SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 30C: PER COPY NCSJ Forms Jackson Angered Over Speculation Crisis Committee NEW 'T'ork

SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 30C: PER COPY NCSJ Forms Jackson Angered Over Speculation Crisis Committee NEW 'T'ork

R . I . Je":'ish Hl.S~~ .......... Association et 130 sessions Str~2906 p rovidence,· RI Regarded As 'Invincible Ignorance' Baptist Leader Criticized Over Anti-Jewish Remark NEW YORK , (JTA) - A Baptist leader's in teresti ng, at great political rallies, how you rHpt"t"lmg tht" rt>ligiou, convictions or In h1.s remarks Rev. Altman referred lo claim that '· Cod Alm ighty doe, not hear the have a Prol"tant to pray, a Catholic to pray, othm the fom1a l talk5 which Southern Baptists prayer of a Jew·· hai drawn sharp criticism and then )'OU han'! a Jew to pny. With all He added. " If Cod Alm,ght) cannot ha,e been conducting wit h Jews for the past fro":' Jewish and some Baptist groups and a due respects to th05oe dear people, m) hnr the pn)en of Je,,,,, )'OtJ°re putting St.'H>ral )Can These eJ1changes included demal by Or Bailey Smith. president of the fnt'nds, Cod Alm,~ht) d0t'1 not hear the prett, se,e,rel1m1tson rourdoctnneof Cod ·· sut"h topics as thl' sourC'CS of re ligious pra)er of a Je.., · Southern Baptist Convention. w.ho made the The Ant1-Def1mat1on U"ague of B' na, b1gotf\ and lhl' need to explore common souret".5 m thl' B1bl t:> statement. that he i.s anti-Semitic Rf."!,pond111g lo tht- angf} reactions to h1J B nth, m n-sponse to the statement. made Smith, however, would not disavow the The Re, Glenn ln~lehart, head of the remarks, Sm,lh d«lared · I am pro-je.., I pubhc l«-tten from a number of 8.p11sl remarks made at the National Affairs Oallu con,ent1on's interrai1h relat ions he belie\-t> they are Cod-, spec,al people I m1msten and agencv ht>ads of tht> church Hnefing. a gathering of fundamentalUt dep;,artment, reforred to the sta tement as ht'l1t>\-e the) are thll lmed in the heart of aJamsl the remark made b) Re, Smith. Chrisliam in Dalla, month Rabbi Marc "Commenls b) Chri5tian leaden which God and that tht> Jev. ~ are klffle of the ..,ho ..,u elmed to lht> l ,'l-- million•memhcr Tanenbaum. director of the interreligioU.5 af. could be inll.'rpreted as anti-Jewish" and greate1ot hleumgs humam1y hu e,er ~ denommat,on s top pml spnng fairs department of the American Jewish hut wllhout }nu, Chrut the) are losl 1'.o w-:rirned that " We mu,t be ... ary or placing Committee, dC'K"ribcd Smith·s assertion a, pr.1,er ge!J through that 1s nol pn,)ed Although cnhemnfi!: the remark made at rntnet1011s on "'ho Cod "'-ill li5ten lo .. .. invindble ignorance,. of the Jewi,h fa,th through JMuJ lie cl;umed that ·Je-.t ha,e tht- Brwfmg. non(' e,pl1c,th u.ked Dr Sm11h Southern Baptists ha\e also plaeffl strong and .. almmt totall y at variance with the ma• an argument ..,,th me because the) ha,e •n to •tt"p Jo..,n All ll'tten did. ho"'t:''er. t•mpl1as..•s on a fuller rt'('Og nilion of the Jor pronouncements of the Southern Baptut argumenl ...-1th the Ne-. Te-slamc-nt suuc,t 1ha1 th t" •l.itl'ment could damage 111 • Jt- ... 1sh henlagt- of Jesus during their convention ·· Smith i.ll Pa,lor of the Finl terh,th N-lahom dialOf(UM Pror J William Angell, A Baptist Sou the rn Bapti!t Church in Del City. Okl a Smith 's remarlu ..,.,.re rondem™!'d by a RC" Jad. Altman. pastor of the Second "'ho u .i member of the faculty of Wake Smit h', Dallas ,peech wu reo:>rdf!d by colleague. Dr Jamet Dunn. dm~ctor of tht" B.p11tl Church m Cumberland. \td , "'rote Fordl Unuenity, based his criticism on that Millon Tobian, eJ1ec111ive director of the Da lla,-hasc-d Chrut,an Lafe Commwion of that "Such recl..kB.. imoens111,e •ords. b) heritage stating that " I do wish Mr. AJCommittcc', North region which Teus Bapluh Dunn obw:oed that .. Bap­ 1he pno,tdenl of tht" Soothem Baphsl con• Smith "'ould p:,ause at leut long e nough to malled transcripts to JewUh leaden late lut tbb at their best ha,e al-.·ays beJ;e,ed in ,entton, Yrould rontnbute nothing of a ll"alitt that Jesus wu a Jew, a loyal and wttk. Smith was reamled u saying ·· 11 i, religious libcrt)" but ··you can' t mil) po:Mll~ nature lo the ..,on; of our mterfa1t h lfa,thfol Je"'' Doe, that mean that Cod wou ld believe in rellgio u, liberty" without ..,,tneu diak,gues •1th oor Je,,.·ish friends not hear him'?" Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 40,000 With Your People Membership VOLUME LXVII, NUMBER •6 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1980 30c: PER COPY NCSJ Forms Jackson Angered Over Speculation Crisis Committee NEW 't'ORK. (JTA) - Burton Levinson, Of Rift With Begin chainmrn of the National Conference on Sovicl Jewry, announced the creation of a WAS HI NGTON, (JTA) - Sen llenry \.ery lo)n;al lo Begm' and thal " pc-r~:mall) , JacUl"ln ,. abo ,trt'»l'd lhe !>o"1et compo­ special " Crisis Committee" to deal with a Ja<' k~o n (D Wash ), whoSt' su pport of hrael Scoop (Jacbon) is a jtood fn<'nd of lkgm · nent m • orld affa,n and human nJhts critical 5iluation facing Jewish e migra tion lrns bt:en un~1ueslioned in hi.s long polilie:i l Askt"<I for a comment on tht> all~al1on ht' Jat"bon rt'l'f'l\ed slandmg O\allons before from tht' Sov1cl Union lie 11lso announced ciir••••r, has indlcatt•d annoyance ... 1th 1, anJ[ry "'1th Bt-g,n. Fosdick fl•pl,rd '' it i ut ­ .ind aftf'r h1, 11>ttC"h 10 tk n·mu e·nth , lht• o1ppo111tmcnt of Ri chard Maus, fonncr krl~ ridiculous th• dot':'in' t han• to ans... t-r publb hecl Sl)l."Culation Iha! he did nol mt·n• f"u!od,d notl'd lie d,scuiSc.'d lhe element, NCSJ cl1airman, to chair the committee stuff lilc that · tin11 lsrad in his adtlr... S5 lo the lfn11i B'ntli ;about ... h,ch hr iJ thf' ~11a11.•·s foremosl c,- Lcvmson said the ro1lc of Jewish emig ra­ lnll'rnati01111 I convf'ntion becaus-e he i~ lndf'1)l.'ndt•n t ol~r'H•n noteJ that ... h,le 1)(.'rl ~, 1d Jc• ,~h 1·m1Jrahon and lhc lmn from lhc Soviet Umon has !x"Cn slas hed ":mgr)' .. wit h Prf'micr Mcnac-hem Begin Jackson did not menhon brae! 111 hb ad­ problem) slt·mmin_K from ll ~ dcl)l'nden('(' lo o1bou 1 half r,f its J9i9 level, and ne"' Untlt'r lwacll int•s such a~ " Wh) St'nator dn~. neither d,d Aust ralian Pnml' \l nmtt:>r un \1 1ddlt• t,.,.ut ml rl'~tnt"liuns have prcvcntt-d thousands from Jackson \Vas Mum m1 lsral'I" and "Somt• Malcolm Fr.uor, whOSC' crl.'df'nh.1b ill SUJ>­ In an 1111t•f\1C"' "'1th The• \Vaslungton appl) mg Durmg August, 7i0 Sovict Jews llt'rH Thundt'r in Jackson's Silence." S<'C­ pur1 of brad ~ ~0H·rnmenl art' suml.irh un• '-> l\.\o month, a~o. J:u:kion cnticized the arnwd III Vit-n11a Compared with the same tions nr 1l w /1.nw ri can Je"1sh press earned (llll'~!lont-d Fraser, "'how- address prt'<."rdt'd 11m1111t · of hrarl ) <"Sl.1 bhd1me11t of ne"' pcrioJ lasl yt•a r. when 4,711 Jews arrived, the r<'port from tlwir own \Vashmc,l on ~dllt·mt·nls on tlw \V('St Ban\. b\11 in the this represent, a mon!hly dt.-creasc or over <.,,-irrespcmdt•n t that lwgan '' How an~!') is·· s.i mt• mlt'f\lt"' lw \:1 1d ' lhl' ~e ttlcment\ are H-'l pt'r ('('lit In lhe first eight months of this Jackson with Bq:;in? The report nol<'<l lw not 1llt•i,:a l. "h,ch 1s contrarv lo th<" Cartl'r ) t•ar 17.062 t'migres arrived, compared lo had spoken about U.S-Soviel relations, Me11achem Begin: Adm1n1slratum's po,11io11 3.'3,5i,'l in 1979 Sovid Jt•wis h t•migralion, Afghanistan, thl' strikt•s in Poland, and the e,wrg)' crisi.s but His Thoughts ·· nolhing about lsrat•I " Regardi11g Autonomy Jackson' s offi<.'t' dismisSt'<I the report as Rabbi Casper Named "an invention" and as " utlerl y ridicul ous." Are fa This W eek's Dorothy Fosdick. a principal assistant to Issue Of The Herald Jackson, said she told the report's author Jewish Chaplain At URI that " You're inventing the whole thi ng. You don' t haw a story there. Rabbi Chaim Casper has been named Jackson, Fosdick sa id, "is very close and chaplai n lo Jewi.s h students, and director of the B'nai ffrilh Hillel Foundation al the University of Rhode Island. The announce• ment was made by Samuel Shlevin, president Providence Men's Club of tht" UR I Hillel Advisory Board. Rabbi Casper succeeds Rabbi Keith Kar• nofsky, who resigned his post to return to Wins Top Honors 5Chool. A native of Beverl y, Mass., Rabbi Casper The Men's Club of Temple Emanu-El, program, the qu;iity of the speakers, and earned an undergraduate degree in Judaic Providence was the winner of two major the service to the synagogue, the program Studies at Boston Uni venily, and a g raduate awards at the Multi.

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