israel the .S 1,on b) the l'. in order to keep open nghts of women and has visited Jerusa lem ing " relatively straightforward" on issues of will absolutely resist ,t and pre,enl it." prospect for further peace negotiations " several times"' here she struck up a personal concern to them. quadron sa,d He obsened. ho"'""'· " l thin~ man) peo­ friendship with the late Golda Meir and Howard Squadron, chairman of the Con­ Headed b)• Squadron and Confcrenn, ex­ ple in the room f....-1 that the should other leading Israeli personalities. ference of Presidents of Major American ecutive director Yehuda Hellman. all 34 take a more ,igorou stand "Ith respect lo Jewish Organizations, who served as its member agencie, o f the Presidents Con­ pol111zal1on and re.II) "hat amounts to an Ycshai ahu Anug, Israel's Ambassador spokesman at a news conference after the ference and ob m observer orgamzat,on attack on the peace prOCtiS in the CN Jnd 10 Canada. praised the Senator and stressed White House meeting, was asked if Carter ""'" repres.ented al the meet mg "'1th Car• that the proper muscular re, he said, " I would expect ~voC'l ne" s agenC) Squadron lold thc I h.id H'loro the rt"iOlutonn in the L''\' II bership for the honor. Mrs. Casgrain issued that the campaign between now and dee­ reporters thal lhe , su of the \\ r'-' ""' t"fluntnrs. ~ddt--d ·· s for as other Arob the results of its r,•solut ion condemning wbstJnet> · t,1chl1 ("h,ch tr,1n,lah-d ffil'an -.,1h 1hr l,ra< I \rnn Radio. com • nmntnt·, Jrt· cnnl't'rrwd. 11 jc; up tn tlwm " m4·murJl10J! thr \,nn,th JnlllH'f"J'1 of the He· -..,cl E1n pt did nol choost• Ocl. 6. ",H It "'.U th<- fint t1m(' Gam,.1,<,\ g~"e Jn 1973, thr Jltack da1. because it was Yorn mlt•f\ n·"' lo .1n l~r~ eli flt"', ~hortly .Jftrr Klppur " \ e had other reasons." he said. Dulzin, Katzir To Head PrM1dt'nt -\n"-ar ..1d;i1 ·, "'~11 lo Jrru~lt·m bul d,d not elabornle At the end of the in- in ,u,emt~:r. 19",; 1,•n ,.." h,, come) ,-d his regard lo a ll Gamil.>\\ "''d the ) om K,ppur War"• a l~raelis talks TEL AVIA, (JTA )- Leon Dulzin , chair­ diaspora Jew') wl11ch h.-., O\oh ,.-cl frnm 11'<1 mrnt lw1-. r,·n hr•el and E1t) pl He which IIH,k plaC'(• at the Kilometer 101 man of the World Zionist Orgonization and th1~ seminar Thert' are it>minar no"' so,tnp,"I H os lsradi cnunlerpurl was Gen. Jewish Agency Executives, and former Israel funclioning in New York under Ptof M r­ rt'fmm'<'.I Imm m•kmit ,ptt1f1c eomments on tlw Ynm K,ppur Wu. merd) ~ ing that hJrnn Yariv. no" head of the Tel Aviv Un- President Ephraim Katzir will head a new vin Verbit. in Bo.ton under Ptof O.,v,d rJr .I) ht•"''" cunet>·rnt"d th<" "ar ,, as con- 1\t·r\lly Strategic Institute WZO group to promote Zionism throughout Lande . in Toronto und r Prof Emil the diaspora. Fackenheim. and in Britain und r Prof Asli AMvt Our Spedol Dulzin said that he believed an effort Martin Gilbert Plans call for additional I , .M. - I A_M. late must be made to reach Jewish inte ll ectuals seminars in California. outh Afnca. France Fe,~ abroad because of the attack on Zionism and Argentina throughout the world. He said It is intended Ptof Moshe Davis. of Hebrew mver- ~ to get some of the best minds among Jews sit y' s Institute of Contemporary Je-.ry. -.ill We Mt 1-.~421-IIU MOUNT abroad to give attention lo the problems fac­ head the program·s execu to vl" board a.nd will ing Zionism and the Jewish people. be responsible for preparing the subJecls for SINAI 272-6200 The project is modeled on the annual discussion. Pl ans call for a study cirde set up MEMORIAL seminar held in the home of the President of in each city which will include 40 person> CHAPEL Is rael and the monthly study groups on m<'eling monthly. Wiener w •• y_.Tr•'flllA_,.,,' flC. y 331-3337 0 E WE SEU u Israeli Commandos Engage I I ~ E • All CRUISES For over 100 years, our director, Mitchell, his father, L • All FLITES T am!grandfatlier have been helping Jewish families In Confrontation L I of Rhode Island. • All TRAVEL A 825 Hope at 4th St TEL AVIV, (JTA) - Israeli naval com­ anti-aircraft guns. A V mandos carried out a sµrprise raid on Israeli sources gave no estimate of the L All DOIIESTIC E Penonal Service With Integrity terrorist targets in the south Lebanese port casualties inflicted on the terrorists. United L FUTES REDUCED L JaotabN....,VearCalendanN-Avallable of Tyre and the nearby Rashidiyeh refugee Nations sources in Lebanon said one child T 31¥1 ...... _ A camp, a military spokesman has announced. was killed and 3-1 people were injured in the I 8 The units carried out their mission and Israeli attack. A 1918-1911 E returned safely to their bases, the announce­ V WINTER CIIMTBIS II ment said. E IOST■ T PCJ Reports L IIB'UTUIIEI SEASIDE The raid was the first of its kind on Tyre, a stronghoid of Palestinian terrorists. A similar llrllll ...... lrwlm raid was conducted against the port of Sidon Atrocities • ...... , .. . . lrwlm some time ago. According to Lebanese Against Women A ...._ ...... lrwlm FISH CO . sources, the Israeli force in the attack con­ L ...... ttwSZ49 sisted of four naval craft and a helicopter TEL AVIV, (JTA)- The Public Commit­ l SIIII O..,. . . lrw 12&9 6 9WarrenAve. E. Providence and achieved surprise but later encountered tee for Jews in Arab Lands has said that it C1r111N1 ...... Ira 1379 O heavy fire from terrorist shore batteries and has received reports of atrocities against ~ c...... JraS2&9 w Open-Mon. 8-4, Tues.-Thurs. 8-4:30 Jewish women in Syria. The reports stated U I Fri. 8-5, Sat. 9-3 Roger Williams that young Jewish women have been I E separated forcibly from their husbands by S II - This Week's Specials: Lodge Meeting Syrian soldiers and then raped. E E The Public Committee did not divulge 1 1 Scheduled where the _reports came from nor where the '1N!i,t•illill incidents occurred. It did say that according Swordfish SJ.29 lb. Roger Williams Lodge No. 1184 of B'nai to the reports Jews have become victims in B' rith will hold their first meeting of the · the _gruggle between the Syrian army and new year on Sunday, Sept. 28 beginning at the Moslem Brotherhood. , ..... ,._ .._ Sl.69 9:30 a.m. at the Hillel House, Brown St., The Committee said· it would launch a Rites• Nehls Shrimp Egg Rolls Providence. world-wide campaign immediately after the • Trasfen 6 in a packoge per pockage The traditional breakfast nasch will be CALL TODAY/ High Holy Days on behalf of Jews in Arab served and wives and guests are welcome to couniries, especiall y on behalf of the 4500 lH 111t.. • Hotels • S...... attend. Jews still in Syria. The campa!gn is scheduled to reach its 'Wteiier N cwspapers bring you closer to your climax ori International Human Rights Day 166 HOPE ST• PROVIDENCE Call 434-3283 community. at the beginning of December. 272-6200 4 - TH E RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THU RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 Israel-Latin American Ties Still Firm Following Withdrawal Of 11 Embassies From Jerusalem JERUSALEM, ()TA) - The withdrawal Ame ri can section in the World Zionist said WZO and Jewi sh Agency faecutives, and by of.. I I Latin American embassies from Organization, told the Jewish Telegraphic H im self a n imm igrant from La t in Edgar Bronfman, acting president of the Jerusalem to Tel Aviv in recent weeks, in Agency in an interview that he ho ped and Ameri ca. Argov has several times revisited WJ C. . reaction to the Jerusalem law, has been a expected that the damage would be restric­ the continent. H is nex t trip will be this fall , Argov ascri bes the embassy moves to g ri evous blow to Is rael. But, in the vi ew of ted to the embassy moves and would not to Sao Paulo, Brazi l, where he is to help political pressure, rather than merely direct Avraham Argov, a leading expert on Isra el­ spread lo other areas of the relati ons hips organize a conferencr of Jewish and Zionist oil threats. He points out that two of the South American relations, it does not Basicall y. he stressed, pro- Israel senti­ leaders from all over the continent countries involved, enezuela and Ecuador, necessarily presage a general worsening o r ments were still very strong in South and The conference, ov 9 to 13, wi ll be a produce their own oil and are the refore not even weakening in the close lies that bind Central Ameri ca, both among the govern­ major watershed in Latin American Jewis h susceptible to oil blackmail. Rather, the Israel with many of the Latin Ameri can ments of the continent and among the peo­ affairs Organized jointly by the W7.O and Arabs successfully mo unted a campaign of countries. ples. " The man in the street in most Latin the World Jewish Congress, it wi ll be ad­ political pressure using the Jerusalem law as Argove, who is director of the Latin Ame ri can countries supports Israel," Argov dressed by Leon Oulzin, chairman of the its pretext. Citing the bases of traditionally good rela­ tions between Israel and Latin American states, Argov noted particularl y the inter­ The Jewish Heritage national cooperati on pro11:rams with many of the smaller countries. Guatemala, Colombia and Costa Ri ca are amo ng those that benefit A Story Of The Family Intertwined the most from Israeli projects. The aid is conducted throug h three main channels in ­ ( Ed. Note: the following e:rcerpt.t are taken realizes that this is alio true of the other ma­ concept of God as merciful Father and side Is rael the MI Carmel Institute, the from corre,pondence between a father, who jor religio ns (though •I m1rn1 fests itself in dif­ red.-em er Hi tadrut's Institute for Development Aid, lives here tn Rhode 11/and, and his ,on. who ferent wa ys ) You ha.e a1'o undentood th.e parade, of :Lnd the Hebrew ni,.erslty' s agriculture ltvea on the West Coast. Although the yean The history of C hristi"nity and lslllm has religious fa ith and expression as e empl1fied facu lt at Rehornt which speciali zes in over­ and the mtlea separate them, they are both been one of empire-building and coercion by JudalSm, Islam 1.nd C hrut•am t) - on seas a id courses. acutely aware of their heritage and the Im­ The Franks, axons. Goth,, back to the the one h and. a p o t e n t fo r ce fo r In addition, there are I raeli experts in pact whtch It play, upon their ltve,; while at Romans - ,.11 those who make up the lln­ cohesl\ eness and hum,in,ty, and on the suc h fi eld s as irri ga ti o n. coope rative the same ttme they understand the complex­ oestry of modem Europe, were barlnnam other, the cause of chau, inism, lSO iahon, econom). agricult ure, yo uth movements ities of a present and future which, although who filled the pages of h,story wit h blood and "'hen t•ken to e,tremes. the ubJuga­ and ,.. t er planning ser..,, lng in a number of uncertain, will eventually ljleld to a peace, The Arabs ' accomplis hments in the 7th and llon :Lnd destruction of others ~ Im Ameri can countries. not only of state , but of soul.) 8th oentun es are equal to none excrpt It • o ur pnde that as Jews, though at rgov also underscores a common ex­ perhaps Attila lh<' H un The chapter of the ltmes chauv1n1 lie and isolated from the perience oL and reaction to, terrorism as a Dear Dad , Cmsades I f1ll..d "•th dNlruct,on and rape m"in tream, we ha>e l"ilrel) " 'thd ra" n factor tending to treng then political un­ I wanted to write and tell you about the Yet, it appt"ars that even to these people, "olunt•nly from soc>el) (our isolat ion being derstanding bet" een I rael and some of the book on Israel that J' ve been reading, rdigion had a med1a ll ng innuence bnnging forced upon us b) per>ecuhon and reiec­ ~ Im Ame ri can government Some of the Battleground, by Samuel Katz. It was given codifi cation of bchav,or, and supplying the hon ). and ha~e ne, er engaged in Crusades Latin meri can terrorist organiza tions ac­ to me by a fri nd whose brother lives in social rem, to en ure 1urv1val or Holy Wars tua ll have pro,en lin ks with the Palestine All the while, the Je" '' were busy - d, - ome ha, e e,pre ed fears that the L1lx-ra t1 on Organizati on pcrsed, persecuted. ubiugated, but :LI" •>" m•l•l•ruhc posture "h•ch has been forced This factor is true mai nl y of the rig ht studyi ng and reading thr Book - and upon I rael ma) b«ome permanent and "mg mil ita') regimes 111 the southern part Editor's waiting Is •I any wonder that the fll'S t may herald a change in our fu ndamental of the cont inent It I a fact. perhaps sad but printing press •n the East wu mad al afed peace-lo,,ing c hanct r T h, notion 1 true. that 1n the more northe rl y states that in 1577 bd,ed. h e•er. b the concern of the hove a more democrati c polit ical syste m, Mailbox The will of God manilesu itself in the I raeli go•emm nt and people for the Israel f111ds It self ometimes under attack passionate conviction of human beings It » "elfare of •Is Arab c,t,zen . for 11, eff ort at fro m left-wing part• e that lend to sym­ thi conviction that postulat the double •tlaining peaceful rclatlons w•th its P'J lhlze more wit h PLO and general Palesti ­ Israel. It is not only an eloquent and Helix hromosome and I he exist nee of a nc•ghbon. and b) che I rad• ,old •er himself ni an aspirations passionate statement on the struggle of the subatomic particle ,;;ith no •lm n cal charg~ who, "h•le accepting h1S mart ia l role w•th PRA ISE ACT IO N Jewish people to create a nation out of a (the neutrino). and then " d1SCOvers" •t pnde. ne~erthel<"s looks fo,-.ard to his OF J EWISH COMM N ITI!;:S geographic and political wasteland, but a It •s J)<' rhaps I his kind of conv•ct•on that e..,rntua l mtegral1on mto -.oc1 ~ty a\ a The actions 0£ Jewi\ h communities in concise and well -documented history of the will be needed to bnng peace to the Middle etv1lian •veral of the La tin American countries to complex events that have served to blur the East, a recognition of the austere real, tle of I :Lm convinced that peace will ml'day the Jcru al em episode has been noteworthy, eye of moral rectitude when one seeks to (X'O ples li ves and their profound need for come not onl as• result of th " ine•orabl ys Argov, especiall y in vi ew of the difficult compassionately consider , " humanity" In identifi lion with their he rit age in th con\lct•on of passionate human bein gs". politica l situations and contraints in some of this painful drama. midst of an ev<' r-shnnking d personali zing, but also a result of the 1n xorable love of those countrie One is tempted lo beli eve that, with t chnological world It is his tory that has God fo r H1 creatures and the very special In rug uay, for instance, the community respect to the contingencies of history, it's a given the land th at Is Holy to three religion role that Hr has assigned to th Jew• h peo­ Invited former Premier Yit zhak Rabin on a miracle that Israel exists at all. Yet one can lo the people whose beliefs spawned the ple visit to Argentina, to address a public clearly see at work the inexorable conviction other two - as conservators - as hu bands I shall try to obtain a copy of Bo ­ gathering, and 4000 persons (the com­ of passionate human beings of the meaning I reel has just announced plans to build a tkground ><> that I can share you r satis fac­ munity numbe rs 45,000) turned out lo hear be hind the ir histo ry in spite of the canal from the O ad ea to the Mediterra­ tion with the book him The gathering was an impressive overwhelming forces of chaos that could nian to provide hydro-electric power in lO I hope and pray that you w,11 have an op­ public display of solidarity with Israel and have many times brought them to beli eve years - Amazing? Let me know if you are portunity in the near future to visit Isra el. I with Israel' s stand on Jerusal em. only in their own abandonment. able to get a copy of Battle8"?und. am sure that ii will have a potent effect In C hile, the presidents of the Jewish While Israel is indeed a secul ar state, it Pau l upon you, as it did upon me, and I trus t that community and of the local Zionist Federa­ serves as a testament in the 20th century lo Dear Paul, )'OU will eKperience the same mys tical feel­ tion met with President Augusto Pinochet in the power of Religion and a people's desire Many thanks for your splendid letter ing of return, as I did, especially when I an effort to dissuade him from moving the for a voice. It presents difficulties when one which I have read and re-read with great ap­ stood atop of Massada. embassy, or al least to persuade him to preciation and awe. Appreciation, fo r its Dad minimize the damage to Israeli -Chile rela­ AOL Director beautiful style and eloquence, and awe at its tions. (C hile's 28,000 Jews and the country's profundity and insightful grasp of the /:I> . 1\ 07E : Reader< are i11l'ited to .m,d i11 sizeable Arab community traditionally try to To Address paradox of Jewish History - the struggle tltc,r n mm1t'11ts IO Leller.'f To The Editor, avoid the Israel-Arab conflict in the Middle with the realities of persecution and suffer­ Th e> R.I. Herald. 99 Web.fin Streer. Po w­ East from marring inter-communal relations Lodge ing, while holding, at the same time to the ,,,..~ ,.,. R. /. Ol/MI . within the country.) Leonard Zakim, Anti-Defamation League Civil Rights Director, will b e the guest speaker at the next meeting of Woon­ Lord Carrington Seeks To Quell Disquiet socket Lodge No. 989 B' nai B' rith. He will speak on Religious Cults and Missionaries. Over British Mid-East Policy The meeting will be held at Congregation B' nai Israel, 224 Prospect St. , Woonsocket, LONDON ()TA) - Foreign Secretary conditions were " basic lo any possible solu­ nians" and attributed its extremism to the Palestinians' ~ong frustration. Israel should on Sept. 28 at 10 a.m. Lord Carrington intervened personally in a tion,'' he noted. The public is invited to attend. bid to quell the Anglo-Jewish community's Europe alone could not solve the problem look at the many examples of decolonization disquiet over Britain's and Western Europe's and it was essential that the United States in the British Empire involving former policy on the Middle East. should also be involved, he added. Britain terrorist bodies, he added. New Galilee Addressing a crowded meeting of the was also " utterly opposed" to suggestions Board of Deputies of British Jews, he sought that Israel should be expell ed from the Un­ Settlement to counter Jewish fears that Britain was un­ ited Nations. Inaugurated dermining Israel's security by encouraging Commenting on his meeting with Jewish the Palestine Liberation Organization and communal leaders, he admitted that he had .., __ .,_ TEL AVIV, ()TA) - Shechenya, a new that it was succumbing to Arab economic failed to eliminate their suspicions of British __(USPS 414-780) settlement populated by immigrants from pressures. policy, but added that " not everybody in English-speaking countries, was formally in­ The press was excluded from the meeting the hall had disagreed." However, Greville augurated last week in the Segev region of but a press conference immediately af­ Janner, the Board' s President, said ---..- LYNDA KENNEDY-DIAS Editor western Galilee. It is one of six new settle­ terwards was · held by Carrington who told Carrington had failed to alter the Board's ments in the area that will be based on in­ the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that Britain general feelings, even though this was the IIWL- ADDflH8'T-(401)_,_ iln - - IU - dustry rather than agriculture. 'Each will "fully understands Israel's anxiety over first time that a British Foreign Secretary PUNT:_W_,, .. _111..,,__IU, _1 have a manufacturing plant at its center. security." had ever addressed the leadership of the OPPICE: 1ft T....a. A..._ lell - lU. oat4 The settlers include members of the He denied that the Venice declaration Jewish community. Massada " garin" (settlement nucleus) from issued last June by the nine European Asked about the progress of the EEC' sin­ ~~-..~"='='=--=.$9.00 per annum; outl6de RI. and IOU1hNllern Mela."114 .00 per annum. Butk ralel on reqUNL The Herald aeume1 11Ub­ the U.S. who came to the Segev region three Economic Community states, to which tervention in the Middle East, Carrington acriptiona are continuous unleN: notffled to the contrary In years ago and lived in temporary quarters. Britain subscribes, was a pro-Arab docu­ said that European foreign ministers would _writing. - . - :"'\ The Herald auum•• no llnanclal rHponslblllty fo.. Because of the long wait for permanent ment. The declaration was "even-handed" meet again at the United Nations in New typographical erron In adverttNmentl, but wlll reprint that part of the adYertlNment In which the typographical error oc­ housing, many left and the group almost and its basis was that the Palestinians must York. curs. Actv9rtiNra wHI plNN notify the management lm­ disintegrated. But a number of families recognize Israel in secure borders and that Defending the EEC' s call for the PLO to medla'lety of any 8fTOf" which may occur. stuck it out and were among the settlers who "Israel must recognize the rights of the be included in negotiations, he said the PLO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 'llOVed int11 tbeic, n,ew .~01!'':=': res!'\~~>';··, , , •· ; !'~~•~t!ni~,';,A,rp~f~"f;~~- These two ~epr~?tf

THE RHODE ISLA D HERALD, THU RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 1 1980-5 Lansky To Visit Israel Following c ·ourt Appeal

JERUSALEM . (JTA ) - The Interio r court order against the Minislry he was ex· Ministry has lifted the ban on an entry per• pelled fro m the country mit for Meyer Lansky The 79•year•old Last June Inte ri or Minis ter Yo,ef Burg Lansky. allegedly connected with organized granted Lansk> a touris t visa. but later crim e in the U.S. has not bee n all owed to changed his mind Lansk> then appealed to visit Israe l since the earl y 1970s H is the Supreme Court "'h1ch g»e Burg 30 da)s repeated requests to come here as a tourist to respond The :30 da}s e,pored just before were turned down bt-ca use he was con• Rosh Has hanah sidered " dangerous to the public welfare .. A senior off, dal ,n lhe Mm,stl') explained The Ministry changed its mind onl y aft er that the \1 ,nislr, took on to considerallon Lansky rece ntly a ppeale d to Israel's L,nsk)'s age a nd poor health In a • BONANZA MOTOflCOACH TOURS 3, ... I. 14 ... . . 1115-'399 Supreme Court which handed down a show telephone mtervie"' "'1th lsr•..I T V from his ...... f ,..._ Vr..- & K..,. ~ C..... Yorii. end Peirr. Ot.,td\., Ang. l.ak-. Con,co,,d "-1 •Auria.A, OOfld_ .._ 1n d hot:.k. M.AN"( MlALS.----, • mor-. A.a.ntic City cause order t-o mpelling the Interio r Minist ry 11 ami home. Lam k} e.presscd g ral1 1ude at to explain why he should not be permitted the dec1s1on and praised the courage of the Cw'.-12.. M - .. to visi t the country on a to urist visa Eight I ntcno, M rn ostry He ,a,d he does not are ,f t HAWAI THREE-A (Smarw thin Charw.) ...... ~ yea rs ago Lans ky wanted to stay here on an he 1~ given an immig rant or a tounst visa, 25 9 days I 8 n.,gih t a - 11 days I 10 NVhU - 15 days / 14 n.ghta Round trip immigrant vi sa but was turned down by the long as he IS gra nt ed perm,ss1on to vmt ... fare ; &eMC1ed bl..fdoet . 1 •' dass & diM4.1111• hot•; traditional * gr..-ong. poo'. be.ech. ~t ecquemted briefing. 5'ght~. DESCRIPTIVE Inte ri or Ministry. After he fai led to obtain a Isra el TRAVEL GutOE. court ■~, trev~ ct.sk. ~host. ~ ch•1,••• t•••• &. ~S ~ncfhng - reque,nt departures ASK FOR N W HAWAII

Investigation Deepens In • BlAllTF\Jl BERMUDA iAUFhl-MiJ? ...... '392-'681 ~ /~"ts~•,.~~~--:..~·,-.=:-:re~.!.~~t~ boat crua9<9 & n,i,,giht dub ehow. pool beech. mef"'ana. tenni• courta., Abu Hatzeira Affair p.-1-uh:.,.., t••- • more. w...-1y ~-ur•.. ALSO 7 DAY / 8 MGHT IIEIWIUOA 8AJIGA.. Fo.1 I-3M. ~ JERUSALEM . (JTA ) - Moshe Cabbai. a who,e opinions were M> hci ted >epa rately. VETERAN'S DAY SP£CIAL-.. long•time close associate of Religious Affairs both imis ted tl,,.1 the 1m htut1on of state·, 1. •---~ Minister Aharon Abu Hatzeira and a senior evidence was counl r to Jew11 h religoow t PATRIOTS FOOTBAll III JtjlAM ...... '39S-'434 offi cial of the ministry. has been remanded law According to th chief rabbu. by o.., &-9 lfi ~ / 4 nl,ghul - Round trip '"' far•. -.from hotele. ad• r e•eni1ed •••t ■ t Or ■ ng• Bowl for P ■ tdote / Dolphin• g ■ me , in custody for 15 days by a Tel Aviv district mltting h11 own guilt. 1he w1tn= d u­ ._, / ho1_. I .,-.., ,r_..11o,, • mo,e, court. It was the first such court action slnoe qualif,ed him>elf from gi ving accept• le the investi gati on began several months ago ev,d nee aga,ml anyone elle The)' cited t SPECIAL AAA CARIBBEAN CRUISES ...... SAVE$$ of all egati ons that Abu Hatzeira and other Biblical and Talmud,a l te,u to th,it effect ministry officials misappropriated funds. National Religious Part y circl oboer,,ed Cabbai was Jailed at the request of the that Gottlieb would not be able to trarugreu police. The Tel Aviv magistrate who or• again t the chief rabbb . lnjunct,on without dered him held aft er examining evidence in losing all v t,ges of his •landing •nd hu his chambers. said there was sufficient po"tion in the party The RP and the en• prima fa cie materi al to warrant the remand lir Orthodox community m I rael has been He emphasized. howeve r. that it should not shake n by the scandal involving the TRAVEI.ERS CHECKS be construed as an Indication of guilt . Religiou Af fairs M,ni try wm40llT SEJIVICE CHARGE A po li ce attorney told the court that Cab• Gottlieb h1m >elf has not commented on bai is suspected of taking kickbacks from the chief rabbi · tncture If he refwa to several yeshi vas which reoeived unwarran• te,tify he fa s criminal procttdmgs him• ted and d is proportionate incr ases in their ... If It was not Immediately dar lo "" hat • • · allocations from the Religious Affairs tent the case again I C..bba, hinged on Cot• Ministry. The poli ce said he is also suspec• tlieb's testimony nor was ,t kn wn lo "'hat ted of bribery in a recent local election Cab­ c,tent 1he enhre fabnc of the case agam, 1 bai. who was held for questioning fo r 4 h,m and Abu Hatzcora rest on Cotti, b·, hours before his remand. reportedly has evidence .,_. a.-....._. $599-$M9 w-~ ...... 99 refused to cooperate with the police. Under According to th polia,. Abu Hatz.e1n1 ~y._._ S&49-S919 ~ a...... ·- ···•18-S199 Israeli law. a suspect may be held in custody channeled ministry fund to h, own faction - E...,,_··-········ .. ·····-·· $999 for a maximum of 15 days. But the court can of th,· NRP The m,no try channel fund to C- 1111 lol F\Nta._ $570--$682 - 1 lrltaln... .. - ... $587-$819 renew the remand at l5•day in terva l as local reli111ou s counci b . rel1g1ous courts and .....,_ Fln9-. ___ $J29-$459 _, F...... $1325-$1350 long as the investigatio,.continues religinu schools It h b,,en accused of CARIIIIUN SEA SAVER CRUISES IS.V. ~ to $1732 i- coupe) The case took an unexpected turn when allocating fund to non•exi tent rel1g1 us ~ ....fUllll>A SBIOII cmmd DISCOUIIIT Israel' s two chi ef stated that on institullon.s rt•ligious grounds one of the chi ef witn sses Mt•anwhile. m ; number of town "'1th q:a against Gabbai could not testify He is man) Orlt'ntal Jew~, m35s reeept1 ons " e re (N.Y. S719;===== Prov. S71S; loston S733.00 Round Trip). Deputy Mayor Yisracl Gottlieb of Bnei Brak. organized 111 honor of Abu Hatze,ra e,era l - SEMOR crTIZf... S TOUR DISCOONT III EUROPE an Orthodox township north of Tel Aviv, ephard,c leader, from Europe and the ONE-WEEK BAHAMAS I IIEllMUOA CRUISES - SS ROTTtRDAM• who is himself a suspect in the case and had arri v,-cl m Israel to ml'<' t "'1th Premier SAVE UP TO $846.30 FREE BUS - 3rd & 4th PERSON FREE Ill CABIN. offered to turn state's t• vid ence. Menachem lkgm to discuss the ,n,e,to ga· Ashkenazic C hief Rabbi Shl omo Coren t, nn and ,t s impact on Isra el' ephJrd1c and Sephardic hi d Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. popula11on Nation Takes Steps To Curb Gallo_ping Inflation

JERUSALEM. (JTA )- Finance MinistPr be personali zed by an emplo)er' s ta, le, y Yi gal Hurwitz's economic cabinet has highe r than the present 7 pe r cent decided to stretch the national budget to br• Similarly. e mplo ye rs who grant the ir ing it in line with gall oping inflation and to workers more than the 15 per cent wage in­ take tough measures against employers who crease stipulated by the government will be exceed the government's wage guidelines. j)('nalizecl by not being all o" ed to make the t CRUISES A GOGO ...... , ...... 1190-$56,150 Bermuda. Behamae. Caribbean. Me111te0 • ..,.enema Canal, South Am•rice. The move will add IL 900 billion to the additional expenditure tax deductible. South Pecific, MediterranNn. H■ weii , Mi ■aiaaippi . lndoneaia Archipeta90, budget. Original estimates had projected an This measure would be directed against China, Atask■ , Canada. Nonh Cepe & •round the world - numerou• ah,pa IL 653 billion increase. The Treasury repor• employers in the service sector, such as -ii with e111c.ilent accom., auperb aervice, gourmet meala. greet •n­ terteinm..-.t end exciting port• of c■ II . Port texea additional. FREE OR tedly calculated the hi gher sum on the basis banks and other financial institutions which. REDUCED AIR I BUS FARE FOR !111ANV CRUISES. of a 120 per cent inflation rate. The adjusted reportedly. have a lready exceeded the budget wi ll be 125·130 per cent higher than 15 per cent wage ceiling. It is in line with its nominal value in terms of average prices the government's policy to shift service t CARIBBEAN WINTER ESCAPE ...... $299-$879 Winter will be here aooner then you think. SECURE YOUR WARM SPOT for fi scal 1979. compared to a 65 per cent in• workers to industry and export•oriented jobs. NOW in Aruba. Bonaire. Curacao, Harli, Martinique. Jamaica or St. crease originally calculated. Meanen. Round trip air fare, •elected 1 at class & deluxe hotel•. pool. It does not take into account the proposed beech prN'ilege• &. more. Optional meal pl■ n available ■t many place• - "Home Start" w ..kty departure• starting Dec. 8 . package deal now under discussion by the government. Histadrut and employers . It Slide Show anticipates a 3 per cent drop in consumption t EUROPE UNUMfTED ...... SAVE $$ and a gross national product increase of only Slated Monaco, Liechtenstein, Luxembou,-9, Gt. Britain, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, 3 per cent. due mainly to greater ex ports. Iceland, Norway, Sweden. Finland. Denmark. Germany, Holland, BeJgium, The Bureau of Jewish Education of R.I. Hurwitz, meanwhile, continues to insist on f:i:~w:~=-:~dr=~·ofA~c:~·cil~~~~~-G~==.:T&V:~:;:r~~°:'i; will sponsor a s lid e presentation package• end eaeorted toura...... further cuts in the various ministerial budgets. on "Home Start," a novel program of Jewish holiday celebration. The program is One of the main problems in trying to directed to family observance and education I LAS VEGAS CLASSIC ...... '349-'439 balance the budget is an ex pected 5 per cent 4 deya / 3 night• and 6 deya / 4 night■ - round trip flight with OPEN BAR. shortfall of tax revenues. amounting to an and its premise is that Jewish education ..e.ct:N 1 et clau & deluxe hotete; pool, tote of coupon• for fr- and begins at home. (See last week's issue of The reducN rate meal•. drink• & chip■. Welcome briefing, hoepitatity cleek. estimated IL 20 billion. This has been ex• Herald for an indepth description.) plained by the government's austerity ~ ~~~~·;:::;:::~·.v::: ■=~i:: · ~~~=~ The Slide presentation will take place at trip air fare onty for S299. program which has led to a considerable the Bureau of Jewish Education Library on drop in imports. Imports of consumer and All price• are per pereon. double occupancy & aubject to change without Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 9:15 a.m. Babysitting notice. Spec• eubject to availability et time of booking. Travel durable goods have declined by 25 per ce~•- will be available. errengemente may be chengN for operational r-aon•. Fuel aurchergea Hurwitz has ordered the internal revenue =.! :,::V~~ic•• may vary according to accommodat,ions eelected and service to make good the tax shortfall by ••• + OfferN aa Agent• of Bonanza Bua Linea •Neth. Antill.. Reg. tougher collection measures. Employer, and HERALD ADS bring to your doontcp a !"~~~U;!i?E~ ~-~.i<:~ if!C!~~s~ .t~~!! ~~':! .~~r.- wide variety of services, and merchandise . • 6 -THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 Michele Ross Engaged To &1LIETY Stephen Bomes Marlene Bleau To Wed Joel Snow Mrs Ruth Bleau of Warwick and Mr u.~, Bleau of West Warwick have announced the engagement of their daughter, Marlene Karen, to Joel Mark Snow, of Pw Haven, Connecticut, the son of Mr and Mrs Abraham Snow of Cranston, R. I. Mi,s Bleau i, a graduate of American In­ ternational Coll ege. H er fiance i, a pr,•sen­ tly enrolled in the PhD program at Yale University. The oouple have S<'t April 11 , 1981 as the date of their wedding NWC Annual Meeting Slated \f 1 \f 1chelc D Re. m Milbank. person. form on 1,rael and the 1.1 ,ddle EHt The brnkfae n1ce which Jewish Federation titled " Money Sense for Women,"· a Dean al Flrown nlvemt and chairman of •t•r1 I ~ I j • m . "111 Ix- held in honor of seminar on finJncial planning and personal the John And rson for Pr 1d nt campa1jtn. the rrc1p1rnt of the · Lester 1- ptd" ,. Town Hall Meeting investing Cl)nducted by Maurice Cohen. a Repubhcan ca11d1datr fnr Repre>enlal1•r '1c,- A" ard "h•ch 11 prM<'nt..d annuall) too Slated For Sept. 28 prominent Boston busi nessman who Is pr i­ laudine ·hncider. end R I D,:mocnllc \lrn , .luh mc·mber for nut l•ndm~ f, tember 28 Guest Panell ts will include: Ray dealing with people who manage money Anyone wi

J ACQ ELI NE TORR F.S Carolyn Dunn Robert P. Kline, President and Chief Ex­ Becomes Bride ecutive Officer or People's Bank, has an­ nounced the reassignment or Jacquelone Of Howard Torre,, Banking Officer, lo Manager of the Bank's Wayland Square Office , localed al Goodman 144 Medway St reet, Providence. Rh ode \1"' CJrol,n PalnCIJ Dunn, dau~hln of Isla nd . \Ir Jnd \ l rs Charin F Dunn. o f \rllcginn1ng Sundai, Oc1 11 and running through o, . J. Ba rringto n Office prio r to assuming her Ho"Jrd E Goodman '<>n of \Ir and \ I r< There "111 bc Jn \rt pcning rCC'Cpllon for 1 . Karch at lhc enter on Oc1. 12 fro m present assignment. Charle Goodman o f Fo«rofl ,,. 2 10 10 4 JO pm In Ma rch. 1978, M s. To rres joined Peo­ ~\ ,r-.,cl on ~unda) , plr·mhtr 11 I ,1, I\ Jrch. "ho 1c.1ch~ ,rt 1n Pro,1dence Public Schools. has been a costume ple\ Ba nk , and was promoted lo Banking 1 h, "cdd111'1 took pla"" in tht> TC'mpl · of designer. an n Editor. and J freelance I0) designer he holds a Master's deg ree Officer in Apri l, 198. Prior lo Joining Peo­ 1h,· )Jlch1dan•nd, A,hr.m 1n Pomfret C n­ from R I School or Dc>,gn and has tud1ed art at Pro\ldcnce College, the Art Stu­ ple's, she was Manager or the mai n offic,; or ln, Conn dcn1· League or 'ev. ) ork 11) and graduated from Syracuse Universi ty. Her BM Du rfec Trust , where she was em­ Th,· rouple ,.,II mak the11 horn,· in cc>slumc de>1gns "ere rc\lc"ed 1n the c"' York Times when they were used in the pl oyed fo r 11 yea rs. All,1011 , >-1 , pla Rttl flat b) \laura:n Marlin in 1972 Lebanese Couple Elope, Seek Sanctuary In Israel T LL 1\ 1 , (JT ) - ,u p,c1ous look- I heir mamage a0er months o f pleading nor ing ,mJll boat making ,u wa to l

NATHAN AND SESSILE GOREN, of Bay Club Dri,e, Ft. Laud erd ale, Florida, ■ re pictured aboard the Emerald Seas, sailing from downtown Miami to Nassau. The bon ,oyage photo was taken poolside prior to sailing. Hope Link First Child Meeting Slated Born To The Hope Link No. -16, Order of the Mr. & Mrs. Rose Golden Chain, wi ll meet on Saturday, Sep­ tember 27 al 7:15 p.m. at Doric Temple, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Rose, of Cranston, 1237 Reservoir Av enue, Cranston. have announced the birth of their first child, The Most Worthy Grand Matron, Mar­ Eric Benjamin, on September I, 1980. cell a Hulkin, and Most Worthy Grand Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Patron, Al Lerman, and their staff of Grand Ma rtin Berge! of Warwick. Pate rnal Officers will make an official Grand Visita­ grandparents are Mr. Samuel Rose, of tion. Worthy Matron Rochelle Goldman and Cranston, and the late Mrs. Ethel Rose. Worthy Patron Carmine Petrarca will officiate. There will also be an initiation of new members and memorial services will be held Shafners Announce for Estelle Bochner and Rebecca G oldman. . The Hope Link will also hold a Flea Birth Of The mileage you get and ,- Remember compare the estimated mpg to the I l9 , estimated mpg of other cars. You may get different Market on Saturday, Oct. 11 , from 10 a.m. the miles you travel Estimated mileage and range depending oo how fa.st you drive, MPG to 4 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 12, from noon First Child should both be gratifying weather conditions and trip length. Actual highway until S p.m. at the Doric Temple in experiences. With a wide 11 mileage and range wUI probably be less than the Mr. and Mrs. David Shafner, of Wood­ estimated highway fuel economy. C ranston. Proceeds from the flea market, model selection, a bury St. , Providence, have announced the which will he held indoors in case of rain, standard 3.8 liter V-6 birth of the ir first child, a da ughter, and available 5.7 liter V-8 will benefit the Scholarship Fund for Shoshana Dina, born Thursday, September diesel engine. LeSabre is Gaull~det Coll ege for the Deaf, and the Can­ I 8, 1980. Mrs. Shafner is the former Ellen a gratifying experience. cerJeukemia in Childres' s Research Fund. Eisenberg. See our 1981 Buick Maternal ·grandparents are Mr. and Mrs: LeSabre soon. Mark Newman Benjamin P. Eisenberg of Providence. · · Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Eisenberg and Mrs. To Become Moll y Young are great-grandparents and Bar Mitzvah Mrs. Zelig H. Fink is the great-great­ grandmother. Mark Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Newman, will become Bar Mitzvah at the Sholom Shafner of New London, Conn. Temple Sinai Shabbat morning service on Great-grandmothers are Mrs. Iryin~ _Rei~ner _ _ . a·nd~Mis . ·sara Slfffrl~f:.... .- ✓ ...... -. ,~ • ~"6.c • • •• •.,._.,. ..-,.~ Sepfem ber 27 ,' Hl81J: 0 • ' • •" • - •·" ' • ,l' 8-THE R-HODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980

Successful A Growth Investing Stock Portfolio ______by David R. Sargent Q: I am a grandparent interested in another person as custodian to a,·oid an)• ta~ selling up a_n education fund for my complications grandchildren. Could you suggest a few stocks for abo,·e-nerage growth o, er Lhe Q: I not'iced in the news recently that nert 15 to 20 tears? Diamond Shamrock. whose stock you A Tn tart "•th, I ,rnuld r<'COmmend ,ou recommended for purchase as a gasohol in,rst •n l"e quaht) stocl.s from a \anet; of pla), was rebuffed in its attempt to take industnes "itl, annual ea ming and d" i­ o, er Tesoro Petroleum. Would you still dend R'°'' th rate< of appro0 eamings ,.,II come from its oil in· THE LUBA VITCH Sulca b Mobile was on the East Side during the H o lida We)erhaeuser II of these large capotaltza­ terest . but Tesoro b not \'itat to its future. visiting Jewis h stude nlJ at Brown University. t•on. NY E-lt ted tncl! are current I) attrac­ I till fa, or the purchase of Di amond tl'e for purchase Shamrock. an attracthe C)clical growth Temple Sinai Simhat Thu will pro,ode ,ou ,.,th a min,mum­ stocl Both ,ts natural resource and chemical Celebration n l. gro" th--0nented portfolio "hid, ",II operations hold e, cellent long term growth To Hold Family, not requorl' close ltnue to look for chance to expand its oil day, Oct I, at 7 :30 p.m. ( Proc:cs.-•onals ) w,11 be led b)• the Fubb• and \l,nors ct The children·• mother or other npcrat,ons. I do not think this tidbit o f news C hildren who will be consecr.ited at this honorees of the 1ynagogue and th com• relatl\e hould be named :u cu.stod•an It 1 '"II ha,e an) effect on the stock's price ap­ time are : Miche ll e Imber, Eric Ge.uaJdi, murnty, with ,ingmg and danang m th omportonl that )OU. the d onor. name preciation prospects Andrew Li berman, Stephanie Spitzer, Scott synagogue and in th ,tr ts The M>og1, Alfa no, Stacey Gershman, Ra chel Git­ bued on the liturgy, will express the theme tleman, Marissa Dana, Larry Hurlich, Muk of the festival Gross, Andrew Forman, David Silver, Julie All children will receiv gilu, Ila.SJ a_nd Religious Conditions Rosenthal, Audra Benza, Terry H arru, Greg surprues a.nd be treated to a Torah proces­ Raisman, Stacy Sachs, Craig Shapiro, Bruce sion of their own Forman, M ichae l Rosenthal and Lori Following the eel bralion rel, bm nts Gerstenblatt. will be served All are invited to attend Improve In N. Y. Prison On T hursday, Oct. 2, moming services ... EW YORK (JTA) - There u a regular Lublmg also told the commission that the will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. Yizkor ser• Keeping an eye on our nation's economy 11 a min)an of Jewhh pri oner> al the prison maintained special facilities for vices will be conducted at 5 :45 p.m . full time job and Sylvia Porter docs ot Gre<'nhaven pnk>n in tormvlllc, the New ko her foods ond that those who want to On Friday, Oct. 3, evening services will best. .. Read her colulllll each week in the ork tol~ ma,umum sec,,rity facility. and keep kosher had been provided a room as a be conducted at 8:15 p.m . Rhode Island Herald . an are. h:u bet:n set :u,d in the prison for separate dining room inmates who want to don phylacteries and A spokesman told the Jewish Te legraphic prayer- ha-. 11. two Agudath l,rad represen­ Agency that there were always prisoners in tatives Id. reporting on ■ recent vuit. transit but that the average number of Chanoch Lubllng and Michod Lamm J.-wish inmates is oround 25. At the time of Citizens vuit by th, organization table rabbinic supervision. They can use a and others to sensil•zc e" York late ol­ microwave oven in the prison kitchen to fic,ali ' about the needs o f Orthodox Jews heat pre-packaged kosher food packages. Emigrants Decline As Restrictions Tighten

NEW YORK, UTA) - In what the Stu­ nian ci ty of Kharkov have re portedly dent Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ) and notified Jewish exit appli cants that if they Union of Councils for Soviet Jews (UCSJ) are refused visas, they must sig n a declara­ called "an unprecedented move that may tion that they have been warned that they well seal the small crack in the iron door still cannot apply again, and that they will get a open," emigration authorities in the Ukrai- job within a month. Normall y, a refusnik can reappl y every hall year, but those who are left without jobs are often threatened with imprisonment fo r Cabaret Planned " parasitis m." In the past few years, restric­ tive emigration policies have been in At Hebrew Day Ukrainian cities, then spread throughout the The Providence H ebrew Day School is USSR, the SSSJ and the UCSJ reported. planning a gala Cabaret style evening of Recent emigration has steadily dropped dancing and entertainment on Sunday even­ as restrictions grow ever higher, the SSS J ing, November 23, at the Day School. and UCSJ said. Tens of thousands of Je ws Mayer Levitt arid his Trio, along with have been refu sed even the opportunity to second vocalist Rose Weaver, will be apply to leave because, they are told, they featured. do not have an immediate family living in Apply for a loan at Citizens Bank, and we will More information on this gala event will Israel. Other Jews who manage lo apply try to give you an answer fast - usually, within be appearing in upcoming issues of The may wait for months on end without receiv­ 24hours. Herald. ing an answer. ALCitizens we try to take the stalling, the stop­ ping, the unnecessary waiting out of borrowing: Daughter Born Kirshenbaums That's why we call these Citizens Green-Light To Rappoports Announce Birth Loans. Apply in person at your nearest Citizens Of Daughter Branch Office. Or apply by phone (351-2929) and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rappoport, of save gas as w~ll as time. Summit Drive, Cranston, have ·announced Lt. Arnold Kirshenbaum, U .S.N .M .C ., the birth. of their third child and first and Mrs. Kirshenbaum have announced the daughter, Lauren Beth, on Wednesday, birth of their daughter, Rebecca Leah, born JJ..' OTIZENS BANK August 27, 1980. on Wednesday, September 3, 1980 in •• \\etrytododllngs)'Ota'Wil)( Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Berkeley, California. Max Hirsch of Bloomfield, New Jersey. Mrs. Kirshenbaum is the former Joyce Patemal grandparent~ are Mr. and Mrs. Perry of Rockville, Maryland. Norton Rappoport of Warwick, R.I. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David MemberFDIC Great-grandparents are Mrs. Else Leib, Kirshenbaum, of Delray Beach, Florida and • J ~· • 1'.1.i·,.'f.o,,'lf,•,,,,.,,,.,1.-,,.i" • 1 ,, , ..... ,, •"•Y1'1'1't, ,';','••,•,.,.,~ ....• ...•,'\t,'-,'t,V, .. ,'1',-,~.•- Mt~-Sarah'Rappeport and,.Mr, .•Md Pass ,,.,_., ,. M~•. S<;l.\fi.a.. !'-erf.X, -l!~ ~P.C.\v·I!<;,,,¥aryl! nL • •• T H E R HODE ISLA D H ERALD, THURSD AY, SEPTEM BER 25, 1980 - 9 Mr. Begin: No Change In Attitude Regarding Egyptian Autonomy Concessions Maintaining his ever-present hard line at­ mire rs and his detractors have long known, With his gestures constantly coinciding both he and his aides have consistent!) titude toward Israeli poli cy decisions, Prime he does what he says and he says "hat he with his policies, diplomats invoh ed in the denied that any Egyptian concessions hav, Minister Menachem Begin, when asked does comple < issues of Israeli-Egyptian relations been made. recently if he planned any goodwill gestures There are those in both Washington and are in a constant strain trying to create a Da id Kimche, Director General of the toward Egypt lo help President Anwar el­ Cairo however, who wo uld be eager to see positi,e atmosphere betv.een the two coun­ Foreign Ministry, stated that the release of ' Sadat obtain a graceful way back into even a slight trace of duplictt y from Mr trif>S small number of prisoners is possible, but in autonomy negotiations , s tat e d Begin regarding the status of Jerusalem and A perfect case in point is "hen the Prime an effort to deter any thoughts of govern­ emphatically that ·· Pol y is not gesti culati on .. of the occupied West Bank and Gaza, " it h \1 in"ter stales that the \\'est Bank. captured ment ne,ibilily, ailded that this gesture wa, and thus not only circumve nted the ques­ their I 2 million Palestini an Arab inhabi­ from Jordan in the 1967 War, is an integral simpl) part of a program of periodic release. tion but al so reaffirmed what both his ad- tants part of the biblo cal land of I rael and "ill and " as not linked with Egyptian sen­ nr, e r be a Palesto an stale, he goes ahead s,bilities and buil ds settlements there for Je" , and tr Begin has also made no mo e tC1 then deplo, the :>rm) to protect them postpone htS office location, and when Though some of h•s actions are of a S) m­ questi oned both he and his aides merely Bridge boltc nature. thev do sen- e as repeated gro" vague about the timing. reminders of the p remise upon "h1ch the The s,,ttlemenl issue however, remains Begin Governme nt tS ba.sed uncertain When the Prime Minister stated to Mr Lino" in that there would be only ______by Robert E. Starr . In another instance 11 " "' he "ho stated four more settlements, he was not offering that all of Jerusalem. mcludmg the mostli an, concessions to either the United States In today· s hand the play provides no Arab secior in the cast eth "h1ch " as an­ Al this pnont ~o uth would mak.- the same or . Eg)pl but "•s imply stating statistics problem. No matter what th , contract hap­ n,,.,d aft er the I 967 War. 1 lo be I rael' rdltd, Thrt'e C lubs. .- 11 he r to sho" h" from the original 19i7 settlement plan pens lo be, as long as the Defenders defend ,-temal capital. a nd 1mmed1atel) " ent about partn.-r "h' h<' had OJ)('ned "1th a tm ng. "h•ch he had instigated soon 1tfter taking of­ normally there is nothing the Declarer can lai ing plaru to mo,.- h,s o"' n office to the fo rcon~ b,d. rt·member ,n th<' \ eak T"o B,d fi ce do. And there were three different contracts east.-m •de of th ett) . he also " ent along S) ll' m the T"o Club opening" an a.rt1f1 cul ccording to ri Bar-On, assistant to all quite preva lent. Two were doomed lo ,. ,th tht' rec.-nt 1"11, lation "h1ch formal11ed hid. or imply lo rebid his long uit if ti " err riel haron. chairman of the Ministerial defeat whereas the third would be suc­ a Strong T wo- B,d th.- ci t, status Committee on ettlements who is also c,•ssful. The problem is how lo bid the hand ot ,-, rry uth d id this. ho» ever me Palest•ntan . "ho, tn an odd "'a . are hni tcr of griculture, the I 977 plan in­ In gel lo that contract took a gamble that the) could run nine d..l1gh1ed " 1th the " orkmgs of the Begin duded • general outline of 50 new settl e­ lnl' in o trump, ,..h,.,h the)' could cer­ orth go, emmcnl argue that the onli difference ments to be built on the West Bank and . 9 6 4 tainl y do o nce they 11et in The) reb,d Three betv...,.n Mr Begin :rnd the oppos11ton ~,_. through April 1981. It was decided at n Trump and were defeated two tnc . as • Q 10 8 7 43 Labor Part) , "htch cultl\ate a mo re that time that each individual settlement re­ you can i.ee, w,th a Spadr 1.-ad One jumpt"d t 6 2 mod.. no te ,nu.ge, • that the Pnme I in,ster quired Cabinet approval regarding the site nght to fiv.- clubs "' h" rebid That wu a b,t ~ 85 tdls the truth And the truth. the > l'• selected. funding and settlers. All but four better, only down one as t"o He1trts must be West Eat hould be known have obtained that approval, Mr. Bar-On lost al ong with the p de tnck ♦ AK 1 083 ♦ Q J 5 2 It "'as in part to soften some of the ed.ges ,,.plained Som,• orths did nol roop<,rate either for 9 5 9 A J 9 of the truth that Prnldcnl Carter special wh.-n they heard the Club rebid the) al>o t 10 8 7 3 ♦ J 9 5 4 n,·oy to the l,ddle wt. I 1..tno"•tz. had tri,,d lo gamble on a ntll(' lnl'k o Trump ♦ 107 2 ♦ 6 4 conferred w,th Mr Begin 1.,.-., """'"' ago It Sharon South contract East has JU I as nonna.l • pade was htS intention to try and pursuade the ♦ 7 lead as West in lhb contnocl with the same Pnme Mln~ter to relu h1 attitud so that 9 K 6 2 result But some orth, dectded thllt •I ts President adat "'ould be provided. with the Murder Attempt ♦ AKQ ob.olutely nothing to mention that ,u. card opportunity to resume the stalled. autonomy TEL A IV. UTA) - A 25-year-old Gaza Heart u11. ♦ AKQ J 93 t1Jla, which the f«ypt_,an Pre>idenl had woman and two m e n she a ll edgedly One should ncvt'f m nhon I four cu'CI uit recruited to murder Agriculture Min is ter East was Dealer, both sides vulnerable broken off following the passage of the in thi ltuallon As >00n as South heard thu Jeruulem bill in the lsnoeli Pe.rli1ment The Ariel Sharon have been formall y charged with th is bidding: he should change hb attitude and kttlc for talk., which tem from the Camp David ac­ before a military tribunal in Gaza. Ac­ that suit •• Trumps Even th n two Souths cording to Israeli intell igence sources which E S W co rd , f o c u s on Pale s tinian s e ll ­ still im i ted cm a lub Came uncovered the plo t, the woman, Suad el­ P 2C P 2D admmlstral1on on the occup1«I territones Looking at all four hand> ou can ..,., that There has been little progress in theoe talla Bahlssl. was the link between a terrorut P 3C P 3H with Heart Trumps. ten tncks are euy e en how~,~er organization and the hired assassins. P 4H End though the Trump ,ult •s sta eel agt<1rut During th,, meeting bet>o,een the pedal he is accused of employing Saleh Jamil Whether they were usi ng Two Bids Weak you An even split would gain a trick or• envoy and Ir Begin, Linow,tz had dis­ el-Bahlssi. 2 1, a relative, and Ottoman or Strong every South opened the same Two singleton Ace or jack Evenw,th the loss of cuued a delay tn I he planned office move, a Ibrahim Mubarck, 23, to Infiltrate Sharon's C lubs. Each North gave a negative two Trump tricks the only other loser• the lom11 on new West Bank s,,ttl ments. the farm in the south of Israel and carry out the response: Two Diamonds if W eak Two bids singl •Inn pade Even the newest novlcc release, of some Palestinian prisoners. and a murder mission. w,•rc used , Two No Trump otherwise. could make hi game ,f Heart v.ere trumps l1nn commitment to Israel's policy of leav­ The two men. also residents of the Gaza fornl ThtS hand show once again ho" ing Mosl m holy sites in JerusaJem under trip, all egedly joined the terrorist group Carter much a partnership game Bndge I>. So11th Moslem administration and went lo Amman, Jordan to train in han­ hnuld honor orth' bid and orth should Folio"' 1ng the mee ting, however. in dling explosives. They were ordered to shoot Optimistic make• that bid knowing h11 partner will perhaps a perfect example of the effects of Sharon wit h a pistol purchased for JOO Jor­ Over Negotiations utilize 11 if he can in incer.- itcstures on the 1>3rt of Mr Begin, danian Dinars. WASHINGTON, (JTA)- President Car­ ter has declared that he is " determined that WORKSHOPS IN PERFORMING ARTS FRED SPIGEL'S progress fo r a summit meeting .. between Tlm Fenton/ Brad Smoker himself, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat KOSHER MEAT MARKET and interefere with substantive negotations" Circus Wagon Theatre 243 Reservoir Ave., Providence fo r West Bank- autonomy. Oct. 4 • Nov. 22 for West Ba nk-Gaza Strip autonomy. Westminster Mall Senior Center Rib Steak 4.79 Carter told a nati onall y-televised White . House ·press conference that he was op­ lWO wotit>r 1nm toward a more citizenship and face deportation Destruction of the European Jew ... tes11f1ed and audi bu inessmen fa,orable athtude with respect to the role of proceedings. on this point . .. Would 11 be possible for With Canada due to hosenting the Jewish com• Special Investigations in the U. Depart ­ t if 1ed docume nts h,t,ng O"dach as \lg.ii last month b) hundreds of )nan Je-.s munol\ that such a mo,e \\ Ould ha e in ter­ ment of Justice, staling that, according to .. Haupt"achtmann .. (pohre ch,d) on Rwb at the ancient "nag~ue of Jorbar near n.1l1011al rt~pt'rcu0 I t1 f1 ed for the the 5) nagogue, known an Arabic as·· Mnq am O,.ek informed th J.--."h Telegraphic try into the United States. When Osiada ap­ prosecution H e ,d nt1f1.-d and vaJ,dated I Khudr .. AgenC} that the ,Tla.n \1 inutry of Educa­ plied for entry under the Olsplaet.>d Persons document al l tong to 0.1dach', arreot and tion." h1ch plan to enlarge 11 compound 111 D"ek pointed out that the Alnwite Act in 1949, Sher charged, h maintain d he trial for O ac1 1v1t, an pre--.ar Poland Jorl»r, uddenl) attempted to 1ze the vn ­ Moslem "ould be le,clt'd re, ere Eliiah a .. Al Khudr ' - The Poland from 1936 through 1944 The 1ml trv acted de.pole warning b the Prophet That, the government insists, was a lie. Embassies Osidach has since conceded that he was a JER SALtM (JTA) - Jerusalem ~ dairy technician .. for only a few weeks in now entirely without foreign embassies 1941. .. following the a nnouncement that the I I Samaritans Of Israel Visit .. He voluntarily left that job, the government two remaining cmba ,cs 1n the c,1 . tho$< charg'sd, to enter the Ukrainian police of Guatemala and the D om1n1can in the small town of Rawa Ruska. Republic, arc to move to the Tel AVJv arc.a U.S. In Search Of Support H e later rose to the rank of police chief. .. I In all , following the Jerusalem law, 13 cm­ patronage of Yll zhak Bcn-Zvi, the second couldn' t say I was working as a policeman, .. bass1t.! have moved from the capital 11 EW YORK . (JTA) - T,-o represen­ Prt•»denl of Israel As a sign of gratitud . Osidach testified through an interpretor ·· 1 Laton Americans, Holland and Ha1 t1 tJtiv or th, a.ncll~nt am.1ntan community tlw amaritan community plans lo name the was taken to the police office because I The Foreign Ministry here said 11 could an I rad amved ht'r last ,...,k to began a n,•w community renter they hope to build as · ·considered m yself a Ukrainian clerk ... only restate 11S view that the move lour-week tour of the noted tat to ac­ the Yilzhak lkn-Zvi amarilan Community Osidach. a staunch Ukrainian nationalist, represented a surrender to Arab 0 11 quaint Ameriaan . particula rl y J w . with t.•nkr has asserted that his pre-war arrest record pressure. Indeed, 5everal of the Laton th customs a.nd tr.id,toons of their com­ Th,· tig htly knit amaritan community in stems from his anti-Communist activities American countries involved, as v.cll as munity Holland. have candidly admitted that this 1 Thr t--o amantans. \ienashe Marchiv, Israel is n•presented by a High Priest the case. 41, the ~etary 11eneral of the amontan ( Knh,•n adol) and a committee of five. WATERBEDS community in Holl on. and Meir asom, 3 1, Their children receive their education in aid on an in terview with the Jewish Stat,· schools, but their re ligious studies are T elt>graphlc Agency here. that they comider conducted within the community "at the SIMHAT TORAH CELEBRATION their m, Ion to th noted tales to be of privale home of the Kohen due to the lack of Dancing - Singing - Rejoicing far-reaching importance to the future of appropriate buildings, .. Marchiv said. their community Roth Marchiv and Sasoni emphasized that HAVE YOU HAD TiiE OPPORTUNllYTO JOIN A " We are here to raise money to build a the Samaritans a re equal citizens in Israel "who enjoy equalit y of rights and obliga­ ~ VERY GAL<\ SIMHAT TORAH CELEBRATION? community center and a research institute . CHOOIE - 10 lll0DILI of Samaritan his tory and life in Holon," ti ons ... including the mandatory service in HAVE YOU SEEN OR BEEN A PART OF DANC­ Marchiv said He claimed that the project the Israeli army. ING Wffii IN TiiE STREETS? will cost an e.timated $3.50.000 and that the Due to the small number of Samaritans •169.-*197 and their special customs, .. is imperative ~TE Israeli government has allocated about SS0, - ii INC1.UOES HAVE YOU EVER DANCED AND SANG SONG 000 for the project for us to li ve together in a closeknil com­ • MATTIIESS • HEAltll • DECK munity,'· Sasoni said . He explained that a • LINEA • fU9Eft AFTER SONG BECAUSE TiiE SPIRIT MOVED According to Marchiv and asoni, the lack YOU? of a community center mighl be a major Samaritan is required lo live within his own contributing factor in the demise of the community and use its synagog ue. BETH SHOLOM'S GALA SIMHAT TORAH NIGHT Samaritan community as a distinct group. There is only one Samaritan syn­ .. We are concerned about this possibility, .. agogue in the rountry, and that one is in Thursday Night, October 2, 7:15 p.m. Sasoni said, .. and we believe that a com­ Holon. This has caused a severe housing Refreshments - Surprises for AU munity and cultural center will be a unify­ problem for about 50 Samaritan young cou­ 1'100,..,llll.f...... ing force for the Samaritan community in ples who cannot reside elsewhere in Israel and cannot afford presently to build apart­ Con1. lleth-Sholom - Sons of Zion, C..mp St-, Prov. general and for the young generation in par­ hm'N or -_,.,. frar dllhlry. ticular... ments in the vicinity of their community in T--- Hulon, Sasoni said. The Samaritans reside in Holon, near Tel Aviv, and in Shechem (Nablus) on the West The housing shortage and the lack of a community center are two acute problems IF YOU NEED A: Bank. The two communities have about 600 members. Marchiv said that during their facing the Samaritans, Marchiv and Sasoni REGISTERED NURSE visit to the U.S., he and Sasoni are observed. We hope, while we are in the Un­ LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE representing only the community in Holon. ited Stales, lo meet with Jewish leaders and OR HOME HEAL TH AIDE The Samaritans claim to be descendants with American officials in Washington," of_ the tribes of Ephraim and Menashe and tlwy said, .. and we hope to find someone part of the tribe of Levi. Their original who wi ll li sten to our ca use." WeHaveA capital was in Samaria and originall y they call e d themselves .. Bene Yisrae l" or "Shomerim" (the " keepers.. of the Law). Waldheim Special Penon To The Samaritans did not participate in the Jewi.,h revolt of 66-70, but rose independen­ -Yake Care of Your tly from time to time against the Romans. Critical The Samaritans believe in Moses as the UNITED NATIONS, (JTA) - Secretary Special Penon sole Prophet and the only part of the Bible General Kurt Waldheim criticized Israel they accept is the Pentateuch. They claim directly and by implication in his annual CAU .lJS--24 HOURS-A DAY, 7 DAYS A .WEEK that the place chosen by God fo r His report released last week but did not repeat AU personnel supervised by our sanctuary is Mt. Geri zim, the holi est place in his call for the creation of a Palestinian state · Dir_,,. of Nursing Services or Home Care Supervisor the history and tradition of the Samaritans which drew angry protests from Israelis and and that Passover can only be celebrated on others when he made it in a speech to the Mt. Gerizim where the lambs are sacrificed, Arab League last July. Prov. - 272-3520 roasted and eaten. On the seventh day they Waldheim did renew his call for .. self Newport - 1-847-8870 make a pilgrimage lo the mountain, reciting determination" for the Palestinian Arabs but - ~ sections of the Pentateuch. stressed in his report that Middle East peace ~ - •. With the establishment of the Stute of required that each state in the area recognize &..-.:.'•;.-;.•;.-.,·---;.-.·-·;,;·_,•Ill· .a.""'..i.;.w.w-•--.,;-.i.;·;,;-.,;.,;•;;,;·-.,;•.,;·,.;•.,;•;,;·;,;·,.;-..;·,;;'----··- ·· ·-·, ..· v...... " _... _ , __...... , .... ~ -:··-•.!., ..· tsrae1' tte 'Sam aritan co~munity enjOY~d' tt~.. '• .. tlte right bfall ' otherstl,exlsf . . . . ~ l


WASHINGTON. (JTA ) - Shamir said .S proposals Is rae li Foreign Minister on th., autonomy discussions R Yitzhak Shamir. indicating are " under study ·· Asked if that the West Bank-Caza " anything objectionable" is autonomy talks may be contained in the proposals, he E resumed as early as next replied,·· I would not say so·· week, has said that advances Th e Isra e li F o r e ign in the " normalization" of M 1ni,te r was asked about s Egypt's relations with Israel President Carters policy G would help " innuence" the toward Israel ·· 1 will not Sa) negotiations. anything in general but on T " If there wou ld be real nor­ spc·cific questi ons " e got u malization," Shamir told a positive ans,.ers," he said press conference, .. it could Pr<'ssed to e lucidate on A create a bette r atmosphere .. positive answers,.. Shamir I and this could innuence the said " II would be ve ry dif­ negotiations." He noted that fi cult to specify There are u President Anwar Sadat of many problems and aspects D Egypt told him that he .. sees between Israel and the J no obstacles to full normaliza­ can only say that generally " e R tion in all fields: trade, joint got positive answers for aid E ventures , ag ri cu lt ura l and so on " cooperation, cultural coopera­ Ask ed about .. coordina­ A tion, tourism." tion" bet-ween the and Asked when normalization Israel. Shamir said the would h appen, Shamir dialogue takes place " all the N replied, " I'm not sure when it time" between the t"o wi ll take place but this is the government "Sometimes we first time we got such cleu agree. sometimes we disagrtt T declarations... It is quite normal ·· Pointing out that Egypt, Speaking of .. too many Israel and the U.S. would be enemies of the peace proa-s resuming talks in " the next in the Middle East" and " too weeks," Shamir said "Then many obstacles." hamir said. we can see the progress of " therefore. the help of the norm ali zation. Normalization U.S. is necessary lo overcom is the real expression of peace all those obstacles The Egyp­ between Egypt and Israel. tians need It as we need it ·· Steps in the next few weeks After hamlr said that an can imple ment normaliza­ agreement has been reached tion." on 80 per cent of the powen Shamir, who had to be ve,ted 1n the previously met with Secretary autonomous authority, he wu of State Edmund Muski e and asked by the J ewish Defense Secre tary Harold Telegraphic Agency about Brown, returned to New York the tate Department's view where he Is expected to thot the Arab Inhabitant of remain for the rest of the East Jerusalem could vote in month to attend the UN the We t Bank lect1on but General Assembly. Asked if that would not determine the he would meet with Soviet ultimate stotus of Jerusa lem, Fore ign Ministe r Andrei a lthough the artcr Ad ­ Gromyko at the UN. as has ministration says Jc;_•ru 'ia ll"m 1s Champagne Sunday Brunch been rumored, Shamir said, undivided. 5'rvrJd 1(!:lJam ID3p.m " I f th e re will be that The reporter al,o asked Chempegne Codrtails FrNh Juicea - FrNh Chilled Fruit, possibi lit y, I wi ll not exclude how can Jen,sa lcm be un­ ENTREES it." divided and yet East • Eggs Florennne • l..asag,e -

Neither the site nor the Jerusalem be considered part o,911 DA&T 7 DA.fl N0M 11 A.Jill. • Asserted Omelets Northern Style date for the next autonomy of the West Bonk? • Ol!Dal "" u, ,o ., • 8-age meetings have b een set , "This is exactly our posi­ TR. 7JI-H61 ~Mini, .'-•- 134 A~ Aw_, Prcwideucei 521-9459 Shamir said He said Israeli tion," Shamir said. agreeing 1.11 1 WUl 1MC11M: ID .. W.....:X. U. leaders preferred to meet in with the reporter. He obser­ Israel o r in Egypt while ved that "the lnhobitont of suggestions have been made Je rusa lem arc part of the that Washington be the si te. problem of Jerusalem" and "We won' t discuss now the ·· not part of the autonomy Big Alice's problem of Jerusalem," he talks." GUIDO,S - =-'- ~- said, responding to a question Ice Cream Fine Italian Dining i about a report in the semi­ .. . ·

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GODDARD P·\Hk 885-2120 7 DAYS 11 ,30-2 Oiflnen1 PROV., R.I_:_ 02940 ,...... ~&w;n• Served DeMer t11 Cocfcta ils Served 12-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, TI-IURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 Economic Community meeting in Venice they remain abroad or to return home. adopted a declaration acknowledging the President Carter appoints Alfred Moses, The Year In Review right of Palestinian self-determination and a Washington lawyer, as new liaison with calling for the participation of the Palestine the Je.. ish community. NEW YORK, (JT A) - During the year 5740 Israel found iLself more isolated in the in ter­ Liberation Organization in the Mideast Israel celebrates its 32nd anniversary . national community than ever before, deserted by almost all its allies, except the United peace talks. MAY Slates. Israel was under severe and unremitting fire in the United ations by lhe Arab-Third Following the adoption of a resoution by West German Parliament agrees to finan­ World-Communist bloc for its West Bank settlement policies, the Jerusalem law, and the the U Security Council demanding that cial reparations lo azi victims. Palestinian question. Even the U .S. abstained on resolutions condemning Israel rather than Israel withdraw from all the occupied An international tribunal urges the casting a veto. . territories, including Jerusalem, and calling Soviet nion to release Anatol y Adding to Israel's isolation was the recognition given to the Palestine Liberation Organiza­ on all countnes that have embassies in Shcharansk) . tion by many countries, including the nine-member European Economic Community, as Jerusalem to remove them. 11 Latin Israel 01) mp,c Committee votes to "legitimate," "moderate" and "peace-seeking." The world conference of the Dcade for American countnes, Holland and Halli bo) coll I 9 0 01 ym pies in Moscow. Women in Copenhagen, originally conceived as an international forum to discuss the status of began moV1ng the,r embassies to Tel A,;, . JU E women, was politicized by pro-PLO, Arab and Third World factions and disintegrated into a The SoVlet n ion continued its hara.s£• The European Economic Community at barrage of a nti-Israel rhetoric. mcnl of Jewish activists and pro pecuve lls summit meeting in enicc acknowledges Throughout all this, however, Israel and Egypt continued to IT) to work out a plan for Jewish emigrants. Dunng the Olympic the nght of self-determination for Palesti­ autonomy on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip within the framework of the Camp David Games, Soviet authontles cleared the cities nian and calls for the PLO to participate in agreements. Formal diplomatic tics were established and the two countries exchanged am­ of Jewish d issidents. B) }ear's end. 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-'1:t.'4'A.'i..•,L·.•••·-'""··\.••. •~'l;..U. ... THE RHODE ISLA D HERALD, THURSDAY,SEPTEMB ER 25 , 1980 -13 Year In Review .

(Continued from preceding page) pressuring the Justice Department to ferret for early elections and the resignation of B. F. ROSEN out and prosecute former Nazis living in this Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and coun try. The cli max of this pressure was the Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, both of revocation of U.S. citizenship of Rumanian whom accused the government of missing PRE INVENTORY Archbishop Valerian Trifa. chances for peace. In addition, Israel was American Jewry was also concerned over subjected to continuing terrorist atrocities. the electoral victories in the primaries of evcrtheless, Israel's relations with Gerald Carlson of Dearborn, a former mem­ Egypt, despite setbacks caused by President ber of the local Nazi Party who won the Anwar Sadat's suspens!on of the autonomy CLEARANCE SALE Repu_blican nomination in Michigan's 15th talks, continued to solidify. A 600-square­ District; Ku Klux K.lan leader Tom Metzger mile area of Sinai was returned to Egypt as who won the Democratic nomination for the Camp David accords were implemented and . the normalization process continued, SAVE 40% TO 70% Congress in California's 43rd District· and Ameri~n Nazi leader Harold Covi~gton albeit unevenly, with regular commercial who rec1eved 43 percent of the vote in North and cargo service bet..,een Israel and Egypt. ON HOME FASHIONS Carolina for Attorney General . SEPTEMBER 1979 . Th~ Jewish community was also engaged The Palestine Liberation Organization JUST IN TIME FOR FALL ClEAN UP OUR BIGGEST in trying to heal the rift in Black-Jewish rela­ cla!ms responsibility for a bomb explosion SALE EVENT OF THE YEAR STARTS NOW THRU tions fo ll owing the resignation of Andrew which killed one and injures SO in downto"'n SEPT. 30th. SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Young as U.S. Ambassador to the U . Jerusalem. Bl ack leaders charged that Young had OCTOBER resigned as a result of Jewish pressure on the Moshe Da yan resigns as Foreign Administration following his unauthorized Minister. meeti ng wit h the PLO representatives at the The Supreme Court rules that the Elon UN . Both Young and Secretary of State Morch selllemcnt must be dtSma.ntled Cyrus Vance denied that Jewish pressure Yig,al Hurw1LZ becomes Finance M1n1 tcr forced the envoy to resign . and S1mcha Ehrlich becomes second Deput Premier, a newly created ~. alongside SEPTEM BER Deputy Premier Y1g<1el Yadin Secretary of State Cyrus Vance absolves Mount Sinai and the Sant.I Katanna the American Jewish community of any con­ Monastery are included 1n the 600-1quue­ nection with the resignation of Andrew m1lc section of Sinai returned to Egypt You ng as Ambassador to the United Na­ DE EMBER Begin averts government au,s by convin­ - 3i! tions. -- Black organizations call on the Carter Ad­ cing Knesset members to vote for an flA.tl!Zl-ilO•t0.OO a 4i2 amendment to the controverua.l abortion ~inistration to "reexamine" the pledge -ll!'l lo.otl • l'-00 a 621' boll which eliminated a ruuJiC perm1tlln~ given to Israel barring the U.S. from Dll llll....1'-00•tl.00 -. 6i2 negotiating with the PLO until the PLO abortions for mothers of poverty level families with large numbers of cb1ldren and l'TI> recognized Israel's right to exist . ,Uowt.&IL I.JG. ,.oo ~ 3iP. convinces Elon Morch settlers LO relocate OCTOBER QIII) Jo hn Connall y, the Republican Presiden­ peacefully. "10Wt.Ul..7IO• t.lO~. 4iP. tial aspirant, came under heavy fire from JA ARY 1980 Jewish leaders and GOP leaders for his nine­ lnnat,on , at 111 4 per cent for the 1979 point plan that included a proposal for Israel calendar }ear, according to the Central to wit hdraw to its pre-1967 borders and for Bureau of tall tics SA VE 40% to 70% linking a Mideast peace settlement to Arab Begin praises v1ct d1 1dcn1 and obel 0'• •SS:>•TEO 0v1. lO oi l supplies. Pnze winner Andrei Sakharov in a peoal e1 os••t •os cwOOSl '"0" • statement to the Knc ct and urge G•£• SEl(Cll0 .. o• •uuv NOVEMBER OU.. -io OS •"0 PR TS OR The issue of expanding the reservoir of "'orldw1dc upport for horn ou,l 10 •oPs " ™ s,..,uEo Jewish leadership in the U.S., meeting the FEBR ARY IIOTI()M •U"l!S Stll.S lWI TMAU needs of Jewish communities in this country Anti- hn loan vandah m in Jerusalem • G and abroad, the needs of Israeli, Soviet and denounced by Begin Ethiopian Jews arc discussed by 2600 com­ Two American-financed airfields a.re un­ mun al leaders from the U.S. and anada at der con trucllon in the e ev to replace the48th General Assembly of the ouncil of those given to Egypt with the return of Jewish Federations in Montreal. Sonao. DECEM BER hckel replaces Pound as new legal Assaults against Jewish institutions currency. cemeteri es, ho uses of wor hip and privat; MAR H SAVE 40% to 50% property have more than doubled in 1979 Yigal Allon dies at the age of 61 and , ON ASSORTED PRINT ANO SOLID COLOR buried at Kibbutz Gino ar. h,s home in the compared to 1978, reports show. OAAPERIES. MANY WITH INSOlA TED FOAM President Carter meets with Hasidic rab­ Galilee for 46 years. ommercial nights between Israel and BACXHG. AVAJLA8l£ IN SIZES 63. 72 n 84" binical leaders in the Wh ite House, the first UNGTHS such meeting of its kind. Egypt are inaugurated. JANUA RY 1980 Y1tzhak Shamir worn in as new Foreign The Justi ce Department sets a one-year Minister. deadl ine fo r the disposal of cases pending PRIL against 250 all eged Nazi war cri minals living Terrorists invade Kibbutz Misgav Am in this country. near Lebanon, ki_lling three. MAY Leader of Ethiopian Orthodox Church The Ra bbinical Assembly endorses fo r visits laracl. first Ethiopian leader to visit the first time the ordination of women as Israel since relations were severed by rabbis. Et hiopia in 1973. Fo r the third consecutive year the MAY American Red Cross rejects a resolution Knesset votes to boycott Olympics in Moscow. 8AVE 50% ON IMPORTED SHEER urging the International Committee of the (Mlll0tO(llfD ,AHELS. ELEGANT EM8ROIOERY Red _Cross lo immediately admit Red Magen Defense Minister Ezer Weizman resigns ON A FUU. 80'" WIDE lMl'OIITeO VIO.f PANEL David to the League of Red Cross Societies. accusing Begin's government as missing AU 114·· LONG. AVAlAllf 1H WHnt. ECRU . Qllt&N, Ga.0. ANO TOUT JUNE chance for peace. Some 100 American Jews, in cluding J UN E lllG. CLEARANCE PRICE prominent rabbis, academicians, editors and Begin takes over as Defe nse Minister af­ writers, sign a newspaper advertisement in ter Weizman's resignation until a new HM~u::fA. s 15~ support of the Peace Now movement in minister is named. Israel. Israel contributes $250,000 to Cambo­ JULY dian relief fund. JULY The Republican Party convention adopts ON SUGKn. Y IRREGUIARSAVE40% SOUO CCUlR Bl.ANl(ETS OF platform which includes a pledge to " honor Security forces foil attempt by four PLO 100% VIRGIN ACRVUC. THESE LOOM WOVEN BLAN­ our nation's commitment (to Israel through members to assassina te Minister Ariel ICETS ARE WASHA8U: ANO COi.OR FAST. AVAII.A8l£ IN YEU.OW. BLUE , 8EIGE . ANO PINI(. political, diplomatic and military aid" and Sharon. The Jerusalem bill, proclaiming united ., .. ...-,_ affirms that "Jerusalem should remain un­ CIUAUT'I' divided with continued free, open and unim­ Jerusalem as Israel's capital, passes the "6.00 • . -:- . ,.. ·. TWl'tlm •.oo-. peded access to all." Knesset by a vote of 69-15. N..LIIZI...... 111.00•. "6.00. AUGUST Bi-weekly cargo service between Israel QUIINIIZf...... ,, • .00 • . '8.00 • . The Democratic national convention and Egypt begins. DIIGIRE 117.00•- '9.00. adopts platform pledging to continue to AUGUST achieve a comprehensive Mideast peace A gang of terrorists trying to infiltrate through the Camp David framework and Israel by a balloon from south Lebanon is reiterates its I 976 platform plank recogniz­ foiled when the balloon crashes in Lebanon. IMI.Y ing and supporting "the established status of 1Ncll Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, with free Israeli forces attack terrorist bases in -­ access to all its holy places provided to all south Lebanon in what is described as the largest Israeli operation into the area since .... faiths. As a symbol of this stand, the U.S. '11.1:GO Embassy should be moved from Tel Aviv to Operation Litani in March 1978 when Israel - 1 took over all of south Lebanon. Jerusalem." SEPTEMBER__ __ INSIDE ISRAEL: Begin says the resumption of the a_utonomy talks with Egypt is a prccondi- The Begin government was buffeted by loon for a new summit meeting between severe internal conflicts over such issues as himself, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt 5 the West Bank settlement policies, the a~d President Carter. He says such a sum- L ~ ;:t'95';-, .. Jer usalem law, skyrocketing inflation, calls m1t will probably take place in September. . ·L-~-i,:., • .. -. ~. _ .. -. i,.,,~.t..,t,M-A"..Jl,",.!,•.J,t&A.,•.T.• > • .-,,. ·.,.· ·-· • •• • • ,• ·,t .....•.r,•, ••••• ,•.-rr ,•.. _.. •..•.•.-.v $-/ll:~·v-J.- ✓ .'ll~W~._.._,..,.),~-!".!'!!•.!'l' .!!'.-!!'.!!'..~ ------.,;;;;;;;;..__ .,,l;llm,.:ljl:S,JU:01,&i,,w. .... w::li:i:lc:i::~~~ ...... -.;..;~ 14-TH E RHODE ISLAND H ERALD, TH URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 Georgetown U. Accepts $IM Kuwait Endowment WASH INGTON, (JTA) - Georgetown Arabia, Qatar and Oman arc the other American Je"'s and some Israelis" are m,t,gate the political bias of the Arab Uni ve rsity has accepted an endowment of Arab states that have contributed among the centers students. studies center." $ 1 millio n fr om the government of Kuwait Christenson said that corporations tha; Besides the Arab cemer. the university The American Je" ish Commiuee has for its Georgetown Center for Contem­ have contributed include Allis Chalmers conducts a Middle East studies proJ!,ram in pre,iousl) criticized Georgetown for ac­ porary Ara b Studies, which also is being Texaco, Bech tel, Exxon, General Motors: which, Christenson said, a visiting Israeli cepting Arab gifts. Eyebro\\S also were fin anced this year by 24 American corpora­ Ford, Chase Manhattan Bank and professorship is a part . Regu lar conferences raised by frien ds of Israel in the spring of ti ons. Citibank. on lsrach economic and political affairs 1979 "'hen the Arab center conducted a Wes ley Christenson, Georgetown's direc­ At a ceremony last "'eek at the Kuwait hJ•e been held since 1967 and more than 2,- eminar on ho" to " in favo r from the to r of public relations, told the Jewish Embassy, Georgetov. n n,versity President 000 students ha,e taken courses there, he American media fo r Arab perceptions. The Telegraphic Agency that the Ku wait en­ Timothy Healy said the new gift is "a said. It now has i, undergraduate courses center is directed by Michael Hudson, who dowment has raised the total contributed to generous act of philanthropy" and that it on Judaic studies. some of its tudents also frequent!) defends Arab con tentions the center by eight Ara b govern ments to "w,11 significantly strengthen our teaching go to Hebrew ni,ersll} in Jerusalem, he regarding Israel. He told JTA at the time o f $3,305,000 since its fo unding in 1975. in the field of Arab studies and contribute added. the seminar that he obtained the idea fo r it " Mo re than half the money" fo r the cen­ to the expansion of intercultural education 1uch of the support fo r the I raeh and from ;1 seminar in Libya he had au ended. ter this year comes fro m America n corpora­ at the university " Jewish studies, Chri ten on said, comes American media representatives and tions while the Arab governments con­ A un,vermy statement said that the from the Herman Goldman Foundation in others. mo tly supporters of Arab percep­ tribute " less than half," fac ulty o f 22 mem­ Kuwait gift was to estabhsh an endo,.ed :--.e .. York and the H}man Goldman famil) tions in the ,ab- Israeli ituation, attended bers and its student body consists of o nl y 38 professorship at the Center for Contem­ and the Goldmans' son. Aaron Goldman. the Ltb)an program. Some "'ho we re in undergraduate students. porary Arab Affairs and Public Pohcy. n­ of Washing1on , D.C.. Lib}a participated in the Georgetown cen­ Kuwait's contribution is the largest yet ivers1t y officials said Kuwait attached no While hnstenson said the Arab center i ters program "'hich v. as au ended by an given to the center. Libya and the United conditions to the gift and "'ould not par­ ",cry object"e and as balanced as an} Jud,ence that Jppeared predominantly Arab Emirates each have give n S750,000, ticipate in selection of the professor under studies program," Ira ,J,.,rman. director s mpathetic to the PJlestine Liberation the nex t hi ghest gifts. Jorda n, Egy pt, Saud i the endowment. Christenson said ··some of spec1al programs for the mencan Organization and against Israel. Jc-. 1sh omm,ttcc. said the center ha "a Gcorgetov.n is America's oldest Jesuit in ­ de•rl} mJrked pro-Arab. anu-1 racl b,a in >lllut1on of higher learning. Chri te nson London University Accused •ts \.Clecuon of curriculum material. ,ts s.i,d thJt of ,ts appro\lmatcly 12.000 stu­ facult} Jppo1ntmcnt. and ,pcakers ." dent, Jbout 15 per cent are Je\\ is h. In Jcccpting so much mone} from k.U\\JII. ""ha l;1rge number of Palesti­ Of Conference Bias "poht1CJI sponsors of one point of "•" ... ntJn rJb~ in ke) po 1tions 111 its govern• S1herman sa,d. Gcorgeto-.n "ma) be s:cll­ ment Jnd 01 1 industr). 1s among the most LONDON (JTA)-Exeter University, si ty, professor of Middle t hmory and ing <0mcth•ng ,er) prec,ou to mencans ,oc,ferou enem,e-. of I r.iel and is full y which has received consi derable support director of the Sh,loah Center for Middle - the integrit) of 1l unl\er-111e :· He said wpp0rtl\e of the PLO. It ,s adamant! op­ fro m Ara b governments, has been accused East and A fncan studies: Dr. Joseph evo, " I rccogn11e effort< b) Gcorgeto-. n to posed to the Camp David accords. Libya is o f barring Israeli academics from a con­ a lecturer at Haifa n,vcr lly; and Joseph cnhJnce ,t, Jc.,, h studies programs and offic1JII) described by the late Depart­ ference on Saudi Arabia last mont h. T wo Kostmr. a gradual< at the London School of -.h,lc I applJud the-.c efforts the) in no wa) ment J~ .1 "terron,1" counlry . seni o r Israeli scho lars a nd a n lsraeh l:.conom,cs who as ,-r,ting a the.-, on Saud, postgraduate student at the London School Arabia of Economics had requested to allend lhe The conference. "h1ch had been conference. T hey said they were told their organ1Led by Exelcr Un1>crnty's enter for EEC President To Meet presence wo uld be embarras ing. Arab Gulf Studies, had been auendcd by They are Pro f. Haim Shaked, dea n of the Prince Abdullah al- a ud. a prominent mem­ Faculty o f Hum anities al Tel Aviv n,ver- hcr of the aud, royal family With Begin, Shamir PAR IS. (JT I - Fore1JU1 11n1 ter Ga,­ The tE ,s due to meet Sept. 15 and 16 in ton Thorn of Lu,embourg. >

V.our Are You Better Alliance lnit1a.tes Drive J • Prepared To Die 's Tban To Become Money Disabled? Against Family Planning

NE\ YORK ()TA ) - The Rabbinical Hecht said he and fe llow members of the Worth ____by Sylvia Porter Alliant'<'. an Orthodox group. has launched Rabbinical Alliance would regularly deliver an o ngoing campaign through its 500 sem10ns against the concept of family plan­ member-rabbIS to persuade Jewish couples ning and "ould distribute newsletters and to rcJect the conC'<'pl and practit'<' of famil)' bulletins against it. He said the organization If you· re a typical American, you are far lion against the agony (financial .,. well .,. plannmg members plan to call special meetings of better prepared to die than to become dis­ cmot,onal ) that follows disability In a call to Amencan Jc-. to repudiate sisterhoods of congregations served by Rab­ abled fo r a p rolonged period This deplorable Sttualton may, however. that ronct'pt. Rabb, Abraham Hecht, Rab­ binical lliance members to alert women Yet, particularly in your younger years, be somc•what improved no-. through three b,mcal Alliance pre>tdent, said that an) congrcgants to the dangers of Fami ly plann­ the odds that you wi ll become disabled for a newly-announced concepts for disabtltt) form of famtl) planning is " a threat to the ing su bstantial span of time are much higher coverage available through many major emtence of the Jev. i h people" He said A ke) argument in Hecht's statement was than the odds that you wi ll die compani£9S )<"'• m Amenca sho uld ha,e large fam,ltes, that merican Jews must ha e a sense of •AI ages 20 to 30, for instance, the ( I ) A direct attempt ,s being made to help citing the Bibl,c:a.l admonition to "be fruitful re>ponsibilit ' for self-preservation and that chances that you wil l suffer a prolonged dis­ you keep up with the pace of tnfut,on v,a a and mult1pl) · ne,.,1)-manied couples "should consider ability (90 days or more) are almost three cost-of-living d1.sab1lity nder that, after a Hecht a nowledged that one of the main perpetuating the people of the nation of times the chances that you will die Of 1.000 prescribed penod, will increase your " excuse," for not ha-ing large families "'"' brnham. The onli• way to do t his is by hav­ workers al ages 20 to 30, up to 789 will benefiu based upon the offu::ial Consumer " fmanaal tress .. Ho-.c,er. he added, ing large families, especiall y in view of the become d isabled fo r al least 90 days before Price Index " unlike even a ha.If centUI)' ago, Jews in Holocaust which destroyed more thao one age 65, according to authoritative statistics (2) A .-pec,.al >upplement nder hu been Amenca no-. ha,e ample mea.n> to support mill ion child ren " in the m ost recently publ ished Com­ developed that goe> beyond the basic di.s­ large fam1l1es .. He stressed that Jews "must not succumb missioners Disability T able ab,llty coverage of most poliaes It pays an Hecht cited a rettnl latemcnt by Rabbi to the current mode exp ressed by many that • At ages 35 to 40 , the odds are more than additional benefit when the Insured is lenachem Schn=n, t he Lubavitcher the possessioa of materi al good.,, such as cars twice as hig h on a prolonged disabili ty than totaJly di.sabled but IS not receiVUlg any d1S­ rebbe, who a.ho made a trong appeal ar>d which becomeo effective when. "determined to withstand t be pressure of of wh,ch is tneVJtabl talong • toll In il l • what's more, aft er one or two year, of after the tnd1vidu.al return> lo hu or her oc­ health .. Th.- LubaVltcher rebbe asserted abnorma l societies which have a lso disability, the chances are agains t recovery cupation on a part-ti me buiJ, there is a I°" that fa.mil planning "hu caused •uch cou­ produa,d lifestyles of pornography and in the next few years. If d isabled at age of income and a need for long-term ben fi ts ples to ..,.,.I; psychoanalym, psychotherapy, homose•ualit ... speaking out " against these twenty- five, 64.7 per cent will still be dis­ Each of these three features can be ob­ ar>Ul"lcnce com­ had alway taught that family plannfog was re ports. panies them,elveo muit da.nfy the un­ Klein Works wrong. the current campaign was a major • Even more shocking, in a U.S govern• perative neeru ,rnd policy pro UtOnJ f du­ and continuing project ai med at the 350,000 m e nt age n cy s tud y o f " M o rt gag ability in urance To Be Published to 400.000 Jews erved b y Rabbinical Fo r •closures in the U.S.- the find ings arc "There u w,d pread confusi.on about TORO T (JTA) - A ma1or publication Al li ance rnbbis ond that the campaig n I d eath caus d o nl y 3 per cent o f t he what d1sabtl1ty 10,urance and does," th program I in prottu des,gncd to provide would be targeted toward young married foreclosures, disability 48 per cen t L head cmphasi= " It 11 not the Siu adeqw,te recognition of the work of t h late couples - " that's where the emphasis will • And in still another stud y of " Work Dis• Cross-Siu hteld type of hosp,i.l and rur­ Abraha.m Kl m. n1d1an Jewl') · poet be" ability in the U.S.," the key fi nding IS that g,cal coverage or 1 1t 'ma1or medical tn· laureate. according to Prof M W t 1nberg more than 15 mill ion Ame ri cans are limited urance' which pi up aft r hOJpitaJ­ of the facult) of Englt h Lit rature at Briti h Pledges Needed in their ability to work, rangi ng from minor surg1ca_l in uran Columbia nl\cr,1t) The plan involves Cash payment fo r pledges made during to severe disabili ty "D, ability insurance (more aptly d,s­ publ1cal1on of ...,,en volum of Kl In's the 1980 campaign are being called fo r al What this all lead s up to, emphasizes abtlily income tn urance) u cov ..r■,1te that oomplct.-o wor of prose and poetry this time The urgent demands of the t; te of Jarrett L. Davis, president of the imurance replaces income lost bcau,e of d ... b,Ltt " Volum I will con Iii of h11 1oumali tic I,racl' s economy rcquir' immediate bond With the above S<'ntenc-.• the l<'ntly scatkrcd tn • purchlllCS obv,nu, that ,mailer firm "'1th two. lhrtt or association, the Ame ri can So iety of har­ ,am·t) of pcnod, b >e<:0nd ,olum of 35 I ra I today is faced with an energy bill tercd Life Underwrit er, ( LU) i, the crucial mort· cnt,cally important emplO)'ttS h uld ,hon ston ma appc r ne•t December which is literally beyond imagina ti on. Cou­ need of average American individual and tudy this t) pe of prot<.'Cl1on For a busin third book "ill include h, I ttcrs. ple this wi th high inflation and the many de­ business firms to hold disobi lit y insurance, with two important mpl1Yitzhak Rabin, a leader of the op­ call from Hussein who was 1n London say­ cooperation. There are strong personal tics of seminars and conferences in his medical position Labor Party, who was visi ting ing he was ready lo Join the talks " It did bet,.,ccn our society and Red Cross societies field, he seek ,.,th indefallgable zeal, as did Cairo. An account of their meeting was not take me much time to realize that I abroad. the West European , Rumania's his predecessors, to ,.in support for lsrael"s published in Yediot Achronot. hould not let Hussein Join the talks.'. and especially "ith the American Red Sadat told Rabin , according to Yed101 membership on the international bod) . Cross. "Wh,le in Washington, he was the Sadat said he objected to a Jordanian Achronot . " If I had consented, ,.e never The I RC holds I quadrennial meeting in guest of George Elsey, American Red Cross role because Hussei n would try to prove would have reached the Camp David ac­ Manila in o,ember I 9 I "'hen Israel" president. that he is a greater Arab patriot than the cords The man ( H uuein) 1s known membership ,.,II be proposed In 1949, Harell. "ho "as in Washington with Egyptian leader in order to receive an ad­ throughout the Arab world as a black ,.hen II made ,ts first application, 11 lost b) Rabbi Reuben Do bin of Miami Beach, a ditional $200-300 million subsidy from the heep. The man in the street does not one vote Al that lime, the Ea.st European leader ,n the mencan effort in ··operation oil producing states. respect him ," Sadat said bloc "'a spill and some member Recognition" for i • en David Adorn, was ab tamed >Cl) four )cars ,nee then I rael Israel's m1ms1er lo 1.u iania in 1957-58 and has un ucccssfully ervice minimum. S 1,000 p.r month. Committee 1979-80 in the Convention Wolk to oil octivrtie,. Neor i.m­ ODD JOBS: Movers, cleon a peel of concern to the organized Jewish ond porn - wc»hen, dryen, States and ~ational Convention division , ple. l-617-3-41 -0141. 10/2/80 cellar1, attics, garage,, and community. refrigerator,,, di1hwo1her.1. He is a recent graduate of George Prompt, reo1000bte, gvoronteed sm all busineu and shops. Rea• ,onoble prices. No job too small . Mrv>


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